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Class 1️⃣3️⃣8️⃣ “Mayurasana Journey: From Weight Bearing to Balancing” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary So wonderful to do a class where I caught a glimpse of doing the peak pose!!! A got at least a full second of airtime, I think!

6/1/2024, 8:48:27 PM

Class 1️⃣3️⃣6️⃣ “Eka Pada Kapotasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Oh it was so good to practice in my regular space again. I needed my girls @leavyme_insavasana and @cherylscruz to help and inspire me in this seemingly impossible super scary pose again. As Carmen says the main objective of this class is to learn relaxing and breathing into the pose. I’m still at the “don’t panic, don’t cry phase!”😂

5/30/2024, 10:47:24 PM

Class 1️⃣3️⃣5️⃣ “Hip Openers & Core Towards Chakorasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Had to kick jet lag out the door but I finally finished the class! Started it in the west coast on my sister-in-law’s front porch and finished here on the east coast. Loving some of that barely visible airtime off the floor!! ✈️ #chakorasana

5/29/2024, 9:29:37 PM

Class 1️⃣3️⃣4️⃣”Strike the Pike” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I couldn’t strike the pike but I did strike a pose!! 😆 It was awesome to practice zombies on a non-rug!! What a difference!!

5/26/2024, 10:09:27 PM

Class 1️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ “Backbends: Viparita Salabhasana Breakdown” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I’m almost embarrassed to post this. I think I have forgotten how to open my thoracic sitting in a car/airplane for an average of five hours a day for the past four days! 😏😞😏😞

5/24/2024, 3:06:27 AM

Class 1️⃣3️⃣2️⃣ “Twists To Get Stronger and Limber” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Topped a great day sightseeing 🏔️🏖️🌲🌾🌞 with my family by practicing some fun twists!!

5/23/2024, 6:20:01 AM

Class 1️⃣3️⃣1️⃣ “ Arm Balances: Inching Towards Urdhva Kukkutasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Ugh!! 😩 I couldn’t lift my head up at.all! More like “centimetering” my way into full lotus arm balance! 😜😆😜😆

5/22/2024, 4:43:59 AM

Class 1️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ ”Eka Pada Rajakapotasana: Entries, Improving It & New Variants To Try” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I know I’ve been saying this a lot but I just love it when I touch my toes!! Today we played with using the opposite hand to foot entry and it makes so much of a difference. Maybe by the end of the year I’ll even be able to flip the grip entry!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

5/21/2024, 5:50:37 AM

Class 1️⃣2️⃣9️⃣ “Five Ways to Access Visvamitrasana & Other Side Bends” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I’ve entered into this pose before but man was it a struggle today. Driving for twenty hours within two days wiped me out!!

5/18/2024, 11:00:34 PM

Class 1️⃣2️⃣8️⃣ “Funky Arm Balances In Yogidandasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Touching the toe was a fun challenge!! And always exciting to get some flight time in a one-armed crow 🐦‍⬛ variant!!

5/16/2024, 1:02:31 AM

Class 1️⃣2️⃣7️⃣ “New Dhanurasanas to Add to Your Practice” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I was really hoping to make contact with my foot in #dhanurasana but that thing called gravity, and tight shoulders, and…. 😁😁 I just had to post the second slide because I still can’t believe I can touch my toes, at all!!! 💃🏻💃🏻

5/15/2024, 1:15:16 AM

Class 1️⃣2️⃣6️⃣ “Inversions: Finding Straight & Solid Lines” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Worked on those closed ribs and pelvic tilt. The lines are okay but I couldn’t hold the poses for more than a couple of seconds today. The last pic with the “tuck” was the featured pose of the class but as you can imagine Carmen’s knees were tight into the chest!!

5/14/2024, 4:17:24 AM

Class 1️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ “Hip Openers: Deconstructing Omkarasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary The bottom leg wrapped up a little higher!!!

5/13/2024, 4:05:02 AM

Class 1️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ “Thoracic Movement & Hollow Backs” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Great class to prepare for this hollow back!!! I got into it on the first time!!!

5/11/2024, 11:41:55 PM

Class 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ “Twists, Splits & Zombies” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Found the balance easier today but boy is that shoulder twist 🫣 scary!!!

