DSTRajasthan images

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#food #travel #sports #news #june #saturday

Don’t miss out on the exciting discussion about the future of research and startups in Rajasthan! 🚀 Join us on DD Rajasthan for ‘Vigyan Jagat’ with Sh. V. Saravana Kumar (IAS), Secretary of Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan. Tune in on Tuesday, April 30th, at 2 PM and 9 PM. Hosted by Prof. Puneet Sharma. 🎙️ #Innovation #Startups #Rajasthan #DSTRajasthan #VigyanJagat #Research #DDRajasthan

4/29/2024, 4:31:39 PM

Today, let’s renew our commitment to safeguarding our precious planet. Let’s make every day Earth Day by nurturing our home.🌍🌿 #EarthDay  #DSTRajasthan  #ScienceForKids  #CuriousYoungMinds  #LearningIsFun  #ScienceMagic  #KidsScience  #ScienceIsAwesome

4/22/2024, 12:42:46 PM

While it orbits the Sun and is spherical, Pluto fails to meet the IAU’s third criterion: clearing its orbital neighbourhood, making it a dwarf planet among the Kuiper Belt objects. Discover the fascinating story of Pluto’s classification! Share this with friends to spread the cosmic knowledge! 🪐🌌 #CosmicWonders #Pluto #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/21/2024, 7:09:25 PM

Did you know? Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is so massive that it could engulf our entire Earth! 🌎 Share this fascinating fact with your friends and let them marvel at the wonders of the cosmos! 🚀 #Jupiter #GreatRedSpot #SpaceFacts #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/21/2024, 5:52:56 PM

Because of its massive size, Jupiter and the Sun actually orbit around a common point just outside the Sun’s surface. This unique setup is due to Jupiter’s strong gravitational pull. 🪐🔆🔭 Fascinated by this cosmic dance? Share this cool cosmic fact with your friends! #Barycenter #Jupiter #Sun #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/21/2024, 2:34:23 PM

Haumea, a dwarf planet, is known for its bright appearance due to a surface of crystalline water ice. It features a rocky core, a thin ice layer, and a unique dark red spot possibly caused by organic compounds. Remarkably, Haumea also has a ring system, discovered in 2017. It completes an orbit around the Sun every 285 Earth years, with a varying distance from the Sun. 🪐✨ Share this fascinating glimpse into our solar system with friends! #Haumea #DwarfPlanet #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/20/2024, 5:47:16 PM

The Planck temperature is purely theoretical and has never been observed or achieved in any physical experiment due to the extreme conditions required. 🌡️🔆 It’s a fascinating concept, representing the limit of our current understanding of physics. Share this post and spark a conversation about the limits of our knowledge! #PlanckTemperature #HottestTemperature #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/20/2024, 2:13:02 PM

The fresh, earthy scent that fills the air after rain is known as petrichor. 🌧️🌱 It’s created when rainfall releases certain compounds from the ground, enveloping our senses with nature’s perfume. #Petrichor #SmellOfRain #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/19/2024, 3:21:19 PM

Discover the remarkable potential of neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to form new connections and adapt to change. 🧠💡 Share this post with friends to spread the knowledge and inspire others to unlock their brain's full potential. #FieldInScience #Neuroplasticity #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/19/2024, 2:37:57 PM

Black holes are mysterious regions of space where gravity is incredibly powerful. Within these enigmatic voids, the gravitational pull is so strong that once anything crosses the event horizon, it is unable to escape—not even light itself can break free. 🌌 Fascinated by the universe’s mysteries? Share this post to spread the awe and wonder of black holes! #BlackHoles #Universe #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/19/2024, 2:23:29 PM

Panda Ant’s striking black-and-white colouration makes it one of the more visually distinctive insects. 🐜🐼 Despite its ant-like appearance, this creature is known for its painful sting. #PandaAnt #WinglessWasps #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/19/2024, 7:37:11 AM

Even in the vast and varied tapestry of the ocean, nature surprises us with the unusual and rare. Among these wonders is the square starfish, a marvel born from genetic anomalies. Truly, the ocean’s depths are filled with mysteries waiting to be discovered. 🌊⭐ #Ocean #SquareStarfish #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/18/2024, 1:13:40 PM

