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[ 老將 ] 如果要選一場新北國王這一季最好看的主場比賽,昨天對攻城獅的比賽的必定要放在頭三的選項。 其實對國王來說,昨天對攻城獅的比賽對賽季排名都沒大影響,所以在早上已傳出6位主將都不會上陣。所以,昨天比賽的先發陣容是大家都沒有想過的:米歇爾、蘇士軒、林金榜、簡祐哲和洪志善,就在大家認定這一場真的只是一場「例行」的賽事時,卻有國王球員展現出他們本來的實力。 最後這場賽事以101比105輸給了客隊,米歇爾終於回到陣容上,釋除了王迷對他腳傷的憂慮。這一場國王洋將陣容只登錄了他跟路易士,最後米歇爾上陣37:48分鐘,拿下了23分14籃板4助攻的大數據,最後幾分鐘還打到抽筋回去板凳,然後看他又聽一下萊恩所講的戰術後,再回到球場上,這也表示他的腳傷應沒大礙了。 這一場有米歇爾在陣,萊恩有很大段的時間用上了區域防守,而且效果其實不錯,當然可能面對客隊先發的克拉,使用米歇爾可利用他移動的速度,另外就是有洪志善在場的指揮,讓上一季一開季時運用過的區域防守,再次展現出來,Jap認為這個實驗對季後賽來說,是非常重要的一次嘗試。 說到小胖,這一場可說是他的代表作 - 24分11助攻,三分球12投7中 ,但最重要的還是他掌控節奏的純熟度,作為教練團的一份子,他在場上的指揮及節奏的控制,絕對也是在季後賽裡很需要的元素。去年的季後賽或東超期間,在先發球員休息時,小胖提供了穩定節奏的作用。 小胖跟米歇爾都打到抽筋,小胖賽後說:「賽前教練講了,不管比賽排出的陣容如何,現在也開始要為季後賽準備,尤其季後賽短兵相接,場上用人要給教練信心,球員就是做好該做的。」 而另一位老將林金榜,他昨天的進攻讓人想起他年輕時攻守都這樣的強桿,他能夠投5進4球三分球,也讓人了解他整季也不是閒著的,38歲仍可保持狀態,隨時侯命之餘,也開發了三分球的威脅。金榜上了32分鐘拿下了20分,不要忘記他整場都要看守對方的洋將艾夫伯,在防守上,雖然榜哥認為自己表現並不合格,但其實他的防守強度還是存在,而且他為自己在賽前定下目標,絕對是新生代球員學習的對象。 國王的年輕球員終有比較長的上場時間,其中李威廷的表現讓人驚艷,上場23分鐘拿下了16分,再度顯示進攻端上的火力,而在單防能力與協防也有展現出來,他自己也覺得4次失誤是多了點,可是他在進攻上的節奏很好。而另一位年輕球員陳俊男,在14分鐘的上場時間裡卻找不到節奏,就好像林書豪賽後說,年輕球員表現起伏是比較大,節奏可能抓不穩,表現就會失準,期待剩下的比賽裡,年輕球員多把握機會,把整季練到的東西都打出來。 沒親身到新莊體育館看到這一場主場收官戰,對Jap來說是可惜了一點,這場比賽讓大家看到國王陣容的深度,兩位老將在需要他們的時候,仍然可以為球隊作出一定的貢獻。 雖然這一季國王經歷了這樣多的風雨,但這些老將一直為球隊付出,一位是球員兼教練,另一位是球隊隊長,國王有他們兩位在陣絕對是福氣,賽後林金榜被問到拿冠軍的目標時,他這樣就: 「我當然希望可以跟小胖一起拿個冠軍,這是一個目標,我們就慢慢得去實踐它。」 來吧,就一起努力衝一座冠軍到新北吧! #王城榮耀 #LetsGoKings #林書豪 #ntk #Kings #pleague #新北國王 #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球 #林金榜 #李威廷 #洪至善 #陳俊男

5/13/2024, 3:07:29 PM

Our openers are ready for tomorrow blast ✌🏻 #letsgokings @punjabkingsca #cricket

5/12/2024, 4:25:41 AM

Remix x New Taipei Kings 錢錢請拿去 #王城榮耀 #LetsGoKings #新北國王 #pleague #Kings #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #曼尼高 #楊楊 #remixtaipei

5/8/2024, 9:30:51 AM

[ Preparation ] 新北國王能走多遠,還看林書豪。 國王在今天的雙北大戰一點都不易打,富邦勇士拿出必勝的決心,希望拿下主場的勝利去爭取季後賽門票。而今天林書豪竟在眉角受傷後,相隔兩個月後上到先發陣容,面對勇士的三大洋將,萊恩排出路易士、奧帝、楊敬敏、林書豪與林書緯作為先發,這場也是國王希望贏得的賽事,除穩固季後賽的排名外,亦希望借這一場雙北大戰,為季後賽作準備。 先說防守,國王在對上一次主場面對勇士打出最糟糕的防守後,在此之後三場的防守有回穩,除了單對單防守外,協防、卡位、專注度都有慢慢回穩,後衛群的防守、尤其是李愷諺和曼尼高的防守也越來越到位,以及奧帝跟書豪現場的指揮,國王的防守確是打出一定的能量。 在經歷三次負於勇士25分或以上的比賽之後,國王絕對很想拿下這場比賽,整場萊恩只派出八位球員,第六人愷諺絕對是越打越好,最近兩場已三分球8投4進,平均14分進帳,這個狀態進季後賽是剛剛好的時間點。 三位洋將的工作分配也開始明顯,路易士開始能夠與隊友作不同角度的擋拆,而他在進攻籃板上確是有一手,而這一場把奧帝放到先發,形成他與敏哥兩個外圍威脅,今天奧帝更多時間在罰球線附近拿球,這個位置他有絕對的威脅性,除了可自己投之外,傳球也是非常到位,他今天錄得4次助攻,這樣也讓出更多空間予林氏兄弟去單打,在spacing上確是不錯。 林氏兄弟難得同時先發上場,配合上比以前更流暢了,書緯今天不會每一次都主攻,上場的球員都很有耐性去製造空間,而書緯整場8分6助攻1失誤,絕對是調整自己打法的一個絕佳示範,而且他整季都是這樣的配合球隊的發展。 林書豪正式進入主力陣容,自他從腳傷回來後,他的狀態確實是有慢慢在提升,雖然還未回到這一季最高的狀況,但今天看到他進攻的流暢度,防守時協防的時間,加上今天在差不多要被對手追近時的三分遠投得手,都顯示出他也開始進入了季後賽的準備,而且體能上亦開始能夠應付下來,今天書豪上陣34分鐘,拿下27分5籃板3助攻,三分球7投5進。 書豪回來後,能在國王攻守的基礎上,補上更多的穩定性跟爆發能力,他積極的態度也能提升球隊的專注度。 接下來的比賽,國王要開始把更多的板凳球員加到今天的輪換陣容上,全力準備季後賽。 #李愷諺 #王城榮耀 #JeremyLin #Linsanity #LetsGoKings #林書豪 #linsanity #林書緯 #ntk #曼尼高 #楊敬敏 #Kings #pleague #新北國王 #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球

5/7/2024, 5:05:52 PM

Unfortunately it looks likely that Robert Blake will be back as general manager for the Kings in the following season, Blake has one season left on his contract for the Kings. This speculation comes from multiple hints. Firstly, it has been confirmed Blake will speak to the media on Monday. Obviously if he was getting fired why would he be speaking to the media a couple days after the Kings season has ended? Secondly, NHL insiders/writers such as David Pagnotta, John Hoven, and others have voiced their opinions/insight saying they don't think Blake will be fired before his contract is up which again runs through next season. In my opinion this is an awful decision. Blake has made a few good moves in his tenure as GM but many more that outweigh the good. There was little need for Dubois on this roster let alone for that awful price both in contract and trade. We're now having a serious discussion about buying him out which would cost the Kings for 14 years to come. There is no reason Gavrikov should be making almost $6M against our cap. We do not have a starting goalie for next season, our closest option is going to be 37 when next season starts. The team has little finishing capabilities and in general lacks offensive skill. He brought in D.J smith & Marc Bergevin, two people recently known for how bad of a job they did with their respective teams. Todd was his guy, Todd was fired by Blake this season. Turcotte, Bjornfot, Vilardi, Kupari, Madden, Durzi, Thomas, just a couple of names that were a big reason this team had such a bright future a few years ago. One of them is still here and he played just a few games at the end of the season, looked great, and didn't get time in the playoffs. Now even with all of that I'm only about 67% of the way through all the bad he's done to this org. We'll see what happens on Monday and if Blake will give Kings fans an answer on his future with the organization.

