sacretgeometry images

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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

Kobieta odkrywając swoją moc potrzebuje odczytać archetyp serca, łona, diamentu i róży. Potrzebuje wyjść poza religijne i kulturowe bariery, poza umysł i uruchomić sekretną wiedzę, której nie znajdzie nigdzie na zewnątrz. Największym sekretem jaki ma do odkrycia to kochać samą siebie. Ta miłość może się wydarzyć gdy odrzuci negatywne i nieprawdziwe wierzenia na swój temat oraz zainspiruje się wiedzą, która była skrzętnie chowana, ale też przechowywana. W czasach kiedy dużo się mówi o kochaniu siebie oraz wolności nie tłumaczy się za jakie działania odpowiada akt miłości i wolność. Oba zawierają w sobie mądrość i odpowiedzialność. ~ Agnieszka #mądrośćkobiety #mądrość #wisewoman #secretgarden #sacretgeometry #sacretwisdom #divinefeminine #tantra #ancientwisdom

5/31/2024, 10:57:05 PM

9/9 What happens when you hang the right art in the right place, perfectly tuned to the people who live or work there? You achieve harmony. It creates a space where everything aligns, allowing individuals to be their best selves. This thoughtful integration of art not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fosters a positive and inspiring environment. #wallrelief #wallart #sacretgeometry #texturepainting

5/29/2024, 6:52:52 AM

8/9 What happens when you hang the right art in the right place, perfectly tuned to the people who live or work there? You achieve harmony. It creates a space where everything aligns, allowing individuals to be their best selves. This thoughtful integration of art not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fosters a positive and inspiring environment. #wallrelief #wallart #sacretgeometry #texturepainting

5/29/2024, 6:52:23 AM

7/9 What happens when you hang the right art in the right place, perfectly tuned to the people who live or work there? You achieve harmony. It creates a space where everything aligns, allowing individuals to be their best selves. This thoughtful integration of art not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fosters a positive and inspiring environment. #wallrelief #wallart #sacretgeometry #texturepainting

5/29/2024, 6:51:43 AM

6/9 What happens when you hang the right art in the right place, perfectly tuned to the people who live or work there? You achieve harmony. It creates a space where everything aligns, allowing individuals to be their best selves. This thoughtful integration of art not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fosters a positive and inspiring environment. #wallrelief #wallart #sacretgeometry #texturepainting

5/29/2024, 6:50:46 AM

5/9 What happens when you hang the right art in the right place, perfectly tuned to the people who live or work there? You achieve harmony. It creates a space where everything aligns, allowing individuals to be their best selves. This thoughtful integration of art not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fosters a positive and inspiring environment. #wallrelief #wallart #sacretgeometry #texturepainting

5/29/2024, 6:50:09 AM

4/9 What happens when you hang the right art in the right place, perfectly tuned to the people who live or work there? You achieve harmony. It creates a space where everything aligns, allowing individuals to be their best selves. This thoughtful integration of art not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fosters a positive and inspiring environment. #wallrelief #wallart #sacretgeometry #texturepainting

5/29/2024, 6:49:33 AM

3/9 What happens when you hang the right art in the right place, perfectly tuned to the people who live or work there? You achieve harmony. It creates a space where everything aligns, allowing individuals to be their best selves. This thoughtful integration of art not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fosters a positive and inspiring environment. #wallrelief #wallart #sacretgeometry #texturepainting

5/29/2024, 6:48:53 AM

2/9 What happens when you hang the right art in the right place, perfectly tuned to the people who live or work there? You achieve harmony. It creates a space where everything aligns, allowing individuals to be their best selves. This thoughtful integration of art not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fosters a positive and inspiring environment. #wallrelief #wallart #sacretgeometry #texturepainting

5/29/2024, 6:48:16 AM

1/9 What happens when you hang the right art in the right place, perfectly tuned to the people who live or work there? You achieve harmony. It creates a space where everything aligns, allowing individuals to be their best selves. This thoughtful integration of art not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fosters a positive and inspiring environment. #wallrelief #wallart #sacretgeometry #texturepainting

