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【商品介紹】HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 LIMITED 限定版 即使天氣寒冷,卷仔泳層下降至底層,使用溪谷獵人 VIB 硬餌拖著拖著也會有不錯的效果。 @amo.wu ✴ HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 LIMITED 限定版: ✴ HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 VIB 46S-HS: #溪谷獵人 #路亞竿 #限定版 #卷仔 #VIB #硬餌 #路亞釣法 #VALLEYHUNTERIMITED #AMOWU #吳奕霆 @amo.wu @etuohshop #heartyrise_tw

12/8/2023, 2:44:22 AM

【商品介紹】HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 路亞竿 HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 VHS-604XUL 最軟的溪流竿,輕盈的手感,極富彈性的竿身,適合投擲輕克數的亮片及路亞,溪谷獵人SPOON VHO,獨特的造型,表面凹洞設計及重心偏下,有效提升拋投距離,動態與視覺存在感一次到位,適合溪流馬口、溪哥、卷仔使用。 ✴ HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人路亞竿: ✴ HR ROCK MASTER 根魚大師 X4 PE線: ✴ HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 SPOON VHO 湯匙/亮片: ✴ HR 溪流撈網 FN-2702: #HR #HEARTYRISE #溪谷獵人 #路亞竿 #SPOON #路亞 #硬餌 #亮片 #湯匙 #路亞釣法 #VALLEYHUNTER #AMOWU #吳奕霆 @amo.wu @etuohshop

12/4/2023, 3:32:24 AM

【商品介紹】HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 LIMITED 限定版 溪谷獵人限定版 VHS-684L-L,風雨過後的海邊水濁障礙物多,如何在流水與障礙物中尋求最佳釣魚路徑,那就要有一把高操作性高感度的釣竿,清楚分辨障礙物和魚的咬口感覺,讓你不錯失任何一個起魚的機會。 ✴ HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 LIMITED 限定版:即將上市,預購中! ✴ HEARTY RISE 銷售據點: #HR #HeartyRise #VALLEYHUNTER #溪谷獵人 #LIMITED #路亞竿 #限定版 #高操作性 #高感度 #路亞 #海邊 #障礙物 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 A MO WU #漁拓釣具屏東店08-7376998

8/9/2023, 8:15:21 AM

【商品介紹】HR SKY BLADE 天刃 花軟竿 SKY BLADE 天刃系列海水竿,舒適的持握感,堅挺的腰身,輕量化及強度兼具,敏銳的尾節,能清楚感受花枝抱餌的瞬間,亦適用天亞釣法及底棲魚類敲底使用,堅韌的腰身,能迅速將魚釣離底層,避免鑽到礁岩導致掛底,調性有1:9及2:8兩種調性,可依需求選擇。 ✴ HR SKY BLADE 天刃 花軟竿: #HEARTYRISE #HR #SKYBLADE #天刃 #花軟竿 #輕量化 #高感度 #花軟 #軟絲 #花枝 #船竿 #天牙竿 #海水 #船釣 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 A MO WU

7/7/2023, 5:47:33 PM

【商品介紹】HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 路亞竿 出門釣魚快閃最適合攜帶溪谷獵人旅竿,4節旅竿背著說走就走,移動組裝速度快,強度感度通通有,想釣魚的時候背著就能立刻出發。 ✴ HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 路亞竿: #HEARTYRISE #HR #VALLEYHUNTER #溪谷獵人 #路亞竿 #旅竿 #軟蟲 #魚虎 #LURE #路亞 #路亞釣 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 A MO WU