5/4/2024, 10:41:10 PM

Quinton Byfield took a big step forward during the 2023-24 season registering 20 goals, 35 assists, and 55 points in 80 games. You can expect that he reaches a point a game by next season and looks to become the future leader of the Los Angeles Kings franchise. #lakings #lakingshockey #losangeleskings #letsgokings #gokingsgo #gokings #quintonbyfield #hockeycards #birchbarkcards

5/3/2024, 1:28:19 PM

To Cancun the boys go, Kings lose 4-3 in game five and their season comes to an end at the hands of the Edmonton Oilers for the third straight year and the Kings fail to advance past round one once more since 2014. Listen, I have a lot of thoughts, and if you don't/couldn't watch my stories for this game or didn't get past all of them I completely understand, but there I gave my initial season ending/off-season starting thoughts. I believe this team needs a retool, I believe guys like Clarke & Fagemo need to be given all of next season, I believe guys like Lizotte (who I love), Arvy, and Roy need to be let go so others can come in and the team can get younger and better for the future. I don't believe retooling means that next season we have to miss the playoffs, but I believe this team is heading in a very dark direction with its current management and roster. I'll most likely have posts on everything I believe needs to happen, I'll talk more on my stories as the off-season goes along, I hope to do some lives and bring y'all on to hear your opinions, and I especially believe the 1-3-1 needs to go lmao. This season was a very hard watch in my opinion because of that. Too much skill and not enough positive outcome to continue using it. But most importantly, I love this team, I love the logo that represents it (metaphorically speaking, I actually hate our current logo's and jersey's) I love the majority of its fans that I've gotten to talk to, I appreciate and love y'all, and whether I continue with this account or do what I did this season and just do my stories, I'm a fan for life like y'all. And so with that, Devon's signing off for the 2023-24 season, good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite. GKG baby.

5/2/2024, 8:04:02 AM

Well, here we are once more. On the brink of elimination at the hands of the Edmonton Oilers for a third straight year. The Kings need three straight wins to change that narrative, but it starts with one tonight to give Los Angeles at least one more hockey game in the 2023-24 season. The Kings gave a phenomenal effort and mostly performance in last game's 1-0 loss, they dominated it, and Skinner robbed the Kings and stole one for Edmonton. If the Kings can replicate even 75% of that game tonight they're heading back to LA still very much alive. Very few players have had a good round for LA, and even the ones that have, it doesn't matter tonight, it's a new game, and the most important of this season. We're all asking for this team and its players to come alive tonight, nobody specific, and nobody more than any other player. It's do or die tonight, and I don't believe they're dying. If there was ever a time to be positive about this season, to cheer our boys on, it's right now, no need for negativity, only a need to believe. Go Kings Go baby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #losangelesSports #cryptodotcomarena #Hockeyfightscancer #teamusa #memes #HockeyMemes #nhl #icehockey #nhlhockey #hockeyfight #lakingsfamily #lakingspride #lakingsfans #lakingshockey #losangeleskingshockey #canada #nhlmemes #chel #hockey #gokingsgo #letsgokings #nhlseason #nhl2023 #lakings #kingshockey #losangeleskings

5/1/2024, 2:33:29 PM

Go Kings!! GO!!!🏒❤️🥅 Game 5 - 5/1 - @edmontonoilers #GKG #LetsGoKings #LosAngelesKings #NHL #NHLplayoffs #bottlecapart #bottlecap #bottlecaps

5/1/2024, 4:44:18 AM

[ Back-to-Back Games ] 新北國王上星期需要在新莊體育館面對back-to-back的賽事,分別對上了富邦勇士和領航猿,但結局截然不同。 其賽對上兩次與富邦勇士的對賽中,國王都輸個25分或者以上,都用上三大洋,這兩場三洋將的總數據是: 3/30 - 51分29籃板4封阻 4/6 - 56分23籃板2封阻 有了這樣的優勢,勇士這兩場先有周桂羽跟賴廷恩都能提供額外的得分,而且後者更以Box and One戰術把林書緯限制著,而且三分球都能投個三成以上。反過來說,國王兩次都未能改變勇士的這種打法。 到星期六主場面對勇士,同樣的劇本再次上演,雖然這場國王補上了路易士,勇士三洋將這次取得48分40籃板2阻攻,國王整場籃板更輸個-18個,這是國王球員沒卡好位、沒衝搶籃板的後果。 這場林書豪也有上陣22分鐘拿了19分,繼續提供板凳得分力量。三分球國王只有43投9進的20%,中間一度連續十次投籃不進,當中包括很多三分球起手,這是勇士用上三大洋的效果,只要三分投不開,就影響了國王的得分效率。就這樣,國王對勇士三連敗,仍然是輸個25分以上的比賽。 以近況來說,領航猿過去十場只輸一場之下,這個背靠背的比賽,對國王來說確實是比較難應付。 但國王卻以高強度的防守能量開局,協防、卡位、補位都很努力,每次當我看到肯拚防守的國王,贏球機會都會大幅增加,整場籃板球也是國王領先12球,客隊三分球只有28投1中,除了手風不順外,同時國王都能對上三分投射,尤其李愷諺針對性防守盧峻翔,讓他6次三分起手盡墨,是勝利的關鍵。 曼尼高打出近期最好的防守比賽,從板凳上陣的他拿下了16分8籃板4抄截,是國王的贏球功臣。 兩場比賽,對著不同排名的球隊,竟然會有不一樣的反轉結果。勇士的許教練破解萊恩的佈陣很有一手,但隔天對著較高排名的領航猿卻打出一場漂亮的勝仗。如果每一場都需要國王這樣去打防守的話,是能夠做到但會有體力或受傷的風險,尤其是從這個星期六開始,國王要在15日內打6場賽事,這種半季後賽式的賽程,是磨練陣容、進攻與防守的好時機。 另外觀察到,國王的切入分球到底線球員、以及到底角的傳球路線,在剛過去兩場被對手識破及破壞傳球路線。另外,現在使用路易士的方式,跟牧倫斯或奧帝的站位差不多,當球落罰球線附近的路易士時,威脅性並不高,而且他的高位策應能力暫時未能看到,路易士依然是擋拆能手,但萊恩要怎樣用他,確實要在未來兩週的比賽裡找出來。而奧帝絕對要減低後場帶上前場時失誤,以及有時花巧傳球的情況出現。 本土方面,李愷諺的傷勢應該已痊愈,他的單打速度和防守能力都有上升的趨勢。另外簡祐哲最近終回復去季的身手,心態更積極,起手時更有信心,這是對國王隊的好消息。 賽季已進入末段,雖然國王要進季後賽應該是有著很高的機會,但是要對領航猿還是夢想家,相信不由國王來選擇。反而積極面對每一場賽事,從中找尋默契和防守體系,才是讓國王走更遠的不二法門。 #王城榮耀 #JeremyLin #Linsanity #LetsGoKings #林書豪 #linsanity #林書緯 #ntk #曼尼高 #楊敬敏 #Kings #pleague #新北國王 #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球 #李愷諺

