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Ifá diz, “Para você viver a Paz total, não faça das pessoas ou das coisas sua fonte de Felicidade! Desapegar-se das pessoas e das coisas significa que você não deve fazer delas a sua fonte de Felicidade, para prevenir a Tensão, porque é isso que o apego faz. Quando você acha difícil deixar ir as pessoas e as coisas facilmente porque você as vê como sua fonte de alegria, paz ou felicidade, significa que você está ligado a elas e se elas te deixarem de repente, você vai experimentar a perturbação dentro de si mesmo, isso é sofrimento. A única coisa que devemos uns aos outros é o Amor de ORÍ, não o apego. No entanto, a principal razão pela qual ifá nos aconselhou a não nos apegarmos emocionalmente é por causa da nossa natureza material, e podemos fazer asneiras a qualquer momento e isso afetará aqueles que estão emocionalmente ligados a nós, e isso irá causar sérias dores dentro deles por causa do nível de apego. É por isso que algumas pessoas acham difícil perdoar seus amigos, parceiros, pais, familiares ... O apego emocional é a causa. No Odu Oyeku meji ifa diz: Da mesma forma que não deveríamos, sem motivo, nos apegar emocionalmente, antes, devemos cooperar com Orí para experimentar a alegria eterna. É importante entender que Orí usará os outros para dar o apoio necessário para a nossa jornada, mas não devemos por causa disso ficar apegados a eles. Quando as pessoas entrarem na sua vida, entenda PORQUE elas estão na sua vida, e assim que a RAZÃO for conhecida, foque-se apenas na razão e aprecie Ori por isso. Além disso, quando estiveres na vida de alguém, entenda porque estás lá e foque-se no porquê de estares lá, e não faça com que se sintam indispensáveis, para evitar apego. O apego emocional irá causar-te dores, desapegar-te das pessoas e das coisas, chama-se consciência e autopreservação. Eeepa Odú! Fonte: psicologia de ifá no Odu oyeku meji - O perigo do apego emocional segundo ifá Autor: Efe Mena #ifá #oyeku #ọ̀yẹ̀kúméjì #toqueafricano #babalawo #ìyánífá #oduduwa #fakoladeafodun #odü

4/24/2024, 3:14:41 PM

#oyeku #odu #ifa #etica #iyaangelitaode

4/16/2024, 1:00:27 PM

Ifa says that the ancestral function known with your family should not be allowed to die such that it would not turn out later in life that the ancestral spirits would trouble them. Please learn the traditions of your ancestors. There is something about within those traditions that needs to be carried on through you that will preserve your bloodlines truth. #ifasays #ofun #oyeku #elders #tradition #heritage

3/31/2024, 1:43:42 AM

Primeiro festival de IFÁ no Rio de Janeiro ! O QUE É IFÁ? Ifá é vida, é a história da criação, de tudo o que é animado e inanimado, de todas as criaturas desta terra e não. Ifá saber significa conhecer o mistério da existência, conhecer o passado, o presente e o futuro de todos os seres. Conhecer Ifá significa conhecer a origem dos Orisa, sua força e suas qualidades. Conhecer Ifá significa conhecer a origem de nós mesmos, conhecer a divindade que vive em nossa cabeça e a porção que ainda habita no céu. O que é que Ifá ensina? Ifá é sabedoria, Ifá é conhecimento. Ifá é a palavra de Orunmila, que aprendeu tudo diretamente com Olodumare (Destino, ele/ela criador de todas as coisas). Ifá nos ensina que, para uma pessoa ter uma boa vida na terra, ela deve alinhar seu próprio destino, ou seja, saber o que foi escolhido antes de encarnar nesta vida. Cada um de nós, de fato, nascido em um Odu Ifá, ou vórtice de energias que, quando combinadas, molda nosso destino: quem somos, o que fazemos, o que não devemos fazer, quais Orisa estão perto de nós, quais Orisa nos apoiam, como serão nossas vidas e para quais sociedades a que pertencemos no céu. Ifá ensina a capacidade de moldar e melhorar todos os aspectos das nossas vidas, ensina paz, respeito e ajuda as pessoas. Ifá ensina que através do registro é possível manter o alinhamento com o próprio destino. Participem todos aqueles que querem conhecer um pouco da filosofia de IFÁ e todos aqueles que querem ter um dia cheio de alegria ! Obrigado ao nosso Oluwo @aworeniifateju por nos incentivar e nos proporcionar essa filosofia ! Asé ire ooo #orunmilá #orunmilaifa #casadeumbandavovomariadorosario #egbeaworeniargentina #familiaaworeni #ofun #oyeku

