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SURPRISE! For several months, I've had the privilege of providing voice coaching to young men in our church. This is an opportunity for them to take what they've learned and invite others to join them in worshipping Jesus through songs and Scripture readings. We'd love for you to join us! Let us know you're coming! #abidingworship #worship #Jesus #worshipandtheword #church

5/31/2024, 6:51:53 AM

“Another great book by Pamela Haddix! Seeking and Savoring is filled with practical, Scripture-saturated ways to draw near to Christ. I especially enjoyed the “Reflect” and “Respond” prompts at the end of each chapter. As a worship leader, I’m always eager to find books to help me grow. Haddix’s first book has been a favorite. This one is right there with it!” - BRENTON COLLYER, Worship Pastor **Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

5/29/2024, 4:46:56 PM

Oh, that place “in the courts of our God” - where we can see and bask in all He’s willing to show us of Himself! That place where He makes us like the “palm tree” (beautiful and fruitful), the grandest “cedar” (fragrant, durable, and long-living), as well as “full of sap and very green.” It’s where He fills us with His glory and empowers us to be all He created us to be! AND in the process, we glorify Him - as we ”declare" who He is with our lives! That’s the best possible result! “. . . they will be . . . the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified” (Isaiah 61:3e). **Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

5/28/2024, 6:08:02 PM

We are stronger together. We are stronger with YOU! We are all workers together WITH God and FOR God! Sunday Mornings are better TOGETHER, see y’all at 8:30am and 10:50am #sundaymornings #together #worshipandtheword

5/26/2024, 12:30:48 AM

🌟 Good morning, Soncoast family! We've got Cafe tomorrow morning from 9:15-9:50am. Then join us for Morning Manna at 10:00 AM with David Lamoureux. Stay while for our main Worship & The Word service at 11:00 AM with Pastor Andrew Loisel delivering an inspiring sermon. It’s a day of spiritual growth and community you won’t want to miss! 🙏✨ #SundayService #MorningManna #WorshipAndTheWord

5/25/2024, 5:30:37 PM

Sunday is coming and a warm welcome awaits you at Hope Community Church. This week we shall be breaking bread and Pastor Ian will be sharing the word of God. So come expecting God to do something really special as we step into a season of believing God for mighty things. Invite someone along to join us as we worship the Lord together. Services starts at 11:00am Prayer meeting before church at 10:40am Kids Church: S1 - S7 Creche for all those with younger kids And when the service is over, hang around and chat over some tea & coffee. #youbelonghere #hopeinverclyde #powerintheword #joinusforchurch #youarewelcome #greenockchurches #breakingbread #worshipandtheword

5/24/2024, 8:28:11 AM

If we could pray but one prayer, it should be that we would grow to know and love God more. Because when those two things are happening, all other aspects of the Christian life – such as prayer, obedience, serving, and giving – grow as a direct result. And that includes our worship life. True worship is grounded in the critical issue of knowing and loving God. “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3). “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! . . . For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen” (Romans 11:33, 36). **Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

5/23/2024, 4:25:32 PM

If preventing people from coming to the knowledge of God is the devil's top priority, then sabotaging believers’ attempts at worshiping Him is probably a close second. Because that defeat not only affects our own lives but the church - rendering us less effective in the world. But most of all, it denies God the glory He deserves. How does the #1 enemy to worship get his job done in the believer’s life? He's called the “father of lies” (John 8:44) for a reason! (So many lies!) So be on the alert (1 Peter 5:8)! Know the enemy’s schemes so you can quickly deny their power over you! So much is lost - from God's glory (first and foremost), to the transforming power of Christ, to unity in the church - when we don’t get worship right! **Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

5/22/2024, 5:01:48 PM

✨ **Worship & The Word: Managing Your Influence | Pastor Keith** ✨ CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO WATCH!⬇ https://youtu.be/02sghJulBKs Join us for an inspiring session with Pastor Keith as he delves into the profound topic of discipleship and managing your influence to make disciples of Jesus. Rooted in the powerful scripture of Matthew 5:13 (NKJV), "You are the salt of the earth," this message will challenge and equip you to live out your faith with intentionality and impact. 🔹 **Key Highlights:** - Understanding the call to discipleship - Practical ways to manage and maximize your influence for Christ - Insights into living as the salt of the earth in today's world Whether you're a seasoned believer or new to your faith journey, this video is packed with wisdom and actionable steps to help you make a difference in the lives of those around you. Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow deeper in your walk with God and to be inspired to influence others for His glory. 👍 **Like, Comment, and Subscribe** for more uplifting messages and teachings from Pastor Keith and our community. 🔔 **Hit the notification bell** to stay updated on our latest videos! 🙏 **Let's grow together in faith and influence for the Kingdom of God.** #WorshipAndTheWord #PastorKeith #Discipleship #ChristianInfluence #Matthew513 #SaltOfTheEarth #FaithInAction https://youtu.be/02sghJulBKs

