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- Some of the queer books I have, Happy Pride Month🏳️‍🌈✨ #aliceosemanheartstopper #heartstopper #books #bookstagram #percyjackson #thesunandthestar #rickriordanbooks #bookstagrammer

6/2/2024, 6:29:58 AM

What is your favorite signed book? This book is one of my most recent prized possessions! I still can’t believe I got this book, I have been wanting to get a signed book by Rick Riordan for the longest time and I adore The Son of Neptune. . . . #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #signedbooks #rickriordanbooks #fantasybooks #annabethchase #groverunderwood

5/31/2024, 11:29:37 PM

MAY WRAP UP! 🌺 Confession: I’m not ACTUALLY done with House of Sky and Breath.. BUT I’M CLOSE OKAY. so I’m counting it. 🫣 I’m pleased with all my reads this month I think. Rick Riordan is always 🫶🏻 and I’m definitely continuing with his other series in June. Rebecca Ross, WHY is it over 😭 The Queen of Nothing was an A+ finale. SJM just keeps giving. 💕 Happy reading’ y’all! #sjm #sarahjmaas #crescentcity #houseofearthandblood #houseofskyandbreath #rebeccaross #divinerivals #ruthlessvows #rickriordan #rickriordanpresents #rickriordanbooks #houseofhades #thebloodofolympus #percyjacksonbooks #percyjackson #percyjacksonseries #percyjacksonandtheolympians #chaliceofthegods #stuartturton #thesevenandahalfdeathsofevelynhardcastle #roar #coracormack #beachread #emilyhenrybooks #emilyhenry #read #reading #books #bookstagram

5/31/2024, 6:30:24 PM

Rick Riordan: Percy Jackson és az olimposziak 3.,4. ~🔱 3. A titán átka ~🌍 Amikor Percy Jackson megkapja Grover segélyhívását, a félistenek Grover megmentésére sietnek, aki – mint később kiderül – fontos felfedezést tett: két félistenre bukkant, kiknek származása egyelőre még ismeretlen, de igen nagy erővel rendelkeznek… De ez még nem minden. A Titán úr, Kronosz felállítja számukra eddigi legfondorlatosabb csapdáját, és az ifjú hősök majdnem belesétálnak. ~🌍 4. Csata a labirintusban ~⚔️ Már a küszöbön áll az olimposziak és a Titán isten közötti háború. Még az eddig biztonságos menedéknek számító Félvér Tábor is sebezhetőnek bizonyul, amikor Kronosz és hadserege megpróbál varázshatárán belülre kerülni. Hogy a támadásnak elejét vegyék, Percy és félisten barátai egy küldetésre indulnak a Labirintusba – a hatalmas, föld alatti világba, ami minden fordulóban újabb vérfagyasztó meglepetést tartogat számukra. ~⚔️ A sorozat további két részének is sikerült lenyűgöznie a fantasztikusan megálmodott világával és a karakterek csodálatos személyiségével. A 3. résznek kicsit nehezen álltam neki és az eleje nem is kötött le annyira, de a végére nagyon beszippantott a történet. Továbbra is nagyon ajánlom ezt a sorozatot minden korosztálynak, mert megéri belemélyedni a világába. Nemcsak jól szórakozunk az olvasása közben, hanem tanulunk is az antik görög mitológiáról. Mindent összevetve ismét 4 csillagot kap tőlem a sorozat:) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ #books #bookstagram #read #reading #rickriordan #rickriordanpercyjackson #rickriordanbooks #percyjackson #percyjacksonésazolimposziak #atitánátka #csataalabirintusban #olvasnijó

5/31/2024, 3:39:22 PM

Série: Percy Jackson e os Olimpianos Primeira Temporada Status: Concluída Episódios: 8 Ano: 2023 País: Estados Unidos Emissora: Disney Plus Direção: John Catron Produção: Quaker Moving Pictures/Mythomagic Adaptação Literária baseada em Percy Jackson e os Olimpianos, de Rick Riordan #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksoneosolimpianos #primeiratemporada #season1 #disneyplus #disneybr #quakermovingpictures #mythomagic #adaptaçãoliterária #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #fantasia #aventura #literaturagrega

5/30/2024, 3:31:26 PM

#cookiereads The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus Book 5) by Rick Riordan 🏹 Our heroes must must complete their quest before Gaea wakes up! Plus Octavian from camp Jupiter is starting a war with Camp Half-Blood? Can Nico and friends return the Athena Parthenos to camp Half Blood before war starts? 🏹 Another awesome book from Rick Riordan!! And my@new favorite character is Nico!! More Nico please!! 🏹 2.5 out of four paws. #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjackson #bloodofolympus #heroesofolympus #rickriordanbooks #greekmythologybooks #bookaddict #bookstagram #booknerd #dogsreadingbooks #corgireading

5/29/2024, 4:37:41 AM

I've watched both film/TV adaptations of this series and liked them, so I thought it was about time to read the books. I love all the references to Greek mythology, especially the smaller ones that most people won't pick up on, but that shows the level of research Rick Riordan went to when writing the series. #amreading #readingchallenge2024 #amreadingyoungadult #amreadingfantasy #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjackson #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks

5/28/2024, 10:55:32 PM

Lido. O Sol e a Estrela - Uma Aventura de Nico Di Ângelo Por Rick Riordan e Mark Oshiro Editora Intrínseca Tradução de Regiane Winarski 384 páginas. . "Ele tinha passado tantos anos resistindo a companheirismo, amizade e amor. Tinha se recusado a permanecer em um lugar e não tinha permitido que ninguém ficasse próximo." . Nico Di Ângelo, filho de Hades e seu namorado Wil, filho de Apolo, saem, ou melhor, entram nas profundezas do tártaro para salvar o titã Bob, deixado por Percy e Annabeth para se salvarem. Nessa busca, Nico terá que lidar com todos os seus próprio demônios na companhia de Will, que por ser inteiramente de luz, será o que mais sofrerá fisicamente nas trevas. . "Mas não importa que forma o amor assuma, não importa se você tem muito ou pouco dele. Você precisa escolher cultiva-lo. Em amizades, em relacionamentos românticos, na vida." . Essa jornada, mais que uma aventura, se torna uma prova de amor e companheirismo, onde os receios no relacionamento atual e traumas do passado são revelados e questionados, bem como lembranças boas são recordadas e laços fortalecidos. . "...Ele tinha visto ruínas demais ao longo dos anos, lembretes de como a criação mortal podia acabar reduzida a escombros num piscar de olhos." . Uma história de superação. Até. . #livro #indicacaodelivros #osoleaestrelaumaaventuradenicodiangelo #thesunandthestar #intrinsecaeditora #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #markoshirobooks #markoshiro #romance #aventura #percyjackson #indicacaodelivros

