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While you may not be able to play out in your mind all the good reasons for saying no to keeping a secret, you know that keeping secrets typically comes from reactivity and leads to harmful outcomes. If you grew up under the threat of harm if you didn't keep a secret, you may need the consistent support of others to be able to stand in your truth, say no, and experience safety. Relating to privacy from a place of agency and discernment, you can decide to keep something private, not out of fear or shame, but because it is a way of taking care of yourself or honoring something special within yourself or between you and another. You recognize that not everyone can meet what you have to share with the kind of presence you would like, thus, it is better to keep it private. Sometimes just you meeting your own experience is enough and is what most honors that experience. At other times keeping something private, can support differentiation. It's okay to have some things/experiences that are just yours. Keeping something special to yourself is not the same as keeping a secret or hiding. When old hurt around secrecy and privacy begins to heal, you have space to become more aware of what truly contributes to life. Situation by situation you can notice when it is helpful to share something and when it is helpful to keep it to yourself. You can track the impact on another person and yourself in a given moment. And you can track relationships over time and notice what kind of sharing is truly supportive of that relationship. . . . . . . #secrets #secret #family #fam #trauma #traumahealing #secretkeeper #addiction #acoa #recovery #recoveryispossible #mentalhealthrecovery #adultchildren #privacy #privacyplease #boundaries #healthyboundaries #realrecovery #abuse #interpersonalneurobiology #besselvanderkolk #thebodykeepsthescore #attachmenttheory #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #mindfulliving #hakomi #hakomitherapy

5/23/2024, 3:38:34 AM

Simply reflecting back what you heard in short phrases or single words, or offering guesses about feelings and needs, helps someone find more connection with themselves and thus more access to what's alive in them to share. . . . . . #emotions #feels #feelings #emotionskills #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #interpersonalneurobiology #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #howtolove #depression #anxiety #lonliness #trauma #traumahealing #attachmenttheory #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #hakomi

5/23/2024, 2:04:15 AM

In Hakomi, Mindfulness is nothing more than the on-purpose paying attention to what’s happening inside of us in any given moment. It’s a pause. It’s a reflection. And it brings us closer to ourselves. 👥 Stephen here. I had the honor and pleasure of working with my Hakomi colleagues and trainer Deah Baird again recently. In the training, she shared this lovely quote about Hakomi and Mindfulness. ❣️ Also wanna let you know that I’m currently taking new somatic psychotherapy clients! Interested in having a free consultation to see if we’d be a good fit for working together? Follow our link in the bio to schedule or contact me! 🙂 #hakomi #somatichealing #somatictherapy #pdxwellness #pdxcounseling #swpdx

5/23/2024, 1:11:23 AM

Alle therapeutischen Schulen betonen die Wichtigkeit der vertrauen- und sicherheitsherstellenden, von Mitgefühl und Zuversicht geprägten Grundhaltung des Therapeuten. Der wohl bedeutendste allgemeine Wirkfaktor in der Psychotherapie, die therapeutische Beziehung, wird in der HAKOMI Methode in besonderer Weise genutzt. Das Beziehungsangebot wird als Loving Presence beschrieben. Diese Haltung, fußend auf den Grundprinzipen der HAKOMI Methode, schafft nicht nur die Basis für das Einlassen auf Veränderungsprozesse, sondern ist selbst Faktor des Heilungsprozesses und wunderbare Unterstützung für die Selbstfürsorge des Therapeuten. Der Zustand von Loving Presence – liebender Präsenz – ist getragen von der warmherzigen, absichtslosen Offenheit des „Ich nehme dich an mit allem, was dich ausmacht“, eine „Verneigung vor dir als einzigartigen Entwurf des Univer sums und deiner Wirkung auf die Welt“. In dieser Fortbildung werden wir gemeinsam ein Erfahrungsfeld erschaffen, in dem die wesentlichen Aspekte von Loving Presence im Mittelpunkt stehen und erfahrbar werden. Dazu dienen uns unter anderem geleitete Meditationen, Achtsamkeitsorientierte Experimente, achtsame Selbsterforschung und Prozessbegleitung. Das praxisorientierte Angebot richtet sich an Psychotherapeut* innen und Menschen helfender Berufe, die sich dem Bewusstseinszustand Loving Presence und seiner transformativen Kraft vertiefend widmen wollen. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich. Geleitet von Helga Holzapfel und Nicole Gäbler, belaufen sich die Kosten für diesen besonders beliebten Lehrgang auf 480€, als Frühbucher werden nur 440€ fällig. Der nächste Lehrgang findet in Wien statt, wird aber auch in Passau angeboten. #hakomi #ronkurtz #workshop #meditation #natur #verbundenheit #lovingpresence #beziehung #partnerschaft #beziehungsebene #liebendepräsenz

5/22/2024, 9:43:03 PM

Fortsetzung (Part 2 v 2): Psycholog:in ist gleich Psychotherapeut:in? FALSCH! Psycholog:in oder Psychotherapeut:in? Die Berufsbezeichnungen werden oft verwechselt oder auch synonym verwendet. Das ist allerdings falsch. Und: seit einer Reform des Psychotherapeuten-Gesetzes gibt es außerdem noch die Unterscheidung zwischen Psychologischen Psychotherapeut:innen und Fach-Psychotherapeut:innen. Hier erklär ich dir die drei Berufsbilder und wo ihre Unterschiede liegen. Wenn du es noch detaillierter wissen willst, schau in meinen Blog unter: www.sabineruesing.de/blog / Link in Bio. Deine Sabine #sabinerüsing #psychotherapie #psychotherapiemünchen #blog_psychotherapie #psychologin #psychotherapeutin #psychotherapiebewegt #psychotherapieerkärt #Körperpsychotherapie #Hakomi #embodiment #Achtsamkeit #achtsamkeitsbasiertepsychotherapie #psychologischeBeratung #psychischeGesundheit #seelischeGesundheit #mentaleGesundheit #mentalhealth #mentalload #glaubenssätze #integrität #selbstfürsorge #resilienz #therapeutenfinden #therapieplatzsuche #psychotherapiejetzt #bindungsorientiert #polyvagal #traumasensibel #queersensibel