Discover how your weight would change on different planets across the solar system, from the crushing gravity of Jupiter to the lightness of being on Pluto. 🌠 Share this fascinating journey across the cosmic wonders with friends! #CosmicWonders #SolarSystem #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/18/2024, 1:12:40 PM

As you wander through the meadows and feel the grass beneath your feet, remember that when viewed under a microscope, each blade of grass appears to be smiling back at you. Share this fascinating glimpse of nature with your friends and spread the wonder! 🌱🔬 #MicroscopicWorld #Grass #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/18/2024, 1:11:12 PM

Ever wondered why we usually only see half of the rainbow? Well, turns out Mother Nature’s got a bit of a trick up her sleeve! 🌟 🌈 So next time you spot a rainbow, remember, there’s more than meets the eye! ✨ #Rainbow #Colours #MythVSFact #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/17/2024, 2:49:43 PM

Captivating Auroras Across the Cosmos 🌌✨ Each planet paints its unique masterpiece in the night sky, a reminder of the wonders that await beyond our world. Share this cosmic spectacle with friends and spread the awe! #Aurora #Space #CosmicWonders #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/17/2024, 2:34:47 PM

Explore the wonders of science this summer! 🌟 Check out the new visiting hours for the Regional Science Centre & Science Park in Jaipur, effective from April 1 to July 31, 2024. 🙌 Don’t miss out on the extended Sunday hours for extra fun and learning! 🕒✨ #RegionalScienceCentre #SciencePark #OpeningHours #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/16/2024, 2:13:16 PM

In the weightless expanse of space, our bodies undergo profound changes: muscles weaken, bones lose density, fluids shift, and even our vision can be affected. These adaptations challenge astronauts’ resilience and drive ongoing research for safer space exploration. Discover the impact of space on our bodies and share this post with friends to explore together how the space influences us physically! #SpaceFacts #Astronauts #SpaceExploration #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/16/2024, 8:49:15 AM

This vantage point offers a different perspective than what we’re typically accustomed to seeing in everyday maps and images. It’s fascinating how our perception of familiar places can change with a shift in perspective. Found this unique perspective of Earth intriguing? Share it with your friends and let them see our planet from a whole new angle! 🌎 #Earth #GuessThePlanet #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/10/2024, 1:39:25 PM

Virologists seek to understand how viruses infect cells, replicate, spread, and cause diseases in various organisms, including humans, animals, plants, and bacteria. They also work on developing strategies to prevent and treat viral infections. Interested in learning more about science? Share this post with your friends and spread the knowledge! 🌐🔬 #DSTRajasthan #FieldsInScience #Virology #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/10/2024, 1:36:56 PM

In a parasitic relationship, one species (the parasite) benefits at the expense of the other species (the host). The parasite derives nutrients or shelter from the host, often causing harm to the host in the process. Unveil the intriguing dynamics of parasitic relationships! Share this post with your pals and shed light on how organisms coexist, sometimes at the expense of others. 🦠🔍 #SymbioticRelationship #Parasitism #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/9/2024, 2:05:39 PM

In commensalism, one species benefits from the relationship while the other species is neither significantly harmed nor helped. An example of commensalism is the relationship between barnacles and whales. Barnacles attach themselves to the skin of whales, gaining access to nutrient-rich waters as the whale moves through the ocean. Did you know nature has its own partnerships? Share this post with your buddies and let’s explore the intriguing world of commensalism! 🐋🐚 #SymbioticRelationship #Commensalism #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience

4/9/2024, 1:48:41 PM

This interaction is crucial for the survival and well-being of many organisms. It often involves the exchange of resources or services that are vital for their existence. For example Pollination, Gut microbiota, Cleaner fish and host species etc. Let’s dive deeper into the wonders of symbiotic relationships together! Share this post with your friends and spark their curiosity about the fascinating interconnections in nature. 🌱🐝 #SymbioticRelationship #Mutualism #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/9/2024, 1:46:20 PM