5/22/2024, 4:00:30 AM

We can't do this worship thing on our own. We were never supposed to! Just like every other aspect of the Christian life, “our adequacy is from God” (2 Corinthians 3:5). So when it comes to passionately pursuing and intimately engaging the God of the Bible in worship, stop trying to do it on your own OR giving the responsibility to somebody else (like your worship leader). -Admit your inadequacies and accept His provision. -Release your struggles and welcome His perspective. -Forget your preconceived ideas and embrace His plan. -Stop your striving and invite His power. -Give up the excuses and pursue His purpose. 
 For “ . . . we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh” (Philippians 3:3). The “My ways are not your ways” (Isaiah 55:8) truth reaches deep into our relationship with God and our worship of Him. **Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

5/21/2024, 4:36:33 PM

Honestly - from a recent journal entry: A big part of our struggle with "reaching forward to what lies ahead" (Phil. 3:12-14) is that we often can't even begin to see what lies ahead. At times, it appears completely unknown, unfamiliar, bland, (and a little scary). Like a black hole of VOID. But it's NOT a void, because God, YOU ARE THERE. The unknown future isn't empty, it's full of You - and all that You are. Which means it's FULL of love, hope, and peace, - AND Your faithfulness, Your power, and Your purpose! It's FULL of everything true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, excellent, and praise-worthy (Philippians 4:8). Yes, the future (even tomorrow) is a blank canvas to me, but it's a beautiful, completed picture to You. It's unknown to me, buts it's NOT unknown to You. And I won't walk into it alone, but with You guiding by my side - gently, step-by-step, lovingly, precisely, purposefully. Help me to look and walk expectantly into tomorrow - knowing that you, my God, hold it in Your hands. Already. *Learn about my book, "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God", here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

5/20/2024, 4:40:53 PM

God is breathtakingly wonder-full all the time.  All the time. He’s wonderful in those moments that are overwhelmingly difficult, as well as the ones like this that are overwhelmingly amazing. When everything’s going as planned, and when I slump into the mundane and struggle to find anything remotely incredible at all, God is wonder-full. He’s always working and moving, redeeming and creating. At all times He’s totally and completely, oh, so wonderful. He can’t be anything else! I need to remember that, and I need to respond to that truth by worshiping Him. Because I lose my wonder when I stop seeking. Stop gazing. Stop remembering. Stop striving to know more of who He is. It doesn’t make Him less wonderful - it just makes my sight and soul dulled to His wonder. It just makes me fail to see His glory, so fail to glorify Him. “Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders which You have done” (Psalm 40:5). *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

5/16/2024, 4:33:05 PM

I love the picture David's psalms paint of how he seeks and sees God! If we stop for a moment and lean in to examine his soul-baring words, there’s much we can glean for our own God-seeking hearts. So friends, it’s not an exhaustive list, but I’d love to share with you what I’ve found - “10 ways to worship with a heart like David’s”: 

https://www.pamelahaddix.com/post/10-ways-to-worship-with-a-heart-like-david-s *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

5/15/2024, 8:41:29 PM

Wednesday Night WORSHIP & The WORD tonight @ 7:00 pm! #TheSanctuary #WORSHIPandtheWORD #VICTORIOUSLIFE #SanctuaryBusiness

5/15/2024, 7:49:39 PM

I think our focus often gets stuck on this journey to become worshipers of our great God. We get stuck at merely seeing, believing, and proclaiming. What? But those are great things! Absolutely, they are! And necessary! But when it comes to worship, God wants us to move beyond seeing, believing, and proclaiming to responding. He wants us to get beyond standing outside the temple telling everyone how wonderful our God is, to entering the holy place, intimately bowing at the foot of His throne, and pouring out all we are in submissive response to the God who’s revealing Himself to us there. It’s a dialing-in of our focus and attention, so our hearts and minds can respond in humble adoration. It’s looking Him in the face and saying, “You are my God. You are holy. You are worthy. I offer all I am to You.” And then, seeing Him standing there with His arms open wide inviting you into His presence: "Welcome, My child - I’ve been waiting for you. I love it when you come here. I receive your offering and pour out more of My glory for you to see. Please come often. I have so much for you here." *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

