nuclear images

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Iniciando semana con ¿Sabias que? #nuclear ☢️ #womeninnuclear

4/30/2024, 2:36:41 AM

Nuclear Vaso Pump é um suplemento pré-treino e vasodilatador da linha Nuclear Rush da consagrada marca BodyAction. Sua fórmula é livre de cafeína e possui ingredientes poderosos para melhorar o ganho de força, a explosão muscular e de quebra, reduzir a fadiga! Quem não quer fazer treinos mais intensos e volumosos? Esse é o segredo por trás de quem tem resultados realmente eficientes. Treinar “fofo” não é mais uma opções quando o que você busca são resultados concretos. A composição de Nuclear Vaso Pump contém a exclusiva fórmula TRI-PUMP, composta por beta-alanina, arginina e citrulina com boro, ou seja, os ingredientes ideais para quem busca treinos realmente diferenciados. BENEFÍCIOS NUCLEAR VASO PUMP Se você busca um suplemento pré-treino livre de estimulantes, que possa ser usado em qualquer hora do dia e que forneça ganhos expressivos de força e desempenho, então você precisa experimentar Nuclear Vaso Pump BodyAction! - Máximo de Força e Explosão Muscular; - Pode Ajudar a Reduzir a Fadiga; - 900mg de Beta-Alanina; - 3000mg de Arginina; - 8,9mg de Boro; - 24mg de L-Citruliniarginina; - Suplemento em Cápsulas com Rendimento de 30 dias. #bodyaction #nuclear #estrelinhadasaude #suplementação #fitness

4/30/2024, 2:25:40 AM

如果想從各個角度探索核災帶給人類的影響,《車諾比的悲鳴》無疑是一本珍貴的實錄。    2015年的諾貝爾文學獎得主亞歷塞維奇(Svetlana Alexievich),擅長用訪談的方式寫作紀實文學, 透過小人物不同的聲音, 勾勒出歷史事件的樣貌, 使我們接近某種真實。    🚧 在本書中,亞歷塞維奇訪問了1986年車諾比核災的倖存者, 包括消防員、清潔工、政客、醫生、物理學家和普通公民(被迫搬遷者和目前仍居住在撤離區的人都有)。 由於每個人在社會上不同的身份, 車諾比事故對他們帶來了截然不同的心理影響。 在我看來, 網路上大部分有關核能的文章, 還是被分在「擁核」或「反核」這兩個極端點上。但《車諾比的悲鳴》記載的是不同的經歷, 它是倖存者親身的體驗和感受, 無關發電數據, 也無須考慮他人的情緒, 就是一則則故事。 在殘酷的環境下, 淒慘悲哀的故事當然很多, 但還是有人擁抱核電的美好, 歌頌輻射和蘇維埃的偉大。 也正是因為這多元的聲音, 讓我覺得這是本值得細細咀嚼的書。    📖 閱讀過程中, 令我印象特別深刻的, 是前蘇聯地區人民言談之間流露出的浪漫思維、文學性和黑色幽默。 從他們細膩的表達中, 我們很容易可以發現俄國文學對他們的影響。 契柯夫、托爾斯泰、杜斯妥也夫斯基......這些俄國文豪的文字及作品傳達出的精神, 孕育著這片土地的人民, 使他們用截然不同的眼光探討生命。 這些充滿詩性的獨白、鉅細靡遺的描繪,讓我們接近了「車諾比人」。    如果你是對核災議題有興趣的朋友, 相信這本書能夠帶你一窺那些殘留在人類靈魂上的輻射。    ❗ 要特別和大家說的是, 照片上這本由馥林文化出版的書, 目前已經絕版了。 2018年,貓頭鷹出版社取得版權, 改以《車諾比的聲音》出版。 我從網路看起來, 新版的《車諾比的聲音》比《車諾比的悲鳴》厚滿多的, 可能新翻譯了不少內容。 大家有興趣的話強烈推薦找來看。 #book #reading #read #booklist #share #Chernobyl #Chernobyldisaster #NuclearPowerPlant #nuclear #書 #書單 #閱讀 #好書分享 #分享 #核能 #核災 #車諾比