5/26/2024, 4:20:33 PM

[Book Review] Here we have another book I finished months ago and took months just to post the review 😃 Rating: ★★★★★ Review: Words can’t describe how much I love this book but I’m going to try anyway. Yes, I’m aware that this may have been a book written to build up hype for the show but, oh my gods was it good. It’s been 5+ years since I read any Riordanverse books and this one hit home. It was sweet, nostalgic, funny, and a good lighthearted read. It was definitely amusing and had elements of seriousness to it too. I’m looking forward to book 7! • • [SEO: Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Lester Papadopolous, Heroes of Olympus, Trials of Apollo, Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase] • #percyjackson #pjo #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksonedit #percyjacksonfandom #percyjacksonedits #camphalfblood #camphalfbloodcabins #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #pjodisneyplus #percyjacksonbooks #percyjacksonseries #percyjacksonaesthetic #bookstagram #books #bookreel #bookishreels #bookaesthetic #yabooks #yabookstagram #bookstagrammer #fantasybooks #scifibooks #booktok #booktoker #bookstagrammer #bookstagrammers #mgbooks #mgbookstagram #currentlyreading

5/25/2024, 7:35:14 PM

Living for these mini reading adventures<33 ... ... #bookishcommunity #summerreading #readinggirlsummer #dampercyjacksonthing #rickriordanbooks #percyjacksonlife #pjo #readerlife

5/25/2024, 8:15:39 AM

✨I read Heroes of Olympus and life will never be the same✨ The first thing I thought after finishing Blood of Olympus was a very sad 'what have I done?'. Why did I finish the books? Why didn't I stay in a limbo of delusion where I could pretend it could go on forever? I'm so in love with these books. I can't remember the last time something became such a comfort read in so little time. When I felt so close to fictional characters, to the point of missing them like actual friends. I feel like in my brain it only compares to my love for Harry Potter characters and Frodo and Sam from LOTR. I feel so attached to them I don't want to say goodbye 😭 My personal ranking for this series would be 1. The Mark of Athena (I will tattoo that book on my body), 2. The Son of Neptune (iykyk, but that one made me so happy), 3. The House of Hades (had no business being that good), 4. The Blood of Olympus (Nico 🥺) and 5. The Lost Hero. My highlights from this reading experience: jumping around the room when I saw the narrators in Son of Neptune (similar to how I started CRYING when I saw the way chapters were done in Chalice of the Gods lmao); the crying fest every time Percy opened his mouth in important scenes; kicking my feet and screaming shutupshutupshutup when I realized we were already getting some Will Solace. I want to slow down my pace with these books only because I know I will have a mental breakdown when I reach my last piece of Percy content and I need to delay it, but catch me reading Trials of Apollo after I read any other book and it doesn't hit the same, or rereading PJO because how can it truly be summer if I'm not going to Camp Half-blood? I will complain a bit in the comments because I wouldn't be me if I didn't, but for now I'll leave it at that. ✨ Do you have a favourite one from this series? Or written by Rick Riordan? ✨ Any other series/author recommendations to fill the void???? Oh and I could pretend the cookies look green because of the filter (which isn't a straight lie), but I can confirm they were that annoying turquoise colour everyone sees differently lmao.

5/24/2024, 1:38:39 PM

“That got a smile. I loved making her smile when she was trying not to. It always felt like a victory.” Ten year old me, twenty year old me, and almost 30 year old me.. we all love Percy. Thank you to #rickriordan for letting us book nerds grow up with Percy and the rest of the Half-bloods. 💛 Chalice of the Gods is short but sweet and full of little Percabeth moments. “Sometimes it’s the smallest waves that knock you off your feet.“ #percyjacksonbooks #percyjackson #percyjacksonseries #percyjacksonandtheolympians #chaliceofthegods #rickriordanbooks #rickriordanpresents #camphalfblood #halfbloodhill #greekgods #greekgoddess #posiden #greekmythology #books #nostalgia

5/22/2024, 7:46:42 PM

【C】【Ó】【R】【K】【A】 【G】【Ł】【Ę】【B】【I】【N】~~ Rick Riordan Córka głębin czyli jedna z mniej znanych książek autorstwa Ricka Riordana. Historia opowiada o Anie Dakkar czyli uczennica pierwszej klasy w Akademii Hardinga i Pencrofta, w skrócie HP (uczniowie tej szkoły znają wszystkie możliwe żarciki o Harrym Potterze, więc już sobie darujcie). Do absolwentów tej szkoły należą najlepsi na świecie oceanografowie, żołnierze, marynarze i badacze głębin morskich. Any oraz jej starszy brat Dev uczęszczają do tej szkoły tak samo jak ich rodzice, którzy zginęli podczas pewnej misji... Obecnie najważniejszą rzeczą dla Any Dakkar jest zdanie egzaminu, który będzie trwał cały weekend i jedynie co dziewczyna o nim wie to, to że odbędzie się na morzu oraz że uczniowie będą musieli sobie sami z nim poradzić bez pomocy nauczycieli. Mimo, że dzień zaczyna się dla niej pomyślnie, nikt nie jest w stanie przewidzieć tego co się stanie później... W momencie gdy Ana i jej koledzy z rocznika jadą autobusem na egzamin są świadkami straszliwej tragedii, która całkiem zmieni ich życie. W niebezpiecznej rozgrywce między dwoma nienawidzącymi się szkołami Ana zyska cudownych i prawdziwych przyjaciół oraz dowie się czegoś niezwykłego o swoim życiu. Dowie się również czy sprawdzi się jako przywódca, czy ona oraz jej załoga skończą na dnie morza jako pokarm dla rybek. #booktokpl #bookstagrampolska #młodzieżowe #bookstagram #rickriordan #bookstagrampl #córkagłębin #książka #ksiazkowepolecajki #czytam #ksiazkoholizm #książkary #rickriordanbooks

