bustronome images

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#food #travel #sports #news #may #thursday

Indulge in the finest flavors curated with love and passion, transforming your bus tour into an unforgettable gastronomic adventure ❤️ Laissez-vous séduire par des saveurs exquises, soigneusement sélectionnées avec amour et passion, transformant votre tour en bus en une aventure gastronomique inoubliable ❤️ #bustronome #bustronomeparis #eatparis #menu #food #restaurant #restaurantparis #gastronomy #frenchgastronomy

5/14/2024, 5:31:07 PM

New Spring and Summer Menu ☀️ Experience the taste of the season with our latest new menu available from today until the 1st of September! • SALMON MOSAIC • PRAWNS AND ASPARAGUS GIRASOLE (dinner only) • PAN SEARED COD • CHICKEN BALLOTINE • BRIE CHEESE (dinner only) • LEMON CURD TARTELETTE Elevate your dining experience with quality flavors that celebrate the essence of each season✨ #bustronome #bustronomelondon #london #newmenu #menu #food #foodlondon #eatlondon #foodielondon

5/14/2024, 5:14:00 PM

Paris 2024 : 🥖🇫🇷 - Musée paléontologique 🦴 - Bustronome 🥂 - Musée du Louvre 🖼️ - Grande galerie de l’évolution 🐘 - Musée Grevin 🕯️ - Passage couvert 🫖 - Opéra, Palais Garnier 🎭 - Foodlife : terroir Français et restaurants des chefs Ducasse et Darroze 🍽️ #paris #paleontologie #bustronome #louvre #galeriedelevolution #museegrevin #passagecouvertparis #palaisgarnier #operagarnier #foodlife

5/12/2024, 11:29:55 PM

20240511 파리 버스트로놈 시티투어 파리 시티투어로 와이프가 선택한 버스트로놈~~ 도희가 추천해줬다는디 제븝 성공적이었네~ㅎ #paris #bustronome

5/11/2024, 10:27:05 PM

Gastrobus tour of London #bustronome

5/10/2024, 11:54:55 PM

Stay in the heart of London, listen to the melodious bell of Big Ben and feel the unique charm of time. #bustronome #britain #london #delicacy

5/9/2024, 8:18:35 AM

✅「Bustronome Paris」: 巴黎美食巴士之旅 ✅ 「Fine Dining on the move」這是一種獨特的體驗巴黎的方式。V媽對於巴黎的探索方式有著獨特的見解,而「Bustronome Paris」正是她最喜歡的選擇之一。已經有好幾次,V媽都踏上這特製的雙層巴士,享受著在巴黎市中心的精彩美食之旅。這次再度搭上「Bustronome Paris」,期待的心情不言而喻。 坐在這豪華的雙層巴士上,V媽沉醉在真正的法式美食中,同時欣賞著城市中心的迷人景色。這次的行程路過許多巴黎最著名的景點,像是埃菲爾鐵塔、馬斯場、大皇宮、奧賽博物館、歌劇院、羅浮宮等等。沿著街道穿梭,每一個轉角都有一段令人陶醉的巴黎故事,每一處風景都彷彿是一幅精美的畫作。在這美食之旅中,V媽不僅品嚐到了最優質的時令食材,還聽著經典的法國音樂,感受到了溫馨的氛圍。 「Bustronome Paris」的獨特之處在於,他們提供了9種不同語言的音頻導覽筆,讓遊客有機會更深入地了解巴黎迷人的地標。無論是語言、文化,還是美食,這趟旅程都是一場充滿多元體驗的冒險。對V媽來說,每一次搭乘「Bustronome Paris」都是一次難忘的體驗,每一次的旅程都充滿了新的驚喜和美好回憶。這才是欣賞都市景觀和品嚐法國美食的最佳方式! ===== Art Deco創意達人「V媽」,為著名有線電視公司企業家第二代名媛。因熱愛歐美傢俱傢飾,有鑑於跨品牌傢俱混搭在全世界已成為一股主流趨勢,便協同英國籍先生Dr. Shih以女兒Victoria為名創立了維多利亞國際公司,擔任專業傢俱整合顧問,提供歐美跨品牌傢俱諮詢與整合服務,擁有「裝飾藝術達人」的封號。並於多年前成立了『維多利亞國際(Victoria Deco)』部落格,分享歐美傢俱、傢飾的最新潮流以及裝飾藝術(Art Deco)相關訊息,並將不同的裝修過程一一記錄分享,短短時間內已聚集超過百萬以上人次。(摘錄自漂居雜誌及時報周刊 bit.ly/3SzZnxb ) ❤️【維多利亞國際】為一義大利跨國集團在台灣專業「傢俱配置顧問」公司,提供『跨品牌頂級傢俱整合』服務。一般門市只能提供美國或歐洲單一(少數)品牌,維多利亞國際可同時提供上百種歐洲及美國傢俱、燈飾、床墊、地毯及家飾/威尼斯鏡品牌,「單一窗口」保證提供客戶最具競爭力的歐美原廠同步價格及整合型的售後保養服務。 ♦ 原裝品牌推薦 : victoriadeco.pixnet.net/blog/post/92981602 您的專業「傢俱管家」:歐美同步價格、義大利跨國集團、頂級原廠保固、專業服務團隊。 ✔️歡迎洽詢維多利亞國際✔️ 📍電話 : 02-2918-2081 📍LINE官方帳號 : line.me/R/ti/p/%40ghm9444u 📍官網 : www.victoria-deco.com 📍FB : www.facebook.com/VictoriaWorldwide 📍IG : www.instagram.com/victoria_worldwide_inc 📍部落格 : victoriadeco.pixnet.net 【 ~狂賀~ 部落格破160萬人次!】 #進口家具 #進口燈飾 #歐洲家具 #原裝家具 #歐美同步價 #RolfBenz #PoltronaFrau #Minotti #NATUZZI #HENGE #Flexform #Hastens#Giorgetti #Baxter #Bebitalia #LigneRoset #Serip #FritzHansen #CarlHansen #Himolla #FineDiningonthemove #Bustronome #BustronomeParis

