tightvisage images

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#food #travel #sports #news #may #friday

\今週のPICK UP ITEM&おすすめ情報/ サロン様からご支持をいただく大人気アイテムと旬な情報をお届け🐰🤍 今週紹介する商品は、トリートメントの幅を広げる"信頼のプロフェッショナルブランド"『LA SINCIA(ラシンシア)』の中でも特に人気の高い『TIGHT VISAGE(タイトヴィサージュ)シリーズ』からお届け✨ もう写真加工アプリは要らない👀?! 【ゆるめる×燃焼×流す】効果で引き締まったフェイスラインを叶える実力商品🤍 春先に向けた"垢抜けフェイス"へのメニューづくりにオススメです🐰🤍 ぜひこの機会にお試し下さい✨ #ラシンシア #lasincia#サロン専売品#機器対応#パック#フェイシャルメニュー#エステ#エステサロン#小顔#小顔効果#痩身#パラベンフリー#アルコールフリー#エタノールフリー#たるみケア#むくみケア#引き締め#血行促進#デトックス#マッサージクリーム#エレクトロポレーション#イオン導入#フェイスパック#ハリケア#リフトアップ#タイトヴィサージュ #TIGHTVISAGE#ビューティガレージ #bg

2/20/2023, 9:28:23 AM

🌸 Swerlem essence and other select Tight Visage products on discount in July! 🌸

7/21/2022, 8:18:03 PM

Savior of ageing skin, Tight Visage line is looking better than ever 😏 #lasincerebaltia #tightvisage #skincare #firmskin #firming #firm #j-beauty

1/27/2022, 6:27:50 PM

Get yours now! July is the month of energy and smiles ❤ #lasincerebaltia #golden #tightvisage #sale #summersale #neck

7/9/2021, 8:36:24 PM

Uus eksklusiivne kaup ja muu kaup uues pakendis. Tule meile külla aadressil Tatari 54 ning külasta meie veebilehti www.la-sincere.ee #lasincerebaltia #jbeauty #uuskaup #luxurycosmetics #tightvisage #professional #tallinn

3/24/2021, 5:10:31 PM

The Wave tight visage-process provides an alternative to facelift and other cosmetic surgeries. RF treatments also cause apoptosis of fat cells which leads to fat layer reduction in the treated area. RF can also be used for heating and reduction of fat. Currently, the most common uses of RF-based devices are to non invasively manage and treat skin tightening of lax skin (including sagging jowls, abdomen, thighs, and arms), as well as wrinkle reduction, cellulite improvement, and body contouring. INDICATIONS: Non-surgical skin tightening & fat reduction -For more inquiries, feel free to call or DM us. #startwithGGC #aesthetic #lasers #wavelength #tranding #tightvisage #fatreduction #nonsurgical #tighteningskin #skin #reduction #bodycontouring #cellulite #wrinklesfree #thighs #abdoman #jows #cosmeticslovers

12/11/2020, 1:22:28 PM

Kiirusta! Ainult kuus päeva 😉 #lasincerebaltia #sale #tightvisage #happybirthday

11/23/2020, 5:37:55 PM

Рекомендую Вам попробовать один из самых действенных кремов ⠀ 💎Tight Visage Swelrem Cream💎 ⠀ ☝️Очень важно что он не только уменьшает глубину морщин, но и подтягивает овал лица за счёт специфических высокотехнологичных составов 👌 ⠀ ☝️также препядствует появлению новых складок и морщин ⠀ ☝️выравнивает структуру кожи, ⠀ ☝️повышает эластичность и упругость ⠀ ☝️обладает противоотечным действием, убирая припухлости лица ⠀ Стоимость 2930 грн большой ⠀ 1932 грн маленький ⠀ Girls! I suggest you to try one of the most effective creams! ⠀ It is very important that it not only reduces the depth of wrinkles, but also prevents the appearance of new ones! ⠀ The cream levels the skin structure, improves elasticity and firmness, has a decongestant effect, reduces swelling of the face. ⠀ #подтягивающийкрем #подтяжкаовалалицакрем #косметикадляупругостилица #dr_masyna #косметологкиев #japanesecosmetics #youngskinkiev #tightvisage #cosmetologistkiev

