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كيف تعمل فيروسات الكمبيوتر⁉️ ‏فيروسات الكمبيوتر، اجمالاً، هي برامج كمبيوتر، تقوم بالانتشار عبر عمل نسخ من ذاتها، تاريخياً، فهذا كل ما كان يفعله أول فيروس على الاطلاق، يقوم بنسخ نفسه مراراً حتى تمتلئ ذاكرة الكمبيوتر. تصنف الفيروسات أحياناً وفقاً لطريقة انتشارها، بعض الفيروسات تقوم بزرع نفسه في قطاع boot sector الذي يحمل نظام الحاسب اﻷساسي المنطلق عند بدء التشغيل، البعض اﻵخر قد يحتل مساحة داخل ملف تنفيذي آخر، أو داخل ملفات أوفيس، أو ببساطة في ملف قائم بذاته. تنتشر الفيروسات عبر طرق تناقل البيانات المختلفة، كوسائط التخزين، والانترنت، وغير ذلك، بعض اﻷنواع المتقدمة منها، قد تستغل ثغرات أمنية في النظم المختلفة لتنشر نفسها بنفسها عبر الشبكات، دون الحاجة لتحميل المستخدم لملفات بعينها، لكن بالطبع ينتهي خطره غالبا مع التحديثات الملائمة. ويختلف أثر الفيروسات أيضاً بحسب تصميم الفيروس، بشكل عام فبعض الفيروسات تستهدف تخريب النظام نفسه، أو تخريب، أو التلاعب بالبيانات، كما اشتهرت مؤخرا فيروسات الفدية، التي تقوم بتشفير جهاز الكمبيوتر مطالبة بفدية مالية مقابل فك التشفير. بعض الفيروسات أيضاً تنتقي أهدافها، أو تنتقي مواعيد الهجوم، مثلاً ففيروس [⁦‪ #Stuxnet‬⁩] الذي يتهم بصنعه وحدة 8200 الاسرا/ئيلية، كان مصمماً للانتشار والكمون بدون أثر داخل نظم الكمبيوتر، إلى أن يكتشف أنه وصل إلى نظم تحكم صناعي معينة استخدمتها إي/ران في مفا/علاتها النو/وية لتقوم بتخريبها. صدر الفايروس سنة 2006 حسب التقديرات واكتشف في سنة 2010، بعدما حقق أهدافه في تعطيل المشروع النو/وي اﻹي/راني وأصاب حوالي 200 ألف جهاز في المنطقة وحول العالم.

5/17/2024, 7:44:17 PM

Queridos White hats vocês já ouviram falar sobre o STUXNET? Este é um dos malware mais sofisticados já descobertos, projetado para atacar sistemas de controle industrial. Vamos explorar suas funcionalidades, características e os perigos que representa! 💻⚠️ ⚙️ Funcionalidades: O STUXNET é um worm de computador projetado para atacar sistemas de controle industrial, como os utilizados em instalações nucleares e de energia. Suas principais funcionalidades incluem: 1️⃣ Ataques Direcionados: O STUXNET foi programado para se infiltrar em sistemas específicos, identificar e explorar vulnerabilidades em controladores de processo industriais. 2️⃣ Manipulação de Processos: Uma vez dentro do sistema, o STUXNET é capaz de modificar e manipular processos industriais, como centrifugadoras de enriquecimento de urânio, sem ser detectado pelos operadores. 3️⃣ Furtividade Avançada: Ele é projetado para se camuflar e evitar a detecção por sistemas de segurança, utilizando técnicas avançadas de evasão e ocultação. ⚠️ Perigos: ➡️ Danos Físicos: O STUXNET representa uma séria ameaça, pois pode causar danos físicos às instalações industriais, levando a acidentes graves e potencialmente fatais. ➡️ Espionagem Industrial: Além dos danos físicos, o STUXNET pode ser usado para espionar e roubar informações confidenciais de organizações, comprometendo a segurança e a competitividade do setor. ➡️ Proliferação de Armas Cibernéticas: O STUXNET é um exemplo de como armas cibernéticas podem ser usadas para fins de guerra cibernética, aumentando os riscos de conflitos internacionais e ataques cibernéticos em larga escala. O STUXNET é um lembrete poderoso dos perigos que enfrentamos no mundo digital e da importância de proteger sistemas críticos contra ameaças cibernéticas. Esteja vigilante e adote medidas de segurança robustas para proteger seus sistemas contra esse tipo de ataque! 🔒🛡️ #STUXNET #Cibersegurança #Malware #SegurançaIndustrial #CyberON