5/8/2024, 7:31:39 AM

NEW MENU • Spring 2024 Venez découvrir les nouvelles saveurs de notre menu saisonnier jusqu’au 1er juillet. • Tartare de flétan fumé, gel de pommes vertes, velouté de choux rouges • Pavé de cabillaud, étuvé de poireaux et butternut, sauce au lait ribot • Poitrine de Canard, pommes de terre nouvelles, carottes rôties, jus aux épices • Fraisier 🍓 #newmenu #menu #paris #bustronomeparis #bustronome #foodparis #food #restaurantparis

5/4/2024, 6:37:53 PM

GIVEAWAY CLOSE ✖️ To celebrate the launch of our exquisite afternoon tea, we’re giving away TWO tickets for a sumptuous experience featuring bottomless prosecco and a delightful set including a teapot and a selection of premium teas from The Tea Makers! 🥂 To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @bustronomelondon and @theteamakers 2️⃣ Like this post ❤️ 3️⃣ Tag a friend who you’d love to share this experience with! (Each tag is an additional entry) 4️⃣ Share this post to your story for a bonus entry! 🎉 The giveaway ends on Monday 6th of May. Good luck, tea lovers! ☕️✨ #afternoontea #bustronomelondon #theteamakers #giveaway #bustronome #experiencelondon #london #tea #teatime *Value of the gift £227.95

4/29/2024, 8:37:23 PM

Experiência fantástica … #grateful #bustronome #paris #birthdaygirl

4/26/2024, 8:43:14 PM

In a world where time seems to fly by, Bustronome invites you to slow down, savor the moment and experience the timeless allure of Traditional Afternoon Tea. ✨ #bustronomelondon #afternoontea #london #bustronome #foodie #foodlondon #experiencelondon

4/24/2024, 5:31:58 PM

Hello and Happy Fridayyy, ya’lll!! 🫶 Let me take you on a journey back to last Sunday - a day filled with precious moments, from witnessing my adorable niece’s first smile to embarking on the unforgettable Bustronome Experience! It was an absolute delight, courtesy of my wonderful family’s birthday gift. Picture this: cruising through central London on a luxurious bus, indulging in a delectable 4-course meal paired with exquisite wines, all while basking in the glorious sunshine. First up, a refreshing eggplant salad, followed by succulent salmon drenched in a tantalizing sauce alongside mini cubed potatoes and radish. Then, we savored tender lamb chops paired with cranberry sauce and butternut squash. And to top it off, a heavenly panna cotta adorned with a luscious mango drizzle. Trust me, it was beyond phenomenal – an experience tailor-made for special occasions!! 🥂 #bustronome #londonexperience #londonfoodies #lunchtime

4/19/2024, 4:53:45 PM

Visitez Paris et apprenez en toujours plus sur ses monuments emblématiques grâce à notre application et guide audio 🇫🇷 L’application disponible à bord vous permet de vous localiser sur le plan tout au long du tour et d’en savoir plus sur l’histoire des monuments et lieux emblématiques. #visitparis #bustronome #bustronomeparis #paris #villedeparis #restaurantparis

4/10/2024, 6:14:06 PM

Tea time just got a luxurious upgrade! 🍰✨ Introducing Bustronome’s Fine Dining Afternoon Tea experience - where elegance meets indulgence onboard our iconic dining bus. Indulge our selection of sandwiches, patries ans freshly baked scones, stunning views, and unforgettable moments onboard 🥂 AVAILABLE FROM 1st OF MAY 2024 Time: 1:15 to 3:15 Days: TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Location: COACH BAY 40B Victoria Embankment, London, WC2N 6PB 📍 #afternoontea #teatime #afternoontealondon #tealondon #london #bustronomelondon #bustronome #experiencelondon #visitlondon

