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Chúc mừng Đạo diễn Nguyễn Hữu Tuấn và Anh Trương Thế Vinh đã có buổi ra mắt phim “Án Mạng Lầu 4 “ thành công tốt đẹp ❤️ Chúc bộ phim sẽ nhận được sự yêu thích của khán giả và bùng nổ doanh thu Sẽ công chiếu trên toàn quốc vào ngày 17/05/2024 nhé mọi người ❤️ #anmanglau4 #đạodiễnnguyễnhữutuấn #truongthevinh #luongbichhuu #signoreclub #huulocsignore #ffc #fbv #bartendering #flairbartenders #forever #việtnam

5/16/2024, 2:16:37 PM

Cuidado de dono presente no DNA de nossa equipe! Projeto fantástico a todo vapor. Residência SRG | Obra em andamento Arquitetura: @estudio.figueira Gerenciamento: @toolsengenharia Engenharia: @avanciengenharia #avanciengenharia #gestão #qualidade #arquitetura #fbv #civilengineering #landscape #architecture #engenharia #obra #home #quintadabaroneza

5/16/2024, 1:46:26 AM

Nuestra primera vez en la playa ♥️🏝️☀️ #volcom #polo #playa #verano #gemelos #gemelosidenticos #amordehermanos #fbv #viral #identicaltwins

5/14/2024, 10:54:51 PM

TIRO, PORRADA E BOMBA: A MELHOR (OU PIOR, DEPENDE) NOITE DA LIGA SSA 2024. Que noite, meus amigos. QUE NOITE!!! APCEF (@apcefbahia) e Deboas (@voleideboas_adelba) fizeram as melhores partidas da LIGA SSA até agora, dignas de final de campeonato. Ninguém poderia prever o que aconteceria nas quase 4 horas de jogos que rolaram ontem. Tensão, pressão, polêmicas (pra dar e vender no atacado), gritaria, criança chorando...ufa!!! A noite foi longa. Abrindo os trabalhos, as equipes masculinas deram o pontapé inicial. Deboas chegou até a abrir vantagem de 5 pontos, mas logo foi alcançado pelos donos da casa. Depois disso, ninguém mais se distanciou. As equipes pouco erravam e o set só acabou nos detalhes. Bloqueio no pé, ataque dos 3 metros, "medalhada", encarada, confusão com arbitragem, catimba. O jogo pegou fogo rápido. No final, APCEF levou a melhor no set com a parcial de 25 x 23. Como de costume, a equipe visitante ganhou o 2 º set (parece pacto). O equilíbrio foi igual ao do 1º set. As confusões também. Apenas no fim, os deboístas conseguiram abrir uma pequena vantagem e administraram até o término do set. 25 x 21. E pra variar...mais um tie brake. E o que se seguiu foram vários momentos de tensão, polêmicas sérias, garra, força de vontade, suor, discussões e muito equilíbrio. Em momento nenhum alguma equipe abriu mais de 2 pontos de vantagem. Era impossível prever quem levaria a partida. No fim das contas, prevaleceu a força dos anfitriões: 2 x 1, com o tie brake acabando em 16 x 14. Na sequência, foi a vez das meninas. APCEF e Deboas entravam em quadra ainda absorvendo o clima tenso do jogo anterior. O que se viu foi quase a mesma coisa que aconteceu na partida anterior, mas com uma diferença: foi tudo elevado ao quadrado. Quem achou que o jogo dos meninos foi tenso, mal sabia que o das meninas seria potencializado. Todos os sets foram bem equilibrados. Vez ou outra uma equipe abria uma boa vantagem, mas a outra logo recuperava. E como um dogma imposto por uma tribunal da inquisição, Deboas perde o 1º set por 25 x 20. Mesmo dogma que fez as visitantes ganharem o set seguinte por 25 x 23 . Continua nos comentários...