5/13/2024, 7:43:39 PM

Stuxnet is a malicious computer worm first uncovered in 2010 and thought to have been in development since at least 2005. Stuxnet targets supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and is believed to be responsible for causing substantial damage to the nuclear program of Iran (Wikipedia). As I knew, Stuxnet is the first cyberweapon developed by countries and the first malware that targeted PLCs. Its main targets are Iran nuclear facilities. In this picture are OS.h (above) and OS.c codes of Stuxnet. These codes are part of my malwares codes collection. #stuxnet #malware #cyberweapon

5/10/2024, 12:33:31 PM

Unleashed in secrecy, Stuxnet redefined cyber warfare, infiltrating systems with surgical precision. A reminder that in the digital age, even the most secure systems are not immune to hidden threats. . 🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️ . Tap on the link below to know more . [Follow]:💣 Main Account: @crawsec Backup Account: @crawacademy ⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️⌨️ Turn "ON" post & Story Notifications:bell: "We will Share Valuable Content Daily" 🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️🕹️ Share our Posts with Your Friends and Family Members Especially Girls For # cybersecurityawareness :💣: "DON'T" Forget To Check The Highlighted stories:💣 ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ ➡️: Aim To Make You Cyber Aware ➡️: Want To build a Safer Cyber World ➡️: Anonymity is Our identity TAG:[ #Crawacademy] . . #crawsec #hackets #cyberwar #hacking #ethicalhacking #Cybersecurity #StuxNet #CyberWeapon #WarCyber #Log4Shell #Log4J #ReverseEngineering #Vulnerabilities #DataProtection #CaveiraTech #Pentest #Pentester #Cryptography

4/29/2024, 7:44:05 AM

🌐 Breaking the Code! Dive into the chilling saga of Stuxnet, the cyber weapon that shook the world. Uncover how this malware sabotaged Iran's nuclear program and changed cyber warfare forever. 🕵️‍♂️💻 Learn more about its impact and legacy in our latest post. #Stuxnet #CyberSecurity #DigitalWarfare 🔗 Link in bio for the full story!

4/27/2024, 11:39:06 PM

Learning from #Cybersecurity History. Video on #Stuxnet, The first #Cyberweapon Coming soon... #thecybermanshow

4/27/2024, 2:59:23 PM

I have the best customers. This STUXNET DataBlanket had an epic journey and has now made it home. #GLITCHAUS #MALWEAR #STUXNET #DATA #BLANKET @ 2 BITS PER STITCH

4/25/2024, 4:43:13 PM

Check out my first official EP, Stuxnet. Now available on Spotify, iTunes, and all other streaming platforms. K thx. #stuxnet #newmusic #edm #dubstep #house

4/20/2024, 6:51:35 AM

🚀 CYBER NEWS OF THE WEEK Insights from the world of Cyber Security! 🌐 🃏Blackjack at the russian Moscollector network! 📶 The #BlackJack hacker group, associated with the Ukrainian spy agency, has targeted #Moscollector, the company that manages Moscow’s communications infrastructure. Using an advanced version of the #Stuxnet malware, dubbed FuxNet, the hackers disabled 87,000 sensors and destroyed 1,600 routers, erasing 30TB of data, including backups. This attack not only left the Russian industrial monitoring network in a critical state, but also exposed significant vulnerabilities in Russian infrastructure, opening the door to possible future attacks.⚠️ 🤔 What could the consequences of this attack be? #cybersecurity #hacker #blackjack #backup