5/14/2024, 5:16:57 PM

Jesus asked the disciples this question: “Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15). Remember, they were the ones who had already committed to Jesus to the point of leaving everything to follow Him! Yet He still asked that crucial question of them. When Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” Jesus responded with “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven” (v.16-17). It is so important that we answer the same question often. No, daily! Because our honest answer absolutely affects everything else in our lives. It reflects not only who we believe God to be intellectually, but who we believe He is to us personally. And who we really believe God is can either blow the lid off of our worship life (in a great way) or utterly disintegrate it. So I want to make sure I know who He is. Really know. And let the experiential knowledge of God change my life and empower my worship. I want to know, and I want to tell Him often. He asks us, Who do you say that I am? Today. In that place you’re in. Who do you believe I am for you right here – right now? David replied, “O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly” (Psalm 63:1). *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

5/13/2024, 4:21:22 PM

🌸✨ Happy Mother's Day, Soncoast family! 🌷 Tomorrow, we have a special treat in store as we celebrate all the amazing moms in our lives. Join us for a heartfelt Mother's Day message during the Worship & the Word portion of our service, delivered by Leanna Lamoureux. Let's honor and cherish the mothers, grandmothers, and mother figures who bless us with their love and wisdom. See you there as we gather to worship and give thanks together! 🙏💐 #MothersDay #WorshipAndTheWord

5/11/2024, 5:29:20 PM

It’s almost time for our MIDWEEK @ WEST Bible Study and Worship Experience…are you on your way? #LiveTRIUMPHantly #WorshipAndTheWord #TriumphChurch

5/9/2024, 12:11:39 AM

"📣 Don't forget! Tonight at 7pm, it's time for Worship & The Word with Pastor Keith. Tune in on Facebook live for a powerful message and inspiring worship. You won't want to miss it! Gather your family and friends, and let's come together in faith. See you there! 🙏✨Go to Facebook and type in Mylifecenterchurch. #WorshipAndTheWord #LiveStream #FaithCommunity"

5/8/2024, 3:30:10 AM

Next Sunday we are excited to bring Pastor Ebony Norris of @new_generation_rva to The Rock for a special Mother’s Day Celebration Worship Service! See you all next week at 10. Bring the whole family out! #LetsGoToTheROCK #MyNCCCLive #WorshipAndTheWord #ILoveMyChurch #WeAreTheROCK #RockYourPraise #TheRock24 #OpenDoorSeason

5/5/2024, 8:15:15 PM

The enemy wants us to think one of many lies: – God would never notice my worship.
 – It’s too much work.
 – My slight effort really is enough.
 – I should wait until I feel like it.
 – He already knows how I feel.
 – It’s really not a big deal anyway. Either way, we decide we might as well settle for disconnected, halfhearted, routine worship – or give up all together. Well, that’s what the enemy is counting on! Think about it – those arguments put the focus on me. And as long as I’m looking at me, I’m going to struggle. And even though worship is not about me at all, still, “He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). And the rewards of our God’s transforming presence and the greater glimpse of His glory are beyond compare. *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/30/2024, 4:21:41 PM

Can God do what He did last Sunday when we met for church.? ABSOLUTELY and the best about it is this; "He can do exceedingly more than we could ever imagine or think". So if you are new to the area and looking a church, or maybe you are just interested in a little more information about who we are and what we do each week, then come along and see for yourself. This week along with the breaking of bread, worship and the word, we will be welcoming new members into the church. Creche is available for those with younger children and babies. KIDS CHURCH is on for those aged P1-P7 So come along and join us this Sunday. There will be a seat just for you..! #hopeinverclyde #hopecommunitychurchgreenock #kidschurch #creche #newmembers #breakingbread #worshipandtheword #youbelonghere #youarewelcomehere

4/26/2024, 8:30:11 AM

“May my prayer be counted as incense before You; The lifting up of my hands as the evening offering” (Psalm 141:2). *Learn about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/25/2024, 6:17:14 PM

In no way should our worship be a careless, thoughtless act, but instead, a response of complete surrender of all we are and have - an offering worthy of God’s acceptance. Because our Jesus? He is perfect, holy, and changeless. And as we focus on who He is, what He has done, and is doing, and promises to do, then “through Him” we need to “continually offer up a sacrifice of praise.” “Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name” (Hebrews 13:15). Let’s ask God often what He wants us to offer to Him in worship. Don’t rush it. Follow His Spirit’s leading. Listen. And obey. The cost of offering our God what He deserves and requires in worship is the greatest privilege on this earth! *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/24/2024, 6:51:41 PM