5/24/2023, 9:04:03 AM

How was your weekend #amowu resort

5/17/2023, 6:27:57 PM

👋👋來來來👋👋首播來聊天💬 鎖定今天晚間九點🕘YT大首播 1099完整版 ▶ 就有機會🉐 超級好禮 只在世界第一等Youtube送出唷 #世界第一等 #李懿 #郭彥均 😍感謝拍攝協力😍 #花蓮揪釣混濕團 #嘻餐町-溪畔餐桌/賣火柴餐桌/銀#河星空餐桌 #野猴子探險森林 #阿樂樂代-Aredetay #漁拓釣具線上購物 ETUOH Online Shopping #DAIWA #VALLEYMAN #溪谷獵人 #溪釣 #捲仔棘魞人 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 @summer_lee_oh @antony8955 @worlds_no_1_gtv

5/7/2023, 3:29:48 PM

⚠注意⚠ ⚠注意⚠ ⚠注意⚠ ✌本週好禮超級好要趕快跟你們宣傳 ✌愛釣魚人 想釣魚的人 看過來 ✌明晚八點轉道八大電視綜合台28頻道 💞快來拿主持人和路亞冠軍 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 同款裝備🧉 👍鎖定世界第一等節目好禮抽獎活動🎉 📺今晚八大綜合28頻道📺 本周好禮有: 🔶路亞釣魚背心*2 🔶FEV VALLEYMAN 溪谷人VMS-684L [淡水路亞旅竿]*1 🔶黑色偏光墨鏡*2 🔶釣魚帽*2 🔶阿美族小禮物*7 🔶神祕小禮 💖FB和YT禮物 隨機分配💖 活動辦法: 🔶FB抽獎:詳見明晚FB19:50貼文,拍下電視首播指定畫面 🔶YT抽獎:詳見節目YT的社群公告 💓特別感謝禮物贊助💓 漁拓釣具線上購物 ETUOH Online Shopping #VALLEYMAN #溪谷獵人 #溪釣 #捲仔棘魞人

5/5/2023, 1:57:55 PM

【現貨供應中】 HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 MINNOW 55SS 溪谷獵人 MINNOW 55SS 緩沉設計,就算下面有許多礁岩結構,餌在落水後更慢的下沉時間,讓釣手有更多時間可以控線操作,避免餌迅速落下發生掛底的機率。 ✴ HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 MINNOW 55SS: #HEARTYRISE #HR #VALLEYHUNTER #溪谷獵人 #MINNOW55SS #硬餌 #路亞 #海水 #岸拋 #礁岩 #結構 #路亞釣 #黑鯛 #岸拋路亞 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 A MO WU <<2月份優惠活動>> 💐1.HAPPY兔YOU 1/1-2/28消費滿3000元,即贈100元折價券(不限金額使用,可累 計),使用期限2/28。 ***************** 💐2.喜兔迎福滿額贈 單筆結帳金額滿$5,000元/單筆結帳金額滿$10,000元就送您精美贈品喲~ ***************** 💐3.冬末春初換季優惠 衣服部品/釣竿/捲線器,換季商品優惠5折起。 ***************** 💐4.初春路亞季 ☑指定進口路亞回饋價6折起/OSP、JACKALL、EVERGREEN、☑MEGABASS、DUO─3件9折,10件85折。 ***************** 💐5.Students Only 寒假限定,結帳出示學生證,消費滿2000元以上現折100元乙次。 #浮標、釣線、進口誘餌兩件9折五件88折 #進口路亞三件9折十件85折 #提供線上刷卡免接觸服務 #防疫期間滿2500元享免運送到家 #在家也能買裝備部品喔 #疫情期間提醒大家 #戶外記得戴口罩唷😊 #漁拓釣具 #當月壽星憑簡訊序號折500一次 #一家購物 #全省服務 #漁拓大成店 #有問必答✌🏻 🔜地址:台南市南區大成路二段125號 (三媽臭臭鍋旁) ☎️電話:062922689 📱Line ID:062922689

2/22/2023, 5:23:56 AM

【商品介紹】HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 淡水路亞竿 岸邊的魚種愈來愈多,想輕鬆的釣釣魚,那就帶著溪谷獵人 VHS-714M 到哪裡都通用。 ✴ HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 淡水路亞竿: #HEARTYRISE #HR #VALLEYHUNTER #溪谷獵人 #淡水路亞竿 #岸釣 #鐵板 #路亞 #鐵板釣 #牛港瓜仔 #釣魚 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 A MO WU #漁拓釣具屏東店08-7376998