5/14/2024, 4:54:17 PM

A Feira Bazar da Vida quer saber: quem você quer ver no próximo episódio do nosso BazarCast? Cada semana temos ouvido histórias incríveis, e conhecido empreendedores de sucesso! E agora queremos saber: quem você quer ver em nosso podcast? #fbv #feira #bazar #feirabazardavida #podcast #bazarcast #varejo #mossoro #riograndedonorte #rn #comerciantes #empreendedores #empreendedoresdesucesso #empreendedorismo #microempreendedor

5/13/2024, 10:12:12 PM

FIM DE SEMANA AINDA NÃO ACABOU!!! E quem achou que a sequência de jogos terminou no sábado, errou feio, errou rude. Daqui a pouco, às 19h, APCEF (@apcefbahia), mandante da rodada, recebe no Villa Global Education da Paralela os atletas do Deboas (@voleideboas_adelba). Pelo lado masculino, a briga é pela liderança. Quem ganhar assume isoladamente a ponta da tabela. Para atingir tal objetivo, os anfitriões esperam contar com sua equipe completa, visto que na última partida desfalques importantes comprometeram o rendimento do grupo. Já a equipe visitante chega embalada após vitória (sofrida demais) no último sábado. Invictos na competição, o Deboas quer disparar na liderança da competição. Pelo lado feminino os objetivos são diferentes. Enquanto as atletas da APCEF querem manter a invencibilidade e disparar nos pontos, as meninas deboístas querem apagar a atuação ruim que tiveram na última partida, quando sofreram sua primeira derrota, perdendo a chance de assumir a ponta. Jogo promete ser tenso. E mais uma vez o jogo contará com a cobertura jornalística da @ljeuufba #volei #voleibol #volley #volleyball #ligassa #deboas #soteroclube #apcef #uneb #chastinet #campeonato #competicao #salvador #ssa #quadra #saque #recepcao #levantamento #ataque #defesa #bloqueio #libero #oposto #levantador #ponteiro #meioderede #boladevolei #pipe #federacaobaianadevolei #fbv

5/13/2024, 2:42:45 PM

#FBV #FreeBibleVersion #Ecclesiastes

5/13/2024, 1:54:09 PM

Vem garantir tua camisas Personalizadas também na melhor de São Lourenço da mata 🥇🎈🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀♥️🙏🙏 🙌🏻😍🥰🥰😍🎊 OBRIGADO PELA PREFERÊNCIA 🥳🥳🥇🥳🥳✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ #graficapalechoque #sublimação #sublimacão #prefeituras #recife #camisa #time #festa #abadá #designer #design #futebol #padrão #camisetagolav #camisetas #canecaspersonalizadas #artegratis #foco #fé #determinação #objetivos #sport #torcida #torcidaorganizada #sublimaçãototal #pn #fbv #camisafavela

5/13/2024, 1:48:34 AM

Vem garantir tua camisa Personalizada na melhor da Região🥇🎈🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀♥️🙏🙏 🙌🏻😍🥰🥰😍🎊 OBRIGADO PELA PREFERÊNCIA 🥳🥳🥇🥳🥳✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ #graficapalechoque #sublimação #sublimacão #prefeituras #recife #camisa #time #festa #abadá #designer #design #futebol #padrão #camisetagolav #camisetas #canecaspersonalizadas #artegratis #foco #fé #determinação #objetivos #sport #torcida #torcidaorganizada #sublimaçãototal #pn #fbv #parquecity

5/13/2024, 1:46:07 AM

Vem garantir teu Fardamento Personalizado, na melhor de São Lourenço da mata 🥇🎈🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀♥️🙏🙏 🙌🏻😍🥰🥰😍🎊 OBRIGADO PELA PREFERÊNCIA 🥳🥳🥇🥳🥳✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ #graficapalechoque #sublimação #sublimacão #prefeituras #recife #camisa #time #festa #abadá #designer #design #futebol #padrão #camisetagolav #camisetas #canecaspersonalizadas #artegratis #foco #fé #determinação #objetivos #sport #torcida #torcidaorganizada #sublimaçãototal #pn #fbv