5/29/2024, 6:47:30 AM

🤍🤍🤍Alles kommt im richtigen Moment zu dir.Sei geduldig.🤍🤍🤍 🤍Wenn du das ließt, sei gesegnet mit allem was für dein Wohlbefinden und dein Herzensglück jetzt genau wichtig und richtig ist 🤍 🤍Mögen alle Wesen glücklich und zufrieden Sein🤍 #liebe #love #sein #seelenreise #spreadlove #seigeduldig #gesegnet #innehalten #mediation #allesistindir #findedichselbst #allesistenergie #innereruhe #innererfrieden #machdichglücklich #seigesegnet #artwork #artist #kunst #kunstausösterreich #jesusculture #love_mandalas #holygeometry #spiritualgeometry #sacretgeometry #floweroflife #floweroflifeart #rainbowcolors #innercalm #seelenfrieden

5/29/2024, 5:11:49 AM

What Does an Artwork Do to You? How does an artwork affect you? What emotions or feelings does it evoke? Enthusiasm? Inspiration, perhaps a sense of warmth? Maybe it brings back a memory? And why do you want to hang this piece in your home? Because it brings a certain feeling into your space, adding an energetic presence that makes your living environment feel even more complete. My works are created with this intention, and it is my hope that they will, someday, make any space feel more complete. #seedoflife #gemetricart #sacretgeometry #wallrelief #texturedart #texturepainting

5/28/2024, 7:26:28 PM

#spiral #nature #sacretgeometry

5/27/2024, 4:34:49 PM

#spiral #nature #sacretgeometry

5/27/2024, 4:30:40 PM

Hello everyone 🙋‍♀️ Since I haven't written what and how I do in one place until now, I would like to introduce myself to all of you with whom I have connected recently. My name is Sabina Čanić and I am an artist who lives and works near Dubrovnik, Croatia. I help people fill their space with wonderful creative energy and immerse themselves in a world of artistic magic. I paint realistic female portraits with ink, tea, red wine, rainwater, gold leaf, graphite pencil and uni posca marker through 7 different layers, with 7 different materials, to get 7 different faces of the same woman. I want to convey the feeling of freedom and the joy of creation, passionately expressing my emotions and love for nature, combining drawing and painting elements in the same picture. In my paintings, I use elements of Sacred Geometry and the Fibonacci spiral, and in this way I further strengthen them, in order to transfer that creative energy into your space. Using these elements in my paintings, I want to add a layer of deeper symbolism and universal harmony to them. In this way, they are not only visually attractive, but also energy sources in the space. Through my painting processes, I like to explore and experiment in all the ways I can integrate nature or natural elements into my paintings. That's how I've been exposing them to the rain or the freezing process over the winter. I wanted nature to become my co-author and leave its mark on my paintings, coloring them with its raindrops or creating fractals from frozen color pigments. ♡ Are you interested in what I do and what the whole creative process looks like? ♡ Do you want to buy a picture for yourself, your business premises or for another person as a gift? ♡ Maybe you need an image for the cover of your new book? ♡ Do you want your self-portrait in my painting style? Feel free to contact me ♡ ♡ Thank you for connecting 🫶 . #sabinacanicart #visualart #realism #symbolism #art #empower #connection #nature #consciousness #fibonacci #fractals #freedom #womanportrait #artistoninstagram #sacretgeometry #storytelling #womanartist

5/21/2024, 7:08:00 AM

Мандала с Трикветрами подарит уверенность и мужество 🌞 Холст 30х30 см. Акрил, поталь, текстурная паста.

5/20/2024, 3:02:13 PM

~Rainbow leaves🌈🌿 ~ "Ogni cosa che puoi immaginare la natura l'ha gia' creata" Albert Einstein #sacretgeometry #fractals #art #inspired #lovenature #magicnature🍃 #perfectnature #fractalsinnature

5/17/2024, 5:22:19 PM

So exited to to share my new baby with you 😍 We can manifest everything we want🧚‍♂️im blessed , grateful, happy, in ❤️ and super excited! Thanks, @captain_mongo, for helping make this dream come true😘 Come visit @theclifflagunabeach have a 🍹 and support small business 🫶 Weekdays 10:30-6:30pm Weekends 10:00-8:00pm . . . . . . . . #lagunabeach #visitlagunabeach #shop #shopsmall #sacretgeometry #bohostyle #summer

5/14/2024, 8:42:36 PM

Indescribable sunrise...flowing towards my destiny...without trust....with a lot of love and awakening...Wonderful planet ocean..🌍💙💦 #sunpower #atmosphere #amazingplanet #flowing #wearewater #sacretgeometry #savetheplanet #iloveworld #puravida

