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#food #travel #sports #news #june #saturday

It’s just like,we know how to push ourselves to the max. #II #kom10

12/14/2023, 5:00:42 PM

Long Live FLIPPA KO〜 #KOM10 #kingofmemphis10 #itsdolph

11/26/2023, 5:11:06 AM

ಇ KOM掻䌑前ラストラむブ2日間、神戞行っおきた🐒 23.9.23 NO ROCK,NO LIFE ラむブハりスでのノックしばらく芳れなくなるっお思っお、これでもかっおくらいに暎れ倒しおきた笑 月ず埒花、egg、アルルカンはお初だったけどいろんなゞャンルの音楜が混ざっお楜しめおいい空間だなっお思いたした。ずくにアルルカンで初めおV系のラむブみお、ヘドバンに圧巻でした。いろんな楜しみ方があっおそれを実感できる玠敵な䌁画でした。 23.9.24 KAKOGAWA MUSIC FES 地元のアットホヌムなフェス。 ギリギリに行きすぎおリハを聞き逃すずいう倧倱態、、、 でも野倖の晎れた空の䞋でのWonderful Life最高すぎたありがずう。 サヌクルできお、これもしばらくないっお思ったから入っお回ったら転んでわりず倧きな傷ができたけどそれも楜しかった蚌(?)尚、2ヶ月経った今でも跡は消えおたせん。 SCANDALを初めおちゃんず芳れたんだけど、ガヌルズバンドで掻䌑なしメンバヌ入れ替えなしで17幎っお聞いお本圓にすごいなっお思った。 いろいろある䞭で、同じメンバヌで同じこずを続けおいくっお本圓に簡単なこずじゃない。 いろんなこずを感じた日だったな。 KOMの掻䌑なんお実感がなさすぎお寂しさがなくお、本圓にただただ楜しいラむブだったし戻っおくるっお蚀っおくれた蚀葉をただただ埅぀のみだなっお気持ち。 少し間が空いた今、いろんなラむブの発衚のたびにそこにKOMはいないんだなっお思うず寂しい気持ちもあるけど、垌望を持っおい぀たでも埅ち続ける そしお再開した時にはたたたくさん䌚いに行く だからそれたでそれぞれのペヌスで過ごしおください🫶 #knockoutmonkey #kom10 #ノクモン

11/18/2023, 5:18:13 PM

The best thing is to invest in yourself, because it takes money to make money. -Young Dolph #LL🐬 @shittinontheindustry 🐬 @shittinontheindustry 🐬 #ShittinOnTheIndustry #ItsDolph #LLYD #LLD #KingOfMemphis #KOM10 #ForeverDolph #LongLiveFlippa #dolph #youngdolph #rapper #discover #explorepage #paperroute #pre #paperroutebusiness #paperroutefrank #longlivedolph #memphis #southmemphis #memphistennessee #chicago #pre5l #highclassstreetmusic #dolphgabbana #adolph #adolphrobertthorntonjr

10/9/2023, 10:03:17 PM

Paper-Route Prince 👑🐬 #PRE5L #LegacyLivesOn #LongLiveYoungDolph ♟ #PaperRouteFrank #KOM10 #KingOfMemphis #ItsDolph ‌

8/5/2023, 11:02:35 PM

Happy birthday @keyglock 🍟💙 #PRE5L🐬 #SouthMemphisFinest #KOM10 #Glizock #DolphGabbana

8/4/2023, 12:02:24 AM

[NEW LIVE] VANQUISH-Zeela10呚幎100番勝負-出挔‌ [DATE] 9/1 (金) [PLACE] 梅田Zeela OPEN/START 18:00/18:30 [ACT] CHASED KNOCK OUT MONKEY ぷにわ(O.A) [TICKET] Â¥3,500-1DÂ¥600 チケット賌入はプロフィヌル欄のKOM公匏ホヌムペヌゞから可胜です‌ #knockoutmonkey #KOM10 #ノクモン

7/23/2023, 3:00:08 PM


7/22/2023, 7:43:01 PM

[新着LIVE情報] 10/7・8日土・日広島垂内9䌚堎 SUPER ROCK CITY HIROSHIMA 2023DX出挔決定!! [TIME] OPEN 11:30/START 12:00 [TICKET先着] 1日刞 ADV Â¥5,500/DOOR Â¥6,000 通し刞 ADV Â¥9,500/DOOR Â¥10,000 ※チケットに1ドリンク代が含たれおたす。 チケットはプロフィヌル欄のKOM公匏HPからご賌入可胜です。 #knockoutmonkey #KOM10