5/20/2024, 1:44:42 PM

Time to start a new book! #magnuschase #rickriordanbooks

5/19/2024, 10:00:23 PM

Percy Jackson ve Olimposlular: Titan'ın Laneti | Rick Riordan Kitabın Konusu: Percy ve Annabeth, Kıvırcık'ın yeni melezler bulması üzerine yanına giderler. Yeni melezleri canavarın elinden kurtarırlar ancak Annabeth kaybolmuştur. BEN KİTABA BAYILDIM YA! Harikaydı. Bir sürü olaylar, şoklar, neler oluyoruzlar etrafımda döndü. Cidden fantastikliğe ve olaylara doydum, diyebilirim. Yok o onun babası, bu bunun annesi. Annesi olayı yoktu sanki ama her neyse. Kısacası çok güzeldi. Herkese rahatlıkla önerebilirim. İnanılmaz akıcı ilerledi. Bu sefer de kehanet olayı vardı ama kimin ne olacağını düşünemediğim için bu sefer pek fazla tahmin yürütemedim açıkçası. Spoiler olabilecek yorumuma gelirsek her şeye çok şaşırdım. Artemis'in kızlardan oluşan bir okçu grubunun olması mı dersiniz, Zoe'nin ölmesi mi, Thalia'nın bu gruba girmesi mi, Zoe'nin babasına mı yoksa Bianca(?)'nın kaybolmasına mı... Her şeye şaşırdım resmen. Ayrıca sonu da fena bitti. En kısa zamanda okumak istiyorum zaten kısa sürede bitiyor. Kısacası herkese gönül rahatlığıyla tavsiye ederim. Çok güzeldi. Bugünlük yorumum bu kadar, kendinize iyi bakın!💙 Puanım: 10/10⭐️

5/19/2024, 5:48:03 PM

• RESEÑA • Hola queridos lectores, hoy les traigo mi opinión sobre el 2do libro de la saga de #percyjacksonandtheolympians .Así que comencemos ✨ • 📜 Título: Percy Jackson y el mar de los monstruos 📜 Autor: Rick Riordan 📜 Editorial: Salamandra 📜 Páginas: 272 • MI OPINIÓN ♒ A través de sus páginas acompañaremos en esta ocasión a Percy y sus amigos, en una operación doble: Encontrar el vellocino de oro, el cual es la unica herramienta capaz de sanar el pino que proteje al campamento mestizo, y rescatar a su Grover, que se encuentra atrapado por un cómico mal entendido. Me encantó que se unieron nuevos personajes que me robaron el corazón, como fueron Tyson👁️ y Hermes👟. Este libro al igual que su antecesor está lleno de referencias a mitos griegos adaptados a la actualidad, y de intervenciones Dioses que a veces ayudaban o empeoraban el camino que enfrentaban nuestros héroes. La aparición de Circe fue un besito de Chef para mí👌🏼. Me siento muy feliz que que ahora ya entiendo algunos chistes del fandom de esta saga, solo dare una pista: ✨cobayas✨. Me divertí mucho, y con cada libro me voy encariñando más de estos increíble semidioses. En esta ocasión solo tengo una tengo una queja, y es que llegó a ser muy predecible con lo que iba a ocurrir o quienes eran algunos los personajes que fueron apareciendo, así que sentí que disminuyo el efecto sorpresa que me causó en el 1er libro. Aún así estoy muy felíz de continuar con esta increíble saga, lo cual me hace preguntarme ¿Por qué me tarde tanto en darle una oportunidad?🧐 -×- Ahora les toca ustedes ¿Están emocionados con la 2da temporada de la serie? (La cual es la adaptación de este libro? ¿Les gustó el sentido del humor de este libro? Los leo en los comentarios 👀 . . . #ladamaliteraria #reviewbook #percyjackson #books #percyjacksonandtheseaofmonsters #campamentomestizo #camphalfblood #bookpost #digitalbook #rickriordan #bookblogger #mestizos #rickriordanbooks #anabethchase #percyanabethandgrover #unclerick #heroesofolympus #percyseries #bookstagramexico #bookstagramdelatinoamerica #libros📚 #librosjuveniles #percyjacksonyelmardelosmonstruos #perseusjackson

5/19/2024, 3:00:28 AM

✨🦉✨book review✨🔱✨ 📚 The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan 🌟 Marriage proposal/5 This book is the embodiment of that 'I read for fun' reel where the music keeps screaming EMOTIONAL DAMAGE. In case you have blocked me out of your memory, let me remind you I went into Percy Jackson books out of pure FOMO after the show, thinking they'd be just a fun time. Slowly and steadily enjoyed the books a little more each time, then I blinked, and next thing you know, I'm obsessed with this series, cursing my lack of orange clothing and calling Rick Riordan Uncle Rick. Should you also read these books? Even when you're an old lady like me? A thousand times yes. Reading these books feels like the comfort of going back to Harry Potter books mixed with the excitement of reading Shadowhunters for the first time as a teen. They're interesting and fun and extremely funny, and have amazing characters you just want to adopt, and will never leave your heart for the rest of your life (as well as the best, cutest romances for some reason). I feel like the Percy series was a bit more... young? It felt lighter, and as an adult, that made me not connect 100% with the story (I was at an embarrassing 96%). But The Heroes of Olympus? It's everything that's good with Percy Jackson but upped by a hundred. The stories, the characters, the writing, the stakes, the freaking emotions. The whole thing is god(s) tier. And The Mark of Athena was my favourite one yet (did you know I like pain). It had some of my favourite cute moments, some of my most laugh out loud moments, and... Made me cry the most! How did anyone survive that ending back in the day? How did you guys make it to the next release? Forget these kids, you are the true heroes 😭 ********MILD SPOILERSSSS******* Uhm. Where's the 'obsessed with Percy' therapy group? Where do they hold meetings? I'm asking for a friend. That. Kid. The. Entire. Book. 😔 And the Percabeth content 💔 but also 💖 Anyway let me start the next book asap so I can be reunited with my son Nico ✌️