2/29/2020, 1:47:23 PM

Фото до и после процедуры Tight Visage ( японский пилинг и массаж)✨ ⠀ ⭐️заметно подтянулись мышцы нижней трети лица ⠀ ⭐️разгладились морщинки ⠀ ⭐️улучшился цвет ⠀ ⭐️этот результат можно сохранить длительно ⠀ если использовать домашний уход❤️ ⠀ 📞Связаться со мной можно по тел +38 067 420 2222 ⠀ 📲Или пишите сюда в директ ⠀ Моя консультация бесплатна👌 ⠀ Приходите🤗 ⠀ #tightvisage #японскийпилинг #японскиймассаж #antiage #коррекцияовалалица #омоложениелица #омоложениепептидами #нанотехнологиивкосметологии #регенерациякожи # dr_masyna

11/8/2019, 9:08:44 PM

Tere hea kosmeetik! 7 märtsis toimub üldkoolitus. AJAKAVA: 11.00-13.00 Praktika ja teooria käsikäes. (Tight Visage- näo, kaela ja dekoltee globaalse rekonstruktsiooni sari. Tight Visage on esimene alternatiiv L-karnitiini injektsioonidele, mis annab kiire ja stabiilse tulemuses.). Küsimused, vastused. Koolitaja: Maire Ojaperv Koolitus toimub: Kivisilla 4/ Tartu mnt 7, Talinn, Eesti REGISTREERI SEMINARILE (hiljemalt 13.02.2017a.): Mobiil 569 967 10 või [email protected] Õppepäeval on La Sincere toodetele soodustus – 10%! #lasincerebaltia #koolitus #japan #tightvisage #lkarnitiiniinjektsioonidele #beautycare #beautyskin #beautyproducts #beautiful

2/21/2019, 11:03:00 AM

#lasincerebaltia #la.sincere #luxuryskincare #tightvisage

4/4/2018, 2:28:01 PM

Immediate result! Better than Botox! You will notice a much sharper chin, lift cheeks and brighter skin after spraying Tight Visage everyday. Get that gorgeous face shape you've always dreamed of and make all your friends wonder in awe of your newfound beauty!

10/27/2017, 1:23:19 PM

Younger looking! Slimmer face!with Tight Visage from Japan!!

8/22/2017, 11:39:44 AM

Dr White - brightening, blemish control Tight Visage - anti aging, v face

7/28/2017, 5:37:56 AM

每次拍照都要乔角度?拍了10张才有一张美?这都是现代女性拍照的共同问题。别担心, Tight Visage就可以把你的肉饼脸变V脸!

7/25/2017, 6:29:24 AM

不需要打瘦脸针也可以有V脸!Tight Visage - 无痛,无刺激,无人工痕迹, 让你在护肤的同时,变成吸引人的V脸美人!不但可以消除皱纹,拉提,美白补水效果也很好! *优惠进行中!

7/18/2017, 6:22:29 PM

Tight Visage : Younger looking V Face without surgery

5/8/2017, 10:04:13 AM

要找一种可以瘦脸 (V 脸),也可以抗老和美白的多种效果的产品是非常难的。可是我们的 Tight Visage 就是一瓶有那么多功效的护肤品! Tight Visage has double the effects to supply brightness to the skin like a continuous current and improving firmness to achieve a youthful V-shaped facial contour.

4/3/2017, 4:59:01 AM

Timeless beauty, now and forever with Tight Visage from JAPAN: An extravagantly nourishing age-defying solution. Equipped with plants extract, colloid, malachite to replenish, whiten and restore damaged skin at cellular level. Tight Visage: 即效紧致 完美无纹 紧实亮肤

3/25/2017, 4:27:20 AM

Immediate result! Better than Botox! The toning & lifting effects of Tight Visage working a few seconds you spray it, and will be maintain if you continue using it. Botox reduces the facial movement but Tight Visage provides you a safe and natural look. After 2 weeks of used, Tight Visage is proven to make smaller lines vanished and provide you a glowing, brighter and firmer face.

2/24/2017, 8:18:21 AM

要找一种可以瘦脸,也可以抗老和美白的多种效果的产品是非常难的。可是我们的 Tight Visage 就是一瓶有那么多功效的护肤品!

2/17/2017, 4:32:10 AM

Our promotion is ending!! Grab it now while stock last!

1/24/2017, 6:46:52 AM

Tight Visage has double the effects to supply brightness to the skin like a continuous current and improving firmness to achieve a youthful V-shaped facial contour.

1/12/2017, 2:56:21 AM

Grab it during our Christmas special sale!!

