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🌟Form 4 搭載專利「Low Force Display™ 技術」將速度與多功能性完美的結合,LFD技術具有突破性的速度和精度,搭配先進的材料選擇和直觀的操作設計,在史無前例的最短時間內,完成專業級列印!閱讀今天的文章,了解Low Force Display™技術的內部原理與設計吧! 🔗 Form 4 新品上市見面會 📍日期:2024/05/10 (五) 13:30 📍地點:台北市進出口商業同業公會 🔗報名連結: #3D列印 #TEAMA #台灣天馬科技 #Formlabs #Form3plus #Form3L #光固化 #Form2 #Fuse1plus30w #SLS #雷射燒結 #數位製造 #新品上市 #Form4

5/3/2024, 5:59:09 AM

生词 1️⃣wing (v) 射伤(鸟的) 2️⃣wound (v) 使受伤 #english #spm #uec #统考 #英文 #学英语 #form1 #form2 #form3 #form4 #form5

5/2/2024, 5:06:25 PM

🔥Formlabs全新材料-快速模型樹脂登場 快速模型樹脂是一款適用於Form 4/4B系列的樹脂,將快速樹脂的「快速」與灰色Pro的「強度、韌性」合併,給您一加一大於二的高品質。以超過每小時100mm的速度進行列印,絕對是您快速迭代和大型原型製作的最高效率選擇。💪🏻以下方牙模為例,使用快速模型樹脂、層厚160µm列印11個牙模,僅需9分鐘的時間,平均一個牙模只需要49秒即可列印完成! Form 4 新品上市見面會 📍日期:2024/05/10 (五) 13:30 📍地點:台北市進出口商業同業公會 🔗報名連結: #3D列印 #TEAMA #台灣天馬科技 #Formlabs #Form3plus #Form3L #光固化 #Form2 #Fuse1plus30w #SLS #雷射燒結 #數位製造 #新品上市 #Form4

5/2/2024, 12:24:20 PM

Mot en mer hållbar framtid 🌳 Att återbruka gamla möbler är inte bara bra för miljön - det är också ett sätt för ditt företag att visa ledarskap i hållbarhetsfrågor. 🌏🪑 På bilden ser du hur Varbergs Bostad valde att ge sina möbler nytt liv. 🌱 Är det dags för er att uppgradera och återbruka? Vi finns här för att hjälpa er! 🙌 #FORM2 #Återbruk #Miljö #ROC #kontor #VarbergsBostad #Varberg #Montering #kontorsmöbler #Hållbarhet #Arbetsplats #Framtidensarbetsplats #Möbler #havefuncreateyourstyle #tillsammansskaparviframtidensarbetsplats

5/2/2024, 10:00:37 AM

#称赞篇🎉 #2023FINALEXAM #FORM2 看得出大家在这次年终考都下足了功夫去准备,整体成绩对比上一次都有明显的进步,老师们真心为你们感到骄傲🫶🏻 希望大家保持这个势头,继续努力,在新的一年勇夺佳绩,加油🦾 松鼠教育的老师们坚持提供最好的教育💯 陪大家一起变优秀✨ 『您』想要知道更多资讯 马上联络我们‼️ #中小学双线全科补习 #一年级至Form5补习 #专业校后托育服务 #一站式安亲班 #daycareservice #primarytuition #secondarytuition #taipingtuition #taipingdaycare

5/2/2024, 4:56:34 AM

@telloutfitters is not a fed op, confirmed. #can #CanIt #suppressor #TellOutfitters #stainless #titanium #DIY #Form2

5/2/2024, 1:00:14 AM

13.03.2024 - Adam : Foundation 2…A whole new adventure awaits 😊 #森美兰 #negerisembilan #seremban #居林 #kulim #kedah #吉打 #malaysia #马来西亚 #asas2kppn2024 #foundation2 #pusatPERMATA@PintarnegaraUKM #KPpN #kolejpermata@pintarnegara #马来西亚国立大学 #asas2 #aliransainstulen #purescience #menengahrendah #form2 #tingkatan2