4/30/2024, 3:49:08 PM

Kings lose in devastating fashion after outshooting the Oilers 33-13 and scoring zero goals as they are put on the brink of elimination by the Edmonton Oilers for the third consecutive year. That was probably the best Kings hockey I've seen all season in every aspect but putting the puck in the back of the net and that's why in my opinion this is the most devastating loss since game seven of round one in 2022. I am so proud of this team for their fantastic defensive play, not taking ANY stupid penalties, neutral zone transitional play, dump and chase, physicality, keeping the puck in the O-zone, and so many more things. They played their hearts out, and they played amazing in all of those categories. But. My holy god, thirty-three shots, and you didn't force Skinner to make one ten bell save, you have to be joking. Fiala, Dubois, Kempe, Moore, Lizoote, Doughty, Roy, Spence, Arvy ANYONE.....ANYONE....ONE GOOD PASS....ONE GOOD SHOT....ONE GOOD SCREEN.... This team put on a clinic in so many aspects of this game, completely dominated, but couldn't have an ounce of creativity, poise, clutch, finish, nothing, to put the puck into the back of Edmonton's net once....NOT ONCE. One power-play, it didn't work, one penalty on an awful call, Oilers score, Rittich played great, might not look like it considering he allowed one goal on thirteen shots but he did, he's your game five starter. I'll leave y'all with this. If there was ever a time to not be negative about this team, it's now. We are a possible sixty minutes away from our team's season being done, until then, we need three wins in a row, one game at a time, game five next, it ain't over yet. let's go Kings fans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #losangelesSports #cryptodotcomarena #Hockeyfightscancer #teamusa #memes #HockeyMemes #nhl #icehockey #nhlhockey #hockeyfight #lakingsfamily #lakingspride #lakingsfans #lakingshockey #losangeleskingshockey #canada #nhlmemes #chel #hockey #gokingsgo #letsgokings #nhlseason #nhl2023 #lakings #kingshockey #losangeleskings

4/29/2024, 7:32:16 AM

Here we go, game four in LA following that absolute....well you know what happened, we don't need to speak about that game until the series is over. Tonight's game is about as big as it gets for non-elimination/advancing games. If the boys lose they're down two games which would be the first for either team in the now three years of us doing this and I think we can all agree it would most likely mean the end of this round for us. If they win, they head back to Edmonton with a huge chance to put the Oilers on the brink. In my opinion this game's fate lies in the first period. The first period of each of the three games before this have basically told the story for the rest of the game. In the one game the Kings looked good in it they won, the other two where they looked bad, they lost. Five on five we continue to be neck and neck with Edmonton, it's the special teams, stars, and goaltending where this series has been put in Edmonton's hands, although it's not like Skinner has been great on the other side. If my math serves me correct the Kings are 0/10 on the power-play entering tonight's game, to say that is killing us would be the understatement of the century. But how does a power-play score? Well your PP is made up mostly if not solely of your highest skilled/paid players. That's two thirds of the problem right there, and as for goaltending, sixteen goals in three games is too much, some good saves here and there, a few ten bell ones even, but sixteen is too many goals to give up in three playoff games, it NEEDS to be Rittich's net tonight. I'm begging Fiala to show us that dominate player we saw last year and in the second half of this season, the playoff performer we saw start to prove people wrong last year. A lot players have been very disappointing through these three games, even some with points that would make you think they haven't been that bad, to ask each of them to come through would be talking about nearly every person on this team so I'll simply ask, please, the LA Kinga we've all tolerated through this very boring regular season, please show us why we're still cheering, GKG.

4/28/2024, 12:27:28 PM

And to complete weekend 3 out of 3 - It's Nationals Time! This weekend our A team will be hitting the ice and are ready to take on a full weekend of hockey! Live stream of the whole weekend is available on BUIHA YouTube channel. Or come down and show your support in person at Ice Sheffield, admission is free! #letsgokings #icehockey #buiha

4/27/2024, 8:31:15 AM

The most embarrassing sports game i've ever watched in my life and I watched this team, or most of it, blow a 3-0 lead in a playoff game to the same organization they're playing once again. 0/10 power-play in this series. Dubois, god awful. Fiala, can't make a clutch pass or shot to save his life. Two puck-moving defensemen and four that are primarily defensive that can't play defense when it matters most. Byfield, Laf, and Lizzo thank you for giving it your all tonight. To every single other player, some a lot more than others, trash. Doughty scores a goal again, not before costing one in the first. Talbot makes some big saves, not before giving up six for a total of sixteen through three games now. If you're Jim Hiller, you're: Completely changing the power-play units. Starting Rittich next game and if he allows anything less than four goals he's your starter for the remainder of the round. Begging Blake to call up Clarke so the defense can move the puck. Begging Blake to call up Thomas so you can sit Grundstrom. Completely changing the second & third lines. Changing every defensive pairing. You knew the Oilers would come out flying after losing last game and being pissed and the Kings couldn't care less. Wouldn't block, wouldn't create chances, wouldn't score a PP goal to save their lives. The fans in attendance tonight were amazing, I could hear the GKG chants through my TV as if I was there even while the team was down 6-1, amazing, great job, you all did your part, I'm so sorry the team gave you this embarrassment. The first period of next game holds the series in its hands. If you blow that period, you lose this series, if you come out tied, you need to win the game or you're finished, if you're leading after one I guarantee this team wins that game and is still very much in this series. Gn Kings fans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #losangelesSports #cryptodotcomarena #Hockeyfightscancer #teamusa #memes #HockeyMemes #nhl #icehockey #nhlhockey #hockeyfight #lakingsfamily #lakingspride #lakingsfans #lakingshockey #losangeleskingshockey #canada #nhlmemes #chel #hockey #gokingsgo #letsgokings #nhlseason #nhl2023 #lakings #kingshockey

4/27/2024, 7:31:25 AM

AWE MAN SOOOO MANY FIGHTS RIGHT MEOW!! I had to reassure Bailey mommy was not mad it’s just Kings playoff hockey so mommy is yelling a lot at the tv 🤣😅🏒🥅🏆 #letsgokings #becauseitsthecup #stanleycupplayoffs2024 #gokingsgo👑

4/27/2024, 7:06:07 AM

Game three tonight as the Kings arrive in Los Angeles following a massive overtime winner by the Captain to tie up the series in game two. There's a saying in sports playoffs, you aren't in trouble until you lose at home. The Kings need to do everything in their power tonight to make that stay true by getting the win with a massive chance to take the strangle hold in game four. For a win tonight we need to see a lot of what happened in period one of last game. Come out flying, score the first goal, block shots, stay out of the box, and capitalize on your chances. The Oilers are going to give their all out of the gate tonight, they're pissed, and in recent years when the Oilers get mad they usually come out and whoop the Kings up and down the ice. Last game the Kings did a lot of things well, especially in the first, but then things started to really slip away, the boys shot themselves in the foot a lot and Cam let in some really weak goals, now he did make some massive saves as the game progressed but Jim Hiller has a big decision to make tonight, Talbot, or Rittich. I'll understand either of his choices and pray whichever goalie it is can really help this team out. I'm looking at three goals or less tonight. Grundstrom played just twenty-five seconds in game two, one single shift, at this point it would just be better to run 11F & 7D assuming Grunny didn't get injured and Hiller just really didn't like his play. As for specific players. We need some of that elite vision from Fiala, we need some big assists or goals from PLD, we need a lot better defense from Gavrikov, and that second line/Nice line needs to start coming alive, the first line and pair won't be able to carry every game. As well, the power-play MUST come alive this game and the PK needs to be a lot better. The Oilers have been very aggressive on their PK's, the Kings need to make quick and effective passes or just throw some stuff on net to counter that cause this PP has been god awful. Kings fans, bring the heat tonight baby, let the boys know you're there for them and maybe throw in some "SKINNNNER" chants if he starts pooping the bed.

