povereanime images

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🐶❤️🐶 Berry , Bora e Balu' 🐶❤️🐶 Cuccioli di 2 mesi futura taglia media pienaaaaa❣️❣️❣️ Stupendi, non lasciamoli crescere in canile... Si trovano in provincia di Salerno ma dopo l iter del preaffido possono raggiungere tutto il centro e nord Italia nelle zone a basso tasso di randagismo. Se interessati mandate un messaggio di presentazione al 3480137659 #codinecercanocasa #doggami #puppylove🐶 #puppydogs #puppyofthedaydogstagram #cucciolicane #cuccioliincanile #cucciolicercanocasa #cucciiliinadozione #adottame #uncaneèpersempre #noncomprareadotta #nonlasciamolecrescereincanile #povereanime #canidaadottare #cambiailmiofuturo #cuccioliinbox

5/1/2024, 8:40:27 PM

MAYA🐶💕🐶 una super cucciola di quasi 5 mesi taglia futura medio piccola.. La gabbia la sta stressando molto ,ha una gram voglia di correre e sfogarsi e invece è chiusa in un box 😔😔 E poi guardate che occhi verdi stupendi che ha🤩🤩 Viene affidata nelle zone nord e centro Italia a basso tasso di randagismo dopo l iter del preaffido. 📞💌3483664788 #codinecercanocasa #puppydogs #lifepuppy #lifedog #cuccioliinbox #adottauncuccioloincanile #doggami #adottame #adottauncucciolo #salvaunavita #cucciolandia #condividiamo #habisognodicondivisioni #povereanime #cucciolotti

7/8/2023, 5:30:02 PM

Ricordatevi di questa foto... Quando andate a comprare un cane... Quando vi accorgete che non è un giocattolo... Quando non sterilizzate il vostro cane e poi diventa un problema... Quando abbandonate il vostro compagno/a a 4 zampe magari incinta... Quando incontrate cagne con cuccioli... Quando lasciate un animale bisognoso in mezzo alla strada... Quando lo abbandonate legandolo ad un albero o al guard rail dell'autostrada... RICORDATEVI DI QUESTA FOTO!!! . #orrori #nonabbandonateli #nonabbandonare #animaliabbandonati #ricorda #noncomprareadotta #criminali #tantodolore #caniabbandonati #senzacuore #pietà #assassini #povereanime #amateli #nondimenticare #canilediMortara #aiutiamoli #volontaricaniledimortara

4/10/2023, 8:11:54 PM

“Alba di un giorno qualunque lungo la costa crotonese, dovevo lasciare la casa dei miei zii quella mattina, il pullman partiva prestissimo da Crotone. Finita la corsa alla chiusura dei bagagli mi accorsi che mio zio mi attendeva guardando verso l'orizzonte il sole che sorgeva, rimasi stupita di quella vista e gli dissi «si vede tutto il paesaggio fino al mare senza alcun ostacolo». Lui sorrise e mi raccontò di un enorme sbarco di migranti negli anni '90. Quella mattina, lui era lì, nello stesso punto. Guardava l'alba quando si rese conto che l'orizzonte si muoveva e, man mano che si muoveva e gli veniva incontro, diventava teste e corpi che arrancavano tra la spiaggia e i campi. Capì subito che cosa stava succedendo. Buttò giù dal letto chi ancora dormiva e misero su pentoloni di latte, acqua e caffettiere giganti, mentre nel panico raccoglievano tutte le coperte per correre incontro alle persone laggiù che arrivavano dal mare. Quelle coste hanno fondali rocciosi e un mare capriccioso, ricco di correnti imprevedibili. Accolsero quelle persone, le abbracciarono e le scaldarono. Furono il primo volto amico che quei migranti trovarono sulla loro strada. Mi emozionai a quel racconto e piansi, ma la mia famiglia è sempre stata così, dicevano i miei nonni: «dove mangia uno, possono mangiare in dieci»… Beh, se ci riuscivano loro, che di figli ne avevano più di 10, penso sia vero.” (Una Sardina) Comunque... la storia di quella costa e di questi salvataggi, a volte anche notturni, è proseguita negli anni, non sempre con esiti favorevoli. A volte son dovuti correre a soccorrere la gente in mare. Un paio di anni fa un barchino di legno si è distrutto tra le onde e gli scogli. Purtroppo, da quel mare non sono emersi sempre solo i vivi... proprio come oggi… Almeno 60 morti, una tragedia immensa. #migranti #restiamoumani #povereanime #6000sardine #Emergency #Mediterranea #OceanViking

