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5  Website Load Time Hacks.<br /><br />1. Minimise HTTP Requests:🕹<br />80% of loading time is spent downloading page elements.Each of these has a HTTP request. Therefore the lower the requests, the faster the load time. <br />2. Optimise Large Images:📸
When a website has too many large images, loading time is longer. It’s crucial to use image optimisation tools that help large images load more quickly than they otherwise would. <br />3. Structure HTML 💻
Your website has primary content and secondary content structured in HTML. Non-structured configurations load non-essential (secondary content) like sidebars and plugins, which make load-times slow. Load above the fold content first. <br />4. Enable Caching for Mobile Users 📲
The majority of mobile users will wait only 5 seconds for a page to load on their devices. A  growing around of consumers are using mobile devices to surf the web. Considering mobile load speed is imperative to web success.
<br />5. Update the site to use Lazy Loading 😴
Lazy loading prevents all parts of the page from loading at once, similar to structuring HTML, combing this with Lazy Loading will load primary HTML fist and load non-essential components later. <br />Want to know how you can generate more leads through simple online business techniques. Comment “Learn” and we will send you more details for FREE.

5 Website Load Time Hacks.

1. Minimise HTTP Requests:🕹
80% of loading time is spent downloading page elements.Each of these has a HTTP request. Therefore the lower the requests, the faster the load time.
2. Optimise Large Images:📸
When a website has too many large images, loading time is longer. It’s crucial to use image optimisation tools that help large images load more quickly than they otherwise would.
3. Structure HTML 💻
Your website has primary content and secondary content structured in HTML. Non-structured configurations load non-essential (secondary content) like sidebars and plugins, which make load-times slow. Load above the fold content first.
4. Enable Caching for Mobile Users 📲
The majority of mobile users will wait only 5 seconds for a page to load on their devices. A growing around of consumers are using mobile devices to surf the web. Considering mobile load speed is imperative to web success.

5. Update the site to use Lazy Loading 😴
Lazy loading prevents all parts of the page from loading at once, similar to structuring HTML, combing this with Lazy Loading will load primary HTML fist and load non-essential components later.
Want to know how you can generate more leads through simple online business techniques. Comment “Learn” and we will send you more details for FREE.

6/1/2020, 5:16:36 PM