Stars, including our Sun, generate their energy through the process of nuclear fusion, which primarily involves hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe. ✨ Hydrogen and nuclear fusion are fundamental for the existence and luminosity of stars, powering them throughout most of their life cycle. 🔥🌟 #Stars #NuclearFusion #Hydrogen #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/8/2024, 9:32:36 AM

The image was part of a series of pictures known as the “Family Portrait” of the Solar System, which was taken by Voyager 1 as it approached the outer edge of the Solar System. The photograph became famous after astronomer Carl Sagan, who was a member of the Voyager imaging team, eloquently described Earth in this context as a “pale blue dot.” 🌏🛰️ Isn’t it interesting how vast the space is? Share this post with your friends to inform them about this as well. #Astronomy #PaleBlueDot #TheEarth #Voyager1 #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/8/2024, 9:29:28 AM

The celestial bodies have served as reliable timekeepers for civilizations throughout history, guiding activities such as agriculture, navigation, and cultural rituals. This natural clock not only marks the passage of time but also connects us to the vastness and beauty of the cosmos, reminding us of our place within it. Share this post with your friends who love astronomy. ☀🌕 #Astronomy #TheSun #TheMoon #TheStars #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/8/2024, 9:24:57 AM

The CRISPR therapy, Casgevy, targets the genetic roots of sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia. Its approval is a major milestone in gene editing, offering a potential cure for these inherited blood disorders. 🧬💉 However, the treatment’s high cost and accessibility are notable concerns. Spread awareness about the revolutionary CRISPR therapy! Share this post with your friends and advocate for accessible healthcare solutions! #ScienceScoop2024 #GeneEditing #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/8/2024, 9:22:54 AM

They can produce detailed climate models, enhancing our understanding and response to climate change. Additionally, they allow for intricate modelling of the human heart and brain, aiding in medical research and the development of treatments for diseases. 🌐💓 This computational power heralds significant progress in scientific research and problem-solving. Share this post with your friends and be a part of scientific progress! #ScienceScoop2024 #ExascaleSupercomputers #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/6/2024, 2:25:31 PM

This approach can revolutionize medical research and treatment, offering a new dimension to personalized medicine and the way we understand and interact with human biology. The power of supercomputing enables researchers to handle vast amounts of data and conduct simulations with high precision, speeding up the process of medical research and potentially leading to breakthroughs in treating various health conditions.🚀🌟 Share this post with your friends and let’s explore the wonders of science together! #ScienceScoop2024 #ArtemisProgram #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/6/2024, 2:23:41 PM

This development is crucial due to the growing demand for lithium-ion batteries in various applications, particularly in electric vehicles and renewable energy storage solutions. 🔋🌱 The focus of these patents on improving safety, durability, and reducing material use is noteworthy. Spread the word about the future of lithium-ion batteries! Share this post with friends and be part of the sustainable energy revolution! #ScienceScoop2024 #LithiumIonBatteries #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/6/2024, 2:22:18 PM

This project is looking into first-order and higher-order theories of consciousness. The project is conducting experiments to challenge these theories, aiming to advance the rigour and understanding of the scientific study of consciousness​.🧠🔍 Join us in exploring the mysteries of consciousness! Share this post with your friends to let them know about new advancements in the field of science! #ScienceScoop2024 #Consciousness #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/5/2024, 2:58:12 PM

One of the key developments is the creation of bioelectronic devices that the body can safely reabsorb. 🌱🔬 These devices, often made from biodegradable materials, can perform a range of medical functions—from monitoring vital signs to delivering drugs—before naturally breaking down, thereby eliminating the need for surgical removal and reducing the risk of long-term complications. Share the advancements in bioelectronic devices with your friends and let’s inspire curiosity together! #ScienceScoop2024 #Bioelectronic #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/5/2024, 2:01:50 PM

The Rosaceae family’s broad array of species, which vary greatly in form and habitat, underlines the complexity of plant evolution and classification. 🌹🍏 It’s a perfect example of how closely related species can diversify into a spectrum of forms to occupy different niches in ecosystems around the world. Spread the fascination of plant evolution and diversity by sharing this post with friends! #Rose #Apple #RosaceaeFamily #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/5/2024, 11:35:46 AM