2/27/2023, 12:15:50 PM

💔💔 C'è un paio di scarpette rosse ...numero ventiquattro...quasi nuove: sulla suola interna si vede ancora la marca di fabbrica " Schulze Monaco". C'è un paio di scarpette rosse ...in cima a un mucchio di scarpette infantili, a Buchenwald. Più in la c'è un mucchio di riccioli biondi, di ciocche nere e castane.., a Buchenwald, servivano a far coperte per i soldati ..non si sprecava nulla e i bimbi li spogliavano e li radevano prima di spingerli nelle camere a gas. C'è un paio di scarpette rosse, di scarpette rosse per la domenica..., a Buchenwald. Erano di un bimbo di tre anni, forse di tre anni e mezzo ... chissà di che colore erano... gli occhi bruciati nei forni... ma il suo pianto lo possiamo immaginare si sa come piangono i bambini ..anche i suoi piedini...li possiamo immaginare , scarpe numero ventiquattro per l'eternità. Perchè i piedini dei bambini morti ...non crescono. C'è un paio di scarpette rosse a Buchenwald, quasi nuove. Perchè i bambini morti non consumano le suole..... 💔💔 . #giornatadellamemoria #nodoingola #pernondimenticare #auschwitz #campidiconcentramento #ebrei #rom #omosessuali #cinti #bambini #povereanime #orrore #criminali #bastardi #senzacuore #riposinoinpace #innocenti #pace

1/27/2023, 12:04:27 PM

Mi capitava di ridere senza motivo in classe e la maestra, la signorina Piromallo, s’indispettiva tanto che un giorno mi disse che voleva parlare con “un adulto di casa”. Disse proprio così, e io le portai nonno che venne col cappello e se lo mise in grembo prima di disporsi all’ascolto di ciò che la maestra aveva da dire. Lei mi accusò, s’indignò, pretese scuse e pentimento. Lui annuì con la testa e poi le fece notare che il mandorlo del giardino della scuola era in fiore. “E cosa c’entra?” chiese la Piromallo. “Lei non trova strano che nonostante questo aprile piuttosto freddo il mandorlo sia fiorito lo stesso?” Rispose nonno continuando a guardare l’albero in boccio. “Affatto. È nella natura dell’albero fiorire in primavera e comunque non è così freddo da impedirlo. Siamo nella norma direi.” concluse lei con quella voce stridula che ancora ricordo. “Bene” disse nonno alzandosi e prendendomi per mano. “Anche il sorriso di mia nipote fiorisce nonostante il freddo che avverto qui dentro. Com’è giusto che faccia un’anima giovane che impara ad essere felice. Quindi direi che siamo nella norma. I miei ossequi signorina Piromallo”. Camminammo in silenzio fino a casa, poi sulla porta nonno mi fece promettere di non addormentarmi mai senza aver sorriso almeno dieci volte al giorno. E io glielo promisi. #insostenibileleggerezzadellessere #animebelle❤️ #nondimenticatevideisogni #nondimeticartidiesserefelice❣️ #nondimenticartidisorridere #povereanime

10/23/2022, 10:29:05 PM

E coloro che furono visti danzare, vennero giudicati pazzi da quelli che non potevano sentire la musica. F.N. #exmanicominio #manicomio #povereanime #basaglia #viaggioneltempo

8/1/2022, 10:05:05 PM

Ci sono individui composti unicamente di facciata, come case non finite per mancanza di quattrini. Hanno l’ingresso degno d’un gran palazzo, ma le stanze interne paragonabili a squallide capanne. #lapparenzainganna #povereanime #piucuorepertutti #menoapparenzaepiusostanza #iovogliounmondoacolori #essere #🤭🙏💖

7/29/2022, 12:11:36 AM

Questa è Vera... Mia figlia... Se muoio portatela dai ns parenti! Le mamme che scrivono le generalità sulla pelle dei propri figli per lasciare riferimenti in caso di morte! Un gesto disperato ma comprensibile... Questa è la guerra ... #povereanime #nowarinukraine #savethekids 😡

4/7/2022, 5:56:53 PM

Amare gli animali e vedere la luce nei loro occhi dovrebbe essere una normalità 💚🌈. #andreacarollo #veganforanimals #loveanimals

3/17/2022, 8:57:38 AM

Il veganesimo e’ una scelta altruistica perché per mangiare non si uccide nessun animale o pesce nemmeno si utilizzano i derivati che tra l’altro i cibi animali come provato più volte fanno male alla salute. Si può sicuramente definire come la via dell’amore perché e’ una scelta altruistica di non uccidere e sfruttare nessuno . Per chi fa meditazione e si deve elevare verso il cielo non servono energie che ci tengono legati alla terra quindi per farlo la via migliore e’ il cibo dell’amore che come detto non uccide e sfrutta nessuno ( il cibo e’ fatto di energia e noi siamo ciò che mangiamo ) . Con tanto amore per gli animali , la natura e voi il vostro Andrea 💚. @aho_om_holistic @claytonnorcross.official @imlorella @anastasiyalvova_official @renatopirrone @muso.99 @gianluca_for_animals @jennifer_belmonte_wanderlust @giadinabor80 @mito.vegano2.0 @269vegan269 #andreacarollo #veganlife #trulove #loveanimals #lovenature