5/12/2024, 11:11:43 AM

Сакральная геометрия очень проявлена в природе. Всё во Вселенной сотворено по ее канонам. Конечно,я нашла сакральную геометрию и на Эльбрусе! Аммониты -свернутая спираль окаменелости древних моллюсков, 300 млн лет тому назад служившая им домом. Ровесники динозавров жили в этой совершенной форме, параметры которой полностью соответствуют ЗОЛОТОМУ СЕЧЕНИЮ. После их смерти камеры раковины заполнялись в течение тысячелетий различными минералами, образуя необыкновенной красоты опалесцирующие образцы вселенской природы и мудрости. Принято считать, что амулеты из этого минерала охраняют всех, кто хоть как-то связан с водой. Спиралевидная форма камня, соответствующая законам золотого сечения, способна упорядочить жизнь контактирующего с ним человека, позволяя ему уловить закономерность в цепочке хаотически происходящих с ним событий. Аммониты улучшают циркуляцию энергии ци в организме человека, что укрепляет все уровни здоровья как тела и души, так и духа. Древние моллюски жили очень долго, поэтому их окаменелости несут на себе отпечаток долголетия и здоровья, а также красоты и совершенства, связанного с их формой. #sacretgeometry #ammonite #goldenratio #elbrus

5/9/2024, 5:15:12 PM

My artworks, crafted from natural materials, bring the essence of your own nature into your living room. Each piece, thoughtfully designed and meticulously assembled, embodies a unique connection to the Earth, offering a serene and grounding presence in your personal space. #wallrelief #texturepaint #decoration #artwork #sacretgeometry #treeoflife

5/8/2024, 5:10:08 PM

Today, I’m excited to present my latest artwork, “The Tree of Life,” a fusion of texture paint and wood. This piece features the iconic ‘Tree of Life’ intertwined with the Vector Equilibrium, also known as the ‘vacuum’ of space. This structure represents the fundamental balance necessary for manifestation in the universe, both physically, as energy, and metaphysically, as consciousness. It illustrates how fluctuations within the Unified Field lead to the observable phenomena within Quantum and Spacetime fields. By incorporating wood into this artwork, I’ve enhanced its connection to natural elements, making this piece not just a visual delight but also a soothing presence for the soul. #treeoflifeartworks #sacretgeometry #texturepainting #wallreliefs

5/7/2024, 8:05:29 PM

Today, I’m excited to present my latest artwork, “The Tree of Life,” a fusion of texture paint and wood. This piece features the iconic ‘Tree of Life’ intertwined with the Vector Equilibrium, also known as the ‘vacuum’ of space. This structure represents the fundamental balance necessary for manifestation in the universe, both physically, as energy, and metaphysically, as consciousness. It illustrates how fluctuations within the Unified Field lead to the observable phenomena within Quantum and Spacetime fields. By incorporating wood into this artwork, I’ve enhanced its connection to natural elements, making this piece not just a visual delight but also a soothing presence for the soul. #treeoflifeartwork #sacretgeometry #texturepainting #wallreliefsculpture

5/7/2024, 8:04:58 PM

Today, I’m excited to present my latest artwork, “The Tree of Life,” a fusion of texture paint and wood. This piece features the iconic ‘Tree of Life’ intertwined with the Vector Equilibrium, also known as the ‘vacuum’ of space. This structure represents the fundamental balance necessary for manifestation in the universe, both physically, as energy, and metaphysically, as consciousness. It illustrates how fluctuations within the Unified Field lead to the observable phenomena within Quantum and Spacetime fields. By incorporating wood into this artwork, I’ve enhanced its connection to natural elements, making this piece not just a visual delight but also a soothing presence for the soul. #treeoflifeartworks #sacretgeometry #texturepainting #wallreliefsculpture

5/7/2024, 8:04:24 PM

Today, I’m excited to present my latest artwork, “The Tree of Life,” a fusion of texture paint and wood. This piece features the iconic ‘Tree of Life’ intertwined with the Vector Equilibrium, also known as the ‘vacuum’ of space. This structure represents the fundamental balance necessary for manifestation in the universe, both physically, as energy, and metaphysically, as consciousness. It illustrates how fluctuations within the Unified Field lead to the observable phenomena within Quantum and Spacetime fields. By incorporating wood into this artwork, I’ve enhanced its connection to natural elements, making this piece not just a visual delight but also a soothing presence for the soul. #treeoflifeartworks #sacretgeometry #texturepainting #wallreliefs