3/18/2024, 2:02:43 PM

🚶Moduro ti Oluwa #Oyeku #afefeyeye

3/7/2024, 2:37:59 PM

Oyeku Meji é um dos 256 odus no sistema divinatório de Ifá, uma tradição espiritual africana, especialmente praticada pelos iorubás na Nigéria e em outras regiões da África Ocidental. Cada odu é uma combinação única de 16 signos principais, conhecidos como "odis". O Oyeku Meji é formado pela combinação dos signos Oyeku (1) e Oyeku (1). Aqui estão algumas características associadas a Oyeku Meji: Simbolismo: O termo "Oyeku" refere-se ao número 1, e "Meji" significa dois. Portanto, Oyeku Meji é a combinação dupla do número 1. Energia Noturna: Oyeku Meji é frequentemente associado à noite e à escuridão. Na cosmologia iorubá, a noite é vista como um período de descanso, mas também pode representar desafios e mistérios. Desafios e Lições: Como muitos odus, Oyeku Meji traz consigo uma mistura de desafios e lições. Ele pode ser interpretado como um indicativo de situações difíceis, mas também como uma oportunidade para aprender, crescer e superar obstáculos. O Babalawo e Ifá: Oyeku Meji é frequentemente consultado pelos babalawos durante sessões de adivinhação usando o sistema de Ifá. A interpretação dos sinais e símbolos associados a Oyeku Meji é uma parte essencial do processo de oferecer orientação espiritual. Ofertas e Rituais: Como em muitos odus, podem haver práticas específicas associadas a Oyeku Meji, incluindo oferendas e rituais. Isso pode variar dependendo da tradição específica e das circunstâncias da consulta. É importante destacar que as interpretações específicas de Oyeku Meji podem variar entre diferentes praticantes de Ifá e tradições específicas. Se alguém estiver buscando uma interpretação mais personalizada ou orientação específica relacionada a Oyeku Meji, é recomendável consultar um babalawo ou praticante experiente de Ifá. #babalawo #ifácubano💛💚 #oyeku

3/5/2024, 3:28:25 PM

Após vários pedidos de seguidores e amigos, estarei abrindo agenda para leituras de ano novo e orientações no geral para o ano de 2024. Realizamos leituras presenciais, online e escritas. Não realizaremos ebós coletivos, até porque eu acredito que cada ser tem sua necessidade pessoal e única. Se tem interesse, só chamar na DM. #ifa #orixa #ogbe #oyeku #iwori #odi #orixa #isese #candomble #consultas #consultasonline

1/7/2024, 9:28:03 PM

Na noite alta das nossas entranhas, o amor que nasceu brilhante em Eji Ogbe se espalha no mistério de Oyeku Meji. Um mistério que fertiliza a terra. Que se move de acordo com o luar. A escuridão que degusta quietinha os sentimentos que vão florescer pela manhã. Que essa noite seja repleta de vida e de morte. De inícios, meios e inícios ❤️‍🔥🔥 Fonte: @egbe_ori_okan e @babaifasotito #Amor #amordecolonial #filosofiaafricana #ifa #odu #oduifa #oyeku #oyekumeji #babalawo #babaifasotito #egbeoriokan #iyalode #tatimarchesan #rastrosdoamor #matriarcado #matripotência #Lua

10/15/2023, 4:17:02 AM

✨ Orí apère ô ✨ Ori Não existe um único orixá, capaz de apoiar uma pessoa mais que seu próprio ori. Ori é: Ori é o primeiro orixá , Ori é o centro da vida, ele quem chega primeiro. Ori é o melhor caminho. Ori é quem permite ou não. Ori é grandeza. Ori é a força que você precisa e mora dentro de você. Ori ô ! #candomble #ifa #ifá #esu #aje #benin #orixáévivoemminhavida #ejiogbe #oyeku #iwori #odi #irosun #oworin #okaran #obará #ogunda #osameji #iká #oturupon #otura #ireté #osé #ofun

10/10/2023, 11:00:00 AM

#oyeku meji Eji Ogbe is light, Oyeku is dark. It is contraction. It is the mystery of the unknown. It refers to the end of a cycle. Many misguided folks freak out when Oyeku is cast, because it signifies death. But it rarely signifies physical death; and even if it does, so what? In Ifa we say, “Earth is the marketplace, Orun is home.” So who would be afraid of going home? The issue would be if it was warning of premature death. In Ire (positve manifestation), Oyeku brings a blessing of Alaafia (peace). In ibi (negative manifestation) it would mean a premature ending of a cycle. Oyeku Meji from the elision o yeye iku means spirit of the mother of the death. It is a reference to the idea that nothing in the Universe is created or destroyed simply transformed. Death represents any end of cycle for example the end of poverty, the end of ill health, the end of confusion, and the end of loneliness. In this context death is a positive and also represents the end of cycles for example, the end of infancy, the end of childhood, the end of adulthood, and ultimately the end of this life as a stepping stone for the next life #asé🙏🙏🙏 Grand Rising Consult me by says Hello as comment #peaceful

9/30/2023, 2:19:30 AM

Do not confuse RELIGION and SPIRITUALITY. ▪ Religion is based on a book. ▪ Spirituality follows the laws of nature. ▪ Religion fills you with dreams of glory in heaven. ▪ Spirituality makes you experience glory and paradise here and now. ▪ Religion promises heaven or hell after death. ▪ Spirituality is about finding God within us during life and death. ▪There is one spirituality but several religions. ▪ Religion has a dogmatic set of rules, manipulating weak minds. ▪ Spirituality invites you to reason about everything, to question everything in order to discover and understand. ▪ Religion threatens and frightens. ▪ Spirituality gives inner peace and reassurance. ▪ Religion speaks of sin and guilt. ▪ Spirituality says: “learn from error”. ▪ Religion is human ▪ Spirituality is natural, without human rules. ▪ Religion is the cause of divisions. ▪Spirituality unites. ▪Religion makes you passive. ▪ Spirituality transforms you and makes you active. ▪Religion kills to impose its dogmas. ▪Spirituality leads to wisdom through knowledge. ▪Religion says that "God" is in heaven. ▪Spirituality teaches that "God" is within us. ▪Religion says that "God" elected a people called the Jewish people. ▪Spirituality knows that all people are equal. ▪Religion says that the 1st humans are the Jews. ▪Spirituality knows that the elders of humanity are black Africans. I come in peace. #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #traditionalreligion