5/22/2024, 1:14:15 PM

Psycholog:in ist gleich Psychotherapeut:in? FALSCH! Psycholog:in oder Psychotherapeut:in? Die Berufsbezeichnungen werden oft verwechselt oder auch synonym verwendet. Das ist allerdings falsch. Und: seit einer Reform des Psychotherapeuten-Gesetzes gibt es außerdem noch die Unterscheidung zwischen Psychologischen Psychotherapeut:innen und Fach-Psychotherapeut:innen. Hier erklär ich dir die drei Berufsbilder und wo ihre Unterschiede liegen. Wenn du es noch detaillierter wissen willst, schau in meinen Blog unter: www.sabineruesing.de/blog / Link in Bio. Deine Sabine #sabinerüsing #psychotherapie #psychotherapiemünchen #blog_psychotherapie #psychologin #psychotherapeutin #psychotherapiebewegt #psychotherapieerkärt #Körperpsychotherapie #Hakomi #embodiment #Achtsamkeit #achtsamkeitsbasiertepsychotherapie #psychologischeBeratung #psychischeGesundheit #seelischeGesundheit #mentaleGesundheit #mentalhealth #mentalload #glaubenssätze #integrität #selbstfürsorge #resilienz #therapeutenfinden #therapieplatzsuche #psychotherapiejetzt #bindungsorientiert #polyvagal #traumasensibel #queersensibel

5/22/2024, 1:11:54 PM

Reflect on reactivity. When you are reactive, seize the opportunity to study how it came about, what signs and symptoms were present. Notice thoughts, body posture, memories, impulses, words, body sensations, feelings, needs, beliefs. . . . . . . #mindfulness #compassion #bodycenteredtherapy #hakomi #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #emotions #feelings #mindful #mentalhealthrecovery #mindfulliving #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #interpersonalneurobiology #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #howtolove #depression #anxiety #lonliness #trauma #traumahealing #attachmenttheory #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #mindfulness #hakomi #dailyquotes

5/21/2024, 10:07:16 PM

Hakomi is the therapeutic expression of a specific set of Principles: Unity Mind-Body Holism Organicity Mindfulness Nonviolence and Loving Presence Each principle translates into particular practices and ways of being that evoke clients’ innate impulses toward healing. The first concern of the Hakomi faculty is to encourage our students to understand, embrace, and adhere to the Hakomi Principles, which Ron Kurtz described as the “theoretical underpinnings of the work.” This task requires a heartfelt, long-term commitment to personal and professional growth for participants. Toward that end, the curriculum incorporates kinesthetic, visual, and auditory teaching modalities that engage the body and mind of our students to support whole-person learning. Both in-person and virtual programs are dynamic and interactive, combining lectures with experiential activities, demonstrations, practice sessions, and inner exploration of how to “be” a therapist. Discover more at HakomiInstitute.com #hakomi #therapy #somatics #somatic #mindfulness #psychotherapy #holistictherapy #somaticpsychotherapy #lovingpresence #professionaldevelopment #HakomiMethod #mentalhealth #trauma #traumarecovery #resilience #selfcare #selfhealing #attachment

5/21/2024, 4:11:39 PM

Der Prozess des Nicht-Tuns Alltagsbewusstsein allein ist meistens kein wirksames Mittel, um tiefere Ebenen unseres Selbst zu erfahren. Der/die Beobachter*in in uns ermöglicht den Kontakt mit der „Quelle“. Entdecken und Bejahen des inneren Seins, wird vom Vertrauten auf die menschliche Fähigkeit zur Selbsttranszendenz getragen. Im Körper bewusst verweilen zu können, lässt uns den Kontakt zu einem „Selbst“ finden (embodying), das unserem Wunsch nach Identität in größerer und tieferer Weise gerecht wird. Wenn ich unmittelbare Verbundenheit mit mir selbst und der Welt erlebe, nenne ich das einen „wesentlichen Moment“. Dann steigt eine Freude aus dem Nichts auf, eine grundlose Freude, die uns zu unserer Wahrheit jenseits von Tun und Nicht-Tun führt. Die Wirklichkeit und wir selbst bleiben ein Mysterium, das gelebt werden will, und eben nicht ein Problem, eine Frage, die erst noch gelöst werden müsste – Ich bin bereits. Um den Prozess zu unterstützen, wird im Wesentlichen auf die HAKOMI Methode und Szenisches HAKOMI zurückgegriffen. Es ist insbesondere Raum zum Einüben einiger Interventionstechniken vorgesehen, sowie für Übungen und Prozesse. Das Angebot richtet sich sowohl an Personen, die therapeutisch, beratend oder begleitend tätig sind als auch an interessierte Laien. Geleitet von Ulrich Holzapfel findet ein Workshop in Stuttgart und einer in Berlin statt, wobei die Kosten bei 370€ liegen, für Frühbucher entfallen 30€. #hakomi #ronkurtz #fotografie #natur #nichtstun #bewusstsein #coaching #hakomimethode #hakomiinstitute #selbstbewusstsein #selbststerfahrung #fokus #szenischeshakomi #öko

5/21/2024, 12:44:40 PM

When navigating any relationship, you might find yourself asking if it is okay to have particular boundaries, to decide that particular behavior is a deal-breaker, or to make certain requests. You ask, “Should I expect this need to be met? Or, “Am I supposed to be okay with this behavior?” Unfortunately the state of mind that asks questions like these is not the state of mind that can answer them. If you look for rules about what is supposed to happen or to others for advice about what boundaries you are “allowed” to set, or what requests are okay to make, you only find a mess of conflicting opinions. The truth is that you get to decide what a deal-breaker is for you in any relationship. You get to decide where you want to invest your energy and where you don't. Making these decisions is about asking questions that help you understand your experience and connect you with your heart. When you are connected to your heart, you ask questions that reveal what’s truly nourishing and in integrity for you. You also naturally consider the impact of your decisions on others. Being present in your heart isn't about chasing romantic fantasies or trying to make everyone happy. It's about having the courage to face each moment as it is, identifying what's really true for you, and acting on that truth. An aliveness and vibrancy in your life comes from a present moment responsiveness that arises from a deep sense of self-connection. Read more! Link in bio >> "Deal-breakers and Staying with Yourself" . . . . . #boundaries #relationships #dealbreaker #dating #relationship #pdx #interpersonalneurbiology #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #hakomi #nvc