5/7/2024, 8:03:45 PM

Today, I’m excited to present my latest artwork, “The Tree of Life,” a fusion of texture paint and wood. This piece features the iconic ‘Tree of Life’ intertwined with the Vector Equilibrium, also known as the ‘vacuum’ of space. This structure represents the fundamental balance necessary for manifestation in the universe, both physically, as energy, and metaphysically, as consciousness. It illustrates how fluctuations within the Unified Field lead to the observable phenomena within Quantum and Spacetime fields. By incorporating wood into this artwork, I’ve enhanced its connection to natural elements, making this piece not just a visual delight but also a soothing presence for the soul. #treeoflifeartworks #sacretgeometry #texturepainting #wallreliefs

5/7/2024, 8:03:01 PM

Today, I’m excited to present my latest artwork, “The Tree of Life,” a fusion of texture paint and wood. This piece features the iconic ‘Tree of Life’ intertwined with the Vector Equilibrium, also known as the ‘vacuum’ of space. This structure represents the fundamental balance necessary for manifestation in the universe, both physically, as energy, and metaphysically, as consciousness. It illustrates how fluctuations within the Unified Field lead to the observable phenomena within Quantum and Spacetime fields. By incorporating wood into this artwork, I’ve enhanced its connection to natural elements, making this piece not just a visual delight but also a soothing presence for the soul. #treeoflifeartworks #sacretgeometry #texturepainting #wallrelief

5/7/2024, 8:02:15 PM

Today, I’m excited to present my latest artwork, “The Tree of Life,” a fusion of texture paint and wood. This piece features the iconic ‘Tree of Life’ intertwined with the Vector Equilibrium, also known as the ‘vacuum’ of space. This structure represents the fundamental balance necessary for manifestation in the universe, both physically, as energy, and metaphysically, as consciousness. It illustrates how fluctuations within the Unified Field lead to the observable phenomena within Quantum and Spacetime fields. By incorporating wood into this artwork, I’ve enhanced its connection to natural elements, making this piece not just a visual delight but also a soothing presence for the soul. #treeoflifeartworks #sacretgeometry #texturepaintings #wallreliefs

5/7/2024, 8:01:30 PM

Today, I’m excited to present my latest artwork, “The Tree of Life,” a fusion of texture paint and wood. This piece features the iconic ‘Tree of Life’ intertwined with the Vector Equilibrium, also known as the ‘vacuum’ of space. This structure represents the fundamental balance necessary for manifestation in the universe, both physically, as energy, and metaphysically, as consciousness. It illustrates how fluctuations within the Unified Field lead to the observable phenomena within Quantum and Spacetime fields. By incorporating wood into this artwork, I’ve enhanced its connection to natural elements, making this piece not just a visual delight but also a soothing presence for the soul. #treeoflifeartworks #sacretgeometry #texturepainting #wallrelief

5/7/2024, 8:00:51 PM

Today, I’m excited to present my latest artwork, “The Tree of Life,” a fusion of texture paint and wood. This piece features the iconic ‘Tree of Life’ intertwined with the Vector Equilibrium, also known as the ‘vacuum’ of space. This structure represents the fundamental balance necessary for manifestation in the universe, both physically, as energy, and metaphysically, as consciousness. It illustrates how fluctuations within the Unified Field lead to the observable phenomena within Quantum and Spacetime fields. By incorporating wood into this artwork, I’ve enhanced its connection to natural elements, making this piece not just a visual delight but also a soothing presence for the soul. #treeoflifeartworks #sacretgeometry #texturepainting #wallreliefs

5/7/2024, 8:00:03 PM

"Ezra" is realistic female portrait that was painted through seven different layers with seven different material: ink, tea, red wine, rainwater, gold leaf, graphite and colored pencil, and with a uni posca marker. I painted her for @jackandjillcf to be sold for charity, and with the money from the sale to finance care in a home for seriously ill children in Ireland. Since the painting was sold, I can now publish what it looks like, because the painting, i.e. its author, was a secret until the sale itself #incognito2024 She is now on her way to her new home, and the money has been transferred to the needy. If you are one of the buyers of my paintings for Incognito and the Jack & Jill Children foundation, I would like to thank you for your noble and good deed ❤️ . . #sabinacanicart #visualart #realism #symbolism #art #empower #connection #nature #fibonacci #fractals #womanportrait #artistoninstagram #sacretgeometry #storytelling #ink #unconscious #womenartist #rainwater #dubrovnik #pencil #spiritual #tea #divine #people #redwine #charity