9/8/2023, 4:22:16 AM

A tree knot fears no rain (aka Orunmila) Cast Ifa for Olodumare Agotun The king that created a well-balanced earth That cannot be broken up When planning to establish a market on water Behold! If you get to the earth Do not forget heaven Earth is but a market place Heaven is our home You will account for all your deeds Ase 🙏 IFA IS TRULY LOVELY 🙏 #olodumare #ifá #isese #odu #oyeku

8/24/2023, 2:16:24 AM

✨The hollow opens its mouth. The hole does not open its mouth for fun…Funeral arrangements. ✨ Here in Oyeku Meji, it describes Oyeku. The Mother of the Spirit of Death it is an elision of the phrase “O yeye Iku” meaning, Spirit of the Mother of Death. In simple terms Oyeku is darkness, a symbol of the invisible dimension. In other words, physical death. This is an Ifá of darkness, destruction, the concept of power & an OBSESSION with control or dominance. The egg cannot declare war on the Stone The Ray can never strike Hutía in the HEART of the mountain Here in this sign, Eshu prevented the extinction of the fish by the voracious appetite of man. With the Odu Oyekun Meji you have to be careful with CHEST diseases and be careful not to acquire leprosy, because you can get spots and pimples on the skin. 😎 This Odu marks a storm of Water and Wind. 🧜🏽‍♀️🌪️ The sign Oyeku Meji signals the death of two greats, one from the Ara-okó field and the other from the City or Capital. YOU CAN NOT WEAR RED and you CAN NOT have a DOGS in YOUR house 😆😎 the Great Power of the Egun from your father🎯 #antonio This sign of Ifa marks the distance between Godfathers and Godchild. ✨🔮Here the Sacred Word of Orúnmila was born. The party will SPEAK & reveal the Secrets of Life predicting the past, present and future.🔮✨ #welcomehome #oyeku #trapped #botanicaaragbayomilo

8/4/2023, 5:44:48 AM

Congrats #oyeku pupo✌️ @djchicken_kukuruku

7/28/2023, 6:53:00 AM

Watch out!!! #Oyeku blockbuster

7/25/2023, 9:20:00 PM

Watch out for #oyeku 💯💯✅✅🥰🥰🥰🥰

7/14/2023, 9:03:50 AM

Something big is coming #oyeku

7/14/2023, 8:59:47 AM

On set of #oyeku may Almighty Allah bless this work 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💯💯💯

7/14/2023, 8:41:20 AM

No time to check time we move 🙏🙏💯🥰🥰🥰 #oyeku

7/14/2023, 8:39:13 AM

Something big is coming production @officialvictoriakolawole watch out for #oyeku

7/14/2023, 8:32:29 AM

Set your life , no set designer will set it. #oyeku #artdirector #ojubo

7/12/2023, 6:37:12 PM

5/1/2023, 9:47:05 PM

Tomorrow 4 me and my twins brother birthday🎉🎂🎂Allah bless our day #oyeku meji# 28th🎉💰🎂

4/27/2023, 8:54:56 AM

ÍTÈFÁ (IFA INITIATION) Ifa initiation know as itefa simply mean the the three days ceremony of spiritual fortifications in which the initiate received the sacred kin ifa (the sacred palm nut of orunmila). Normally initiation to ifa is usually preceded by isefa (isefa is the preliminary consecration of Hand of Of Ifa that someone can firstly receive if he or she has not capable of making full initiation ITEFA.. This isefa preliminary stage is what makes genuine initiation to be difficult to be conducted in some countries in diaspora where the preist can not go straight to the palm trees bearing Ikin nut to collect the Ikin in name of the proposed person to be initiated) it is after isefa that the proper itefa ceremony can then be started. The initial to ifa is of various types and cartigories. Any body in this word can be initiated to ifa provided the person is of sound mind. There is no age or gender discrimination in IF initiation but with the caveat that women can only be initiated into Elegan cartigories of initiation in which during her initiation she will be prevented from having eye to eye contact with Odu (Odu has reveal by different odu ifa Odu is a mythical wife of orunmila) odu in modern day is represented in form of sacred calabash use during initiation of Awo olodu which is different from Elegan initiation but women can not aspire beyond Elegan stage, because aspiring further and see eye to eye with odu can turn them masculine in terms of characters and destiny e.g such as refusing to marry, become infertile and lose some of their feminine trait wich is beneficial to them. So Elegan ifa initiation is cartigories of initiation that is meant for women. It must be stated here it not everyone that is initiated is a competent diviner. We have Awo olodu, babalawo, iyanifa, iyalase, agbamate. Now I will explain each in turn :the Awo olodu are babalawo (in most cases elderly preists) who is verse in practicing of If spirituality they are usually the Supreme body that preside over ifa ceremony and meetings The babalawo are initiated practicing diviner who is verse in IFA esoteric knowledge. Dm or WhatsApp… +2348164680065 #ítèfá #oyeku meji temple