12/8/2016, 10:29:25 AM

Как самостоятельно укрепить мышечный каркас лица и вывести жировые отложения не выходя из дома. Есть достойная альтернатива инъекциям - инновации всегда у Вас под рукой. Моделирующий крем поможет решить проблему второго подбородка. Лифтинговый освежающий спрей можно нанести на макияж как экспресс уход для моментального выхода в свет. #lasincere #косметика #второйподбородок #жиросжигание #jupan #нанотехнологии #косметикадлядома #космецевтика #домашнийуход #skincare #tightvisage

11/17/2016, 11:06:05 AM

Instant lifting, brightening, anti-aging, that's what Tight Visage for! You are gonna like it once you tried it!

11/10/2016, 10:03:53 AM

Goodbye chubby face! Goodbye saggy skin! Goodbye ugly wrinkles! Say hello to the beautiful younger looking V face with Tight Visage!

10/31/2016, 1:41:07 AM

RM50 的一餐饭你不嫌贵 RM100 的一件衣服你觉的没问题 RM300 弄头发你说还好 为何一瓶可以用很久而且才 RM1XX 的护肤品你说贵呢?难道你的皮肤就那么不值钱吗?到老了你就会发现原来年轻时候错过了保养的机会是那么的后悔莫及的。

10/15/2016, 6:14:06 AM


10/12/2016, 3:28:54 PM

Another great review from our dearest customer

9/23/2016, 8:57:27 AM

Check out our customer's review!!

9/19/2016, 10:07:43 AM

Goodbye chubby face! Goodbye saggy skin! Hello to beautiful V face with Tight Visage from Japan!

9/11/2016, 8:44:28 AM

每次拍照都要乔角度?拍了10张才有一张美?这都是现代女性拍照的共同问题。别担心, Tight Visage就可以把你的肉饼脸变V脸!

9/2/2016, 7:00:02 AM

Tight Visage is serious about keeping your skin youthful. Created to address signs of ageing, saggy and dull skin. This mist makes your beauty routine more efficient by helping your skin absorb better.

8/17/2016, 7:28:06 AM

Timeless beauty, now and forever with Tight Visage from JAPAN: An extravagantly nourishing age-defying solution. Equipped with plants extract, colloid, malachite to replenish, whiten and restore damaged skin at cellular level.

8/13/2016, 9:02:22 AM

塑立体V脸,赢自信上镜,自拍不自信?Tight Visage - 无痛,无刺激,无人工痕迹, 让你在护肤的同时,变成吸引人的V脸美人!不但可以消除皱纹,拉提,美白补水效果也很好!

7/27/2016, 5:01:51 AM

Thanks again for the repeat order, our dear customer!

7/13/2016, 8:12:22 AM

Tight Visage:让您凝驻时光,定格清春

7/9/2016, 10:19:34 AM

Stock arriving on Monday

6/30/2016, 8:46:47 AM

Our wholesaler has received her 3rd order!

6/27/2016, 5:04:23 AM

Frustrated with all means to lose your chubby face & double chin? Say GOODBYE to chubby face & double chin now! By using Tight Visage Fixing Mist, you can achieve your desired “V shape”face. Just apply it twice a day, in 2 weeks, your dream will come true.

6/16/2016, 11:14:38 AM

女人除了须要保养!还是保养!著名作家张爱玲说过:“一个男人选择一个女人,绝对不是因为她内在有多美,而是因为这个女人的外在形象带给他美好的感觉。” 要有漂亮健康的肌肤就得需要有充足的水分!Dr White 和 Tight Visage 就能把你的肌肤问题完全改善,让你有张光滑,亮丽,紧致的肌肤!

6/2/2016, 2:25:31 PM

Repeat order from our regular customer

5/26/2016, 2:23:38 AM

Thanks to our lovely customer who loves our products and gonna be our agent!

5/25/2016, 6:29:53 AM

Tight Visage - 顾客反馈!

5/19/2016, 11:16:03 AM

You will notice a much sharper chin, lift cheeks and brighter skin after spraying Tight Visage everyday. Get that gorgeous face shape you've always dreamed of and make all your friends wonder in awe of your newfound beauty!

5/18/2016, 4:02:50 PM

Special promotion!!! Wechat us now for more info!!

5/13/2016, 2:45:57 PM

一张紧致亮丽的小脸能让你看起来更动人,因此这精华是MM们的必备保养品!Tight Visage - 无痛,无刺激,无人工痕迹, 让你在护肤的同时,变成吸引人的V脸美人!不但可以消除皱纹,拉提,美白补水效果也很好!