5/20/2024, 3:22:17 PM

Un dia donde he compartido mi mundo profesional con mi familia. Disfrutando de actividades, yoga, capoeira, arte terapia y maravillosos encuentros sanadores. Disfrutando Con @equilibriumfestsl y el equipo profesional de @coopterapeutas Presentando el MASTER de Profesionalidad Terapéutica #MPT #FORMACION #hakomi #formacionesparaterapeutas

5/18/2024, 5:43:44 PM

The next time someone close to you begins to share intimately, practice offering presence by relaxing your places of tension in your body, resting a soft curiosity on the other's sharing, and quieting your own thoughts and views. . . . . . #intimacy #relationshipgoals #presence #emotions #feels #feelings #emotionskills #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #interpersonalneurobiology #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #howtolove #depression #anxiety #lonliness #trauma #traumahealing #attachmenttheory #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #hakomi #dailyquotes #quotes #inspirationalquotes

5/17/2024, 3:53:31 PM
Latest Gem . . . . . . #reactivity #conflict #regulation #attachmenttheory #emotionalregulation #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nvc #hakomi #pdx" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS80NDQ0NzAyNTRfMTYyODgwNDczMTMwODg5OV8zMTYxODk0MzUwODEwNDUxMzI2X24uanBnP3N0cD1kc3QtanBnX2UxNV9mcl9zMTA4MHgxMDgwJl9uY19odD1zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbSZfbmNfY2F0PTExMSZfbmNfb2hjPVYyckhNVVMwSU53UTdrTnZnR2lsUll4JmVkbT1BT1VQeGgwQkFBQUEmY2NiPTctNSZvaD0wMF9BWUNKbUwwdjM4RjJ4VVpTQTc2NGJvRGo5aGJCMDk5TW1jeUs3ZnptdjJmdTJ3Jm9lPTY2NTUwMTg1Jl9uY19zaWQ9OWRjNjYw.jpg" />

You know it’s important to take a timeout when you notice reactivity. Yet, when you come back to try again, you often get caught by the same reactivity. In a recent couples' workshop, a participant said, "After so many years together we have learned to take a timeout before we say things we regret, but when we come back together we're still angry. Nothing has changed." Taking an effective timeout requires intention and skill. Let’s look at a few simple steps. 1. Create an agreement for timeouts First, set up a standing agreement about calling timeouts and a time to check in for readiness to start again. For example, an agreement might sound like this: “Either of us can call a timeout at any time with no explanation. Each of us will immediately drop the topic at hand. An hour later we will come back to finish the dialogue or set up a time to talk another day.” 2. Set your intention and engage in regulation Next, set your intention to release your argument and come back to a centered place in yourself. Then engage in regulation strategies. You can find a handout called “Emotional Regulation” on the Wise Heart website here (https://www.wiseheartpdx.org/handouts). A regulation strategy is something that helps your body come back to its baseline rhythms and supports a return to mindfulness. 3. Turn toward your experience with compassion and reassurance, then anchor Once you have a sense of regulation, immediately, relate to your experience with compassion and reassurance. Use the tone of voice and words you would use with a close friend who had just had a painful argument or disconnect with someone they love. It might sound something like this, “This is hard. It’s so uncomfortable to have this disconnect between us. I feel agitated and sad. I can be with this. It’s okay. These are just feelings and sensations. They will pass and I will find my center again. I will be able to reconnect with the other person.” Next, engage your anchor. Read more! Link in bio > Latest Gem . . . . . . #reactivity #conflict #regulation #attachmenttheory #emotionalregulation #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nvc #hakomi #pdx

5/17/2024, 3:53:17 PM

Integrar todo lo que somos, amar incluso aquello que nos duele. Superar las creencias limitantes que nos impiden realizar lo que soñamos. Todo eso y más está en tus manos, solo tienes que decidirte a comenzar tu proceso de autodescubrimiento. Marca, haz tu cita, la primera te la obsequio. #hakomi #hakomitherapy #terapia #crecimientopersonal #autodescubrimiento

5/17/2024, 7:52:25 AM
Latest Gem . . . . . . #reactivity #conflict #regulation #attachmenttheory #emotionalregulation #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nvc #hakomi #pdx" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS80NDI1MDEzODhfMTM1ODQzNzk3NDgyMTM5Nl82NzQ3MjAzMDMxMzQyOTkwNzE2X24uanBnP3N0cD1kc3QtanBnX2UxNV9mcl9zMTA4MHgxMDgwJl9uY19odD1zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbSZfbmNfY2F0PTEwOCZfbmNfb2hjPTJrdzdkaFppdkU4UTdrTnZnR2laU09fJmVkbT1BT1VQeGgwQkFBQUEmY2NiPTctNSZvaD0wMF9BWURSX1ExeGVPTWNuTE4yZGhTWDFtWnoxMmxUUzhuTm5xdGRDRjZKM3hoOVlRJm9lPTY2NTRFRkQ0Jl9uY19zaWQ9OWRjNjYw.jpg" />

You know it’s important to take a timeout when you notice reactivity. Yet, when you come back to try again, you often get caught by the same reactivity. In a recent couples' workshop, a participant said, "After so many years together we have learned to take a timeout before we say things we regret, but when we come back together we're still angry. Nothing has changed." Taking an effective timeout requires intention and skill. Let’s look at a few simple steps. 1. Create an agreement for timeouts First, set up a standing agreement about calling timeouts and a time to check in for readiness to start again. For example, an agreement might sound like this: “Either of us can call a timeout at any time with no explanation. Each of us will immediately drop the topic at hand. An hour later we will come back to finish the dialogue or set up a time to talk another day.” 2. Set your intention and engage in regulation Next, set your intention to release your argument and come back to a centered place in yourself. Then engage in regulation strategies. You can find a handout called “Emotional Regulation” on the Wise Heart website here (https://www.wiseheartpdx.org/handouts). A regulation strategy is something that helps your body come back to its baseline rhythms and supports a return to mindfulness. 3. Turn toward your experience with compassion and reassurance, then anchor Once you have a sense of regulation, immediately, relate to your experience with compassion and reassurance. Use the tone of voice and words you would use with a close friend who had just had a painful argument or disconnect with someone they love. It might sound something like this, “This is hard. It’s so uncomfortable to have this disconnect between us. I feel agitated and sad. I can be with this. It’s okay. These are just feelings and sensations. They will pass and I will find my center again. I will be able to reconnect with the other person.” Next, engage your anchor. Read more! Link in bio > Latest Gem . . . . . . #reactivity #conflict #regulation #attachmenttheory #emotionalregulation #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nvc #hakomi #pdx