2/22/2023, 4:33:15 AM

【商品介紹】HR PINK BLADE 粉刃 鐵板竿 慢鐵、快鐵、鯛魚頭、丸子、一支釣、透抽都能對應,一竿多用,CP值超高,槍柄直柄都有,MAX120g & 150g,小搞搞季節準備一下,一竿釣整年。 ✴ HR PINK BLADE 粉刃 路亞竿: #HEARTYRISE #HR #PINKBLADE #粉刃 #鐵板竿 #日本素材 #一本半設計 #一支釣 #鯛魚頭 #透抽 #鐵板 #鐵板路亞 #小搞搞 #船釣 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 A MO WU <<2月份優惠活動>> 💐1.HAPPY兔YOU 1/1-2/28消費滿3000元,即贈100元折價券(不限金額使用,可累 計),使用期限2/28。 ***************** 💐2.喜兔迎福滿額贈 單筆結帳金額滿$5,000元/單筆結帳金額滿$10,000元就送您精美贈品喲~ ***************** 💐3.冬末春初換季優惠 衣服部品/釣竿/捲線器,換季商品優惠5折起。 ***************** 💐4.初春路亞季 ☑指定進口路亞回饋價6折起/OSP、JACKALL、EVERGREEN、☑MEGABASS、DUO─3件9折,10件85折。 ***************** 💐5.Students Only 寒假限定,結帳出示學生證,消費滿2000元以上現折100元乙次。 #浮標、釣線、進口誘餌兩件9折五件88折 #進口路亞三件9折十件85折 #提供線上刷卡免接觸服務 #防疫期間滿2500元享免運送到家 #在家也能買裝備部品喔 #疫情期間提醒大家 #戶外記得戴口罩唷😊 #漁拓釣具 #當月壽星憑簡訊序號<<2月份優惠活動>> 💐1.HAPPY兔YOU 1/1-2/28消費滿3000元,即贈100元折價券(不限金額使用,可累 計),使用期限2/28。 ***************** 💐2.喜兔迎福滿額贈 單筆結帳金額滿$5,000元/單筆結帳金額滿$10,000元就送您精美贈品喲~ ***************** 💐3.冬末春初換季優惠 衣服部品/釣竿/捲線器,換季商品優惠5折起。 ***************** 💐4.初春路亞季 ☑指定進口路亞回饋價6折起/OSP、JACKALL、EVERGREEN、☑MEGABASS、DUO─3件9折,10件85折。 ***************** 💐5.Students Only 寒假限定,結帳出示學生證,消費滿2000元以上現折100元乙次。 #浮標、釣線、進口誘餌兩件9折五件88折 #進口路亞三件9折十件85折 #提供線上刷卡免接觸服務 #防疫期間滿2500元享免運送到家 #在家也能買裝備部品喔 #疫情期間提醒大家 #戶外記得戴口罩唷😊 #漁拓釣具 #當月壽星憑簡訊序號折500一次 #一家購物 #全省服務 #漁拓大成店 #有問必答✌🏻 🔜地址:台南市南區大成路二段125號 (三媽臭臭鍋旁) ☎️電話:062922689 📱Line ID:062922689折500一次 #一家購物 #全省服務 #漁拓大成店 #有問必答✌🏻 🔜地址:台南市南區大成路二段125號 (三媽臭臭鍋旁) ☎️電話:062922689 📱Line ID:062922689

2/6/2023, 5:08:07 AM

Lagos state of Mind #gidi #island #apapa #olodi #vgc #festac #agboju #amowu #ikoyi #victoriaisland #vi