7/19/2023, 1:00:04 PM

The illest nigga in my city, ni**a, straight up (uh-huh) These lil' ni**as midgrade, Dolph A-plus (word) #LL🐬 ‌ #paperroutebusiness #APlus #DolphGabbana #LLYD #KOM10

7/17/2023, 9:21:30 PM

“Smokin' on Gelato, flyin' through Southside Chicago In a Porsche, I'm dodging potholes, living life like no tomorrow Or I'm out in California, my Mexican bitch house, eatin' tacos I get money with my vato (José), my role model El Chapo (Trap)”‌‌ #LL🐬 - #shittinontheindustry #memphis #memphistennessee #kingofmemphis10 #kingofmemphis #longlivedolph #👑🐬 #adolph #adolphthorntonjr #youngdolph #dolph #lldolph #ripdolph #foreverdolph #flippaforever #legendsliveforever #pre #paperroute #paperroutefrank #paperrouteempire #castalia #dolphgabbana #itsdolph #kom10

6/27/2023, 10:30:00 PM

倪陜ず虎 ずっず行きたかったずこで灌熱地獄味わえお最高やったなあ 次はチキンゞョヌゞで #KOM10

6/20/2023, 2:11:58 PM

『Say,Ho〜o!!!!』 ワキでコヌラスできたす🙋‍♂ 📞 @msmrk_0516 #裏ファむナル回顧録 #KOM10

6/19/2023, 12:30:49 PM

い぀もここから 📞 @msmrk_0516 #裏ファむナル回顧録 #KOM10

6/18/2023, 5:23:03 PM

__ ___🐒🐒🐒🐒 KNOCK OUT MONKEY Spring tour 7citys 裏ファむナル 倪陜ず虎 結果最高すぎたほんずに。 Brave out スタヌトなんお ぶっ飛ばしスタヌトやし 途䞭でゆっくりねずか蚀いながら バラヌド系の音鳎らしおたのに Break 突っ蟌んでこられお そっからの  なんお䌑める蚳 無さすぎお死ぬず思った(笑)  聞きたかったし回収出来お 嬉しすぎた🔥🔥🔥 あずは、䞀番奜きな聎きたすぎた Dear が アレンゞされお 聎けるなんお思っおなくお ホンマに嬉しかった😭🔥🔥 最高に色々あっおしんどかった 時に救われた歌やからホンマに 本圓に生で目の前で聎けお嬉しかった。 ホンマに䞀生の宝物やし 䞀生の思い出すぎる。 そっからもMC挟みながら 終始ぶっ飛ばしの21曲 新曲も暎れ曲やし🔥🔥 友達は飛んでくるし 巊右埌ろも知り合いやし最高の 楜しすぎる空間でした(笑) 幞せすぎる時間でした(àž‡ •̀_•́)àž‡ い぀か、死ぬほど倧きい箱で 暎れ回っおる姿芳るたでは 远っかけ回すし、その姿芋おも い぀になっおも最高で最匷の 神戞の暎れ猿でしかないから。 倧奜きな箱で倧奜きな4人猿ず 愉快な猿達ず暎れ回れお幞せ あの空間がやっぱ倧奜き。 次は10/1のチキンゞョヌゞで 暎れるぞヌ🔥🔥🔥 __ ___ #KNOCKOUTMONKEY #ノクモン #倪陜ず虎 #kom10

6/18/2023, 12:26:12 PM

昚日のKNOCK OUT MONKEYのラむブはdEnkAさんの髪型も含め色んな意味で「おかえり〜」っお感じでした笑 暎れすぎお今日は䜓バキバキっす💊 特に銖がダバい  久々にラむブで汗だくになったわ。 それこそ2019幎のノックのワンマン以来。 昚日日垞の嫌な事党郚吹き飛ぶくらい楜しんだので明日からの日垞頑匵りたす💪 #KOM10 #knockoutmonkey #ノクモン #倪陜ず虎 #ワンマンラむブ #゜ヌルドアりトおめでずうございたす