5/10/2024, 10:52:10 PM

Class 1️⃣2️⃣1️⃣ “Camel, Laghuvajrasana and More Psoas Releases” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary The first frame is me being a scaredy cat going down into the pose because I didn’t trust my quads and glutes to hold me today. The second is me entering the pose from the bottom up which has a 🫤 meh, I know I can do much better than that, arch! Love these classes that especially stretch and strength the quads . My tight quads need these so much!! Hope you are all having a beautiful day friends!!

5/8/2024, 10:18:34 PM

Class 1️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ “Yoganidrasana: Become the Sleeping Yogi” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Or in my case, become the half-asleep yogi!!! Still freaking out in this pose and learning to breathe and relax. So it’ll be awhile before I’m relaxed enough to even think of sleeping 😴😁

5/8/2024, 1:07:28 AM

Class 1️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ “Bakasana Feast: Variants & Drills to Expand Your Practice” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary The baby crow variant! Phew!!😅 Carmen is so high and I’m flat as a pancake 🥞😆 Felt like I got a tiny flight in the flying forward fold. Yay!! You’ll need a microscope to see it but I think it’s there!!

5/7/2024, 12:29:46 AM

Class 1️⃣1️⃣8️⃣ “Dance into Natarajasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Straps and walls are going to be my friend for a while with this pose. Oh gravity, you can be a ….😱!!! That, and stiff shoulders!!

5/6/2024, 1:15:42 AM

Class 1️⃣1️⃣7️⃣ “Combining Twists & Yogidandasanas” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Yogidandasanas are feeling stronger but definitely not while transitioning in them!!! 😆😆

5/5/2024, 12:55:52 AM

Class 1️⃣1️⃣6️⃣ “Splits &Hip Mobility” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Exciting to see some control in the inverted folds but please don’t look at my non-open shoulders!! 🙈😆🙄

5/4/2024, 12:00:08 AM

Class 1️⃣1️⃣5️⃣ “ Dropping Into the Wheel World” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Holy Wow! My chin touched the wall today!!! I got so excited I forgot to stay calm and breathe! Not a good idea in this position 😆 When will I learn! The October 2022 backbend is the first one in my feed and the second slide is from March 9. 🙃

5/3/2024, 12:18:32 AM

Class 1️⃣1️⃣4️⃣ “Astavakrasana & Transitions With It” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary This class was a blast!💥 Arm balances are so much more fun than lifting weights!!!

5/1/2024, 9:11:36 PM

Class 1️⃣1️⃣3️⃣ “Hip Opener Study: Parsva Dandasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Oh my, I felt out of my league today! Perhaps a little exhaustion settled in but I couldn’t get #lbh to stick today so I present to you some other preparatory poses!!

5/1/2024, 3:16:18 AM

Class 1️⃣1️⃣2️⃣ “Pincha Scorpion Progress” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Time flew by in today’s practice ! I must be having fun!!🤩 I want to try the first pose again, though, looks like I was too far from the wall.

4/29/2024, 10:06:08 PM

Class 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ “Thread the Needle Into Hip Openers” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Carmen was able to internally wrap her foot ABOVE the elbow!! How in the world?!! I had to fight hard to get my foot to merely touch the opposite arm!!! 😅😅

4/29/2024, 2:26:35 AM

Class 1️⃣1️⃣0️⃣ “Sidebend & Extend” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Side stretching was absolutely delightful today!!!

4/27/2024, 7:17:13 PM

Class 1️⃣0️⃣9️⃣ “Backbends: Lunges & Splits “ with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary This has to be one of my top favorite backbend classes because it targeted great hip flexor stretching and strengthening as well as opening the shoulders (that numbing Viparita stretch) in the inversion pose. I was shocked I was able to touch my toes today since I was feeling extra stiff in the thoracic today but I’ll take it!!