4/26/2024, 1:18:18 PM

GAME ALERT: Kings defeat the Oilers 5-4 in overtime and take Game 2 of their 1st round series, tying the series at 1. C, Anze Kopitar scored the game winning goal in the first overtime, his 3rd point of the game. RW, Adrian Kempe also scored 2 goals in the first period. Game 3 will be played Friday night at 10:30 EST. #anzekopitar #adriankempe #losangeleskings #lakings #Kings #kingshockey #letsgokings #gokingsgo #kingsnation #nhl #hockey #stanleycupplayoffs

4/25/2024, 1:30:09 PM

THE TWO KINGS LEGENDS LEAD THE WAY AS THE KINGS WIN IN OVERTIME 5-4 AND HEAD BACK TO LOS ANGELES WITH A TIED SERIES! Heart attack Kings do it again. Three different leads, couple useless power-plays, couple terrible penalty-kills, Cam Talbot going from vezina goalie to hobo back to vezina goalie and so on but in the end Captain Kopi with a three point performance as he leads the way back to LA. Listen, this was not a fantastic game, the boys came out flying, fixed a lot of things from last game, but jesus this team loves to shoot themselves in the foot, HOWEVER. Kopi & Doughty, we needed the veterans to have better games and holy hell did they ever. Doughty, much better defense, a goal, and his partner, Mikey, what a fantastic bounce back game from that pairing. And Kopi, two assists, game winner, his linemates, Kempe, two goals, and Laf, although the offense isn't there with him on that line he does his job well, gets in there, gets to pucks, and sells out. And the team, going from sixteen blocked shots in game one to twenty in this game but especially the first ten in the opening period, this team came out with a different mentality I just wish they could've kept it going, this game didn't need to be this close but whatever. As for Talbot, he came up big a couple times tonight, bailed the boys out, but ten goals allowed in two games is too much, needs to be Rittich's net next game. As for changes. QB. PLD, PP, PK, and that second and fourth line all need adjustments. Like I said last game, this series is far from over but this was a must win game and they won in the end, GKG, bring the heat in LA Kings fans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #losangelesSports #cryptodotcomarena #Hockeyfightscancer #teamusa #memes #HockeyMemes #nhl #icehockey #nhlhockey #hockeyfight #lakingsfamily #lakingspride #lakingsfans #lakingshockey #losangeleskingshockey #canada #nhlmemes #chel #hockey #gokingsgo #letsgokings #nhlseason #nhl2023 #lakings #kingshockey #losangeleskings

4/25/2024, 7:28:19 AM

Game two tonight between the Kings & Oilers following a disappointing game one loss. The Kings took both game ones in the past two meetups so maybe this is a sign? Cam Talbot will get the start tonight per HC Jim Hiller. This is an interesting decision given that Cam was pretty bad last game but then again so was 97% of the team. I guess he should get the same treatment as the rest of the team, a second chance. If the Kings can come out swinging and do what they started to do halfway into the second period of last game then there's a serious chance tonight. If they don't and let guys like Hyman sit in front of their net without any pushback, take stupid penalties, or don't capitalize on great chances, well, you know what'll happen. Let's change the script, GKG baby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #losangelesSports #cryptodotcomarena #Hockeyfightscancer #teamusa #memes #HockeyMemes #nhl #icehockey #nhlhockey #hockeyfight #lakingsfamily #lakingspride #lakingsfans #lakingshockey #losangeleskingshockey #canada #nhlmemes #chel #hockey #gokingsgo #letsgokings #nhlseason #nhl2023 #lakings #kingshockey #losangeleskings

4/24/2024, 9:06:28 PM

Kings drop game one to Edmonton in what was mostly a disaster dominated by Edmonton but showed shades of a good team that can win some of these games. A solid first five minutes followed by complete domination by Edmonton in which the Kings played their worst stretch of hockey all season, players like Mikey getting walked twice on one on one situations with one resulting in a goal, Talbot just not being good enough, and Zach Hyman getting three goals, guess where? exactly where you'd expect him to get them, the Kings on one single play focused on getting Hyman away from their goalie. The Kings then decided to put pucks towards the net and made it interesting. A shot from the point with bodies in front, a pass through the crease which tipped off someone and in, and then Lewis tipped the puck off a shot from the point and in that was unfortunately disallowed because the puck went off his hand even though the clear intent from Lewis was to tip the puck with his stick. The Kings would score two late off of pure luck, the Oilers would get an empty netter, and the game ended with a true score of 6-2 Edmonton. The Kings did just about everything wrong they could've tonight. - Let the two headed monster get going - Didn't defend Hyman in front of the net - Took stupid penalties - Had a lacking PP & PK However, with all that bad came just a little bit of good. That was game one, the Kings won both game one's the last two years, this series is incredibly far from being over. Nobody was good enough tonight but I was extremely disappointed in the first pair, Dubois, Moore, Kopi, Kempe, and Englund. A guy like Arvy got multiple great chances including a breakaway and couldn't pot one, those are game changing plays, this team needs some clutch badly. Again, that's just one, lot's of series left. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #losangelesSports #cryptodotcomarena #Hockeyfightscancer #teamusa #memes #HockeyMemes #nhl #icehockey #nhlhockey #hockeyfight #lakingsfamily #lakingspride #lakingsfans #lakingshockey #losangeleskingshockey #canada #nhlmemes #chel #hockey #gokingsgo #letsgokings #nhlseason #nhl2023 #lakings #kingshockey #losangeleskings

4/23/2024, 7:16:52 AM

Pacific vs Pacific. Best of 7. LET'S GO KINGS!!🤬 GO KINGS!! GO!!😍🏒❤️🥅 #StanleyCypPlayoffs2024 #GKG #LetsGOKings #GoKingsGo #Bottlecaps #bottlecapart

4/23/2024, 2:11:02 AM

#NHL, #HockeyTwitter, #LetsGoKings, #LAKings, #GoKingsGo, vs. #EdmontonOilers, #LetsGoOilers, #Oilers, Get your best odds - fast at https://oddsjet.com

4/23/2024, 2:00:57 AM

Well damn, here we go again. Kings & Oilers begin their third straight first round appearance tonight as the Kings 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs head underway. We know what has happened the last two years, we know what has happened the last eleven years, and we know a lot of what will happen if at very least the Kings are unable to advance past round one, so, let's do this. After an awful start to their season the Oilers were the best team in the regular season, their lineup is a lot of the same from last years matchup but with some interesting differences. The Oilers number one on the blue line, Evan Bouchard, has developed into one of the NHL's elite offensive defensemen, but like last year his defense is still something that makes him human. They still have Mattias Ekholm but aside from that this isn't a defense that should stop you from scoring if you are able to get consistent pressure on them. Up front the two headed monster is still alive and well, if you can shut down both, you win, if you can shut down one, well, you know, and if you can't shut down either, it's a good time to get the golf clubs out. Aside from that Zach Hyman who Kings fans know from game four's overtime last post-season, is a fifty goal scorer in the NHL, however like Bouchard, he has his limitations, his offense comes primarily from in front of the net and while one of the big two is on the ice. Evander Kane will be playing hurt so that's another thing the Kings can use to their advantage. Aside from that there's some obvious positive and negatives about Edmonton but it's this simple. Do your best to shut down the big two, have a creative and producing power-play, hope the PK can be even close to as good as it was in the regular season, beg Cam Talbot to define his age, and pray to god that the offense shows up. My X-Factor for the series: PLD, without a doubt. HM: Doughty & Fiala If PLD pops off, the Kings take this series, if he's okay, 50/50, and if he's bad, well, you get it. But no matter what, I'm cheering on till the last buzzer, Go Kings Go baby, let's slay our demons.

4/23/2024, 12:01:18 AM

[ 穩定性 ] 這星期新北國王面對夢想家與攻城獅,均是作客賽事,而身處季後賽邊緣的位置,再加上全員歸來的陣容,剛好考驗國王的能耐。 星期五對戰夢想家是一場非常精彩的賽事,與上一場對夢想家大勝的一場相比,除了有馬有爾回歸陣容,並從板凳拿下29分外,錢肯尼亦回到陣中,攻防更全面。 而國王無論在防守跟進攻依然保持前一場的水平,讓對手得分壓在100 分之下,林書豪上陣時間來到16分鐘,只拿下9分,受制於對手的嚴防,國防全場三分球只有28投4進,可幸是國王先讓吉爾貝克一早得到犯規麻煩,才能提高籃底下的進攻效率,曼尼高和路易士才能成為球隊最高兩位得分球員,分別拿下18、16分。 林書緯也得到16分,更有11助攻,而且把林俊吉效能降低,讓他3次三分球起手盡墨,只有13分8助攻。 大體上這是一場勢均力敵的比賽,但國王在關鍵時刻多次把很有機會能進的起手投失,是輸球的關鍵,這不能怪別人,著眼下一場。 到今天作客昨天才打這比賽的攻城獅,加上高國豪因傷缺陣,國王針對性的防守令比數拋離。 國王基本上在單防艾夫伯時會用較貼身的防守,防止他外線發飆,令他三分球8投零進,當他下球切入時,就會有另一球員夾擊,令他整場只有8分。國王能夠使用這策略,就是因為國豪不在陣,而確實攻城獅這場的進攻也當機,各球員似乎在back to back 比賽後,因體能關係影響了水準,整場只有72分。 國王在進攻上依然打出一定的水準,由書緯第一節拿下10分開始,面對防守較鬆懈的主隊,有5位球員拿下雙位數得分,整場比賽都領先十多分以上完成賽事。 萊恩這幾場把書豪、愷諺、奧帝、柏智跟JJ放在二陣,有著不錯的效果,相信是找到一個可輪換的陣容,接下來是林氏兄弟要如何分配球權,兼容兩個人不同的打法,是接下來萊恩要做的事情。 另外,書緯與柏智今天在場上的事情,當然我不知道場上發生了什麼事,在我而言是球員溝通的方式,即時的溝通當然是好,但當時其實領先也有一段距離,確實也不用太著急於一、兩次失誤,而影響了隊友的信心。可幸是球隊的老大哥也即時出來跟書緯與柏智調停、安慰一下,這是個團隊的事情,代表著球隊有良好的溝通。 國王的攻防節奏開始穩定下來,最近球隊都能打出團隊性的打法,這是樂見的事。接下來的8場賽事除了需要找出更好的輪換陣容外,更需要書豪打更多分數,而且漸漸回復季初的狀態。 #王城榮耀 #Linsanity #LetsGoKings #JeremyLin #林書豪 #linsanity #林書緯 #ntk #曼尼高 #楊敬敏 #Kings #pleague #新北國王 #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球

