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Machine-hallucinated dream-like scenes by @aniasoliman dancing with real dream-like scenes by dogs :) ‘Portals’ at @angelsbarcelona until Jun 26. #seethroughdelarge #aniasoliman #angelsbarcelona

5/19/2024, 10:47:57 AM

🗓Aquest divendres a les 19h a @angelsbarcelona , inauguració de l'exposició "Portals" d'Ania Soliman. 👉"Les obres d'Ania Soliman ofereixen escenes oníriques, fragments de mons al·lucinats per màquines. Utilitzant la intel·ligència artificial per sintetitzar imatges històriques i culturals pop a partir d'aportacions postcolonials i modificades pel gènere, l'artista explora l'impacte de la tecnologia en la nostra psique col·lectiva, formulant un nou surrealisme". Ens hi veiem! ✨✨✨ #barcelonaartgalleries #angelsbarcelona #aniasoliman #opening #artecontemporaneo #contemporaryart

5/9/2024, 10:39:14 AM

ARCO art week has started! In the surreal world of Ania Soliman, nature and technology intertwine in a mesmerizing dance. Find Augmented Dreamscape Exploration by @aniasoliman at @angelsbarcelona, booth 9B16. #seethroughdelarge #feriaarco #arcomadrid #arcomadrid2024 #aniasoliman #angelsbarcelona #madrid @feriaarco

3/6/2024, 6:34:03 PM

Logical Music explores the relationship between image and music in the work of Tom Johnson (Colorado, USA, 1939), a musician and composer who has tirelessly explored to broaden the boundaries of the arts and pave new paths. 📆14.02.24 > 04.05.24 Tom Johnson’s career spans over five decades. He is the author of a musical oeuvre that transcends the boundaries of mere sound to delve into the realms of the visual, the verbal, and mathematics. The exhibition includes previously unpublished drawings from his series Imaginary Music (1974), along with a selection of drawings from the Kirkman’s Ladies series, where mathematics and musical composition define the visual work. 📸1: Interrelated Quarter Notes (1974), drawing from the Imaginary Music Series. 📸2: View of the second Room with Imaginare Music drawings and related books. 📸3: Close up of showcased books and drawings. 📸4: Kirkman's Ladies No. 61 (2009), drawing and score from the Kirkman's Ladies Series. 📸5: View of the first room with Kirkman's Ladies scores and drawings. 📸6: Tom Johnson's scores form 1985 to 2009, published by Edition75. 📸7: screening of Tom Johnson's videos, "Illustrated Music," accompanied by commentary on his compositions. More videos at Tom's Youtube Channel. #TomJohnson #LogicalMusic #IlustratedMusic #ImaginaryMusic #KirkmanLadies #Kirkman #FourNoteOpera #SoundArt @artbarcelona_galleries #artbarcelona #angelsbarcelona

2/29/2024, 2:25:16 PM

Exposición de Tom Johnson en Galería Angels Barcelona . C Pintor Fortuny , 27 #barcelona #galeria #angelsbarcelona #exposicionesconmimascota #tomjohnson #compositor #artista #barcelona

2/17/2024, 10:49:21 PM

Exposición de Tom Johnson en Galería Angels Barcelona . C Pintor Fortuny , 27 #barcelona #galeria #angelsbarcelona #exposicionesconmimascota #tomjohnson #compositor #artista #barcelona

2/16/2024, 11:14:43 PM

🗓 Aquest dimecres a les 19h a @angelsbarcelona , inauguració de l'exposició "Logical Music" de Tom Johnson. 👉"Logical Music s'endinsa en la relació entre imatge i música en l'obra de Tom Johnson (Colorado, els EUA, 1939), músic i compositor que ha investigat incansablement per a eixamplar els límits de les arts i obrir nous camins. Amb una trajectòria de més de cinc dècades, és autor d'una obra musical que desborda les fronteres de l'estrictament sonores per a immiscir-se en els territoris del visual, el verbal i les matemàtiques. La mostra inclou dibuixos inèdits pertanyents a la seva sèrie Imaginary Music (1974), juntament amb una selecció de dibuixos de la sèrie Kirkman's Ladies, en els quals les matemàtiques i la composició musical defineixen l'obra visual". Ens hi veiem! ✨✨✨ #artbarcelonagalleries #angelsbarcelona #tomjohnson #opening #artecontemporaneo #grafagenda

2/13/2024, 11:20:32 AM

Casual Highlights 2023 🤙 Encara em costa digerir totes les coses bones que han passat enguany i ja us avanç que és impossible incloure-les totes aquí. Això em duria anys de feina! Davant d'aquesta impossibilitat, aquí van algunes imatges tretes de la butxaca. No m'agrada gaire fer llistats, però vull donar les gràcies a totes aquelles persones i institucions que hi han estat perquè això fos possible. Bona entrada d'any, amb salut i pau! 💚🤞🎉 #yearinreview #goals #achieve #process #2023 #congrats #thankful #workinprogress #visualart #bcn #girona #mediation #bolit #show #lacapella #studio #angelsbarcelona #exhibition #celebration #end #bielllinas

12/31/2023, 6:56:55 PM

Daniel G. Andújar, “Last Seen” at @angelsbarcelona. A series about extinct plant species that have been recreated with AI. #seethroughdelarge #danielandujar #angelsbarcelona #danielgandujar

12/18/2023, 5:58:19 PM
10.02.24 A jazz aficionado known for his thick, loud drones of music, Niblock's signature sound is filled with microtones of instrumental timbres that generate many other tones in the performance space. He represents the idea of an intermedia artist, working with music and images to create multimedia works that merge different disciplines. A joyous assault to the senses and immersion into the pure experimental decade of the 60's is what you receive when passing through the doors of Pintor Fortuny, 27. The exhibition counts with selected photographs from his journeys around New York City and the wider East Coast area around 1966, and the Six Films collection recorded in 16mm film between 1966 and 1969 from his documented encounters with musicians, actors and dancers as a prominent figure among contemporary experimental composers. The Six Films included can be seen on the images: 📸2:"Morning" (1966-1969), 17', black & white, 16mm film. 📸3: "The Magic Sun" (1966-1968), 17', high-contrast black & white, 16mm film. 📸4:"Dog Track" (1969), 8' 30'', color, 16mm film. 📸5: "Annie" (1968), 8', color, 16mm film. 📸6: "Max" (1966-1969), 7' 30'', black & white, 16mm film. 📸7: "Raoul" (1968-1969), 20', color, 16mm film. #phillniblock #niblock #minimalistmusic #experimentalintermedia #dronemusic #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #soundart #loopbarcelona #loopfestival #cityscreen @artbarcelona_galleries #angelsbarcelona" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS80MDM4NDAwNzFfMjA2ODA2NTc2Njg4OTAxMF8yOTMxOTU2OTQxNjIzOTQyMTUyX24ud2VicD9zdHA9ZHN0LWpwZ19lMzUmX25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWFtczItMS5jZG5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJl9uY19jYXQ9MTA2Jl9uY19vaGM9VFpDNFVod1RjVmtRN2tOdmdIZjl2aUsmZWRtPUFPVVB4aDBCQUFBQSZjY2I9Ny01Jm9oPTAwX0FZREdGb01HeWZtV3ZSZVc0WnVZXy1SNEgwRnZIbHNBbjl3QVAyeFF1eHJBMncmb2U9NjY2MDJGNjAmX25jX3NpZD05ZGM2NjA=.jpg" />

"Early Photographs and films from the 60's" is Phill Niblock's (USA, 1933) first solo exhibition in Spain after a remarkable six-decade career dedicated to producing music, film, photography, dance performances and improvised theater! 📆 18.11.23 > 10.02.24 A jazz aficionado known for his thick, loud drones of music, Niblock's signature sound is filled with microtones of instrumental timbres that generate many other tones in the performance space. He represents the idea of an intermedia artist, working with music and images to create multimedia works that merge different disciplines. A joyous assault to the senses and immersion into the pure experimental decade of the 60's is what you receive when passing through the doors of Pintor Fortuny, 27. The exhibition counts with selected photographs from his journeys around New York City and the wider East Coast area around 1966, and the Six Films collection recorded in 16mm film between 1966 and 1969 from his documented encounters with musicians, actors and dancers as a prominent figure among contemporary experimental composers. The Six Films included can be seen on the images: 📸2:"Morning" (1966-1969), 17', black & white, 16mm film. 📸3: "The Magic Sun" (1966-1968), 17', high-contrast black & white, 16mm film. 📸4:"Dog Track" (1969), 8' 30'', color, 16mm film. 📸5: "Annie" (1968), 8', color, 16mm film. 📸6: "Max" (1966-1969), 7' 30'', black & white, 16mm film. 📸7: "Raoul" (1968-1969), 20', color, 16mm film. #phillniblock #niblock #minimalistmusic #experimentalintermedia #dronemusic #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #soundart #loopbarcelona #loopfestival #cityscreen @artbarcelona_galleries #angelsbarcelona