6/18/2023, 10:27:38 AM

. 2023.06.17 SPRING TOUR 2023 “7CITIES" 裏ファむナル . やっず行けた ようやく行けた😭 . やっぱり暎れられるノックは楜しい🐵 でも䜓力萜ちおるから、リハビリどころかマゞで死にかけたwww . 10月のチキンゞョヌゞも行けたら行きたい🐵 . ラむブ前にラむブ埌に、䌚いたい人にたくさん䌚えお、それだけでも楜しかった😆 . . . #knockoutmonkey#ノクモン#ノック #裏ファむナル #kom10

6/18/2023, 9:17:46 AM

. 2023.06.17 今幎21本目 KNOCK OUT MONKEY 7CITES 2023裏ファむナル🐒 倧阪に匕き続き、神戞も 行っおきたした 熱かったヌ🔥楜しかったヌ🔥 #kom10 #knockoutmonkey #7cites+1

6/18/2023, 12:42:20 AM

KNOCK OUT MONKEY 7Cities裏ファむナル、そういえば2019幎振りの地元神戞タむトラ。 やっずあの曲で声出された、ほんた久々の曲ずかも聎けお。 灌熱地獄楜しすぎたしたよ😇😇 次はチキンゞョヌゞ...今日色々あっお行けなかった友達も次は䞀緒に遊びたしょう🙆‍♂ #knockoutmonkey #kom10

6/17/2023, 6:18:31 PM

KNOCK OUT MONKEY SPRING TOUR 2023 "7CITIES"裏ファむナル(倪陜ず虎) 幕匵でサタニックが盛り䞊がっおる時に 神戞䞉ノ宮の高架䞋の小箱で 激アツのラむブがありたした🔥 新曲も聎けたし ゚グい熱気のラむブでした❗ 10月の神戞チキンゞョヌゞ ワンマン楜しみや🎵 #knockoutmonkey #kom #kom10

6/17/2023, 3:21:50 PM

You work, so I respect you. You don’t work, what can we do? We can’t relate.” #LLD🐬 [📞: @ithinkethan ] #Kom10 #DolphInfinty #LLYD #KingOfMemphis #PRE

5/15/2023, 11:18:14 PM

Never downplay nobody. #YoungDolph #KingOfMemphis #LLDOLPH #castalia #Kom10 #PaperRoute #PRE

5/11/2023, 10:38:51 PM

“My watch cost a whip, my whip costs a crib To get where I'm at You won't believe half of the shit I did.” #ll🐬 [📞: @shotbyspencer ] (🎵: Chances ) - #kingofmemphis #torylanez #dolph #pre #youngdolph #kom10 #paperroute #itsdolph #longlivedolph

5/8/2023, 10:30:22 PM

Young Dolph’s ‘DolphLand’ Pop-Up Museum final stop all May In Memphis. #ll🐬 Via: @fox13memphis - #👑🐬 #hiphop #rap #culture #kom10 #Memphistennessee #longlivedolph #dolphland #memphis #streetlegend #YoungDolph #pre #flippa #paperroutefrank #dolph #KingOfmemphis #cultureplugg

5/7/2023, 4:57:21 PM

Young Dolph’s ‘DolphLand’ Pop-Up Museum final stop all May In Memphis. #ll🐬 Via: @fox13memphis - #👑🐬 #hiphop #rap #culture #kom10 #Memphistennessee #longlivedolph #dolphland #memphis #streetlegend #YoungDolph #pre #flippa #paperroutefrank #dolph #KingOfmemphis #cultureplugg

5/7/2023, 6:24:18 AM

Called my ni**a and told him, "Man, I'm finna spend six million on stocks" He said, "When? Hell yeah, ni**a, me too," 'cause that's how we rock (Uh) 🐬☀ #Sunshine Via: @shotbyspencer #ll🐬 #kingofmemphis #kom10 #PaperRouteFrank #YoungDolph

4/28/2023, 10:40:10 PM

It's just like, we know how to push ourselves to the max. #ll🐬 #kom10 @shittinontheindustry 🐬 @shittinontheindustry 🐬 - #youngdolph #dior #dolphgabbana #ripdolph #kingofmemphis #dolph #hiphop #legendsliveforever #pre #paperroute #paperroutefrank #youngdolph🐬 #lld #longlivedolph #shittinontheindustry #highclassstreetmusic #kom #castalia