4/21/2024, 5:49:05 PM

Better late than never! This weekend our B team will be hitting the ice and are ready to take on a full weekend of hockey! Live stream of the whole weekend is available on BUIHA YouTube channel. Or come down and show your support in person at Ice Sheffield, admission is free! #letsgokings #icehockey #buiha

4/21/2024, 1:21:53 AM

WE LIT THE BEAM! #LETSGOKINGS #sacramentokings

4/17/2024, 7:53:08 PM

GAME ALERT: Kings defeat Warriors 118-94, eliminating Golden State from playoff contention. Sacramento will play the Pelicans for the last Western Conference playoff spot. PF, Keegan Murray led the way with 32 points. #keeganmurray #sacramentokings #kings #kingsbasketball #kingsnation #letsgokings #nba #basketball

4/17/2024, 6:39:31 AM

Quick update lang mga kahigalaan ha.. dili ni kantsaw or unxa paman..kabalo me nga init na kaayo inyong ulo krn og inyong bulsa😅 sama sa akong ge ingon gaena, hindi namin laban to. .para rani sa atong mga amigo og kaila nga wala katan.aw og live nga fans sa king😊 #letsgoKINGS #OKCvsKINGS

4/17/2024, 6:05:25 AM

#lighthebeam #letsgokings

4/17/2024, 3:26:22 AM

🏀🍔 Ready for a winning game day experience? Just steps away from @golden1center, swing by @seventhstreetstandard for our mouthwatering 7TH STREET BURGER! 🍔⁠ ⁠ Show your @sacramentokings gear 🟣 and enjoy 20% off your bill! #gokings⁠ ⁠ 🏀🍻 #sacramentoproud #7thstreetstandard #happyhour #letsgokings

4/16/2024, 1:45:18 AM

[ 國王賽後隨筆 ] 直觀寫一下國王星期五比賽的感想。 上星期六國王對夢想家的比賽,國王真的像我期待般,打得很新北,其終止連敗。 一開始國王就在第一節就把對手的得分壓到10分,而且先發不是用剛復出的林書豪、或者是奧帝,是用上了蘇士軒跟路易士,加上曼尼高,先為國王提供內線的防守,而主攻手是楊敬敏,單節拿了8分,第一節比分拉開到18分,主要是從板凳接力的有奧帝+書豪+愷諺,萊恩擅用了國王本身的陣容深度,加上JJ最近回覆狀態,把分差一直保持,就算對手吉爾貝克與麥卡洛在第二節努力追分,但國王這邊的奧帝3個三分球,與愷諺的積極搶分,國王半場領先20分。 這一場比賽的餘下賽事,都以20分左右的分差完成,主要是國王的防守終於回過神來,14次抄截、+10籃板球、22次進攻籃板是不錯的防守成績單,雖然離國王季初的防守強度還有一些距離,但14次抄截有一半,基本上國王有不同球員預判夢想家進進時籃球的流向而形成,這方面要讚情蒐員外,國王球員專注力和執行力有一定的提升。 這一場的專注除了用在防守上,進攻其實也有改善。其中路易士下半場的表現更是令人增加對他的信心,他上場約22分鐘,就有14分8籃板,當中7個為進攻籃板,進攻時不吃球權,對國王進攻體系、尤其先發陣容來說,路易士是很適合用搭配,他跟書緯的pick n roll已開始打出來了。而剛復出的書豪,一開始的三分球讓大家知道他已歸來,整場只打11分鐘就有13分4助攻,更有不斷補防協防,這對國王非常重要,現在要慢慢回復節奏外,更期待他與路易士的搭配。 說到書緯,他與林俊吉的對位也是真的好看,兩人表現也會影響球隊的進攻節奏。這一場夢想家沒有像富邦勇士用上Box and One戰術,這多少是因為錢肯尼跟馬布爾受傷缺陣,但在防守上,阿吉在下半場多次被書緯在背籃進攻,也看到他在防守上的缺失,書緯下半場拿了22分中的13分,而阿吉第三節拿12也顯示出他的爆發性得分能力,要比較誰是聯盟最佳Point Guard,還要多看星期五的比賽。 總的來說,國王這場能夠得到寶貴的作客勝利,是球隊最近久久未有的好消息,但是國王仍未擺脫季後賽邊緣的位置,星期五、日作客夢想家與攻城獅,絕對不易應付,只要國王繼續專注比賽,慢慢讓書豪回復狀態,相信國王能變得更好。 最後祝福海登未來更好,看到書豪書緯都向他送上祝福,GM毛加恩也盛讚他的工作態度,我也會回想他在東超幫忙國王,一起打出絕讚的籃球,在此也要謝謝海登,也期待你隨時回來國王。 好像書緯所講,It’s not a goodbye. #王城榮耀 #LetsGoKings #Linsanity #JeremyLin #林書豪 #linsanity #林書緯 #ntk #楊敬敏 #Kings #pleague #新北國王 #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球

4/15/2024, 4:16:57 PM

That’s how it’s done!! Congrats on 10U 2-0 today!! Great job Coach D & Coach James! Thank you parents for your support. #letsgokings #7v7 #clarksvillejrpro

4/14/2024, 11:29:38 PM

Saturday ~ Sports Soccer (La Galaxy & LAFC) UFC 300, Baseball (Los Angeles Dodgers) & Hockey (Los Angeles Kings) #SoccerFan #Sports #LaGalaxy #Goal #LetsGoGalaxy #VANvLA #Lafc #LAderby #DaleDaleDaleTodo #LosAngelesFootballClub #PORvLAFC #Soccer #Mls #UFC300 #LasVegas #LaDodgers #Doyers #LetsGoDodgers #LosAngelesKings #LetsGoKings #GoKingsGo #MexicanHeritageNight @lagalaxy @lafc @ufc @ufcespanol @dodgers @lakings @espnmma

4/14/2024, 4:54:07 AM

“The years will rush by, and one day you will be watching your son as a man, and feeling incredibly proud that he is caring, safe, making a difference, excelling, being powerful, and hopefully going far beyond you in the scope of his life.” #Proudmom 🏈🏈 #LetsGoKings #GameDay 👑👑 #IBirthKings

4/13/2024, 1:39:32 PM

It’s Nationals Time! This weekend our C team will be hitting the ice and are ready to take on a weekend full of hockey! Live stream of the whole weekend is available on the BUIHA YouTube channel. Or come down and show your support in person at Ice Sheffield, admission is free! #letsgokings #letsgokings👑 #icehockey #buiha #buihadev