5/18/2024, 6:02:11 PM

Book 2 & Book 6 of 2024⚡️🧜🏼‍♂️ Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters . If you are a Greek Mytho fan, this book series will hold your hand and take you on a ride into the magical mysterious Greek Mytho world.! A completely easy read and the characters are relatable even though they are demi gods- half god, half human. Funny, quirky and enjoyable read for sure ⚡️🧜🏼‍♂️

5/18/2024, 12:37:17 PM

Forever obsessed with sprayed edges🤩 Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? ——— 🏷️ #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksonandthechaliceofthegods #chaliceofthegods #rickriordan #rickriordanpresents #rickriordanbooks #greekmythology #greekmyth

5/17/2024, 9:24:32 PM

J'aime tellement la première photo qu'elle a finit en fond d'écran 🤣 Cette journée était vraiment incroyable !!! 😍 Percy @elkael.cosplay Annabeth @majacosplays Grover @pal.cosplay Luke @yamyam_cos Nico @green_ldg.cos Will @mercury.cos_ Clarisse @la_chieuse_cosplay Silena @chase_cos_ Thalia @hoolia.cosplay Photo 2 : @hooctis_cosplay Photo 1 et 3 :@florent_anno #cosplayer #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplayphotographer #cosplayphotography #cosplayphoto #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksonfandom #percyjacksoncosplay #percyjacksonclarisse #pjo #pjoedit #pjofanart #pjocosplay #pjoclarisse #clarisse #clarissrlarue #clarissepjo #clarissecosplay #thalia #pjobooks #percyjacksonmemes #pjofandom #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #photoshootcosplay #photoshootconvention #photocosplay #thaliagrace #percyjacksonthalia

5/16/2024, 6:10:52 PM

El héroe perdido ⚡ Este es el primer libro del spin off de Percy Jackson, Los héroes del Olimpo. En este inicio de saga podemos ver cómo introduce a nuevos personajes, en este caso al ser relectura he conectado mucho más rápido con los personajes. Me quedan 50 páginas para acabar el libro y sin duda me van a entrar ganas de leer ya el siguiente. Cómo la saga principal los estoy leyendo con @miescapeliterario y el ir comentando todo lo que va pasando hace que disfrute más la lectura. ¿Habéis leído el spin off? ¿Quien es vuestro personaje favorito de Percy Jackson? #thelostheroe #theheroesofolympus #leovaldez #jasongrace #pipermclean #percyjackson #annabethchase #rickriordanbooks #rickriordan #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksonandthelightningthief #nicodiangelo #book #bookcommunity #bookstagrammer #books #bookstagramspain

5/15/2024, 7:40:31 PM

Do you have a to watch list? • There are so many movies and tv shows I want to watch, I had to compile them into a list. We just finished watching the Avatar The Last Airbender live action and now I am hoping to watch the new Percy Jackson show. • Camp Half Blood print is from @enchantedextras and you can use my code LIVING15 to save in the shop. • Happy Tuesday! Be kind xo ♡ • • • Hashtags… #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #enchantedextras #bookprint #characterart #artprint #bookishart #fanart #camphalfblood #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #thelightningthief #tbr #toberead #booksbooksbooks #fantasygenre #fantasy #fantasybook #bookishmerch #bookmerch #bookishmerchfeatures #bookmerchandise #ireadbooks #booksofinstagram #igreads #book #bookseries #yabooks #yareads #youngadultfiction

5/14/2024, 5:18:50 PM

I recently finished reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians book series. I enjoyed it so much! These books are so fun.😍 Also started reading The Heroes of Olympus series. It’s also amazing.🤩 . . #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksonfanart #rickriordanbooks #rickriordan #fanart #illustration #annabethchase #thaliagrace #groverunderwood #digitalart

5/13/2024, 11:45:33 PM

Hey hey peeps! 😍 Today, I will be bringing a little review about one of my favourite books! 🤭 Not unlike the previous 5 books ("Percy Jackson and the Olympians" series), this one also takes a crown with 5 stars! 🌟 "The Lost Hero" is the first book in the "Heroes of Olympus" series, accompanying three demigods: Leo (my precious baby), Jason and Piper, who end up going on a quest together! 🥰 Yes, the order has a meaning! 😂 For anyone who is unsure about reading theses books: You must know that the writing style is just amazing - descriptive and in the third person (unlike the previous ones), it is of easy comprehension and it will keep you on your toes throughout the whole book. 👏 The plot, the main quest and both mythologies (roman and greek) were well integrated, and easy to follow! However, don't be fooled! There will be plot twists, that will keep you entertained and trying to find meaning to everything! 🤩 Also, you will get seriously attached to the main characters, especially Leo Valdez! 🫣 Even if it takes just a little more time for some (sorry Piper... Hated you a little bit, but love you with all my heart now)! I really really loved it, and I can't wait for the next ones! 💛 If you love fiction, fantasy and mythology, you've got to give these series a go! 😱 Have you read The Lost Hero? If so, what do you think? Have you read other mythology books? Comment your heart away! Tell me all about it! 🥰 #book #books #reading #opinion #bookrecommendations #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookgram #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagramportugal #bookgramportugal #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #thelosthero #theheroesofolympus #theheroesofolympusseries #aphrodite #jasongrace #pipermclean #leovaldez

5/13/2024, 10:31:05 PM

Question to Rick Riordan fans - which is your favourite of his books? Last time I posted photos of the @illumicrate editions of Percy Jackson and the Olympians I accidentally took the photo of the sprayed edges with the books in the wrong order so you couldn't see the map design spread across all five. I've rectified that here - scroll for photo! -- #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagramuk #readersofinstagram #booksofinstagram #specialeditionbooks #beautifulbooks #illumicrate #illumicratespecialeditions #sprayededges #digitallysprayededges #fantasybooks #fantasynovels #middlegradebookstagram #middlegradebooks #middlegradenovels #middlegradefantasy #childrensfantasy #yafantasy #mythtakereads #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksonbooks #thelightningthief #theseaofmonsters #thetitanscurse #thebattleforthelabyrinth #thelastolympian #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks

5/12/2024, 10:29:48 AM

Heyyy! 😍 Another second post? Of course! 🤭 Been a bit distant lately, and we can't have that! 😤 Today, I bring a quote from my favourite character of Percy Jackson! Nico di Angelo! ☠️ Don't let his age fool you! He is sassy, he is smart, he is funny, he is strong and he is tam... tam... tam... 🥁 You need to read the books to know more! 🥰 Book series: Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan (Artwork: @alessia.trunfio ) #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #book #books #booklover #booklovers #may #maymonth #bookloversunite #nicodiangelo #nicosiangelofanart #percyjackson #percyjacksonbooks #percyjacksonseries #rickriodan #bookrecommendations #fanart #rickriordanbooks #percyjacksonfanart

5/12/2024, 12:07:43 AM

🌈Rainbow book challenge + Match your nails stack💅🏻 Thanks @beckyy.readss for tagging me in the #rainbowbookchallenge , I got the color red🌹 & @everelle_books for tagging me in the #matchyournails ❤️ A little late but I have to admit I tried to do it a week ago but it was the first time I painted my nails in years and it came out messy😅😂 Although the wait has been worth it since now I can combine these two challenges🙌🏻 I nominate: ❤️ @storiesandbooks909 🧡 @jan35104974 💛 @bookswithalibra 💚 @disquieting.reader 💙 @bookandmangaspam 🩷 @kahinas_bookofspells 💜 @booksandbarbara As always there's no pressure to do it and if you don't have books in those colors, just change it, no problem! And you are all tagged to also do the 'Match your nails stack'🤭, however you want (with this stack, with another...)🤗 #rainbowstack #rainbowbooks #redbook #redbooks #redbookstack #matchyournailsstack #thefinalstrife #saaraelarifi #autumnstraitor #hannahparker #thestormoflife #amyrosecapetta #percyjackson #percyjacksonandthelabyrinth #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #vengeancefreesher #alexiscmaness #masterofone #trickshot #trickshotbook #kaylagrosse #rednails

5/9/2024, 9:03:31 PM

📚GELESENES empfohlen👍 ⚡️„Percy Jackson 🔱 - Der Kelch der Götter 🍷“ Autor: Rick Riordan Verlag: @carlsenverlag Seiten: 315 empfohlenes Alter: ab 12 Jahren Danke an @grigoriosdemertzis für das Buch und die Empfehlung🙏 Meine Meinung : Da ich ein riesiger Rick Riordan Fan bin, hat mir dieses Buch auch sehr gut gefallen. Die Überschriften waren lustig und der Inhalt vom Buch ist humorvoll, spannend und actionreich. Ich gebe dem Buch deswegen eine 5/5. #griechischemythologie #mythologie #percyjackson #rickriordan #carlsenverlag #rickriordanbooks #young_bookstagram #grigoriosdemertzis #percyjacksonbooks #lesenmachtschlau #carlsen_kinderbuch #bookstagram #buchtipps #bookstagramgermany #instabook #jugendbuch #jugendbuchtipp #lassmallesen #spannung #action #buecher_galaxie

5/9/2024, 11:49:34 AM

N: You gave me a candy bar so now it's my candy bar, you dork! Those two are one of my favourites ships of all time 💙 Photo by @vaieth_photo Nico by @kuro_the_emperor Will by @azrieli_darkmoon #nicodiangelo #nicocosplay #nicodiangeloprotectionsquad #nicodiangelocosplay #willsolace #willsolacecosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #percyjacksoncosplay #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksonseries #heroofolympus #greekmythology #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #rickriordanbookscosplay #ghostking #solangelo #willico #sunangel

5/8/2024, 3:42:29 PM

Rick Riordan Percy Jackson és az olimposziak 1., 2. ~🔱 1. A villámtolvaj ~⚡ A tizenkét éves Percy Jacksont eltanácsolják az iskolából. Megint. Bármennyire igyekszik, úgy tűnik, képtelen távol tartani magától a bajt. De tényleg nem szabad megvédenie magát az algebratanárnővel szemben, amikor az szörnyeteggé változik és meg akarja ölni? Természetesen senki nem hisz Percynek a szörny-incidenssel kapcsolatban; abban sem biztos, hogy magának hisz. Egészen addig, míg a Minotaurusz be nem kergeti a nyári táborba. Percy rájön, hogy az olimposzi istenek a huszonegyedik században is élnek. Sőt, némelyiküket fel is bosszantotta: Zeusz villámát ellopták, és Percy az első számú gyanúsított. Percynek mindössze tíz napja van arra, hogy megtalálja és visszaadja a Zeusztól ellopott holmit, és békét teremtsen a háborúságban álló Olimposzon. ~⚡ 2. A szörnyek tengere ~🌊 Percy Jackson hetedik éve az iskolában meglehetősen unalmasan indul. Egyetlen szörny sem akarja betenni a lábát New York-i sulijába. Ám amikor az ártatlan labdázgatás élet-halál harccá válik egy csapat emberevő óriás ellen, a dolgok, hogy is mondjam, kezdenek eldurvulni. Váratlanul érkező barátja, Annabeth is csak rossz hírekkel szolgálhat: a Félvérek táborát védő határokat egy titokzatos ellenség lerombolta. Percynek és a barátainak át kell szelniük a Szörnyek Tengerét, hogy megmentsék a táborukat. De Percynek mindezek előtt még el kell döntenie, áldás-e, avagy átok Poszeidón fiának lenni. ~🌊 A sorozat első két része nagyon lenyűgözött. Sok jót hallottam róla, de most én is megtapasztaltam, hogy mennyire lebilincselő. Az összes karakter nagyon jól ki van dolgozva, egyszerűen fantasztikus érzés volt olvasni a könyveket. A görög mitológia a szemünk előtt elevenült meg, csodálatos világot teremtett meg az író. Eldöntöttem, hogy mindegyik részét elolvasom, de csak kettesével, hogy még véletlenül se unjak bele. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ #book #bookstagram #booklover #read #reading #rickriordan #percyjackson #percyjacksonésazolimposziak #avillámtolvaj #aszörnyektengere #rickriordanpercyjackson #rickriordanbooks #olvasnijó

5/8/2024, 9:37:49 AM

The Heroes Of Olympus Boxset Rick Riordan Harga: 550.000 Original Baru, broken segel Bahasa Indonesia Detail DM/WA 081213250067 #jualbuku #jualnovel #theheroesofolympus #theheroesofolympusboxset #boxsettheheroesofolympus #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #boxsetmurah #bukurickriordan