3/9/2022, 9:30:37 AM

𝗜𝗡𝗜𝗭𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗔 𝗟𝗔 𝗦𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗭𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗦𝗨𝗜 𝗕𝗔𝗠𝗕𝗜𝗡𝗜 5-11 anni Genitori portano felici i loro figli a fare un siero genico sconosciuto!!! La sperimentazione sui bambini è iniziata ufficialmente e terminerà il 23 luglio 2024. Avete letto bene la data? Solo allora sapremo (e forse) i danni. Ovviamente li vedremo prima sul campo.... Quindi chi afferma che i bambini non sono cavie usate da Big Pharma è un povero imbecille. Anime che si sacrificano per risvegliare le coscienze addormentate dei genitori e degli adulti in generale. La domanda è: quanti bambini dovranno morire prima di uscire dalla Matrix? ____cit. Marcello Pamio Telegram: https://t.me/marcellopamio 🔗 #DISINFORMAZIONE #effetticollaterali #bambini #povereanime #buonnatale #terapiagenica #sperimentazione

12/18/2021, 5:32:02 AM

❤️❣️ Linus un cagnolino molto docile ed affettuoso. 5 anni, tutti in un box del canile di Laterza, taglia media (circa 20 kg), sterilizzato, chippato, sverminato e spulciato. Compatibile con femmine; non sappiamo con i maschi ma possiamo fare prova di compatibilità. Dovete solo salvarlo da questa triste ed inaccettabile realtà!! Non lasciamo in canile questa creatura innocente!! Roberta 3791292477 #nonsolocuccioli #adottauncuore #salviamounavita #apriilcuore #fuoridalcanile #apriunagabbia #dofofinstagram #doggami #adottame #adottamisubito #povereanime #sosadozioni #salvaunadulto #salvame #adottauncanedalcanile #adozionepersempre

11/26/2021, 7:28:46 PM

Lascia che parlino di te , ti faranno pubblicità gratis #pubblicità #ciaociao #invidia #senzavite #povereanime #fraora #me

8/24/2021, 2:31:44 PM

🇮🇹 Nessuno nasce cattivo 🇺🇲 Nobody is Born bad #PoorSouls #PovereAnime #RashAlexander #MyQuote #hug #abbraccio

6/28/2021, 9:58:41 PM

Nebbia...è anni che implori i rarissimi visitatori di quell'orrendo canile in provincia di Salerno dove sei incarcerato...rinchiuso in quel cunicolo dove quasi fai fatica a girarti, deprivato di tutto, segregato come il peggiore degli assassini...ed invece sei un bamboccione dolcissimo e morbido e il tuo unico desiderio è amare. Ma nessuno ti ha mai scelto e quando le pochissime volontarie che 1-2 volte al mese riescono a venire in canile passano dal tuo cancello tu ti abbandoni nelle loro mani.. 6/7 anni taglia media piena, un tesoro, chippato vaccinato test leishmaniosi negativo. Per informazioni Barbara 3483664788 #codinecercanocasa #noncomprareadotta #adozioneurgente #sosdogs #sosadozioni #fuoridalcanile #fuoridalbox🙏 #apriunagabbia #adottauncanedalcanile #adottaunadulto #adottauncuore #salviamounavita #salvame #hobisognodivoi #adottamisubito #adottame #nonsolocuccioli #tantoamoredadare #povereanime #doginstagram #dogoftheday #doglover #unacucciaperlavita

5/18/2021, 1:58:21 PM

AlphaOmega in 'Troubled Times' curated by Maria Campitelli, War Museum, Trieste 2004 - second performer Damiana Bertozzi AlphaOmega is about birth and death, beginning and ending. The performance, me forced to sit in a chair while someone, that was being born in another time and another place, comes to life before my eyes. All of this performed in the War Museum of Trieste, with the lights up death was suddenly surrounding us. The death penalty is evoked in this piece, the pain of birth is forced upon the spectator. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist #alphaomega #mariacampitelli #warmuseum #DamianaBertozzi

