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It’s 00:21 am and I’m gonna try to put together my new desk. Will update u guys if I actually finished it or if I gave up and went to bed 😶‍🌫️

6/2/2024, 12:23:01 AM

So excited for what the next few months will bring

6/1/2024, 11:41:31 PM

Parece um filhote de esquilo, mas é o bebê Dante, resgatado da inundação em Canoas. Alguém de caráter duvidoso, aproveitou o movimento em torno dos resgates dos bichinhos e deixou uma caixa cheia de filhotes de vinte dias, sem a mãe, no meio da rua alagada. A caixa acabou furando com a umidade e o Dante caiu e foi achado sozinho, perdido no meio do alagado. Dois dias depois encontraram a caixa com os demais filhotes. As protetoras voluntárias da Mathias Velho se dividiram em levar os bebês pra casa, para que fossem acomodados com mais cuidado fora do abrigo, por serem tão novinhos. Dante mama de duas em duas horas, inclusive à noite, come papinha de filhote (inclusive a noite), suplemento vitamínico, ama se aninhar no colo, está tão curioso com os outros cachorros daqui, quanto eles estão com ele, e acreditem, chora pra sair da cama pra fazer xixi e cocô (inclusive de noite). No mais, dorme pleno e profundamente o sono dos justos, não nos braços de Morfeu, mas nos meus, pra sorte do meu coração ficar bem quentinho, todo enroladinho, todo aquecidinho, de barriga cheia, e nem lembra que já passou frio, fome, medo e abandono no meio de uma enchente. ADOÇÃO E LAR TEMPORÁRIO SALVAM VIDAS. São mais de 12 mil animais, podendo chegar à vinte mil nos abrigos superlotados e precários, apesar do trabalho heróico dos voluntários em toda a cadeia de salvamento… mas são muitos animais sem perspectiva de se ver livre do abandono, então, se a compaixão e a falta de um amor incondicional bater no coração, e a vontade de fazer a diferença de forma positiva no meio de toda esta tragédia, eles estão te esperando em um dos 390 do estado, para que você os salvem, mudando o mundo deles com a chance de uma nova vida. E acredite, em contrapartida, eles é que acabam salvando a sua vida todos os dias, eu sei, acreditem! 🥰🥺❤️🐶 #sosriograndedosul #ajudariograndedosul #nãocompreadote #lartemporáriosalvavidas #lartemporário #dante #alebrijes #animalsrescue #façaadiferença #loveandaffection #animaisresgatadosenchenters #babydog #voluntariado #compaixao #mutt #adotarétudodebom #salveumavida #adoçãoresponsável #puppy #myboy #abandonodeanimaisécrime #enchentesrs

6/1/2024, 11:11:29 PM

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6/1/2024, 8:58:29 PM

”The purpose of our lives is to be happy” Idag har vi firat sonen och hans sambo som förlovade sig medan de var i Syd-Korea. 🥂💞 . #love #forlove #kihlat #förlovningsring #kärlekochrespekt #kärlek #loveandaffection #happyday #family #rakkaus #loveislove #loveyou #lottaslivingroom

6/1/2024, 6:57:43 PM

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” “Self–worth is so vital to your happiness if you don't feel good about yourself, it's hard to feel good about anything else.” . . . . . #selfworth #happiness #loveandaffection #youareimportant

6/1/2024, 10:07:23 AM

Celebrating the unconditional love and selfless sacrifices of parents on this joyous Global Day of Parents.Today, we honor the incredible role parents play in shaping our lives with their boundless love, affection, and guidance. 🙌🌎 . . #globaldayofparents #loveandrespect #loveandaffection #shivaynursinghealthcare #parentallove #selflesscare #selflesslove #respectforparents #homecareagency #nursingcare

6/1/2024, 7:16:27 AM

While cleaning my room I also found my AirPod. Been rocking life with one AirPod for the last 6 months

5/31/2024, 11:32:01 PM

Cleaned and rearranged my whole room 2day

5/31/2024, 11:19:03 PM

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5/31/2024, 11:02:54 PM


5/31/2024, 8:35:35 PM


5/31/2024, 6:40:04 PM

I live in an old house so every year I have to fight the mold in the corner of my room with bleach and pray it will stay away

5/31/2024, 5:35:55 PM

The way it should be 😎 #creampie #loveandaffection #Submissive #DaddyDom #BDSM #Submit #Obey #Surrender

5/31/2024, 4:32:19 PM

. Butterflies ————————————————————— FOLLOW @wholesomelxve FOR MORE! ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 . . . » Via: Tags ♡ #wholesomememes #wholesome #wholesomegfmemes #softmemes #lovememes #reactionpics #love #boyfriend #girlfriendquotes #girlfriendmemes #cute #adorable #wholesomebfmemes #relationshipgoals #crush #loveedits #heartmemes #relationshipmemes #wholesome #mood #myboo #saucymemes #kiss #hickeys #couplesgoals #loveandaffection #loveandaffectionmemes