10/26/2022, 7:00:10 PM

【202208 創意鯛魚頭】 詳細文章內容,請至以下網址: 📣 HR INNOVATION 創新 IKA 路亞竿: 📣銷售據點 SHOP LIST: #HEARTYRISE #HR #INNOVATION #創新 #路亞竿 #鯛魚頭 #一支釣 #石斑 #敲底 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 A MO WU #提供線上刷卡免接觸服務 #防疫期間滿2500元享免運送到家 #在家也能買裝備部品喔 #疫情期間提醒大家 #戶外記得戴口罩唷😊 #漁拓釣具 #當月壽星憑簡訊序號折500一次 #一家購物 #全省服務 #漁拓大成店 #有問必答✌🏻 🔜地址:台南市南區大成路二段125號 (三媽臭臭鍋旁) ☎️電話:062922689 📱Line ID:062922689

8/17/2022, 5:03:53 AM

Kindly send a dm @goldenglamzbeauty for more info : : : : : : #spasalon #wigs #ileyafestival #wigproducts #girls #beautiful #nigeria #lagos #oshodi #amowu

6/30/2022, 6:35:00 PM

A quick sale off, plot of land 634 SQm in Startime estate #Amowu odofin Axis of Lagos, 46million , And 6 hecters at ibeju lekki Call: 09054077451 #OpenHouseNGpro #landforsale #propertyforsale #lekkihomes

12/1/2021, 9:09:24 PM

Ugonna's 1st birthday Minimous theme party Gorgeous setup for a beautiful and adorable angel 😇 #Minimous #Firstbirthday #birthdaypart #magodoparty #kidsdeco #kidsparty #lagospartydeco #lekki #omole #amowu #festac #mainland #island #ikoyi #shangisha #kidsparty #ajah #vgc #ikeja

11/22/2021, 4:15:30 PM

【202110 初秋涼意獵鱸去】 詳細文章內容,請至以下網址: 📣 HR 溪谷獵人 路亞竿: 📣 HR 溪谷獵人 MINNOW 60F 複合式路亞: 📣 HR VALLEY HUNTER 量魚尺: 📣銷售據點 SHOP LIST: #HEARTYRISE #HR #溪谷獵人 #VALLEYHUNTER #MINNOW #米諾 #路亞 #LURE #亮片 #量魚尺 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 A MO WU #AMO #振興卷回饋加碼送 #防疫期間滿2500元享免運送到家 #在家也能買裝備部品喔 #疫情期間提醒大家 #戶外記得戴口罩唷😊 #漁拓釣具 #當月壽星憑簡訊序號折500一次 #一家購物 #全省服務 #漁拓大成店 #有問必答✌🏻 🔜地址:台南市南區大成路二段125號 (三媽臭臭鍋旁) ☎️電話:062922689 📱Line ID:062922689

10/20/2021, 5:07:34 AM

Be your own "BOSS" Tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend #mainland #island #ikeja #magodo #omole #festac #amowu #ikorodu #ketu# Call or whatsap 08033585054

7/21/2021, 7:24:46 PM

炎夏溪列-台灣特有台灣鯛,不論在繁華都市的排水溝或是山區的清澈溪流,甚至是海邊的廣鹽區域出海口都能看到其蹤跡,釣竿的使用上可選擇溪谷獵人VALLEY HUNTER系列路亞竿搭配溪谷獵人2代8股編織PE線,路亞可選擇快慢操作的水表型擬餌,歡迎想了解的朋友一同研究討論 #HEARTYRISE #HR #VALLEYHUNTER #溪谷獵人 #路亞 #LURE #吳郭魚 #台灣鯛 #AMOWU #吳奕霆 #漁拓東華店 台北市北投區東華街二段322號 02-28214486

