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本校男子籃球隊成功晉級八強! 聖家學校在學界籃球男子 D 組十六強賽中獲勝,順利晉級八強。接下來的賽事將於5月5日(星期日)上午 10 時在浸信中學體育館舉行,我校將迎戰沙梨頭坊眾學校。誠邀各位師生及家長蒞臨現場,為籃球隊的同學們加油打氣! —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #學界籃球 #男子D組 #十六強賽 #籃球隊

4/30/2024, 4:11:29 AM

Our Mother’s Day Chocolate Gift Tower is a gift truly fit for any Mother of the Year.💖 Our 16-Piece Signature Collection is stacked atop our Mother’s Day Spring Garden Collection and hand-tied with a French Blue ribbon. An unforgettable gift to show any mom in your life how special they truly are!

4/25/2024, 10:41:55 PM

Happy National Administrative Professionals Day! Today is the last day to receive 15% OFF online orders over $60.🍫 Show gratitude in the most delectable way possible with our Signature Chocolate Collections, the ultimate gift for those who keep things running smoothly! Sale ends tonight at 11:59 PM CST.

4/24/2024, 7:10:48 PM

故事爸媽親子活動:環保教育新路徑 為增強家長和學生保持城市清潔及環境衛生的意識,學校圖書館與市政署合作,舉辦了兩場故事爸媽親子活動。3月23日,我們開展了“KABO 與你共創美潔城市”工作坊,借由情境演繹、遊戲互動等形式,向家長和學生講解各類保護環境衛生的方法,包括教導小朋友妥善處理寵物便溺物,以及為學生示範保護社區及家居環境衛生的行為等。 此外,4月13日,我們組織家長和學生一同前往望廈山環境資訊中心,進行校外參觀學習。工作人員為學生講解澳門垃圾分類回收及滅蚊滅鼠的知識,隨後當場示範再造紙的過程,並安排親子共同體驗親手製作環保紙。同學們在家長及工作人員的幫助下,都興致盎然,全神貫注。 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:澳門聖家學校 Escola da Sagrada Familia Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #故事爸媽活動

4/24/2024, 12:17:05 PM

聖家學校參觀“全民國家安全教育展” 為增進學生對國家安全的認識,明晰其趨勢,感受其對澳門發展和居民生活安定的重要性; 本校自 4 月 16 日起,組織小學高年級全體師生赴澳門綜藝館參觀全民國家安全教育展。此次展覽以“總體國家安全觀,創新引領十周年”為主題,分五個專題部分,展示國家安全發展在過往十年的重大事件與成就,內容豐富精彩。學生們參觀時全心投入,認真聆聽講解,積極參與互動遊戲,加深了對國家安全及展覽內容的瞭解,收穫頗豐。 此次參觀,不但提升了學生的國家安全意識,還增進了他們愛國愛澳的情懷及對國民身份的認同感。 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #全民國家安全教育展

4/23/2024, 10:43:52 AM

IT'S EDSF RECAP TIME💚🌷 This year's event was another great success, with thousands of attendees around campus! Swipe for a photo dump of our fellow huskies (including one of our favorites, Jonathan XIV) and some highlights. We can't wait to see you all again next year! #EarthDay #EDSF #sustainability #huskies

4/22/2024, 11:01:22 PM

Get ready San Francisco! On May 2-5, 2024 a NEW festival is coming to town - the POC Food & Wine Festival! This event spotlights diverse chefs, creatives, beverage brands, and performers in the industry with curated pairings, live music, immersive installations, and more. Visit pocfoodandwine.com and follow @pocfoodandwine for more info. #pocfoodandwine #sfdiversity #sfchefs #eatdrinksf #edsf #ggra #goldengaterestaurantassociation #bayareaeats

4/22/2024, 6:59:08 PM

獲獎喜訊:我校學生參加學界柔道比賽獲得獎項 2023/2024學年第二十五屆學界柔道比賽於4月20-21日在中葡職業技術學校體育館舉行,我校學生分別參加女子E組及男子D組的賽事,其中兩名學生獲得獎項,獲獎學生如下: 男子D組(50公斤以上)冠軍: P6A 余栢晞 男子D組(50公斤以上)季軍: P6A 劉嘉傑 以下附上比賽直播連結供師生及家長重溫當日的賽事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XIFbwGflSg&t=9s 四強賽: 余栢晞(聖家)VS劉嘉傑(聖家),片段時間:(8:08:28 ~ 08:11:09) 決 賽: 余栢晞(聖家)VS李元正(鮑小),片段時間(08:26:00 ~ 08:26:56) 頒 獎:片段時間(08:52:51 ~ 08:54:00) —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:澳門聖家學校 Escola da Sagrada Familia Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #澳門學界柔道比賽

