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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

⏰ Reng! Reng! Reng! Những tiếng chuông báo thức vang lên lúc 5h sáng đã làm tớ thức tỉnh và ngồi bật dậy vì những khát vọng về sự thành công trong cuộc đời mình. Thành công chẳng phải là đích đến hay điều gì đó quá lớn lao mà đều là do từng ngày, từng tháng nỗ lực, kiên trì, kỷ luật, lặp đi lặp lại những hành động và thói quen nhỏ đôi khi đến mức nhàm chán nhưng cũng không cho phép bản thân được dừng lại. Khi cậu thấy phải gồng mình cố gắng, tốn nhiều sức lực tức là cậu đang leo dốc, lên trên đỉnh núi để ngắm nhìn thế giới, còn khi cậu nhẹ nhàng, thư thái thậm chí không kiểm soát được nữa lại chính là lúc cậu đang tuột dốc không phanh. Thế nên hi vọng cậu hãy nhớ: Người ham vui, thích ngủ nhiều hơn làm, thích ăn nhiều hơn lao động, không bao giờ chịu cố gắng thì không có tư cách than vãn, càng không có tư cách đố kỵ với thành công của người khác. “Vất vả lúc trẻ người ta gọi là nỗ lực, không gọi là khổ. Gian nan lúc già mới thực sự là khổ.” Chúc cậu một ngày thật an vui.🍀 #studywithme #tryyourbest #truyendongluc #phattrienbanthan #laciiday

6/2/2024, 1:44:41 AM

I’m late to the party today, It’s Saturday and we’ve had a slow start so far. This month I plan on being more present as well as being more productive and focused on my goals. Last month threw me a few curve balls and didn’t quite go to plan, such is life, you just gotta ride the waves that are crashing towards you. I know I love where I am, and I love where I’m headed, I just need to figure out how to manage my time better and do things more intentionally. So here’s to a good month ahead for everyone, I wish everyone the best, and I hope we all win at whatever we choose to do in life. Also praying for a ceasefire and peace for the Palestinian people, I pray this happens very soon, If you’ve been following my stories and my instagram you’ll know Iv been sharing what’s happening, so I cannot start the month without mentioning this. No one should ever have to live through what they have for the past 8 months, no mother, no father, no child, no grandparent, no one. If you strongly believe in something, never be afraid to stand up for what is right. I believe we are all responsible for making a better world, so stand up for what’s right, be a good person, be kind, bring the good vibes, speak your truth, be authentic, and just try your best 💗 Have a blessed June 💗🙏🏻 . . #business #newmonth #mindset #goals #prayingforpeace #prayingfortheworld #bekind #beagoodperson #tryyourbest

6/1/2024, 6:42:54 PM

#カナダ #生き甲斐 #一生懸命 #愛と感謝 #元気 #素敵な一日を #Canada #vancity #workhardplayhard #tryyourbest #love #thankyou

6/1/2024, 7:14:40 AM

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. 💪 #HardWorkPaysOff #grind #workhard #gohard #dontgiveup #tryyourbest

6/1/2024, 5:45:43 AM

Last call on 2024/2025 DWHS Competition Team Auditions! Arrival time tomorrow is 9am for all potential new team members. We asked our dancers why they liked being a part of the team and this is what a few of them said… #dancewithheartstudios #dancecompetitionteam #danceauditions #dancefamily #dancefriendsmakethebestfriends #tryyourbest #havefun #manchestermichigan #adrianmichigan

6/1/2024, 4:50:44 AM

Bonjour Jun, j'espère que tout ira bien pour moi😍😘 Pic of first Jun ♑️♑️♑️ #reminder #foryou#tryyourbest