4/30/2024, 2:18:41 AM

Revolução em Estilo: A Arte de Ser Único! Nossa nova estampa já está disponível para os visionários da moda! Com um design ousado que mescla o clássico com o contemporâneo, essa peça é uma verdadeira declaração de independência de estilo. A estatuária greco-romana encontra a cultura street, e as gotas de tinta representam a constante evolução da arte e do individualismo. Disponível em nossa loja ou em nosso site, entre em contato e garanta a sua! 🌐 LINK DO SITE NA BIO #novesete #usenovesete #streetstyle #streetwear #outwear #camisa #nuclear

4/30/2024, 2:02:02 AM

Join us tomorrow (April 30th) for ANS colloquium from 3-4pm! Excited to see all of you! #nuclear #plasma #mit #nse

4/30/2024, 1:25:40 AM

Trabajo de hoy con Abel.. gracias por tu confianza makina... #blackandwhite #ardriver #vicencolors #nuclear #materialestattoshopsevilla #galantattoos #lepespaña

4/29/2024, 11:56:42 PM

⭐️Blue Jay Mine Uranium Project⭐️ 📍Utah, USA Highlights: 👉🏻Located in the La Sal Uranium District which is recognized as the second most significant uranium producer in the Utah- Colorado region. 👉🏻Comprises 28 mineral claims covering about 560 acres, located approximately 30 miles south of Moab, San Juan County, Utah, within the La Sal Uranium District. 👉🏻Identified and drilled by URADCO in 1981 establishing a historic resource. Visit our websites for more! 🌐 #Uranium #Nuclear #Nuclearenergy #UraniumProjects #Utah #UraniumDistrict $ctoc

4/29/2024, 11:39:32 PM

Let’s go #nuclear ! Tonight 6pm @wsbtv we’ll take you for a never before seen look deep inside Vogtle’s nuclear power plant as unit 4 comes on line. @ga_power One of the most memorable days of my tv news career.

4/29/2024, 11:37:27 PM

School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences (SNAS): 2024 Admission in progress. Enroll Now !!! #SNAS #admission #nuclear #engineering

4/29/2024, 11:26:25 PM

📌🇨🇵🇪🇺 #Macron ready to ‘open #debate’ on #nuclear European #defence “I am ready to open this debate which must include anti-missile defence, long-range capabilities, and nuclear weapons for those who have them or who host American nuclear armaments,” the French president said in an interview with regional press group EBRA. “Let us put it all on the table and see what really protects us in a credible manner.” France will “maintain its specificity but is ready to contribute more to the defence of Europe”. In a recent speech to students at Paris’ Sorbonne University, Macron warned that Europe faced an existential threat from Russian aggression. He called on the continent to adopt a “credible” defence strategy less dependent on the United States. ❗️More on our Telegram - link in bio #army #military #armytroops #history #historyfacts #historymatters #footage #photos #geography #geo #historyinthemaking #historybuff #militaryhistory #europe #Geopolitics #knowledge #now #today #news #media #daily

4/29/2024, 11:13:41 PM

TEXTO: No dia 25 de abril de 1986 acontecia a catástrofe nuclear na usina de Chernobyl. Arraste para o lado e veja como a metrologia foi importante para análise do acidente e para melhorar a segurança de operações no setor nuclear. #Chernobyl #metrologia #ciência #desastre #segurança #nuclear #radiação #saúde #meioambiente

4/29/2024, 11:00:14 PM

I GIVE UP!!!!!!!! it will go to hell anyway . #war #nuclear #covid #inflation #ai #israel #giveup #palestine #ukraine #putin #trump #cartoon #downfall #destruction #doom #drawing #scetch

4/29/2024, 9:46:13 PM

NUCLEAR RALLLYY 24. ☢️☢️☢️🎾🎾🎾🎾 #art #nuclear #radiation

4/29/2024, 9:31:12 PM

Research Analyst Shawn Rostker explains how nuclear arsenals around the world have begun to expand in the South China Morning Post at the link in our bio!