4/13/2024, 9:38:11 AM

[ 團結起來! ] (原題目為:[ 最後一根稻草 ],但經好心人提醒,此文不是這樣的意思,改成現在的模樣) 以現在的狀態來看,新北國王先不要想奪冠不奪冠。 自過年後,新北國王是PLG裡成績最差的一支球隊之一,國王餘下還有十一場比賽,現正處於第四位置,只領先排第五的富邦勇士2.5場勝差,也即是說國王正踏進季後賽的邊緣。 由季初被視為奪冠呼聲最高的球隊,到現在進季後賽也有困難的球隊,傷兵問題一直困擾球隊,主力球員林書豪、已離隊的牧倫斯、李愷諺、米歇爾輪流因傷缺席不少賽事。另外,楊敬敏和戴維斯因個人場外事件被聯盟懲處禁賽15場以上,然後林書豪的醫療事件被禁賽5場,以及轟動亞洲籃壇的牧倫斯爆氣事件,整季新北國王基本上沒有一套可依賴的完整陣容,去完成每星期的比賽。 新北國王現正處於球季的最低潮,過去十場錄得2勝8負。雖然國王一直都不是防守著名的球隊,在過年前的防守仍做的不錯,本季國王有11場比賽失分超過100分的賽事,成績是4勝7敗,最近6場的失分更在102分或以上,當防守失據的時候,贏球要靠進攻,並不適合現在的國王。 雖然林書豪的5場禁賽已完結,球隊也在限期前補上路易士,但請不要認為只要林書豪回來,就可以解決攻守失衝的問題。最近新北國王遇到場外的問題,會直接令球員或教練團失去專注力,而這正是球隊在面對的問題。 作為一支季前目標要取得東超冠軍和PLG冠軍的球隊,Jap從沒有為國王未能奪取東超冠軍而傷心,反而從整個東超比賽中,看到球隊的凝聚力,對每次進攻與防守都非常專注,能代表台灣職籃首次打進這樣的國際賽事,讓球員球隊都成長過來,展現國王球隊的團隊精神,對著亞洲的強隊,國王每場只輸1-2個攻勢,球隊以第四名完成東超,我沒有怪新北國王,因為他們已傾盡全力。 Jap同意楊敬敏在東超記者會上說的,如果每場打成像東超比賽般,要奪冠不是夢。 球場上的表現,還是需要球員、教練團與球團去解決問題和從中改善。從昨晚的國王官方影片看到,曼尼高在牧倫斯退場後,對隊友說: 「大家團結起來,不要去擔心他,好好打球,贏得這場賽事,專心打球就好。」 林書豪並不是國王的最後殺著,團結一致、專注每一場比賽,才是國王的最後一根稻草。Jap還是認為國王擁有全PLG最強陣容,季初的國王仍是非常強勁的球隊。短期的目標先設定在贏下每一場比賽,把陣容、心態和狀態調整過來,才想打進季後賽和冠軍的事情。 作為球迷,甚至如果你是王迷,也請跟著曼尼高的同樣想法:大家團結起來,不要在意外界的聲音,好好支持球隊,專心看球就好。 我相信有集氣這樣的事情,只要大家保持正向,專注、努力、付出,打出團隊精神,不要留下遺憾,好的事情自然就會來臨。 #王城榮耀 #LetsGoKings #林書豪 #linsanity #林書緯 #ntk #曼尼高 #楊敬敏 #Kings #pleague #新北國王 #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球

4/12/2024, 6:04:41 AM

#LetsGoKings #Sacramento ☑️

4/12/2024, 4:23:56 AM

4/11/24 It’s Game Day! | Pelicans vs. Kings 🏀 #letsgokings #lightthebeam #sacramentokings #golden1center #kingsvspelicans

4/12/2024, 3:43:27 AM

#NHL, #HockeyTwitter, #CalgaryFlames, #GoFlamesGo, #Flames, #CofRed, vs. #LAKings, #GoKingsGo, #LetsGoKings, Get your best odds - fast at https://oddsjet.com

4/12/2024, 2:35:16 AM

[ Player of the Week ] 今天看到林力仁拿到23-24 Week22 單週 MVP網路票選第一,他替國王出戰一場,打了 9 分 11 秒,繳出 0分4 籃板 1 助攻的成績。 對,你沒有看錯,這樣也可以網路票選第一。有這個結果,全因上星期小力直球對決某網紅後,然後PLG官方拿走了單週 MVP網路票選中「林力仁」的選項,有網民發起要投小力上MVP。上星期是避開了,這個星期還是要面對同一個問題,所以最後還是林力仁拿了MVP。 同時請留意,他這次是有4,043 票,比第二的葛拉漢 1,088 票多差不多三千票,以往通常是一、兩千票就能拿下這個單週MVP,所以網民對林力仁的「肯定」還是很紮實。 首先,我一向不支持票選什麼MVP。每週最佳球員本來是一個聯盟,用來讚揚過去一週有傑出表現的球員,國王就算輸個二十多分,還有一位替補球員可以代表聯盟,來展示聯盟過去一週的成績,相信這不會是PLG樂見的事情吧? 另外,在這一個Case,不要用球迷都要努力進步去帶過,因為網絡票選就是讓所有人 - 包括沒看PLG或籃球的人,選出一位他們認同的球員出來,但這個做法我一向不認同。PLG的觀眾在增長中,已沒必要開放100%票選來選MVP。像林書豪如果有一個星期沒打,他龐大的粉絲團也可票選他成為當週的MVP,這樣又會造成另一個不公平的地方。 甚至,上星期還在叫做「單週MVP(Player of the Week)」,到這一個星期改名為「單週MVP網路票選第一(MVP Social Media Voting #1)」,同樣也是解決不了根本的問題。 我明白PLG很想有話題,但讓大眾去票選聯盟裡任何一位球員,就是漏洞所在。把「林力仁」的選項拿走,是選舉裡最不能接受的做法。獎項不能給予有真正能力的球員,是台灣籃球迷不想見到的結果。 或者叫什麼「網絡人氣球員」,才用全網絡票選的方式比較好。不可以把原本想讚揚球員的目的,變了質吧。這個單週MVP票選方式,著實有必要去檢討。 當然你可以跟我說不要太認真,這樣也顯示票選的不足,或球迷的取向真的是這樣,甚至是林力仁的回力鏢。像我一直不會投票PLG單週MVP的球迷,這件事讓國王球員再次在場外變成焦點,聯盟也因此被損。 我還是認為我是在看籃球比賽,而不是每天等待八卦新聞出台。 無論王迷還是球員,聚焦籃球吧。 #新北國王 #pleague #Kings #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球 #ntk #LetsGoKings #林力仁 #小力 #觀眾哪愛看