5/17/2021, 10:55:49 AM

AlphaOmega, in 'Troubled Times' curated by Maria Campitelli, War Museum, Trieste 2004 AlphaOmega is about birth and death. The main video’ shootings come from a real childbirth at Freiburg Hospital (D) in 2000.   “I was in Freiburg visiting a friend, when his wife suddendly had to go to the Hospital for having the baby. The couple asked me and my cameraman – we were in traveling in Europe for my Polipolis project – to please shoot the birth. It was an extremely intense emotion and an inderscribable experience and feelings. I later edited the shootings to make the video for the AlphaOmega project. The newborn baby is called Giulia. Thank you Giulia, and enjoy being in this world!” #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist #alphaomega #mariacampitelli #warmuseum #DamianaBertozzi

5/16/2021, 10:02:18 AM

AlphaOmega in 'Troubled Times' curated by Maria Campitelli, War Museum, Trieste 2004 - second performer Damiana Bertozzi “...This is the strength of LIUBA. Her touching courage to give herself as a living and true body, as a martyr and an iconic concentration of all pain, anger and sweetness, is so powerful that it is no longer possible to ignore it. LIUBA reveals. With prophetic clarity, she reveals and highlights all the absurd things that happen in this world populated by princess-eating dragons. With painful commitment, she lends her body, invoking a precious contribution to art and poetry to bring out the neglected conscience of man. " (Extract translated from Patrizia Silingardi) #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist #alphaomega #mariacampitelli #warmuseum #DamianaBertozzi #PatriziaSilingardi

5/14/2021, 10:53:58 AM

AlphaOmega in 'Troubled Times' curated by Maria Campitelli, War Museum, Trieste 2004 - second performer Damiana Bertozzi “...LIUBA evokes a drama upon itself to carry out its catharsis; she weaves art, life and social denunciation. Condemning latent issues and returning the lack of sense of responsibility to the intimate thinking of people, LIUBA suggests appropriate indignation towards the tragedies of our world. And, it must be said, her intelligent communication strategies make it so that the passive contemplation of a simple artistic aestheticism is avoided, and that instead, the concrete involvement of the beholder materializes. An involvement that requires a necessary meditation on the suggested theme...” (Extract translated from Patrizia Silingardi) #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist #alphaomega #mariacampitelli #warmuseum #DamianaBertozzi #PatriziaSilingardi

5/12/2021, 8:07:36 PM

AlphaOmega in 'Troubled Times' curated by Maria Campitelli, War Museum, Trieste 2004 - second performer Damiana Bertozzi “...The cut of the umbilical cord corresponds synchronously to the famous and murderous electrical lumination. Birth and death, beginning and end, joy and pain are confused in the same ancestral intensity of screams, lights, sounds and noises. The indignation towards death induced by certain judicial systems and the denunciation of any cruelty conspired by authorities who rave about their own acquired omnipotence, are filtered and processed in these ways, with a sensitivity and a speculative capacity that finds the means in performative action. more appropriate expression...” (Extract translated from Patrizia Silingardi) #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist #alphaomega #mariacampitelli #warmuseum #DamianaBertozzi #PatriziaSilingardi

5/11/2021, 10:29:57 PM

AlphaOmega in 'Troubled Times' curated by Maria Campitelli, War Museum, Trieste 2004 - second performer Damiana Bertozzi “Absorbed and in tension, hieratic and ghostly, barefoot and wrapped in a shroud with psychopathological lengthening of sleeves and forced into a“ chair ”that tightens her wrists and ankles, LIUBA simulates a ferocious and premeditated death. On the monastic whiteness of cloth that wraps her body, video images of a birth, of a hospital beginning of life flow...” (Extract translated from Patrizia Silingardi) #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist #alphaomega #mariacampitelli #warmuseum #DamianaBertozzi

5/10/2021, 11:42:58 AM

AlphaOmega in 'Troubled Times' curated by Maria Campitelli, War Museum, Trieste 2004 - second performer Damiana Bertozzi  The performance starts with me running and fighting someone that tries to tie me to a chair. Here I am tied up, with a video of a labor projected on me. The beginning and the end of life.   #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist #alphaomega #mariacampitelli #warmuseum #damianabertozzi

5/1/2021, 6:47:50 PM

AlphaOmega in 'Troubled Times' curated by Maria Campitelli, War Museum, Trieste 2004 - second performer Damiana Bertozzi AlphaOmega is a work about pain. The pain of birth and the miracle of life, the pain of death and oppression, the pain of labor… and the balance between being or not being, null and life. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist #alphaomega #mariacampitelli #warmuseum #DamianaBertozzi

5/1/2021, 6:42:13 PM

AlphaOmega in 'Troubled Times' curated by Maria Campitelli, War Museum, Trieste 2004 - second performer Damiana Bertozzi This project is composed by performance, videoinstallation and poems.  AlphaOmega is about birth-death and about the fluctuating moment when someone comes to life or is forced to death.  #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist #alphaomega #mariacampitelli #warmuseum #DamianaBertozzi