4/29/2024, 8:58:21 PM

"What is the cost of lies? It’s not that we’ll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all. What can we do then? What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves instead with stories? In these stories, it doesn’t matter who the heroes are. All we want to know is: Who is to blame?" Chernobyl 38 2024.04.26. #art #artist #digitalart #digitalpainting #horse #horseart #portraitart #horseportrait #przewalskihorse #przewalski #dun #dunhorse #Chernobyl #Pripyat #chernobylnuclearpowerplant #zone #atomic #nuclear #incident #Ukraine #lies #respect #rip #sad #sorrow #tribute #ibispaint #ibispaintx

4/29/2024, 8:50:31 PM

Usina nuclear Vandellós I A usina de Vandellós I localiza-se próximo a cidade de Barcelona na Espanha. 🇪🇸 Atualmente a usina está em fase de descomissionamento, ou seja, fechamento. Isso devido há um incidente nuclear ocorrido há algumas décadas. Não houve danos severos, mas optou-se por fechar a usina. 🔹️Foto 1: Prédio do reator (não funciona mais). 🔹️Foto 2: Estrutura externa de circulação livre. 🔹️Foto 3: Slide do funcionamento da ex-usina. 🔹️Foto 4: Parte de cima do reator. Está tampado o núcleo do reator. 🔹️Foto 5: Local onde era inserido as varetas. 🔹️Foto 6: Parte da estrutura (demonstrativa) onde era colocado o combustível nuclear, repare que é um hexágono, assim como a estrutura do prédio. 🔹️Foto 7: Mesa de controle do reator nuclear. 🔹️Foto 8: Local onde era depositado a estrutura externa da vareta do combustível para decaimento de curto prazo. As marcas nas paredes indicam que o local não apresenta mais material radioativo. 🔹️Foto 9: Plano da empresa responsável pelo descomissionamento. 🔹️Foto 10: Alunos da Universidade Politécnica de Valência e o professor responsável pela visita. ⚠️ Fato interessante: Não usamos dosímetro durante a visita! Isso porquê os níveis de radiação do local são na faixa da radiação ambiente. Mais informações nos destaques dos story!! Narrei a visita toda lá!! 🙃 Agradeço muito por ter participado dessa visita à usina de Vandellós I! 💙 #usinanuclear #energia #energianuclear #nuclear #radiação #radioactive #visitatecnica

4/29/2024, 8:44:17 PM

According to a declassified document (dated before 1979), the #Israeli intelligence service informed Iran's intelligence service about joint plans by #SaudiArabia, #Qatar & #Kuwait to build a #nuclear plant on the Gulf/Persian Gulf shores. Source: Fararau

4/29/2024, 8:19:35 PM

#russia #moscow #forumrussia #atompavilion #nuclear #россия #москва #вднх #выставкароссия #атомпавильон #атом

4/29/2024, 7:52:33 PM

YES!!!! REDBUBBLE HAVE A SALE ON AGAIN! 40% OFF EVERYTHING! Here's more of my design called Little Boy. Little Boy was the nuclear bomb used on Hiroshima in 06 08 1945 . But there's plenty more to choose from available here - #information #a-bomb #americana #1950s #1950samericana #nuclearage #atomic #atomicage #nuclear #atoms #atombomb #atomicbomb #halftones #mechanistic #h-bomb #bomb #nuclearbomb #atombombs #e=mc2 #hydrogenbomb

4/29/2024, 7:46:16 PM

Second Annual Report Objective for 2023 ✅ Achieved The enCore team is led by industry experts with extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of ISR uranium operations and the nuclear fuel cycle. The safety of our people and the environment is essential to our operations; we remain solely focused on ISR technology to produce uranium as a proven effective and environmentally responsible technology, and have built a strong team from field staff to senior management. We also have established scholarships and other programs to develop the next generation of ISR experts. Visit our website today👇 🌐 #Uranium #Nuclear #Nuclearenergy #Energy #GoNuclear #carbon-free #USenergy $eu

4/29/2024, 7:43:00 PM

At the end of last year, an incident occurred in Japan 🇯🇵, which has not yet been fully resolved, in which 1,200 tons of dead fish 🐟️ floated on the surface in the port of Hakodate in Hokkaido. The fish involved were sardines or mackerel.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ So far, a few assumptions have been made as to the cause:⁠ ⁠ 👉️It could be contamination from the release of treated water from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. However, the government has already rejected this⁠ ⁠ 👉️Experts assume that the fish were hunted to exhaustion by predatory fish⁠ ⁠ 👉️It could also be a sudden drop in water temperature that caused both fish to go into shock.⁠ ⁠ ‌The mass death has not yet been explained. We hope there will be an explanation soon and will keep you posted if we learn anything new!⁠ ⁠ ‌Instead of seeing them dead, we rather like to see them alive and get the chance to dive with them 💗⁠ ⁠ #Japan #hokkaido #deatfish #radioactiv #sharkproject #fish #temperature #abnormal #fukushima #nuclear #sardines #mackerel