5/13/2024, 1:42:59 AM

JOGO REPOSIÇÃO DA 1ª RODADA!!! Sem tempo para juntar os cacos das derrotas nas estréias de suas equipes, a Atlética Zarns (@aaamedzarns) visitou ontem, 11 de abril, o time do Deboas (@voleideboas_adelba) no Ginásio da ADELBA. O time masculino visitante entrava sob pressão após derrota para a Chastinet (@escola_volei_chastinet) no dia anterior. Tinham ali a oportunidade de reabilitação no campeonato. Entretanto, enfrentariam os donos da casa, que almejavam alcançar a liderança da competição. Apesar do início de jogo bem equilibrado, a Zarns abriu vantagem no meio do set e não perdeu mais. Jogou o básico bem feito e merecidamente levou o set: 25 x 18. No 2º set tudo indicava que seria uma repetição do 1º. Zarns abriu boa vantagem, chegando a abrir 22 x 17, e se encaminhava pra ganhar a partida. Mas, como num milagre, o time do Deboas finalmente encaixou. Com mais eficiência nos saques, conseguiu quebrar a linha de passe do time adversário e recuperou mais bolas, conseguindo uma grande virada e fechando o set. 25 x 23. Mais um tie brake na Liga. O 3º set foi uma continuação do 2º. Com muita tranquilidade e contando com o nervosismo do outro lado, o mandante levou o set por 15 x 6. Mais uma vitória por 2 sets a 1. Na sequência aconteceu a partida das meninas. A mesma pressão e/ou obrigação que tinham sobre as equipes masculinas recaiam sobre os times femininos. 1º set foi de domínio das anfitriãs. Abriram vantagem e as adversárias não tiveram poder de reação. Parcial de 25 x 15. No set seguinte a história mudou. Se no anterior Deboas jogou com muita tranquilidade e errando pouco, no 2º deu um apagão. Muitos erros e o nervosismo tomaram conta da equipe. A Zarns, que não tem nada a ver com isso, jogou com calma, paciência e bom volume de jogo. Ganhou, com muito mérito, o set, levando o jogo pra (mais um) tie brake. Parcial de 25 x 17. Como não poderia deixar de ser, o set desempate foi tenso. Muita pressão em quadra e muitos gritos vindo da torcida. No fim das contas, prevaleceu quem conseguiu manter a cabeça no lugar e errar menos. Atlética Zarns consegue sua recuperação. Parcial de 15 x 10. O jogo contou com a cobertura jornalística da @ljeuufba

5/12/2024, 11:39:42 PM

Hamid Mossadegh hat nun eine Biografie veröffentlicht, welche tiefe Einblicke in sein Leben zulässt. Mehr Details zu diesem Buch findet ihr unter dem Link in der Bio! #motoringbooks #carsofinstagram #bookstagram #deutschland #iran #biography #hamid #hamidmossadegh #grip #rtl2 #luxusautos #dealer #händler #tailormade #fbv #autobuch #autobuchguru

5/12/2024, 7:17:57 PM

ঘরের কোনে পরে থাকা একটা বউ যাকে কেউ চিনতো না কিন্তু এখন তোমাদের ভালাবাসায় লাখ লাখ মানুষ না চিনলেও হাজার হাজার মানুষ আমাকে চেনে আমাকে ভালোবাসে 🙏🙏😭😭 #facebookpost #facebookvideo #viralvideo #birbhum #fbv

5/12/2024, 5:16:52 AM

Siamo orgogliosi di ospitare il prossimo martedì 14 Maggio presso l’Auditorium Freccia la presentazione del progetto di ricerca “𝐆𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚 della @fondazionebrunovisentini in partenariato con l’Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù. 𝐈𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐈𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐞̀ 𝐥’𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐨𝐥𝐚 𝐩𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞 e delle sempre maggiori difficoltà che le giovani generazioni si trovano oggi ad affrontare nel raggiungimento di una piena autonomia economica e sociale. Dopo i saluti della dirigente scolastica, Silvia Madaro Metrangolo, ad introdurre il progetto sarà il il professor Luciano Monti, coordinatore dell’Osservatorio sulle Politiche Giovanili della #FBV, e il dottor Giulio Vannini, ricercatore presso l’Osservatorio. Successivamente, il docente referente Vittorio Rampino illustrerà il progetto locale proposto dal nostro Istituto con il coinvolgimento della classe 4ATC. Gli studenti, in particolare, sono stati resi partecipi nella definizione di una versione semplificata dell’Indice di Divario Generazionale, calcolato a livello locale, che è stato poi confrontato con l’Indice a livello nazionale. Con l’occasione, i ragazzi, accompagnati dal docente referente, avranno modo di presentare le loro riflessioni sulle maggiori divergenze emerse e le proposte concrete per ridurre il divario a una serie di rappresentanti delle istituzioni del territorio e non solo. (Continua nel primo commento) #depacelecce #progettidepace #istitutotecnico #istitutptofessionale #schoolife #divatriogenerazionale