4/8/2024, 5:45:22 PM

. パリ🇫🇷 day6-day10 -後半- 📍Tour Eiffel  エッフェル塔にも登りました🗼  やはりタワー系は外から見るのが一番素敵🤍笑  こちらのチケットも日本から事前予約しました🎫 . 📍Le Train Bleu    リヨン駅構内にある豪華絢爛な内装のレストラン🍽️✨  美術館や宮殿にいるような優雅な雰囲気でした💕  たびたび映画にも登場するようです  こちらも日本から事前予約しました✅  クーポンを見つけたのに使い忘れたのがプチ後悔😮‍💨笑 . 📍Bustronome🚍🍴  バスでパリの観光名所を周りながら  お食事を楽しめます🍽️🍷 . 📍オペラ座  演目は鑑賞できませんでしたが  内部の見学に伺いました🎭  こちらの内装も豪華絢爛です✨ 📍Courtyard Paris Porte de Versailles  パリ2泊目以降はこちらのホテルに宿泊🏨  ジュニアスイートルームにアップグレードして頂きました  朝食のクロワッサンが美味しかった🥐 .  メトロの看板がタイルで可愛かった💙🤍❤️  駅ごとに雰囲気が違うのも素敵でした🚉  スリが怖すぎてメトロで常に余裕なかった...⚔️🥷   #ヨーロッパ旅行 #フランス旅行 #パリ旅行 #ハネムーン #ハネムーンレポ #ハネムーン旅行 #新婚旅行 #エッフェル塔 #バストロノーム #バストロノームランチツアー #オペラ座  #paris #france #effeltower #toureiffel #letrainbleu #bustronome #palaisgarnier #courtyardparisportedeversailles

4/6/2024, 1:10:25 PM

At Bustronome, we meticulously craft each dish with premium, hand-selected ingredients, guaranteeing a symphony of flavors in every meal. Join us and elevate your dinning experience with Bustronome 🍽️🥂 #bustronome #london #finedining #finedinninglondon #restaurantlondon #qualityfoodlondon #experiencelondon

3/29/2024, 5:32:13 PM

Gourmet | Bon appetit, Paris! 본 아 빼띠! 괜시리 들으면, 프랑스에 있음을 더 실감 나는 마법의 문장. 음식과 와인을 빼고 프랑스를 떠올리기 어렵잖아요. 그중에서도 꼭 들러야하는 파리의 맛을 찾아 떠나볼까요? 1. Les Deux Magots 레 되 마고 1885년 처음 선보인 Les Deux Magots는 생-제르맹 데 프레 광장에 위치합니다. 프랑스 문학과 예술의 중요한 장소면서, 헤밍웨이, 피카소, 사르트르 등 유명한 예술가와 문학자들이 모이는 곳이었죠. 헤밍웨이 세트로 정열적이고 낭만이 넘쳤던 그 시절 파리를 경험하는 건 어떨까요? 2. Drouant 드루앙 아르데코 스타일의 프렌치 레스토랑으로, 파리 2구에 위치하고 있어요. 1880년 찰스 드루앙이 오픈한 이래로, 오랜 역사를 자랑하는 만큼, 예술가와 문화인들 사이에서 인기를 끌고 있습니다. 요리와 분위기 모두 훌륭하여 파리를 방문하는 사람들에게 꼭 소개 되는 장소이기도 합니다. 3. Bustronome 버스트로놈 파리 곳곳을 누비며 이층 버스에서 우아한 프랑스 요리를 즐길 수 있다구요? 파리 전경을 파노라마로 럭셔리한 식사와 함께 감상할 수 있다는게 특별한 매력이죠. 와인 페어링도 가능하니, 와인 한 모금과 함께 파리의 매력에 더욱 취해 갑니다 : ) #레되마고 #드루앙 #버스트로놈 #LesDeuxMagots #Drouant #Bustronome #파리맛집 #파리핫플

3/29/2024, 7:00:00 AM

Commission sketch work..🧡💛💚 A very beautiful Family sketch... 👨‍👩‍👧❤ 𝘿𝙈 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚.. ❤☯️💓 . . Art by : @Art_by_unnati_1122 . . #art #artist #artoftheday #artwork #artistsoninstagram #portrait #Sketch #sketchart #doms #bustronome #brustro #brussels #familytime #family #familygoals #familylove #momdad #momdad❤️ #babygirl #insta #instagram #trending #trendy