4/22/2024, 11:24:03 AM

獲獎喜訊: 我校學生參加 ”大灣區資優數學競賽初賽(澳門)2024” 獲得佳績 由香港資優教育教師協會等機構舉辦的 ”大灣區資優數學競賽初賽(澳門)上月於澳門培正中學舉行,我校獲得團體大獎及多個個人獎項,恭喜以下獲獎同學: 卓越學校團體大獎 聖家學校 個人獎-星中之星 P6B盧彥均 金奬 P3B 歐陽曦、P4C 黃玥蕊、P5A 林詠琪 銀獎 P2A 梁澤謙、P2C 許銘鎬、P4B 陳焯華 銅獎 P2A 陳可悠、P2A 陳文朗、P2D 鄭竣禧、P4A 郭浠瑜、P6B 歐陽朗、P6D 吳煒熑 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #數學比賽

4/19/2024, 11:56:20 AM

Introducing our NEW Mother’s Day Garden Collection!🌷 A bouquet of new flavors inspired by the vibrant bounty of a spring garden. Each bite will evoke the essence of the season, from delicate Vanilla Lavender to fragrant Orange Pistachio, this collection is a celebration of nature’s beauty and your love for her. For those who love a burst of citrusy goodness, our new 8-Piece Citrus Collection features tart fruits blended with rich, buttery caramel. Treat her taste buds to a refreshing experience as she savors the perfect balance of sweet and citrus notes in every bite. 🌷MOTHER’S DAY GARDEN COLLECTION Flavors include Orange Pistachio, Fig Honey, Jasmine Tea, Key Lime Pie, Raspberry Rosé, Vanilla Lavender, and our large Hazelnut Almond Praline heart. 🍊8-PIECE CITRUS COLLECTION Flavors include Lemon Sage Shortbread, Lime Ginger, Citrus, and Yuzu. 💐MOTHER OF THE YEAR GIFT TOWER Our Mother’s Day Garden Collection stacked with one 16-Piece Signature Collection. The ultimate Mother’s Day gift! Available online today and arriving in-stores tomorrow! Today and tomorrow orders over $60 will receive $5 OFF Ground & Home and $10 OFF Express Delivery.🎉 Order your Mother’s Day Collection now and save! Shipping offer ends tomorrow, 4/19, at 11:59pm CST.

4/18/2024, 6:58:40 PM

思維遊戲 發揮創意   K3D 班盧梓霖、羅凱豐同學驚喜地發現課室新的桌子旁邊位置及桌腳竟具有磁性,能夠與磁力積木片巧妙結合進行創作。於是,他熱情地邀請其他同學一同來裝飾桌子,巧用磁力積木片精心構築出了色彩斑斕、透光悅目的圍欄。由於磁力片之間很容易相互磁吸,小朋友們在創作時都格外小心、全神貫注。幼兒們得以在學校裡,通過日常的思維遊戲進行自我探索,有效增強其創意和建構能力,盡情發掘層出不窮的新奇玩法。 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #思維遊戲

4/18/2024, 10:06:29 AM

聖家男子籃球隊於上週日的學界籃球比賽D組賽事中獲得勝利,並以小組首名資格晉級十六強淘汰賽。下場賽事會在4月25日(星期四)晚上7時於中葡職業技術學校體育館進行,迎戰中德學校。歡迎各位師生及家長到場支持,為籃球隊的同學加油打氣。 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #籃球隊

4/17/2024, 10:36:46 AM

🌷EDSF IS IN TWO DAYS🌻 Join us on Fairfield Way and around campus for our Earth Month festivities. We're so excited to see new and familiar faces! #EDSF #Huskies #EarthMonth

4/15/2024, 7:31:05 PM

本校K2學生於本週參觀了澳門消防博物館,幼兒在博物館裡看到各種消防車、消防器材和消防員的裝備,使幼兒對消防工作有深入的認識。幼兒們聽著解說員講解火災的危險性和如何應對火災的方法,更學到了如何保護自己及他人的安全。透過這次參觀,讓幼兒們除了能認識消防員的工作,也激發了他們對安全和幫助他人的意識。 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #澳門消防博物館