5/11/2024, 7:02:37 PM

🥵NÓNG 🥵 Mà lại bị cảm lạnh vì Bill tiêu tiền điện ⚡️ Nếu tiện đường đến Bơ, để tụi em giải nhiệt giúp cho cả nhà. Với những món đang là #Trending hỗ trợ sức khỏe của mọi người trên toàn cầu. Hãy cùng Bơ trải nghiệm những sản phẩm đầy năng lượng tích cực nhé !! ————————— 🏛 𝗕𝗢’ 𝗖𝗔𝗙𝗘 & 𝗗𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗦 📍Address: 590/8 L B, CMT8, District 3, HCMC. 📞 Call for reservation: 039 335 4547 #Bo #Drinks #Coffee #chillvibes #chillout #cocktailbar #mixology #mixologist #hidden #hiddenbar #hcmc #saigon #vietnam #nightlife #lifestyle #signature🥂🍾🍾 #càphê #quận3 #fbv #pcnd #fbvteam #flairbartender #bartenderskills💯

5/11/2024, 7:10:13 AM

QUEM VAI DAR PRESENTE PRA MAMÃE? E sem perder tempo, no sábado, dia 11 de maio, às 13h, teremos jogo ainda da 1ª rodada da LIGA SSA: Deboas (@voleideboas_adelba ) e Atlética Zarns (@aaamedzarns ). O mandante da vez é a equipe deboísta. As duas categorias vem de vitórias na 2ª rodada. As duas equipes estão próximas da ponta da tabela e esperam alcançar o topo da mesma nesse desafio. Do outro lado temos o desafiante "Demolidor" , Atlética de Medicina da FTC. Equipe essa muito bem treinada por uma comissão técnica bem experiente e com larga "rodagem" em competições regionais e nacionais. Quem vai fazer a mãe feliz no dia seguinte ao jogo? A partida contará com a cobertura jornalística da @ljeuufba #volei #voleibol #volley #volleyball #ligassa #deboas #soteroclube #apcef #uneb #chastinet #campeonato #competicao #salvador #ssa #quadra #saque #recepcao #levantamento #ataque #defesa #bloqueio #libero #oposto #levantador #ponteiro #meioderede #boladevolei #pipe #federacaobaianadevolei #fbv

5/10/2024, 10:43:33 PM

#save_the_date 🗓 Martedì 14 maggio il professor Luciano Monti, coordinatore dell’Osservatorio sulle Politiche Giovanili della #FBV, e il dottor Giulio Vannini, ricercatore presso l’Osservatorio, saranno presenti presso l’@iisdepace di Lecce in occasione dell’evento di presentazione del #progetto_locale, a cura di una classe di #studenti della scuola, inserito nella più ampia iniziativa di ricerca dal nome “Giovani agenti del cambiamento e partecipazione democratica”, realizzata dalla nostra Fondazione con la collaborazione ed il cofinanziamento dell’@agenziagioventu . Si tratta del primo incontro territoriale di un calendario che vedrà alla fine coinvolte 10 scuole su tutto il territorio nazionale. Gli studenti sono stati resi partecipi nella definizione di una versione semplificata dell’Indice di Divario Generazionale, calcolato a livello locale, che è stato poi confrontato con l’indice a livello nazionale. Con l’occasione, i ragazzi, accompagnati dal docente referente, avranno modo di presentare le loro #riflessioni sulle maggiori divergenze emerse e le #proposte concrete per ridurre il #divario a una serie di rappresentanti delle istituzioni del territorio e non solo. Saranno infatti presenti, oltre alla Dirigente Area Direzione Generale di AIG Serena Angioli, anche @salvemini_sindaco, Sindaco di Lecce; @fabianacicirillo, Assessore alla Pubblica Istruzione, Cultura e Valorizzazione Patrimonio Culturale del Comune Lecce; @gnonichristian, Assessore alle Politiche attive del lavoro, Innovazione tecnologica del Comune di Lecce; Silvia Miglietta, Assessore al Welfare, Diritti Civili, Pari Opportunità e Volontariato del Comune di Lecce; @stefanominerva.official, Presidente della Provincia di Lecce e @alessandro.dellinoci , Assessore allo Sviluppo economico, Attività economiche e consumatori, Politiche giovanili della Regione Puglia.