6/1/2024, 3:41:36 AM

DER LÖWE XX Landbeschäler in Niedersächsisches Landgestüt Celle Dunkelbraun 1944-1974 Wahnfried x Herold x Favor Stockmass 1,58m Züchter: P Mühlens ZERMATT XX, E 3 H (Bonengel - Werneck) Bildquelle: Die Dynastie der Hengste Hannovers von Hans Joachim Köhler/ Claus Schridde Nach keinem anderen Hengst wurde von euch so häufig gefragt, wie nach dem Vollblüter Der Löwe xx. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass er in den Pedigrees von so vielen modernen Dressurpferden in großer Zahl zu finden ist. Als wir angefangen haben uns mit dem Löwen zu beschäftigen, der sich seinen Namen wirklich durch sein Interieur, seine Zähigkeit und seinen Kampfgeist verdient hat, waren wir überrascht, was wir über ihn zu lesen gefunden haben. Werner Schockemöhle schreibt in „Die großen Hengste Hannovers“ etwa: „ …auffällig war seine gewaltige, lange Schulter die mit dem ausgeprägten Widerrist eine vorzügliche Sattellage bildete. Bedeutend auch seine Herztiefe und seine Hinterrippe,..Seinen etwas langen Kopf, den ein lebhaftes Auge schmückte konnte man ihm noch leicht nachsehen, aber seine Halsung war problematisch. Der Hals war nicht übermäßig lang und zu tief angesetzt, mit der Folge, dass der recht hohe Widerrist frei lag und der sogenannte Axthieb entstand… …gute Form der Kruppe… der Vorderfuß war gut gestellt, vielleicht ein wenig zehenweit. Die Hufe hatten wenig Trachten. Das Hinterbein hatte genug Hacke und war auch gut gewinkelt. Die Erscheinung des Sprunggelenkes war (vollblutmäßig) ein wenig matt. Die Nachtzucht war nicht gerade schläfrig, was auf Zurückhaltung der Züchter stieß. Gerüchten zufolge waren die „Löwen“ unendlich schwierig. Seine Kinder waren in der Regel nicht einfach, weder im Umgang noch unter dem Sattel. Weiter geht's hier: #knowledge #responsiblebreeding #doitride and #doit for the #horses #hofgutkaltenherberge #gesundepferdezucht #pferdezucht #verantwortung #responsibility #jumping #dressage #springpferd #europameister #tryyourbest #pferd #horse #horseofinstagram #equestrian #dressagehorse #allstar5 #reitsport #fohlen #jungpferdeausbildung #pferdeliebe #dressurpferde #offspring #grandprix #doitride

5/31/2024, 4:59:54 PM

H: Mommy, let's do something today! M: Let me see what we can do...🤔 Done booking, let’s go! ( Actually, I wonder if I can fit in two drawings in three hours! 🤣 ) Taa-da! You never know until you try! We had a fruitful day! 💜 #gratefulfriday #preciuosmoments #familyfirst #tryyourbest #makeithappen #bethereforyou

5/31/2024, 12:16:36 PM

Keep doing whatever you’re doing, you’re doing goooood 👍 Tell your sweetie with a card, available in my shop 😗x #youredoinggreat #greetingcards #sweetie #illustration #tryyourbest #dog #love #illustrator #illustrationartists

5/31/2024, 10:02:49 AM

This is a great way to go about life within reason. Give it a try. I try my best to do this every day. #life #lifemotto #goodlife #lifeisgood #trythis #tryyourbest #nice #wonderful #cool #ooo enjoy #enjoylife #enjoythemoment #enjoythelittlethings #enjoythelittlethingsinlife

5/30/2024, 10:57:24 PM

Last day of EBC tournament. Everyone playing hard! photos taken by @alxznder #tournament #playhard #tryyourbest #EBC #erindalebadmintonclub #actionsports #badminton #clubnight #birdie #competition #goforgold #sportphotographer #stillframe #fastiso #isoover9000

5/30/2024, 10:17:17 PM

Do your best now to get EVERYTHING that you deserve. #doyourbest #doeverythingyoucan #youdeserveasuccess #keepgoing #dotherightthing #tryyourbest

5/30/2024, 8:30:00 PM

BOOTCAMPS THIS SATURDAY (June 01) 🔥 • 30 Minute HIIT @ 8:15AM • 45 Minute Circuit @ 9:00AM ➡️ We will more than likely be outside, so dress accordingly. *Make sure you book and register before bootcamps start- please book & register here 》 Please arrive the day of, 5-10 minutes before bootcamps start to sign in/pay/etc. (Message or Email me for Address) Any questions please don't hesitate to ask, or check out my Linktree for all the details 》 ---- #outdoorbootcamps #outdoorbootcampswithkylee #hiit #highintensityintervaltraining #circuit #bootcamps #preandpostnatalbootcamp #personaltrainer #fitnessintructor #preandpostnatalcoach #nutritioncoach #sleepstressmanagementandrecoverycoach #tryyourbest #workhard #beconsistent #momlife