4/29/2024, 7:25:11 PM

NEW ISSUE! 🗯️⚔️🦾☢️🤓🏳️‍🌈 AVOIDABLE FUTURE: NUKED SKY. CHAPTER 4 #comic #scifi #rpg #fitness #shortstory #nuclear #nuclearwar #cyberpunk #PTSD #ptsdrecovery #mentalhealth #therapy #menthalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #lgbtqprotagonist

4/29/2024, 7:07:45 PM

NUEVA ENTREGA! 🗯️⚔️🦾☢️🤓🏳️‍🌈 FUTURO EVITABLE: CIELO NUCLEAR. CAPÍTULO 4 #comic #scifi #rpg #fitness #cienciaficcion #nuclear #guerranuclear #cyberpunk #estrésposttraumático #saludmental #terapia #lgbtqprotagonist

4/29/2024, 7:05:30 PM

It's Time To Brake The Ice Today! To Make Room For Round Two I Say!!! Shimo Better look Out I Do Say! Movie Monster FIGHT!!! Photo Count: 2,241 & Counting! . . . #godzilla #stopmotion #monsterverse #cartoon #animation #nature #animals #godzillaxkong #lego #claymation #dinosaur #nuclear #artist #instaart #anime #moviemonster #art #artsandcrafts #fantasy #adventure #claymation #fanart #movie #creative #workinprogress #cartoon #legostopmotion #moviemonster #monster #legendary

4/29/2024, 7:03:43 PM

#Vintage 1961 Cold War Era Civil Defense - Nuclear Attack Fallout Protection Book #ColdWar #Nuclear #Fallout #eBay via @eBay

4/29/2024, 6:48:16 PM

I heard she was buried here, so I had to go look for her Tombstone on the first day I arrived in Paris. I have a career in the field of Nuclear Medicine because of her. A science genius. A LEGEND. MADAME MARIE CURIE The radioactive isotopes that we use in nuclear medicine are measured in millicuries after her. #mariecurie #Paris #pantheonparis #travel #nuclearmedicine #societyofnuclearmedicineandmolecularimaging #nuclear #gammarays #traveltips # #travelphotography #travelandsee #travel #travelvlogger

4/29/2024, 6:46:51 PM

Historical! The first new nuclear reactors built here in the USA in 30 years, and it is fully functional and supplying power commercially. I am proud that I was a part of this. #nuclear #nuclearpower

4/29/2024, 6:34:38 PM

[SCROLL FOR DETAILS ] Join us in-person TONIGHT for our in-person screening of award winning film, RADIOACTIVE: The Women of Three Mile Island & THIS WEDNESDAY online or in person for our public forum! Website link in bio. Following our successful events in 2023, the national "Not The Nuclear Lobby" is returning to Ottawa from April 29 to May 2, 2024. We will be meeting with MPs and their staff on Parliament Hill to share important information about nuclear energy. Key themes of this year's discussions include: Nuclear is not a climate solutions: Developing new nuclear reactors will delay climate action Parliamentarian oversight of nuclear waste management & nuclear site decommissioning The need for a ban on reprocessing nuclear fuel waste Citizens groups from across #Canada will meet in #Ottawa to share important info with the public and #MPs. Against the deep pockets & aggressive lobbying of the nuclear industry, activists will counter with facts and the growing awareness that we need renewables now, not billion-dollar nuclear pipe dreams. Join us for the public events. The film on April 29 is award-winning, 2023. The forum on May 1 is a hybrid event - that is, both in-person as well as online. For more info, go to: #nuclear #renewableenergy #climate #falsesolutions #ottawa #canada #ontario #energy #electricity

4/29/2024, 5:52:16 PM

Posted @withregram • Nuclear Powers around the world 🌍 ☢️ #nuclear #war #weapon #usa #russia #germany #israel #korea #india #china #uk #france

4/29/2024, 5:44:54 PM

▫️ 震災後ノート no.29 2015.9.2 木 - 1637 “ the journal After the Quake: Notes” no.29 the first page of the twenty-ninth notebook 震災後ノート29冊目 2015年9月2日 #tsunami #earthquake #nuclear #archive #drawing #sketch #sketchbook #notebook #dailyart #art #contemporaryart #arte #künst #kunst #artist #keisukeyamaguchi #芸術 #美術 #山口啓介 #東日本大地震 #東日本大震災 #震災の記録 #311 #津波 #原発事故 #福島第一原発 #震災後ノート #2015

