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#food #travel #sports #news #june #saturday

Low self esteem stops us from truly knowing who we are and keeps us from living a sweet life. #selflove #selfesteem #suzannefensin #personalgrowth #selfbelief #soulgrowth

1/31/2023, 11:30:31 PM

If you are Remembering and unsure as to what to do with the information you are receiving, schedule a free clarity session with me. I would love to shine light on your magnificence. #suzannefensin #soulpurpose #lifepurpose #lifepurposecoach #healingjourney #expandingconsciousness

1/9/2023, 9:20:50 PM

Humans are born with an indomitable spirit. Don't let the illusion take that away from you. #suzannefensin #spirituality #indomitable #dontgiveup #lifepurpose

1/4/2023, 3:27:28 PM

Let's get 2023 off to a great start. #newyearresolutions #lifedirection #soulpurpose #intentions #intentionalliving #suzannefensin

1/2/2023, 3:04:58 PM

May the light of the season shine brightly in your heart throughout the year and I wish you unexpected delights in 2023. #suzannefensin #happyholidays #heartlight #soulpurpose #spiritualmentor

12/19/2022, 4:48:30 AM

You are the light of the world. - Yeshua #lightbearer #suzannefensin #soulpurpose #expandingconciousness #lightworker #lightwarriors #heartlight

11/7/2022, 3:22:40 PM

Woo Hoo! I was invited to share my spiritual mentoring on the Meet The Elite Podcast. My short 5-minute promo has blossomed into a weekly 5-week podcast, starting October 18th at 9:30 am Pacific Time. Check it out and share your thoughts with me. #personaldevelopment #suzannefensin #spiritualawakening #lifechange #soulpurpose #spirituality #soulwisdom #enlightenment #spiritualjourney

10/17/2022, 8:21:36 PM

Today is such a powerful day, energetically. Every year, August 8 is a powerfiul day for letting go, going within, and creating what you want in your life. However, this year is even more powerful. You may be feeling "off" mentally, emotionally, and/or physically. I feel like I'm experiencing a universal spin cycle. What no longer serves me is spun off to be transmuted, leaving the clean, enlightened version of me. I have worked long and hard to release the gunk that weighed me down, but there was still some stuck hard in those hidden spaces. My body let me know enough was enough with a complete collapse and intense pain which immobilized me. It feels good to release the gunk, though I feel vulnerable and somewhat spacey and lost. So, today I rest and gain my feet again, and I'm looking forward to my new stronger, more vibrant self. How are you doing? What are you experiencing during this most auspicious time in human history? I am happy to support you in your journey. None of us does this alone. Message me if you would like to chat. Wishing you joy in creating your new reality! 🙂 expandingconsciousness #suzannefensin #soulpurposeguidance #soulpurposecoach #lionsgateportal #ascensionsymptoms #creatingyourreality #planetaryascension

8/8/2022, 8:04:40 PM

"...At a time when you're searching for stable ground in outer truth, it's only the inner domain through which it ever could be found." Excerpt from Pleiadian Channelling via Micheila Sheldan. #stability #personaldevelopment #innertruth #lifepurpose #spiritualawakening #suzannefensin

7/29/2022, 4:14:51 PM

The negative energies that affect oneself internally and externally causes discord in the state of the body, opening small holes (portals) in the microbes, making it easier for astral beings and alien energies to enter, but now the earth's waves have risen, the emotional states are stabilizing and harmonizing and the microbes are fully recovered, the body begins to change to let go of disease, aging and death. Any negative energy that influences them either from without or from within can make a breach in them that becomes a mini-portal facilitating penetration of astral beings and alien energies into your energy space.Now Earth’s vibrations are increasing, a reverse process is being triggered. While your emotional state starts getting leveled and harmonized and your subtle bodies are returning to their wholeness, your physical body will start changing, getting rid of diseases, aging and death. ~ Father God Copied from #healingenergy #spiritualawakening #ascension #suzannefensin #spirituality #earthvibrations #lightworkers