4/19/2023, 7:14:59 PM

Órisà Obaluaye Obaluaye is an Orisha strongly associated with infectious diseases and healing. The name Babalú-Ayé translates as "Father, lord of the Earth" [1] and points to the authority that this orisha exercises over all earthly things, including the body, wealth, and physical possessions. In West Africa, he was strongly associated with epidemics of smallpox, leprosy, influenza, etc. [2] Although strongly associated with disease and illness, Babalú-Ayé is also the spirit that cures these ailments. Fearful and loved, Babalú-Ayé is sometimes referred to as the "Wrath of the Supreme God" because he punishes people for their transgressions. [3] People hold Babalú-Ayé in great respect and avoid calling him by his real name, because he does not wish to invoke epidemics. [4] his worship of him is widely associated with the Earth itself, and her sanctuaries of him are often set apart from commonly visited areas. His ritual tools include a ritual broom for purification, [5] a covered terracotta pot and abundant cowrie shells. [6] Diseases are generally considered to be hindering them. * #BABALAWO Ifayemi Ogun * #oyeku alapa TEMPLE #+2348164680065

4/17/2023, 9:55:13 PM

Órisà Obaluaye Obaluaye is an Orisha strongly associated with infectious diseases and healing. The name Babalú-Ayé translates as "Father, lord of the Earth" [1] and points to the authority that this orisha exercises over all earthly things, including the body, wealth, and physical possessions. In West Africa, he was strongly associated with epidemics of smallpox, leprosy, influenza, etc. [2] Although strongly associated with disease and illness, Babalú-Ayé is also the spirit that cures these ailments. Fearful and loved, Babalú-Ayé is sometimes referred to as the "Wrath of the Supreme God" because he punishes people for their transgressions. [3] People hold Babalú-Ayé in great respect and avoid calling him by his real name, because he does not wish to invoke epidemics. [4] his worship of him is widely associated with the Earth itself, and her sanctuaries of him are often set apart from commonly visited areas. His ritual tools include a ritual broom for purification, [5] a covered terracotta pot and abundant cowrie shells. [6] Diseases are generally considered to be hindering them. * #BABALAWO Ifayemi Ogun * #oyeku alapa TEMPLE #+2348164680065

4/17/2023, 9:55:13 PM

Órisà Obaluaye Obaluaye is an Orisha strongly associated with infectious diseases and healing. The name Babalú-Ayé translates as "Father, lord of the Earth" [1] and points to the authority that this orisha exercises over all earthly things, including the body, wealth, and physical possessions. In West Africa, he was strongly associated with epidemics of smallpox, leprosy, influenza, etc. [2] Although strongly associated with disease and illness, Babalú-Ayé is also the spirit that cures these ailments. Fearful and loved, Babalú-Ayé is sometimes referred to as the "Wrath of the Supreme God" because he punishes people for their transgressions. [3] People hold Babalú-Ayé in great respect and avoid calling him by his real name, because he does not wish to invoke epidemics. [4] his worship of him is widely associated with the Earth itself, and her sanctuaries of him are often set apart from commonly visited areas. His ritual tools include a ritual broom for purification, [5] a covered terracotta pot and abundant cowrie shells. [6] Diseases are generally considered to be hindering them. * #BABALAWO Ifayemi Ogun * #oyeku alapa TEMPLE #+2348164680065

4/17/2023, 9:55:09 PM

OYEKU MEJI (she/her) Capricorn-Mercury ALL THE IRE OF LIFE SPOUSE HOUSE KIDS TITLE HEALTH ECT Early dawn prayer is best here All praises to OLODUMARE some may help you along the way but all the glory goes to GOD Here one is not shy to have confrontation 🤺 Best to marry AWO women is APETIBI Be humble at all times and life will be most enjoyable You will overcome enemies (make ebo) You will see gray hair Monogamous relationship and marriage is best here Take care health to avoid big illness Add blades to ebo Names Ikrlgaanu - Death shows one mercy #oyeku #oyekumeji #odu #ifá

3/17/2023, 11:40:14 PM

Protection Against Evil Leaf of ALSTONIA BOONEI, APOCYNACAE/EWE AHUN A whole fruit of AFR AMOMUM MELEGUETA/ODIDI ATAARE One tortoise Combine ingredients and reduce to ashes Imprint the ODU in the ash Recite the incantation Eat with cold corn meal every night for seven days "Do not let it harm me, AHUN If I feel angry and call Ifa to harm someone Do not let it harm me There is nothing that can harm AHUN™ Ofun Meji Pierre Verger Photo: Alstonia boonei Apocynaceae LOCAL NAMES: Awun, Ahun, Eghu, Akpi, Onyame dua #ifa #ifaprotection #lukumi #nago #candomblé #yoruba #yorubadiaspora #ofunmeji #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