7/17/2021, 6:17:45 AM

HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 MINNOW 60F 激震搖擺動作,穩定的姿態以及高迴避率,適合激流緩衝區、潭區或是大型湖泊水域,60mm的尺寸最符合魚的適口尺寸,一年四季全年適用,絕對是不可或缺的必備用餌。 PENCIL 65 ‧ 追加規格 遠距離水表攻擊,超強的驚人波動誘惑力。 Z字滑行而產生水面飛濺與高比重鎢鋼珠撞擊產生的音波聲響,如同小魚被追逐在水面上的動作及聲響一樣,利用小魚亂跑大魚反射追擊的慣性,以增加獵食魚類的追擊性,流線型身形於拋投時可產生低抗風特性,有效提高拋投距離,即使是寬廣的水域或是湍急的溪流,都能穩定發揮作用。 ✴ HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 MINNOW 60F: ✴ HR VALLEY HUNTER 溪谷獵人 強化硬餌單鈎 VH-21: #HEARTYRISE #HR #溪谷獵人 #VALLEYHUNTER #MINNOW #米諾 #魚型路亞 #淡水路亞 #溪流 #溪流路亞 #路亞 #LURE #BASS #BASSFISHING #AMOWU #吳奕霆 A MO WU#漁拓基隆店

7/16/2021, 5:26:34 AM

When people ask me what is the best Budget Microphone to shoot video with on iPhone, Andriod, camcorder Voice Recorders or DSLR Cameras. My immediate response is the BOYA BY-M1 WIRED MICROPHONE. But the problem is there is a lot of fake in the market, and you can spot them from first their ridiculously low prices. In other to make sure you don't buy the FAKE BOYA Microphone, I reached out to BOYA, and I was sent 20pices of the ORIGINAL BOYA BY-M1 MICROPHONE N10,000 only Fastest Fingers, limited quantity available. Watch Video for more details on the BOYA BY-M1 WIRED MICROPHONE 👇 #lagos #nigeria #suru #surulere #amowu #festac #microphone #microphones

6/30/2021, 11:40:12 AM

Produtos wu vc encontra no salão @kellyavilasilva . Aproveita e faz as sombrancelhas,unhas e cabelo. Me diz aqui nos comentários se vc já usou ou conhece esses produtos wu ? @wucosmeticoscaucaia @wucosmeticcare @adorocosmeticos_wu #wu #amowu #salaodebeleza #wucosmeticos #garotopropagandawu

5/20/2021, 8:42:10 PM

This lovely jeans is available in sizes 34-38. You can pick it up from our store, we also deliver nationwide. To place your orders dm, or click on the WhatsApp number on my bio. Price:-N8000 You can pay us a visit to view more samples 👇. ATT 41/42 Oyo cluster tradefair complex, Badagry exp way, Lagos. #ozclothin #menjeans #jeans #men #tradefaircomplex #lagostradefair #tradefair #lagosnigeria #ozo #clothingstyle #style #clothes #menclothes #style #amowu #aba #fashion #nara #unateze #odogwu #wears #naraunateze

3/11/2021, 1:13:17 PM

Place to be at the moment @dynasty_lounge @onowump @chukspolo @holymoney111 @@eberelnnocent @sivosnoop405 @hypobest123 @doskytric . . . . . . . #festac #amowu

11/28/2020, 8:27:26 PM

When you take care of things, they last. #tbthursdays @dzonewash we give your cars the everlasting feel. @dzonewash Every 🚘 best friend. Thanks for trusting us.💨💦 Drive in now for your car purchase and car wash services. *************************************** Dzone Wash 💨💦 Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines. Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs). Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. Email : [email protected] *************************************** #dzonewash #september #tbt #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #carsforsale #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #unbelievable #september2remember #septembertoremember #cars

9/5/2019, 12:10:55 PM

When you have incompetent worker's as valet. @dzonewash we treat your cars with utmost respect and love🚘😍 Visit us this Super Saturday for an amazing car wash experience. @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend *************************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦👍🏾 ****************************************************************************** Impoterr, Auto Specialist, Exotic Cars, Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs). Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street Maza Maza Amuwo Lagos. #dzonewash #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #thecarwashcompany #amowu #autosale #buycars #carwash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #mainland