5/30/2024, 8:06:33 PM

Do you trust me?? (Aladdin anyone🧞‍♂️)…Seriously though, I always try to steer you in the right direction. It’s who I am🫶🫶🫶 So as the school year comes to an end, I find myself thinking about new beginnings + moving forward for my kids and MYSELF!! What about you?? Are you feeling STUCK or READY for a CHANGE? Imagine being part of a movement that’s transforming lives! —>WHAT IF…You take a leap + make a pivot + try something new? WHAT’S the BEST that could HAPPEN??? •make a difference •help people’s quality of life •find a new passion/community •help yourself (even when you didn’t know you needed it) I’m grateful to be part of a mission-driven team that’s disrupting the Hemp/C B D industry + revolutionizing the way we approach wellness. We believe everyone deserves to feel their best, safely + sustainably. Don’t let this moment pass you by! If you’re looking to pivot or add a new meaningful “AND” to your life…there is always a place for you alongside me + I would love to have you🤍🌱 —>Comment “HEMP” for more information Together, let’s create a future where everyone can feel their best, without compromise. #missiondriven #sustainablelivingtips #selfempowered #empathymatters #sustainablewellness

5/30/2024, 5:12:28 PM

I’m alway ask how did you get your body so cut 🆙. I just focus on showing up and holding myself accountable. We all have the same 24 hrs. ⏰ 🚨🚨🚨 #fyp #gym #explorepage #focus #showup #tryyourbest

5/30/2024, 3:14:58 PM

Gửi chị em phụ nữ. Một số điều trong cuốn sách "khí chất bao nhiêu hạnh phúc bấy nhiêu" mà mình đã note lại: 1. Hey các chị em, nếu bạn đang thấy cuộc sống có quá nhiều mối lo lắng gian nan, tình yêu không tới, công việc ngổn ngang đầy lo lắng, thì hãy nhớ: Bận rộn là phương thức hữu hiệu nhất để vượt qua những cảm xúc này. 2. Hạnh phúc và không hạnh phúc chỉ khác nhau ở việc mình có nhận ra được ưu điểm của cuộc sống và có trái tim trân trọng những gì mình có hay chưa. 3. Ít làm phiền người khác nhất có thể, vì suy cho cùng chính mình mới có thể xử lý vấn đề của mình và đó là biết nghĩ cho người khác. 4. Tình yêu đẹp là biết suy nghĩ cho nhau và không mấy khi khiến cho bạn trở thành người khác hay đau khổ cùng cực. Đừng bao giờ kiễng chân để yêu một người, hãy yêu người có thể cho bạn là chính mình. 5. Thay vì đố kỵ, hãy ngưỡng mộ, chân thành và học từ những người giỏi hơn, tạo dựng mối quan hệ từ động cơ lương thiện và lòng biết ơn thì sẽ có người sẵn sàng truyền kinh nghiệm cho mình. 6. Không chây ỳ. Từ việc học tập, chăm sóc sức khoẻ, quan tâm vẻ ngoài và luôn cố gắng. #dongluchoctap #hoctap #tryyourbest #study #studywithme #cogang #colen #khongngungcogang #donglucmoingay #dailyvlog #tipshocgioi #studytime #kientri #dailyvlog #ghilaicuocsong #quote

5/30/2024, 2:56:25 AM

#quoteoftheday ••• Try your best and make the most out of any situation!! ••• #tryyourbest #makethemostofit #doit #learning #excellence #quoteoftheday #mindset #growth #purpose #spring24 #campstaff #camp #staffdevelopment #educators #kimaycock

5/29/2024, 4:37:30 PM

Get it? _ Source: Me _ #effort #besteffort #tryyourbest #tryhard #trytobeyourbest

5/29/2024, 3:00:39 PM

Not every call has to go your way in order for you to find joy! #FindTheJoy #joy #Godisgood #lifeisgood #happy #behappy #fun #family #softball #coach #dad #dadlife #kids #strike #life #try #tryyourbest #love

5/29/2024, 8:31:33 AM

✨✨✨ Our core values here at Just Perform Dance and Theatre School are so important to us... 💖💃✨ 💚 Try your best: We believe that every student has the potential to achieve greatness. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced performer, we encourage you to give it your all and strive for excellence. Remember, success is not always about winning, but about putting in your best effort. 💚 Respect Everyone: In our diverse and inclusive community, we celebrate and embrace differences. We believe in treating everyone with kindness, empathy, and respect. We create a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and included. 💚 Inclusivity: At Just Perform, we welcome students of all backgrounds, abilities, and experiences. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to shine and express themselves through dance and theatre. We celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity, ensuring that everyone feels like they belong. Join us in embracing these core values and let’s create a positive and supportive community where everyone can thrive and grow. 💚💫✨ #JustPerform #DanceAndTheatreSchool #CoreValues #TryYourBest #RespectEveryone #Inclusivity #DanceCommunity #TheatreLovers #PositiveVibes #SupportiveEnvironment #justperformdanceandtheatreschool #tamworthdanceschool #danceschool