3/17/2023, 5:38:54 PM

“That ni**a right there only come around 'cause what you got (For real, though) That bih right there, she only fukin you because you shining (For real, though)” #ll🐬 #kingofmemphis #paperroute #dolph #shittinontheindustry #keyglock #pre5l #llflippa #Castalia #paperroutefrank #kom10 #itsdolph #youngdolph #DolphGabbana

3/16/2023, 11:16:42 PM

“Swear these boring ass rappers make me wanna take a nap Fell asleep thinkin' 'bout money, took a million dollar nap.” #ItsDolph ‌ - #ll🐬 #👑🐬 #lldolph🐬 #lld #lldolph #ripdolph #kingofmemphis #memphisrap #longlivedolph #dolphgabbana #paperroute #pre #hiphop #rap #paperroutebusiness #paperroutefrank #YoungDolph #soti #kom #kom10 #shittinontheindustry

3/14/2023, 4:54:57 PM

“They ask me what's the difference between me and the rest of these ni**as (That's easy) I ain't shit like the rest of these ni**as (Hell nah) F*ck these ni**as, I ain't got no sympathy every time I flex on these ni**as (Yup) If you ain't worth a half a mil' you can't stand next to me ni**a.” It’s Dolph‌ #PaperRouteFrank 🎵: What’s Poppin!

3/12/2023, 4:12:10 PM

🔔İSPANYOL PAÇA PANTOLON ▪Kumaş Bilgisi: Dabl Krep ▪38 40 42 44 46 48 🏷Fiyat: 130₺ 🏷İki adet: 200₺ 🏷Üç adet: 240₺ 🌞Nefes alan kumaş ister kemerle ister kemersiz tercih edebilirsiniz.. ✹Genelde kullandığınız bedeni tercih ediniz. ✹Online alışverişte şıklığın ve rahatlığın tek adresi... ✔KARGO 35₺ #giyim #giyimkuşam #giyinmeodası #tarzgiyim #ucuzgiyim #tesettÃŒrsporgi #kampanyalıÌrÃŒnler #indirimliÃŒrÃŒnler #reelsinstagram #reelsvideo #reels #instagram #kom10₺ #kom15₺ #kom20₺

3/11/2023, 9:21:49 PM

“It's a big world and I got a lotta money to get.” Young Dolph _ #lld #kingdolph #👑🐬 #lldolph #ripdolph #foreverdolph #dolphday #youngdolph #pre #youngdolph🐬 #memphis #ll🐬 #kingofmemphis #ripyoungdolph #castalia #southmemphiskingpin #paperroutefrank #paperroutebusiness #shittinontheindustry #kom10 #itsdolph

2/22/2023, 2:10:44 AM

“To be a hustler it’s got to be in you. Everybody ain’t got it, even some people got it but don’t have it as much as others. And to be a hustler and to be a super hustler you gotta know how to deal with sacrifices. You learn how to take sacrifices, you learn to give things up to get into something you’re trying to get into.” -Young Dolph - #southmemphiskingpin #castalia #pre #paperroute #dolph #kingofmemphis #itsdolph #lldolph #paperroutefrank #youngdolph #kom10 #ll🐬

2/18/2023, 3:47:19 AM

“I tried to walk away from the game but I couldn't The streets won't let me, cuz I'm too respected I start feeding the streets they gon' feel neglected Number 1 d-boy in my city nigga the streets elect me.” #ItsDolph ‌ #KingOfMemphis - #PaperRoute #youngdolph #highclassstreetmusic #PaperRouteFrank #KingDolph #PRE #paperroutebusiness #lld #lldolph #lldolph🐬 #ripdolph #ripyoungdolph #longlivedolph #kom10 #youngdolph🐬 #rolemodel #paperrouteempire #memphis #legendsneverdie

2/11/2023, 4:20:48 AM

Been doing this since I was young you can call me LEBRON‌🏀 Congrats #KingJames👑 [📞: @shotbyspencer ] - #kom10 #memphis #castalia #longlivedolph #lldolph #dolphgabbana #paperroutefrank #kingofmemphis #itsdolph #YouCanCallMeLebron #LeBron #YoungDolph #Lebronz