4/9/2024, 7:09:14 AM

[ Struggles ] 看完昨天的雙北大戰,國王在9日兩度對上富邦勇士,對勇士針對性的防守策略,未能找到有效改善方法,是輸球的關鍵。 上星期的雙北大戰,除了遇上國王牧倫斯離場事件外,勇士是靠着Box 1去封鎖國王控衛林書緯,以賴廷恩一人貼身防守Joe,只讓他整場只出手4次,全場只得5分7籃板1助攻3失誤。昨天的比賽,許教練再次排出同樣的先發陣容,而國王洋將部分改成安尼奎,但國王這邊似乎沒有解決到勇士再度施展Box 1防守戰術。 先說結果,國王再度輸給勇士,上次是25分,這場是28分。勇士再度封鎖林書緯,令他只有2分4籃板5助攻4失誤,這次Joe有5次投籃機會,只進一球。 一開始教練萊恩把書緯放在中場線附近位置,先不參與進攻,過往萊恩也試過過樣去處理對方嚴守林書豪,效果還是不俗,因為還有書緯和曼尼高幫忙處理進攻。可是這一場沒有書緯參與進攻的話,只能用上李愷諺跟楊敬敏處理Play making。半場雙方只差5分差距,但在第三節卻崩盤,這是什麼原因? 上半場楊敬敏跟李愷諺分別得到12分和9分,是奧帝之後得分最多得球員。當上半場進攻這樣依賴老將楊敬敏,令他在下半場體力下降只得5分,愷諺在需要持球進攻外,也要顧著單防林志傑,有點進退失據,下半場也只能多貢獻2分。 洋將方面,了解到想盡快登錄新洋將路易士,快速與球隊建立默契,這洋將的籃底進攻能力確是有一手,球隊製造出來的戰術他也能夠完成。但最懂擋拆的書緯卻沒有跟他有合作機會,這有點浪費他的作用。可是他還未熟悉體系,看到小胖把球交到他手上,球也會掉變成失誤,而且搶籃板有時沒卡位,都是需要與球隊一起去改善,畢竟這是他的第一場。 奧帝的投射依然很可靠,下半場國王進攻當機時,居然看到他需要持球、作球隊play making 的工作,但是卻形成很多失誤。最後米歇爾的防守能量還未發揮,他還是需要時間把狀態打起來。 整場比賽,國王有19次失誤,而勇士只有8次,顯示國王抓不到進攻節奏,防守力度不足。 當本土、洋將主力都打不出來的時候,個人認為需要提早把板凳送上球場試試,老將洪志善上半場打得很穩,但第三節上8分鐘只有1助攻0出手。成為過去一週的話題人物林力仁,整場上陣9分鐘,6投0中,顯然是受場外的事情,跟主場球迷的噓聲而影響。 但其實最近簡祐哲和蘇士軒的狀態都非常好,前者取得個人賽季新高12分,包括4顆三分球,最近6場三分球更是21投10中。而大壽司無論在進攻與防守都一直提供穩定的輸出,當看到先發球員體力出問題、或者進入困局,提早把壽司換上或許會提供一些二波進攻、或跟進拿分。 勇士這一場把書緯的防守強度再向上提升,派出不同的球員來防守他,看著書緯洩氣的表情,完全感受到國王現在面對的困局:陣容因受傷和禁賽不斷改變、牧倫斯風波、新加入兩位洋將等,Jap明白這樣的情況下,真的需要多幾場去排出最佳陣容,但是國王現在已掉到第四位,跟第五位的勇士,戰績上差距並不大,國王是否會連季後賽也進不了? 國王四連敗,林書豪的復出應該是國王的救贖。雖然個人認為書豪復出不代表一定解決所有的問題,但國王並沒選項,餘下的比賽,也必須要有打季後賽或迎戰東超比賽般的決心,才能保住進季後賽的名次。 #JeremyLin #LetsGoKings #林書豪 #林書緯 #ntk #楊敬敏 #曼尼高 #pleague #新北國王 #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球 #王城榮耀

4/7/2024, 11:26:43 AM

Indian Heritage Night at the Kings game! #gokingsgo #lakings #gkg #letsgokings #chalokings #ilovela #alishaelenapanchal #daddysgirl

4/7/2024, 4:57:25 AM

[ Mental Health ] 儘管打籃球本身是就是一項有益身心的運動,但不代表與心理病絕緣。 上星期六,新北國王洋將牧倫斯與隊友口角,憤然離開球場,成為台灣籃球迷迷的焦點。先說明,雖然這裡是一個王迷的粉專,但今天不是要談誰對誰錯。 在熊大爆氣事件後,今天他在IG上回答了一個網友的問題 - 你究竟跟楊敬敏說了些什麼? 他回應: 「 我知道我會收到很多關於楊敬敏、李愷諺和我自己之間所說的話的問題。 恭敬地回答這個問題,隊友之間說的話、隊友間的爭執和門後發生的事,是絕對不關任何人的事。對的,我已經知道其他球員在媒體和社交媒體上已有說過話,但你是不會從我這裡得到任何關於這個問題的答案。 希望每個人都能尊重和理解我,尤其我正在面對著怎樣的一個情況。」 牧倫斯這個回答,是一個很得體的回應,與比賽時火爆的形象大相逕庭。 自從去季受傷後,牧倫斯對於防守者的身體碰撞非常敏感,他甚至會在訓練中推開王柏智,因為柏智防守時把阿牧撞在地上,本來這樣爭拗在國外是很常見的事,但是否所有本土球員都能理解,另作別論。 Jap並不是心理學家,不能以阿牧這些舉動,就斷言他心理健康出現問題。回看阿牧回答網民的提問,以及在他女友的限動,牧倫斯確實是在應付情緒上的問題,這篇連林書豪也有分享的限動內容是: 「你對每個人奮戰的事物一無所知,永遠保持善良。」下面附註:「你看不到心理健康問題,在發更多傷人的訊息前,請先想一下。」 一般人在生活上,也有很大機會會遇上有精神問題的朋友、親人或同事,依台灣全民健保申報資料分析,2019 年國人因精神疾患就醫約280 萬人,佔約一成的人口。世界衛生組織(WHO)推估,全球高達10億人受精神疾患所苦,其中最常見的是憂鬱與焦慮。 根據法律扶助基金會舉辦的「他不怪,他是我的同事!從就業歧視與謀職困境談精障者工作權」講座發言稿,很少精障者會輕易跟別人說明自己的病情,僱主很少會理解精障者的病情,有些甚至不會因此讓他們請假就醫,同事也不易接受他們有時有不一樣的表現和反應。 在NBA也有因心理問題而需要退出球壇的球員,Kevin Love、DeMar DeRozan也公開說明他們曾遇上情緒問題,最近西班牙金童Ricky Rubio更因此而退出NBA,令他不能代表國家參加世界盃,專心休養近半年,才開始在西班牙的職籃球隊報到。 在身邊人出現心理健康或情緒出現問題時,需要與他們相處、溝通或諒解,是絕對不容易的事情。牧倫斯事件,在台籃歷史上屬稀有的情況,無論是球團、隊友、球迷、民眾,還是需要多認識、多諒解,企業也可能需要更多資源和經驗去處理這些情況。雖然不容易,但還是需要從你或我開始,讓類似的紛爭減少。 這一季牧倫斯不能再與國王隊一起爭冠,我們也知道他快要離開台灣。但在球迷角度,還是希望他日後的生活幸福愉快,以更健康的心理狀態,迎接未來的生活。 #ntk #牧倫斯 #林書豪 #王城榮耀 #楊敬敏 #Kings #pleague #新北國王 #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球 #王城榮耀 #LetsGoKings #JeremyLin

4/4/2024, 12:38:03 PM

Quick mid week dash to the Crypto Arena to watch 2 of our favorite teams - Kings vs Kraken. Up in the nosebleed section and the view of the ice is awesome, can actually see everything! #letsgokings #lakings #dadsontime

4/4/2024, 2:43:01 AM

See if we can keep the winning going #letsgokings #sacramentokings #kings

4/3/2024, 4:08:42 AM

[ MVP ] 比起林書豪,我會認為林書緯是新北國王的MVP。 在上一季,我就認為林書緯是國王的非洋將MVP,就算去季PLG本土MVP得主隊友楊敬敏,他本人也認為MVP獎項應該由書緯拿。 先來看看Joe的數據: 22-23球季: 36場31:43分鐘11.94分5.14助攻3.58籃板1.47抄截0.47阻攻 投籃命中率37.58% 三分命中率 31.7% 罰球62.5% 23-24球季: 23場33:46分鐘13.48分6.87助攻4.39籃板1.57抄截0.7阻攻 投籃命中率38.22% 三分命中率 27.48% 罰球70.83% 從數據上看,除了三分命中率以外,其他的數值均比去季進步,其中兩分球的命中率也有進步,他能夠左右手拋投、上籃,45.9%的命中率比起哥哥書豪更好。國王通常會利用書緯的Pick n Roll作為啟動,他的運球、變向令他可以自己切入到罰球線附近作拋投,或急停換手投籃。 Joe是PLG暫時的助攻王,比起第二位的曼尼高多出0.78次,前陣子他才刷新PLG歷史單場助攻記錄,一場交出19次助攻,代表著他很了解教練的戰術、對手的防守與隊友的站位。雖然他的助攻失誤比率比去季也有進步,但平均3.91次失誤也是PLG最高,這是書緯與球團要留意的地方。 另外,他的防守一向非常穩定,除了籃板、抄截數字上升外,阻攻也數字也向上了一點。從東超到本土的賽事,書緯都被萊恩派去守對方最好的矮個子得分手,這也是他成為國王裡平均最長上陣最久的球員。 除了更多的上陣時間,在國王的後衛群中 - 即李愷諺、林書豪、洪志善等1、2號球員 ,書緯上陣場數為最多,在其他隊友上陣機會不穩定的情況下,書緯支撐著國王的後場和組織的作用。 另外,在東超決賽後,書緯的打法有調整,他在每一次觸球後下的決定比以前果斷,這去5場比賽,他有13.6分10助攻的數據,我感覺到他比以前更專注每一場賽事。在剛過去的星期六雙北大戰,富邦勇士使用Box 1戰術把他的進攻鎖死,令他只有5分1助攻的表現,比賽也輸掉了,他及後在社交媒體承認自己要再改善,並沒受到牧倫斯爆氣事件影響,他只是專注在自己的表現上。 數據上的數進、穩定的防守、不錯的體能和出場次數來看,書緯在一直為球隊提供穩定的輸出,對球隊的戰績是非常重要,所以我會認為在平衡各方面的貢獻,林書緯就算不是整支球隊的MVP,也一定是非洋將球員的MVP。 Jap很期待他在餘下賽事與季後賽中,再次看見像去季在冠軍戰大殺三方的書緯,帶領球隊拿下冠軍。 #王城榮耀 #JeremyLin #Linsanity #LetsGoKings #林書緯 #linsanity #林書豪 #ntk #曼尼高 #楊敬敏 #Kings #pleague #新北國王 #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球