4/19/2024, 12:33:49 PM

#💯😈😇 #stuxnet #interpol #malware #virus #anonymous

4/12/2024, 11:21:41 AM

Ich habe ja schon mehrmals über Viren und Würmer gesprochen. Habt ihr schon mal von STUXNET gehört? Dieser Wurm wurde am 17. Juni 2010 von einem Mitarbeiter einer weißrussischen Antiviren-Firma entdeckt. Während die meisten Viren und Würmer die Taten von Einzelgängern sind, handelte es sich bei STUXNET allem Anschein nach um das gemeinsame Produkt mehrerer Staaten, um die Atomwaffenanlagen des Iran zu sabotieren. STUXNET war ein Wurm, der einen sogenannten Zero-Day-Exploit ausnutzte, genauer gesagt sogar 4 solcher bisher nicht entdeckter Sicherheitslücken des Windows Betriebssystems. Die Lücken im Betriebssystem dienten aber nur dazu, die eigentliche Nutzlast des Wurms einzuschleusen, nämlich eine Software, die darauf ausgerichtet war, ganz bestimmte Bauteile autonom anzusteuern und zwar in einer Weise, die seine Entwickler für ihn vorgesehen hatten. Diese Bauteile befanden sich in den Urananreicherungsanlagen im iranischen Natanz und sorgten dafür, dass die Zentrifugen zur Anreicherung von Uran nicht mit der Geschwindigkeit rotierten, die von den Ingenieuren angestrebt war. Statt also waffenfähiges Uran für den Bau von Bomben zu erzeugen, wurden die Drehzahlen der Zentrifugen durch den Schadcode so manipuliert, dass die Zentrifugen explodierten. Außerdem war die Schadsoftware so intelligent, dass sie sogar Meßwerte manipulierte und es für eine Weile so aussehen ließ, als sei alles in Ordnung. Bis dann die Zentrifugen explodierten. Wo bisher nur Daten das Opfer von Cyberangriffen waren, hätten bei diesem Vorfall vor bald 14 Jahren auch Menschen sterben können. Eine sehr interessante Dokumentation zu diesem Virus wurde 2016 von Alex Gibney gedreht. Sie lief bereits im öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehen, ist aber auch bei Amazon Prime zu sehen und sehr zu empfehlen. #zerodays #zero_day_exploit #stuxnet #norderstedt #cyberrat #ethicalhacker #cyberattackdefense #cyberattacke #cybermovie #bookstagram #lesenlesenlesen #spannung #krimi

4/10/2024, 7:00:00 AM

Fun Fact Friday: In 2010, the Stuxnet virus made headlines as one of the world's first known cyber weapons, targeting industrial systems. Talk about malware with a mission! Is your business secure enough? Call us today to protect your business! #FunFactFriday #Stuxnet #CyberSecurity #NetVoiX #NetVoiXYourITSolutionsProvider #NetVoiXServices

4/5/2024, 7:54:29 PM

I've always been into cyber security. 🕵️ As a student at uni a couple of years ago, I was attending extra lessons led by big names in the cyber security industry and I couldn't get enough of the topic. Stories about people or even whole organisations/governments doing hacking have always fascinated me and have always been a topic I love reading about. (I even went through 4-5 Udemy courses on Cybersecurity 🤭🤫) There's something special about it, like hearing actual tales of real world James Bond-like situations. So when I saw this book at Amazon I just thought "wow, I want to read that!", so here I am starting this book. I hope that it's very interesting. It's about the Stuxnet virus (that I believe was actually a worm) that was deployed by the US and the Israel government, in order to stop the nuclear program of Iran. It's the first cyber weapon ever used or at least the first big and very famous one. I'm so eager to read more about it! Have you ever read this book? If you have, you can comment below and tell me if you liked it! Have you even heard of the Stuxnet virus before? I am so excited! ☀️ #stuxnet #computervirus #cybersecurity #technologyteacher

3/29/2024, 10:48:47 AM

Step into the fascinating world of cybersecurity with the lesser-known tale of the Stuxnet worm, a groundbreaking piece of malware that caused a stir in 2010. Crafted with remarkable sophistication, Stuxnet targeted industrial control systems, especially those managing Iran's nuclear activities. What made Stuxnet truly remarkable was its precise targeting, focusing on specific industrial equipment like centrifuges used in uranium enrichment. By exploiting vulnerabilities in popular software, Stuxnet sneaked into computers controlling these centrifuges, causing havoc in Iran's nuclear facilities. But here's the twist: there are whispers that Stuxnet wasn't just any malware-it might have been created by the United States and Israel together. Although not officially confirmed, the complex nature of Stuxnet suggests it was more than just a run-of-the-mill cyberattack. The Stuxnet story serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for cyber weapons to cause real-world harm to critical infrastructure. It's a cautionary tale that emphasizes the urgent need for strong cybersecurity measures to protect industrial systems from sophisticated digital threats. Step into the captivating world of cybersecurity, where every click and keystroke tells a tale of intrigue and innovation. #stuxnet #cybersecurity #malware #industrialcontrolsystems #iran #unitedstates #cyberweapons #digitalthreats #resourceful #b2bmarketplace #networking #íntagram #ınstagood #india