4/13/2024, 6:15:39 AM

Last chance to join us for San Francisco Restaurant Week! We’re serving a delicious 3-course prix fixe menu filled with our modern spins on steakhouse classics for just $75. Available through Saturday. @ggrasf @eatdrinksf #SFRW #EDSF

4/12/2024, 11:30:23 PM

We have your weekend plans! There are just 3 more days to enjoy SF Restaurant Week specials that over 200 restaurants are offering. Here are a few more ideas to help build your foodie itinerary: @donajisanfrancisco @brendasfrenchsf @nipponcurryusa @ofenasf @kitavakitchen #sfrestaurantweek #sfrw #sfrestaurants #eatdrinksf #edsf #ggra #goldengaterestaurantassociation #opentablesf

4/12/2024, 10:42:55 PM

獲獎喜訊:我校學生參加 ”2024年校際扯鈴運動比賽” 獲得佳績 “2024 年校際扯鈴運動比賽” 於4月6日及7日在澳門大學體育館舉行。比賽按中、小學年級設有四個組別,包括拋鈴跳繩、對拋及焦點的繞腳等。本校學生在李子謙導師的帶領下參賽,其中三位學生獲得獎項,恭喜以下得獎的同學: P5B 王彥楠 男子高小組 繞腳 第一名 P6A 王珮琳 女子高小組 繞腳 第二名 P2C 林銘珊 女子初小組 拋鈴打地 第三名 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #校際扯鈴運動比賽

4/11/2024, 4:09:06 AM

Experience our handcrafted, curated Pâte de Fruit Collections. Each bite is a burst of flavor, meticulously made from the freshest, all-natural @ponthier_officiel fruits. Experience the essence of orchards, tropics, and berry patches in every delectable square. Let the crisp sweetness of orchard fruits transport you to sun-kissed groves, while the exotic allure of tropical flavors ignites your senses with every bite. For those who crave the bold tang of berries, our collection promises an explosion of berry-sweet flavor. Savor the taste of nature’s finest in every intensely flavored square. Visit us online, or in-store today, to elevate your snacking experience to new heights.

4/10/2024, 11:46:16 PM

You still have time to visit us before SF Restaurant Week ends on 4/14!

4/10/2024, 6:35:16 PM

You still have time to visit us before SF Restaurant Week ends on 4/14!

4/10/2024, 6:35:13 PM

You still have time to visit us before SF Restaurant Week ends on 4/14!

4/10/2024, 6:35:11 PM

🚨 SIGN UPS ARE NOW CLOSED 🚨Goat Yoga sign-ups are NOW OPEN IN OUR LINKTREE for Earth Day Spring Fling on April 17th! This activity will take place on the Founder's Green from 12:00-1:00. Bring your own mat and we will bring the goats🐐🧘 #UConn #EDSF #huskies #sustainability #goats

4/10/2024, 5:01:15 PM

Gather your friends for our favorite week of the year! It's San Francisco Restaurant Week and we have a delicious 2-course lunch prix fixe menu for just $30. See you soon! @ggrasf @eatdrinksf #SFRW #EDSF

4/10/2024, 3:43:07 AM

San Francisco Restaurant Week is here! We’re serving a delicious 3-course prix fixe menu filled with our modern spins on steakhouse classics for just $75. Reservations are available via the link in bio. @ggrasf @eatdrinksf #SFRW #EDSF

4/10/2024, 3:41:10 AM

Get excited for UConn Dining's zero waste BBQ at Earth Day Spring Fling! Menu items include vegan burgers, salad-on-a-stick, and cupcakes🧁🍔 #uconn #huskies #sustainability #edsf

4/9/2024, 4:00:17 PM

#SFRW not only gives you the chance to explore new restaurants, but also the districts that make up this 7x7 beautiful city. Explore the vibrant flavors of the Bayview district during SF Restaurant Week! From soulful soul food to innovative fusion cuisine, our participating restaurants have something for everyone. Here are some ideas for you. Don’t miss out! @hungrycafe_sf @gumbosocial @tallioscoffee @creativeideascafe @oldskoolcafe #SFRestaurantWeek #BayviewEats #FoodieAdventures #SFRW #SFRW24 #EDSF #EatDrinkSF #GGRA #GoldenGateRestaurantAssociation #BayviewSF #SFEats #SFRestaurants