5/17/2024, 7:19:17 AM
> "Relating to What You Want with Equanimity" #emotionskills #relationshipskills #selfhealers #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #tuneintoyouremotions #feelingintelligence #loneliness #trauma #traumahealing #interpersonalneurobiology #attachmenttheory #feelingsarefeedback #vulnerability #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #hakomi #dailyquotes #quotes #inspirationalquotes" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS80MzY1NDM3MDlfNDY1OTI0NTY1OTY5NzA5XzUyNDg4MzQ2NDQyODE3ODEyMDlfbi5qcGc/c3RwPWRzdC1qcGdfZTE1X2ZyX3MxMDgweDEwODAmX25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWFtczItMS5jZG5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJl9uY19jYXQ9MTA1Jl9uY19vaGM9SDdjMkp5T0FGODRRN2tOdmdITk4xMWkmZWRtPUFPVVB4aDBCQUFBQSZjY2I9Ny01Jm9oPTAwX0FZQlRXcml5eXA5XzhVOVZVSlNqTEVJOXVDNUl6bGZ3SEx0WFRMSzc3dE5ZNEEmb2U9NjY1NEYwMjkmX25jX3NpZD05ZGM2NjA=.jpg" />

When you imagine there is some set of rules about what you are allowed to need and what you aren't allowed to need in a personal relationship, shame will inevitably be triggered. Your lived experience doesn't abide by a set of rules or ideals, thus they inevitably trigger suffering. For example, imagine you may have a rule that says: "In all relationships I should be satisfied with the level of connection the other person offers." But the fact is, you notice that in particular relationships you are not satisfied. In addition, the lack of connection triggers insecurity. In an attempt to find relief from the tension of not abiding by your own rules, you might reflect on your childhood, read about attachment theory, or consult your horoscope. Regardless of whatever understanding you gain, the fact remains for you, for example, that you thrive in a close relationship when you have multiple connection points in a given week. This is just the way it is for you. It doesn't mean that you aren't doing your personal work and growing and changing. It simply is the way your system works. This might always be true for you or it might not. ...Read more! Link in bio >> "Relating to What You Want with Equanimity" #emotionskills #relationshipskills #selfhealers #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #tuneintoyouremotions #feelingintelligence #loneliness #trauma #traumahealing #interpersonalneurobiology #attachmenttheory #feelingsarefeedback #vulnerability #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #hakomi #dailyquotes #quotes #inspirationalquotes

5/17/2024, 2:30:31 AM

Grateful for friends who are so talented. Gracias @perceptualpete for your visions and manifestations. #cosmicart #deermedicine #love #peyotecactus #plantmedicine #hakomi #kundalini

5/16/2024, 7:29:19 PM

Sometimes patients and clients tell us that their experiences with other doctors and therapists have been incredibly unsatisfying—and even traumatic! We think it’s so unfortunate that real harm can happen in some of these so-called “healing spaces.” When you go to see a healthcare practitioner or mental health provider, you’re in a vulnerable position. You’re seeking help. You’re bearing your heart and soul. As soon as you arrive, you’re already entrusting your healing to another person who you’ve only just met! In response to the above, we feel like now is as good a time as any to share our Mission and our Vision: 🤍 We are a collaborative team of practitioners who provide the most body-centered and wholeness-oriented care available. 🤍 We are a teaching clinic. We are deeply grateful for our forebears as we continually refine the medicine that we practice, and we strive to foster the next generation of masterful, wholehearted practitioners. 🤍 From website presence to booking appointments, during each of your visits and the time in between, our aim is to offer accessible inroads to greater wholeness and health at every point of contact. 🤍 We aim to create a world in which healing is found in every moment, a world in which access to transformative healthcare is a birthright. We trust that sustained awareness of the body-mind is the cornerstone of good medicine. Through the use of Chinese medicine, Somatic Psychotherapy (and more modalities to come!), we partner with you in your healing, and we empower you to find healing and wholeness “out there” in the real world, too. Interested in having a solid partner in your healing process? Send us a message if you're interested in booking a visit with us. And thank you for being here! #pdxwellness #swpdx #pdxcommunity acupuncture portland or #hakomi #psycotherapy #inpdx

5/15/2024, 11:52:30 PM

Excited to announce a new Online Introduction to the Hakomi Method. We are gearing up for our next 2 year training that will start October 2024. Join us if you are interested to see how working somatically can connect and transform so much of what we and the people we work with carry in our bodies. #healingracialtrauma #healingracialtraumainourbodies #somatichealing #somaticmindfulness #mindfulnessyyc #mindfultherapies #mindfultherapist #hakomicalgary #hakomi #hakomitherapy #hakomimethod #hakomiinstitute #hakomi_institute

5/15/2024, 9:15:07 PM

i have seen this happen with all the clients i work with past the elimination of symptoms. this points us to the ways in which our pain was serving a deep protective mechanism; especially when we have the symptoms for a long time. when we are willing and able to let go of this protection, there is so much processing of the experience, the time, the lost/lower self, the impact on our system, and the origins of the initial protection. #chronicpainsupport #chronicillness #chronicfatigue #tms #painreprocessingtherapy #chronicmigraine #neuroplasticpain #neuroplasticpaintreatment #nervoussystemhealth #nervoussystemregulation #mindbody #mindbodyconnection #somaticpsychotherapy #mountwashingtonvalley #internalfamilysystems #bodyawareness #hakomitherapy #hakomi #hakomimethod #somaticawareness #bodymindcentering #polyvagaltheory #traumarecovery

5/15/2024, 3:20:43 AM

Double-down full Goddess power! #wonderwoman #superstition #hakomi #kundalini #goddess

5/14/2024, 10:57:08 PM

Enhance Your Therapeutic Skills for Working with Expanded States of Consciousness in the Emerging Field of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy. Join Manuela Mischke-Reeds and Susan San Tara to learn more about the Hakomi Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy Training. We have an upcoming webinar on June 17, online. Register at Link in Bio. #psychotherapy #hakomi #hakomipsychedelic #embodywise