5/8/2016, 10:12:06 AM

Are you afraid of aging lines cropping up on your otherwise flawless face? Scared you might get old faster than the people around you? If yes, you need to look for Tight Visage , a high quality anti-aging treatments that help you stay young for long.

5/5/2016, 1:56:36 PM

塑立体V脸,赢自信上镜,自拍不自信?Tight Visage - 无痛,无刺激,无人工痕迹, 让你在护肤的同时,变成吸引人的V脸美人!不但可以消除皱纹,拉提,美白补水效果也很好!

5/3/2016, 2:58:55 PM

要有漂亮健康的肌肤就得需要有充足的水分!Dr White 和 Tight Visage 就能把你的肌肤问题完全改善,让你有张光滑,亮丽,紧致的肌肤!

4/29/2016, 5:43:18 PM

孕妇顾客对我们的 Tight Visage 赞不绝口!她一直都怕怀孕期间脸胖胖,幸好有 Tight Visage !

4/13/2016, 5:10:17 AM

我们又严重缺货的 Tight Visage! 它是一瓶让你容光焕发,提拉紧致, 让你的肌肤年轻化的护肤品!也是许多日本美容院专用的护肤品!

4/10/2016, 5:23:59 AM

Tight Visage : An age-defying perfect skin creator that refines skin texture, lift up saggy skin, V face, evens skintone, diminishes the appearance of wrinkles, and increases radiance.

3/14/2016, 5:03:21 PM

新年期间谁也不想做“黄脸婆”,那就要随时保养自己的皮肤,不让有害物质有可趁之机。那么,如何随时养护自己的皮肤呢?就从 Dr White 和 Tight Visage 开始吧!每次洁面后就喷一喷,拍一拍,然后擦上防晒霜就可以有张漂亮的脸蛋出门啦!

2/6/2016, 3:54:34 AM

知道你们都在等优惠!现在开始啦! 买一瓶扣RM20 买两瓶扣 RM20 + 1 瓶防晒喷雾 买三瓶附送一瓶价值 RM1XX 的Dr White Bubble Mask Cleanser

1/27/2016, 10:01:26 AM

The V-shaped face is ideal as it tends to make the face look more feminine. The more V you get, the more attention and beauty you have. TIGHT VISAGE helps to slim your puffy face and lift your saggy skin to restore a V-shaped face contour.

12/29/2015, 5:09:40 AM

要有漂亮健康的肌肤就得需要有充足的水分!Dr White 和 Tight Visage 就能把你的肌肤问题完全改善,让你有张光滑,亮丽,紧致的肌肤!

12/22/2015, 7:26:51 AM

Tight Visage - a mist from Japan which perform in anti aging, V face and brightening.

12/14/2015, 4:53:39 AM

Wanna have beautiful & young looking skin during this festive season? Grab a bottle Tight Visage during our promotion!

12/5/2015, 2:46:17 AM

Grab it now before the we run out of stock!!

12/3/2015, 4:36:48 AM

Tight Visage Fixing Mist (imported from Japan) is a miracle V face lift spray specializes in enhancing and increasing the elasticity of the skin to create perfect V-shaped contours in just seconds. From the skin's surface to deep down inside the skin, the face appears slimmer, volumes are readjusted. No injection and surgery needed to have a beautiful V small face.

11/23/2015, 5:10:39 AM

Tight Visage: 消除老化浮肿,锁住青春,焕发永恒光彩 - 无需动刀就能拥有如注射肉毒杆菌后的拉提效果 - 修复受损的胶原纤维,让肌肤光彩亮丽

10/18/2015, 7:47:37 AM

You will notice a much sharper chin, lift cheeks and brighter skin after spraying Tight Visage everyday. Get that gorgeous face shape you've always dreamed of and make all your friends wonder in awe of your newfound beauty!

10/1/2015, 5:14:40 AM

Tight Visage is specially made for Asian women using Japan technology. It delivers multiple functions including lifting, brightening, nourishing and anti-aging.

9/21/2015, 3:24:56 PM

Tight Visage: - achieve slim and defines v-shape face contours - lifts up saggy cheeks - decrease water retention - reduce slackening under the chin - firms and tightens skin & cheeks

8/17/2015, 5:21:15 AM

Tight Visage: 让你永远年轻美丽!

8/6/2015, 8:54:30 AM