The ice particles range in size from tiny grains to larger boulders. The exact composition and distribution of material in Saturn’s rings continue to be studied by scientists using data from spacecraft such as the Cassini mission. Share the beauty and intrigue of Saturn’s rings with your friends - science is truly magical! ✨ #Saturn #SaturnRing #IceParticles #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/4/2024, 10:09:31 AM

While Earth has abundant surface water, it’s not the only place in the solar system with water. Mars, Europa, Enceladus, and Titan all show evidence of water in various forms, such as subsurface oceans, icy crusts, and liquid methane lakes. Spread the wonder of water by sharing this post with your friends! 💧 #Water #Mars #Europa #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/3/2024, 3:07:31 PM

The ocean stores carbon in forms like dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), organic carbon in living organisms, and calcium carbonate in marine organisms’ shells. This storage helps regulate Earth’s climate by absorbing and storing CO2 from the atmosphere, mitigating global warming and climate change. Share this ocean fact with your friends and inspire curiosity about Earth’s climate! 🌊 #Ocean #Carbon #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

4/1/2024, 4:47:54 PM

These frogs produce potent toxins called batrachotoxins, which are derived from the insects they consume in the wild. 🐸 These toxins are stored in the frog’s skin glands, making them highly poisonous. The toxicity is believed to be a defence mechanism against predation.🌿 #GoldenPoisonDartFrog #DidYouKnow #DoubleRainbow #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/31/2024, 5:01:51 PM

Dive into the magic of Rajasthan’s Architectural Marvels this Foundation Day! From ancient astronomy at Jantar Mantar to the cool breezes of Hawa Mahal, each gem tells a story of science and splendor. Greetings to all the citizens of Rajasthan on its Foundation Day. #RajasthanFoundationDay #ArchitecturalWonders #CelebrateScience #DST #DSTRajasthan #Rajasthan

3/30/2024, 6:21:08 AM

The primary rainbow is typically brighter and more vivid, while the secondary rainbow is fainter and appears above the primary one. 🌈🌈 Double rainbows are relatively rare but can be seen when the sunlight is particularly strong and the raindrops are sufficiently large and uniform in size. They are often seen as a symbol of hope, beauty, and good fortune. #Rainbow #Colours #DoubleRainbow #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/26/2024, 11:46:24 AM

As you celebrate the festival of colours, may your life shine bright with the diverse shades of happiness. Wishing you a very Happy Holi! 🌈🌟 #Holi #Colours #Prism #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/25/2024, 3:11:36 AM

Exploring the colorful chemistry of lithium this Holi! 🎨💖 Pink hues emerge as lithium forms compounds like lithium chloride or lithium iodide, varying in shades based on reaction conditions. #Holi #ColourfulReactions #Lithium #Pink #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/24/2024, 4:44:20 PM

Unlocking the fiery reds of chemistry with strontium! 🔥❤️ The rich red tones of strontium emerge as it forms compounds like strontium nitrate or strontium chloride, influenced by the reaction conditions. #Holi #ColourfulReactions #Strontium #Red #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/24/2024, 1:29:59 PM

Delving into the mystical violets of potassium’s chemistry! 💜✨ The captivating violet shades of potassium compounds, such as potassium permanganate or potassium chromate, evolve depending on the reaction parameters. #Holi #ColourfulReactions #Strontium #Red #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/24/2024, 1:28:23 PM

Reveling in the sunny yellows of sodium’s chemistry! ☀️💛 Sodium’s luminous yellow hues, seen in compounds like sodium chloride or sodium iodide, fluctuate with changing reaction conditions. #Holi #ColourfulReactions #Sodium #Yellow #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/24/2024, 11:07:13 AM

Embracing the warm oranges of calcium’s chemistry! 🧡🔥 The radiant orange colors of calcium compounds, such as calcium chloride or calcium sulfide, vary with the nuances of the reaction environment. #Holi #ColourfulReactions #Calcium #Orange #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/24/2024, 11:06:14 AM