5/14/2024, 8:02:29 PM

Enhance Your Therapeutic Skills for Working with Expanded States of Consciousness in the Emerging Field of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy. Join Manuela Mischke-Reeds and Susan San Tara to learn more about the Hakomi Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy Training. We have an upcoming webinar on June 17, online. Register at Link in Bio. #psychotherapy #hakomi #hakomipsychedelic #embodywise

5/14/2024, 8:01:57 PM

"Mindfulness is a state of consciousness where you observe what is arising in you or around you in the present moment without judgment or criticism. You simply notice. You notice what is happening, such as, your thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, or even memories that may arise. As a neutral observer, you notice different parts of yourself that normally interplay outside of your ordinary consciousness. You begin to know yourself in a far deeper way than ever before. Curiosity and compassion are helpful and move the process more smoothly." ~Hiromi Willingham, MSW, LCSW, Certified Hakomi Trainer Discover the use of psychodynamic mindfulness in Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy at HakomiInstitute.com #hakomi #therapy #somatics #somatic #mindfulness #psychotherapy #holistictherapy #somaticpsychotherapy #lovingpresence #professionaldevelopment #HakomiMethod

5/14/2024, 7:30:24 PM

Éste fin de semana tenemos cita en @equilibriumfestsl con un encuentro fantástico de terapeutas donde podrás disfrutar de muchas prácticas, workshops, conferencias, talleres para niñ@s y mucho más. Te esperamos en #vilanovailageltru junto con @coopterapeutas y @hakomi_barcelona Estaré ofreciendo un workshop de 1hora sobre la practica Hakomi y tendréis un espacio para resolver dudas sobre #hakomi. También tenemos un stand con la Cooperativa Unión de Terapeutas donde estaremos encantadxs de atenderte. Más cositas!!! Os presentamos el Próximo Master de Profesionalidad Terapéutica donde formo parte del equipo formador!!! Espero os llegue mi entusiasmo y veros cerca en éste encuentro presencial! ¿Te sumas? #saludybienestar #equilibrium #hakomi

5/14/2024, 6:44:18 PM

Als wir klein waren, ging es nicht schnell genug - jetzt fliegen die Jahre nur so dahin. Immer mehr Menschen über 50 suchen Begleitung in psychotherapeutischen Praxen. Mit dem älter werden kommt für viele die Zeit zurückzuschauen, eine Zwischenbilanz zu ziehen und sich Fragen stellen wie z.B.: „Wohin soll meine Lebensreise weiterhin gehen? Welche Ausrichtung möchte ich meinem Leben noch geben? Färbt mein Älterwerden mein Selbst- und Weltverständnis? Welche Spuren möchte ich hinterlassen? Was habe ich schätzen und lieben gelernt? Was ist noch unentdeckt, ungelebt oder unerfüllt, was noch ins Leben kommen möchte?“. Dieses erfahrungsorientierte HAKOMI Seminar ermöglicht, in Ruhe und Achtsamkeit und frei vom Alltagsgeschehen der inneren Stimme zu lauschen. Ein Raum, sich der eigenen emotionalen und spirituellen Haltung zum älter werden und älter sein tiefer bewusst zu werden. Das Seminar - mit hohem Selbsterfahrungsanteil - wendet sich sowohl an psychotherapeutische Fachleute und Menschen aus anderen Berufsfeldern, die mit älteren Menschen arbeiten, als auch persönlich Intetressierte. Neben dem themenorientierten Inhalt bietet das Seminar auch die Möglichkeit, die praktische Anwendung der HAKOMI Methode kennenzulernen. Geleitet von Helga Holzapfel und Dagmar Wernicke auf dem SeminarhofHolzapfel in Passau, belaufen sich die Kosten des 5tägigen Workshops auf 480€, bei Buchung 8 Wochen vor Beginn sind es nur 440€. #hakomi #ronkurtz #älterwerden #pflege #lebensreise #pflegepersonal #arbeitmitmenschen #selbsterfahrung #seminarhofholzapfel #achtsamkeit #ruhe #verbindung #therapie

5/14/2024, 8:27:38 AM

Morning post-mushroom moments. #psyllicybin #magicmush #naturalmedicine #hakomi #plantmedicine #kundalini #gratitude

5/14/2024, 1:37:16 AM

Simply reflecting back what you heard in short phrases or single words, or offering guesses about feelings and needs, helps someone find more connection with themselves and thus more access to what's alive in them to share. . . . . . #emotions #feels #feelings #emotionskills #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #interpersonalneurobiology #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #howtolove #depression #anxiety #lonliness #trauma #traumahealing #attachmenttheory #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #hakomi

5/14/2024, 1:23:03 AM

Simply reflecting back what you heard in short phrases or single words, or offering guesses about feelings and needs, helps someone find more connection with themselves and thus more access to what's alive in them to share. . . . . . #emotions #feels #feelings #emotionskills #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #interpersonalneurobiology #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #howtolove #depression #anxiety #lonliness #trauma #traumahealing #attachmenttheory #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #hakomi

5/13/2024, 4:55:03 PM

Sometimes, our bodies are not safe places to be. Sometimes, we do not have the necessary support to connect to them. Sometimes, based on the intersectionality of our identities and the cultural environment, being outside our bodies is the safest place for us. Sometimes, being in the mind is the best place to be. I want you to know that having a relationship with your body doesn’t mean you are fully and always in your body; it means you listen to your body. That is the practice of embodiment, deep listening, aligned action - repeat.