1/28/2023, 12:51:30 AM

There are many different accounts as to the origins of ESU. Below is one that I found particularly sweet. *Originally Èsu was not born: Olodumare made him. He took earth from the East, West, and middle and molded it. Then he breathed into it and gave it life. ESU was a short person and very small. God called ÈSÙ AYANDA': One-Chosen-to-be-Created. ÈSÙ in turn called Olodumare 'EDA' or 'ELEDA' meaning Creator which is a name by which one refers to God in situations of extreme distress...... Moses Olejede Below: The Esu which guards the City of Osogbo, Yoruba land, West Africa. #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

1/21/2023, 7:21:35 PM

" With blessing and cursing we embark on an important dimension of the word of the deity. Blessing and cursing, which are attempts to influence the direction of divine power, are as we have already seen, never far away from the salutation or the refusal to accept the salutation.... The blessing given by a person in need, the hungry, the homeless, the bigger, is recognized as of great power in the history of religions. So too the curse of the person in need is very much feared. The evidence shows that the power of a blessing or a curse of the person in need was especially acknowledged among the Yorùbá..... On the last day of the festival of the JIGBO, a form of Egungun at Palma, East of Lagos, in 1878, a masquerader according to Matthew Luke, IJESHA catechist, stole some food from a poor woman and then stole fish, AGIDI, cowries from another neighbor, which he carried into the bush. Despite extreme veneration for the spirit being, the poor woman swore and cursed: "JIGBO, you are a thief, a nice man as you are, to take from me in this manner, you shall not live to celebrate the next anniversary but shall die." She threatened to go to IJEBU ODE and denounce him regardless of the consequences. The food was soon restored #egungun #ifa #orishas #orixas #egumgum #lukumi #candomblé #nagô #yoruba #yorubadiaspora #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Ifaconsultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

1/21/2023, 7:18:22 PM

My Lord My Savior He who took all of his body to serve kind people He blessed only those they punished When they punish me Father, please bless me We don't know what he will do next year The instant command As fire bites a person 00SA OLUFON, please You are Great My Lord, did you wake well today?" Oriki Obatala Elebuibon #obatala #oxala #orisanla #lukumi #lucumi #candomblé #orishas #orixas #ifa #yoruba #yorubadiaspora #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

1/21/2023, 7:14:27 PM

Obatala, strong king of EJIGBO At the trial a silent, tranquil Judge The king who is every day becomes a feast Owner of the brilliant white cloth Owner of the chain to the court of heaven...." Photo: Alter to OSHAGIYAN, an avatar of Obatala, EJIGBO, YORUBA LAND, 20th century. Photo credit: Phyllis Galembo, August 1989. #obatala #orisha #orixás #lukumi #candomblé #ifa #yorubadiaspora #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

1/18/2023, 11:49:23 PM

"Priests of Òsanyin are uncountable. In fact I heard of a man who had taken his own to the United States of America. This is to tell us that it is not only the lives of the African man that Osanyin can help to mend. To consult with Òsanyin, one does not need to have any observation other than dropping some money. This is like owo which Babalawos collect before consultation. The Osanyin would begin to speak (mostly in a high-pitched voice) soon as the owner tells it about the case of the client. The invitation of Osanyin is done using a kind of club like gourd. It is continuously jingled as the owner asks pertinent questions. At times Osanyin can speak without being prompted...." Ayo Salami Art: Asiko Artist #osanyin #ossaim #ossain #osain #ozain #orishas #orixas #candomble #lukumi yoruba #yorubadiaspora #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

1/18/2023, 11:46:31 PM

Protection Against Evil Leaf of ALSTONIA BOONEI, APOCYNACAE/EWE AHUN A whole fruit of AFR AMOMUM MELEGUETA/ODIDI ATAARE One tortoise Combine ingredients and reduce to ashes Imprint the ODU in the ash Recite the incantation Eat with cold corn meal every night for seven days "Do not let it harm me, AHUN If I feel angry and call Ifa to harm someone Do not let it harm me There is nothing that can harm AHUN™ Ofun Meji Pierre Verger Photo: Alstonia boonei Apocynaceae LOCAL NAMES: Awun, Ahun, Eghu, Akpi, Onyame dua #ifa #ifaprotection #lukumi #nago #candomblé #yoruba #yorubadiaspora #ofunmeji #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

1/15/2023, 11:42:23 AM

"ODIDI KIRIMUKIRIMU The Awo of ORI Cast IFA for ORI While living in isolation He was asked to perform a sacrifice He complied Eyes cane Ice came to stay with ORI Bit by bit My OR I will no longer live in isolation Ear came Ear came to stay with ORI read my bit My ORI will no longer live in isolation Nose came News came to stay with ORI Bit by bit My ORI will no longer live in isolation Mouth came to stay with ORI Bit by bit My OR I will no longer live in isolation..." Odi Meji From the Odu Ifa corpus of Yorùbá #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion #ori #orishas #orixas #ileori #igbaori #lukumi #nagô #candomblé #santeria #yoruba #yorubadiaspora #ifa #odimeji #idimeji