5/10/2024, 5:53:43 PM

May mắn lại bước tiếp vào vòng bán kết của Cuộc Thi Master - B do Hiệp Hội Ẩm Thực Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh ( FBA ) & HES - Hospitality Entertainment Sai Gon tổ chức và tạo sân chơi cho thế hệ #Bartender trẻ của #VIỆTNAM ✅ Nhằm gia tăng sự đặc sắc của Lễ Hội Sâm & Hương Liệu , Dược Liệu năm 2024 ✅ Mọi người muốn biết Lộc sẽ mang đến món “ Food Cocktail Ẩm Thực nào kết hợp cùng Nguyên Liệu Việt thì hẹn mọi người ❤️ 📍Trục Đường Lê Lợi , Phường Bến Nghé , Quận 1 , TP.HCM nhé vào lúc 14h00 ngày 26/05/2024 #FBAHCM #HES #MasterB #BartenderShow2024 #BartenderChampion #FlairBartenderShow #Lehoisamhuonglieuvaduoclieu #Vesper #FFC #FBV #Flair #Forever

5/8/2024, 7:57:53 AM

Nesse momento difícil para o povo gaúcho, que enfrenta a pior tempestade de toda a sua história, é de extrema importância que nós, como brasileiros e irmãos de pátria, nos juntemos em prol de uma causa nobre como essa. Nesse próximo sábado, dia 11 de abril, no jogo entre Deboas (@voleideboas_adelba) e Atlética Zarns (@aaamedzarns ), a comissão da LIGA SSA estará recolhendo doações para as vítimas das enchentes que assolam o Rio Grande do Sul. Os donativos serão encaminhados para os órgãos responsáveis. A partida acontecerá no clube ADELBA (@adelbasalvador ), às 13h. NÃO É OBRIGATÓRIO LEVAR A DOAÇÃO PARA ACESSAR O CLUBE!! Os interessados em contribuir e / ou assistir o jogo deverão enviar nome completo e RG no direct da liga. Juntos somos mais fortes!!! #volei #voleibol #volley #volleyball #ligassa #deboas #soteroclube #apcef #uneb #chastinet #campeonato #competicao #salvador #ssa #quadra #saque #recepcao #levantamento #ataque #defesa #bloqueio #libero #oposto #levantador #ponteiro #meioderede #boladevolei #pipe #federacaobaianadevolei #fbv

5/8/2024, 2:19:39 AM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:18:32 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:17:49 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:16:15 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:15:25 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:14:07 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:13:03 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:12:25 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:11:40 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:10:51 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:10:00 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:08:40 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:07:37 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

5/7/2024, 7:06:37 PM

⚽ RESULTATS DU WEEK-END ⚽ 📸 Photo de la victoire de notre équipe 2 face à St Hilaire de la Côte sur le score de 3-0 ! Buteurs : Alex, Mathieu et Damien ⚽ 📸 Photo de notre équipe U15B qui s'est imposé à Chatte. #fbv #formafoot #gbf #foot #championnat

5/6/2024, 4:56:46 PM

Vem garantir tua camisas Personalizadas também na melhor de São Lourenço da mata 🥇🎈🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀♥️🙏🙏 🙌🏻😍🥰🥰😍🎊 OBRIGADO PELA PREFERÊNCIA 🥳🥳🥇🥳🥳✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ #graficapalechoque #sublimação #sublimacão #prefeituras #recife #camisa #time #festa #abadá #designer #design #futebol #padrão #camisetagolav #camisetas #canecaspersonalizadas #artegratis #foco #fé #determinação #objetivos #sport #torcida #torcidaorganizada #sublimaçãototal #pn #fbv

5/6/2024, 2:41:51 PM

Uma reforma nesse jardim trouxe novo aconchego para a família. Volume e texturas! #garden #gardendesign #paisagismo #jardim #execucaodejardim #fbv #fazendaboavista #casaejardim

5/5/2024, 6:02:27 PM

Essa semana dia 08 de maio às 19 horas, auditório da UniFBV teremos uma super palestra sobre paisagismo! Semana de arquitetura @unifbvwyden Venha participar e conhecer mais sobre plantas e jardins verticais Link da inscrição https://linktr.ee/casulo_au @casulo_au #palestra #fbv #semanadearquitetura #arquiteturaepaisagismo #paisagismo #designdeinteriores #paisagista #palestrarecife #recife #olinda #jaboataodosguararapes