5/1/2021, 6:41:13 PM

Polypolis, live performance at Salara, Bologna 2001 - photo Marco Tracchi The boxes represent the whole system, all the superstructures (conventions, duties and styles) which, while giving us a sense of reality, are far from our soul. The videoinstallation was four videos and a live performance. While the videos were playing I came out of the boxes. I break free. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #bologna #salara  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox  #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

4/20/2021, 2:26:06 PM

Venghino Siori, venghino. Alla fiera delle sciccherie questo bell'alberello finto tutto impolverato. Ne ho presi 5 da @zodioitalia (quando li ho comprati non erano impolverati). Carini, no? A qualcuno sono sembrati molto più che carini, tanto da rubarne tre, uno con tutto il vasetto (incluso nel prezzo!) Povera anima, credi che la tua casa ora abbia un tocco in più? Ora ne compro altri tre e li cospargo di sterco così se mi rubi pure questi, puoi anche gettarli in terra e calpestarli, porta fortuna! #piccolifurti #buonafortuna #alimortè #povereanime #zodio

4/19/2021, 5:05:31 PM

Polypolis, live performance at Salara, Bologna 2001 - photo Marco Tracchi My face is painted white because i’m depriving myself of my own identity to become the symbol of a stereotypical human. My gestures and expressions become exaggerated and loaded with fiction; they represent in a grotesque way our daily behaviors sublimating the worst aspects. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #bologna #salara  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox  #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

4/19/2021, 12:48:31 PM

Polypolis, live performance at Salara, Bologna 2001 - photo Marco Tracchi This performance is made with the 4 video of Polypolis as a video installation running during the piece. In the videos there are the boxes we wear, in the real performance the boxes are destroyed getting out with our deepest essence. My action takes place boxed in enormous paper box I wear as a dress, walking through the cities, in the subways, entering into cafes, interacting with unsuspecting passers-by. The importance of their reactions reside on their expressions, the faces of astonished people to whom normality or rather the imposed code of behavior has been disrupted and upset. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #bologna #salara  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox  #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

4/17/2021, 1:40:33 PM

Polypolis, videoinstallation views, Bologna, Salara 2001 Polypolis, which took place in the four European Capitals of Culture 2000 (Avignon, Brussels, Prague and Bologna) signal the metropolises as the background of our lifes, they represent the alienating spaces in which we carry out our productive activities, through iterations based on codes rooted over the centuries, which eliminate our individuality. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #bologna #salara  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox  #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

4/17/2021, 1:32:03 PM

Polypolis, videoinstallation views, Bologna, Salara 2001 To conclude the Polypolis series I’d like to use some words by Stefano Verri “Social hardship and the strong need for revolt and redemption are the prerogatives of LIUBA's work. Oppression: this is the key word that underlies the performative actions that, through the upheaval of the imposed order, lead us to reflect on our condition as men.” #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #bologna #salara  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox  #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

4/15/2021, 2:57:11 PM

LIUBA, Polypolis Frankfurt, 2000, Although Frankfurt was not among the capital cities of culture in 2000, I considered important to include it in the series, going for the performance in the area of the stock market and banking, symbol of German efficiency.
The video from this performance was edited in 2002, and is part of the full project. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #frankfurt #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

4/12/2021, 7:32:05 PM

Polypolis Brussels. 2000-2001 cibachrome on aluminium from screen with performance shootings, cm 70x100, ed.6+1ap In the year 2000, during the Polypolis journey (a project produced and paid by the government of Bologna) something odd happened. Me and my cameramen, Ciro d’Aniello, arrived to Brussels in late spring, and the city was completely paralised and blocked. There was a truck strike, all the streets were empty of cars and full of policemen. The situation was unreal and surreal, I was talking about being in cages and that was what was happening right there. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #brussels  #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

4/11/2021, 12:38:47 PM

#povereanime #amoreperglianimali🐻🐯🐺🐶

4/1/2021, 2:46:37 PM

The Polypolis project consists of the same performance made in different European Cultural Cities Capitals in 2000. Here you can see students of the oldest university of Europe interacting with me. The videos are autonomous works, but they are also conceived to be projected together at the same time in a video installation, so that every video reflects the different reactions of the people and shows the identities of each place. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #bologna #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

3/21/2021, 10:45:01 PM

LIUBA, Polypolis Bologna, 2000, video and performance ( excerpt) 6’48” ed 3+2ap The Polypolis project consists of the same performance in different European Cultural Cities Capitals in 2000 and different places and people are compared in their reactions to the performance. This one took place in Bologna. interaction to the performance were free and unpredictable and a hidden camera was taking reactions which are part of the video and an important part of the work. I noticed that for this kind of performance most of reactions were made by children, alternative people and old people... is that maybe adult working people are too busy and too inprisoned in their boxes? #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #bologna #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #europeanculturecapital