11/22/2023, 6:03:38 PM

🗓Aquest dissabte a les 12h a @angelsbarcelona , inauguració de l'exposició "Early Photographs and films from the 60’s“, de Phill Niblock, en el marc de LOOP City Screen. 👉"Phill Niblock, nascut a Indiana, Estats Units, el 1933, es consolida com una figura fonamental entre els compositors i artistes experimentals contemporanis. Amb una destacada carrera de sis dècades dedicades a la creació de música, cinema, fotografia, espectacles de dansa i teatre improvisat, Niblock representa la idea d’un artista intermèdia que treballa amb música i imatges, creant obres multimèdia que fusionen les diferents disciplines (...) Per a la primera exposició individual de Phil Niblock a Espanya, presentarem algunes de les sèries icòniques de les seves fotografies i pel·lícules produïdes durant la dècada dels seixanta, concretament de 1966 a 1969". Ens hi veiem! ✨✨✨ #artbarcelonagalleries #angelsbarcelona #phillniblock #doragarcia #rosalindnashashibi #opening #loopfestival #loopcityscreen2023 #artecontemporaneo #grafagenda

11/17/2023, 11:36:06 AM

🗓Avui a l'espai 2 de @angelsbarcelona , obertura de l'exposició de Maria Alcaide, Cecilia Bengolea i Claudia Pagès , en el marc de LOOP City Screen. 👉 Fins el 25 de novembre Ens hi veiem! ✨✨✨ #artbarcelonagalleries #angelsbarcelona #mariaalcaide #ceciliabengolea #claudiapages #opening #inauguracion #artebarcelona #contemporaryart #grafagenda #loopfestival #loopcityscreen2023

11/15/2023, 10:41:33 AM

📣 Us proposem cinc rutes per galeries que participen en el programa City Screen del festival LOOP que inaugura aquesta setmana! ✍🏻 Inscripcions a l'enllaç de la bio 👉RUTA DE MONTJUÏC A L'HOSPITALET 🗓️ dissabte 18 de novembre, 12-14h 📍@alalimongaleria , @_ethall , @anamasprojects 👉 RUTA EIXAMPLE NORD 🗓️ dissabte 18 de novembre, 12-14h 📍@projectesd , @galeriazielinsky @adngaleria 👉RUTA CIUTAT VELLA 🗓️ dimecres 22 de novembre, 18-20h 📍@angelsbarcelona , espai 2 @angelsbarcelona , @galeriamiguelmarcos 👉RUTA EIXAMPLE DRET 🗓️ dijous 23 de novembre, 18-20h 📍@galeriamayoral , @rociosantacruzart @suburbiacontemporary 👉RUTA TRAFALGAR 🗓️ dijous 23 de novembre, 18-20h 📍@galeriasenda , , @bombonprojects Ens hi veiem! ✨✨✨ #artbarcelonagalleries #loop #loopfestival #loopfair #artebarcelona #contemporaryart #grafagenda #rutasguiadas #districteculturalhospitalet #artebarcelona #galeriasenda #lab36 #bombonprojects #alalimón #ethall #anamasprojects #projectesd #zielinskycontemporaryart #adngaleria #angelsbarcelona #loopcityscreen #galeriamiguelmarcos #rociosantacruz #suburbiacontemporary #galeriamayoral

11/14/2023, 11:44:05 AM

#LOOPCityScreen2023 - RAVAL Aquest any, galeries, espais artístics, organitzacions i col·lectius del Raval s'incorporen al LOOP Festival programant les següents exposicions: (1) ‘Eden i Babylon’ de Rob Garbutt CasCaDas Art Space @cascadas.artspace 📍 C/ Bisbe Laguarda, 16 🗓 10/11 - 11/12/2023 (inauguració: 09/11 - 19h) 🔺Comissariat per Fiona Fell @fionafellart — (2) [Phill Niblock] àngels barcelona @angelsbarcelona 📍 C/ Pintor Fortuny, 27 🗓 19/11 - 01/2024 (inauguració: 18/11 - 12h) — (3) [Maria Alcaide, Cecilia Bengolea, Claudia Pagès] @ridimeid @ceciliabengolea @claudiapagesrabal àngels barcelona – espai 2 @angelsbarcelona 📍 C/ dels Àngels, 16 🗓 15/11 - 01/2024 #videoart #videoartfestival #movingimage #videoartlovers #LOOPfestival #LOOPCityScreen #RobGarbutt #phillniblock #angelsbarcelona #cascadasartspace #FioneFell #mariaalcaide #ceciliabengolea #claudiapages

11/3/2023, 10:02:40 AM

En el marco de @barcelona_gallery_weekend la galería @angelsbarcelona inauguró el pasado jueves la exposición Jardins de pols (Jardines de polvo) de @joanfontcuberta_ que podéis visitar hasta el 4 de noviembre. #Barcelona #AgendaCultural #AngelsBarcelona #JoanFoncuberta #exposicion #artecontemporaneo

9/19/2023, 5:35:18 PM

Barcelona Gallery Weekend is one of the city’s top art event of the year, celebrating the return to the city, the return to culture and the return to ART. Each year some of the city’s most relevant galleries open their doors with special programming, talks, events and other happenings offered with the aim of inviting the city and its people to experience the local art world at its best (there are a few kids programs too!) We love this yearly date to reconnect with artists, gallerists and collectors alike and voila…. Here is a glimpse of our favourites from this year’s offerings. Find the full programming on the BGW site and take an arty walk this weekend if you’re in the city! 1,2 - Joan Fontcuberta, "Jardins de Pols", àngels barcelona 3,4 - Group Show, Memoria I, Taché Art Gallery 5,6 - Lola Lasurt, Pictorial Curation I: Esther Guillén, her contemporaries and the School of Vallecas, Joan Prats 7,8 - Cesc Abad, There is a light that never goes out, Victor Lope Arte Contemporáneo 9,10 - Anna Bella Geiger Anna Bella Geiger and Pedro Geiger: Affective Cartography, Galería Marlborough

9/15/2023, 2:07:39 PM

"Jardines de Polvo" , nos ha dejado con la boca abierta este nuevo proyecto de Joan Fontcuberta que presentaba hoy en la galería Angels Barcelona. Sacar arte del polvo es de guapos y hay que ser un máster en fotografía, profesor, docente y un pedazo de artista como Joan para lograrlo. Gracias por una tarde llena de sorpresas y muchas imágenes bonitas. A eventos como este si voy, lo que no haré más, desde hoy será limpiar el polvo. ("Dust Gardens" has left us with our mouths wide open this new project by Joan Fontcuberta that he presented today at the Angels Barcelona art gallery. Getting art out of dust is beautiful and you have to be a master in photography, a professor, a teacher and a great artist like Joan to achieve it. Thank you for an afternoon full of surprises and beautiful images. I would never reject invitations to an event like this, what I won't do anymore, starting today is cleaning the dust) . . #dustgardens #joanfontcuberta #angelsbarcelona #arte

9/14/2023, 11:21:45 PM

Fins aquí l'exposició 'Un racó [im]propi', a àngels barcelona en el marc d'Artnou 2023. Textos per Jordi Pallarès. 👋❌⌛ 1. Vista general. En primer terme 'Mòdul a mòdul' i en segon 'Llindar'. 2. Un dels deu dibuixos de 'Mòdul a mòdul'. 3. Vista general. 'Projeccions, ocupacions, inscripcions' i 'Obrir una finestra a Sants o com travessar un barri amb una línia'. 4. 'Obrir una finestra a Sants o com travessar un barri amb una línia'. 5-7. Vistes de 'Del problema de la creació a la creació del problema'. Amb Ada Fuentes. 8. Un racó [im]propi. Gouache sobre paper. ________________________ Hasta aquí la exposición 'Un racó [im]propi', en àngels barcelona en el marco de Artnou 2023. Textos por Jordi Pallarès. 1. Vista general. En primer término 'Módulo a módulo' y en segundo 'Umbral'. 2. Uno de los diez dibujos de 'Módulo a módulo'. 3. Vista general. 'Proyecciones, ocupaciones, inscripciones' y 'Abrir una ventana a Sants o como atravesar un barrio con una línea'. 4. 'Abrir una ventana a Sants o como atravesar un barrio con una línea'. 5-7. Vistas de 'Del problema de la creación a la creación del problema'. Con Ada Fuentes. 8. Un racó [im]propi. Gouache sobre papel. 📸@polmasip Gràcies a @jordipallaresolive ✍️ @angelsbarcelona ✨ @quicopeinado 💪 @artnouprimeravisio 💫 @artbarcelona_galleries 💥 #shot #gallery #end #artnou #emergingartist #bielllinas #adafuentes #soloshow #contemporarypainting #existenzminimum #housing #kunst #finearts #installation #line #linen #room #bcn #artcurator #angels #angelsbarcelona