5/8/2024, 4:43:08 AM

Un trabajo para un curso que hice hace ya bastante. Uno de mis trabajos mas satisfactorios y que siento que si valio el tiempo que le llevo. Amo demasiado a estos dos 💛🖤 El texto en el "comic" no es exacto al de la pagina (no entraba), pero como es de mis momentos preferidos la agrego igual. "The Sun and The Star" ☀️⭐de Rick Riordan con Mark Oshiro, pagina 436. #thesunandthestar #thesunandthestarfanart #riordanverse #nicodiangelo #nicodiangelofanart #willsolace #willsolacefanart #solangelo #solangelofanart #percyjacksonandtheolympians #herosofolympus #pjofanart #hoofanart #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #markoshiro #markoshirobooks

5/8/2024, 1:12:20 AM

I was tagged by @whispers_ofa_reader (thank you for the tag!) to do the #threebooksthreegenres challenge so here weee gooo Mystery is my favorite genre, so I chose two favorites, Crooked House and The Westing Game. I also chose The Honjin Murders, a Japanese puzzle mystery, which I don't think is talked about enough. I have a lot of non-fiction, mostly unread😅, so here are three that cover some of my favorite topics to read about in non-fiction: The Grey Fox (history), Don't Kiss Them Goodbye (ghosts/paranormal and memoirs) and I'll Be Gone in the Dark (crime). Fantasy has surpisingly been my top (or one of my top) genres over the past few years. So I picked three from my favorite fantasy authors, Percy Jackson Demigod Files by Rick Riordan, A Hat Full of Sky by Terry Pratchett and The Foundling by Lloyd Alexander. I'm gonna tag a couple people but no pressure! In other news, its so nice today!🌸🌞 #rickriordanbooks #percyjacksonandtheolympians #terrypratchett #ahatfullofsky #thefoundlingbook #lloydalexanderbooks #illbegoneinthedark #dontkissthemgoodbye #thegreyfox #thehonjinmurders #seishiyokomizo #agathachristie #crookedhouse #thewestinggame #ellenraskin #bookstagramtags #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstacks

5/6/2024, 11:36:40 PM

📗 A Pirâmide Vermelha 💰R$25,00 Sinopse: Desde a morte da mãe, seis anos atrás, Carter Kane viaja o mundo com o pai, o egiptólogo Dr. Julius Kane. Ele não frequenta a escola e seus pertences cabem em uma única mala. Enquanto isso, Sadie, sua irmã mais nova, é criada pelos avós em Londres. Ela tem tudo o que Carter queria: casa, amigos e uma vida "normal". E ele, o que ela mais deseja: conviver com o pai. Depois de tanto tempo separados, os irmãos não tinham praticamente mais nada em comum. Até que na noite de Natal, em uma visita ao British Museum, o pai faz uma estranha promessa: tudo voltará a ser como antes. Mas seu plano dá errado, e os irmãos acabam assistindo ao momento em que um personagem misterioso desaparece com o egiptólogo e provoca uma explosão magnífica. Para salvar o pai, os irmãos embarcam em uma perigosa jornada, na qual descobrem que os deuses do Egito Antigo foram despertados e algo terrível está para acontecer - e que tudo isso está relacionado com uma ligação ancestral entre os Kane e a Casa da Vida, ordem secreta que existe desde a época dos faraós. Primeiro volume da série As crônicas dos Kane , A pirâmide vermelha leva aos leitores a aventura, o mistério e o irresistível humor já característicos dos livros de Rick Riordan, autor da bem-sucedida série Percy Jackson e os olimpianos . Os capítulos narrados ora por Carter, ora por Sadie, dão à história o tom ao mesmo tempo engraçado e comovente da rivalidade e das provocações entre os irmãos, que mal se conhecem no início da saga, mas, quem sabe, ainda serão grandes companheiros. #livrosebo #lendo #livrosderomance #livrosdefantasia #livroshot #livrosusados #livrosqueamo #livrosinfantis #livroseleituras #livros #livrosnacionais #livrosclassicos #livrosdemisterio #livrosterror #leitura #sebo #seboonline #ascronicasdoskane #apiramidevermelha #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #editoraintrinseca

5/6/2024, 5:13:43 PM

Goodnight everyone! 🥰 So happy to show you guys my second post! Sorry for the late hour, however, I really wanted to give you guys a sneak peak into a few of the books that helped me say "Bye bye" to reading slumps, easing my way back to reading! 🤩 These were the books that gave me a bigger view of the worlds and presented me to one of my favourite authors of all time: Holly Jackson! 😍 What about you⁉️ Have you read any of these books? I would love to know your opinion! 🩷 And have you ever been in a horrible reading slump? If so, which books got you out of it? 🤭 #book #books #bookstagram #bookstagram #reading #booklover #booklovers #acotar #acotarseries #sarahjmaas #sarahjmaasseries #harrypotter #harrypotterseries #jkrowling #jkrowlingseries #shatterme #shattermeseries #taherehmafi #taherehmafibooks #agoodgirlsguidetomurder #agoodgirlsguidetomurderseries #hollyjackson #hollyjacksonbooks #percyjackson #percyjacksonseries #thelightningthief #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks

5/6/2024, 12:17:41 AM

Percy Jackson-Prokletí titánů 🌌 ~Rick Riordan „Percy, ať se rozhodneš, jak chceš, mám tě ráda. A vím, že uděláš, co je pro Annabeth nejlepší.“ „Jak to můžeš vědět tak jistě?“ „Protože ona by to pro tebe udělala taky.“ Třetí a další dobrodružství Percyho Jacksona. V sázce je zase jednou až příliš mnoho a předurčená výprava nezní zrovna dvakrát slibně. Opravdu toho na ní mohou tolik ztratit? A vyplatí se ta ztráta? Naši hrdinové mají jasno. Percy chce zachránit osobu jež je mu drahá a nezastaví se před ničím. Nemůže. Ne, když ho pronásledují sny, které mu neúprosně připomínají, že nemá mnoho času. 🌅 Intriky jsou v plném proudu. Zrada číhá všude. I když by ji někdy nemělo být těžké odhalit, naše emoce nám dokážou snadno zakalit úsudek. 🪨 Výprava za záchranou bohyně Artemis, se proměňuje v něco mnohem hlubšího. Proroctví, které děsí samotné bohy, se možná již brzy naplní. Jeden z bolobohů se totiž přiblížil šestnáctým narozeninám. 🌱 Nic není takové, jaké se na první pohled zdá. A jak se říká, pod lampou je největší tma. 🌑 Tenhle díl mě zatím bavil nejvíce. Užívala jsem si každou vteřinu čtení. Bessie mi ukradla srdce hned na začátku. Za to Zoe byla zralá tak akorát na to dostat pánvi po hlavě. Alespoň teda do chvíle, než jsem měla možnost poznat její příběh. V knize nechybí kouzelné, sladké ani komické chvilky. Odnáším si také pár šrámů na duši... Ale to už k úžasným knihám tak nějak patří. 💘 A co vy? Už jste svět Percyho Jacksona navštívili? 🌊 5/5🌟 #svetknih #kniznitip #knihomolka #bookworm #kniznisvet #cojsemcetla #knihy #books #fantasybookseries #kniha #milovnikknih #book #booklover #cteme #cteni #percyjackson #rickriordan #percyjacksonmorenestvur #rickriordanbooks #rickriordanpercyjackson #fantasyknihy #fantasyserie #fantasykniha #percyjacksonprokletititanu

5/5/2024, 3:41:44 PM

What is everyone doing this fine Sunday (fine in Liverpool right now anyway)? I'm sadly going to be on my laptop all afternoon working on writing my dissertation but I did manage to nip to the small park behind my house and take some book photos in the sun. -- #bookstagramoftheday #bookstagramuk #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #beautifulbooks #booksoutofdoors #fantasybooks #fantasynovels #middlegradefantasy #yafantasy #childrensfantasy #middlegradebooks #middlegradereads #mythtakereads #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksonbooks #thechaliceofthegods #chaliceofthegods #rickriordanbooks #rickriordan #khadijahkhatib

5/5/2024, 1:19:40 PM

Lectores ✨​📗✨​ 🌷Con emoción les dejo las siguientes recomendaciones de libros cuyos temas llegan a ser interesantes. 🌷Temática: Brujas y Mitología (Celta, Nórdica, Griega) -Ayúdanos a crecer 🌷No olvides comentar💌​ y dale ❤️ 🌷Compartir con otros amantes de los libros ​📩 🌷Guardar el post para después. @heavenarz00 -The Court of Books #booksbooksbooks #bookstagrammer #bookstagrammexico #librosdebrujas #librosdemitologia #amoleer #thecourtofbooksandreaders

5/4/2024, 11:18:50 PM

📖 Percy Jackson i bogowie olimpijscy. Złodziej pioruna Autor: Rick Riordan Wydawnictwo: Galeria Książki Wydane: 2009r. Opis: Co by było, gdyby olimpijscy bogowie żyli w XXI wieku? Co by było, gdyby nadal zakochiwali się w śmiertelnikach i śmiertelniczkach i mieli z nimi dzieci, z których mogliby wyrosnąć wielcy herosi – jak Tezeusz, Jazon czy Herakles? Jak to jest – być takim dzieckiem? To właśnie przydarzyło się dwunastoletniemu Percy’emu Jacksonowi, który zaraz po tym, jak dowiedział się prawdy, wyruszył w niezwykle niebezpieczną misję. Z pomocą satyra i córki Ateny Percy odbędzie podróż przez całe Stany Zjednoczone, żeby schwytać złodzieja, który ukradł przedwieczną „broń masowego rażenia” – należący do Zeusa piorun piorunów. Po drodze zmierzy się z zastępami mitologicznych potworów, których zadaniem jest go powstrzymać. A przede wszystkim będzie musiał stawić czoła ojcu, którego nigdy wcześniej nie spotkał, oraz przepowiedni, która ostrzegła go przed… Powyższy opis pochodzi od wydawcy. #książkara #książkimoimżyciem #książkidlamłodzieży #książkoholik #ksiazkaranainstagramie #bookstagrampl #books #blogksiążkowy #bookstagram #percyjackson #percyjacksonbogowieolimpijscy #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #wydawnictwogaleriaksiążki #estetyka #estetykaksiążki #aesthetics

5/4/2024, 5:05:50 PM

I finally got my hands on the new edition of Percy Jackson books 🔱 #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksonfandom #percyjacksonbooks #rickriordanbooks #pjo #percyjacksonandthelightningthief #percyjacksonandtheseaofmonsters #percyjacksonandthetitanscurse #percyjacksonandthebattleofthelabyrinth #percyjacksonandthelastolympian And can someone please tell me in which book the new dedication is supposed to be? Because I don't have it, I think it's in the last one which I don't have.

5/4/2024, 4:46:01 PM

"𝘔𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨." ㅡ Arundhati Shah, The Nectar of Immortality 📚 Book Review of The Pandava Quintet by @roshanichokshi Aru Shah and the End of Time ㅡ 3.5/5.0 Aru Shah and the Song of Death ㅡ 4.5/5.0 Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes ㅡ 3.8/5.0 Aru Sha and the City of Gold ㅡ 4.0/5.0 Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality ㅡ 4.5/5.0 The series was nothing short of heart, humor, fast-paced adventures, pop culture references, and literary classics that made the entire reading experience electrifying. Aru Shah and the Song of Death resonated with me the most. Felt a horrible pang in my heart when Aru had to plunge the arrow of Kamadeva to Surpanakha's heart... My wish for the Kalpavriksha (the wish-granting tree) is for the world, the Otherworld, and the devas to remember the tale of Meenakshi so she can reclaim her narrative and not be immortalized as a mere rakshasi who started a war in search of the world for a cure to her sorrow (not sure if this was technically covered when the amrita or nectar of immortality was shared with the rest of the world). I pray to Lord Indra that we get to meet the Potatoes in another thrilling adventure ~ #arushah #endoftime #songofdeath #treeofwishes #cityofgold #nectarofimmortality #roshanichokshi #pandava #rickriordanbooks #rickriordanpresents #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookphotography #bookcommunity #booksofinstagram #booksph #booksphilippines