“He made” each and every one of us “that [we] would seek God, if perhaps [we] might grope for Him and find Him.” Because we’re all hands-and-knees desperate. That is very much a part of how He longs for us to “live and move and exist” (Acts 17:26-28a) and “be filled up to all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:18-19). Let’s not just read about God. Let’s not just pray casual prayers and say passive words of worship to Him. Let’s invite Him to show us how to literally grope for the greater depths of who He is. He promises to be found! And then let’s respond in worship. *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/23/2024, 6:26:07 PM

God’s love never stops drawing us and compelling us. His patience and grace extend way into our seeking Him and our worship of Him. He longs for us to lift our eyes off of ourselves and all of the distractions (that range from important to worthless) and fix our eyes and heart on Him (Psalm 57:7). And when we finally stop and really look – take in all He wants to show us of Himself – we can’t help but humbly respond in worship. *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/22/2024, 5:00:14 PM

Sometimes you just gotta speak to your soul and tell it to praise God! Join us at 10am for worship and the word! #CLCChurchTx #JoinUsFor10AMService #WorshipAndTheWord

4/21/2024, 2:00:45 PM

The absolute power for worship is available the moment we turn our focus on Him. He’s the purpose. He’s the goal. He’s the only worthy recipient of our undivided attention – and the motivation to finally have a holy dissatisfaction with status quo worship! Seeing Him makes us not want to give up just because it’s a battle – and not want to settle instead of vigorously pursuing. Seeing Him makes us want to respond with unbridled worship! Yes, He commands us to worship Him - “YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY” (Matthew 4:10). BUT that command comes from our Creator lovingly and persistently drawing us so we might fulfill what He created us to do. Worship Him! It’s a breath-taking privilege far beyond a mere obligation. *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/19/2024, 3:59:27 PM

Every pore of our being needs to be overwhelmed by our God and the truth of all that He is. Otherwise when those stressful times blindside us, all of the dry, cracked, weary, God-thirsty space inside us will quickly become overwhelmed by all of the wrong things instead. The truth is - the center of my focus will always get the best of me. (Read that again.) If I’m diligent to make sure that my focus stays on God, then He will constantly give me way more of His overwhelmingly indescribable self and His promises to dwarf any situation in comparison. It puts everything in perspective according to who He is. “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him For the help of His presence" (Psalm 42:5). *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/17/2024, 5:06:09 PM

We can’t wait to welcome YOU to Mid-Week‼️ It’s WEDNESDAY and that means tonight is Worship and the Word!! Service begins at 7!! #lcfranklin #lifechangefranklin #wednesdaynight #worshipandtheword

4/17/2024, 3:54:37 PM

And it’s in that place that gas in thrown on worship’s fire - that place of seeing, exalting, embracing, and surrendering to all of God. It’s inviting His Spirit to light the dark places in my soul that don’t line up with who He is and saying “Make me like You!” As David worshiped - declaring the glory of God and the perfection of His law in Psalm 19 - he responded to God with a personal appeal: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer” (verse 14). May our worship find in us hearts that long to deeply respond to God's Spirit there - surrendering to whatever He reveals of Himself. May we bow our all to His all. It’s the very sweetest of surrenders. The one that leads to freedom. And the truest place of worship. *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/16/2024, 4:00:20 PM

*Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/15/2024, 4:28:07 PM

Come join us for worship and some word of truth. Looking forward to gathering and building community. #kingabovekings #Godoverall #worshipandtheword #community #comejoinus#

4/13/2024, 1:42:29 AM

The #1 way out of the passive rut is to run from the habitual fallacy of passive worship to chase after the God who deserves more. We need to stop being satisfied with doing this the easy way (which isn’t doing it at all), and get caught up in the absolute otherness of the God we stand before – that we’re supposed to bow before. We need to carve new, deep, neural pathways in our brains with a daily striving to know, understand, and be awestruck by the otherness of God. Pathways that compel us toward Him. Pathways that move the depths of our souls to declare in any given moment, “I will extol You, my God, O King, And I will bless Your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless You, And I will praise Your name forever and ever. Great is the LORD, and highly to be praised, And His greatness is unsearchable” (Psalm 145:1-3). *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/12/2024, 8:02:46 PM