4/26/2024, 10:47:06 PM

Class 1️⃣0️⃣8️⃣ “Handstands: Nail & Bail” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Forgive the cutting off of my limbs in this horrible recording! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have a long way to “nail” before I attempt a “bail”, in fact most of my attempts looks like the last slide!! 😆😆

4/25/2024, 11:48:11 PM

Class 1️⃣0️⃣7️⃣ “Deconstructing Parsva Kukkutasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Carmen wasn’t kidding when she said the full lotus arm balance was the toughest of them all! Fortunately the half lotus twist was doable for a second or two!!

4/24/2024, 9:08:17 PM

Class 1️⃣0️⃣5️⃣ “Making Kapotasana Accessible” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary This is my Kapotasana Prep and I’m so thrilled I was able to get this low and straighten the arms!!! Feeling amazing right now!! 💃🏻

4/24/2024, 1:41:11 AM

Class 1️⃣0️⃣4️⃣ “Ten Eagles to Improve Internal Rotation” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I was supposed to count to four in each arm sequence pose, so I counted really 💨 fast!! I paused the recording to tell myself, “Okay, I know can do this; just one more try!” I wish this kind of self talk worked for all poses!!😆 Super fun class!

4/22/2024, 9:38:07 PM

Class 1️⃣0️⃣3️⃣ “ Thoracic Openers: From Puppy Pose to Chin Stand Scorpion” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Such a long way to go with my puppy poses! One day I want to cup my feet with my hands in the first slide! In the meantime, pressing into puppy with feet on the wall happened today! ✨✨ Huge accomplishment I was definitely not doing a year ago!

4/21/2024, 8:49:54 PM

Class 1️⃣0️⃣2️⃣ “Enhancing Crows with Hip Openers” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary So pleased that the arm balances are feeling strong. Next up…transitions, flows and leg behind the head balances! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

4/20/2024, 8:42:12 PM

Class 1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣ “Twists & Squats for Spine & Knees” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Love when the peak poses are accessible!

4/19/2024, 4:24:32 AM

Class 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ “Adding Half/Lotus into Your Backbends” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Holy Moly this is hard!!😅 I touched the wall which is a win!

4/18/2024, 1:44:01 AM

Class 0️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ “Control, Stillness & Peace of Mind in Inversions” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary The handstand entry started out being super scary but I got 🆙💫💫 Love when I conquer my fears!!

4/17/2024, 2:13:12 AM

Class 0️⃣9️⃣8️⃣ “Four New Yogidandasanas to Access the Hips” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I was supposed to get into a standing position but I’ll need to use super glue to pin that foot into the armpit since it likes to escape every time I stand! 😆 This was still a pretty awesome achievement!!

4/16/2024, 12:09:06 AM

Class 0️⃣9️⃣7️⃣ “Curl Like a Snake 🐍 in Dhanurasana & Rajakapotasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Practicing in tight places! I hope it helped curl deeper!

4/15/2024, 11:59:48 PM

Class 0️⃣9️⃣6️⃣ “Uddijana, Nauli & Abs to Float & Fly” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I may be getting the hang of the breathing techniques! And I’m thrilled I got some flying time in handstand!! 🦅🦅

4/11/2024, 11:17:48 PM

Class 0️⃣9️⃣5️⃣ “Lightness & Alignment in Handstand and Pincha” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary A little flight here and there but I can see why only a little …Ribs In Christine!!! 😂

4/10/2024, 10:57:39 PM

Class 0️⃣9️⃣4️⃣ “Backbends: Gherandasana Study” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I was so hoping to see my back knee! Man this is hard and awkward 😅

4/10/2024, 3:05:23 AM

Class 0️⃣9️⃣3️⃣ “Side Bends & Practical Applications” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Great class! There were so many other golden yoga nuggets to try in this practice that were out of my league. Can’t wait to try this one again!!

4/8/2024, 9:47:18 PM

Class 0️⃣9️⃣2️⃣ “Yogidandasana, Tittibhasana & All Poses in Between” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary This was the first pose of a flow! Beautiful incredible flow that I highly suggest! But. I’ll just hang out here for today!! It’s a butt kicker!

4/7/2024, 9:35:34 PM

Class 0️⃣9️⃣1️⃣ “Backbends: The Elusive Rotator Cuff” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I can’t quite tell if there’s any improvement. Perhaps a nano-centimeter more opening of the chest?! I’ll have to get my magnifying glass 🔍 out! 😂 And does anyone else feel an overwhelming numbness in their shoulders in Viparita?