1/14/2023, 11:44:19 PM

"The bones of the human body may be regarded as sacred. More than a decade earlier (1868), the same pastor at OTTA describes how the olorisa of ORISAOWO prepare the bones of a human victim to be kept in the temple of OWO and later distributed to the Olorisa as sacred objects. Songs of praise and triumph are sung and drums are beaten in honor of that God. After this, the corpse of the victim is placed on a scaffold erected somewhere in the bush and covered with palm leaves. In the state it is allowed to remain till it has wasted away and has been reduced to a skeleton The bones are then white washed, consecrated and reserved in the temple of the God. Every worshiper of the God is furnished from this repository with some part of the sacred relic which he holds in his hand or ties around his neck or wrist as a badge of the particular god to whom he belongs. McKenzie Photo: Oba Olateru Olagbegi 11, the Olowo of Owo, seated beneath carved ivory tusks, Owo, Nigeria, 1959 Photo credit: Eliot Elisofon #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #traditionalreligion #yoruba

1/13/2023, 9:31:41 PM

It's Ose Osun... She greets the most important word within the water She is the Orisa you see healing by means of water that She says, "bad head, become good!" Mistress of Ase, of full predictive power Iworo bird with brilliant plume upon her head Tilted woman who heals the children Witness of a person's ecstasy renewed She greets the most important matter in the water Has lots of money, speaks sweetly to the multitude Strong woman who burns a person She cures without fee, gives honey to children Nowhere is the kingly power of Osun not renowned Osun has a mortar made of brass She dances, she takes the crown The chiming bracelets of her dance Sweet is the touch of an infant's hand Kare, King of the holy depths She smites the belly of the liar with her bell You who sired the soothing osun herb Mother, O Mother of cool water Woman wearing manly crown, oh so very rare Owner of a piercing knife, I take my haven by your side You own the inner court, where Witch Owl lays her eggs You kill this Owl, and make of her a strange cuisine Arriving, trouble vanished in coolness Yeye Kare, You hollow out sands beneath the seas You're putting money in there The water sounds: wanran, wanran, wanran, like the bracelets of Osun. Ase! Mothers, Sisters, Daughters.... let's invoke our great mother who watches over us and protects fervently those she loves... let's invoke her power, her wisdom, her love, her healing warrior spirit.... and spread our skirts of protection around our Mother Earth and her inhabitants. United in intent we are a force for all ajogun to deal with... and we will deal with them. Ase! Ore Yeye O Osun!!! Asese o! #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

1/13/2023, 9:26:51 PM

WHAT IS IFA CONSULTATION/READING People of all cultures, personal backgrounds and walks of life come seek knowledge or direction through divination everyday. One such traditional divination system is the Yoruba method known as Ifa. Consulting Ifa will allow you to access hidden knowledge about your life.Ifa reading help to put light to every hidden aspect of your life and the solution to everything, so it's necceary to make Ebo after doing your ifa reading Ifa reading will tell you entire details of you in negative and positive, it will tell the the way to ammend the negative path. For example if a bad thing want to happen by doing the ifa reading ifa will tell you what's coming up and the solution to everything, the solution and prayer will be in form of Ebo. HOW DOES IFA CONSULTATION/READING WORK It's basically practiced among the Yoruba, Ifa divination relies on a complex system of signs, compiled in a literary corpus, that are interpreted by a diviner/priest/priestess to guide important personal or collective decisions. The literary corpus is a treasury of knowledge concerning Yoruba history, philosophy, medicine and mythology. Anonymous #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

1/11/2023, 2:06:46 PM

" With blessing and cursing we embark on an important dimension of the word of the deity. Blessing and cursing, which are attempts to influence the direction of divine power, are as we have already seen, never far away from the salutation or the refusal to accept the salutation.... The blessing given by a person in need, the hungry, the homeless, the bigger, is recognized as of great power in the history of religions. So too the curse of the person in need is very much feared. The evidence shows that the power of a blessing or a curse of the person in need was especially acknowledged among the Yorùbá..... On the last day of the festival of the JIGBO, a form of Egungun at Palma, East of Lagos, in 1878, a masquerader according to Matthew Luke, IJESHA catechist, stole some food from a poor woman and then stole fish, AGIDI, cowries from another neighbor, which he carried into the bush. Despite extreme veneration for the spirit being, the poor woman swore and cursed: "JIGBO, you are a thief, a nice man as you are, to take from me in this manner, you shall not live to celebrate the next anniversary but shall die." She threatened to go to IJEBU ODE and denounce him regardless of the consequences. The food was soon restored. McKenzie Photo: Michael Landau #egungun #ifa #orishas #orixas #egumgum #lukumi #candomblé #nagô #yoruba #yorubadiaspora #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Ifaconsultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

1/10/2023, 2:51:58 PM

There are many different accounts as to the origins of ESU. Below is one that I found particularly sweet. *Originally Èsu was not born: Olodumare made him. He took earth from the East, West, and middle and molded it. Then he breathed into it and gave it life. ESU was a short person and very small. God called ÈSÙ AYANDA': One-Chosen-to-be-Created. ÈSÙ in turn called Olodumare 'EDA' or 'ELEDA' meaning Creator which is a name by which one refers to God in situations of extreme distress...... Moses Olejede Below: The Esu which guards the City of Osogbo, Yoruba land, West Africa. Photo: Pierre Verger #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