3/19/2021, 3:59:11 PM

Polypolis Bologna. 2000-2001 cibachrome on aluminium from screen with performance shootings, cm 70x100, ed.6+1ap The Polypolis project consists of the same performance made in different European Cultural Cities Capitals in 2000. In Bologna, which is a University city par excellence, it has the oldest University of Europe, I performed in the the old town areas, with many students’ interactions, and various stories, but surprisingly the performance was only once stopped… by the Academy of Fine Arts! #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #bologna #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #europeanculturecapital

3/17/2021, 4:37:41 PM

LIUBA, Polypolis Avignon, 2000, video from performance, 4’25” ed.3+2 Polypolis project consists of the same performance made in different European Cultural Cities Capitals in 2000. The performance is called The winning mummies. Where are you going poor souls? The videos are autonomous works, but they also are conceived to be projected together at the same time in a video installation, so that every video reflects the different reactions of the people and shows the identities of each place. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #prague  #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

3/13/2021, 11:35:06 PM

Polypolis Avignon. 2000-2001 cibachrome on aluminium from screen with performance shootings, cm 70x100, ed.6+1ap Polypolis project consists of the same performance made in different European Cultural Cities Capitals in 2000. The performance is called The winning mummies. In the middle of the crowd it might be easy to perceive that many people are really sealed and tied in life-style boxes, always busy going on purposeless quests. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #prague  #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

3/11/2021, 11:40:48 AM

LIUBA, Polypolis Avignon, 2000, video from performance, 4’25” ed.3+2 Polypolis project consists of the same performance made in different European Cultural Cities Capitals in 2000. The performance is called The winning mummies. The performance in Avignon was made in the evening, finding a surprisingly deserted town in the early night of a summer day. The city’s character emerges clearly from the video and the reactions of the people. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #prague  #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

3/10/2021, 10:37:37 AM

LIUBA, Polypolis. Escaletors in Prague, 2000-2001, cibachrome on aluminium from screen with performance shootings, cm. 70x100 ed.6+1ap Polypolis project consists of the same performance made in different European Cultural Cities Capitals in 2000. The performance is called The winning mummies. The even worse tragedy, however, is that most of these people do not realize they are encapsulated in boxes that limit their existence, but feel "successful" because they have arrived socially or economically, engaged in a frantic waltz of useless conquests over conquests unnecessary. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #prague  #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

3/7/2021, 7:42:52 PM

LIUBA, Polypolis Bruxelle, 2000, video from performance, 7’32” ed.3+2 The Polypolis project consists of the same performance made in different European Cultural Cities Capitals in 2000. The performance is completely associated with The Winning Mummies. The people’s reaction is very important to the project of Polypolis and a key aspect of the video. The project ended with a video installation of the same performance in the 4 different European cities I go through. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #prague  #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #bologna

3/6/2021, 5:52:07 PM

LIUBA, Polypolis. Performance and video, 2000-2001, Bench in Prague, cibachrome on aluminium from screen with performance shootings, cm. 70x100 ed.6+1ap The Polypolis project consists of the same performance made in different European Cultural Cities Capitals in 2000. The performance is completely associated with The Winning Mummies. As a reminder: the Winning Mummy is a person who tries to be socially successful, but his life is completely suffocated by prisons of duties, conventions, hypocrisies and stress….  The possibility of getting out of the boxes and conditioning, this time, is only possible on a 'virtual' level, while in reality we experience the frustration of not being able to get out of the conditioning that dominates us. #liuba  #liubarchive  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart   #traffic  #polypolis  #culturalcities  #cityofeurope  #cages  #boxes  #prague  #people  #liubanet  #contemporaryart  #art  #livinginabox   #performancepiece   #liubanet  #povereanime   #souls   #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea  #performanceartist

3/4/2021, 10:04:07 AM

LIUBA, Via d’Uscita (Way Out),Prraga Cafe, 1996; Villa Serena, Bologna, 2000; Exit, Bologna, 2001; Circolo Cult. B.Brecht, Milano, 2001 Via d’Uscita, or the way out, was and still is a performance that aims for our natural freedom. Our bodies are constrained by these white boxes that simbolize our imprisonment in human duties and we’ll break free. Another text you could find projected on the videoiinstallation performance was: I should leave and take the leap of the butterfly. #wayout  #viaduscita  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #milano  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet   #boxes  #povereanime  #prrragacafe  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist

3/2/2021, 9:41:59 AM

LIUBA, Via d’Uscita (Way Out),Prraga Cafe, 1996; Villa Serena, Bologna, 2000; Exit, Bologna, 2001; Circolo Cult. B.Brecht, Milano, 2001 Via d’Uscita, or the way out, was and still is a performance that aims for our natural freedom. Our bodies are constrained by these white boxes that simbolize our imprisonment in human duties and we’ll break free. This video represents the exit of the butterfly, the way out of the cocoon. You can watch the whole excerp withouth censorship in vimeo. #wayout  #viaduscita  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #milano  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet   #boxes  #povereanime  #prrragacafe  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist

3/2/2021, 12:42:54 AM

LIUBA, Via d’Uscita (Way Out),Prraga Cafe, 1996; Villa Serena, Bologna, 2000; Exit, Bologna, 2001; Circolo Cult. B.Brecht, Milano, 2001 Via d’Uscita, or the way out, was and still is a performance that aims for our natural freedom. Our bodies are constrained by these white boxes that simbolize our imprisonment in human duties and we’ll break free. This video represents the exit of the butterfly, the way out of the cocoon. #wayout  #viaduscita  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #milano  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet   #boxes  #povereanime  #prrragacafe  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist

2/27/2021, 12:30:27 AM

LIUBA, Via d’Uscita (Way Out),Prraga Cafe, 1996; Villa Serena, Bologna, 2000; Exit, Bologna, 2001; Circolo Cult. B.Brecht, Milano, 2001 Via d’Uscita is a performance that combines videoinstallation with two big white boxes that tie me and block my movements, until I break free from them. The video comes from the performance and it becomes a video installation when projected over white boxes of all sizes filling the exhibition space. #wayout  #viaduscita  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #milano  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet   #boxes  #povereanime  #prrragacafe  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist

2/23/2021, 8:14:25 AM

LIUBA, Via d’Uscita (Way Out), videoinstallation view, Fiorile Arte, Bologna, 2000; Via d’Uscita is a performance that combines videoinstallation with two big white boxes that tie me and block my movements, until I break free from them. The performance generated a videowork. For this solo show at @fiorilearte in Bologna, the gallery was full of white painted boxes ( I took several days in finding and painting them!) over whose it was projected the Via d’Uscita video, where the action was to break the boxes and get out of them. The performance is built with expressly written poems projected on the wall. One of those poems is this one: I feel the passing of life slip away at times. Escape its flow and its becoming. Drip the days and leaf through the identities like the layers of the onion. I don't even know if I recognize myself. Impartial metamorphosis on a frame that changes slightly. I should leave and make the butterfly leap. If there must be metamorphosis let metamorphosis be total and let the caterpillar emerges to butterfly in the May sky. Let me spend without fear incredible and unexpected days of the without certainties life that I have chosen. Let me go and unfold like a story or like the film of a movie or like a full stream flowing towards the sea of future events. Let me change and find not lost. #wayout  #viaduscita  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #bologna #fiorilearte  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet   #boxes  #povereanime  #prrragacafe  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist

2/18/2021, 2:30:07 PM

LIUBA, Via d’Uscita (Way Out), video, ed. 3+2ap, 2000 Via d’Uscita is a performance and a video that combines videoinstallation with two big white boxes that tie me and block my movements, until I break free from them. The performance is built with expressly written poems projected on the wall and on myself. One of those poems is this one: I wonder why we built a fake world where duties weigh like bricks on our tired homes where money rules over our now exhausted and absurd desires Who knows why the scents disappear between the stench of concrete and the discharge of harmful gases the eyes become dull and the breathing follows the agreed rhythms. I wonder why. There is no answer. It's just madness. #wayout  #viaduscita  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #milano  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet   #boxes  #povereanime  #prrragacafe  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist

2/16/2021, 10:13:21 PM

LIUBA, Via d’Uscita (Way Out),Prraga Cafe, 1996; Villa Serena, Bologna, 2000; Exit, Bologna, 2001; Circolo Cult. B.Brecht, Milano, 2001 Via d’Uscita is a performance that combines videoinstallation with my white cardboard boxes. The work begins with me sealed in two big white boxes that tie me and block my movements. It is the imprisonment of the contemporary human being in boxes of duty, convention, ideology and hypocrisy. #wayout  #viaduscita  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #milano  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet   #boxes  #povereanime  #prrragacafe  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist

2/10/2021, 9:16:45 PM

LIUBA, Rimini Rimini, Performance: Rimini Beach, Adriatic Coast, Italy, 2003, video excerpt. It is now in the cold winter of our confinement that we long for sunny beaches and very much deserverd holidays. Do we notice that we are in boxes or do we choose to be? The simple visibility of holiday constipation provokes interactions and reactions from the nearby turists, which is an important part of the work.          #poetry  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #riminirimini  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet  #cage  #boxes  #povereanime  #anime  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist  #adriatic  #viserba  #rimini