5/3/2024, 9:21:51 PM

Plaag slak Mijn moeder plaagt me soms met de anekdote dat ik als kind naar huis kwam met mijn zakken vol huisjesslakken ‘voor in onze tuin’… omdat ik ze zo mooi en intrigerend vond… Daarom zitten er volgens haar plagerijen na al die jaren nog steeds zoveel slakken in hun tuin 🫣 Graag gedaan hoor mama! Kijk maar eens hoe mooi ze zijn 🐌 #mama #plagerijtjes #slakken #fascinatie #spiraalvorm #natuur #oogvoordeschoonheid #sacretgeometry #spiral #slakkenplaag #tochmooi

5/3/2024, 3:34:18 PM

"Roza" is realistic female portrait that was painted through seven different layers with seven different material: ink, tea, red wine, rainwater, gold leaf, graphite and colored pencil, and with a uni posca marker. I painted her for @jackandjillcf to be sold for charity, and with the money from the sale to finance care in a home for seriously ill children in Ireland. Since the painting was sold 4 days ago, I can now publish what it looks like, because the painting, i.e. its author, was a secret until the sale itself #incognito2024 She is now on her way to her new home, and the money has been transferred to the needy. If you are one of the buyers of my paintings for Incognito and the Jack & Jill Children foundation, I would like to thank you for your noble and good deed ❤️ . . #sabinacanicart #visualart #realism #symbolism #art #empower #connection #naturelovers #natureinspired #charity #fibonacci #freedom #womanportrait #artistoninstagram #sacretgeometry #ink #unconscious #womenartist #rainwater #dubrovnik #pencil #spiritual #tea #redwine

5/1/2024, 4:01:25 PM

"Vita" is realistic female portrait that was painted through seven different layers with seven different material: ink, tea, red wine, rainwater, gold leaf, graphite and colored pencil, and with a uni posca marker. I painted her for @jackandjillcf to be sold for charity, and with the money from the sale to finance care in a home for seriously ill children in Ireland. Since the painting was sold 4 days ago, I can now publish what it looks like, because the painting, i.e. its author, was a secret until the sale itself #incognito2024 She is now on her way to her new home, and the money has been transferred to the needy. If you are one of the buyers of my paintings for Incognito and the Jack & Jill Children foundation, I would like to thank you for your noble and good deed ❤️ . #sabinacanicart #visualart #realism #symbolism #art #empower #connection #nature #charity #fibonacci #fractals #freedom #womanportrait #artistoninstagram #sacretgeometry #storytelling #ink #unconscious #womenartist #rain #dubrovnik #pencil #spiritual #tea #divine #people #redwine

5/1/2024, 2:58:57 PM

🤍♾️🖤 Danke für dein Sein 🫸🏻✨🫷🏻 Christian Brudermannz #TeQuieroMucho #bestermann #seelentanz #flügelfürdich #böhseonkelz #herzdeko #liebe #herzdeko #heiligegeometrie #sacretgeometry #blumedeslebens #floweroflifeart #floweroflife #artist #artwork #heart #dots #secretgeometry #mandala_sharing #mandalalove #colorexplosion #mandalapassion Die wahre Liebe ist es, die jedes Wesen läutert, jeden schlummernden Keim des Edlen und Guten aus ihm hervorlockt, zur herrlichen Blüte bringt; sie allein ist es auch, die dem Leben trotzt und standhält, die in Wahrheit alles trägt und glaubt und hofft und des Gesetzes Erfüllung ist – des Gesetzes des Lebens. (Luise Otto-Peters) Quelle:

5/1/2024, 5:44:59 AM

The “Tree of Life” symbolizes the interconnectedness of all life, often depicted in Kabbalistic tradition as a structure with ten nodes or sefirot, each representing an attribute of God. Sacred geometry involves geometric patterns and designs considered holy, commonly found in sacred buildings. Examples include the Flower of Life and patterns following the golden ratio. Leonardo da Vinci, a Renaissance polymath, was deeply engaged with sacred geometry, exploring the proportions of the human body through his famous “Vitruvian Man.” His work illustrates the ideal human proportions based on the golden ratio, showcasing his belief in this divine proportion as a representation of beauty and perfection in the world. #sacretgeometry #leonardodavinci #treeoflife