3/16/2024, 5:30:16 AM

*איראן נגד ישראל* נתחיל בזה שאי אפשר לסכם את כלל המאמצים של #איראן ו-#ישראל בפוסט אחד. עולם ה-#סייבר הוא בלתי נגמר וגם כלל אירועי הסייבר שמגיעים לתודעה או לעיתונות לא מספקים תמונה מלאה. אנחנו כן יודעים שאיראן מנסה להדביק קצב עם העולם על מנת להיות מעצמה חזקה ממש כמו ישראל, סין, רוסיה, ארה״ב וכיוצ״ב. כחלק מהמאמץ, ישראל וארה״ב ניסו לדכא או להאט את הקצב וכך הגיעה לתודעה STUXNET שתקפה את הכור האיראני בנתנז. לא בטוח שמי שלחץ על הכפתור ידע שהוא הולך לשנות את פני ההיסטוריה. המהלך הזה גרם לעולם כולו להתייחס לסייבר בצורה אחרת, לחקור אחורה את כלל מהלכי הביון, לחשוף קבוצות-על כמו ה-Equation Group שלטעמנו כרגע יושבת בראש קבוצות התקיפה בעולם, וכמובן להקים קבוצות חדשות ולהתחמש לקראת פעולות במרחב הסייבר. לאחרונה, עם פרוץ מאורעות אוקטובר 7, אנחנו רואים יותר ויותר אירוע סייבר בהם איראן חורטת על דגלה להשמיד את ישראל. גם היום אנחנו נמצאים בפרשת קו המים. פרשה בה ישראל מתנגחת ראש בראש עם החמאס, כאשר מאחוריו חיזבאללה ומאחוריהם כמובן - איראן. אבל ישראל לא פראיירית ובטח לא אנדרדוג. בישראל פוליטיקה מובילה, כי הרצון לשמור על איזון תמיד קיים. בטח במזרח התיכון. לעומתם, איראן ורוסיה, פחות במקום של איזון ויותר מתקרבות לדיקטטורה ומלחמת עולם שלישית. ארה״ב, ישראל ואפילו גרמניה וצרפת לא ירשו דבר כזה, שכן אחיותיהן הקטנות - המדינות השכנות כמו קנדה, אנגליה, איטליה ואפילו סין האיימתנית יושבות על הגדר ומחכות לראות מה יקרה. שם ישראל נמדדת ושם היא גם פועלת נכון. בזמן הזה, בין מלחמות הסייבר, יש חיים שלמים שחייבים להמשיך. תמשיכו בחיים הרגילים. מי שצריך להיות עם היד על הדופק נמצא איתה. תאמינו בזה. שבת שלום, #האקר_סטנדרטי @blackberry @eset @microsoft_rnd_israel @ynetnews @people_computers @thejerusalem_post @israel.cyber @kasperskylab @securityjoes #hackers #iran #awareness #stuxnet #flame #cyber #cybersecurity #cybersecuritytraining #cleaver #malware #aptactors #microsoft #symantec #kaspersky

3/8/2024, 1:11:15 PM

🔍 Desvende os segredos do Stuxnet! 🕵️‍♂️ Descubra a anatomia deste vírus de computador revolucionário que atacou sistemas industriais em 2010. 💻🔒 Saiba como se espalhava, explorava vulnerabilidades no Windows e causava danos físicos às instalações. 🌐 Imperdível para os amantes de tecnologia e segurança digital! Confira agora no blog Nerd Support Technology. #Stuxnet #Cibersegurança #Tecnologia #NerdSupportTech 👾🛡️

3/7/2024, 5:17:45 AM

Stuxnet virüsü 3. Dünya savaşını başlatma potansiyeline sahipti. ABD ve İsrailin İran'a karşı bir yok etme girişimi miydi? Buyrun iyi okumalar diliyorum. #Bilim #stuxnet #iran #sibergüvenlik #siber #sibersavaş #doğa #belgesel #bilgi #bilimsel #fizik #evrim #biyoloji #merak #ilginçbilgi

3/6/2024, 9:26:58 PM

Ao contrário do que muitas notícias da época disseminaram Stuxnet não é um Vírus, ele é mais precisamente descrito como um Worm. Após conseguir infectar computadores da usina nuclear o Stuxnet manipulou as válvulas que bombeavam gás urânio para centrífugas nos reatores de Natanz. Ele acelerou o volume de gás e sobrecarregou as centrífugas giratórias, causando superaquecimento e autodestruição. Mas para os cientistas iranianos que observavam as telas dos computadores, tudo parecia normal. O worm destruiu quase um quinto das centrífugas nucleares do Irã, infectou mais de 200.000 computadores e causou a degradação física de 1.000 máquinas. Sabia sobre o Stuxnet? Quer conhecer mais sobre Malwares conhecidos? Comenta o que achou desse novo conhecimento Fonte: "" #cibersegurança #ciberseguranca #malware #arv1al #stuxnet #cybersecurity #hacking #hackeretico #seguracaonline