4/30/2024, 3:37:00 PM

F2 Maths Ch2 考前需知 #maths #exam #bellamaths #贝拉数学课堂 #form2 #tingkatan2

4/30/2024, 1:30:18 PM

五一勞動節大家辛苦囉!🎉 台灣天馬5/1將會和大家一起放假 並於 5/2 恢復正常上班為您服務 若您在節日期間有任何問題,都歡迎寄信或至官方Line留言 敬祝節日愉快~ 【官方信箱】[email protected] 【官方Line】Formlabs風雷 Form 4 新品上市見面會 📍日期:2024/05/10 (五) 13:30 📍地點:台北市進出口商業同業公會 11F 第一會議室 🔗報名連結: #3D列印 #TEAMA #台灣天馬科技 #Formlabs #Form3plus #Form3L #光固化 #Form2 #Fuse1plus30w #SLS #雷射燒結 #數位製造 #新品上市 #Form4

4/30/2024, 12:05:23 PM

Återbruk är King Att arbeta med återbruk är något vi håller varmt om hjärtat så när Varbergs bostad hörde av sig och ville återbruka befintliga möbler så blev det startskottet för en spännande resa mot en mer hållbar fritid. Svep för att se bilden från före renoveringen 👉 Vill du läsa mer om resan? Kika in på artikeln - du hittar länken i vår profil! 🙌 @varbergs_bostad @kungsaterfactory #FORM2 #Återbruk #Miljö #ROC #kontor #VarbergsBostad #Varberg #Montering #kontorsmöbler #Hållbarhet #Arbetsplats #Framtidensarbetsplats #Möbler #havefuncreateyourstyle #havefuncreateyourstyle #tillsammansskaparviframtidensarbetsplats

4/30/2024, 11:00:33 AM

Form 2久违的习题~ 答案可以参考后面哦~ #ectuition #网课 #网课老师 #补习 #补习班 #补习老师 #mathsproblems #mathfun #form2

4/30/2024, 9:47:01 AM

🉐 (完全唔得我而家好驚聽日必炒。。 - 聽日終於到重頭戲😭我而家個progress係完。全。唔。掂。一定搵唔晒😭我真係冇興趣知道點解君子啲特質咁值得我哋學習 亦都唔想知點解個石頭咁醜 更加唔想知點解周敦頤鍾意蓮花但係唔鍾意牡丹同菊花🥵🙏🏼今晚睇嚟唔使瞓了。 然後我而家先發現我次次po中文嘅嘢都係用英文歌 然後po英文嘅嘢會用中文歌🤓🤓 also why did I decorate my cue card decorate dou gum leng🤓🤓🉐 - #hkstudy #hkstudygram #studygram #studynotes #notestagram #studying #noteagram #studyaccount #studyinghk #studygrammer #form2 #chinese #chinesenotes #form2chinese #form2student

4/29/2024, 6:02:39 PM

✨超高韌性的尼龍11粉末非常適合列印需要彎曲、耐衝擊的物件,像是影片中的一體成型的固定器,在開啟時彎曲的連接處便可驗證它高達40%的斷裂伸長率!通過生物相容性的尼龍11,也可用於眼鏡、護具之打樣與小批量生產喔! Form 4 新品上市見面會 📍日期:2024/05/10 (五) 13:30 📍地點:台北市進出口商業同業公會 🔗報名連結: #3D列印 #TEAMA #台灣天馬科技 #Formlabs #Form3plus #Form3L #光固化 #Form2 #Fuse1plus30w #SLS #雷射燒結 #數位製造 #新品上市 #Form4