5/4/2024, 4:18:48 PM

Commando AKA Sergeant Snake Eyes with Timber V2 Customised parts list; Classofied 02 Snake Eyes head rescuplted and repainted, 02 Snake Eyes neck, Classified Tomax/Xamot hands, Classified Torpedo torso, arms and legs all paint apps removed, torso painted black and waist cover, ball joints and feet dyed black, 02 Snake Eyes backpack and bicep pouches, 52 Snake Eyes sword, bandolier, bicep pouches, belt, pistol holster and knife and thigh sheath black washed, Classified Stalker Suppressor, Gridiron Studios full size UZI with MAC-10 Suppressor, The Leon compensated Beretta M9, Tactical Watch made from a Mattel WWE Basic Keith Lee wrist wrap cut down and part of a Gridiron Studios 40mm ammo belt, Wrist Bolt launcher made from a Torpedo wrist Guage painted silver with a piece of a paper clip attached to hold bolt in place, mini crossbow bolt made from a resized Gridiron Studios arrow. 30 Alpha Commando Timber repainted white. #cagescustoms #gijoeclassified #gijoenation #gijoe #hasbro #hasbropulse #gijoeclassifiedseries #112customs #gridironstudios #joeteam #mods #repaints #dye #gearmods #customclassifiedfigures #gijoeclassifiedcustoms #gijoeclassifiedelite #infantry #11b #ninja #handtohandcombatinstructor #eliteoperators #commando #accessorymods #customaccessories #mattel #badmothercustoms #gijoefeatures #blackopstoys #fbv

5/4/2024, 12:56:53 PM

Junte-se a nós na maior vitrine do varejo nacional! 🛍️ A Feira Brasileira do Varejo acontecerá nos dias 22, 23 e 24 de maio de 2024 e estaremos lá para movimentar o Palco da FBV como palestrantes e ouvintes, ao lado de um time de especialistas imperdíveis! 🎤 📆 Reserve essas datas na sua agenda e prepare-se para três dias intensos de conhecimento e inovação! 🌟 Mergulhe em workshops, palestras e atrações que transformarão sua perspectiva e impulsionarão seu sucesso. Garanta seu ingresso agora pelo link da bio da @feirabrasileiradovarejo e construa conexões incríveis na FBV! 🤝 Não perca essa oportunidade de aprender e se inspirar! 🚀 #FBV #FBV2024 #SaveTheDate #Workshops #Palestras #Empreendedorismo #Comunicação #NegociosOnline #NegociosDigitais #EmpreendedorismoFeminino #EventoPresencial #Evento #EventoPOA #PortoAlegre #PalcoEmpresarial #VisãoEstratégica #NegócioComPropósito #AceleraçãoDeNegócios #InteligênciaDeMercado #Inovação #Planejamento #Mentoria #DesenvolvimentoDeLideranças #PlanejamentoEstratégico #Varejo

5/3/2024, 3:00:46 PM

Detalhes e padronização AVANCI | Gestão da qualidade presente durante todo processo construtivo, aplicado e monitorado dentro de cada setor e disciplinas do projeto! #avanciengenharia #gestão #qualidade #arquitetura #instalações #civilengineering #fbv #bim #landscape #architecture #house #engenharia #quintadabaroneza

5/3/2024, 1:22:04 AM

60% dos nossos estandes estão VENDIDOS!! Você não pode perder a oportunidade de participar da MAIOR feira de varejo de Mossoró e região. Isso é Feira Bazar da vida. Para mais informações clique no link da bio. #bazardavida #feira #fbv #varejo #mossoro #riograndedonorte #vendas #empreendedor #compras

5/2/2024, 9:12:44 PM

⚽ MATCHS DU WEEK-END ⚽ #fbv #gbf #formafoot #foot #isère

5/2/2024, 5:59:50 PM

Sabe aqueles convites que a gente tem orgulho de compartilhar e fazer parte?! ❤️😌 No próximo dia 23 de maio às 15h30, no palco #MKT e #Vendas eu estarei participando como palestrante da maior feira de varejo do Brasil: a #FBV @feirabrasileiradovarejo ✨ Se você ainda não garantiu o teu ingresso, não perde a oportunidade, além de mim estarão grandes nomes como @carvalhando, @alexandracasoni, @fabianozortea @storiesque.vendem, @cihcarvalho, @carlaotoillier e muito mais! A gente se encontra por lá! 🚀❤️