5/29/2024, 8:07:21 AM

Congratulations to Adrian who ran a speedy time at The Great West Run in Exeter yesterday, despite the warm and wet conditions. Well done 👏🏻 FB page: Crewkerne Running Club FB group: Crewkerne Running Club (CRC) Instagram: @crewkernerunningclub TikTok: @crewkernerunningclub Club runs are Tuesdays 6pm, Thursdays 6.30pm and Sundays 8.30am 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏼‍♂️ #run #running #runners #runnersofinstagram #crewkerne #somerset #crewkernerunningclub #clubrunning #race #event #runfast #tryyourbest #runningmotivation #runningcommunity

5/27/2024, 11:16:56 PM

Pre-Made Fitness Programs ‼️ Great for Beginners or Parents looking for something quick and effective 💪 I have two Programs ready to go ⬇️ ➡️ 3-Week At Home Workout Guide! Price:  One Payment - $35.00  ➡️ 3-Week ZERO EQUIPMENT Workout Guide!  Price:  One Payment - $45.00  *Both programs are in PDF format and everything is included in the PDF* See slides for details or check out my Linktree 》 Any questions or to inquire, email me at 》 [email protected] ---- #kyleesabrinafitness #smallbusiness #fitnessprograms #quickandeffectiveworkouts #homeworkouts #onlinecoaching #buildingsustainablehabits #findwhatworksforyou #trysomethingnew #tryyourbest #beconsistent #workhard #beaccountable #incorporatebalance #incorporateenjoyment #wellnesscoach #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #preandpostnatalcoach #nutritioncoach #sleepstressmanagementandrecoverycoach

5/27/2024, 10:17:05 PM

I hope you finally do that thing you’ve been secretly dreaming about! • • • #motivation #inspiration #motivational #tryyourbest #doit #dontbeafraid

5/27/2024, 10:02:53 PM

🏅Một con đường riêng luôn khởi đầu từ những điều không suôn sẻ và nhiều gian truân nhưng kết quả mà nó đem lại vô cùng hạnh phúc và đáng tự hào ....T luôn tin vào khả năng và sự nỗ lực của m , chỉ còn vỏn vẹn 3 ngày nữa thoii , mình cùng cố gắng đỗ NV1 nhé ....🍀☺️🙆 #tryyourbest #nguyenvanphuc #vanphucdaily #breakaleg #lucky #motivation #myfriend #myyouth #tryyourbest

5/27/2024, 7:03:06 PM

Nashville 🎸🥈 Felt there was a bit more in me this weekend. Although, happy to come out healthy throughout the chaos. Focused on forward ✌️. • • 📸: @usabmx @rockstarenergy @flyracingbike @shimanobmx @answerbmxusa @alienationbmx @gformofficial @onyxracing @tiogabmx @ride100percent @customracing @tangentproshop_ @lululemon #thesweatlife • • #ridetherift #tangentequipped #bmx #tangentproducts #biking #usabmx #tangentbmxracing #photgraphy #viral #bmxlove #likeforlike #goodphotos #racer #bikerider #bikepictures #tryyourbest #nevergiveup #work #hardwork #sponsorship #like #rockstar #rift

5/27/2024, 5:42:40 PM

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” - - - - - - - ************************************************** Royal Property ☎️: 416.909.9968 289.588.5884 📧: [email protected] ************************************************* #myroyalproperty #royalproperty #motivationoftheday #positivityiskey #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #keytosuccess #successtips #motivationmonday #motivationalquotes #successmindset #morningmotivation #homebuyer #realestate #hardwork #life #happylife #lifemotivation #dosomethingnew #dowhatyoucan #tryyourbest #experienced #doyourbest #firststep #takesteps #dowhatyoucan #usewhatyouhave

5/27/2024, 3:02:04 PM

It is. _ Source: Ryan Holiday _ #doyourbest #tryyourbest #beyourbest #yourethebest #beingthebest

5/27/2024, 3:00:39 PM

When you wake up each morning, start your day with a positive outlook 🤩 If things aren't going as planned, try your best to improve them because you have to live through the day regardless So why not make the most of it?🙃 Some days will turn out better than others, but it’s important to always keep trying🫶🏼 Have a great week everyone!

