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One day, a call came from a home in need, Where a drain blockage caused quite a deed. With determination shining in his eyes so clear, Connor arrived, ready to conquer the fear. He rolled up his sleeves, took a deep breath in, For this was a challenge he was born to win. With skillful hands and tools at his command, Connor dove in, undeterred by the demand. Through murky depths and twists of the pipe, He searched for the culprit causing all the hype. And there it was! A monster of a clog, With Connor undaunted by any big bog. With patience and perseverance, he worked away, Until the blockage surrendered to his sway. As water flowed freely once more, The customer's happiness began to soar. For Connor, the plumber, had saved the day, With his expertise and resolve on full display. So here's to Connor, the hero of the drain, Whose skills and bravery will always reign. Bookings & Quotes ☎️1300 937 586 QBCC Licenced #15380427 and fully insured #BlockedDrains #DrainageSolutions #ConnorThePlumber #MSJPlumbing #PlumberNearMe #MyPipeIsBlocked #DrainageExperts

4/5/2024, 6:40:11 AM