4/29/2024, 12:07:17 PM

📝🤍 - 星期一二考中文英文普通話。。呀呀我背中文背到想死了 荒廢咗英文😭😭我唔識點樣平衡時間 大家教吓我😭😭😭😭快啲捱過呢兩日🥲🙏🏼 calla好聽!!😭🤍 - #hkstudy #hkstudygram #studygram #studynotes #notestagram #studying #noteagram #studyaccount #studyinghk #studygrammer #form2 #english #englishnotes #form2english #form2student

4/28/2024, 3:04:25 PM

🉐 (clearly而家我嘅中文progress唔得😔 - 終於到星期六😭上個禮拜忙到我。。今日po嘅係下個禮拜二測嘅中文而我今日先開始溫🥲🥲仲要未開始溫課文問答🫨今次中文一定唔可以衰!!😭😭我而家要返去溫了🥲🥲 zico x jennie 新歌好!聽!🥵❤️ btw前幾日我無啦啦諗 其實古人做咩咁有興趣論君子呢🥵🥵 - #hkstudy #hkstudygram #studygram #studynotes #notestagram #studying #noteagram #studyaccount #studyinghk #studygrammer #form2 #chinese #chinesenotes #form2chinese #form2student

4/27/2024, 12:03:32 PM

隨著 Form 4的到來,formlabs也釋出了多款專用於 Form 4的改良樹脂,像是透明V5樹脂是一款擁有透明度與強度的傑作。它的列印速度是其前一代樹脂三倍,並製作出可與壓克力外觀媲美的透明組件。無論是用於光學原型、流體設備還是展示內部功能,透明樹脂V5都能提供無與倫比的透明度和光滑表面。 其增強配方非常適合從透明外殼到快速模具等創新應用,可提高清晰度、中性色和韌性,使每次的列印不只更快,還要更好!💪🏻 Form 4 新品上市見面會 📍日期:2024/05/10 (五) 13:30 📍地點:台北市進出口商業同業公會 11F 第一會議室 🔗報名連結: #3D列印 #TEAMA #台灣天馬科技 #Formlabs #Form3plus #Form3L #光固化 #Form2 #Fuse1plus30w #SLS #雷射燒結 #數位製造 #新品上市 #Form4

4/26/2024, 9:44:49 AM

Sejarah Form 1: Zaman Mesolitik or Zaman Hoabinhian With more than 18 years of experience in teaching tuition, over 6000 students across Malaysia, 100% passing rates in SPM for 18 straight years, and 90% students with a minimum of A- in SPM, I can and I will help you! Join my Sejarah, Bahasa Malaysia & Geografi classes to learn more! And if you think your Sejarah is bad, this is the chance to redeem yourself. Free Sejarah Form 4 revision classes until SPM if you took the Sejarah Form 5 classes!!! Remember, it is never too late to be what you might have been, an excellent student. #spm #sijilpelajaranmalaysia #sejarahspm #spmsejarah #bmspm #spmbm #sejarah #tingkatan5 #tingkatan4 #tingkatan3 #tingkatan2 #tingkatan1 #uasa #form5 #form4 #form3 #form2 #form1 #tuisyen #onlinetuition #tuisyenonline #tuitionmalaysia

4/26/2024, 4:39:01 AM

Sejarah Form 4: Formula Kejatuhan Pemerintahan Beraja With more than 18 years of experience in teaching tuition, over 6000 students across Malaysia, 100% passing rates in SPM for 18 straight years, and 90% students with a minimum of A- in SPM, I can and I will help you! Join my Sejarah, Bahasa Malaysia & Geografi classes to learn more! And if you think your Sejarah is bad, this is the chance to redeem yourself. Free Sejarah Form 4 revision classes until SPM if you took the Sejarah Form 5 classes!!! Remember, it is never too late to be what you might have been, an excellent student. #spm #sijilpelajaranmalaysia #sejarahspm #spmsejarah #sejarah #bmspm #spmbm #tingkatan5 #tingkatan4 #tingkatan3 #tingkatan2 #tingkatan1 #uasa #form5 #form4 #form3 #form2 #form1 #tuisyen #onlinetuition #tuisyenonline #tuitionmalaysia