4/29/2024, 5:39:17 PM

From the powerful historical milestone to the concerns of global safely concerns. Here is the list of countries that had the first ever nuclear test carried out. 📉 #nuclear #nuclearhistory #history #uk #russia #chinatown #india #statistics #world #korea #france #pakistan

4/29/2024, 5:24:54 PM

Ginger Spice on Penelope

4/29/2024, 5:22:34 PM

Ginger Spice on Penelope

4/29/2024, 5:22:08 PM

Ginger Spice on Penelope

4/29/2024, 5:21:55 PM

Circles at an unfinished nuclear power plant. #urbex #urbanexploring #abandoned #nuclear #powerplant

4/29/2024, 5:06:11 PM

Moving on! Here we have a prototype of a booster: as we were pretty successful with the Entropia booster, which used to have a great lifting surface, we are developing our new one using the same philosophy. Two little and long bumps will create aerodynamic stability during ascent and lift during reentry. Today we are just testing the lift-off sequence, with no recovery intended. @kerbalspacep #ksp #kerbalspaceprogram #kerbalspace #kerbal #spaceexploration #space #spacecraft #spaceflighthistory #spaceflight #nasa #rocketengineering #rocketry #ula #spacex #esa #jaxa #KSP #KSPloring #booster #concept #moon #rockets #rocket #nuclear

4/29/2024, 5:01:04 PM

Take to the skies in a brand-new Model-M. No more traffic, no more potholes, no more stop signs. Just clean air and clear horizons. Buy yours today! The Moray Company is not liable for any violations of regional air-traffic laws perpetrated by its customers. This is an image from my Moray series, made with old-fashioned miniature photography and Photoshop. #photography #photoillustration #photoshop #retro #sciencefiction #notai #vintage #advertisement #1950s #surreal #digitalart #chicagoartist #moray #blackandwhitephotography #justinbenzel #flyingcar #nuclear

4/29/2024, 5:00:24 PM

« Terre radioactive »☢️🧪🌍⚠️ 🇫🇷 La radioactivité, tel un sombre voile, a tout altéré, Créant de nouvelles espèces, dans un monde dévasté. Des créatures étranges, nées de l’ombre et du feu, Ont émergé des ruines, dans un ballet silencieux.  Green Pickleman ———————————— “Radioactive Earth”☢️🧪🌍⚠️ 🇬🇧 Radioactivity, like a dark veil, has altered everything, Creating new species, in a devastated world. Strange creatures, born of shadow and fire, Emerged from the ruins, in a silent ballet. Green Pickleman _____________________ #art #digitalart #artlife #artcurator #poetry #Greenpikleman #contemporarypainting #nuclear #contemporaryartist #radioactive #artfrancais #personal #personnalisation #artists #animeart #animal #artworks #artlover #artstudio #artexhibition #artistoninstagram #love #frenchart #ia #artistsofinstagram

4/29/2024, 4:23:50 PM

⚠️ Our Call for Content has OPENED! ⚠️ Your opportunity to make a lasting impact at #POWERGEN25 awaits! Don't let this chance slip by. Dive into the heart of power engineering issues. Take a stand and submit your content now! 2025 Technical Conference Program Tracks will be: Carbon Capture and Emission Controls Energy Storage Deployments Microgrid Breakthroughs Nuclear's Evolution Optimizing Plant Performance O&M and EPC Considerations for Utility-Scale Solar and Wind Powering the Future Unlocking Hydrogen's Power Potential #POWERGEN25 #carboncapture #energystorage #microgrid #nuclear #solar #wind #poweringthefuture #hydrogen #destination2050 Apply Now: LINK IN BIO!