2/20/2024, 12:31:06 AM & #BoardOfEqualization in: " #Smellovision #Diaspora #Teledrome" ~ 7/1993 #Taipei #1am #4am | #SaratogaNoTax #LosGatosTax_LGnotaxSpecials #AuditPrevention #CorporateTax @GavinNewsom ||| #intranetIRSonly #STUXnet #criminality - #CivilWar #constructSTATES it's @Sublime @fsuenglish Kickback to labor stipend : new bills is $2, #iTouchmyself $1 ( #gloves should be required4resale), difference in reduction $1 to @Teamsters Chastesleuts = steadfast partner for societal stability, as a @Friends, #NoLess

2/18/2024, 4:16:53 AM

📰 L'histoire insolite du jour 📰 💻 Stuxnet: un retour en arrière pour essayer de comprendre un peu mieux l’histoire de ce malware pas comme les autres. #cybersécurité #infosec #cybersecurity #informatique #sensibilisation #vulgarisation #france #actualités #news #cyberactu #Stuxnet

2/15/2024, 11:39:33 PM

📰 L'histoire insolite du jour 📰 💻 Stuxnet: un retour en arrière pour essayer de comprendre un peu mieux l’histoire de ce malware pas comme les autres. #cybersécurité #infosec #cybersecurity #informatique #sensibilisation #vulgarisation #france #actualités #news #cyberactu #Stuxnet

2/15/2024, 11:39:33 PM

📰 L'histoire insolite du jour 📰 💻 Stuxnet: un retour en arrière pour essayer de comprendre un peu mieux l’histoire de ce malware pas comme les autres. #cybersécurité #infosec #cybersecurity #informatique #sensibilisation #vulgarisation #france #actualités #news #cyberactu #Stuxnet

2/15/2024, 11:39:33 PM

📰 L'histoire insolite du jour 📰 💻 Stuxnet: un retour en arrière pour essayer de comprendre un peu mieux l’histoire de ce malware pas comme les autres. #cybersécurité #infosec #cybersecurity #informatique #sensibilisation #vulgarisation #france #actualités #news #cyberactu #Stuxnet

2/15/2024, 11:39:33 PM

📰 L'histoire insolite du jour 📰 💻 Stuxnet: un retour en arrière pour essayer de comprendre un peu mieux l’histoire de ce malware pas comme les autres. #cybersécurité #infosec #cybersecurity #informatique #sensibilisation #vulgarisation #france #actualités #news #cyberactu #Stuxnet

2/15/2024, 11:39:33 PM

📰 L'histoire insolite du jour 📰 💻 Stuxnet: un retour en arrière pour essayer de comprendre un peu mieux l’histoire de ce malware pas comme les autres. #cybersécurité #infosec #cybersecurity #informatique #sensibilisation #vulgarisation #france #actualités #news #cyberactu #Stuxnet

2/15/2024, 11:39:33 PM

📰 L'histoire insolite du jour 📰 💻 Stuxnet: un retour en arrière pour essayer de comprendre un peu mieux l’histoire de ce malware pas comme les autres. #cybersécurité #infosec #cybersecurity #informatique #sensibilisation #vulgarisation #france #actualités #news #cyberactu #Stuxnet

2/15/2024, 11:39:33 PM

Agencia de Marketing 💻 Con más de 5 años de experiencia y una amplia capacitación📖. Yo truco estar en saber implementar lo digital en un negocio y llevarlo a grandes ventas✅. • • • • • • • • • • • #stuxnet #fyp #parati #marketingdigital #googleads #facebook #facebookads #agency #fyp #followforfollowback #gloup #motivation

2/7/2024, 7:44:51 PM

💻 Sección: Datos Interesantes . . . . . . #ciberseguridad #malwarebytes #stuxnet #informatica #software

2/3/2024, 10:12:17 PM

Is your digital life as secure as you think? The reality of cyber attacks is more daunting than ever. Our latest blog explores 6 surprising cyber attacks that reshaped our understanding of digital vulnerabilities. From Twitter hijacks to casino hacks via fish tank thermometers, the methods are as unexpected as they are alarming. Stay informed, stay vigilant. Refer latest Article👇 #CyberSecurity #TwitterHack #SolarWinds #Ransomware #IoTSecurity #VoicePhishing #Stuxnet #StaySafeOnline #ReremDataSecurity