4/2/2024, 4:01:50 PM

It was a pleasure meeting @kyledrapertv today, and it’s always a treat to visit with @theimranpoladi! Show your support at Dog Haus Biergarten Roseville this week when your Kings host the Clippers (Tomorrow at 7p), then travel to New York (Thursday at 4:30p) and Boston (Sunday at 4:30p). Also, if you haven’t been to either of Imran’s locations of @truesportscards… you’re missing out! #doghausbiergartenroseville #letsgokings #tradingcardscollector #besthotdogsintown

4/2/2024, 4:25:42 AM

#NHL, #HockeyTwitter, #LetsGoKings, #LAKings, #GoKingsGo, vs. #NHLJets, #WPGJets, #GOJetsGO, #WinnipegJets, Get your best odds - fast at https://oddsjet.com

4/2/2024, 1:05:15 AM

#hellokitty tote bag night!! #letsgokings

4/1/2024, 3:18:17 AM

3/31/24 It’s Game Day! | Jazz vs. Kings - Hello Kitty Night #letsgokings #hellokittynight

4/1/2024, 3:01:22 AM

- 2024.03.30 D4 The Conjuring Universe Tour👻 還原整個系列嘅場景,好正😍不過嫌太快行完,買咗啲souvenir🙂‍↕️ 之後睇波 NTK @newtaipeikings 💛🖤戲劇性嘅一場比賽,太可惜了 - 2024.03.31 D5 貓空纜車+動物園🦁 真係入去行個圈🤣🤣仲要落勁大雨CLS 之後趕去睇波💛🖤👑 #sosfamily #kl #taiwan🇹🇼 #newtaipeikings #letsgokings #basketball #💛🖤 #theconjuringuniversetour #taipeizoo🐼

3/31/2024, 5:43:04 PM

#NHL, #HockeyTwitter, #LetsGoKings, #LAKings, #GoKingsGo, vs. #GoFlamesGo, #CofRed, #Flames, #CalgaryFlames, Get your best odds - fast at https://oddsjet.com

3/31/2024, 3:05:17 AM

Note to self Just live but learn to have balance 💯 #letsgokings #letloose #haaah

3/31/2024, 1:32:17 AM

[ Disappointed ] 看球已超過三十年,但從未看過當家球星,與隊友口角後,就把球衣脫掉,然後離開球場。 大家也必定知道,說的人就是PLG去季最佳洋將牧倫斯。前幾天我才在文章分享對熊大回歸的觀察,還說他的脾氣是控制得不錯,原來都像GM毛加恩在賽後記者會說的一樣,他是一顆計時炸彈。 就算他以前因脾氣關係,做了很多側目的舉動,我還是認為在去季減掉不知多少公斤、在板凳給愛心、在更衣室鼓勵隊友的牧倫斯,他在球技以外,還有很多無形的貢獻。 今天看到他在被勇士球員欄下來後,坐在場上不回防,然後看到愷諺敏哥跟他對話,然後就…..我不敢相信我眼睛。但是他今天的舉動,確實是傷了我的心,我是認真的,對他的支持好像白費了。 無論在NBA、還是《Slam Dunk》漫畫裡、或者從小學習打籃球,都告訴我們:there is no “I” in basketball。如果動不動就因為心情而不顧全大局的人、破壞團隊精神的球員,我不認為需要留下,不管他是否什麼球星,或者就此連冠軍都拿不到好,團隊精神是球隊最重要的財產,也是球隊文化的基石。 毛總在記者會也說了,國王球團並沒有正視這一季牧倫斯在態度上的問題。這一季國王沒有把勝利的重心,太偏重於一位球員身上。在這個時間點,就算沒有牧倫斯,球隊也不會傾側的太過分。 有些球迷說早就要裁掉熊大,但這一季才是他三年合約的第二年,總不可以隨便就不要他,他球技仍在,但原來心理上病了,就算這麼注重一家人理念的國王隊,也幫不了他。 有時會認為能夠成為隊友,在東方人的世界,都要講緣份,緣起緣滅,時間到了大家分開,也許是早已注定的安排。 總之,有牧沒牧、有冠軍沒冠軍,都一樣支持這支新北球隊。 這一篇文章沒有太多的分析,純粹從心出發寫下感受。累了,國王,明天再來吧。 #王城榮耀 #LetsGoKings #ntk #牧倫斯 #Kings #pleague #新北國王 #NewTaipeiKings #PLG #台灣籃球

3/30/2024, 4:07:37 PM

Mason Jones, Jalen Slawson and Jordan Ford have all been assigned to the G-League. #kingsbasketball #sactown #sacramentokings #lightthebeam🔦🟣 #letsgokings #kingsforlife #masonlochten #dearronfox #domantassabonis #nba #basketball

3/30/2024, 10:19:28 AM

Our 2023-2024 Regular Season Schedule has been announced! #kingsbasketball #sactown #sacramentokings #lightthebeam🔦🟣 #letsgokings #kingsforlife #masonlochten #dearronfox #domantassabonis #nba #basketball

3/30/2024, 9:40:21 AM

Please Welcome from Gonzaga undrafted rookie SG @mason_lochten057! Mason has signed a 2 Year Deal with the Kings for $22.50M and 2 Yr Team Option to add on! #kingsbasketball #sactown #sacramentokings #lightthebeam🔦🟣 #letsgokings #kingsforlife #masonlochten #dearronfox #domantassabonis #nba #basketball

3/30/2024, 9:19:50 AM

After a long awaited return, WE ARE BACK!!!!! 2023-2024 SEASON STARTS TOMORROW AT 4PM!!! #kingsbasketball #sactown #sacramentokings #lightthebeam🔦🟣 #letsgokings #kingsforlife #masonlochten #dearronfox #domantassabonis #nba #basketball

3/30/2024, 9:11:07 AM

#NHL, #HockeyTwitter, #LetsGoKings, #LAKings, #GoKingsGo, vs. #EdmontonOilers, #LetsGoOilers, #Oilers, Get your best odds - fast at https://oddsjet.com

3/29/2024, 12:10:14 AM

"🏒✨ Honoring a true legend: @anzekopitar 🏆🌟 Two Stanley Cups, countless memories, and a captain's spirit that ignites the ice. Your dedication to the game and leadership for the @lakings inspire us all. As you continue to chase greatness, know that your fans stand behind you, cheering every step of the way. Here's to many more victories, Anze! Keep leading with passion and grace. #HockeyStar #hockeylegend #TeamKopitar #GraphicDesign #NHL #NHLonESPN #NHLonTNT #ballysportswest #losangeleskings #losangeleskingshockey #lak #gkg #weareallkings #letsgolosangeleskings #letsgokings #LAKingshockey #Kingshockey #GoKingsGo #KingsLosAngeles #KingsLA #LAKings #AnzeKopitar #Kopitar11 #kopi #AKopitar #cryptodotcomarena

3/28/2024, 2:41:53 AM

Ready for this season 🔋 All glory to Allah 🙏🇮🇶 انشاء الله #letsgokings #iraq🇮🇶

3/27/2024, 7:26:56 PM