His love draws us. His love allows us. His love fills us. It’s out of His undeserved love and grace that we have anything to offer back to Him in worship. And it’s out of this love that He yearns for us to be His intimate worshipers. There’s no greater goal! “But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, At Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You” (Psalm 5:7). *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/11/2024, 5:32:23 PM

We are having our Revival Service on Sunday April 28th, 2024 at 6:30PM EST!! And all of you are invited! Save the date, come expectant and bring a friend!! It will be held at Frank McKechnie community center in the conference room!! 📍The address is 310 Bristol Rd, E, Mississauga ON We are so excited to see you there!! God bless you!! #revival #revivalservice #toronto #worshipandtheword #testimonies #Jesussaves #comethrough #comeexpectant #jesuslovesyou #christian

4/10/2024, 10:52:09 PM

Is it God’s will for you to know Him and have an intimate faith-walk with Him? Yes! Then ask for His help! Ask Him to give you the desire to live authentically before Him. Ask for His Holy Spirit to guide you - revealing the Father, shining light on His word, exposing sin (that breaks your fellowship with Him), and directing your steps. And then respond in obedience to whatever He shows you. Living a life where you diligently and continually strive to know and love your God is the most important step to authentic worship. That’s where the power lies. And as you sing words to Him on Sunday morning (that someone else has chosen for you), be in an intentional mental state of praying, "God, help me to see You and grasp these truths about You. Reveal my unbelief and increase my faith. Help me to worship You." *Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/10/2024, 8:47:18 PM

Want to be a lavish worshiper of the Most High God? Find yourself at His feet - often. Like Mary of Bethany, say no to the distraction-of-the-day, and devote yourself to His presence, His voice, and His power-filled word. Embrace Him as your Teacher, Master, Savior, and Friend. Come look at the invaluable lessons I’ve learned from Mary that have better prepared me to be a a lavish worshiper of the Most High God - like her. https://www.pamelahaddix.com/post/grasping-the-lavish-feet-seeking-worship-of-mary Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/9/2024, 3:46:52 PM

Have you ever wondered if scripture could be sung? Come experience this soaking moment today 5PM. #BHI #WorshipandtheWord

4/9/2024, 8:48:09 AM

Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/8/2024, 5:18:28 PM

It’s almost time for #WorshipAndTheWord 🙌 We hope to see you TOMORROW at 10:30am! 📍 2501 Old Whittlesey Road Columbus, GA 31909

4/6/2024, 6:00:00 PM

How’s the soil in my heart? 🤎 1. We were created to sow the word 2. Our lives will show the word 3. We were created to know the word #harvestyouth #parables #parableofthesower #prayer #family #genzforjesus #worshipandtheword

4/5/2024, 5:16:30 PM

Friends, worship isn't just another activity on a smorgasbord of activities Christians have to pick and choose from - and therefore ok to do half-heartedly - or ignore altogether. Because . . .

 Here's (with scripture): 
 7 Reasons We Need to Fight Worship Apathy 


 Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 

 (link in bio)

 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

4/5/2024, 4:25:00 PM

Let's get our praise and worship on, and let's get equipped with the word. Let's start being able to defend ourselves with the word and sharpen our sword. #worship #word of God #Godisthegreatest #worshipandtheword #community #letsgettogether

4/4/2024, 3:32:12 AM

This Sunday night is our family night of WORSHIP and the WORD. This first Sunday of every month is an intentional time of gathering as a church family to worship and feast on God’s Word. You have to experience it! There is just something special about Sunday nights at Fairview Knox! We will see you at 5:00 p.m. #fairviewknox #worshipandtheword #family #sundaynights

4/2/2024, 9:44:32 PM

Let us come together and celebrate the death, resurrection and victory of Jesus Christ this Easter season! . RESURRECTION SUNDAY 👑 Sunday 31 March @ 11am . JOIN US LIVE 🚨 . George St West, Bham, B18 7HF 📍 . or watch online on YouTube ▶️ . SHARE THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST WITH SOMEONE WHO NEEDS IT ‼️ . . . . . @wearentcg #Easter #Hosanna #ItIsFinished #HeIsRisen #JesusChrist #WeAreNTCG #TheRockLive #ForwardInFaith #TheROCKOnline #NTCGTheROCK #NTCG #TheGoodNews #TheGospel #Jesus #Sunday #GodsWord #Worship #WorshipAndTheWord #Birmingham

3/30/2024, 11:46:58 AM

If you are looking for a church home, look this one over. You will absolutely love the worship experience from start to finish! We CHUUUURRRCCHHH over here!!!💕💕💕 #WorshipANDTHEWord

