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🪻✨️Dreaming of lavender season✨️🪻 It's right around the corner now 😍 The sleepy plants are waking up from the winter and starting to show their growth 🌿 By June the freshest lavender will be ready for recipes and wildcrafting 💜 My lavender link will be live soon! Your local floral babe is back 🪻🪻🪻 #summertime #lavender #foodie #explore #wildcraft #witchy #theholistichedgewitch #floral #florist #homegrown

5/16/2024, 4:21:15 AM

Full moon energies are highest tonight as the wheel turns us into October. 🌛🌝🌜 In the pacific northwest there is no denying it is fall. 🍂 The leaves are changing, the air is crisp and cool, autumn herbs are in bloom as the summer harvest fades away. 🌾🍁 Lavender has retired for the season and in their place my autumn line up of seasonal smudges. 🌿Douglas Fir (left): Purification, Sanctification, Protection 🌿Juniper(center): Protection, Love, Healing 🌿Rosemary(right): Calm, Protection, Clarity Now available on etsy or DM for purchase.

10/1/2020, 11:28:13 PM

💙JUNIPER BERRIES💙 🌿Juniperus communis; flavor of Gin🌿 🌿According to some paleoethnobotanists Juniper has been our closest magical plant ally since Neolithic times. Juniper was already mentioned in the ancient Egyptian papyri; its fragrant wood, needles and berries were used as incense and medicine. 🌿Juniper is said to have the power to ward off evil. No demons or devils could withstand its power, not even the demons of disease: fumigating a space with Juniper will kill off germs and purify the air in a sick room. 🌿When the Black Death ravaged Europe, Juniper was one of the most promising and effective protectors. Yet, it was also considered a guardian of the threshold between this world and the next. Like Yew, it was thought to nurture the souls of the dead until they were ready to reincarnate. For this reason they were often planted on graves. 🌿The oldest western junipers are more than 3,000 years old, a d the 2 year period of ripening for the berries is a signature for accumulated wisdom that ripens and sweetens with age. 🌿In the same way that junipers twisted, gnarled shape results from the stresses of its environment, the traumas that affect our lives mark our energetic and physical beings. Juniper embodies the triumph of the human spirit and helps us to accept our history so we can begin to align and transform our traumas into gifts as we ripen into elders. 🌿Just as Juniper smoke is purifying and cleansing, the berries cleanse the body and protect against infection. The berries act diuretic and diaphoretic. They are specifically indicated for urinary problems and oedema, though it should be avoided in cases of acute kidney inflammation. 🌿Juniper is particularly useful for the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism, neuralgia and muscle aches and pains. They strengthen and cleanse the stomach and digestive tract. 🌿Juniper may be used to stimulate menstrual flow, to relieve menstrual cramping and other PMT related symptoms. 🌿Juniper is very energising and restoring and can help coping with nervous exhaustion, mental fatigue, angst and other stressful conditions. Avoid during pregnancy.

10/1/2020, 11:04:05 PM