9/13/2023, 12:46:23 PM

Carlos Casas / Fieldworks at @larada_locarno Curated by Stefano Miraglia & Jessica Macor Aug 5 - Sep 10 2023 Fieldworks is Carlos Casas' first solo exhibition in Switzerland, entirely dedicated to the eponymous series that the Spanish artist has been developing since 2000: a collection of experimental audiovisual notes with which he seeks to capture the atmospheric and spiritual qualities of a place. Stemming from extensive travels to more than twenty countries, this series has led to the creation of dozens of videos, sound works and installations, divided into thirty chapters. For the exhibition at La Rada, three non-linear sequences of Fieldworks are proposed in an environment conceived by Casas, increasingly darker and minimal, with neon ultraviolet lights. A sequence for monitor (with works from the series shot in Patagonia, the Aral Sea and Siberia), one for speakers (with two sound recordings, including a work in progress made in Ticino and produced by and a final sequence for projector, with a selection of the most recent pieces (shot in Iceland, Italy, Turkey, Egypt and Indonesia) and two works in progress made in Svalbard, an archipelago between the northern coast of Norway and the North Pole. Carlos Casas (Barcelona, 1974) is a Spanish artist whose practice encompasses film, sound and visual arts. Since the beginning of his career, Casas has been extending his explorations in multiple branches, from documentary film conceived for the movie theater to live-editing, through photography and drawing to multimedia installations, transformation of pre-existing environments and record publishing (notably with @matiere_memoire @d.i.s.c.r.e.p.a.n.t and Von Archives with @nicovascellari). @carlosmcasas @stemiraglia @angelsbarcelona 📸 by @riccardo_giancola #carloscasas #stefanomiraglia #laradalocarno #fieldworks #exhibitionview #angelsbarcelona

9/9/2023, 6:47:29 PM

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐎𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐀𝐒 • 𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒 Curated by Stefano Miraglia & Jessica Macor • @larada_locarno 05.08.2023 - 10.09.2023 Fieldworks is Carlos Casas' first solo exhibition in Switzerland, entirely dedicated to the eponymous series that the Spanish artist has been developing since 2000: a collection of experimental audiovisual notes with which he seeks to capture the atmospheric and spiritual qualities of a place. Stemming from extensive travels to more than twenty countries, this series has led to the creation of dozens of videos, sound works and installations, divided into thirty chapters. We surveyed twenty-two years of intense production and encountered meditations on the archetypes of nature and man, descriptions of atmospheric phenomena, experiments on the limits of vision, and psychedelic interventions in which cinema transfigures territorial exploration, where sound is the medium where many of Casas' projects often converge. A sound that is often documentary in nature (conceived as a field recording), but also filtered and edited in an experimental way. Carlos Casas (Barcelona, 1974) is a Spanish artist whose practice encompasses film, sound and visual arts. Since the beginning of his career, Casas has been extending his explorations in multiple branches, from documentary film conceived for the movie theater to live-editing, through photography and drawing to multimedia installations, transformation of pre-existing environments and record publishing. His works have been exhibited by international institutions such as @labiennale @tate @fondationcartier @palaisdetokyo @centrepompidou @ntu_ccasingapore @pirelli_hangarbicocca @triennalemilano @cccb_barcelona @mataderomadrid @gamtorino @bozarbrussels and @kunstenfestivaldesarts. His films have been screened and awarded at prestigious international festivals such as the Venice Film Festival and @iffr. Since 2022 Carlos Casas has been the programme director of @fabricaresearchcentre. Photographs by @riccardo_giancola @carlosmcasas @angelsbarcelona #carloscasas #angelsbarcelona #laradalocarno #larada #locarno

9/1/2023, 7:11:15 PM

- JOAN FONTCUBERTA – ON THE TOPIC OF (IM)PERMANENCE @joanfontcuberta_ focuses on the materiality of photography to expose its false promise of immortality. He has worked on several ill-preserved photographs to show that they too can morph and disintegrate, just as our fleeting memories do. Affected by time, humidity and fungi, these photographs are like living bodies bearing the traces of their own experience on their skin, bodies not immune to sickness, suffering and, eventually, death. Except death here is regarded by Fontcuberta as a transformation of matter: by focusing on the new subjects in the photograph, the microbial ones, Fontcuberta re-signifies the photographs, proving that even if photographs cannot be immortal, they can at least be given a new life. These photographs are part of the project Élevage de poussière, included in the upcoming exhibition Dust Gardens. Opening: Thursday 14.09.23 @barcelona_gallery_weekend. 📸 1: Fontcuberta in his studio at @rocaumbertfabricadelesarts 📸 2-7: Detail views from the series Élevage de poussière @artbarcelona_galleries #joanfontcuberta #angelsbarcelona #photography #archivephotography #naturephotography #microcosmos #microscopy #artandscience

8/28/2023, 6:17:21 PM

CARLOS CASAS • FIELDWORKS 05.08.2023 - 10.09.2023 Curated by Stefano Miraglia & Jessica Macor Opening hours: Only by appointment writing to: [email protected] // Free entry ______________________________ ROOM 3 : SCREENING Radar Station (Svalbard Fieldworks, FW #22), 3’26, 2023 [work in progress] Geothermal Steam Vents (Icelandic Fieldworks, FW #28), 6’12, 2023 Alexandria Chorus (Egypt Fieldworks, FW #13), 9’07, 2020 Faro (Capo di Leuca Fieldworks, FW #19), 20’, 2016 Carita Maghrib (Indonesia Fieldworks, FW #24), 3’35, 2019 Pajara (Capo di Leuca Fieldworks, FW #19), 11’32, 2022 Maghrib (Istanbul Fieldworks, FW #14), 24’43, 2011 Vucca (Capo di Leuca Fieldworks, FW #19), 14’53, 2016 Cemetery (Svalbard Fieldworks, FW #22), 4’02, 2023 Midnight Sun (Svalbard Fieldworks, FW #22), 10’23, 2023 [work in progress] ______________________________ Fieldworks is Carlos Casas' first solo exhibition in Switzerland, entirely dedicated to the eponymous series that the Spanish artist has been developing since 2000. Fieldworks are a collection of experimental audiovisual notes with which the artist seeks to capture the atmospheric and spiritual qualities of a place, using image and sound as spatial reading tools. Stemming from extensive travels to more than twenty countries, this series has led to the creation of dozens of videos, sound works and installations, divided into thirty chapters. 📸 by @riccardo_giancola #carloscasas #fieldworks #larada @carlosmcasas @stemiraglia #jessicamacor #stefanomiraglia @angelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelona #artistsmovingimage

8/17/2023, 1:16:01 PM

CARLOS CASAS • FIELDWORKS 05.08.2023 - 10.09.2023 Curated by Stefano Miraglia & Jessica Macor Opening hours: Only by appointment writing to: [email protected] // Free entry ______________________________ ROOM 1 : MONITOR Dead Sea (Aral Fieldworks, FW #05), 8’38,2005 Tree (Patagonian Fieldworks, FW #01), 4’47, 2001 Civilisation (Patagonian Fieldworks, FW #01), 3’26, 2001 Glitter (Aral Fieldworks, FW #05), 4’01, 2003 Borealis (Siberian Fieldworks, FW #10), 5’39, 2007 White Night (Siberian Fieldworks, FW #10), 3’49, 2007 ROOM 2 : SPEAKERS Radio Show (Siberian Fieldworks, FW #10), 9’09, 2007 Organ Tuning (Ticino Fieldworks, FW #30), 21’59, [work in progress] ______________________________ Fieldworks is Carlos Casas' first solo exhibition in Switzerland, entirely dedicated to the eponymous series that the Spanish artist has been developing since 2000. Fieldworks are a collection of experimental audiovisual notes with which the artist seeks to capture the atmospheric and spiritual qualities of a place, using image and sound as spatial reading tools. Stemming from extensive travels to more than twenty countries, this series has led to the creation of dozens of videos, sound works and installations, divided into thirty chapters. 📸 by @riccardo_giancola . . . . #carloscasas #fieldworks #larada @carlosmcasas @stemiraglia #jessicamacor #stefanomiraglia @angelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelona #artistsmovingimage

8/14/2023, 9:10:15 PM

CARLOS CASAS • FIELDWORKS 05.08.2023 - 10.09.2023 curated by Stefano Miraglia & Jessica Macor Opening hours: Only by appointment writing to: [email protected] // Free entry Fieldworks is Carlos Casas' first solo exhibition in Switzerland, entirely dedicated to the eponymous series that the Spanish artist has been developing since 2000. Fieldworks are a collection of experimental audiovisual notes with which the artist seeks to capture the atmospheric and spiritual qualities of a place, using image and sound as spatial reading tools. Stemming from extensive travels to more than twenty countries, this series has led to the creation of dozens of videos, sound works and installations, divided into thirty chapters. 📸 by @riccardo_giancola #carloscasas #fieldworks #larada @carlosmcasas @stemiraglia #jessicamacor #stefanomiraglia @angelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelona #artistsmovingimage