5/27/2024, 4:18:30 AM

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time #tryyourbest #yolo #youonlyliveonce

5/26/2024, 9:46:00 PM

The show must go on…. Well a completely different experience for me today with gorgeous friends @nzbennett and @xchantellelouise I went up to see Chanty’s gorgeous daughter in a local horse show-even though I have a fear 😱 of horses - I wanted to show my support 👏 and she did brilliantly. Well done Ariella. Auntie Pink loves you 🤗 It was a dog 🐶 show too so for a laugh we decided to enter spritely 91 year old cavapoo (in dog years!), Coco, into the agility contest 🤸 All was going well until she wiggled out of the collar and left me looking like I had one of those comedy invisible dog leads. Bless her though, she finished the course and managed a lovely little pirouette at the end. She so cuuuute 🩷🐶🩷 No surprise, she didn’t win, but she tried her best and the effort was all there 💪. Our new edition, Rocco, 🐶 took it in his stride and came 4th 👏 And superstar Rocco ⭐️ won a Rosette too with his pooch Boo-boo. How’s your bank holiday going so far?! Hope you’re having fun 🤩 #justforfun #dogshow #tryyourbest #inittowinit #trysomethingdifferent

5/26/2024, 8:59:59 PM

What a crazy week... Feels like I lived 3 weeks in 1. Shattered and incredibly greatful to God. When the dots start coming down I see there was always wisdom there, even when I couldn't understand. Got to remember that ALWAYS. #TryYourBest #HaveFaith . There's always a #GreaterPlan

5/26/2024, 8:12:55 PM

Morning tea, exercise, then church time! Pushing through the pain and sickness! Relax your mind, don't worry about others' perspectives of you, and move forward! I truly wish everyone has a positive day that gets you at least 1 step closer to where you want to be. #morningtea #staypositive #tryyourbest #dontgiveup #goooooooooodmorning #healing #healthiswealth

5/26/2024, 6:00:53 PM

5 ngày cuối cùng ☺️🍀🍀🍀💪💪💪 Con đường đến Vk66 không còn xa , cố lên nhé , sắp đc đi ăn xiên bẩn rùi 🤡🌷🌷🌷😃 #try #nguyenvanphuc #vanphucdaily #tryyourbest #studywithme #mydestiny #myyouth #chillwithme #memories

5/26/2024, 5:52:14 PM

Embark on a journey of strength, resilience, and boundless potential... Join the unstoppable force at Fitness18 and redefine what's possible...💪 . . . . #fitness18 #bodybuilding #musclebuilding #fitness #tryyourbest #gym #gymmotivation

5/26/2024, 3:32:39 PM

Good luck to all GCSE students! You've worked so hard and now it's time to put all that hard work to use. Believe in yourself and just try your best, that's all we can ask for! 📚✏✨ #GCSE2024 #Exams #GCSEs #Believe #TryYourBest #LPI #LPITuition

5/26/2024, 11:06:46 AM

Healthy body = Healthy mind Don't forget to move your body, readers. #workout #tryyourbest #exercise

5/26/2024, 4:12:06 AM

Trying your best is the greatest victory. #warriorkids #tryyourbest #strongkids #raisingkids

5/25/2024, 9:15:18 PM

🌟 If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore 🌟 #stagecoachwimbledon #actdancesing #creativecourageforlife #thatstagecoachfeeling #tryyourbest #keeptrying #inspiring #wimbledonkids #wimbledonperformingarts

5/25/2024, 8:55:08 PM

We’re currently on day two of our England Boxing assessments and what a couple of days it’s been! 🫡 Yesterday we kicked it off with a hand wrap tutorial, then a 1km timed run. I completed mine in 4:29s, but I am not too disappointed with that! We also went through a strength and conditioning session followed by mobility before heading back to our hotels for the evening. 😤😤😤 Today I was able to share the ring with Pro Boxer @jadegreo_grierson! Jade is fighting on the 8th June, in Nottingham so reach out if you want to see a good night of boxing. 👊 Absolutely loving every minute here, it’s great to reunite with some of the boxers too. New faces too! Levels are high, and so is the commitment. Sharing spaces with some of the most talented boxers in England is an absolute blessing! . . . . . . . . #EnglandBoxing #AmateurBoxer #HeavyWeightBoxer #Sheffield #Fighting #Sparring #England #Boxer #TwoTime #GraceBuckleBoxing #NACChampion #EISS #WeGiveThanks #GodIsGood #ProfessionalBoxing #BeGreatAdvocateMotivate #TryYourBest #KillAllYourSpars #TrainHardWorkHard #WitnessTheFitness #WeWillWin #MiguelsGym #Brixton #LondonsFriendliestGym #BoxingCoach #NotJustAnInterpreter