12/21/2022, 5:31:59 AM

In the United States, many people do not understand what initiation is or what rights and privileges it entails. For instance, an initiation in Lukumi does not carry rites or privileges in Candomble, Isese or Hatian Voodoo. These are all separate African or African based spiritual traditions which carry within each of them specific community practices, rites, protocols, hierarchies and standards that are unique onto each. Similarly, an orisa priest of Sàngó, for example, does not any rights of privileges in the Ifa cult unless the Sàngó priest is also initiated in Ifa. Much of the power of these tradtions is thought to rely on the strict adherence to the various groups ritual protocols and orthodoxies which were established by their specific lineage founders or elders. To break with the protocols of the lineage tradrion is thought to cut ties to the lineage elders and break the link to the ase/power. It is also thought to disempower the ritual or the practioner. #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

12/21/2022, 5:06:56 AM

“Aroni is the Forest god, and, like the last, has a knowledge of medicine, though the cure of disease is not his special function. The name means "One having a withered limb," and Aroni is always represented as of human shape but with only one leg, the head of a dog, and a dog's tail. Aroni seizes and devours those who meet him in the forest and attempt to run away when they see him; but if a man faces him boldly and shows no sign of fear, he leads him to his dwelling in the vastnesses of the forest, and keeps him there for two or three months, during which time he teaches him the secrets of the plants and their medicinal properties. When the pupil has no more to learn Aroni dismisses him, giving him a hair from his tail to prove to the incredulous that he has really been initiated. An eddy of wind, rushing through the forest and swirling up the dead leaves, is considered a manifestation of Aroni." #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

12/21/2022, 4:59:14 AM

Beads are an important part of our culture and that is why they have such deep meanings and symbolism. They can symbolize a lot of positive things including growth, protection, staying humble, good luck, etc. Wearing beads or keeping themselves near you is generally a good sign and can give you positive results. #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

12/21/2022, 4:53:22 AM

GRAND RISING Connect with your ancestors,keeep calling on them day and night,you are not alone,they will show you right path. Asè🌻🌹✨💫 #orunmila #ifa #obatala #shango #osun #yemaya #ancestors #oyeku #divination #oracle #consultation #ogum #ebo #healing #traditionalreligion

12/4/2022, 7:14:41 PM

Pretty much connect with your Orí and Ẹgbẹ́ anyday anytime not just only when you are in problem. Let them feel like you care so they can be happy and hold you to high esteem. Trust your Orí and Ẹgbẹ́. They will never lead you wrong or astray. May our Orí and Ẹgbẹ́ continue to walk with us and support all our intentions... Àṣẹ!!!! Ori huuuuu!!!!! Akiiiiiiikaaaaaaa Aseegeeeeee 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿 #orunmila #ifa #obatala #shango #osun #yemaya #ancestors #oyeku #divination #oracle #consultation #ogum #ebo #healing #traditionalreligion

12/4/2022, 7:13:15 PM

"If all of the cowries should face down, it is called OPIRA If a person should see this A black cloth is his sacrifice that he will sacrifice to the earth So that he will not be buried They will dig a hole Instead of the goat that they will sacrifice at their home This cloth is what they will bury And they will sacrifice this goat to the earth The head of the goat is what they will bury So that the person for whom this figure was cast may not be buried That is the thing that he will do It is what diviners are calling "foot touches wealth A verse for Opira from the Erindillogun divination corpus Note: Whereas there are 256 possible divination figures in the Ifa does not appear within the Ifa divination system. divination system, there 16 cowrie shell Owo Erindillogun divination system has 257. The figure of Opira (or an equivalent) Photo: A Sàngó priest in Meko, Yorùbá land divines with 16 cowries in 1950. original photo: William Bascomb #orishas #orixas #ifa #yoruba #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #traditionalreligion

11/24/2022, 11:11:43 AM

The Ifa divination system, which makes use of an extensive corpus of texts and mathematical formulas, is practiced among Yoruba communities and by the African diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean. The word Ifa refers to the mystical figure Ifa or Orunmila, regarded by the Yoruba as the deity of wisdom and intellectual development. In contrast to other forms of divination in the region that employ spirit mediumship, Ifa divination does not rely on a person having oracular powers but rather on a system of signs that are interpreted by a diviner, the Ifa priest or babalawo, literally “the priest’s father”. The Ifa divination system is applied whenever an important individual or collective decision has to be made. #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

11/16/2022, 1:58:20 AM

Are you having issues with your relationship or you are deeply in love with someone who doesn't feel the same way you feel? DM now for LOVE SPELL and thank the ancestor later.. #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

11/11/2022, 2:21:54 AM

Shango is the deity, orisha whose power is imaged by thunder and lightning. As the legendary fourth king of the ancient kingdom of Oyo, Shango's rule was marked by capricious use of power. One account asserts that Shango was fascinated with magical powers. He inadvertently caused a thunderstorm and lightning struck his own palace killing many of his wives and children. In repentence he left his kingdom and travelled to Koso where he hung himself. When his enemies cast scorn upon his name, a rash of storms destroyed parts of Oyo. Shango's followers proclaimed him a god and that the storms were Shago's wrath, avenging his enemies. #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