4/26/2024, 4:35:14 AM

Bahasa Melayu: Kosa Kata With more than 18 years of experience in teaching tuition, over 6000 students across Malaysia, 100% passing rates in SPM for 18 straight years, and 90% students with a minimum of A- in SPM, I can and I will help you! Join my Sejarah, Bahasa Malaysia & Geografi classes to learn more! And if you think your Sejarah is bad, this is the chance to redeem yourself. Free Sejarah Form 4 revision classes until SPM if you took the Sejarah Form 5 classes!!! Remember, it is never too late to be what you might have been, an excellent student. #spm #sijilpelajaranmalaysia #sejarahspm #spmsejarah #sejarah #bmspm #spmbm #tingkatan5 #tingkatan4 #tingkatan3 #tingkatan2 #tingkatan1 #uasa #form5 #form4 #form3 #form2 #form1 #tuisyen #onlinetuition #tuisyenonline #tuitionmalaysia

4/26/2024, 4:29:41 AM

Formlabs 新一代列印機Form 4/4B 擁有無與倫比的速度 專利技術LFD讓您以驚人速度獲得工業級物件⚡️ 全文詳見下方連結 🔗 Form 4 新品上市見面會 📍日期:2024/05/10 (五) 13:30 📍地點:台北市進出口商業同業公會 🔗報名連結: #3D列印 #TEAMA #台灣天馬科技 #Formlabs #Form3plus #Form3L #光固化 #Form2 #Fuse1plus30w #SLS #雷射燒結 #數位製造 #新品上市 #Form4

4/25/2024, 12:39:17 PM

Kungsäter - Galgen med stil. 🔥 Tillverkad i Sverige, gjord av massivt trä och finns att tillgå i flera färger så det passar just din stil. Vill du veta mer? Kika in på - länk i vår bio @form2office 🙌 #KungsäterGalge #Hängmedstil #FORM2 #kontor #inredning #Varberg #Möbelnyheter #kontorsmöbler #Hållbarhet #Arbetsplats #Framtidensarbetsplats #Möbler #havefuncreateyourstyle #tillsammansskaparviframtidensarbetsplats

4/25/2024, 10:30:11 AM

#称赞篇🎉 #2023FINALEXAM #FORM2 看得出大家在这次年终考都下足了功夫去准备,整体成绩对比上一次都有明显的进步,老师们真心为你们感到骄傲🫶🏻 希望大家保持这个势头,继续努力,在新的一年勇夺佳绩,加油🦾 松鼠教育的老师们坚持提供最好的教育💯 陪大家一起变优秀✨ 『您』想要知道更多资讯 马上联络我们‼️ #中小学双线全科补习 #一年级至Form5补习 #专业校后托育服务 #一站式安亲班 #daycareservice #primarytuition #secondarytuition #taipingtuition #taipingdaycare

4/25/2024, 8:25:09 AM

大傢伙來了‼️ 全台首台 Fuse Blast 自動噴砂機抵達台灣天馬 歡迎 5/10 新品發表前來進一步了解✨ Form 4 新品上市見面會 📍日期:2024/05/10 (五) 13:30 📍地點:台北市進出口商業同業公會 🔗報名連結: #3D列印 #TEAMA #台灣天馬科技 #Formlabs #Form3plus #Form3L #光固化 #Form2 #Fuse1plus30w #SLS #雷射燒結 #數位製造 #新品上市 #Form4