8/13/2023, 2:29:34 PM

CARLOS CASAS • FIELDWORKS 05.08.2023 - 10.09.2023 curated by Stefano Miraglia & Jessica Macor Fieldworks is Carlos Casas' first solo exhibition in Switzerland, entirely dedicated to the eponymous series that the Spanish artist has been developing since 2000. Fieldworks are a collection of experimental audiovisual notes with which the artist seeks to capture the atmospheric and spiritual qualities of a place, using image and sound as spatial reading tools. Stemming from extensive travels to more than twenty countries, this series has led to the creation of dozens of videos, sound works and installations, divided into thirty chapters. A transversal selection of films is proposed for the exhibition at La Rada: from the earliest (shot in Patagonia, the Aral Sea, and Siberia) created for monitor installations, to the most recent (Apulia, Iceland, Indonesia) that will be screened in a specially created environment in the large room. Meditations on the archetypes of nature and man, descriptions of atmospheric phenomena, experiments on the limits of vision, and psychedelic interventions in which cinema transfigures territorial experience. ○ free admission ○ Still from: Carlos Casas, Vucca, 2016, courtesy of the artist. @ramdom.association #carloscasas #fieldworks #larada @carlosmcasas @stemiraglia #jessicamacor #stefanomiraglia @angelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelona #artistsmovingimage #experimentalcinema #vucca

8/6/2023, 6:04:23 PM

OPENING SOON • @larada_locarno CARLOS CASAS • FIELDWORKS 05.08.2023 - 10.09.2023 curated by Stefano Miraglia & Jessica Macor Opening : SATURDAY AUGUST 5th, 2023 from 18:00 at La Rada Fieldworks is Carlos Casas' first solo exhibition in Switzerland, entirely dedicated to the eponymous series that the Spanish artist has been developing since 2000. Fieldworks are a collection of experimental audiovisual notes with which the artist seeks to capture the atmospheric and spiritual qualities of a place, using image and sound as spatial reading tools. Stemming from extensive travels to more than twenty countries, this series has led to the creation of dozens of videos, sound works and installations, divided into thirty chapters. A transversal selection of films is proposed for the exhibition at La Rada: from the earliest (shot in Patagonia, the Aral Sea, and Siberia) created for monitor installations, to the most recent (Apulia, Iceland, Indonesia) that will be screened in a specially created environment in the large room. Meditations on the archetypes of nature and man, descriptions of atmospheric phenomena, experiments on the limits of vision, and psychedelic interventions in which cinema transfigures territorial experience. ○ free admission ○ Graphic design by @joshuaalthaus & Marco Buetikofer #carloscasas #fieldworks #larada @carlosmcasas @stemiraglia #jessicamacor #stefanomiraglia @angelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelona #artistsmovingimage

8/1/2023, 2:28:44 PM

Curated by @stemiraglia who’s films we had the honor of screening in ‘camera escura’ in June @larada_locarno CARLOS CASAS • FIELDWORKS 05.08.2023 - 10.09.2023 curated by Stefano Miraglia & Jessica Macor Opening : SATURDAY AUGUST 5th, 2023 from 18:00 at La Rada Fieldworks is Carlos Casas' first solo exhibition in Switzerland, entirely dedicated to the eponymous series that the Spanish artist has been developing since 2000. Fieldworks are a collection of experimental audiovisual notes with which the artist seeks to capture the atmospheric and spiritual qualities of a place, using image and sound as spatial reading tools. Stemming from extensive travels to more than twenty countries, this series has led to the creation of dozens of videos, sound works and installations, divided into thirty chapters. A transversal selection of films is proposed for the exhibition at La Rada: from the earliest (shot in Patagonia, the Aral Sea, and Siberia) created for monitor installations, to the most recent (Apulia, Iceland, Indonesia) that will be screened in a specially created environment in the large room. Meditations on the archetypes of nature and man, descriptions of atmospheric phenomena, experiments on the limits of vision, and psychedelic interventions in which cinema transfigures territorial experience. ○ free admission ○ Graphic design by @joshuaalthaus & Marco Buetikofer #carloscasas #fieldworks #larada @carlosmcasas @stemiraglia #jessicamacor #stefanomiraglia @angelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelona #artistsmovingimage

8/1/2023, 12:44:29 PM

CARLOS CASAS • FIELDWORKS 05.08.2023 - 10.09.2023 curated by Stefano Miraglia & Jessica Macor Opening : SATURDAY AUGUST 5th, 2023 from 18:00 at La Rada Fieldworks is Carlos Casas' first solo exhibition in Switzerland, entirely dedicated to the eponymous series that the Spanish artist has been developing since 2000. Fieldworks are a collection of experimental audiovisual notes with which the artist seeks to capture the atmospheric and spiritual qualities of a place, using image and sound as spatial reading tools. Stemming from extensive travels to more than twenty countries, this series has led to the creation of dozens of videos, sound works and installations, divided into thirty chapters. A transversal selection of films is proposed for the exhibition at La Rada: from the earliest (shot in Patagonia, the Aral Sea, and Siberia) created for monitor installations, to the most recent (Apulia, Iceland, Indonesia) that will be screened in a specially created environment in the large room. Meditations on the archetypes of nature and man, descriptions of atmospheric phenomena, experiments on the limits of vision, and psychedelic interventions in which cinema transfigures territorial experience. ○ free admission ○ Graphic design by @joshuaalthaus & @norm_gloss #carloscasas #fieldworks #larada @carlosmcasas @stemiraglia #jessicamacor #stefanomiraglia @angelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelona #artistsmovingimage

7/31/2023, 7:08:51 PM

Having a beer with artist Daniel G. Andujar and friends after Daniel and photographer Joan Fontcuberta discussed AI, photography and art work at galeria Angels, where one can see the artist's splendid exhibition Damnatio Memoriae, alchimists, buffoons and masks. #daniel.g.andujar #danielgarciaandujar #danielgandujar #joanfontcuberta📷 #joanfontcuberta #rardoarchitects #angelsbarcelona #aiart

6/21/2023, 6:05:46 PM

Mi más sincero agradecimiento a todos los que asistieron a nuestra charla, dedicando dos horas de su tiempo para escucharnos hablar sobre imagen, arte e inteligencia artificial en un día tan caluroso. Vuestro interés y participación en estos temas son vitales para profundizar en estas discusiones sobre arte y tecnología. También lamento profundamente que algunos de vosotros no pudisteis acceder debido al espacio limitado de la galería. Gracias por el apoyo y el entusiasmo, especialmente a Teresa Sesé por su artículo de La Vanguardia de hoy, titulado "El día que la IA nos quitó la venda de los ojos", aborda la conversación con el fotógrafo, teórico, amigo y colega Joan Fontcuberta, que tuvo lugar ayer en la galería Àngels Barcelona, donde estoy exponiendo mi serie "Damnatio Memoriae: alquimistas, bufones y máscaras". Teresa ha recogido muy bien [el papel que la inteligencia artificial (IA) ha tenido en generar un debate sobre la veracidad de las imágenes. Fontcuberta es conocido por sus obras que desafían la noción de verdad y alertan sobre los peligros de la credulidad, mientras que Andújar, pionero en la exploración de las nuevas tecnologías, sostiene que las imágenes no son documentos, sino construcciones con intenciones y estrategias específicas. Andújar muestra en su exposición obras realizadas con IA que presentan falsas fotografías documentales de revoluciones que nunca existieron, y otras que ponen de manifiesto la participación de la IA en la cultura de la cancelación. El artículo destaca cómo estas imágenes realistas pero falsas han desencadenado un cuestionamiento de la naturaleza de las imágenes. Fontcuberta compara este momento de desconcierto con el de las primeras personas que vieron un daguerrotipo en 1839, incapaces de entender cómo esa tecnología había capturado una escena de la realidad. Recuerda que la IA no es un fenómeno nuevo, y menciona su trabajo en los años noventa creando paisajes inexistentes a través de imágenes generadas por ordenador. Según Fontcuberta, nos encontramos en una etapa absolutamente revolucionaria y debemos decidir cómo nos posicionamos frente a ella.] #angelsbarcelona #danielandujar #joanfontcuberta #ai #aiart #Art

6/21/2023, 12:04:04 PM

"Damnatio Memoriae: alquimistas, bufones y máscaras", es el nuevo   proyecto de @daniel.g.andujar en @angelsbarcelona En esta era digital, donde la desinformación y tecnologías emergentes como la Inteligencia Artificial moldean nuestra memoria colectiva, la exposición invita a recuperar una nueva mirada hacia la construcción de imágenes e historias. #Barcelona #AgendaCultural #exposicion #DanielGAndujar #angelsbarcelona #arte #tecnologia