3/28/2024, 5:17:12 PM

I love the picture David's psalms paint of how he seeks and sees God! If we stop for a moment and lean in to examine his soul-baring words, there’s much we can glean for our own God-seeking hearts. So friends, it’s not an exhaustive list, but I’d love to share with you what I’ve found - “10 ways to worship with a heart like David’s”: https://www.pamelahaddix.com/post/10-ways-to-worship-with-a-heart-like-david-s

 Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 


(link in bio) 

 #davidsworship #davidspsalms #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #learntoworship #trueworshippers #worship #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook #growclosertogod #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #stillgrowing #stilllearning

3/26/2024, 4:04:11 PM

𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 ✝️ . Let us come together and celebrate the death, resurrection and victory of Jesus Christ this Easter season! . PALM SUNDAY 🌿 Watch now on our YouTube channel ▶️ . GOOD FRIDAY 🩸 Friday 29 March @ 10am followed by 'Walk of Witness's @ 12pm . RESURRECTION SUNDAY 👑 Sunday 31 March @ 11am . JOIN US LIVE 🚨 . George St West, Bham, B18 7HF 📍 . or watch online on YouTube ▶️ . SHARE THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST WITH SOMEONE WHO NEEDS IT ‼️ . . . . . @wearentcg #Easter #Hosanna #ItIsFinished #HeIsRisen #JesusChrist #WeAreNTCG #TheRockLive #ForwardInFaith #TheROCKOnline #NTCGTheROCK #NTCG #TheGoodNews #TheGospel #Jesus #Sunday #GodsWord #Worship #WorshipAndTheWord #Birmingham

3/25/2024, 9:22:59 PM
> https://bit.ly/3eb2Du5⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #happysunday #sunday #sundayservice #together #worshiptogether #fellowship #community #worshipandtheword #fbcbridgeport #palmsunday #passionweek #easter" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1mcmEzLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3QzOS4zMDgwOC02LzQzMzcyNjEwOV83NTQ4NTc2MTM0MTA3MjRfNzg2NTIwNjQ4Mjk4MzI4ODUxMF9uLmpwZz9zdHA9ZHN0LWpwZ19lMTVfZnJfczEwODB4MTA4MCZfbmNfaHQ9c2NvbnRlbnQtZnJhMy0xLmNkbmluc3RhZ3JhbS5jb20mX25jX2NhdD0xMDQmX25jX29oYz1BNG9ISGZaV2poTVE3a052Z0htUXFJViZlZG09QU9VUHhoMEFBQUFBJmNjYj03LTUmb2g9MDBfQVlCMF9CQmNrOG5Cam1nUktYb0huQVJ0U05OSWRBeWJJWi1fZEhJbURSTjJkQSZvZT02NjYwRTY4OCZfbmNfc2lkPTlkYzY2MA==.jpg" />

Today is Palm Sunday! As we begin Passion Week, leading up to the celebration of Easter, we hope you'll join us for worship and the Word this morning. Hope to see you, whether in person or online, at 10 AM! "The next day, when the large crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they took palm branches and went out to meet him. They kept shouting: 'Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord—the King of Israel!'" John 12:12-13 CSB ———⠀ 𝗝𝗢𝗜𝗡 𝗨𝗦 10𝖠𝖬⠀ ———⠀ ⠀ Livestream Service >> https://bit.ly/3eb2Du5⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #happysunday #sunday #sundayservice #together #worshiptogether #fellowship #community #worshipandtheword #fbcbridgeport #palmsunday #passionweek #easter

3/24/2024, 11:20:08 AM

𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 ✝️ . “They took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” John 12:13 . PALM SUNDAY 🌿 Sunday 24 March @ 11am . The first stop of our Easter season journey! . JOIN US LIVE 🚨 . George St West, Bham, B18 7HF 📍 . or watch online on YouTube ▶️ . SHARE THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST WITH SOMEONE WHO NEEDS IT ‼️ . . . . . @wearentcg #Easter #Hosanna #ItIsFinished #HeIsRisen #JesusChrist #WeAreNTCG #TheRockLive #ForwardInFaith #TheROCKOnline #NTCGTheROCK #NTCG #TheGoodNews #TheGospel #Jesus #Sunday #GodsWord #Worship #WorshipAndTheWord #Birmingham

3/23/2024, 11:34:43 AM

This past Sunday our worship pastor, Luis, shared a powerful word that dove into the question, “Do I understand who God Is?” Worship is posturing your heart to recognize God. To worship God in places where you haven’t seen a breakthrough requires faith and experiencing God firsthand is the key to understanding who He is. Join us this upcoming Sunday at 10AM for worship and a word from Richie Setzer✨ @richieseltzer #worshiptogether #concordca #churchcommunity #worshipandtheword #faithcommunity