5/4/2024, 6:04:19 AM

📖 Percy Jackson i bogowie olimpijscy. Złodziej pioruna Autor: Rick Riordan Wydawnictwo: Galeria Książki Wydane: 2009r. Ocena: 5/5⭐ !Opis: załączony w komentarzu! ✨ Moja opinia ✨ 🏫Zaczyna się niepozornie. Nastolatek, szkoła i kłopoty... Jeden moment zmienia życie Percy'ego o 180°. Chłopak musi się uporać z nowymi problemami, a zarazem swoim przeznaczeniem. Z pozoru wydaje się, że ,,problemy" bohatera okażą się czy mi się w zwykłym i łatwym, tak naprawdę to wielka przygoda dla niego! 🔱Percy Jackson tytułowy bohater serii książek o mitach i bogach! Zapraszam was do przeczytania o swoich przygodach! 🏛️Ja jestem wielką fanką twórczości wujka Ricka, jego książki przeczytałam nie raz i pewnie jeszcze nie raz do nich wrócę. Dzięki tej serii książek zaczęłam swoją przygodę z nimi. Więc z całego serca mogę wam polecić wszystkie książki z herosami! 🗽W pierwszym tomie tak naprawdę jako przygoda dopiero się rozkręca! Najpierw trafia na obóz letni, a potem musi udowodnić, że oskarżenia wobec niego są niesłuszne. To pomocy ma dwójkę swoich towarzyszy, córkę Ateny i swojego przyjaciela satyra. Razem wyruszają w ekscytującą przygodę, aby spełnić słowa wyroczni. Cała fabuła, tekst i zamysł są super i nie mam do czego się przyczepić! 🫣 Percy Jackson jest idealną młodzieżówką na okres letni, który wielkimi krokami zbliża się. 😉 #książkara #książkimoimżyciem #książkidlamłodzieży #książkoholik #ksiazkaranainstagramie #bookstagrampl #books #blogksiążkowy #bookstagram #percyjackson #percyjacksonbogowieolimpijscy #rickriordan #rickriordanbooks #wydawnictwogaleriaksiążki #recenzja #recenzjaksiazki

5/3/2024, 8:38:17 PM

Livro: O Sol e a Estrela: Uma aventura de Nico do Angelo Casal: Solangelo. . . . . . . . . . . #solangelo #livros #leitura #leituras #osoleaestrelaumaaventuradenicodiangelo #rickriordanbooks

5/3/2024, 8:26:15 PM

Season 2 will have 8 episodes ☹️ thought we would get spoiled a bit, I’m so excited! Oh my 🙃 i think it’s the smallest book so I’m glad we’re even getting 8😭(pleaseeeee let the episodes be longer!) #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksondisneyplus #percyjacksonfandom #percyjackson2 #percyjacksonseaofmonsters #percyjacksonseason2 #pjo #pjofandom #rickriordan #explore #explorepage #rickriordanbooks #percyjacksonbooks #seaofmonsters #riordanverse #riordan

5/3/2024, 4:30:04 PM

🌿 MAY HOPEFULS 🌿 Welp…I have a carryover from last month, but I am still in the mood to read it! I just got..sidetracked..a little and started The Son of Neptune instead of The Starless Sea. But I’ll get to it 🙌 — How y’all feeling about a low-country boil right about now? 👀🦀🦐🌽 - I, for one, will always be up for cracking some crab and peeling some prawns! #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #mayhopefuls #mayhopefulsbookstack #bookstack #whatimreadinginmay #mayreading #booksandhammocks #startofsummerreading #springreads #neilgaimanbooks #rickriordanbooks #erinmorgansternthestarlesssea #thehobbit

5/2/2024, 11:39:36 PM

💙 RESEÑA 💙 La Profecía Oscura - Rick Riordan ✨ ¿Con qué lectura arrancas mayo? 🌤️Páginas: 384 🌤️ Puntuación: ⭐⭐⭐/5 🌤️ Saga Las Pruebas de Apolo (2) 🌤️ Sinopsis en comentarios "¿Había alguien a quien no hubiera traicionado y decepcionado? ¿Alguna relación que no hubiera destruido?" 🌈 En esta segunda parte de Las Pruebas de Apolo tenemos muchos nuevos personajes, un nuevo emperador, un nuevo oráculo y, por supuesto, reencuentros con viejos amigos. ☀️ Apolo crece aún más, se va dando cuenta de lo que es importante y comienza a valorar cada vez más las amistades que lo rodean, la valentía de los semidioses y los sacrificios que realiza el resto. ☀️ Sin embargo, todavía tiene un largo camino por recorrer y vale la pena acompañarlo a lo largo de él. 💖 Como siempre, el ingenio que se usa en las peleas de Rick Riordan nunca deja de sorprenderme y encantarme. ⚡ El libro me gustó, pero no creo que sea mejor que el primero. Hay ciertos personajes y situaciones que preferiría que Rick no escriba😅😂 🔥 El final es sorprendente y te deja con ganas de más. Y prepárense para todo lo que viene. "Lo importante no es cuánto vives, sino por lo que vives." ❗ Trigger warnings: tortura, violencia, secuestro, abuso emocional, esclavitud. . . . . . [ #librosdeunamestiza #gdabooklovers #librosyreseñas #laprofeciaoscura #thedarkprophecy #laspruebasdeapolo #eloraculooculto #thetrialsofapollo #apoloyartemisa #thehiddenoracle #rickriordanbooks #rickriordanverse #percyjacksonbooks #heroesdelolimpo #mitologíagriega ]

5/2/2024, 8:05:50 PM

When there’s an offer on hardbacks you buy the hardbacks 🤷🏻‍♀️ Out of the three, I’m especially excited to read Atalanta! Have you read any of Saint’s books - if so, which was your favorite? Hoping to add Icarus and Medea to my Greek Mythology TBR soon because I adore reading about chaotic individuals making really bad choices Q what Greek myth would you like to read retelling about ? Fun fact, the first full length novel I wrote was when I was 13 and it was all about Artemis🌜if I can get through the cringe, maybe I should give it a rewrite ? 😅 . . . . . . . . . #greekmythology #jennifersaint #greekretelling #hadesandpersephone #booksandcats #tbrpost #currentreads #fantasybookstagram #historicalfictionbooks #mythologybooks #historicalromancenovel #instareads #booktokbooks #bookreviewersofinstagram #bookrecsofinstagram #percyjacksonbooks #songofachilles #madelinemiller #rickriordanbooks

5/2/2024, 6:11:58 PM