5/13/2024, 2:36:33 PM

Wenn in unserer Kindheit elementare Bedürfnisse nicht gestillt wurden, suchen wir aus diesem Mangelzustand heraus manchmal zeitlebens bei unseren Partnern, Freunden und anderen Menschen nach Erlösung, die diese letztlich nicht wirklich leisten können. Um als Erwachsener das Potential zu haben, für sich selbst zu sorgen, hätten diese Bedürfnisse zur richtigen Zeit von der richtigen Person erfüllt werden müssen. Letztlich weiß jeder Mensch tief in seinem Inneren, was er für seine optimale Entwicklung und Entfaltung im Kontakt mit seinen Bezugspersonen gebraucht hätte. Aus diesem Wissen heraus werden individuelle, heilende Bilder entworfen, die mit Hilfe von Symbolen oder Rollenspielen in Szene gesetzt werden, so als ob sie tatsächlich in der Vergangenheit geschehen wären. Dem inneren Kind wird eine lang ersehnte „Antwort“ angeboten, die nur darauf wartet, angenommen zuwerden, eine alte Wunde kann heilen. Geleitet von Ulrich Holzapfel belaufen sich die Kosten des 3tägigen Workshops auf 370€, bei einer Anmeldung bis 8 Wochen vor Beginn entfallen 40€. Der Workshop findet in verschiedenen Städten und zu zahlreichen Terminen statt, die auf der Hakomi-Homepage zu finden sind. #hakomi #ronkurtz #hakomiinstitute #hakomieurope #szenischeshakomi #innereskind #heilungsprozess #workshop #rollenspiel #selbsterfahrung

5/13/2024, 10:31:12 AM

this might be a nice mother's day reminder. but honestly, one of the best things we can do to stay healthy over time is to create a practice that allows space to feel our grief. think of grief as a portal; you don't have to understand everything it connects you to, you can just allow the energy to move. lifelong grief will condense into a single moment and still be lifelong. for those of you here with chronic pain, grief is one of the fundamental feelings we repress and transmute due to its overwhelming nature and/or lack of safety in our system to experience the associated emotional pain. it brings us to our knees. #grief #somaticpsychotherapy #hakomi #bodycenteredpsychotherapy #therapy #healing #healingjourney #somatictherapy #somatichealing #mindfulness #injustice #innerchild #innerchildwork #neuroplasticpain #healchronicpain #mindbodyconnection #psychotherapy #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #traumarecovery #mindandbody #somaticpsychotherapy #chronicpain #chronicconditions #psychophysiologicaldisorders #expressivewriting #neuroplasticpainrecovery #tms #tmsrecovery

5/13/2024, 3:13:42 AM

Reflect on reactivity. When you are reactive, seize the opportunity to study how it came about, what signs and symptoms were present. Notice thoughts, body posture, memories, impulses, words, body sensations, feelings, needs, beliefs. . . . . . . #mindfulness #compassion #bodycenteredtherapy #hakomi #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #emotions #feelings #mindful #mentalhealthrecovery #mindfulliving #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #interpersonalneurobiology #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #howtolove #depression #anxiety #lonliness #trauma #traumahealing #attachmenttheory #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #mindfulness #hakomi #dailyquotes

5/13/2024, 1:21:05 AM

Dear Body, I am sorry for pushing you when you wanted to rest. I am sorry for punishing you with more exercise. I am sorry for saying that you needed to be more “this” or “that.” I am sorry for pressuring you to perform when you were exhausted. I am sorry for letting my mind override the signals you were trying to give me. Dear Body, I am sorry for listening to my mind instead of you... my very own body.

5/13/2024, 12:19:58 AM

„Die Mitte der Scheibe nicht mit dem Ziel verwechseln.“ Diese Workshops bieten die Möglichkeit, die Handhabung des traditionellen Langbogens und diese spezielle Therapiemethode kennen zu lernen. Es werden, zusätzlich zur Selbsterfahrung mit dem Bogen, Einsatzmöglichkeiten des therapeutischen Bogenschiessens aufgezeigt, die von der Bewegungsmeditation bis hin zur körperpsychotherapeutischen Begleitung am Bogen in Verbindung mit den Grundlagen der HAKOMI Methode reichen. Geleitet von Dr. Patricia Wurll findet dieser Einführungs-Workshop das nächste Mal vom 06. bis 08.09.2024 in Dresden statt. Die Kosten belaufen sich auf 340€, für Studierende bleibt es bei 190€. Beide Preise beinhalten die gestellte Ausrüstung. Weitere Informationen sind auf der homepage zu finden! #ronkurtz #hakomi #hakomitherapy #hakomiinstitute #bogenschießen #selbsterfahrung #körperorientierung #therapie #physio #psychologie #arbeitmitmenschen

5/12/2024, 10:50:41 PM

Reflect on reactivity. When you are reactive, seize the opportunity to study how it came about, what signs and symptoms were present. Notice thoughts, body posture, memories, impulses, words, body sensations, feelings, needs, beliefs. . . . . . . #mindfulness #compassion #bodycenteredtherapy #hakomi #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #emotions #feelings #mindful #mentalhealthrecovery #mindfulliving #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #interpersonalneurobiology #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #howtolove #depression #anxiety #lonliness #trauma #traumahealing #attachmenttheory #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #mindfulness #hakomi #dailyquotes

5/12/2024, 4:52:29 PM

Wie kannst Du Deinen inneren Switch aktivieren, wenn Du merkst, dass Du gerade nicht so “sonnig” aufgelegt bist? Welche Körperübungen können Dir dabei helfen und wie kannst Du das in die Arbeit mit dem Pferd und mit Klient*innen einbauen? Ich lade Dich herzlich zu unserem nächsten Online-Infoabend am 15.Mai um 20Uhr ein: "Leicht im Sinn & lebensmutig" - wie du dich innerlich ausrichten und ein entspanntes Nervensystem aktivieren kannst 🍀💫 übrigens geht das auch bei deinem Pferd. 👍🐎 Ich freu mich auf Dich!! Deine Sabine 09846 -1531 01522 - 8774360 (gern auch per WhatsApp) [email protected] #Zoom #zoommeeting #Infoabend #Lebensmut #Körperübungen #Leichtigkeit #verlasspferde #reittherapie #ohnetrense #reittherapieausbildung #pferdeliebe #ohnegebissreiten #pferdehofsteinhauser #fortbildungendieüberzeugen #körpertherapie #reittherapiemaster #master #selbststänigkeitmitpferden #veränderung #therapiepferd #berufung #vertrauen #hakomi #neuewege #wahrnehnung #Achtsamkeit #persönlichkeitsentwicklung #körperwahrnehmung #herzüberkopf #fühlen