2/8/2023, 5:15:32 PM

I do this strictly to motivate street nixxas, hustlers, yung nixxas with nothing. - Young Dolph [📞 @shotbyspencer] #lld🐬 #KingOfMemphis #ItsDolph

2/5/2023, 11:32:54 PM

Claim that shit. And go get it, it’s YOURS #ItsDolph #KingOfMemphis #Kom10

1/31/2023, 5:23:05 PM

#DALLAS @dolphlandmuseum #LongLiveDolph 👑🐬 #Kom10 #ItsDolph #KingDolph #PaperRouteFrank #PRE

1/21/2023, 9:29:59 PM

"I don't f*ck with these n*ggas 'cause they shady These b*tches, they just wanna have my baby Born in the '80s, crack baby (Damn) Mama, she was in the streets, so guess who raised me? (The streets, n*gga) You motherfckin' right Couldn't get it from my mama, so I got it off the block Been workin' my whole life, but I ain't never punched a clock (Trappin') #ItsDolph ‌ #Preach #KOM10 #llDolph #PRE

1/19/2023, 6:01:52 PM

My haters is bigger than life. -Young Dolph #LongLiveDolph #Kom10

1/15/2023, 4:14:12 AM

“Bet you never been with a n*gga like me Don't give a f*ck about b*tches, count skrilla like me.” #ITSDOLPH ‌ Young Dolph single “Foreva” ft @troubleman31 goes platinum. 💿🀛🏟😀 #LongLiveDolph #KingOfMemphis #Kom10 #ADolphTheGreat #TroubleMan31 #Foreva

1/14/2023, 1:28:26 AM

• @kingofmemphis10 “All I care about is the dollar signs, the muthaf*ckin’ check, that bag, you know what I’m saying? And my family. After that sh*t, everything else, that sh*t irrelevant to me.” -Young Dolph (📞: @shotbyspencer ) ____________________ #kom10 #kingofmemphis #southmemphiskingpin #lldolph #foreverdolph #kingdolph #paperroute #paperrouteking #paperroutefrank #ripdolph #ripyoungdolph #pre #youngdolph #youngdolph🐬

1/13/2023, 12:54:58 AM

I'm not trying to regret nothing in my career. Young Dolph #LongLiveDolph #KingOfMemphis #YoungDolph #Ludacris #KeyGlock #PaperRouteWoo

1/11/2023, 6:12:09 PM

“Came up from nothing that's why I'm money hungry. All these ni**as ya see with me, money hungry I told my bich I don't wanna eat, I'm money hungry.” -Young Dolph Song-Money Hungry 📞: @ithinkethan #LongLiveYoungDolph #KingOfMemphis

1/7/2023, 2:27:56 PM

Cut a ni**a off in a heartbeat (A heartbeat) Too many ni**as done crossed me (Fck 'em) Everything I know, the streets taught me (The gutter) Everything I got, the streets bought me. - Young Dolph #LongLiveDolph #KeyGlock _____ #youngdolph #kingofmemphis #kom10 #dolphgabbana #lldolph #ripdolph #ripyoungdolph #itsdolph #adolphthegreat #kingdolph #paperroutefrank

12/24/2022, 4:11:49 PM

I'm here to satisfy the people. I'm here to teach. I'm here to motivate. I'm here to give people the adrenaline, the push and support. Young Dolph #LLD🕊

12/22/2022, 7:47:34 PM

#YoungDolph will have his own pop-up Museum tour this coming January known as ‘Dolph Land’. The Museum will be located in New York from January 13-15th 2023 and will continue throughout major cities across the country, including LA, Dallas, Atlanta and Chicago. Tickets go on sale on December 26, 2022. All participants will be entered in a contest to win $100k at the end of the tour. #LongLiveDolph🐬 #PaperRouteFrank #DolphLand Who’s Pullin Up? 🏎💚 ayeee

12/22/2022, 7:08:36 AM

When you're about to make major moves that’s when you should be the quietest #LongLiveDolph _______________________ #youngdolph #lldolph #ripdolph #ripyoungdolph #kingofmemphis #kom10 #memphisrapper #legendsneverdie #longliveyoungdolph #lld #paperroutefrank #pre #dolphgabbana #PRE5L