8/17/2019, 2:51:06 PM

Sales Report 🚘 Please kindly note that the RX 330 2005 model as seen in picture has been sold no longer available in our stand. *************************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦👍🏾 @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend *************************************** Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs). #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #autosale #machineworld #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #sales #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

7/12/2019, 9:59:45 AM

How about driving a car with detachable steering wheels 🔥🚙 #benz ******************************* Visit @dzonewash🚘  for the best car deals & car wash services  at affordable prices. ******************************* @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs). ******************************* #everycarsbestfriend #dzonewash #giveawaynigeria #giveawayprice #amowu #mainland #unbelievable #businessowner #lagos #entrepreneursofinstagram #nollywood #mercedes #businessgoals #entrepreneurgoals #instagrambusiness #businessgrowth #entrepreneurmindset #nigerian #nigeria #naija #abuja #ja #nigerians # #instablog #lagosnigeria #madeinnigeria #black #love #lekki

7/5/2019, 11:33:56 AM

#tbthursday the classic 1950–1975🚒 transporter bus🔥 If you're a fan then it will interest you to know that the electirc VW microbus soon come in 2022. *************************************** @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #tbt #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #classiccars #exoticcars #unbelievable

7/4/2019, 1:50:31 PM

How good customer's roll. Join this convoy today 🚙🚗🚓🚛 Visit @dzonewash🚘 for the best car deals & car wash services at affordable prices. @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #pastor #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable

7/4/2019, 10:10:06 AM

Go out everyday with the mindset that nomatter how hard it is , it can be done because when grace follows you , nobody can demote you. All your worries will be defected✔ All your hustle will pay✔ And that new car will be bought today✔ Visit @dzonewash🚘 for the best car deals & car wash services at affordable prices. @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable

7/1/2019, 3:09:11 PM

Very clean Lexus Rx 330 2005 Model. Car in perfect condition. A buy and drive. Leather seat. All wheel drive. Luxury at its finest🚘🚘 Contact @Dzonewash for the best car deals at affordable prices. @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #rapevictim #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable

6/30/2019, 6:15:39 PM

SOLD @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend *************************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦 Please contact us by Phone, Dm , Email or Whatsapp with any additional questions you may have👍🏾 *************************************** *************************************** Importer, Auto Specialist, Exotic Cars, Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs). Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street Maza Maza Amuwo Lagos. #dzonewash #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #sold #welovecars #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #toyota #lexus #autosale #machineworld #carwash #supercars #sales #buynow #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

6/17/2019, 3:07:13 PM

God bless all our customer's this week🙏🏾 @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable

6/17/2019, 12:16:18 PM

We don't know if we should agree with this 🤷🏿‍♂️ @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #happyfathersday Sunday #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #father #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable #bmw #toyota #audit #audi #mercedes #nissan #honda

6/16/2019, 11:17:47 PM

Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special who takes care of their car's to be a super father. Happy father's day🌞 @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. #fathersday #everycarsbestfriend #father #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #june #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable #happyfathersday

6/16/2019, 5:07:16 PM

The future is here.... Mercedes F 015🔥 @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #f015 #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable

6/7/2019, 10:14:47 PM

Toyota Matrix 2009 Model. Sport edition. Specially ordered & ready for delivery. Accident free and duty fully paid. Visit @dzonewash for amazing car deals and car wash services👍🏾 We put our customer's first and deliver your order at unbeatable prices. @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable

5/19/2019, 2:10:08 PM

2003 Lexus RX 330 Gray colour, with black interiors. Full option from europe , In perfect condition , high grade tyres and a/c tight. The car is highly economical and very cheap to maintain. Accident free and duty fully paid. Price is very reasonable. Visit @dzonewash for amazing car deals and car wash services👍🏾. @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street , Mazamaza Amowu Odofin Lagos. #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable

5/1/2019, 1:48:56 PM

Sales Report 🚘 Please kindly note that the Nissan Versa 2011 model as seen in picture has been sold and no longer available in our stand. *************************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦 Please contact us by Phone, Dm , Email or Whatsapp with any additional questions you may have👍🏾 @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend *************************************** Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street Maza Maza Amuwo Lagos #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #autosale #machineworld #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #sales #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

4/21/2019, 7:55:52 PM

Good morning & have a fantastic Super Saturday. Visit @dzonewash for convenience with a smile & get that perfect wash👍🏾 Drive in now 🚘 @dzonewash Follow @dzonewash today for the very best car deals and car wash services💨💦 @Dzonewash : Every🚘 bestfriend👍🏾 *************************************** #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #mercedesbenz  #gle2020 #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable #2020 #class #comfortcar #comfort

4/20/2019, 9:10:07 AM

My definition of ‘innovative’ is providing value to the customer👉 Now light up your life with this 🚘value sold for a very little token. Lexus ES 350✔ 2009 Model ✔ Full option✔ Reverse Camera✔ Sleek red color with cream interiors✔ If interested visit @dzonewash for the best deals. We put customer's satisfaction first. ******************************************** @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend ******************************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦 Please contact us by Phone, Dm , Email or Whatsapp with any additional questions you may have👍🏾**************************************************************************************** Importer, Auto Specialist, Exotic Cars, Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs). Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street Maza Maza Amuwo Lagos. #dzonewash #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #toyota #lexus #autosale #machineworld #carwash #supercars #sales #buynow #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

4/19/2019, 3:38:29 PM

Sales Report 🚘 Please kindly note that the Lexus RX 330 2005 model as seen in picture has been sold and no longer available in our stand. ********************************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦 Please contact us by Phone, Dm , Email or Whatsapp with any additional questions you may have👍🏾 @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend *********************************************** Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street Maza Maza Amuwo Lagos #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #autosale #machineworld #carwax #welovecars  #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #sales #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

4/19/2019, 3:30:25 PM

Incoming 2019 Lexus RX350✔ 🔥🚘🔥 Special Order✔ Gratitude is a must🙏🏾✔ Place your order and we will have it delivered to your door step at a very affordable price you can't beat elsewhere✔ If interested follow @dzonewash for the best deals. We put customer's satisfaction first. *************************************** @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend *************************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦 Please contact us by Phone, Dm , Email or Whatsapp with any additional questions you may have👍🏾 *************************************** *************************************** Importer, Auto Specialist, Exotic Cars, Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs). Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street Maza Maza Amuwo Lagos. #dzonewash #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars luxury #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #toyota #lexus #autosale #machineworld #carwash #supercars #sales #buynow #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

4/11/2019, 4:23:35 PM

Sales Report 🚘 Please kindly note that the Volkswagen Transporter T4 2005 model as seen in picture has been sold and no longer available in our stand. *************************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦 Please contact us by Phone, Dm , Email or Whatsapp with any additional questions you may have👍🏾 @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend *************************************** Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street Maza Maza Amuwo Lagos #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #autosale #machineworld #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #sales #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

4/8/2019, 9:07:56 PM

Drive safely & have a successful week🚨⚠️ Visit @dzonewash today for the very best car deals and car wash services💨💦 @Dzonewash : Every🚘 bestfriend👍🏾 *************************************** #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #mercedesbenz #gle2020 #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable #2020 #class #comfortcar #comfort

3/25/2019, 8:54:18 AM

Super Saturday @dzonewash. Don't stress it, it's our job. Drive in now 🚘 @dzonewash to give you the perfect wash.👍🏾 Follow @dzonewash today for the very best car deals and car wash services💨💦 @Dzonewash : Every🚘 bestfriend👍🏾 *************************************** #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #mercedesbenz #gle2020 #saturday #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #bestprice #bestdeals #giveawayprice #discount #exo #exoticcars #unbelievable #2020 #class #comfortcar #comfort