4/9/2024, 1:02:05 AM

Join us for our annual Class Tree Planting at EDSF next week🌳 Our ceremony will take place from 1:00-2:00 at the Student Union Lawn. We will be planting the Class of 2027 sugar maple to honor our century-long tradition! #EDSF #Classof2027

4/8/2024, 10:01:09 PM

聖家學校「慈善嘉年華」,播種希望,燃點未來!   本校在2023年11月舉辦了「非一般慈善嘉年華」活動,籌集的善款在扣除活動開支後,已全額捐贈給江西修水縣路口鄉中心小學為主等五所學校。這些善款用於改善學校的設施設備、提供教學物資、學生助學金。   復活節假期間,學校代表再次造訪江西修水縣受援學校,以了解善款的具體落實情況。我們期望這些善款能有效改善學校的教學環境,提升教學質量。我們堅信,只要給予山區孩子足夠的關懷和支持,再加上他們自身的努力,他們一定能夠茁壯成長,為社會做出貢獻。   慈善嘉年華活動不僅展現了本校師生與社會各界的愛心與責任,也為受援學校的學生帶來了希望與改變。我們將繼續關注善款的使用情況,確保每一分善款都能妥善運用。 江西省修水縣路口鄉中心小學報導:https://reurl.cc/OGx9Qv 江西省修水縣媒體中心相關報導:https://reurl.cc/Qe8zmO —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #江西修水

4/8/2024, 4:25:00 AM

#GoodNewsFriday: Spring SF Restaurant Week starts TODAY, April 5th! Get ready for 10 days of deliciousness with special prix-fixe menus and exclusive deals from over 200 participating restaurants, including Working Solutions client businesses @xicasf, @tallioscoffee, and @brendasfrenchsf. Visit sfrestaurantweek.com for a complete list of participating businesses. #LinkInBio @eatdrinksf @ggrasf #sfrestaurantweek #eatdrinksf #edsf #goldengaterestaurantassociation #ggra #sfrestaurants #bayarearestaurants #sfeats #sfdrinks

4/5/2024, 8:00:16 PM

SF Restaurant Week is HERE! If you're in the norcal area, make sure to stop by our San Francisco, San Jose, or Oakland locations to enjoy a delicious meal!

4/5/2024, 7:00:11 PM

SF Restaurant Week is HERE! If you're in the norcal area, make sure to stop by our San Francisco, San Jose, or Oakland locations to enjoy a delicious meal!

4/5/2024, 7:00:11 PM

SF Restaurant Week is HERE! If you're in the norcal area, make sure to stop by our San Francisco, San Jose, or Oakland locations to enjoy a delicious meal!

4/5/2024, 7:00:10 PM

SF Restaurant Week is HERE! If you're in the norcal area, make sure to stop by our San Francisco, San Jose, or Oakland locations to enjoy a delicious meal!

4/5/2024, 7:00:10 PM

SF Restaurant Week officially starts TODAY! Get out there and eat your way through the weekend and beyond. Over 200 restaurants are participating this Spring so you have a lot to choose from! Here are a few more ideas to get you started: @burma.teakwood @backtobacksf @foliagesf @onemarketsf @gramcafepancakesusa #SFRestaurantWeek #SpringSFRestaurantWeek #SFRW #SFRW24 #EatDrinkSF #EDSF #GoldenGateRestaurantAssociation #GGRA #OpenTableSF #SFEats #SFRestaurants

4/5/2024, 4:02:58 PM

獲獎喜訊:我校學生參加 ” 第四十七屆學界田徑比賽” 獲得獎項 第四十七屆學界田徑比賽早前於奧林匹克體育中心運動場舉行,我校田徑隊成員在鄧文輝老師的帶領下參賽。其中P6C關一業同學在男子D組六十公尺決賽中獲得第四名的佳績。 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #第四十七屆學界田徑比賽

4/3/2024, 5:09:21 AM

San Francisco Restaurant Week is almost here! Starting this Friday, we’re serving a delicious 3-course prix fixe menu filled with our modern spins on steakhouse classics for just $75. Reservations are available via the link in bio. @ggrasf @eatdrinksf #SFRW #EDSF

4/3/2024, 3:47:12 AM

San Francisco Restaurant Week starts this Friday! We're serving a 2-course prix fixe lunch menu for just $30, available from April 5th to 14th. See you there! @ggrasf @eatdrinksf #SFRW #EDSF