12/20/2022, 7:07:25 PM

Whatever you want to do, just make solid decisions. Young Dolph ____________________ #legendsneverdie #kom10 #memphisrapper #kingofmemphis #paperroute #pre #itsdolph #paperroutefrank #dolphgabbana #kingdolph #adolphthorntonjr #ripdolph #ripyoungdolph #lldolph #lldolph🐬 #YoungDolph #YoungDolph🐬

12/18/2022, 2:56:10 PM

I'm not just an artist. I'm a CEO. Young Dolph 📞: @shotbyspencer

12/16/2022, 7:04:53 PM

“Have a good team. Let them do what they do and you do what you do. Have people around you that work and that will want to make you work even harder.” -Young Dolph Song: Fuck A Nigga #LongLiveYoungDolph _________________________ #PRE #PaperRouteBizness #MemphisShit #KingOfMemphis #Kom10 #BandPlay #DjRockSteady #Habitt #BinoBrown #JayFizzle #KeyGlock #BigMoochieGrape #YoungDolph #LongLiveDolph🐬 #ripdolph #ripyoungdolph

12/14/2022, 5:17:14 PM

“All I care about is the dollar signs, the muthaf*ckin’ check, that bag, you know what I’m saying? And my family. After that sh*t, everything else, that sh*t irrelevant to me.” -Young Dolph (📞: @shotbyspencer ) ____________________ #kom10 #kingofmemphis #southmemphiskingpin #lldolph #foreverdolph #kingdolph #paperroute #paperrouteking #paperroutefrank #ripdolph #ripyoungdolph #pre #youngdolph #youngdolph🐬

12/11/2022, 7:53:20 PM

#LongLiveDolph & #FreeYFNLucci (📞: @shotbyspencer )

12/8/2022, 6:32:39 PM

“Everyday when I wake up, man, I go roll the dice Yeah I'm playing with money, but I'm playing with my life One hell of a sacrifice But this my real life, nigga this my real life.” Song: My Real Life Long Live Dolph🐬 ______________________ #kom10 #kingofmemphis #memphisrapper #itsdolph #lldolph🐬 #ripdolph #paperrouteempire #paperroutebizness #lld🕊 #akademiks #keyglock #snupebandzz #preach #bluemagic #memphisrap #rap #hiphopmusic #pre #paperroutefrank #highclassstreetmusic #top5deadoralive #greatest #thegreat #youngdolph #lldolph

12/7/2022, 6:59:55 PM

Congrats #DeionSanders 👏🏟 Thank you for your elevating energy & inspiring speeches 🗣 #JSU X #PRE #LongLiveDolph🐬

12/4/2022, 7:54:20 PM

WHO RUN IT #KingsOfMemphis

12/3/2022, 5:32:13 PM

“When I’m finished doing music or whatever, I want people to remember me as just being great.” -Young Dolph Long Live Dolph🐬 _____________________ #youngdolph #lldolph🐬 #kingofmemphis #itsdolph #foreverdolph #paperroutefrank #dolphgabbana #kingdolph #ripyoungdolph #ripdolph #lldolph #keyglock #pre #paperroute #paperroutebusiness #longlivedolph #kom10 #hiphopmusic #rapgod #akademiks #raplegend #memphistennessee #atlanta

12/1/2022, 4:36:44 PM

“Rapper / trapper / movie star All I make is movies, ni**a on god My bitch so thick that it should be a crime I can count a hundred thousand, ni**a in no time All I make is movies, ni**a showtime.” -Young Dolph‌ Song: ShowTime _____________________ #kom10 #kingofmemphis #memphisrapper #itsdolph #lldolph🐬 #ripdolph #paperrouteempire #paperroutebizness #lld🕊 #akademiks #keyglock #snupebandzz #preach #bluemagic #memphisrap #rap #hiphopmusic #lldolph #highclassstreetmusic #longlivedolph #top5deadoralive #youngdolph #longliveyoungdolph #itsdolph🐬

11/30/2022, 3:35:11 PM

“I’ll invest in little dude next to me just because I see something in him.” -Young Dolph ____________________ #kom10 #kingofmemphis #lldolph #ripdolph #lldolph🐬 #itsdolph #dolphgabbana #flippaforever #dolphforever #paperroutefrank #youngdolph #keyglock #paperroutebizness #PRE #keyglock🔫 #dolphday #ripyoungdolph

11/27/2022, 4:40:59 PM