1/31/2024, 5:52:27 PM

Today, a bit of a history lesson: Stuxnet.   #learncybersecurity #cybersecurity101 #cybersecurity #infosec #cybersecurityterms #Stuxnet #cybersecurityhistory

1/31/2024, 2:05:00 PM

Het filmen van de verhaallijn van Huib Modderkolk en zijn adembenemende #stuxnet onderzoek is een van de spannendste dingen die ik ooit heb gedaan. De speelfilmervaring en stalen zenuwen van @chris_westendorp, regisseur van deze essentiële verhaallijn, waren een zegen en een belangrijke inspiratie voor de visuele stijl. We hebben in alle vrijheid de aanpak van een thriller op een #documentaire situatie los kunnen laten. Met enkel available light, wat reflecties en af en toe een flesje Sprite, om wat vieze ramen te maken, hebben we een wereld kunnen neerzetten die doordrenkt is van #desinformatie , #sabotage en #spionage, zelfs in dagdagelijkse kantoorgebouwen. Het was een eer en heel leerzaam om met de beste #journalist van #nederland samen te werken, Huib “@tomcruise” Modderkolk. Het tomeloze speurwerk van Huib (en @reijerzwaan) zorgen voor een adembenemende ontknoping van de serie die vanavond op @npo2 te zien is. Dank aan @salkroonenberg die mijn camerawerk heeft overgenomen en met veel lef oa de spannende ontknoping in #dubai heeft gefilmd. Ik deel een paar #stills die ik tijdens het draaiproces maakte. Niemand die het ziet" is te zien bij @bnnvara en Met dit hardwerkende team: @estergould @reijerzwaan @meadols @pelleasselbergs @lapatrickla @bentevdspek @rikmeier @pepijnahsmann @__eulalie__ @heinjankeijzer @therealmotherfokker @joosthiensch @saskiadejong @mandyduijn @madysiahaya @hansdortmans @evelienvdmolen @rosanboersma @evaluciadekkers @samgodfried @jurikeuter @rachel_emily_stone @maartenfilms @katja.jansen @npofonds

1/29/2024, 3:08:22 PM

What should we be doing to maintain a healthy digital hygiene? In Episode #431 of 'Musings', Juan & I discuss: why this topic felt like work to Juan, how companies think about cyber security, the Stuxnet virus plus a Dutchman receiving American military emails, Butters the abused dog, our argument over what consists an 'attack', the coming era of more awareness of private data and why the social considerations are more important than the technical. Huge thanks to Amorphous Continuum for the boostagram. Your support means the world to us! #v4v #value4value #meremortals #cybersecurity #passwords #boostagram #stuxnet #sadpuppy #security

1/26/2024, 11:51:10 AM

Are you a nerdy-spy-war-history buff? Ever heard of Stuxnet? It's not your average computer worm. Stuxnet is the OG of digital weapons, a groundbreaking piece of code that made history by targeting Iran's nuclear facilities. Dive into the intriguing world of cyber warfare and discover how Stuxnet changed the game: If you'd like a book suggestion, check out the Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon, by Kim Zetter. #Stuxnet #CyberWarfare #DigitalSecurity"

1/26/2024, 5:00:19 AM

Sapevi che USA 🇺🇸 e 𝕀𝕤𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕝𝕖 🇮🇱 hanno dato il via alla cyber warfare? Le due nazioni hanno creato la prima arma informatica atta alla distruzione fisica ad essere identificata. Tuttavia la sua diffusione incontrollata sarebbe poi stata ciò che ne avrebbe posto fine alla segretezza. #worm #malware #cyberwarfare #stuxnet #computervirus #hub23

1/25/2024, 10:40:05 PM

🌐🕵️‍♂️ Stuxnet Saldırısı ve Hollandalı Mühendis! 🕵️‍♂️ 🌐 Sevgili CyberTEDU üyeleri, final haftanız umuyoruz ki dilediğiniz gibi geçmiştir. Artık finaller bittiğine göre bilgi postlarımıza hızla devam edebiliriz! Stuxnet saldırısıyla karşınızdayız!!🌟🙌🏻 Stuxnet saldırısının ardındaki gizemli figür, Hollandalı mühendis Erik van Sabben olarak ortaya çıktı. van Sabben, olayın ardından gizemli bir kaza sonucu hayatını kaybetti. Stuxnet nedir, nasıl çalışır ve bu sıra dışı olayın arkasındaki sırlar nelerdir keşfetmeye hazır mısınız? 🚀🤔 #Stuxnet #cyber #cybersecurity #sibergüvenlik #informationsecurity #bilgigüvenliği #dijitaldünya #sibertopluluk