4/3/2024, 3:33:03 AM

獲獎喜訊: 我校學生參加 “2024新港澳新春喜慶揮毫比賽(澳門區)” 獲得獎項 由澳門書法教育研究會主辦之 “2024新港澳新春喜慶揮毫比賽(澳門區)” ,日前在 「澳門銀河™」綜合度假城東翼廣場舉行頒獎禮及作品展,我校學生在書法潛能班馬適騰導師的指導下參賽,其中三位學生獲得獎項。獲獎學生如下: 高小組 特選獎 P6B詹智翹 高小組 入圍獎 P6C廖凱晴、P6D余芷昕 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #新港澳新春喜慶揮毫比賽 #澳門書法教育研究會

4/2/2024, 8:18:15 AM

There’s still time to snag some last-minute Easter reservations or pick up some delicious goodies. Skip the dishes and let these local venues help create your family memories 🐣 @kahnfections @montesacropinseria @alexanderssteakhouse.sf @wayfaretavern @noevalleybakery @oldskoolcafe @brendasfrenchsf #eastersf #eatdrinksf #edsf #goldengaterestaurantassociation #ggra #sfrestaurants #sfeats #sfdrinks

3/29/2024, 9:20:24 PM

獲獎喜訊: 我校學生參加 ”MYAIR 2024澳門青少年人工智能及機械人大賽-半自動無人機障礙賽(小學組)” 獲得佳績 由澳門資優教育協會及澳門科學館主辦的 ”MYAIR 2024澳門青少年人工智能及機械人大賽-半自動無人機障礙賽(小學組)” 於3月16日在石排灣職業技術教育活動中心舉行,在譚俊華老師的帶領下,共派出三隊學生參賽,成績優異,分別獲得亞軍、第五名及第六名,恭喜以下得獎的同學: 亞軍 聖家A 隊:P6B 謝允文、P6B曾駿傑、P6B歐凱晴 第五名 聖家C 隊:P5A 涂巧倩、P4B林嘉柔、P5B鄧柏恆 第六名 聖家B 隊:P5B 曾浩維、P5B李元熙 、P6B齊嘉雯 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:澳門聖家學校 Escola da Sagrada Familia Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #澳門青少年人工智能及機械人大賽

3/28/2024, 3:25:08 AM

⭐️GIVEAWAY CLOSED⭐️ SF Restaurant Week is coming to Hayes Valley so we’ve teamed up with @eatdrinksf for five of you to win a pair of tickets to the ballet and a $100 gift card to one of these Restaurant Week restaurants: ⭐️ @doppiozerousa ⭐️ @amanosf ⭐️ @themadrigalsf ⭐️ @eatradradish_ ⭐️ @mrtipplessf 5 winners will be randomly selected. How to enter: 1️⃣ Like this post 2️⃣ Follow @sfballet and @eatdrinksf and the 5 participating restaurants 3️⃣ Tag someone you know will love to attend dinner and a show with you! (More individual tags = more entries!) Details: Each new tag/comment counts as a new entry. Giveaway closes on 4/8/2024 at 8:59 AM PT. Five winners will be selected at random and contacted through @sfballet Instagram DM. Winners will not be contacted by any other account. Entrants must be following all brands on Instagram and like and tag a friend in the giveaway post here on Instagram for a chance to win. Must be at least 18 years old to enter. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with, Instagram. Void where prohibited. Details: Five winners will be randomly chosen via random number generator to win two (2) tickets to San Francisco Ballet’s performance of their choice on either Tuesday April 9, 2024 or Thursday April 11, 2024 and a $100 gift card to one of the participating restaurants. Reservations to restaurant not included. Gift card can be used on any date and does not expire unless otherwise specified and cannot be exchanged for cash. SF Ballet tickets cannot be exchanged for another date. SF Ballet tickets will be emailed to the winner. SF Ballet tickets not redeemed for the performance will be considered null and void. #SFRestaurantWeek #SFRW #EatDrinkSF #EDSF #GoldenGateRestaurantAssociation #GGRA #OpenTableSF #discoversfballet

3/27/2024, 4:11:23 PM

LAST DAY to save up to 20% OFF ends tonight!🍫🐣 Online orders over $45 receive 10% OFF, orders over $75 receive 15% OFF, and online orders over $125 receive a whopping 20% OFF. No discount code needed. Hop to it! Sale ends today, Wednesday 3/27, at 11:59 PM CST.