5/12/2024, 4:58:01 AM

While you may not be able to play out in your mind all the good reasons for saying no to keeping a secret, you know that keeping secrets typically comes from reactivity and leads to harmful outcomes. If you grew up under the threat of harm if you didn't keep a secret, you may need the consistent support of others to be able to stand in your truth, say no, and experience safety. Relating to privacy from a place of agency and discernment, you can decide to keep something private, not out of fear or shame, but because it is a way of taking care of yourself or honoring something special within yourself or between you and another. You recognize that not everyone can meet what you have to share with the kind of presence you would like, thus, it is better to keep it private. Sometimes just you meeting your own experience is enough and is what most honors that experience. At other times keeping something private, can support differentiation. It's okay to have some things/experiences that are just yours. Keeping something special to yourself is not the same as keeping a secret or hiding. When old hurt around secrecy and privacy begins to heal, you have space to become more aware of what truly contributes to life. Situation by situation you can notice when it is helpful to share something and when it is helpful to keep it to yourself. You can track the impact on another person and yourself in a given moment. And you can track relationships over time and notice what kind of sharing is truly supportive of that relationship. . . . . . . #secrets #secret #family #fam #trauma #traumahealing #secretkeeper #addiction #acoa #recovery #recoveryispossible #mentalhealthrecovery #adultchildren #privacy #privacyplease #boundaries #healthyboundaries #realrecovery #abuse #interpersonalneurobiology #besselvanderkolk #thebodykeepsthescore #attachmenttheory #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #mindfulliving #hakomi #hakomitherapy

5/12/2024, 4:05:32 AM
> "Relating to What You Want with Equanimity" #emotionskills #relationshipskills #selfhealers #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #tuneintoyouremotions #feelingintelligence #loneliness #trauma #traumahealing #interpersonalneurobiology #attachmenttheory #feelingsarefeedback #vulnerability #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #hakomi #dailyquotes #quotes #inspirationalquotes" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS80NDMyNDAwMzBfMjQyNjk2MzI2MDgyMTA2Ml8xMDM2NDgwMDAzMTk1MTY5OTRfbi5qcGc/c3RwPWRzdC1qcGdfZTE1X2ZyX3MxMDgweDEwODAmX25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWFtczItMS5jZG5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJl9uY19jYXQ9MTAyJl9uY19vaGM9c3hiUDlndUJZQU1RN2tOdmdINFJEUjUmZWRtPUFPVVB4aDBCQUFBQSZjY2I9Ny01Jm9oPTAwX0FZQmZuS0xGb2J4enJINEhlUDRjN3N6RzAzVmRRbFk0bW5QaUU2WnBDQ0RJY3cmb2U9NjY1NEU2OTQmX25jX3NpZD05ZGM2NjA=.jpg" />

When you imagine there is some set of rules about what you are allowed to need and what you aren't allowed to need in a personal relationship, shame will inevitably be triggered. Your lived experience doesn't abide by a set of rules or ideals, thus they inevitably trigger suffering. For example, imagine you may have a rule that says: "In all relationships I should be satisfied with the level of connection the other person offers." But the fact is, you notice that in particular relationships you are not satisfied. In addition, the lack of connection triggers insecurity. In an attempt to find relief from the tension of not abiding by your own rules, you might reflect on your childhood, read about attachment theory, or consult your horoscope. Regardless of whatever understanding you gain, the fact remains for you, for example, that you thrive in a close relationship when you have multiple connection points in a given week. This is just the way it is for you. It doesn't mean that you aren't doing your personal work and growing and changing. It simply is the way your system works. This might always be true for you or it might not. ...Read more! Link in bio >> "Relating to What You Want with Equanimity" #emotionskills #relationshipskills #selfhealers #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #tuneintoyouremotions #feelingintelligence #loneliness #trauma #traumahealing #interpersonalneurobiology #attachmenttheory #feelingsarefeedback #vulnerability #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #hakomi #dailyquotes #quotes #inspirationalquotes

5/12/2024, 1:06:48 AM

You don’t have to “like” how your body appears to start to build a relationship with your body. You don’t have to undo or challenge every societal message about how a body “should” or “should not” appear before you begin to build a bridge between your mind and body. Expecting yourself to adore your aesthetic before you can begin to feel comfortable in your body or consider your body your “home”… may be setting yourself up for an eternity of disembodiment. I don’t want that for you - you probably also don’t want that for you. The truth is entire structures of society not only exist, but thrive, off of you believing you must change your body before you feel your body, before you believe your body is worthy… before you come home to your body. You don’t need to alter your aesthetic to come home to your body that. I promise you. But you do need to alter that belief to come home to your body. Feeling our body’s is necessary if you want any part of your existence to change. It always starts with coming home; to you.

5/11/2024, 6:29:12 PM

This dude nails it. #alanwatts #truthtelling #hakomi #love #kundalini #playmore #beherenow

5/11/2024, 5:40:53 PM

This web caught my attention the other morning….. a reflection on how the human psyche is alike a beautiful woven intricate web. Each thread of the past informing the present….. and how do we not take the past on to become our narrative? The intimacy of discovering who I am and how I relate, how I love, how I let in love…..the web becoming more nuanced and delicate….. to go within, to explore with curiosity and compassion the wonders of our unique “web” (being-ness). both alone and in relationship with the other. #selfenquiry #reflection #selflove #hakomi #hakomitherapy #nature #love

5/11/2024, 9:27:40 AM

You don’t need to ignore your hunger. You don't need to push your body beyond its limits. You don’t need to put everyone else’s needs before yours. You don't need to neglect your rest. You don't need to criticize your appearance. You don't need to deny yourself pleasure. You don't need to hide your physical pain. You don’t need to treat your body the way you saw your mother treat their body. You can honor your hunger. You can listen to your body when it wants rest. You can prioritize your well-being. You can appreciate your body's unique beauty. You can allow yourself pleasure. You can seek help when in pain. You can do it differently than your mother did. You can choose to inhabit your body fully. You can choose to break the intergenerational pattern of disembodiment in your family. You can choose to come home to your body. Your body can be your home.