6/6/2023, 12:37:32 PM

Sábado 20 mayo 2023 Inauguración @angelsbarcelona 12h. Y a las 19.00 h una sorpresa muy especial, conversación entre @martharosler @daniel.g.andujar e @immaprietocarrillo Daniel G. Andújar Damnatio Memoriae, alquimistas, bufones y máscaras 20.05.23 > 01.07.23 Opening: 20.5.23 - 12 h. "Damnatio Memoriae, Alquimistas, bufones y máscaras" es un nuevo proyecto de Daniel García Andújar a través del desmantelamiento de las narrativas tradicionales y la subversión de la realidad. En esta era digital, donde la desinformación y tecnologías emergentes como la Inteligencia Artificial moldean nuestra memoria colectiva, la exposición invita a recuperar una mirada crítica hacia la construcción de imágenes e historias. "Damnatio Memoriae, alchemists, jesters, and masks" is a new project by Daniel García Andújar that dismantles traditional narratives and subverts reality. In this digital age, where misinformation and emerging technologies - such as Artificial Intelligence - shape our collective memory, the exhibition invites us to reclaim a critical view of the construction of images and stories. "Damnatio Memoriae, alquimistes, bufons i màscares" és un nou projecte de Daniel García Andújar que desmantella les narratives tradicionals i subverteix la realitat. En aquesta era digital, on la desinformació i les tecnologies emergents - com ara la Intel·ligència Artificial - configuren la nostra memòria col·lectiva, l'exposició convida a recuperar una mirada crítica cap a la construcció d'imatges i històries. #DanielGAndújar #angelsbarcelona #soloshow #thecollectoispresent #artbarcelonagalleries #martharosler #immaprieto

5/20/2023, 10:42:14 AM

RUTA PER GALERIES! 🙌 ✨El dissabte 22 d'abril us proposem una ruta per galeries des de l'Eixample a Ciutat Vella. 👉Amb la presència de galeristes i artistes que ens oferiran una visita guiada a les seves exposicions. 🍸Al finalitzar la ruta compartirem un vermut BCN MUT Ambre per cortesia de BCN Spirit! La ruta serà la següent: 🔹@rociosantacruzart : exposició "Las mujeres que lloran están enfadadas" d' ORLAN 🔹@galeriamiguelmarcos : exposició col·lectiva "Propuesta para una colección" 🔹@sala.pares : exposicions de Carlos Morago, "Rerum Natura" de Gonzalo Sicre, i "El paisatge del sentiment" de Michael Kenna 🔹@angelsbarcelona : exposició "WVLNT - WAVELENGTH For Those Who Don't Have the Time; Originally 45 minutes, now 15!, 2003" de Michael Snow 🗓 Dissabte 22 de març, 11.30-14.00h ✨ Preu de la ruta: 10,00 € ✍🏼 Inscripcions a l'enllaç de la bio! #artbarcelonagalleries #contemporaryartgallery #grafagenda #culturasegura #barcelonacultura #artecontemporaneo #galeriadearte #artbarcelona #rociosantacruz #galeriamiguelmarcos #salapares #angelsbarcelona #bcngin #bcnspirit #bcnmut

4/13/2023, 12:55:16 PM

🗓 Avui a les 19h a @angelsbarcelona , inauguració de l'exposició "WAVELENGTH for those who don't have the time: Originally 45 minutes, Now 15!", de Michael Snow. 👉 “Al 1967 Michael Snow va presentar la seva pel·lícula Wavelength, que amb les seves paraules és "un resum del meu sistema nerviós, les meves intuïcions religioses i les meves idees estètiques". La longitud d'ona, essencialment un zoom continu que triga 45 minuts a anar des del seu camp més ampli fins al seu camp més petit i final, es considera avui una obra mestra del cinema experimental. L'any 2003, el refà en format digital, tallant-lo de 45 a 15 minuts, (en tres peces i superposant-les). Amb el seu característic sentit de l'humor el va titular: WVLNT -WAVELENGTH: for those who don't have the time: Originally 45 minutes, now 15!". Ens hi veiem! ✨✨✨ #artbarcelonagalleries #angelsbarcelona #michaelsnow #opening #inauguracion #videoart #artebarcelona #contemporaryart #grafagenda

3/29/2023, 12:38:43 PM

Jaime Pitarch, Momentums 📍àngels barcelona [ENG] "From our bodies, a precarious balance”. Cracked and dislocated furniture by frequent use. Leftover pieces of furniture recovered from the streets. They have been reassembled allowing them to stand upright, in precarious balance, supported by some of their own appendages. The object, as a by-product of human activity, can embody issues that are fundamental to the person (our rites of production, accumulation and wear also define our culture). - Jaime Pitarch- [ESP] "De nuestros cuerpos, un precario equilibrio”. Muebles agrietados y dislocados por el uso frecuente. Restos de muebles recuperados de las calles. Han sido reensamblados permitiéndoles mantenerse erguidos, en precario equilibrio, sostenidos por algunos de sus propios apéndices. El objeto, como subproducto de la actividad humana, puede encarnar cuestiones que son fundamentales para la persona (nuestros ritos de producción, acumulación y desgaste también definen nuestra cultura). - Jaime Pitarch 📸 by: Pol Massip . #JaumePitarch #fragility #momentum #poeticsoftheobject #footprints #discardedobjects #objectpoetry #artbarcelona #angelsbarcelona

3/22/2023, 6:41:51 PM

Michael Snow Braque and Picasso The corner of Braque and Picasso Streets, 2009 Continuous projection of real-time images. Silent. Wooden plynths: variable dimensions and number. Remote control camera. Edition of 2 + 1 HC 📍àngels Barcelona [ENG] Snow’s work aims to challenge our automatic (default) approximation to the visible by using a composition strategy that threatens the tools we rely on to process what we perceive. By defamiliarising the spectator with reality, the conventions of representation and reception may be re-examined. One could say that, in a way, Snow revolutionizes the perception of reality in the same way that modern artists revolutionized the perception of art. [ESP] Las obras de Snow pretenden desafiar nuestra aproximación automática -por defecto- a lo visible, mediante una estrategia compositiva que pone en jaque las herramientas con las que habitualmente procesamos lo percibido. Al desfamiliarizar al espectador respecto a la realidad, se revisan tanto los convencionalismos de la representación como los de la recepción. Se diría que, en cierto modo, Snow revoluciona la percepción de la realidad misma de modo análogo al que los artistas modernos revolucionaron la del arte. 📸 by: Clara Manubens #videoart #filmmaker #avantgardefilm #videostillife #expandedcinema #artfilm #structuralistcinema #angelsbarcelona

3/22/2023, 4:06:22 PM

Mònica Planes, Open cover, 2021 Cement mortar reinforced with steel 120 x 90 x 90 cm [ESP] Mónica Planes representa estas esculturas pretendiendo transmitir la idea del movimiento emplazado en la arquitectura de la naturaleza. La obra parece estar viva, como si fuera un organismo que respira y se mueve en armonía con el entorno que lo rodea. [ENG] Mónica Planes represents these sculptures trying to convey the idea of movement located in the architecture of nature. The work seems to be alive, as if it were an organism that breathes and moves in harmony with its surrounding environment. 📸 by: Roberto Ruiz . . . #aphantomheart #lastdays #escultura #mortar #movementinsculpture #artbarcelona #angelsbarcelona

3/22/2023, 3:39:08 PM

Cecilia Bengolea Shelly Belly Inna Real Life, 2020 Video, color, sound 23:47 min Ed. 5 + 1AP [ENG] Cecilia Bengolea examines collective dancerituals. The Jamaican culture of Dancehall now globally celebrated, thus, gets revisited with traditional songs from Georgia, exacerbating their political load. The journey through the music and dances of urban communities, as performed in great cities of the world and observed anthropologically, explores all the forms of scholarly parody contained in these popular and anonymous creations. [ESP] Cecilia Bengolea examina los rituales colectivos de danza. Por lo tanto, la cultura dancehall jamaicana que ahora se celebra en todo el mundo se revisa con canciones georgianas tradicionales, lo que exacerba su carga política. El recorrido por la música y las danzas de las comunidades urbanas, interpretadas en las grandes ciudades del mundo y observadas antropológicamente, explora todas las formas de parodia académica contenidas en estas creaciones populares y anónimas. . . . #onlinescreening #videodance #videoart #danceandfilm #dancehall #loop2020 #loopfestival #loopbarcelona #dansceanthropology #bodypolitic #performancedance #cnap #angelsbarcelona