3/27/2024, 3:10:36 PM

Giveaway Alert! 🍽 SF Restaurant Week returns April 5th-14th! This year, over 200 restaurants 🤩 will be participating with special lunch and dinner menus, from fast-casual to five-star gems—get ready to eat your way through the city! Visit ➡️ SFRestaurantWeek.com for reservations! To get your appetite ready, TWO lucky 🎊 winners will each win one gift certificate from either of these participating restaurants: $100 at @wayfaretavern or $100 at @rosescafe! How to enter the giveaway: 1️⃣ Like this post. 2️⃣ Follow @eatdrinksf and @tablehopper. 3️⃣ Tag your dining buddy in the comments! (More individual tags = more entries!) One lucky winner per GC will be announced on ➡️ Monday April 1st at 11am PT! Terms: Gift certificates must be redeemed in the SFRW timeframe. Meals can be redeemed for onsite dining at the restaurants pending availability. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Instagram. Prizes to be fulfilled by @ggrasf. #sfrw2024 #sfrestaurantweek #sfrestaurantweek2024 #ggra #ggrasf #goldengaterestaurantassociation #edsf #eatdrinksf #giveaway #freedinner #bayareaeats #wayfaretavern #rosescafe #sffoodie #sffood #onlyinSF #sffoodies #sfeats #sfrestaurants #sfdining #tablehopper

3/26/2024, 11:30:33 PM

⭐️GIVEAWAY ALERT⭐️ To celebrate Spring SF Restaurant Week happening on April 5th-14th, we’re hosting a delicious giveaway! Enter for your chance to win a gift card to one of the following Spring Restaurant Week restaurants: ⭐️ @epicsteak ⭐️ @senorsisig ⭐️ @kitavakitchen ⭐️ @schroederssf 4 winners will be randomly selected. How to enter: 1️⃣ Like this post 2️⃣ Follow @eatdrinksf and participating restaurants 3️⃣ Tag someone you love to eat with in the comments! (More individual tags = more entries!) Winners will be announced via DM on Monday, April 1st #SFRestaurantWeek #SFRW #EatDrinkSF #EDSF #GoldenGateRestaurantAssociation #GGRA #OpenTableSF #SpringSFRestaurantWeek #SFRW2024 #SFRestaurantWeek2024 #SFRestaurants #SFEats #SFDrinks Must be at least 18 years old to enter. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with, Instagram.

3/25/2024, 7:58:24 PM

我校男子籃球隊於早前迎來第二場學界籃球比賽的勝利!在比賽當天,家長、同學及老師為隊員們加油呐喊,給予同學們無限的支持,隊員們展現出互助合作的精神,勇敢地拼搏。 感謝所有支持我們的家長、同學和老師,因為有你們的支持,我們才能夠更加堅定地追求卓越。期待著下一場比賽! —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia

3/25/2024, 7:57:47 AM

本校P6C關一業同學在學界田徑比賽中,經過昨天及今天早上的男子D組六十公尺初賽及複賽後,以第六名的成績晉級決賽,並會於今天下午約4:20進行決賽爭奪前五名。 歡迎各位師生及家長到達氹仔奧林匹克體育中心運動場為同學加油打氣,亦可於Facebook 搜尋「動感教菁」觀賞直播。 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #學界田徑比賽

3/23/2024, 5:06:43 AM

由教育及青年發展局主辦,澳門田徑總會協辦的第四十七屆學界田徑比賽將於3月22-24日在奧林匹克體育中心運動場舉行。我校田徑隊將派出17名學生參加男子D組、女子D組、男子E組、女子E組的比賽項目。參賽學生如下: 男子D組: 趙俊濠、陳希淳、詹君誠、鄺子柏、關一業 女子D組: 梁樂曈、湯梓埼、簡鈺娟、鍾子萱、廖凱晴 男子E組: 汪靜遠、林祖毅、孔慶臻、李金熙、梁瑋翹 女子E組: 曾芷蔚、李心悠 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #澳門田徑總會