7/26/2022, 1:38:00 PM

Gratitude can change the trajectory of your life. It's the start of a new week. Let's start it with some gratitude. #suzannefensin #gratitude #personaldevelopment #lifepurpose

7/25/2022, 4:36:43 PM

I had a wonderful time interviewing Joy Nied of Finding Cosmic Joy. We talked about spirituality and consciousness. Find joy here on Instagram @FindingCosmicJoy. Her website is Here is the interview. If you resonate with this interview, follow me here. My website is Join my email list for a free Soul Blueprint Reading. #suzannefensin #personaldevelopment #spiritualawakening #lifecoach #soulpurpose #spirituality #soulwisdom #enlightenment #spiritualjourney Https://

7/18/2022, 5:55:24 PM

Instagram isn't letting me post my video so I am putting the link here. These are challenging times, especially for purpose-seekers. If you feel lost and that leads to self-judgement and frustration, this video will give you insights as to what the feeling of lost is and why it's important to your purpose journey. If you;re feeling lost and would like support in navigating through it, I am happy to offer you a free 30 minute clarity session. Click this link to schedule: Also, if you would like to see your progress in building your spiritual foundation for your journey, I am offering my free Spiritual Assessment. Click here for instant access: #suzannefensin #spirituality #personaldevelopment #spiritualawakening #lifepurpose #soulpurpose #spiritualgrowth #lifecoach

7/12/2022, 7:55:38 PM

We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims. Buckminster Fuller Expansion and growth doesn't come from victim consciousness. It is a very different energy. Expansion and growth comes from a passion for change and self-empowerment. Do you have a passion to create something amazing, even though you can't quite see it yet? #suzannefensin #visionaries #architectsofchange #lifepurpose #souljourney #future

7/11/2022, 7:42:09 PM

It's been a busy week. Did you achieve one or more of your goals. Please share so we can give you kudos!🥰 #suzannefensin #goalsetting #accomplissement #spiritual_awareness #personaldevelopment

7/8/2022, 7:32:24 PM

In this video I am sharing 5 tips to helping you embody your purpose. From self-care to taking advantage of opportunities when they come knocking, we all need a little boost when it comes to activating our soul purpose and living the life we desire. Here's a fun spiritual assessment you can complete to see how you're doing in your consciousness expanding journey. When complete, you can choose to connect with me for a free clarity call to discuss your results and help you move forward. #suzannefensin #spiritualawakening #personaldevelopment #soulpurpose #lifepurposecoach

7/6/2022, 10:31:18 PM

With practice, you’ll move away from ego and limited perception, and toward empowerment to step into the next phase of your evolution. If you are ready for the next phase of your life, but don't know where to start, connect with me for virtual coffee or tea and a chat to get you started. Here's a convenient link to schedule: For more information, please visit my website: #personaldevelopment #lifechange #spiritualawakening #coaching #soulpurpose #suzannefensin

7/5/2022, 8:26:50 PM

For all you Kings, Vagabonds, and wide-eyed wanderers, the June 6, 2022 portal is open and affecting us in various and powerful ways. The 6 signifys LOVE so we are experiencing triple the love. Be gentle with yourselves and feel the feels, they may be intense expansive love for yourself, humanity, the world, and the cosmos. Or, you may feel humanity's sadness, lostness, and depression. Whatever comes up, touch it with your awareness, bless it, and let it flow through you and on. We are all cleansing, clearing, and replenishing. Love yourself and all of humanity for the amazing journey we're on. This song feels so appropriate for this moment so I thought I would share. Enjoy. Can You Feel The Love - Elton John #suzannefensin #spiritualawakening #planetaryawakening #portal #lifepurpose #soulpurpose

6/3/2022, 5:56:48 PM

What happens inside you when you forsake your own feelings to be accepted by others. Tell me about a time you felt you needed to do this and how it made you feel. #shaming #suzannefensin #feelings #innerwisdom #soulpath