3/21/2024, 9:08:32 PM

We are excited to share about our upcoming MCA Worship Night on March 26th at 7pm. Worship will be led by our very own, Kiefer Pinto and Ashley Abraham. We encourage you to come out for a night full of worship and the word, shared by Pastor Graeme Melvin. In the spirit of this Easter season, this is a great opportunity if you have friends, family and neighbors who would be open to a night of fellowship. Kindly note that there will be a nursery room available for parents with younger children. In addition, coffee, tea and water will be provided. Please take a moment to help us plan accordingly and fill out the R.S.V.P. form using the link in the bio. We would love to see you there! #worshipnight #mississaugachristianacademy #mcaalumni #meadowvalebaptistbiblechurch #mcafamily #worshipandtheword #mcacommunity #mcaworshipnight

3/21/2024, 12:00:21 AM

"Worship is the grace-infused, surrendered response of all I am to all God is and does - and God made me all I am!" (See 2 Thes.1:1 2 and 1 Cor. 15:10) Learn more about "Seeking and Savoring - a Devotional to Encourage the Everyday Worship of our Extraordinary God" here: 
 https://www.pamelahaddix.com/books (link in bio) 
 #seekingandsavoringdevotional #makeitabouthim #howtoworshipgod #biblicalworship #trueworshippers #worship #seekinggod #seekinggoddaily #worshipandtheword #worshipandthewordbook

3/20/2024, 7:54:56 PM

Happy Sunday! We've finished one week of our 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, and we're looking forward to meeting together, as we continue to seek the Lord and His will for our lives. Come join us, whether in person or online, today at 10 AM. ———⠀ 𝗝𝗢𝗜𝗡 𝗨𝗦 10𝖠𝖬⠀ ———⠀ ⠀ Livestream Service >> https://bit.ly/3eb2Du5⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #happysunday #sunday #sundayservice #together #worshiptogether #fellowship #prayer #fasting #prayerandfasting #21daysofprayer #community #worshipandtheword #fbcbridgeport

3/17/2024, 11:30:12 AM

Sunday is here! What a great way to start the new week. ‭‭Psalms 100:4 GW‬‬ Enter his gates with a song of thanksgiving. Come into his courtyards with a song of praise. Give thanks to him; praise his name. The Lord is Good and His Mercy endures forever. See you all. Invite someone you know. #godfirst #worshipandtheword #thewarehousechurchdimapur #transforminglives

3/16/2024, 3:37:03 AM

Night 2, and again, God was manifest in the place. The Worship and the Word blessed the souls of every believer in the house. If you have not made it yet, you need to get here to 1142 Herkimer Street! Join in this life changing experience with the New York Southeast Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. #SoutheastStrong #WorshipAndTheWord #Fellowship #Impact

3/14/2024, 1:04:28 PM

Join us TONIGHT for week 2 of our current Wednesday night study on worship and the Word! Invite a friend and we’ll see you at 7PM 🤩 ____ #worship #wednesdayservice #midweek #worshipandtheword #lifewaychurch

3/13/2024, 4:00:51 PM

Happy Sunday! ⠀ We can’t wait to enjoy worship and the word together! Whether in person or online, we hope you’ll join us this morning at 10 AM. ⠀ ———⠀ 𝗝𝗢𝗜𝗡 𝗨𝗦 10𝖠𝖬⠀ ———⠀ ⠀ Livestream Service >> https://bit.ly/3eb2Du5⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #happysunday #sunday #sundayservice #together #worshiptogether #fellowship #community #worshipandtheword #fbcbridgeport

3/10/2024, 11:31:05 AM

Sundays are our favorite! 🙌 Join us at 11 AM this Sunday for worship and the word! But don’t forget to join us before service for a time of prayer in the prayer room! It is going to be a powerful weekend! And we can’t wait to see you there! #church #sundayservice #worship #worshipandtheword

3/9/2024, 8:00:38 PM

HOLY SUNDAYS - We start a new series this week “The Sword and the Shepherd,” as we journey towards the anguish and celebration of Easter. Join us as we pursue His glory and His goodness. #KingJesus #Sundays #WorshipandtheWord