3/21/2024, 7:56:54 AM

2024年3月28日(四)為我校舉辦小學復活節宗教活動的日子,當天會在校內演出宗教劇——《逾越奧蹟》。逾越奧蹟指的是耶穌的受苦受難、死亡、復活和受顯揚的過程,逾越奧跡是基督徒信仰的核心,因為天主的救恩計劃,藉著祂聖子耶穌基督的贖罪死亡,一次而永遠地完成了。而當一個基督徒把基督的使命為己任,他才會找到生命的意義和目的。基督的逾越奧跡,給我們打開了到天父那裡去的新途徑,並賜給我們一種新生命,使在基督奧體的共融中,作天主的兒女。 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:澳門聖家學校 Escola da Sagrada Familia Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #復活節 #逾越奧蹟 #宗教活動

3/21/2024, 7:44:54 AM

SF Restaurant Week is back on April 5th-14th! From gourmet cuisine to trendy cafes, this 10-day celebration of food offers something for every palate. Don’t miss out on exclusive prix-fixe menus, special deals, and unforgettable dining experiences. Tag your foodie friends and let’s savor the flavors of SF together! #sfrestaurantweek #eatdrinksf #edsf #goldengaterestaurantassociation #ggra #sfrestaurants #bayarearestaurants #sfeats #sfdrinks

3/18/2024, 7:29:37 PM

Say cheers to good luck with our St. Patrick’s Day Clovers Collection!🍀 Celebrate Sunday’s festivities with our Irish Whiskey Caramel and Mint Chocolate Cookie four-leaf clover bonbons. Swing by the Kansas City and San Francisco stores to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day in style! 🎩🍫

3/15/2024, 5:42:43 PM

Surprise your loved ones with our Salted Caramel S’more Easter Bunnies! Adorable chocolate bunnies filled with house-made salted caramel, marshmallow, and graham cracker praline.🐰🍫 Perfect for adding a touch of sweetness to your Easter basket, these little bunnies are sure to delight both kids and adults alike!

3/14/2024, 3:45:34 PM

本校於3月14日特意邀請了科學館人員為K2級學生舉辦了一場「中國科學家繪本故事」講座,通過生動的繪本、真實的道具和互動環節,讓孩子們深入瞭解了屠呦呦的偉大貢獻。作為拯救了數百萬人生命的科學家,屠呦呦的故事讓孩子們深感敬佩和感動。 這次講座不僅讓孩子們認識到屠呦呦的偉大成就,還讓他們接觸到許多關於中草藥的知識。孩子們對中草藥產生了濃厚的興趣,明白了中草藥對人類健康的重要性。他們期待著將來能瞭解更多關於中草藥的奧秘,為自己的健康和周圍人的福祉增添更多知識。 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia #科學館

3/14/2024, 9:12:31 AM

*EASTER GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED. Congratulations to winner @allisonjfrederick ! Thank you to all for entering. Wishing everyone a hoppy Easter!🐰🍫* It’s time for an EGGS-traordinary Easter GIVEAWAY!🐣🍫 We’re bringing a touch of sweetness to one lucky winner’s Easter basket with our 15-piece Easter Chocolate Eggs Collection! An array of eight delightful flavors: Strawberry Rhubarb, Mint Chocolate Cookie, Orange Hazelnut, Berry Crisp, Lemon, Dark Milk, Key Lime Pie, and Coconut. The perfect addition to your Easter basket and a delicious treat to share with loved ones.🐰 TO ENTER: 1. Follow @elbowchocolates 2. Like this photo and tag a friend. 3. Complete the entry form located in our Easter Giveaway Story Highlight. Giveaway closes this Friday, March 15, at 12 PM CST. The winner will be randomly selected and notified by the email provided on the entry form. Open to US residents only. Best of luck!

3/12/2024, 6:41:27 PM

本校於3月9日星期六早上舉行了兩場幼稚園家長講座,主題分別為「做自己情緒的管理大師」及「家庭工作平衡,共用美滿人生」,是次講座邀請了應用心理學劉萍博士為家長們進行分享,透過兩場的講座讓家長認識更多有關情緒與親職教育之間的聯繫,以及學習如何規劃及分配工作與家庭之間的平衡。 —————————————————————————— Website:www.edsf.edu.mo Instagram:www.instagram.com/edsf1958/ Facebook:www.facebook.com/edsf1958/ Youtube:www.youtube.com/@edsf1958 📧:[email protected] ☎️:28574124 🗺:新橋羅白沙街十五號 #澳門聖家學校 #EDSF #澳門學校 #EDSF1958 #澳門小學 #澳門幼稚園 #sagradafamilia

3/11/2024, 8:00:40 AM