5/11/2024, 12:00:21 AM

If you’re new to the Hakomi method, our Introductory workshops introduce students to the core principles, topics, and concepts of the method. Hakomi is a gentle yet powerful experiential psychotherapy that uses mindfulness and somatic interventions to heal attachment wounds and developmental trauma. While primarily a method of psychotherapy, Hakomi fits with many mind-body, educational, coaching, and wellness modalities. Discover what learning Hakomi looks like at hakomiinstitute.com #hakomi #therapy #somatics #mindfulness #psychotherapy #holistictherapy #somaticpsychotherapy #HakomiMethod #mentalhealth

5/10/2024, 6:13:02 PM
> "Relating to What You Want with Equanimity" #emotionskills #relationshipskills #selfhealers #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #tuneintoyouremotions #feelingintelligence #loneliness #trauma #traumahealing #interpersonalneurobiology #attachmenttheory #feelingsarefeedback #vulnerability #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #hakomi #dailyquotes #quotes #inspirationalquotes" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS80MzYzNzk3MThfMjM1NjQ4NDY3MTIyNzcxNl81NzgwNDQ4MjQ5MjgyMDYwNTA4X24uanBnP3N0cD1kc3QtanBnX2UxNV9mcl9zMTA4MHgxMDgwJl9uY19odD1zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbSZfbmNfY2F0PTEwOCZfbmNfb2hjPVp5VXczOVZKa0ZJUTdrTnZnRzFzRkZkJmVkbT1BT1VQeGgwQkFBQUEmY2NiPTctNSZvaD0wMF9BWURzZkt1czNHY2tCVFRiQXhQYk5zaWVoaDFzWm9SWnJoTjhpVlQ2V0dnVElRJm9lPTY2NTRFQTdFJl9uY19zaWQ9OWRjNjYw.jpg" />

When you imagine there is some set of rules about what you are allowed to need and what you aren't allowed to need in a personal relationship, shame will inevitably be triggered. Your lived experience doesn't abide by a set of rules or ideals, thus they inevitably trigger suffering. For example, imagine you may have a rule that says: "In all relationships I should be satisfied with the level of connection the other person offers." But the fact is, you notice that in particular relationships you are not satisfied. In addition, the lack of connection triggers insecurity. In an attempt to find relief from the tension of not abiding by your own rules, you might reflect on your childhood, read about attachment theory, or consult your horoscope. Regardless of whatever understanding you gain, the fact remains for you, for example, that you thrive in a close relationship when you have multiple connection points in a given week. This is just the way it is for you. It doesn't mean that you aren't doing your personal work and growing and changing. It simply is the way your system works. This might always be true for you or it might not. ...Read more! Link in bio >> "Relating to What You Want with Equanimity" #emotionskills #relationshipskills #selfhealers #writersofinstagram #relationaltrauma #relationalneuroscience #vulnerability #relationshipskills #compassion #selfacceptance #tuneintoyouremotions #feelingintelligence #loneliness #trauma #traumahealing #interpersonalneurobiology #attachmenttheory #feelingsarefeedback #vulnerability #mindfulcompassionatedialogue #nonviolentcommunication #nvc #mindfulness #hakomi #dailyquotes #quotes #inspirationalquotes

5/10/2024, 4:47:34 PM

We exist in a culture rooted in disconnection from our physical selves. This disconnection enables us to focus, achieve, and get things done. There's a purpose to this disconnect, but it's also true that being in tune with your body doesn't require altering your entire reality and letting go of any sense of accomplishment, achievement, or striving. You don’t have to forgo achievement and success to be aware of the sensations inside your skin. I promise you that you will actually be more successful and able to achieve your deepest desires and dreams when you are able to connect with your body. So, as you read these words, I invite you to pause and take a deep breath. Feel the air fill your lungs and the rise and fall of your chest. Notice the sensations in your body without judgment—just curiosity and presence. Is there tension or relaxation in your muscles? Warmth or coolness on your skin? Is your heart racing or beating slowly? Take a moment to place your hand on your heart or belly and listen to your body's subtle cues. Acknowledge any emotions that arise and allow yourself to simply be with them. Know that this connection, however fleeting or elusive it may feel at first, is the beginning of cultivating a relationship with your body. Incorporating small practices throughout your day to reconnect with your body—like a gentle stretch, a mindful walk, or even closing your eyes for a few breaths is how you build a bridge of connection between mind and body. I want you to know that Your body has wisdom to guide you. It has wisdom your mind can never know. The mind consciously takes in .000013 of the information around you; the body unconsciously takes in all the rest. Nurturing your relationship with your body will help you build a bridge between body and mind and unlock a more authentic, grounded version of yourself. Please trust that with patience and intention, your body will reveal its secrets, and you will have access to living a life that aligns with your most divine, authentic expression.

5/10/2024, 2:38:23 PM

When you connect to your body, what do you notice?

5/9/2024, 10:52:05 PM

Join Rob Fisher for a free Hakomi event with a special guest, Georgia Marvin. Georgia is currently a trainer with the Hakomi Education Network and the senior trainer with the Vancouver team. Her private practice uses Hakomi to serve the needs of individuals and couples in a private therapeutic setting. During this session, we cover internal and relational processes that will help nourish and explore our hearts. We can include times to share what inspires us to live more deeply from our organic selves: poetry, music, art, dance, stories of connecting with a clerk in Whole Foods, successes in repairing a rupture with your partner or the heartbreak of failing to do so, a poem that you read or wrote that touched something deep inside. Register at link in bio. #hakomi #tribeoftheheart #embodywise

5/9/2024, 4:31:41 PM

Join Rob Fisher for a free Hakomi event with a special guest, Georgia Marvin. Georgia is currently a trainer with the Hakomi Education Network and the senior trainer with the Vancouver team. Her private practice uses Hakomi to serve the needs of individuals and couples in a private therapeutic setting. During this session, we cover internal and relational processes that will help nourish and explore our hearts. We can include times to share what inspires us to live more deeply from our organic selves: poetry, music, art, dance, stories of connecting with a clerk in Whole Foods, successes in repairing a rupture with your partner or the heartbreak of failing to do so, a poem that you read or wrote that touched something deep inside. Register at link in bio. #hakomi #tribeoftheheart #embodywise

5/9/2024, 4:30:21 PM

Morning pre-production mode from my boudoire. Just started tracking a few nights ago: Volume One of “Soy Zarah” will be ready to roll for June 21!!! #originalmusic #singersongwriter #hakomi #spirit #magicofmusic #kundalini #summersolstice #love

5/8/2024, 5:19:36 PM