3/7/2023, 5:10:25 PM

⭐️ ARCO Madrid highlights!!!! ⭐️ We are about to start the second day full of excitement and amazing clients to show around! ARCOmadrid is undoubtedly the annual art event in Spain to surprise you with an infinite number of artistic proposals. An event that serves to promote national and international contemporary artists from emergent to consolidated. Here are some of our TOP pieces from our first day! - Carlos Aires, ADN Galeria - Ania Soliman, Àngels Barcelona - José Vera Matos, Casado Santapau Gallery - José María Sicilia, BARÓ - Regina Giménez, Ana Mas Projects - Jaume Plensa, Polígrafa Obra Gráfica - Marco A. Castillo, Albarrán Bourdais - Soledad Sevilla, Galería Marlborough - Gustavo Pérez Monzón, Galería Marlborough

2/23/2023, 11:15:04 AM

Art& Design Obra de Daniela Ortiz en @angelsbarcelona Escritorio de @estudiopilarlibano Lámpara de @tonone_official Silla vintage Mart Stam #roomservicebcn #angelsbarcelona #barcelonadesign

2/20/2023, 6:07:08 PM

📸 Roomservice corner Mesa @estudiopilarlibano Lámparas PHOTO Silla @piet_hein_eek Fotos de @mabelpalacin en @angelsbarcelona #contemporaryart #decoideas #interiordesign #designbarcelona #collectibledesign #estudiopilarlibano #pietheineek #angelsbarcelona #roomservicebcn

2/14/2023, 12:48:36 PM

🐘 3 minus 1 cabinet prototype. Designed by Richard Hutten. #roomservicebcn #richardhutten #angelsbarcelona #jaumeamigo #yomutoatelier #barcelonadesign This cabinet is hand made of walnut and has benn produced in 2008. Painting by @jaumeamigo @angelsbarcelona Chandelier by @yomutoatelier @richardhuttenstudio @roomservicedesign

12/22/2022, 1:51:41 PM

✨✨✨ Mesa y sillas de @estudiopilarlibano Cerámica Hands de @vilatoivilato Jarrón de @piet_hein_eek Lámpara Beads de @tonone_official Piezas de #luacoderch en @angelsbarcelona #estudiopilarlibano #vilatoivilato #pietheineek #tonone #luacoderch #angelsbarcelona #roomservicebcn #interiorismo #diseño #art #ceramiclove #interiordesign #fineinteriors #barcelonadesign

12/22/2022, 12:51:09 PM

🗓 Demà dimecres 21, la galeria @angelsbarcelona inaugura “La Rebelión de las Raíces”, una exposició de Daniela Ortiz (@danillaortiz) 👉A través d'una sèrie de pintures de petit format i una obra per a titelles, Daniela Ortiz (Cuzco, el Perú, 1985) narra històries de com plantes tropicals i animals en aliança amb comunitats del sud global, es rebel·len sobre els responsables del colonialisme.  Ens trobem a la galeria! 🙌
 #artbarcelonagalleries #angelsbarcelona #danielaortiz #contemporaryartgallery #artbarcelona #galeriadearte

12/20/2022, 10:53:08 AM

A Matter of Time - group show at @angelsbarcelona on the occasion of @loopbarcelona Pedro G. Romero, Oriol Vilanova, Harun Farocki, Fermín Jiménez Landa, Esther Ferrer, Daniel G. Andújar, Cecilia Bengolea, Carlos Casas #artistsmovingimage #artistfilm #movingimage #art #contemporaryart #video #loopbcn #loopbarcelona #angelsbarcelona #carloscasas #ceciliabengolea #danielgandujar #harunfarocki #estherferrer #ferminjimenezlanda #oriolvilanova #pedrogromero

11/18/2022, 2:33:53 PM

📸If you're in Paris this weekend, make sure to stop by Paris Photo. Photography is a very special medium for us, as our director and founder @gabbysutori is a photographer herself. The work of our favourite national photographers is a must in the proposals to our clients, here are some of them! - Xavi Bou, Ornithography # 221 - Esther Ferrer, El libro de las cabezas – Evolución – Metamorfosis - Jordi Bernadó Senda, Barcelona (BCN 562.4)c2bn PS: Esther Ferrer's work was part of our exhibition at Francesc Macià 10 "Mirror to the City".

11/12/2022, 9:34:25 AM

#LOOPFair 2023 - 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 Arash Fayez @arashfayez, "I CAN ONLY DANCE TO ONE SONG” presented by @angelsbarcelona ✨ 🕺"I CAN ONLY DANCE TO ONE SONG" explores the role of music in forming a sense of belonging to a location. This project portrays accounts of displacement rooted in the experience of migrants through sound and movement. By incorporating dance as an expressive act of transformability, this 📹 video illustrates the emotional landscape of displacement using corporal acts. This work moves beyond the visible to tell the story of an invisible city, a seamless tale about a place that exists within every displaced person and beyond physical location. ➡️ The piece was produced with the support of @fundaciomacba (BKFMACBA), @loopbarcelona and @barcelona_cat (Premis Barcelona 2020). Co-founded by the #CreativeEuropeProgram of the European Union @eucouncil and the project @aplace_eu Linking Places Through Networked Artistic Practices. #loopbarcelona #videoart #videoartfair #loopfestival #movingimage #arashfayez #angelsbarcelona

11/10/2022, 10:31:21 AM

A Matter of Time Pedro G. Romero, Oriol Vilanova, Harun Farocki, Fermín Jiménez Landa, Esther Ferrer, Daniel G. Andújar, Cecilia Bengolea, Carlos Casas A Matter of Time 09.11.22 > 26.11.22 Opening: 2022-11-9 @loop_festival_barcelona @angelsbarcelona àngels barcelona + àngels barcelona-espai2 C. Pintor Fortuny, 27 C. Dels àngels, 16 #loopbarcelona #angelsbarcelona #danielgandujar #exhibition #contemporaryart #barcelona

11/8/2022, 10:07:00 PM

A Matter of Time Pedro G. Romero, Oriol Vilanova, Harun Farocki, Fermín Jiménez Landa, Esther Ferrer, Daniel G. Andújar, Cecilia Bengolea, Carlos Casas A Matter of Time 09.11.22 > 26.11.22 Opening: 2022-11-9 @loop_festival_barcelona @angelsbarcelona àngels barcelona + àngels barcelona-espai2 C. Pintor Fortuny, 27 C. Dels àngels, 16 #loopbarcelona #angelsbarcelona #danielgandujar #exhibition #contemporaryart #barcelona #harunfarocki #estherferrer

11/8/2022, 6:48:55 PM

presents Arash Fayez @arashfayez Arash Fayez’s was born in 1984 in Tehran, Iran. His practice investigates conditions of displacement and notions such as statelessness and in-betweenness. As a native of Iran who relocated to the US, before moving to the UK and then Spain, where he currently resides, Fayez’s work often departs from his own experiences of moving from one place to another. Fayez has exhibited and performed internationally at venues including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Musée du quai Branly, Paris; the Wattis Institute, San Francisco; the British Museum, London; àngels barcelona and La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Barcelona. He holds a Masters in Fine Arts from California College of the Arts, San Francisco. The piece Fayez will present at #loop2022 was produced with the support of @fundaciomacba (BKFMACBA), @loopbarcelona and @barcelona_cat (Premis Barcelona 2020). Co-founded by the #CreativeEuropeProgram of the European Union @eucouncil and the project @aplace_eu Linking Places Through Networked Artistic Practices. His work will be presented at #LOOP22 (15-17 Nov.) by @angelsbarcelona #loopfair #loopbarcelona #videoart #videoartfair #movingimage #arashfayez #angelsbarcelona

10/18/2022, 10:54:04 AM

#LOOPFestival2022 - #LOOPCityScreen2022 La Rebelión de las Raíces de Daniela Ortiz @danillaortiz 🗓 10.11.2022 - 14.01.2023 📍àngels barcelona @angelsbarcelona - C/ Pintor Fortuny, 27 A través d'una sèrie de pintures de petit format i una obra de titelles, Daniela Ortiz (Cuzco, el Perú, 1985) narra històries de com plantes tropicals i animals en aliança amb comunitats del sud global, es rebel·len contra els responsables del colonialisme. A través de una serie de pinturas de pequeño formato y una obra de títeres, #DanielaOrtiz (Cuzco, Perú, 1985) narra historias de cómo plantas tropicales y animales en alianza con comunidades del sur global, se rebelan contra los responsables del colonialismo. #LOOPBarcelona #videoart #angelsbarcelona