4/24/2024, 12:19:40 PM

✝️📿 - 聽日測rs+hist補測係有咩問題!!😭😭事關我上個禮拜成個禮拜冇返然後直接miss咗禮拜四個hist test🥲今晚睇嚟唔使瞓了 而家驚到我死。。然後聖經其實我今日先開始溫的😁💔hist又成個禮拜冇掂過 今晚要面臨死亡了😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼而家已經12點 我先睇過2.5/6個聖經ppts🤓🤓📿💔 - 題外話(其實係要避開聖經)我係60%science人 40% humanities人😋(根據我啲frd😀 但一睇呢個post就知道我係完全唔啱讀聖經的 但係無可奈何佢喺必讀💔(冇錯各位 我成個成績表最低分就係聖經😘i am proud to say that) 聽日要測一個我最鍾意嘅科目加個我最討厭嘅科目 我真係唔識平衡啲時間🤷🏻‍♀️而家兩科都睇嚟會炒。。 - #hkstudy #hkstudygram #studygram #studynotes #notestagram #studying #noteagram #studyaccount #studyinghk #studygrammer #form2 #religiousstudies #jesusmiracles #form2student

4/23/2024, 6:01:41 PM

Alhamdulillah..tahniah anakku Azrul Hakimi menerima Anugerah Pengetua Sem 2 2023 Hari ini.. Semoga menjadi pemangkin semangat untuk lebih cemerlang di masa akan datang...Aminn.. #igsce #form2

4/23/2024, 3:58:17 PM

Celebrating the World Health Day and reinforcing the theme, My Health, My Right, our Shri Ansh of Class 2 were explained the significance of this day emphatically. Holistic development takes place when students are given informed choices. Children brought healthy snacks from home, did exercises, and enjoyed themselves. #WorldHealthDay #GoodHealth #HappyLife #RightChoices #HealthyFood #Exercise #Fitness #Form2 #TSMSNoida

4/23/2024, 11:55:39 AM

Nyhet! 🌟👔 Kungsäter Galgen visades för första gången på Stockholm Furniture Fair i februari och nu kan den bli en del av ditt kontor. Vår pemiumgalge är mer än en plats att hänga dina kläder, det är också en inredningsdetalj som livar upp även när det inte hänger något på galgen. Hör av dig till oss idag om du vill veta mer. 👋 #KungsäterGalge #Hängmedstil #FORM2 #kontor #inredning #Varberg #Möbelnyheter #kontorsmöbler #Hållbarhet #Arbetsplats #Framtidensarbetsplats #Möbler #havefuncreateyourstyle #tillsammansskaparviframtidensarbetsplats

4/23/2024, 10:05:15 AM

Who said that online tuition need to be so passive and boring? In the classes, students and teacher have full interaction. Just look at them, helping each other to answer the questions despite being strangers, from different states and different races. With more than 18 years of experience in teaching tuition, over 6000 students across Malaysia, 100% passing rates in SPM for 18 straight years, and 90% students with a minimum of A- in SPM, I can and I will help you! Join my Sejarah, Bahasa Malaysia & Geografi classes to learn more! And if you think your Sejarah is bad, this is the chance to redeem yourself. Free Sejarah Form 4 revision classes until SPM if you took the Sejarah Form 5 classes!!! Remember, it is never too late to be what you might have been, an excellent student. #spm #sijilpelajaranmalaysia #sejarahspm #spmsejarah #bmspm #spmbm #tingkatan5 #tingkatan4 #tingkatan3 #tingkatan2 #tingkatan1 #uasa #form5 #form4 #form3 #form2 #form1 #tuisyen #onlinetuition #tuisyenonline #tuitionmalaysia

4/22/2024, 12:55:01 PM

Form 4 全球第一家原廠培訓代理商就在台灣天馬! 十年的 formlabs 代理經驗,十年的技術累積 我們持續進步,台灣天馬值得您的信賴💪🏻 Form 4 新品上市見面會 📍日期:2024/05/10 (五) 13:30 📍地點:台北市進出口商業同業公會 🔗報名連結: #3D列印 #TEAMA #台灣天馬科技 #Formlabs #Form3plus #Form3L #光固化 #Form2 #Fuse1plus30w #SLS #雷射燒結 #數位製造 #新品上市 #Form4