4/29/2024, 4:02:01 PM

Tume ya Nguvu za Atomiki Tanzania kuwasomesha vijana watano kila mwaka kwa kuwapa ufadhili nje ya nchi ili kusudi waweze kujifunza teknolojia ya nyuklia katika kiwango ambacho ni cha kisasa zaidi na cha juu ambacho Tanzania haijafikia #thamanimadini #madininimaishanautajiri #naturalgas #nuclear

4/29/2024, 3:17:46 PM

Associados adimplentes da SBMN contam com descontos especiais na inscrição do 38° Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina Nuclear. O congresso, que esse ano tem como tema "A Medicina Nuclear abraçando a evolução", é uma oportunidade de imersão em um ambiente de aprendizado dinâmico, com palestras simultâneas em duas salas e uma arena silenciosa. O 38º Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina Nuclear - CBMN 2024 ocorre entre os dias 13 a 15 de setembro, no Centro de Convenções Rebouças, São Paulo (SP). Faça sua inscrição agora e garanta sua presença: #sbmn #medicinanuclear #medicina #saude #nuclear #cbmn #cbmn2024 #38cbmn

4/29/2024, 2:00:35 PM

April 28th 2024. ATB was invited to the conference “The Role of Nuclear in the Energy Transition: A Conversation on the Sidelines of the G7 Energy Ministerial” organized by Atlantic Council , ISPI - Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale and Newcleo in Turin. We were very pleased and excited by the opportunity to attend some inspiring speeches and witness strategic milestones achieved during the event: - Italian Minister of Environment and Energy Security Pichetto Fratin announced its ministry would join the European Alliance for Small Modular Reactors. - The signature of a joint declaration by the nuclear industry associations of the G7 countries supporting nuclear deployment as a strategic priority in the nearby future. ATB is ready to join this challenging path towards #decarbonisation supporting clean #nuclear and #renewable energy market with #experience, #tradition, and #innovation capabilities. #nuclearenergy #engineering #atbgroup #atbrivacalzoni #SMR #AMR ______________________ 28 Aprile 2024. ATB è stata invitata alla conferenza “Il ruolo del Nucleare nella Transizione Energetica: una conversazione a margine della riunione ministeriale dell'Energia del G7” organizzata da Atlantic Council, ISPI-Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale e Newcleo a Torino. Siamo stati molto lieti ed entusiasti per l’opportunità di partecipare a interventi stimolanti e di assistere ai traguardi strategici raggiunti durante l'evento: - Il Ministro italiano dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica Pichetto Fratin ha annunciato che il suo ministero aderirà all'Alleanza Europea per i Piccoli Reattori Modulari. - La firma di una dichiarazione congiunta da parte delle associazioni dell'industria nucleare dei paesi del G7 a sostegno dello sviluppo del nucleare come priorità strategica nel prossimo futuro. ATB è pronta ad unirsi a questo percorso sfidante verso la #decarbonizzazione supportando il mercato del #nuclearepulito e delle #rinnovabili con #esperienza, #tradizione, e capacità di #innovazione.

4/29/2024, 1:52:10 PM

Interesting event @nasjonalmuseet Didn’t get a chance to ask question there. Hope some of you can answer. Israel has dropped more than 25,000 tonnes of explosives on Gaza since 7 October, and its equel to two nuclear bombs. Euro-Med Monitor highlighted that the weight of the nuclear bombs dropped by the US on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was estimated at about 15,000 tonnes. technological developments affecting the potency of bombs, the explosives dropped on Gaza may be twice as powerful as a nuclear bomb. Are we only worried about the use of nucler wepaen itself or Experts are Also concered about the explosivs dropped on Gaza by Israel ??? What is the impact of such bombardment on humanity? 26.04.24 #nukeexpo #nukeexpooslo #nuclear

4/29/2024, 1:46:54 PM

Poslední výzva na přihlášku na @jaderkacvut! Ještě do konce dubna můžete nasměrovat svoji budoucnost správným směrem na: P.S.: Obrázky vygenerovala AI Adobe Firefly @cvutpraha #nuclear #science #cern #engineering #technics #veda #technika #studium #inženýrství #adobefirefly

4/29/2024, 1:45:08 PM

Poslední výzva na přihlášku na @jaderkacvut! Ještě do konce dubna můžete nasměrovat svoji budoucnost správným směrem na: P.S.: Obrázky vygenerovala AI Adobe Firefly @cvutpraha #nuclear #science #cern #engineering #technics #veda #technika #studium #inženýrství #adobefirefly

4/29/2024, 1:44:17 PM

Poslední výzva na přihlášku na @jaderkacvut! Ještě do konce dubna můžete nasměrovat svoji budoucnost správným směrem na: P.S.: Obrázky vygenerovala AI Adobe Firefly @cvutpraha #nuclear #science #cern #engineering #technics #veda #technika #studium #inženýrství #adobefirefly