10/6/2022, 6:13:16 PM
05.11.22 ENG: «Esther Ferrer's interest in space, time and rhythm takes another form in the meticulous and mental work she has been doing with prime numbers since the 1970s. Through different visual systems she invents, the artist generates constellations that reveal a possible internal rhythm of the #primenumbers, a geometric harmony.» ESP: «El interés de Esther Ferrer por el espacio, el tiempo y el ritmo, toma otra forma en su trabajo minucioso y mental que lleva realizando con los número primos desde los años 70. A través de diferentes sistemas visuales que la artista inventa genera constelaciones que revelan un posible ritmo interno de los #númerosprimos, una armonía geométrica.» 📸 by: @polmasip ... Esther Ferrer Poema de los números primos 2020-2021 Marker pen in red, green, blue and pink; and pen on paper 87 x 87 cm / 97 x 97 cm (framed) ... Esther Ferrer Poema de los números primos. Serie Coupage 2021-2022 Acrilic paint on wood and tint 70 x 56 cm / 90 x 65 x 4 cm (framed) ... #EstherFerrer #angelsbarcelona #àngelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelonaartist #poemas #poemasconnúmerosprimos #art #artist #barcelona" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS8zMDkwNTE0MDdfMTE5MzM3NjMzMTM4Nzk0OV81MDQ1NDkxOTI1OTQzMTY3NDM0X24uanBnP3N0cD1kc3QtanBnX2UzNV9zMTA4MHgxMDgwJl9uY19odD1zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbSZfbmNfY2F0PTEwNSZfbmNfb2hjPWFiQzBGT2UtaWpnUTdrTnZnSGVkaW5XJmVkbT1BT1VQeGgwQkFBQUEmY2NiPTctNSZvaD0wMF9BWUNpRTN2ZHRtaXJBZnJTVDhZZUs5MERJRTB5MlBOR2I0SXY1bVhtMWNNMnpnJm9lPTY2NjA2MjRGJl9uY19zaWQ9OWRjNjYw.jpg" />

- "Poemas", Esther Ferrer's solo exhibition of the series "Poemas con números primos" (1980-) 🗓️ 15.09 > 05.11.22 ENG: «Esther Ferrer's interest in space, time and rhythm takes another form in the meticulous and mental work she has been doing with prime numbers since the 1970s. Through different visual systems she invents, the artist generates constellations that reveal a possible internal rhythm of the #primenumbers, a geometric harmony.» ESP: «El interés de Esther Ferrer por el espacio, el tiempo y el ritmo, toma otra forma en su trabajo minucioso y mental que lleva realizando con los número primos desde los años 70. A través de diferentes sistemas visuales que la artista inventa genera constelaciones que revelan un posible ritmo interno de los #númerosprimos, una armonía geométrica.» 📸 by: @polmasip ... Esther Ferrer Poema de los números primos 2020-2021 Marker pen in red, green, blue and pink; and pen on paper 87 x 87 cm / 97 x 97 cm (framed) ... Esther Ferrer Poema de los números primos. Serie Coupage 2021-2022 Acrilic paint on wood and tint 70 x 56 cm / 90 x 65 x 4 cm (framed) ... #EstherFerrer #angelsbarcelona #àngelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelonaartist #poemas #poemasconnúmerosprimos #art #artist #barcelona

9/29/2022, 12:55:15 PM

Poemas, de Esther Ferrer, hasta el 15 de noviembre en @angelsbarcelona Poems, by Esther Ferrer, at Angels Barcelona until 15th of November. #Barcelona #exposicion #exhibition #angelsbarcelona #agendacultural #estherferrer

9/26/2022, 7:48:22 PM

Luz de tarde📸 Candelabro de @yomutoatelier Cada pieza es única. #yomuto #yomutoatelier #angelsbarcelona #roomdiseño #candelabro #interiordesign #roomservicebcn #collectibledesign

9/25/2022, 6:55:01 PM

Luz de tarde @roomservicedesign @richardhuttenstudio @joanfontcuberta_ @angelsbarcelona @yomutoatelier #barcelonadesign #richardhutten #interiors #yomuto #joanfontcuberta #angelsbarcelona #designbarcelona #roomservicebcn #interiordesign

9/24/2022, 10:18:01 AM
05.11.22 ENG: «Esther Ferrer's interest in space, time and rhythm takes another form in the meticulous and mental work she has been doing with prime numbers since the 1970s. Through different visual systems she invents, the artist generates constellations that reveal a possible internal rhythm of the #primenumbers, a geometric harmony.» ESP: «El interés de Esther Ferrer por el espacio, el tiempo y el ritmo, toma otra forma en su trabajo minucioso y mental que lleva realizando con los número primos desde los años 70. A través de diferentes sistemas visuales que la artista inventa genera constelaciones que revelan un posible ritmo interno de los #númerosprimos, una armonía geométrica.» 📸 by: @ fotograf ... Esther Ferrer Poema de los números primos 2020-2021 Marker pen in red, green, blue and pink; and pen on paper 87 x 87 cm / 97 x 97 cm (framed) ... Esther Ferrer Poema de los números primos. Serie Coupage 2021-2022 Acrilic paint on wood and tint 70 x 56 cm / 90 x 65 x 4 cm (framed) ... #EstherFerrer #angelsbarcelona #àngelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelonaartist #poemas #poemasconnúmerosprimos #art #artist #barcelona" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hbXM0LTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS8zMDgwODU1MDdfNzkyMzc2Mjc1NDE5Nzc5XzcyMjMzODY3MjE0MTUwODg4MDNfbi5qcGc/c3RwPWRzdC1qcGdfZTM1X3MxMDgweDEwODAmX25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWFtczQtMS5jZG5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJl9uY19jYXQ9MTA3Jl9uY19vaGM9YUtnWmhFanQ3QzhRN2tOdmdHdV9DOTYmZWRtPUFPVVB4aDBCQUFBQSZjY2I9Ny01Jm9oPTAwX0FZQ0hEZFpGX1dPV3FYMjNPWGN2Nm0xWXlOWExnRVAySjdOeHpZYV9MbTlDdVEmb2U9NjY2MDVFOTQmX25jX3NpZD05ZGM2NjA=.jpg" />

👀NOW ON VIEW: "Poemas", Esther Ferrer's solo exhibition of the series "Poemas con números primos" (1980-) 🗓️ 15.09 > 05.11.22 ENG: «Esther Ferrer's interest in space, time and rhythm takes another form in the meticulous and mental work she has been doing with prime numbers since the 1970s. Through different visual systems she invents, the artist generates constellations that reveal a possible internal rhythm of the #primenumbers, a geometric harmony.» ESP: «El interés de Esther Ferrer por el espacio, el tiempo y el ritmo, toma otra forma en su trabajo minucioso y mental que lleva realizando con los número primos desde los años 70. A través de diferentes sistemas visuales que la artista inventa genera constelaciones que revelan un posible ritmo interno de los #númerosprimos, una armonía geométrica.» 📸 by: @ fotograf ... Esther Ferrer Poema de los números primos 2020-2021 Marker pen in red, green, blue and pink; and pen on paper 87 x 87 cm / 97 x 97 cm (framed) ... Esther Ferrer Poema de los números primos. Serie Coupage 2021-2022 Acrilic paint on wood and tint 70 x 56 cm / 90 x 65 x 4 cm (framed) ... #EstherFerrer #angelsbarcelona #àngelsbarcelona #angelsbarcelonaartist #poemas #poemasconnúmerosprimos #art #artist #barcelona

9/22/2022, 12:53:05 PM

Like an exciting back to school, Barcelona Gallery Weekend kicks off the city art season with some spectacular proposals by the participating galleries. We leave you a small selection of our highlights - more to come in the next days! Don't forget that the galleries will remain open until tomorrow after noon 😊

9/17/2022, 4:42:18 PM

✨✨✨ En esta séptima entrega conversamos con la artista referencial Esther Ferrer y Gabriela Moragas, galerista de àngels barcelona, que llevan trabajando juntas desde que iniciaron el proyecto, hace más de diez años. La conversación, con una de las pioneras de la performance en el Estado español, nos permite conocer su manera de relacionarse con las instituciones y los públicos, y a entender su práctica artística como un aprendizaje. Nos acercará también a su interés por los números primos, una dedicación que le viene de lejos y que ahora adquiere total actualidad por la coyuntura actual. ENG/ For this seventh conversation, we talk to renowned artist Esther Ferrer and Gabriela Moragas, the director of àngels barcelona, who have been working together since the project began over ten years ago. This exchange with one of the pioneers of performance art in Spain sheds light on her way of interacting with institutions and audiences and helps us to understand her artistic practice as a learning process. It also reveals her interest in prime numbers, a long-standing passion that has become all the more relevant in the current circumstances. CAT/ En aquest setè lliurament conversem amb l'artista referencial Esther Ferrer i Gabriela Moragas, galerista d’àngels barcelona, que porten treballant juntes des que van iniciar el projecte, fa més de deu anys. La conversa, amb una de les pioneres de la performance a l'Estat espanyol, ens permet conèixer la seva manera de relacionar-se amb les institucions i els públics, i entendre la seva pràctica artística com un aprenentatge. Ens acostarà també al seu interès pels nombres primers, una dedicació que li ve de lluny i que ara adquireix total actualitat degut a la conjuntura actual. #estherferrer #angelsbarcelona #primenumbers #barcelonagalleryweekend2022 #sitespecificconversation