5/1/2024, 5:50:27 PM

#voley | El próximo 4 de Mayo, en la Sociedad de Fomento Mariano Moreno de la ciudad de Olavarría, se desarrollará un encuentro mini 🏐🙌 Para consultas e inscripciones, comunicarse con Seba al 2284-609521 o con Chechi al 2284-683812. #fbv #volley #volleyball #olavarria #voleyfemenino #voleymasculino

4/30/2024, 6:16:58 PM

Indian brand House of W and western wear international brand Cover Looks’ parent company In Time Group plans to invest Rs 100 crore to expand its labels online and offline, in both Indian and international markets. “We want to build on our success and grow further,” In Time Garments Private Limited's director Gurpreet Singh told Business Standard. “We aim to invest Rs 100 crore to enhance our presence and cater to a wider audience. Our goal is to establish a robust retail presence in leading cities across the country and worldwide, focusing on Australia, the US, Canada and Europe. We are confident of creating a niche for our brands on the global stage.” The business aims to focus on its customers for its next phase of growth and open brick-and-mortar stores in India and abroad, TNN reported. House of W recently launched its international-exclusive brand Cover Looks on Amazon's US e-commerce store with a range of suits, dresses, and jumpsuits among other garments. In Time Group is run by directors Simran Kaur and Gurpreet Singh and specialises in clothing and home textiles. The business’ House of W division owns ethnic wear brand Barara and western wear brand House of S and its international ‘Cover Looks’ division retails the label across the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and Europe along with home lifestyle brand Ivo Homes, according to the business’ Facebook page. by Isabelle Crossley #fashionbusinessvoices #FashionInspo #fashionnetwork #fashionbusinesstips #fashionnews #fashionnew #fashionnetworking #fashioncurator #fbv #fashiontrends #fashionaddict #stylefashion #LatestNews #clothingline #indianfashion #indianfashionblogger #fashionupdates #FBV #FashionBusinessVoices #garments

4/30/2024, 3:23:07 PM

Chanel's programme of festivities in Marseille is taking shape. After announcing at the start of the year that its Cruise 2024/25 fashion show would be held in Marseille on May 2, the Parisian fashion house recently revealed the venue it has chosen for the event. The Cité radieuse' iconic roof terrace, the famous emblem of modern architecture, built by Le Corbusier between 1948 and 1952. The label is also planning a series of other artistic and creative initiatives. From May 3 to 26, Chanel will be taking over Fort Saint-Jean, one of the Mucem sites at the entrance to the Old Port. Chanel will be setting up shop in the heart of the city, with its 19M gallery, a cultural space linked to its structure and bringing together all its art professions. Access will be free of charge. On its website, the label explains that it has "chosen to highlight the synergies between fashion and interior design expertise and the cultural ecosystem of the city of Marseille." The event aims to be "a space for dialogue and expression between the crafts and the artistic scene in the city of Marseille." The programme includes a group exhibition, participatory workshops focusing on embroidery, and round-table discussions. "It will feature artists, craftspeople, designers, associations and creative spaces from Marseille and key destinations in the history of 19M." Read full - https://www.facebook.com/fashionbusinessvoices #fashionbusinessvoices #fashionlover #FashionInspo #fashionblogger #fashionista #fashionable #fashion #fashionnetwork #fashionbusinesstips #fashionshow #fashiondesigner #fashionnew #fashionnews #fbv #fashioncurator #fashionaddict #fashiontrends #LatestNews #latestfashion #fashionupdates #fashionaward #fashionfair #garmentmanufacturer #latestcollection

4/30/2024, 3:56:10 AM

1 semana para a virada do último lote da FBV! Faltam menos de 1 mês para a maior @feirabrasileiradovarejo. Um evento de 3 dias para você aproveitar muito conteúdo, aprender com profissionais de alto nível do mercado e fazer muuuuito networking. Se você ainda não comprou o seu ingresso, aproveita o lote atual e já garante a sua presença! Clique no link da bio! #fbv #fbv24 #fbv2024 #lote #viradadelote