4/22/2024, 10:46:05 AM

Still failing your Sejarah? Do not wait until it is too late. Join teacher. Teacher can help you! (follow the page too!) With more than 18 years of experience in teaching tuition, over 6000 students across Malaysia, 100% passing rates in SPM for 18 straight years, and 90% students with a minimum of A- in SPM, I can and I will help you! Join my Sejarah, Bahasa Malaysia & Geografi classes to learn more! And if you think your Sejarah is bad, this is the chance to redeem yourself. Free Sejarah Form 4 revision classes until SPM if you took the Sejarah Form 5 classes!!! Remember, it is never too late to be what you might have been, an excellent student. #spm #sijilpelajaranmalaysia #sejarahspm #spmsejarah #bmspm #spmbm #tingkatan5 #tingkatan4 #tingkatan3 #tingkatan2 #tingkatan1 #uasa #form5 #form4 #form3 #form2 #form1 #tuisyen #onlinetuition #tuisyenonline #tuitionmalaysia

4/22/2024, 7:00:28 AM

Sejarah Form 4: Formula Perang Dunia With more than 18 years of experience in teaching tuition, over 6000 students across Malaysia, 100% passing rates in SPM for 18 straight years, and 90% students with a minimum of A- in SPM, I can and I will help you! Join my Sejarah, Bahasa Malaysia & Geografi classes to learn more! And if you think your Sejarah is bad, this is the chance to redeem yourself. Free Sejarah Form 4 revision classes until SPM if you took the Sejarah Form 5 classes!!! Remember, it is never too late to be what you might have been, an excellent student. #spm #sijilpelajaranmalaysia #sejarahspm #spmsejarah #bmspm #spmbm #tingkatan5 #tingkatan4 #tingkatan3 #tingkatan2 #tingkatan1 #uasa #form5 #form4 #form3 #form2 #form1 #tuisyen #onlinetuition #tuisyenonline #tuitionmalaysia

4/22/2024, 6:38:45 AM

Sejarah Form 5: Ketua Kerajaan Negeri With more than 18 years of experience in teaching tuition, over 6000 students across Malaysia, 100% passing rates in SPM for 18 straight years, and 90% students with a minimum of A- in SPM, I can and I will help you! Join my Sejarah, Bahasa Malaysia & Geografi classes to learn more! And if you think your Sejarah is bad, this is the chance to redeem yourself. Free Sejarah Form 4 revision classes until SPM if you took the Sejarah Form 5 classes!!! Remember, it is never too late to be what you might have been, an excellent student. #spm #sijilpelajaranmalaysia #sejarahspm #spmsejarah #bmspm #spmbm #tingkatan5 #tingkatan4 #tingkatan3 #tingkatan2 #tingkatan1 #uasa #form5 #form4 #form3 #form2 #form1 #tuisyen #onlinetuition #tuisyenonline #tuitionmalaysia

4/22/2024, 6:24:53 AM

Bahasa Melayu: Peribahasa With more than 18 years of experience in teaching tuition, over 6000 students across Malaysia, 100% passing rates in SPM for 18 straight years, and 90% students with a minimum of A- in SPM, I can and I will help you! Join my Sejarah, Bahasa Malaysia & Geografi classes to learn more! And if you think your Sejarah is bad, this is the chance to redeem yourself. Free Sejarah Form 4 revision classes until SPM if you took the Sejarah Form 5 classes!!! Remember, it is never too late to be what you might have been, an excellent student. #spm #sijilpelajaranmalaysia #sejarahspm #spmsejarah #bmspm #spmbm #tingkatan5 #tingkatan4 #tingkatan3 #tingkatan2 #tingkatan1 #uasa #form5 #form4 #form3 #form2 #form1 #tuisyen #onlinetuition #tuisyenonline #tuitionmalaysia

4/22/2024, 5:17:26 AM

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4/21/2024, 2:14:47 PM