1/25/2024, 9:48:52 AM

🔊En este artículo📃, Juan Manuel Aguilar Antonio, investigador del @cisan_unam, aborda #Stuxnet, el primer ciberarma dirigida contra un Estado. 🔎Descubre cómo está innovadora amenaza cambió el juego en el ciberespacio y dejó una huella imborrable en la historia de la seguridad informática. Texto disponible en #ciberseguridad #innovation #tecnología

1/18/2024, 10:29:48 PM

Tarihe Geçmiş 5 Siber Saldırı Part-1 Takip etmeyi, beğenmeyi, yorum yapmayı, kaydetmeyi ve paylaşmayı unutmayın. . . #kesfettreni #fyp#gönderi #post #sibersaldırı #siberarsiv #stuxnet #sony #eqifax #wannacry #notpetya

1/18/2024, 3:19:14 PM

#Iran Striking #Pakistan with Ballistic Missiles Iran utilizes its missiles to kill other Muslims in Pakistan but will not use a single missile to defend the people of Gaza or seek justice for all the Zionist atrocities committed in Iran, from political assassination, terrorist attacks, sabotaging their nuclear program, #CyberAttack against its nuclear program ( #Stuxnet). Who is Iran really protecting? Background on Iran's relationship with Israel: -In his memoirs published in 1983, Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's national security adviser, said the U.S. government had become aware of Israeli shipments of U.S.-made armaments to the Khomeini regime in 1980. -Defense Minister Ariel Sharon himself admitted in May 1982 that Israel was selling military equipment to the Khomeini government. Five months later, the then-Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Moshe Arens, stated that Israeli shipments of arms to Iran were "taking place in coordination with the highest level of the U.S. government." -Jerusalem Post reported on Dec. 6, 1986, that the entire Israeli intelligence community "supported the policy of backing Iran because Iraq has taken part in every war against Israel and is an integral component of the Eastern Front, whereas Khomeini's fundamentalism is first and foremost a threat to the Arabs themselves." -The Danish Seaman's Union reported that between September 1986 and March 1987, Israel constituted the major exporter of military supplies to Iran.

1/17/2024, 1:07:53 AM

É tornata la #Newsletter! In questo numero: - #cyber armi, da #stuxnet all’ #ucraina - Come armare i video delle celebrità - #AI e lavoratori - L’Europa e gli #spyware - L’attacco alla #britishlibrary allarma le istituzioni culturali - E... molto altro! Per i nuovi iscritti, ricordiamo che questa newsletter (che oggi conta più di 13mila iscritti – ma molti più lettori, essendo pubblicata anche su altre piattaforme online) è gratuita e del tutto indipendente, non ha mai accettato sponsor o pubblicità. Se vi piace potete contribuire inoltrandola a possibili interessati, o promuovendola sui social. Molti lettori sono diventati sostenitori facendo una donazione ❤️ . . . #cybersecurity #cybersecuritynews #cybersecuritynewsletter

1/15/2024, 5:06:51 PM

"🌐🔒 Unraveling Stuxnet: The Cyberweapon That Changed the Game 🔒🌐 Meet Stuxnet, the game-changing cyberweapon that rewrote the rules of cyber warfare. Discovered in 2010, it was a sophisticated computer worm designed to infiltrate and sabotage industrial systems, specifically targeting Iran's nuclear program. Stuxnet infected approximately 100,000 systems worldwide. Stuxnet was like a digital James Bond, meticulously crafted to disrupt and destroy without leaving a trace. Its complexity and precision left experts in awe, and it opened our eyes to the potential of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure. This cyberweapon ushered in a new era, where bits and bytes became powerful tools of warfare. It's a reminder that in our increasingly connected world, cybersecurity is not just a concern—it's an imperative. Stay informed, stay vigilant. 💻🛡️ #Stuxnet #CyberWeapon #CyberWarfare #IndustrialSabotage #DigitalEspionage #InfoSec #TechHistory #DigitalRevolution #CriticalInfrastructure #CyberThreats #CyberDefense #Malware #ComputerWorm #CyberSecurityHistory #CyberAttack #NuclearProgram #CyberIntrusion #StateSponsored #DigitalWarfare #SecurityBreach #ZeroDayExploit #CyberEpidemic #AdvancedPersistentThreat #CyberEspionage #DigitalSabotage #TechnologyThreats #InformationSecurity #MaliciousCode #Hacktivism #DigitalThreatLandscape