Diving into the lush greens of copper(II) chemistry! 🌿💚 The verdant green tones of copper(II) compounds, like copper(II) sulfate or copper(II) chloride, shift in intensity according to the specifics of the reaction conditions. #Holi #ColourfulReactions #CopperII #Green #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/23/2024, 4:12:51 PM

Psychoneuroimmunology is a fascinating interdisciplinary field that investigates the connections between psychology, neurology, and immunology. 🧘‍♀️ It delves into how factors like stress, emotions, and behavior can impact the immune system and, consequently, our overall health and well-being. 🩺 It helps us understand the relationship between mind and body and informs strategies for promoting better health outcomes. #Psychoneuroimmunology #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/21/2024, 6:15:20 PM

Earthworms have such intricate anatomical adaptations. These pseudo-hearts help ensure efficient circulation throughout their bodies. ❤️ Share this fascinating fact about your soil dwellers with your friends. 🪱 #DidYouKnow #Earthworms #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/21/2024, 4:48:41 PM

This is known as hydrostatic equilibrium. 🪐 Larger celestial bodies like stars and planets have enough mass for gravity to overcome other forces, resulting in their spherical shape. 💫 #Planets #Stars #Gravity #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/21/2024, 3:37:25 PM

We’re limited to observing the Milky Way from within, so we rely on artists’ impressions and observations of other galaxies like Messier 74 to understand what our galaxy might look like as a whole. Fascinating isn’t it? Share this fact with your friends and learn new things together! 🪐🌌 #MilkyWay #Galaxy #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/21/2024, 10:50:29 AM

The hydrochloric acid in our stomachs is primarily there to aid in digestion by breaking down food, but it’s not strong enough to dissolve metal. However, prolonged exposure to strong acids could eventually corrode some metals over time. Share this with your friends and be their myth busters! 🙌🏻✨ #MythBusters #ScienceMyths #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/21/2024, 10:35:35 AM

विज्ञान केन्द्र, कोटा क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय में 31वीं राज्य स्तरीय ‘राष्ट्रीय बाल विज्ञान कांग्रेस 2024’ आयोजित की गई। इस कार्यक्रम में विद्यार्थी लगातार 4 महीने से राष्ट्रीय बाल विज्ञान कांग्रेस के लिए निर्धारित थीम पर कार्य कर परियोजना तैयार करते हैं। राज्य स्तरीय कार्यक्रम में चयनित सर्वश्रेष्ठ 30 परियोजनाओं को राष्ट्रीय स्तर कार्यक्रम में प्रस्तुतीकरण करना होता है। #DSTRajasthan #ScienceProgramme #UnderstandingEcosystem #NationalChildrenScienceCongress #ScienceForKids

3/20/2024, 8:47:35 AM

Instead of a stomach, Platypus have a simpler system with a muscular pouch called a gizzard. This gizzard, like a bird’s, uses strong muscles and swallowed stones to grind and break down their food. 🌿 So, while they might not have a true stomach, they still have a way to get the nutrients they need. #DSTRajasthan #Platypus #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/20/2024, 4:27:36 AM

Do you know archaeological evidence reveals that copper tools and ornaments were crafted by ancient societies in regions such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley? Copper’s timeless appeal lies in its adaptability, reliability, and enduring contribution to human progress. 🌟 #DSTRajasthan #Copper #Durable #Recyclable #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/20/2024, 4:20:16 AM

The exact nature of the Great Attractor is unknown, but it is thought to be a massive cluster of galaxies or a supervoid, a large region of empty space. What are your thoughts? Share them down below in the comments! 💫 #StellarStories #SpaceOdyssey #GreatAttractor #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/19/2024, 6:03:56 AM

The pillars are being eroded by the intense radiation from nearby young stars, but they continue to be a beautiful and fascinating sight. Don’t you just love how vast our universe is? Send this post to your friends and share the love for this cosmic beauty. 💫🌌 #StellarStories #SpaceOdyssey #PillarsOfCreation #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/18/2024, 2:41:23 PM