5/31/2024, 10:49:56 AM

Waking up when it’s already light outside<3

5/30/2024, 10:20:08 PM

Or a Spotify playlist

5/30/2024, 10:11:37 PM

. @ your baby ❤️ ————————————————————— FOLLOW @wholesomelxve FOR MORE! ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 . . . » Via: Tags ♡ #wholesomememes #wholesome #wholesomegfmemes #softmemes #lovememes #reactionpics #love #boyfriend #girlfriendquotes #girlfriendmemes #cute #adorable #wholesomebfmemes #relationshipgoals #crush #loveedits #heartmemes #relationshipmemes #wholesome #mood #myboo #saucymemes #kiss #hickeys #couplesgoals #loveandaffection #loveandaffectionmemes

5/30/2024, 7:50:08 PM

. @ your bae 🥰 ————————————————————— FOLLOW @wholesomelxve FOR MORE! ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 ♡| @wholesomelxve 💘 . . . » Via: Tags ♡ #wholesomememes #wholesome #wholesomegfmemes #softmemes #lovememes #reactionpics #love #boyfriend #girlfriendquotes #girlfriendmemes #cute #adorable #wholesomebfmemes #relationshipgoals #crush #loveedits #heartmemes #relationshipmemes #wholesome #mood #myboo #saucymemes #kiss #hickeys #couplesgoals #loveandaffection #loveandaffectionmemes

5/30/2024, 3:53:07 PM

常聽說「美女與野獸」,或親眼無數次在街上見到這樣的情侶組合。或許你會想,究竟是什麼原因令「野獸」吸引到「美女」,使她選擇與那個「其貌不揚」的他在一起。究竟是愛情使人盲目,還是內在美勝於一切? 兩個人走在一起,除了有所謂的愛情化學反應及內在特質互相吸引外,心理學家近年發現,傾向上進型的人(promotion-focused individuals),即是追求成長(無論是個人或事業上的)及自主性類型的人,他們都傾向偏愛外貌上比自己「靚」很多的異性。 另外,研究更發現,傾向追求上進及成長型的人(promotion-focused individuals)與傾向追求穩定及安全感類型的人(prevention-focused individuals)相比,他們成功與美女或帥哥約會的機會率較大。研究解釋,追求上進型的人較追求安全感型的人更願意冒險,更喜愛追求刺激或挑戰,因此他們能無懼無畏地追求靚女。有心理學文獻指出,追求上進型的人有更良好的社交技巧,如懂得欣賞他人的優點,這些良好的性格特質均有助促使上進型的人吸引美麗的異性。 而且,傾向上進型的人普遍對自己的外貌有自信。雖然自我感覺良好未必與他人的審美評價相符,但上進型的人的自信心有助他們在人際關係中贏得他人的喜愛及歡迎。 原來「野獸」是用他那顆追求上進、無懼無畏的心來牽起「美女」的手。 Have you ever walked down on the streets and noticed stunningly beautiful women (“the beauty”) paired with men who are far less attractive (the “beast”)? It might be a common sight that makes you wonder why these “beauties” choose to date or partner with these “beasts”. Psychological research offers some interesting insights. It turns outs that people who are driven by growth and advancement, known as promotion-focused individuals, tend to seek out more attractive partners. These promotion-focused people are also more likely to succeed in dating highly attractive mates. On the other hand, people who are prevention-focused, prioritizing security and protection, are less inclined to take risks in pursuit of gains, such as dating someone physically attractive. Promotion-focused folks, despite not being deemed as physically attractive, are often more sociable and skilled at affirming their partner’s ideals. They also tend to have a more positive self-image, which can be an important factor in attracting physical attractive mates. These qualities – being sociable, affirming, and having a positive-image – help promotion-focused individuals initiate and maintain relationships with more attractive partners. So, the next time you see a beauty paired with a beast, you may think that it’s not just about looks. The inner qualities and motivations of the “beast” can play a crucial role in winning the heart of the “beauty”. #psychology #relationship #loveandaffection #social psychology #personalityandlove #心理學分享 #愛情心理學 #愛情心理 #愛情分享 #關係研究所 #NgPsyLab

5/30/2024, 2:44:46 PM

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5/30/2024, 12:15:27 PM

You don't have to struggle in silence, mental health problems don't define who you are, they are something you experience. You walk in the rain and you feel the rain, but you are not the rain💫 #mentalhealthmatters #breaksilence #nostigma #peace #loveandaffection

5/30/2024, 10:32:23 AM

I really am🫢

5/29/2024, 11:54:48 PM


5/29/2024, 11:35:48 PM

Today it’s 8 years since my father passed away. I saw this post and thought about 13 year old me. I wish I could go back in time and give that girl the biggest hug and tell her it is gonna be alright. I miss you everyday and will forever❤️

5/29/2024, 11:26:27 PM

Cultiva o carinho contigo mesma. Antes de ir buscares o amor externo, nutra a relação interna. #NeverGiveUpOnYou #RespectWomen #Stronger #RiseAndShine #ToBelieve #Accomplish #Reaches #Fight #Evolve #GoodAndWithGood #Smile #LiveLife #LoveAndAffection #Celebrate #Gratiful #Freedom #Tranquility #Peace #Happiness

5/29/2024, 10:33:43 PM

On a sunny day, as your dear child plays in the backyard, they ask you a question to determine the extent of love and affection you and others have for them. In this story, you and everyone who loves your child will express the true meaning of love. #UnconditionalLove #FamilyLove #ParentingJoy #SunnyDayFun #BackyardPlay #ChildhoodMemories #LoveAndAffection #HeartfeltMoments #FamilyBond #ExpressingLove

5/29/2024, 7:51:24 PM