4/27/2024, 2:11:37 PM

Im warmen Dämmerlicht, das ihre Welt umhüllt, flüstert sie ins All, und es summt zurück – eine Liebesgeschichte, gezeichnet aus Energie und Empfinden. Sie ist irdisch, doch ihr Herz ist verflochten mit dem eines Wesens aus einer höheren Dimension, einer Kreatur, die sie fühlt, aber nicht sehen kann. Ihre Liebe ist ein Gewebe aus Schwingungen, ein unsichtbarer Seelentanz, der das Sehen übersteigt. Jeder Sonnenuntergang ist ihr Rendezvous, der Moment, wenn der Schleier sich lichtet und sie einander am nächsten sind, sich berühren im Leuchten, das den Himmel entflammt – eine flüchtige Brücke zwischen ihren Welten. Ihre Verbindung ist die reinste der Begegnungen, ein Beweis dafür, dass Liebe nicht gesehen werden muss, um echt zu sein, denn sie wird tief im Gewebe ihres Seins gefühlt. #lovestory #dimensions #universe #quantum #entanglement #soulmate #abstractart #abstractpainting #abstractartist #kunst #abstrakt #switzerland #mexico #sacretgeometry #timetravel #flatland #frequency #schrödinger #plato #theallegoryofthecave #inspiration #multiverse #rickandmorty

4/27/2024, 1:11:52 AM

A job completely done according to the customer’s # #soulblueprint and what the customer needs assistance with. This light codes is channeled in a conversation with the person. The jewelery is handmade from silver, gold and precious stones / #peridot . #lightcodes #lightcodesactivation #lightcodesactivation #lightcodesfrequencies #lightcodestransmission #lightcodesart #lightcodeactivations #lightcodechannel #sacretgeometry #divinejewelry #divinejewellery #sacretjewelry

4/22/2024, 9:30:01 PM

A job completely done according to the customer’s # #soulblueprint and what the customer needs assistance with. This light codes is channeled in a conversation with the person. The jewelery is handmade from silver, gold and precious stones / #peridot . #lightcodes #lightcodesactivation #lightcodesactivation #lightcodesfrequencies #lightcodestransmission #lightcodesart #lightcodeactivations #lightcodechannel #sacretgeometry #divinejewelry #divinejewellery #sacretjewelry

4/22/2024, 8:33:24 PM

Kropki-mandale-geometrie i rękaw skończony👌 Zapraszam po więcej podobnych tematów! #geometri #geometric #dotwork #patterns #pattern #geometricpattern #tatuaż #tatuaże #wwa #ursynów #warsawink #warsawtattoo #polandtattoo #tatuażepolska #polandtattoos #sacretgeometry #geometrytattoo #geometrychaos #tatuażegeometryczne #stalowawola

4/22/2024, 6:17:26 PM

Chest piece…Matatrons cube #metatronscube #metatron #sacretgeometry #geometrictattoo

4/20/2024, 5:02:13 PM

А мы продолжаем проходить марафон, на котором каждый день соприкасаемся с новой мантрой ✨ Каждый день рисуем Цветок жизни или даже Меркабу 🤗 И получаем информацию об эфирных маслах.

4/17/2024, 4:41:58 PM

Картина создана на заказ для талантливого мастера с ее логотипом ✨ Холст 60х60 см.

4/17/2024, 4:26:44 PM

Eclipse solar 8/4/24 #sacretgeometry #sunday #metatron #spiritualsoul

4/8/2024, 10:53:06 PM

Шри Янтра в интерьере ,деревянное полотно🪵 Что происходит, когда мы размещаем символы сакральной геометрии в помещении. - Пространство гармонизируется, очищается - То же происходит с людьми, которые находятся в пространстве символа , символ взаимодействует с подсознанием, коды, заложенные в символах, активируют генетическую память, мы расширяем свои пределы, выходим за них, начинаем понимать законы Вселенной, как всё устроено и взаимодействует, как все гармонично и справедливо. В Шри Янтре заложено всё! - Медитация на Шри Янтру позволяет осмыслить своё существование, обрести контроль над действиями и чувствами, достичь слияния с Высшим сознанием. - Символы, нанесённые на деревянное полотно, во много раз увеличивают своё действие, так как 2024 год - год Деревянного Дракона( согласно Фен-Шуй). Благоприятно расположение предметов из дерева в пространстве своего дома. #sacretgeometry #shriyantra #cyprus