The source and nature of FRBs are still unknown, but they are one of the most active areas of research in astronomy. Share your love for space with your friends to learn these amazing facts together! 🚀🌠 #StellarStories #SpaceOdyssey #FastRadioBursts #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/18/2024, 1:02:54 PM

The signal had the characteristics of being artificial and of extraterrestrial origin, but it has never been detected again. The source of the “Wow! Signal” remains a mystery. 👽🔭 #StellarStories #SpaceOdyssey #WOWSignal #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/18/2024, 6:20:05 AM

Neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoon of their material would weigh about 100 million tons on Earth! Share this cosmic fact with your friends to take them on journey through the stars! 🌌 #StellarStories #SpaceOdyssey #NeutronStars #DSTRajasthan #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/15/2024, 10:24:12 AM

Helium is known for its unique properties, especially when it’s subjected to extreme temperatures. 🎈✨ At such low temperatures, its behavior can indeed be quite surprising, like flowing against gravity as a liquid. This property makes it particularly useful in various scientific and technological applications. #DST #DSTRajasthan #Helium #AntiGravity #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/11/2024, 2:15:09 PM

Graphene aerogel is indeed an extraordinary material. It is a highly porous structure composed primarily of graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. The incredible strength-to-weight ratio of graphene aerogels enables them to withstand significant loads despite their minimal mass. 🌟 #DST #DSTRajasthan #GrapheneAerogel #Extraordinary #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/11/2024, 1:11:03 PM

Also known as Kitti’s Hog-Nosed Bat, holds the title of being the smallest mammal known to mankind. These diminutive creatures are native to parts of Thailand and Burma. Despite their small stature, they play a significant role in their ecosystems as insectivores. #DST #DSTRajasthan #SmallestMammal #BumbleBeeBat #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/11/2024, 10:39:49 AM

Viruses are not considered living organisms. They are acellular, meaning they lack cells and cannot reproduce on their own. 🦠🔍 Viruses can only replicate inside a host cell, and they can cause a variety of diseases in plants, animals, and humans. #DST #DSTRajasthan #Microbes #Virus #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/10/2024, 5:43:59 AM

Algae can be single-celled or multicellular and are found in both freshwater and saltwater environments. 🔬🌿 They play a crucial role in the marine food chain and produce a significant amount of the oxygen we breathe. #DST #DSTRajasthan #Microbes #Algae #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/9/2024, 1:42:32 PM

Fungi obtain nutrients by decomposing organic matter or forming symbiotic relationships with plants. These include yeasts, molds, and mushrooms. 🔬🍄 Some fungi are beneficial, like those used in food production and medicine, while others can cause disease. #DST #DSTRajasthan #Microbes #Fungi #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/9/2024, 1:09:43 PM

Protozoa are motile and can be found in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. 🔬🔍 Some protozoa are free-living, while others are parasites that live on or inside other organisms. #DST #DSTRajasthan #Microbes #Protozoa #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/9/2024, 11:34:41 AM

Similar to bacteria in size and being single-celled, archaea are another group of prokaryotes. 🔬🧪 However, they differ from bacteria in their cell wall structure, genetic makeup, and preferred living conditions. #DST #DSTRajasthan #Microbes #Archaea #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/9/2024, 10:49:23 AM

Bacteria can be beneficial or harmful, depending on the species. 🔬🦠 Some bacteria decompose organic matter, while others are essential for human health, such as those found in the gut microbiome. #DST #DSTRajasthan #Microbes #Bacteria #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/8/2024, 2:25:35 PM

May their legacy inspire us all to reach for the stars and continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Happy International Women’s Day! 👩‍🔬 #DSTRajasthan #WomensDay #InternationalWomensDay #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/8/2024, 3:37:37 AM

3D printed bones aren’t just for humans! Scientists have successfully created 3D printed bones for animals, including eagles and sea turtles, aiding in their recovery and rehabilitation. 🦴💡 #DSTRajasthan #3DPrintedBones #NewTechnology #ScienceForKids #CuriousYoungMinds #LearningIsFun #ScienceMagic #KidsScience #ScienceIsAwesome

3/7/2024, 2:54:03 PM