3/9/2024, 6:00:33 PM

There’s something special about Worship and the Word on Sunday nights! If you’ve never experienced Worship and the Word family nights at Fairview Knox, you are missing a blessing! Join us at 5:00 p.m., you’ll be glad you came! #fairviewknox #worshipandtheword #sundaynights

3/1/2024, 12:15:58 AM

Join with us this evening for our prayer meeting which shall begin at 7:30pm when we shall lift our voices in worship and also in prayer. Invite someone to come along and be part of this intimate time of worship before the Lord. #hopeinverclyde #midweekmeeting #youbelonghere #worshipandtheword #prayermeeting

2/28/2024, 8:30:16 AM

We’re back on the morrow yall!!! Tune in at 1230pm 🙏🏽💖🔥 #middaymotivation #praywithoutceasing #dailydevotionals #worshipandtheWord

2/27/2024, 8:04:47 PM

In the 13 years of hosting the Sister I Got Your Back Retreat, I have never felt the calling to preach at my conference. This year marks a special first and maybe the last time I’ll be preaching but I felt a strong pull to open the conference this year. And I couldn’t be more thrilled because on the night I preach, my daughter will be leading us in praise and worship. 🎶 This moment is incredibly dear to my heart as God has worked miracles in both my daughter’s lives through this ministry. The prayers of the women in this sisterhood have been a lifeline, and I am filled with gratitude that she is here with us today because of their unwavering faith. 🙏🏽❤️ #SisterIGotYourBack #WorshipAndTheWord #Miracles #FaithJourney #GratefulHeart #GodsGrace #blesseddaughter🌸

2/23/2024, 7:43:29 AM

All are invited to join us for a time of refreshing as Special Guest Aaron from Bloodline Band in collaboration with COGM musicians, leads us in a time of anointed worship. We anticipate the powerful prophetic word of the Lord and would not want you to miss out! @soogiemuzik See you this Sunday at 10am. • • • • • • #holyspirit #cogmtt #christiancontent #christian #church #trinichurch #instaworship #instachurches #word #worshipwithoutwalls #worship #sundaychurch #sundayworship #worshipandtheword

2/22/2024, 3:01:13 AM

Worship and the WORD on Wednesdays @ 6:30pm (PST) You are also invited to the Evergreen experience: ONLINE @ Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church ON-SITE: Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church Bishop L. Lawrence Brandon, Senior Pastor 408 W MacArthur Blvd Oakland, CA 94609 For additional information, please contact us @ 510.654.2976 or by email [email protected] #TheEvergreenExperience #VoiceOfEvergreen #WeAreEvergreen #EvergreenOfOakland #EvergreenMissionaryBaptistChurch #Oakland #California #TheTown #BayArea #EastBayArea #BishopLarryBrandon #LarryBrandon #Love #LarryLawrenceBrandon #WednesdayWorship #WorshipAndTheWORD #OaklandProud #oaklandstrong #Prayer #Praise #Worship #TheWORD #OaklandLoveLife #OaklandCalifornia

2/21/2024, 5:06:33 PM

This Sunday, 🗣️ ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE ROCK!! Join us this Sunday as we continue our 20th Anniversary Celebration. This Sunday is all about COMMUNITY with our Faith, Family & Friends Day! Bring the whole family and let’s worship together. Lunch will be served following service and we can’t wait to see you. #mynccclive #therock24 #rockyourpraise #OnSundaysWeRock #SundaysWereMadeForTheROCK #rockyourpraise #TheRock #SeeYaAt10 #MyNCCCLIVE #inTheCommunity #TellAFRIEND #Community #NCCCCelebrates #nccccelebrates #ilovemychurch #worshipandtheword #MyNCCCLive

2/16/2024, 6:49:00 PM

This Sunday at 10 am. 'In His Presence' with Worship Minister Kerron Duncan. Join us online via our Facebook LiveStream or in house. Bring your ebtire family, come and be blessed! • • • • • • #cogmtt #christcentered #holyspirit #worshipteam #trinichurch #worshipwithoutwalls #church #christiancontent #churchlife #worshipandtheword #sundaychurch #sundayworship

2/15/2024, 11:58:23 AM

It’s Happening This Friday 🤩😍✌🏾. Kindly Join Me In Lifting The Name of God High This Season. I’m sure you can agree with me that in times like this, it’s been God, Honestly 💯 This gathering promises to bring a tremendous change in our lives, cos the Wind is Blowing 💯👍🏾 See y’all ✌🏾 #worhsipmoment #atmosphereofworship #gatheringofthesaints #exclusiveworshipexperience #worshipandtheword #thewind

2/14/2024, 12:59:32 PM