1/12/2024, 6:13:02 PM

🔴 پمپ آب مهندس هلندی، ابزار ورود بدافزار استاکس‌نت به تاسیسات هسته‌ای ایران مهندس هلندی که توسط سرویس‌های اطلاعاتی استخدام شده بود، از یک پمپ آب برای نفوذ استاکس‌نت استفاده کرد که طبق گزارش‌ها برای توسعه آن ١ تا ٢ میلیارد دلار هزینه شده است. بر اساس تحقیقات دو ساله روزنامه هلندی De Volkskrant، یک مهندس هلندی که توسط سرویس‌های اطلاعاتی این کشور استخدام شده بود، از یک پمپ آب برای استقرار بدافزار مخرب استاکس‌نت در تاسیسات هسته‌ای جمهوری اسلامی ایران استفاده کرد. استاکس نت، که وجود آن در سال ٢٠١٠ آشکار شد، هدف آن خراب کردن برنامه هسته‌ای جمهوری اسلامی ایران از طریق به خطر انداختن سیستم‌های کنترل صنعتی (ICS) مرتبط با سانتریفیوژهای هسته‌ای است. گفته می‌شود این بدافزار که دارای قابلیت Worm می‌باشد، صدها هزار دستگاه را آلوده کرده و به صد‌ها دستگاه دیگر، آسیب فیزیکی وارد کرده است. #Cybersecurity #Cyber_Attack #Stuxnet #Malware #Iran #Netherland #Spyware #Worm #Israel #AIVD #امنیت_سایبری #حمله_سایبری #جاسوسی_سایبری #بدافزار #استاکسنت #ایران #انرژی_هسته_ای #اسرائیل #هلند مطالعه کامل خبر در سایت •••••••••••••••••••••• 🆔 @Takianco 📞 02188224600 🌐 🇮🇷 °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

1/12/2024, 10:07:09 AM

Bilgisayar korsanlığı tarihinde önemli bir dönüm noktasını temsil eden, özellikle endüstriyel kontrol sistemlerini hedef alan sofistike bir kötü amaçlı yazılım olan Stuxnet hakkında tüm detaylar makalemizde sizleri bekliyor. 📃 🌐 #Elfa #elfanet #bilişim #bilişimsektörü #sibergüvenlik #ağçözümleri #webgüvenliği #dijitalsistemler #sunucu #sunucudesteği #sunucuçözümleri #kvkkhizmeti #uçnoktagüvenliği #yedekleme #depolama #verigüvenliği #fortigateusom #zararlıbağlantılar #stuxnet

1/11/2024, 7:57:49 AM

Chinese state-backed Beijing-based forensics firm Beijing Wangshendongjian Technology has helped police track down people using Apple’s AirDrop feature to send “inappropriate speech,” according to the Chinese capital’s Bureau of Justice. Check out today's Metacurity for more on this development and other top infosec news you should know, including --Dutch engineer delivered Stuxnet malware, --loanDepot hit in cyber incident, --Toronto Zoo ransomwared, --Spamdot admins ID'ed, --AsyncRAT active for nearly a year, --Lumma Stealer spread via YouTube, --much more #airdrop #china #stuxnet #loandepot #spamdot #asyncrat #lummastealer #hackers #databreach #infosec #cybersecurity

1/9/2024, 2:42:51 PM

Na twee jaar onderzoek en tientallen interviews te hebben uitgevoerd, weet de Volkskrant het nu zeker: de Nederlandse ingenieur Erik van Sabben liet in 2007 het beruchte Stuxnet-virus los in een Iraans atoomcomplex. Een paar jaar eerder ontdekte de krant al dat de Nederlandse inlichtingendienst een cruciale rol speelde bij het saboteren van het nucleaire programma. Maar nu pas is de identiteit bekend van de Nederlandse ingenieur die hiervoor gerekruteerd was door de AIVD. Opvallend is dat de AIVD en de MIVD wel wisten dat ze meewerkten aan het saboteren van het Iraanse kernwapenprogramma, maar niet dat hun agent het virus het zwaarbeveiligde nucleaire complex in Natanz, 300 kilometer ten zuiden van de hoofdstad Teheran, infiltreerde. Dat meldt de Volskrant deze ochtend. Al jaren doen er geruchten de ronde over het Stuxnet-virus. KIJK schreef er in 2018 een Complot-aflevering over die jij nu via de link in onze bio gratis kunt lezen. #stuxnet #virus #computervirus #aivd #mivd #iran #kernwapen #volkskrant #complot #kijk #kijkmagazine

1/8/2024, 5:00:59 PM