5/25/2024, 3:41:05 PM

#me #myself & #I #life in itself has difficulties I deal with #chronicpain .... some days are really hard, but I only have one life... #yolo #findhappiness #tryyourbest #lifeishard #loveyourself #canadian #calgary #scotianpride #canada

5/24/2024, 8:03:34 PM

Dust yourself off be thankful for the experience 🤍 @fixyourcrownquotes #quotesdaily #tryyourbest #ontothenextchapter

5/24/2024, 5:28:24 PM

Whatss a bestfriend???✨ . . . . . . . . #art #bestie #sketchy #sketch #colour #ppst #answer #tryyourbest #goals #friendship

5/24/2024, 4:13:36 PM

❤️ Keep Calm & Try Your Best, badges. Lovely badge for anyone doing their exams right now. A reminder that all you can do is try your best. Order yours here #tryyourbest #examseason #ihateexams #gcse #alevel #schoolleaver #classof2024 #badges #badgemaker #positivevibes

5/24/2024, 2:33:06 PM

FERDINAND Landbeschäler Celle, Lipizzanergestüt Piber(Österreich) 1941-1970 von FERRARA x HELGOLAND I x INDIGO Stockmass 1,64m Hannoveraner Verband e.V. Züchter: Gustav Hansing, Fleeste FINETTE, Hannover Stutenstamm 1189002, Schridde 423 Mehr Informationen gibt es zum Beispiel hier: Werner Schockemöhle „Die grossen Hengste Hannovers“ oder (Quelle des Fotos) oder …Ferdinand und seine Nachkommen waren berühmt für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an Championaten bis hin zu Olympischen Spielen in Dressur und Springen. Einer der erfolgreichsten Hengste aller Zeiten… Quelle: Nachkommen-Gewinnsumme 1.254.163,00 DM (!) Gekörte Söhne: 13 - Felsblock, Fürst Ferdinand, Ferdi, Walzer, Wedekind, Wegerich, Wendekreis, Winnetou, Fetisch, Fernando, Ferman, Fenito, Fasching Dass Ferdinand ein so prägender Hengst für die Hannoveraner Zucht sondern für die gesamte Deutsche Zucht werden würde, hätten damals sicher die wenigsten gedacht. Er war bereits 18 Jahre alt, als sein züchterischer Stern kometenhaft an den Himmel gestiegen ist, weil der Wallach Ferdl unter Alwin Schockemöhle auf sämtlichen Turnierplätzen begeisterte. Plötzlich wollten alle einen Ferdinand-Nachkommen im Stall haben und er wurde zum ersten großen Springpferdevererber. Bis zu seinem 18. Geburtstag wurde Ferdinand eigentlich von Station zu Station geschoben, um dann ab 1959 in Baljerdorf zu wirken. Dort traf er auf eine Stutengrundlage, die auch von Marcio xx geprägt war, der damals viele sehr gute Dressurpferde gebracht hat. Aber selbst mit diesen Anpaarungen hat er hervorragende Springpferde gebracht. Weiter geht's hier: #knowledge #responsiblebreeding #doitride and #doit for the #horses #allstar #hofgutkaltenherberge #gesundepferdezucht #pferdezucht #verantwortung #responsibility #jumping #dressage #springpferd #europameister #tryyourbest #pferd #horse #horseofinstagram #equestrian #dressagehorse #allstar5 #reitsport #fohlen #jungpferdeausbildung #pferdeliebe #dressurpferde #offspring #grandprix #doitride

5/24/2024, 11:59:41 AM

生活是屬於每個人自己的感受、不屬於任何別人的看法 Your life isn't yours if you always care what others think. You only have one life to live. Make sure it's yours.🤘🏻😎 #beyourself #loveyourself #doyourbest #tryyourbest

5/24/2024, 8:01:27 AM

#tryyourbest #tolove #tocare #tohelp #try

5/23/2024, 9:52:24 PM

Have a great week y'all 🫀❤️🤍🖤 #ask #love #healing #positivity #positivethoughts #compassion #tryyourbest #acceptance #thankful #gratitude

5/20/2024, 1:17:48 PM