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This is my last piece of art in the first section of the one year Mastery Program I am taking. There are four sections. This section was oil painting and drawing. Next is mixed media and finding your voice, which I am REALLY excited about! Our assignment was simply to do a large-scale oil painting. This piece is 24"x36". I love doing the abstract background with realism for the focal point... and really enjoyed painting the bubbles! 🫧 I was drawn to the source photo I based this on due to the lightness and playfulness of it. Who doesn't need more play in their lives? I know I, for one, take things way too serious a lot of the time and could benefit from lightening up! Would love to hear what you think about it! Academic Study. 24"x36" Oil Painting on Canvas Available for Purchase. #oilpainting #abstractrealism #nharts #nhartist #oiloncanvas #bubbles #taketimetoplay #farmingtonnh #artcollector #michelledreselly #michelledresellyartist #nhseacoast

2/27/2024, 12:32:36 AM