4/29/2024, 10:31:47 PM

⚽ RESULTATS DU WEEK-END ⚽ ✅ Belle victoire de notre équipe Séniors 2 face à Saint Joseph de Rivière sur le score de 3-0. Buteurs : Nathan, Gaetan et Yannis ⚽ ✅ Victoire de nos Féminines 4-1 face au Liers. Buteuses : Céline x2, Camille, Marie ⚽ ❌ Nos Séniors 3 s'inclinent face à Chirens 2 buts à 0. #fbv #formafoot #gbf #foot #championnat #isère

4/29/2024, 5:50:13 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/29/2024, 5:44:24 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/29/2024, 5:43:15 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/29/2024, 5:43:14 PM

Residência MFS | Quinta da Baroneza Arquitetura: @mariabrasilarquitetura Gestão e execução: @avanciengenharia #avanciengenharia #gestão #qualidade #arquitetura #avanci #civilengineering #bim #landscape #architecture #house #fbv #quintadabaroneza @pagliottopedras @agroambientalbr

4/29/2024, 3:29:53 PM

In wenigen Tagen geht mein neuer Online-Kurs „Erfolgreich Investieren“ endlich online. Ein tolles Projekt, das die Wirtschaftswoche und der Handelsblatt Management Campus mit mir gemeinsam realisiert haben. Neben dem Online-Kurs wird es auch Live-Sessions geben. Ich freue mich sehr darauf! Den Onlinekurs findest Du hier: https://management-campus.handelsblatt.com/produkt/erfolgreich-investieren/ Wer bis zum 30. April bucht, bekommt übrigens einen Rabatt von 25 Prozent auf den Kurspreis. Der Code dazu lautet „depot25“. #werbung Der Kurs basiert auf meinem neuen Buch „Erfolgreich investieren mit den besten Börsenstrategien“, das Mitte März im Finanzbuchverlag erschienen ist. Mehr dazu: https://www.m-vg.de/finanzbuchverlag/shop/article/24857-erfolgreich-investieren-mit-den-besten-boersenstrategien/ #fonds #etfs #rendite #aktien #vermögensaufbau #finanzbuch #anlegen #investieren #börse #onlinekurs #masterclass #fbv #wiwo @finanzbuchverlag @wirtschaftswoche

4/29/2024, 8:40:08 AM

Obra FMA | Fase de acabamentos Arquitetura: @laurarocha Gerenciamento: @toolsengenharia Execução: @avanciengenharia #avanciengenharia #gestão #qualidade #arquitetura #pool #laurarocha #civilengineering #fbv #fazendaboavista #bim #landscape #architecture #house #engenharia #quintadabaroneza

4/27/2024, 1:11:44 AM

⚽ MATCHS DU WEEK-END ⚽ #fbv #formafoot #foot #gbf #isère

4/26/2024, 5:16:34 PM

Obra FMA | Fase de acabamentos Arquitetura: @laurarocha Gerenciamento: @toolsengenharia Execução: @avanciengenharia #avanciengenharia #gestão #qualidade #arquitetura #pool #laurarocha #civilengineering #fbv #fazendaboavista #bim #landscape #architecture #house #engenharia #quintadabaroneza

4/26/2024, 1:34:41 AM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/25/2024, 6:24:54 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/25/2024, 6:22:04 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/24/2024, 5:53:09 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/24/2024, 5:44:11 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/24/2024, 5:40:34 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/24/2024, 5:39:43 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/24/2024, 5:38:38 PM

We are thrilled to share our latest logo design project with you! This unique logo was created for our client and we are proud of the final result.🌺💫 Our team of designers carefully crafted every detail, from the color palette to the typography, to ensure that the logo perfectly represents the client's brand identity.🍁 DM for more details💬🤎 Follow me 👉🤙🥰@graphic_studio_usa #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife, #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #streamingcommunity, #gamer, #streamer, #twitch, #mixer, #youtubegaming, #gaminglife, #streaminglife,: #gaming, #streaming, #gamingcommunity, #logo #overlay #banner #youtube #fbv #design #emotestwitch #emotes #viral #viralvideos #fpv #fpvdrone #fvbv #funart #artoftheday

4/24/2024, 5:37:56 PM