4/7/2024, 2:53:19 PM

Существует множество значений. АНХ -египетский символ долголетия и вечного здоровья. Ключ к открытию ворот рая и к единению с Богом. В Древнем Египте АНХ в руках Богов, поднесенный ко рту, символизировал то, что Ключ к вечной жизни должен находиться внутри человека и связан с дыханием, а именно с энергией Кундалини. Всё процессы в организме под воздействием символа запускаются так же, как при активации Кундалини (жизненной энергии ). Значения АНХа: - связь земли и неба - связь человека и Бога - бессмертие души - ключ к истине - объединение женских и мужских энергий Больше информации о символах можно получить на моих мастер-классах. #sacretgeometry #floweroflife #mandala #cyprus #larnaka

4/6/2024, 10:22:10 AM

Motus #spiral #nature #sacretgeometry

4/3/2024, 12:30:10 AM

Шри янтра олицетворяет путь от физического к духовному, отражая концепцию духовного роста или эволюции. Согласно Васту и Фен-шуй, корректное размещение изображения янтры способствует гармонизации энергии пространства. Её следует размещать в чистом пространстве лицом к востоку на уровне сердца или глаз. При медитации на изображение наблюдается замедление работы левого полушария мозга и активация правого. Это позволяет видеть мир во всём многообразии, свободным от привычных шаблонов. Шри янтра способствует развитию на духовном пути, помогая человеку избавиться от омрачений, достичь чистого состояния сознания. Она служит мощным инструментом для повышения уровня и качества энергии практика, гармонизируя физические и духовные аспекты жизни. Дерево,акриловые краски,золочение #sacretgeometry #shriyantra #sriyantra

3/29/2024, 1:05:56 PM

Sacred Geometry Mandala. The Flower of Life pattern uses overlapping circles & symbolizes the unity of creation. Lettering spells DM (for DerMetaal) in Sanskrit. . . . . #tattoo #art #tattoostellenbosch #sacretgeometry #floweroflifetattoo #mandalatattoo #dotworktattoo #tattooapprentice

3/24/2024, 11:23:54 AM

So happy that there is so much interest in the ”divine union” light code. The code must of course be spread to assist us to higher frequencies. But I make a unique one from each client’s unique blueprint and what they require assistance with. #lightcodes #lightcodesactivation #lightcodesactivation #lightcodesfrequencies #lightcodestransmission #lightcodesart #lightcodeactivations #lightcodechannel #sacretgeometry #divinejewelry #divinejewellery #sacretjewelry #divinefeminine #divineguidance #divinetiming #divinetrust #divineunion #hierosgamos #hierosgamosunion #

3/23/2024, 5:33:41 PM

So happy that there is so much interest in the ”divine union” light code. The code must of course be spread to assist us to higher frequencies. But I make a unique one from each client’s unique blueprint and what they require assistance with. #lightcodes #lightcodesactivation #lightcodesactivation #lightcodesfrequencies #lightcodestransmission #lightcodesart #lightcodeactivations #lightcodechannel #sacretgeometry #divinejewelry #divinejewellery #sacretjewelry #divinefeminine #divineguidance #divinetiming #divinetrust #divineunion #hierosgamos #hierosgamosunion

3/23/2024, 5:09:55 PM

So happy that there is so much interest in the ”divine union” light code. The code must of course be spread to assist us to higher frequencies. But I make a unique one from each client’s unique blueprint and what they require assistance with. #lightcodes #lightcodesactivation #lightcodesactivation #lightcodesfrequencies #lightcodestransmission #lightcodesart #lightcodeactivations #lightcodechannel #sacretgeometry #divinejewelry #divinejewellery #sacretjewelry #divinefeminine #divineguidance #divinetiming #divinetrust #divineunion #hierosgamos #hierosgamosunion #

3/23/2024, 5:04:12 PM

✨Шри Янтра — удивительный инструмент, который балансирует энергию, трансформируя негативную энергию в благоприятную. «Шри» — это Лакшми, богиня благосостояния. «Янтра» означает «инструмент». ✨При медитации на изображение наблюдается замедление работы левого полушария мозга и активация правого. Это позволяет видеть мир во всём многообразии, свободным от привычных шаблонов. ✨Шри янтра способствует развитию на духовном пути, помогая человеку избавиться от омрачений, достичь чистого состояния сознания. Она служит мощным инструментом для повышения уровня и качества энергии практика, гармонизируя физические и духовные аспекты жизни.

3/4/2024, 8:02:37 AM