4/29/2024, 1:42:13 PM

Talca, 27 de abril 2024. Fotos por #metal #nuclear #livephotography

4/29/2024, 1:27:33 PM

Decaying Soviet Basketball Goal, Sillamäe, Estonia 🇪🇪 ---- 𝙁𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙗𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 "𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙩-𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖" 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙟𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙖𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙀𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖'𝙨 𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙍𝙪𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙖𝙣-𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣 𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙤𝙣. 𝙇𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙞𝙣 𝘽𝙞𝙤 𝙩𝙤 𝙎𝙪𝙗𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙚! ---- The 1972 Olympic basketball final between the USA and the USSR, when cold war tensions were at their peak, remains one of the most controversial and hotly debated matches in sports history. The United States, dominant in Olympic basketball history with an undefeated streak spanning seven consecutive gold medals, faced a diverse and seasoned Soviet team, made up of Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Kazakhs, Belarussians, and Georgians. The Soviet team surprised early in the match, maintaining a lead throughout the game. However, it was the chaotic final moments that sealed its place in sporting lore. A series of disputed calls and interruptions, including a replay of the final three seconds, caused an outcry from the sore-losing US team. Despite persistant objections from the U.S. team and coaches, the Soviet Union emerged victorious when Alexander Belov scored the winning basket after receiving a contentious full-court pass from Ivan Edeshko. It was a bitter loss to swallow, as the 1972 USSR basketball team defeated the USA at its own sport. #basketball #estonia #eesti #ussr #nuclear #balticsea #ссср #эстония🇪🇪 #sillamäe #coldwar

4/29/2024, 1:22:37 PM

[Introduction To Plasma Physics (플라즈마 기초)] I. Introduction (Characteristic Parameters of a Plasma) 저희 원자핵공학과가 유튜브 전과자에 나왔다네요. 저도 그 반사 이익 좀 보고 싶습니다만… 아니 근데 핵융합 플라즈마 언급 없는 건 좀 서운하더라 (전 출연 안 했습니다. 출연했다가 무슨 폭발성애자 같은 헛소리를 하려고?) 교재 : Francis F. Chen - Introduction To Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (3rd Edition), Springer. Donald A. Gurnett and Amitava Bhattacharjee - Introduction To Plasma Physics (2nd Edition) [With Space, Laboratory and Astrophysical Applications], Cambridge University Press. 부교재 : R. J. Goldston and P. H. Rutherford - Introduction to Plasma Physics, Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Institute of Physics Publishing. J. A. Bittencourt - Fundamentals of Plasma Physics (3rd Edition), Springer. #공스타 #공스타그램 #공부 #공부자극 #공부인증 #공부기록 #손글씨 #손글씨그램 #studygram #study #studynotes #studygram #study #studynotes #studymotivation #studytime #handwriting #서울대 #snu #공대생 #공대생공스타 #원핵공 #원자핵공학과 #물리학 #physics #플라즈마 #plasma #핵융합 #nuclear #nuclearphysics #nuclearfusion #princeton #cambridge

4/29/2024, 12:11:58 PM

How prepared are #African regulators to support their country’s nuclear power programs❓Senior regulators will provide first-hand insights during the regulatory panel at #AFNBP 2024 which will be moderated by Björn Peters from Dual Fluid. Panelist include: ⚛ Dr. Yau Idris, Director General, Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Nigeria 🇳🇬 ⚛ Dr. Akisophel Kisolo, Chairperson, Atomic Energy Council, Uganda 🇺🇬 ⚛ Dr. Nii Allotey, Director General, Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Ghana 🇬🇭 ⚛ James Chumba, Director General, 🇰🇪 This 27-30 May 2024, the 🇬🇭 Ministry of Energy, Ghana will host the annual Africa Nuclear Business Platform ( #AFNBP) conference and exhibition in #Accra. ⏬ Download the meeting agenda here - #AFNBP #NBP #nuclearenergy #NetZero #SMR #energy #nuclear

4/29/2024, 11:10:34 AM

🏗️🚧 Do you need your tickets, contact us today and ask for more information about the range of Engineering Construction Industry Training Board qualifications available. 🚧🏗️ For more information visit or call us today on 01458 274043. #Train4All #T4ASomerton #Engineering #Construction #ECITB #Qualifications #Training #HealthAndSafety #Nuclear #ConstructionLife #ConstructionIndustry

4/29/2024, 10:41:13 AM

We agree, Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield. International security is worth putting aside our differences for.

4/27/2024, 7:24:13 PM