3/23/2019, 10:03:06 AM

Those who kept on moving always get to their destination. Focus on the movement not Who's in front or who gets there first. ************************************* @Dzonewash : Every🚘 bestfriend👍🏾 *************************************** #dzonewash #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #autosale #machineworld #carwax #carwash #benz #supercars #welovecars #records #thecarwashcompany #sales #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

3/21/2019, 8:18:01 PM

Incoming Machine🔥🚘🔥 Special Order✔ Lexus GX 460✔ We also do orders✔ Place your order and we will have it delivered to your door step at a very affordable price you can't beat elsewhere✔ If interested follow @dzonewash for the best deals. We put customer's satisfaction first👍🏾 *************************************** @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend *************************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦 Please contact us by Phone, Dm , Email or Whatsapp with any additional questions you may have👍🏾 *************************************** *************************************** Importer, Auto Specialist, Exotic Cars, Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs). Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street Maza Maza Amuwo Lagos. #dzonewash #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #toyota #lexus #autosale #machineworld #carwash #supercars #sales #buynow #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

3/21/2019, 11:11:39 AM

Volkswagen Transporter T4🔥 2005 Model✔ This bus is available at shocking a price.✔ If interested visit @dzonewash for the best deals. **************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦 Please contact us by Phone, Dm , Email or Whatsapp with any additional questions you may have👍🏾 ********************************** @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend *********************************** Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs)... ... Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street Maza Maza Amuwo Lagos #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #thecarwashcompany #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #toyota #bmw #autosale #machineworld #carwash #supercars #sales #buynow

3/21/2019, 2:05:01 AM

Sales Report 🚘 Please kindly note that the Blue Toyota Corolla 2014 model as seen in picture has been sold no longer available in our stand. *************************************** Thanks for trusting us.💨💦 Please contact us by Phone, Dm , Email or Whatsapp with any additional questions you may have👍🏾 @Dzonewash : Every 🚘 best friend *************************************** Importer. Auto Specialist , Exotic Cars , Foreign and Locally Used. Trucks & Engines, Car Wash (Engine Wash , Hand Wax, Interior Cleaning, Detailing, Radiators, Truck Wash & Rugs). Find Us @ 24 Alahun Osunba Street Maza Maza Amuwo Lagos. #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #autosale #machineworld #carwax #welovecars #dzonewash #records #thecarwashcompany #sales #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

3/19/2019, 10:15:19 AM

Spiderman hidden in the charcoal all black🚘🕷🕸❤ ************************************* @Dzonewash : Every🚘 bestfriend👍🏾 *************************************** #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #autosale #machineworld #carwax #carwash #spiderman #supercars #c300 #welovecars #dzonewash #records #thecarwashcompany #sales #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland #benz

3/14/2019, 2:18:46 PM

Through back Thursday on some amazing old rides🚘 ************************************* @Dzonewash : Every🚘 bestfriend👍🏾 *************************************** #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #autosale #machineworld #carwax #carwash #supercars #benz #welovecars #dzonewash #records #thecarwashcompany #sales #mercedes #peugeot #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

3/14/2019, 8:41:28 AM

Be safe out there and please don't get involved in a road rage. Visit @dzonewash for the very best ************************************* @Dzonewash : Every🚘 bestfriend👍🏾 *************************************** #everycarsbestfriend #autodetailing #autosale #machineworld #carwax #carwash #benz #supercars #c300 #welovecars #dzonewash #records #thecarwashcompany #sales #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

3/14/2019, 6:53:03 AM

Mustang storms desert🚘 *************************************** Visit @dzonewash for the very best car deals, car wash services & lots of amazing stuffs. *************************************** @Dzonewash : Every🚘 bestfriend👍🏾 *************************************** #everycarsbestfriend #mustang #autodetailing #autosale #machineworld #carwax #carwash #benz #supercars #desert #welovecars #dzonewash #drift #thecarwashcompany #sales #carsforsale #affordable #gidicars #supercarsofnigeria #amowu #mainland

3/12/2019, 10:36:33 AM