5/9/2022, 10:01:15 PM

Timelines are how individuals and the human collective creates its reality at any given moment. Each person creates an infinite number of realities based on thoughts and actions, and experiences. Multiply that by 7 - 8 billion people on the planet and you have an incalculable number of realities. Many of those realities are similar and flow together, forming a collective thought, emotion, etc. We are the creators of our reality. So, if you ever find yourself asking, "Why is this happening to me?", your answer is, "You created that situation and you can create it differently." #suzannefensin #timelines #quantumphysics #reality

5/5/2022, 8:25:03 PM

Does this strike a chord in you? So many make excuses as a way to avoid self-examination, which only makes matters worse. Your soul wants you to be free and empowered. If you don't like the world the way it is, change it, by changing YOU. Take that first bold step of becoming aware of and honoring your uniqueness. Who are you, really? When was there a time when you were blissfully happy? How old were you? What were you doing? Who were you with? How does it feel now to remember? Take that step. Each day work on identifying and releasing what no longer brings you joy in your life. Make a conscious effort to replace them with things that make you feel good. This can be thoughts, interactions, or physical things. Journal, meditate, dream. If you feel a little shaky in doing this by yourself, I am happy to share helpful tools. Sending you courage to change your world!❤️ #suzannefensin #livinginfear #expandingconsciousness #healingthesoul #soulpurpose #soulpurposecoach

4/28/2022, 6:04:40 PM

Laughter is the best medicine. It can be a terrific thought pattern disruptor. Did you have anything silly or funny happen today? How did you feel afterwards? Please share. #suzannefensin #patterndisruptor #laughterisgoodforthesoul

4/27/2022, 12:01:36 AM

It's self-care Sunday! Are you drinking in the nectar of the delights in your life? Are you resting, hydrating, or reading a good book? Meeting with friends or family? Perhaps enjoying nature or doing something different from your normal routine? No matter what day it is, self-care is important in this chaotic environment. When you feel yourself getting anxious or stressed out, stop and take a deep breath, hold it for a couple of seconds, and let it go. It works even better when you can take that deep breath in and out through the mouth. Do this until you feel a shift or more flow in your energy. This helps to move energy out of your body so it doesn't build up. So what is your self-care for today? #suzannefensin #selfcaresunday #lovelife

4/24/2022, 4:44:47 PM

Last call to sign up for my free transformational workshop April 23rd at 8 am (pacific time). You will learn things about yourself you never knew and have fun in the process. Find out why being aligned with your soul purpose is so important in these times. Click here to register: #superpowers #suzannefensin #selfempowered #soulpurpose #soulgrowth #selfaware

4/22/2022, 7:01:59 PM

There's a lot of noise out there distracting us from our purpose. Have you felt scattered, maybe starting projects and not finishing them? Perhaps you know your purpose but just can't seem to achieve it because there's too many moving parts. Do you seek purpose only to have your inner voice drowned out by conditioning or others' expectations? If any of this sounds like you, I would love for you to join me April 23rd for my free 4-hour workshop, "Unlock Your Life Purpose Secrets." I'll share the reason why there's so much confusion around purpose, what your superpower is, and how to move ahead in your purpose quest with confidence and empowerment You'll learn a lot about yourself in a high energy supportive environment. Here's the link to register: I hope to see you there! Check out my services on my web page: #suzannefensin #soulpurpose #soulpurposeguidance #lifepurpose #lifepurposecoach #soulawakening #akashicrecords

4/21/2022, 12:28:48 AM

Are you feeling the mega energies flooding our planet? These energies are stimulating our souls to expand so you may be feeling a strong nudge to BE your own creator instead of following along with the illusory reality. How do you do that? With the intense cleansing energy and planetary alignments, we are being given a very rare chance to reset our lives and start again. This global cycle we are experiencing is bringing significant opportunities for all who are ready to co-create on a new more illuminating level. This is the perfect time to broaden our understanding of our soul's desire and flow with what is revealed. To connect more deeply with what your soul wants you to know, join me for my free transformational workshop, Unlock Your Life Purpose Secrets, April 23rd at 8 am (Pacific Time). I will introduce you to the sacred sound codes in your name which determine your reality and how you can create the life you desire. To register, click here:

4/16/2022, 7:52:05 PM

What is your soul purpose? Do you sometimes feel frustrated or confused because you feel like there is so much more that you can be doing with your life but you just can't see it? Do you feel scattered when your creativity kicks in and you see yourself starting but not finishing projects? Do you feel ungrounded and not want to be here in this crazy mixed up world? If any of this sounds familiar, you could benefit from a Soul Blueprint Reading, based on the sacred sound codes in your name. If you question your purpose or why your life is the way it is, your soul blueprint gives you the answer direct from your soul. Wouldn't it be nice to finally have self-confidence and empowerment to know why you are here and how to align with your soul to create the life you desire? If this sounds familiar, I invite you to connect with me. I will be sharing more information about this ancient and little known wisdom in upcoming posts. For more information, please visit my webpage. #suzannefensin, #soulpurpose, #soulawakening, #souldestiny, #lifepurposecoach, #creationcodes

3/31/2022, 6:12:47 PM

What we believe about our soul's purpose in life becomes the foundation upon which creative energy flows. It's through this belief that we become a participant in our soul's divine plan and karmic destiny. 😊 #spirituality #consciousness #soulpurpose #souldestiny #suzannefensin

2/1/2022, 8:51:58 PM

We are all love, connected to all that is. Shine on! #suzannefensin #spiritualawakening #spirituality #consciousness #awakeningconsciousness #ascension #enlightenment

12/16/2021, 6:09:24 PM

Too many have been conditioned to not stand alone, be themselves, or know how to stand together. Now is the time to change all that. #suzannefensin #standstrong #standtogether #spiritualgrowth

12/15/2021, 4:52:33 PM

Hello, I'm Suzanne Fensin, Soul Blueprint Illuminator and Author, connecting folks seeking purpose to the sacred sound codes in their name which provides them with their soul-level life purpose blueprint. This is another tid-bit in my New You, New World series about where I see humanity in this moment and where we're going. If you would like to catch my other tid-bits, follow me here and join my Facebook group where you'll find free spiritual growth tools. #suzannefensin #lifepurpose #lifepurposecoach #humanevolution #spiritual #ascension

12/10/2021, 1:38:23 AM

Profound words for profound times. #suzannefensin #ascension #spiritualgrowth #lifepurpose #servinghumanity #findingpurpose

12/8/2021, 12:14:42 AM

Great words to live by. I like #2 the best. How about you? #suzannefensin #life purpose #spiritualgrowth #catinthehatmemes

12/7/2021, 12:42:32 AM

My last self-leadership tid-bit was about finding the hero within instead of seeking someone else to lead you. Be your own amazing. To learn how to embrace your own hero within, follow me or join my FB group for free trainings and support. #suzannefensin #heroes #spiritualgrowth #personaldevelopment #lifepurpose #lifepurposecoach #spiritualgrowthcoach

12/3/2021, 6:24:29 PM

The holiday season has begun. As we move through the season of beauty, love, and sharing, practice self-awareness. Throughout your experiences, be aware of what is said, felt, and observed. Go within to honor the moment to find the nugget of higher meaning. There is such magic to behold when we're in the present moment and aware. #suzannefensin #selfawareness #personaldevelopment #spiritualgrowth #happyholidays #highermeaning

12/2/2021, 7:08:39 PM

It's true. Your whole soul-level life roadmap is right in your name. Do you feel stuck and frustrated? Clear your blocks to finding your purpose quickly and easily. Learn what your soul wants you to know. # Join me on Facebook for free trainings. ❤️ #suzanneFensin #lifepurpose #soulawakening #spiritualgrowth #lifepurposecoach #personaldevelopment

12/2/2021, 6:56:24 PM