1/31/2021, 8:04:59 PM

LIUBA, Rimini Rimini, Performance: Rimini Beach, Adriatic Coast, Italy, 2003, 130x70, ed 3 on aluminium. The action takes place at a crowded beach of Rimini on the Adriatic Sea on August 13th, 2003. The performance shows, in a funny and ironical way, the paradoxe of crowded holidays in our modern life. If daily life can be compressed… do we compress our holidays too?  Are we really choosing mass homologation or do we simply follow the stream? Or don’t we even realize that?     #poetry  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #riminirimini  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet  #cage  #boxes  #povereanime  #anime  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist  #adriatic  #viserba  #rimini

1/31/2021, 8:03:20 PM

LIUBA, Rimini Rimini, Performance: Rimini Beach, Adriatic Coast, Italy, 2003, series of photographs on aluminum, 2003-2005    If daily life can be compressed… do we compress our holidays too?  Holidays can be the result of a mass choice: do we notice that we are in boxes or do we choose to be? Being a part of this mass makes us feel safe of it entertains us? These and other questions are the essence of this performance that does not give easy answers. The simple visibility of holiday constipation provokes interaction and reaction from the nearby audience, which is an important part of the work.     #poetry  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #riminirimini  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet  #cage  #boxes  #povereanime  #anime  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist  #adriatic  #viserba  #rimini

1/24/2021, 5:11:22 PM

LIUBA, Rimini Rimini, Performance: Rimini Beach, Adriatic Coast, Italy, 2003, series of photographs on aluminum, 2003-2005 Holidays can be the result of a conventional choice: do we notice that we are in boxes or do we choose to be? Being a part of this mass makes us feel safe or it entertains us or imprisons us and blocks us?   These and other questions are the essence of the performance that doesn’t aim to give easy answers, but it raises questions about everyday life.   The simple visibility of holiday constipation provokes interactions and reactions from the nearby turists, which  is an important part of the work.          #poetry  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #riminirimini  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet  #cage  #boxes  #povereanime  #anime  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist  #adriatic  #viserba  #rimini

1/20/2021, 9:32:17 PM

LIUBA, Rimini Rimini, Performance: Rimini Beach, Adriatic Coast, Italy, 2003, series of photographs on aluminum, 2003-2005   The action takes place at a crowded beach of Rimini on the Adriatic Sea on August 13th, 2003. The performance shows, in a funny and ironical way, the paradoxe of crowded holidays in our modern life. If daily life can be compressed… do we compress our holidays too?  Are we really choosing mass homologation or do we simply follow the stream? Or don’t we even realize that?     #poetry  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #riminirimini  #liubarchive  #bologna  #liubanet  #cage  #boxes  #povereanime  #anime  #liuba  #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart  #liubanet  #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist  #adriatic  #viserba  #rimini

1/20/2021, 9:31:47 PM

LIUBA, Le Mummie Vincenti (The Winning Mummies), 1999, Performance and video. Videostill The following is one of my poems that gave birth to this performance and project. Is maybe now arrived the #earthquake that destroys our fragile winning security? POVERE ANIME Dove andate povere anime Rinchiuse negli ospedali Dei vostri scaffali ordinati Costruiti in fila Da dove non potete Uscire se non dai sensi Unici in precedenza Programmati? Dove andate tra un vicolo e l’altro Della ragnatela di plastica appiccicata al vostro cervello? Sperate che venga un terremoto Povere anime poco pulsanti Che distrugga le vostre sicurezze di carta Per poi Forse Rinascere POOR SOULS Where are you going poor souls Locked up in the hospitals Of your neat shelves Built in a row From where you can’t get out but just from unique senses Previously scheduled? Where are you going from one alley to another Of the plastic spider web stuck into your brain? Hope an earthquake will come Poor little pulsating souls That destroys your paper securities And then maybe Born again   #poetry  #contemporaryart  #performancepiece  #lemummievincenti #liubarchive #milano  #liubanet  #cage  #boxes #povereanime #anime #liuba #souls  #performance  #performanceart  #videoart #liubanet #conceptualart   #mixedmedia   #contemporaryartist  #earlyworks  #artecontemporanea #performanceartist #winning #mummy #mummylife

1/16/2021, 12:22:43 AM

Le piccole fattorie che credete uccideranno meglio gli animali . Sempre morte e sofferenza e’ . Anime risvegliatevi noi siamo nati per amare e non per uccidere . #andreacarollo #veganlife #loveanimals #noviolence

7/31/2020, 6:19:42 PM

Chi può fare del male a una Creatura così dolce e indifesa? Solo un mostro, un criminale, un assassino 👿👿👿 #povereanime #cryforanimals 😰

6/8/2020, 9:29:58 PM