9/9/2022, 1:21:49 PM

Detalles ✨✨✨ Piezas de @angelsbarcelona @vilatoivilato @lopezriveraarquitectes @piet_hein_eek @jaumeamigo @r.sanguino #ceramic #ceramicart #furnituredesign #interiordesign #jaumeamigó #pietheineek #angelsbarcelona #vilatoivilato #reinaldosanguino #barcelonadesign #roomservicebcn

7/9/2022, 8:58:39 AM

Mar Reykjavik: La Voltereta @ Ángels Barcelona. #marreykjavik #angelsbarcelona

7/1/2022, 3:02:08 PM

👩🏻‍💻 Ayer la ofi itinerante se plantó en la galería @angelsbarcelona! Nuestras vecinas nos acogieron tan bien como siempre y Sandra rememoró sus años universitarios en los que hacía prácticas en este espacio. ☁️ Además pudimos ver 'Remote hands' de Mario Santamaría, una expo que forma parte de la programación de @isea2022bcn y en la que se planea una reflexión acerca de la idea de internet como nube. Termina el día 25 así que id a verla, no os despistéis! #oficinaitinerante #oficinaitinerantegraf #lavidagraf #grafagenda #angelsbarcelona @angelsbarcelona #artbarcelona @artbarcelona_galleries #remotehands @m_msantamaria @isea2022bcn #isea2022 #isea2022barcelona #contemporaryart #artecontemporaneo #creaciocontemporania @quicopeinado @gabriela.moragas #espaisgraf

6/22/2022, 1:56:54 PM

Remote Hands, solo show @angelsbarcelona 📆 10.6 > 25.6.22 «In a comedy written by Aristophanes, Socrates (that had pended himself in a basket to elevate his thoughts and give them some air) attempts to persuade his conversation partner that only clouds inhabit the Olympus, “great gods for men free from the slavery of labour; they bring us intelligence, discourse, understanding, circumlocution, fantasy, attack and counterattack”. Aristophanes wrote The clouds to ridicule the sophists, those rhetoric masters who are experts in defending something and its opposite without even having to catch some air. The praising of clouds as if they were gods is, of course, a silly joke. Who would dare to adore such common and fleeting beings?» Excerpt from Joaquín Jesús Sánchez's (@joaquinjesussanchez) text written for this exhibition. "Cloudplexity", 2019- installation with 48 Digital prints on wood 21 x 30 cm. "Underdesk", 2022 Installation with desk, screen, hammock, metallic arm, cables and video Variable dimensions. photos by @polmasip This exhibition is part of @isea2022bcn ________ #internet #isea2022barcelona #remotehands #criticalart #mariosantamaria #angelsbarcelona

6/21/2022, 2:49:02 PM
25.6.22 Mario @m_msantamaria studies the phenomenon of the contemporary observer through representational practices and machine mediation. With this exposition he intends to put in a parenthesis the appearance of immateriality of the digital era, through a dialogue with pieces related to the materiality, visibility and representation of the internet. He wants us to realize that the data doesn´t ascend to a cloud, it descends to the hardware. A service offered by storage centers, to make remote maintenance on the machines of their clients, give name to the exhibition: Remote Hands. highlighting this way the priority of the concrete, these material storage centers, over the abstract, the alienated representation of the cloud. And reminds us of the alienation present in our relationship with the internet, that not only aparts us from our material surroundings but also from the fact it also participates in this material world. The series #Cloudplexity presents the difficulty to formally define the internet, showcasing various representations of it in the US Patent´s Archive since 1979 and allowing us to see the construction of the cloud metaphor as a means of connectedness. "Underdesk" invites the viewer to relax in a hammock and contemplate through a video the path of cables necessary to bring Internet connection inside the gallery. it also contains a mouse pad imprinted with Correggio´s "Jupiter and Io" presenting the cloud as a tricky disguise for immoral behavior for which Jupiter is later punished, invoking in us the perils of our uncritical connectedness happening through a tricky representational disguise. "Cloudplexity", 2019- installation with 48 Digital prints on wood 21 x 30 cm. "Underdesk", 2022 Installation with desk, screen, hammock, metallic arm, cables and video Variable dimensions. photos by @polmasip This exhibition is part of @isea2022bcn ________ #internet #isea2022barcelona #carravaggio #remotehands #criticalart #mariosantamaria #angelsbarcelona" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hbXM0LTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS8yODg2Nzc5NzJfNDM4ODkwODg3Njg5MzIxXzUzNDQ2ODM0Mjc1MzgxOTMwMTlfbi5qcGc/c3RwPWRzdC1qcGdfZTM1X3MxMDgweDEwODAmX25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWFtczQtMS5jZG5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJl9uY19jYXQ9MTA5Jl9uY19vaGM9bk9DWHZ1YWZlNE1RN2tOdmdHMExoZm4mZWRtPUFPVVB4aDBCQUFBQSZjY2I9Ny01Jm9oPTAwX0FZQ2NGbkIwZFYzZXk4dUZ3d0tvcUFJT2NyM2JNLTFtTVFjTHBsdklZODlzdEEmb2U9NjY2MDQ0MkEmX25jX3NpZD05ZGM2NjA=.jpg" />

- "Remote Hands, Mario Santamaría´s solo exhibition portraying the "Cloudplexity" (2019-) series and the "Underdesk" (2022) installation 📆10.6 > 25.6.22 Mario @m_msantamaria studies the phenomenon of the contemporary observer through representational practices and machine mediation. With this exposition he intends to put in a parenthesis the appearance of immateriality of the digital era, through a dialogue with pieces related to the materiality, visibility and representation of the internet. He wants us to realize that the data doesn´t ascend to a cloud, it descends to the hardware. A service offered by storage centers, to make remote maintenance on the machines of their clients, give name to the exhibition: Remote Hands. highlighting this way the priority of the concrete, these material storage centers, over the abstract, the alienated representation of the cloud. And reminds us of the alienation present in our relationship with the internet, that not only aparts us from our material surroundings but also from the fact it also participates in this material world. The series #Cloudplexity presents the difficulty to formally define the internet, showcasing various representations of it in the US Patent´s Archive since 1979 and allowing us to see the construction of the cloud metaphor as a means of connectedness. "Underdesk" invites the viewer to relax in a hammock and contemplate through a video the path of cables necessary to bring Internet connection inside the gallery. it also contains a mouse pad imprinted with Correggio´s "Jupiter and Io" presenting the cloud as a tricky disguise for immoral behavior for which Jupiter is later punished, invoking in us the perils of our uncritical connectedness happening through a tricky representational disguise. "Cloudplexity", 2019- installation with 48 Digital prints on wood 21 x 30 cm. "Underdesk", 2022 Installation with desk, screen, hammock, metallic arm, cables and video Variable dimensions. photos by @polmasip This exhibition is part of @isea2022bcn ________ #internet #isea2022barcelona #carravaggio #remotehands #criticalart #mariosantamaria #angelsbarcelona

6/17/2022, 12:05:26 PM

🔮EXPOSICIONS ART NOU '22 "La Voltereta" de Mar Reykjavik a @angelsbarcelona Del 30/6 al 3/9 💥 "La voltereta" és una pel·lícula formada per nou actes i una escultura circular feta de vareta de fusta, de falla. Allò que ocorre des que un cos deixa d’estar en el seu eix fins que el recupera. Allò que neix de la necessitat d’articular el present i els seus presents. Els fets, ‘la hechidad’. Els actes -actituds- les actualitats. La Tombarella és un crit des de i cap a la convivència de presents. Cinc són els actes que la conformen. Més. Nou. El cinquè ens retorna quatre actes següents que responen als cinc anteriors. El muntatge respon també a l’estructura de la mateixa tombarella. Que es desplega. Que podem fer allò que puguem pensar. Els seus actes s’arrosseguen. La Tombarella i la tombarella tenen dues parts: l’impuls i la volta. + info a (🔗link a la bio) ⏳ #artnou2022 #artnou #artnouprimeravisio #angelsbarcelona #marreykjavik #lavoltereta #artbarcelonagalleries #contemporaryart #contemporaryartgallery #artcontemporani #artejoven #artbarcelona

6/13/2022, 7:17:56 PM

🟡 🎍The Bamboo works from the ”Nature is an Experiment” series (2020) of artist Ania Soliman are a bright pop of colour, bursting from the page. The drawings on paper represent artificial bamboo plants, commenting on nature and its various technologies. The works simultaneously highlight the perils of mass overproduction while also representing hope - the artificial plants “show how we love and desire nature even in its most alienated manifestations.”

6/13/2022, 1:32:41 PM