4/6/2024, 10:29:18 PM

Class 0️⃣8️⃣8️⃣ “Twists to Detox & Relax” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary There’s nothing relaxing about this class😂 It’s a “mother” as Carmen described one of the poses but I count this as my favorite Twist class up til now!

4/4/2024, 9:57:59 PM

Class 0️⃣8️⃣7️⃣ “A Backbend Milestone: Padangustha Dhanurasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I certainly have miles to travel before achieving the milestone pose but in the meantime join me in a happy dance 💃🏻 because I felt the belt buckle and was able to see the floor!!!💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

4/3/2024, 10:33:34 PM

Class 0️⃣8️⃣6️⃣ “Smooth External Hip Rotations for Lotus & Half Lotus” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Fun class! Especially enjoyed the added spice of half lotus in Warrior 3 and Half Moon! Best of all was slipping that half lotus into crow and not face planting!

4/2/2024, 8:36:07 PM

Class 0️⃣8️⃣5️⃣ ”Floating Splits” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Always a confidence builder when I can actually get a little close to Carmen’s poses! And some not !

4/1/2024, 10:08:26 PM

HAPPY EASTER!!!🕊️🕊️🕊️ Class 0️⃣8️⃣4️⃣ “Backbends: Psoas Awakening” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I think I have more awakening to do!!😜😆

4/1/2024, 2:51:30 AM

Class 0️⃣8️⃣3️⃣ “Crows & Transitions to Fly Them” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary A little more progress today towards one-legged crow!!!🐦‍⬛💃🏻💃🏻

3/30/2024, 9:53:13 PM

Class 0️⃣8️⃣2️⃣ “Hip Journey into Yoganidrasana” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Oh my, the stretch is intense for two legs to go behind the head at the same time! My journey is starting in diamond 💎 pose and breathing, releasing and relaxing 💆🏻‍♀️

3/29/2024, 8:51:58 PM

Class 0️⃣8️⃣1️⃣ “Solving Mayurasana: Warm Up, Drills & Wrist Care” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I had to prove to myself I could get lift off 🛫, even if it was for a split second! Then a moment of panic happened in the success 😆 But that split second felt like such a win!!!

3/28/2024, 9:53:20 PM

Class 0️⃣8️⃣0️⃣ “Hollow Backs & Shoulder Openers” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary A year ago I could not have done this pose; my neck was too sore. I credit a consistent yoga practice and sleeping with a neck pillow to make my neck strong enough to get into this pose!!! 😁😁😁

3/27/2024, 3:27:20 AM

Class 0️⃣7️⃣9️⃣ “Press & Compress: Drills to Improve Inversions” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Still working on my goal of the year which is to find balance in pincha and press with a single leg. Here’s how it’s going! 😂😂 Thank God the year isn’t over!!😅😅

3/26/2024, 12:24:48 AM

Class 0️⃣7️⃣8️⃣ “Yogidandasana and Inversions” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Incredibly fun and hard class! To warm up the thighs she had us sit and rise in bound crouching 🐯😱😱 Tiger. It was awesome 🤩

3/24/2024, 11:56:52 PM

Class 0️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ “Binds & Twists or How to Turn Into a Pretzel in an Hour” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I must have attempted this pose at least five times before I could even find a balance to go for the bind!! I know I can do better! I hope to try this again soon!

3/23/2024, 7:34:51 PM

Class 0️⃣7️⃣6️⃣ “Shoulder Openers for Deeper Backbends” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Such a huge success for me today!! Even though this peak pose still needs a lot of work to look like Carmen’s, I almost gave up because the shoulder stretch was so intense. I felt some numbness, I couldn’t get my head off the floor nor could I climb my feet onto the wall. But I said, one more time!! And I breathed through the shoulder stretch a little longer, managed to pick up my head and somehow the feet magically were in the wall!! I’m still in shock 😳🤣 Love these kind of days!!