11/11/2022, 1:11:41 AM

The Ifa literary corpus, called odu, consists of 256 parts subdivided into verses called ese, whose exact number is unknown as they are constantly increasing (there are around 800 ese per odu). Each of the 256 odu has its specific divination signature, which is determined by the babalawo using sacred palm-nuts and a divination chain. The ese, considered the most important part of Ifa divination, are chanted by the priests in poetic language. The ese reflect Yoruba history, language, beliefs, cosmovision and contemporary social issues. The knowledge of Ifa has been preserved within Yoruba communities and transmitted among Ifa priests. #orunmila #ifa #obatala #shango #osun #yemaya #ancestors #oyeku #divination #oracle #consultation #ogum #ebo #healing #traditionalreligion #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

11/11/2022, 12:20:16 AM

The Ifa divination system, which makes use of an extensive corpus of texts and mathematical formulas, is practiced among Yoruba communities and by the African diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean. The word Ifa refers to the mystical figure Ifa or Orunmila, regarded by the Yoruba as the deity of wisdom and intellectual development. In contrast to other forms of divination in the region that employ spirit mediumship, Ifa divination does not rely on a person having oracular powers but rather on a system of signs that are interpreted by a diviner, the Ifa priest or babalawo, literally “the priest’s father”. The Ifa divination system is applied whenever an important individual or collective decision has to be made. #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

11/10/2022, 10:53:57 PM

All protection beads 📿 available, base on who your guidian angel is.. DM for your Asap #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

11/10/2022, 10:51:37 PM

Feeding your guidian angel is way of making happy and it's attract a lot of blessing.. #Orunmila #Ifa #Obatala #Shango #Osun #Yemaya #Ancestors #Oyeku #Divination #Oracle #Consultation #Ogun #Ebo #Healing #Traditionalreligion

11/10/2022, 10:49:48 PM

Ebo : Ebo is the child of Orunmila. Orunmila created Ebo to this Earth to solve the problems of human beings. People on earth use Ebo not only to solve problems but to alleviate suffering. After the sacrifice (etutu) is made a Babalawo will consult Ifa to ensure that it is carried to the proper place. Ebo will then invite Esu who will then take the etutu to heaven where it will be accepted. In this way it is not only the prayers thatare answered but problems are resolved and suffering alleviated. It is important that Ebo is prepared correctly otherwise the problem may not be solved. If Ebo is prepared correctly and the instructions of Ifa followed there is no problem Ebo cannot solve. #orunmila #ifa #obatala #shango #osun #yemaya #ancestors #oyeku #divination #oracle #consultation #ogum #ebo #healing #traditionalreligion

10/24/2022, 4:31:29 AM

Obi yan ( accepted)📿📿🙏 #aseobi #ase #asé #ejiogbe #oyeku #ofunmelli #ofunmeji #temple #ifatempleoflosangeles

10/20/2022, 11:42:56 PM

Ifá nos revela en el Odù Òwónrín Méjì de como las manos y los pies obtuvieron sus dedos sobre esto Ifá nos dice los siguiente : Omo a bi marun-un jeere arun La piedra que se ha roto pero no ha sangrado Esra fue la declaración de Ifa para Owo, la mano También fue echa Esepara Ese, la pierna Quienes darian nacimiento a cinco hijos e hicieron ganancias de los cinco Fueron aconsejadas a ofrece ebo Ellas escuchaon y obedecion Los hijos de Owo (dedos) no moriran mientras que Owo este viva Y los hijos de Ese (dedos de los pies) no moriran antes que los dedos El caracter de uno no puede ser hechado a perder en la presencia Del dueño del caracter. Owo, la mano fue al Babalawo por consultacion de Ifa. Ella fue aconsejada a ofrecer ebo para que ella fuera capaz de beneficiarse de todos los hijos que ella iba a fabricar. Ella obedecio. A ella se le dijo tambien que le diera a sus hijos la mejor crianza moral cuando ellos llegaran. Se le informo que sus hijos no escucharian lo que ella les dijera solamente pero copiarian lo que ella hiciera. Enventualmente, ella dio nacimiento a cinco dedos y ellos todos eran utiles a ella. Ella les dio la mejor crianza y ella tuvo paz mental sobre ellos. Ninguno de sus hijos murio en su juventud. Ella era una madre muy feliz. Ese, la Pierna, tambien fue el mismo Babalawo. A el se le dio el mismo consejo que a Owo. El tambien hizo tal como le dijo el Awo. El tambien dio nacimiento a cinco dedos del pie. Los hijos fueron muy utiles para el tambien. Ninguno de sus hijos fallecieron derante su juventud. El era tambien un muy feliz padre. Ellos se dieron cuenta de que ellos triunfaron porque ofrecieron ebo y ellos se comportaron de acuardo con los dictámenes de Olodumare y su Awo Akamara #orunmila #ori #olodumare #odus #ogbe #oshun #oyeku #egungun #osun #ori #ifa #tradicional #yoruba #nigeria #yemaya #ogun #isese #iyanifa #babalawo #awo #sango #oya #akapo #ikin #itelodu #orisa #oyeku #esu #obatala #yemoja #irosun #ogundabede

9/11/2022, 6:38:59 PM