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Idc what anyone says karma is literally my new Roman Empire! 😭🫶🏽❤️‍🔥 I’m so happy Jojo isn’t letting the hate get to her bc she’s amazing! - - @jojosiwanowpodcast #jojosiwa #jojosiwaedit #jojosiwapodcast #jojosiwanow #jojosiwainterview #jojosiwaqueen #jojosiwalover #jojosiwagayicon #jojosiwavlogs #jojosiwarp #jojosiwalover #jojosiwaisloved #jojosiwagayicon #jojosiwarare #jojosiwafanpages #jojosiwafandom #jojosiwafansquad #jojosiwafanedit #jojosiwaphotodump #jojosiwastans #jojosiwastyle #jojosiwapics

4/16/2024, 10:47:55 AM

Karma is already one my fav music videos ever, everything was visually stunning & beautifully choreographed. U deserve all the love in the world for being hard working & down to earth! 🫶🏽❤️‍🔥 I’m so happy that u have people around u that can lift u up & take u out of that dark mindset. Also the “me bitch” made me lol - - @jojosiwanowpodcast #jojosiwanowpodcast #jojosiwapodcast #jojosiwagayicon #jojosiwa #jojosiwapictures #jojosiwapics #jojosiwaqueen #siwanatorz #jojosiwanator #joiosiwaedit #jojosiwafanpage #jojosiwafandom #jojosiwafanpages #jojosiwafansquad #jojosiwaedits #jojosiwafan #jojosiwaisloved #jojosiwavlogs #jojosiwamyworld #jojosiwarp #jojosiwarare #jojosiwatiktok #jojosiwastyle

4/9/2024, 7:00:41 AM

Words can’t describe how excited I am for Karma to come out & it’s so crazy how you’ve been teasing this song for 2 whole years!! 😭❤️‍🔥 - - #jojosiwa #jojosiwanowpodcast #jojosiwapodcast #jojosiwainterview #jojosiwafanpage #jojosiwafanpages #jojosiwaqueen #siwanatorz #jojosiwastans #jojosiwamyworld #jojosiwagayicon #jojosiwafandom #jojosiwavlogs #jojosiwapics #jojosiwafanaccount #jojosiwafansquad #jojosiwaqueen

3/26/2024, 6:43:10 AM

Can I just say how proud I am of @itsjojosiwa 😭💕 she’s been on 8 DIFFERENT shows & still gave it her all, idec if she got eliminated she was still so incredible on all those shows. I hope to see her on DWTS/Special Forces again sometime in the future - - #jojosiwa #jojosiwaedit #jojosiwaeditor #siwanatorz #jojosiwapodcast #jojosiwanowpodcast #jojosiwaqueen #jojosiwafandom #jojosiwalover #jojosiwapictures #jojosiwarp #jojosiwafansquad #jojosiwaisloved #jojosiwadaily #jojosiwaphotodump #jojosiwapics #jojosiwarare #jojosiwaqueen #jojosiwapicss

3/12/2024, 6:34:03 AM

This was such a fun podcast! 😭🖤 & can I just say that Jojo’s worth ethic is so attractive, she’s so independent/brave to move by herself. I’m so excited to see the rest of her chaotic & entertaining adventures in Atlanta on Snap! 🥹🫶🏽🤍 - - @jojosiwanowpodcast #jojosiwa #jojosiwanator #jojosiwanow #jojosiwanowpodcast #jojosiwapodcast #jojosiwaqueen #jojosiwalover #jojosiwaisloved #jojosiwarp #jojosiwafanpage #jojosiwafansquad #jojosiwatiktok #jojosiwafan #jojosiwapics #jojosiwapictureedit #jojosiwamyworld #jojosiwamylife #jojosiwaforever #jojosiwainterview #siwanatorz #jojosiwavlogs #jojosiwaphotodump #jojosiwarare

2/20/2024, 8:03:27 AM

This made me smile the whole time, I’m so amazed at how open & comfortable she is now :,)) being able to overcome certain situations that was in her life, she’s such a beautiful person & (respectfully) whoever gets to marry her in the future will be the luckiest woman alive 🤍 - - @jojosiwanowpodcast #jojosiwa #jojosiwapodcast #jojosiwaqueen #jojosiwanator #jojosiwanowpodcast #jojosiwanow #jojosiwafanpage #jojosiwafan #jojosiwasnapchat #jojosiwaisloved #jojosiwarp #jojosiwafandom #jojosiwapics #jojosiwaeditor #jojosiwatiktok #jojosiwaphotodump #jojosiwapicss #jojosiwabows #jojosiwafansquad #siwanators #jojosiwarare #jojosiwastans #jojosiwaphoto

2/6/2024, 10:17:51 AM

Just wanted to say that I love Jojo even more for talking about this topic :,) it made me tear up a little, I’ve always struggled with my body & the way it looks constantly working out then look in the mirror & not like what I saw but u just inspired me to be comfortable in my own body, their seriously needs to be more celebrities like u, ilysm I’ll go back to ur podcast every time I’m feeling down about myself ❤️ - - #jojosiwa #jojosiwaedit #jojosiwalover #jojosiwaisloved #jojosiwaforever #jojosiwapodcast #jojosiwaqueen #jojosiwanator #siwanatorz #jojosiwanowpodcast #jojosiwanow #jojosiwagayicon #jojosiwagaypride #jojosiwarp #jojosiwapictures #jojosiwapictureedit #jojosiwaeditor #jojosiwafanpages #jojosiwafanedit #jojosiwavlogs #jojosiwatiktok #jojosiwadaily #jojosiwapics #jojosiwaphotodump #jojosiwaphoto #jojosiwapicss

1/23/2024, 9:47:54 AM

Very deep/emotional podcast, can we all take time to appreciate how beautiful, determined, hardworking Jojo is!! :,)) u are u & I love that about u - - #jojosiwa #jojosiwainterview #jojosiwapodcast #jojosiwaqueen #jojosiwagayicon #jojosiwagaypride #jojosiwavlogs #siwanatorz #jojosiwalover #jojosiwarp #jojosiwabows #jojosiwaforever #jojosiwapictures #jojosiwapics #jojosiwaphotoedit #jojosiwaphotos #jojosiwafandom #jojosiwafans #jojosiwafanaccount

1/10/2024, 10:47:38 PM

This is the sweetest most wholesome clip ever!! 😭❤️ her parents reassuring her & comforting her is the cutest thing ever - - @itsjojosiwa Preview clip from Special Forces szn ep 7 💙 #jojosiwa #specialforces #specialforcesfox #jojosiwanatorz #jojosiwabow #jojosiwaqueen #jojosiwagayicon #jojosiwagaypride #jojosiwarp #jojosiwaeditor #jojosiwapics #jojosiwafanpages #jojosiwafandom #jojosiwaphotos #jojosiwavlogs #jojosiwatiktok

11/20/2023, 9:33:13 PM