3/22/2024, 11:23:30 PM

Class 0️⃣7️⃣4️⃣ “Balance, Focus and Splits” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary A fun archer themed class today! Off to celebrate my Darling Daughter’s 18th birthday 🥳 @thaliachristinawood Love you Beautiful 😻

3/20/2024, 8:12:25 PM

Class 0️⃣7️⃣3️⃣ “Scorpions for Every Body” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary What a great class !! I was able to finally find a balance in the dolphin pose, reach back unassisted in the lunge at the wall pose and hold a scorpion for slightly longer than One Mississippi!!! 😀

3/19/2024, 10:42:16 PM

Class 0️⃣7️⃣2️⃣ “Leg Behind the Head & Balancing” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Still working on breathing and deepening into lbh to extend the neck and spine. Balancing and standing on one leg with #lbh is still several miles down the road!

3/19/2024, 1:17:56 AM

Class 0️⃣7️⃣1️⃣ #Smart Core Work for Arm Balances & Inversions” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Not much to see today except for my journey towards handstand and one-legged crow. It’s a process!! And I wonder if it will ever happen! Funny how I had just finished encouraging my son to keep at his soccer practice on a day he didn’t feel like he was successful, when all I saw was one of a spectacular performance. Preaching to myself without knowing I was preaching to myself! 😅

3/17/2024, 11:51:59 PM

Class 0️⃣6️⃣9️⃣ “Weekly Medicine: Splits, Twists & Arm Balances” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Such a great class with unique poses like the #banamedasana (second slide) and my legs are feeling super awesome 🌟

3/16/2024, 12:08:27 AM

Class 0️⃣6️⃣7️⃣”More Backbends & Middle Splits” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary. Getting that leg vertical is no joke and unfortunately I lost a lot of my bend. Yet another “before” photo op! 😂

3/13/2024, 12:10:34 AM

Class 0️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ “Agility and Lightness in Hand Balancing” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Several things related to handstands I couldn’t do because my mind is playing fear tricks on me. I feel like I’ve regressed a bit but I remember Carmen testifying she went through the same thing and had to build her confidence back up. In the meantime, there are a couple of poses I could do! So we’ll focus on that! 😄 I especially love it when my cheerleader comes in to encourage me! Next time, stay for the handstands Darling Daughter! I could use your help ❤️

3/11/2024, 11:22:09 PM

Class 0️⃣6️⃣5️⃣ “Splits & Vasisthasana Games” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Extending the arm took some courage!

3/11/2024, 12:10:41 AM

Class 0️⃣6️⃣4️⃣ “Frictionless Wheel to Drive Your Practice” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I didn’t feel my strongest today but the chest looks like it’s getting closer to the wall!! Millimeter by millimeter but hopefully by the end of the year!!

3/9/2024, 10:09:10 PM

Class 0️⃣6️⃣3️⃣ “Yogidandasanas & Baby Arm Balances or How to Fit into a Suitcase” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary I couldn’t fit into the suitcase pose !! 😆😂 Love that title! But I enjoyed some other poses!

3/8/2024, 8:08:35 PM

Class 0️⃣6️⃣2️⃣ “Splits & Side Bends in Inversions” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Super fun class! Including this angel 😇😊

3/8/2024, 12:23:01 AM

Class 0️⃣6️⃣1️⃣ “Shoulder Openers to Feel Great” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary In my mind I felt like my toes were closer! Where my girls at ?!!@leavyme_insavasana and @cherylscruz to help me! The puppy prep and then pressing into the wall was unachievable last time I tried it and I was surprised by how I was able to plant my feet 👣 on the wall! Definitely progress! Yahoo!!

3/6/2024, 9:49:53 PM

Class 0️⃣6️⃣0️⃣ “Twists to Get a Yoga High” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary Love me a twisting class!! So fun!

3/5/2024, 7:43:55 PM

Class 0️⃣1️⃣3️⃣ “Wheels of Life” with @cyogalife and the #cyogalifelibrary This was one killer class 💥 My quads are going to feel the heat tomorrow! But I think I’m going a little deeper and with straighter arms!! This pose sure does show off my bubble 🫧 butt though 🤣

1/12/2024, 9:08:02 PM