3/27/2024, 6:06:09 PM

« Comme un Opéra » notre dessert signature inspiré de l’incontournable pâtisserie française « l’Opéra ». À déguster à bord du Bustronome Paris 💫 #bustronome #bustronomeparis #gastronomie #restaurantparis #food #eatparis #operadessert #dessert

3/25/2024, 6:16:21 PM

Bustronome London is proud to be ranked among the top 100 restaurants in London by Tripadvisor ⭐️ Thank you to all our amazing guests for your support and wonderful reviews! #bustronome #bustronomelondon #toprestaurantlondon #restaurantlondon #foodlondon #thingstodolondon #finedininglondon

3/23/2024, 2:59:48 PM

Elevate your dining experience with our exquisite rack of lamb, accompanied by roasted sweet potatoes and a divine blueberry sauce. #bustronomelondon #bustronome #restaurantlondon #london #food #finedining #gastronomy

3/19/2024, 6:34:01 PM

🇫🇷tutta italia フランス便り🇫🇷 Bonjour! Bustronomeでパリの車窓観光をしながらフレンチ料理のコースとワインはいかがでしょう? 6品のコース🍽️と3種のワイン🍷バスの中で調理されているのでベストな状態で提供されます。 毎時0分に行われるエッフェル塔のライトアップにも合わせて停車してくれて、間近できらびやかなエッフェル塔が見られました✨ 徒歩観光とは異なった角度から見るパリのツアー、ぜひ試してみてください🚌 #オーダーメイド旅行 #フランス旅行 #フランス大好き #フランス好きと繋がりたい #フランスに行きたい #フランスが恋しい #フランス観光 #パリ旅行 #パリ観光 #パリ大好き #パリ好きと繋がりたい #美食ツアー #フランス美食 #パリ美食 #bustronome #エッフェル塔

3/19/2024, 5:38:32 AM

햄볶촉촉💙 #parisfrance #bustronome #파리여행

3/15/2024, 6:22:26 PM

Découvrez Paris d’une manière inédite avec Bustronome. Délectez-vous de délicieux mets préparés par nos chefs tout en admirant les monuments emblématiques de Paris. 🥂✨ Credit @sakiiika 📸 #bustronome #restaurantparis #paris #bustronomeparis #visitparis #parisfoodie #parisfood

3/11/2024, 6:19:53 PM

One thing I've learnt only lately really is how other people's version of events is always very different to what actually happened when you hear things through the grapevine. Reminding us all to only ever believe what we hear from the horses mouth. 🐎 . . . #London #dayout #fun #Bustronome #quote

3/7/2024, 10:23:41 AM

Bustronome Private Event ✨🥂 Immerse your guests in an atmosphere of culinary excellence as you traverse London’s most famous landmarks aboard our luxurious venue. Reach out to us today to organise your next memorable private event. 💌 [email protected] #bustronomelondon #bustronome #london #privateeventspace #privateevent #corporateevent #venuelondon #foodlondon #experiencelondon

3/5/2024, 7:16:18 PM

Culinary experience on a double-decker luxury bus 🥂 #bustronomeparis #paris #bustronome #thingstodoparis #experience #visitparis #parisfoodie

3/5/2024, 7:11:19 PM

Paris night ☔️ #paris #bustronome #bustronomeparis

3/4/2024, 9:34:47 AM

Paris.. #toureiffel #paris #bustronome

3/2/2024, 1:01:14 PM

8 ans d'amour bien fêtés à Londres ❤️ #bustronome #bustronomelondon #londres #london #coupletravel #8ansdeja #voyageenamoureux

2/29/2024, 3:02:18 PM

Discover Paris’most beautiful places and indulge a luxury 4-course lunch or 6-course dinner aboard Bustronome Paris✨ Credit @chloeleongg_ #bustronomeparis #paris #visitparis #thingstodoparis #bustronome #lunchparis #tourparis #bustourparis

2/28/2024, 1:47:35 PM

Luxury Mother’s Day Lunch with Bustronome ✨ Culinary delights, panoramic views, and quality time with your family. Because every mother deserve a treat 💗 #mothersday #mothersdaylondon #mothersdaylunch #bustronome #london #bustronomelondon #activitylondon

2/28/2024, 1:21:01 PM

버스에서 즐기는 레스토랑 #버스트로놈 🍴흔하지 않으면서 좀 더 로맨틱하고 낭만적이게 파리 여행을 즐기고 싶으시다면 꼭 타보세요! 저는 런치 코스로 1시간 45분 동안 총 네가지의 코스요리를 먹으면서 파리의 명소를 버스 타고 구경하니 너무 재밌고 신선했어요🤍 아무래도 버스에서 음식을 먹다보니 조금 흔들릴순 있어도 천천히 가기 때문에 멀미가 나거나 위험하진 않았습니다! (사진에서 볼 수 있듯이 와인잔이나 물컵은 흔들리는걸 방지하기 위해 고정되어 있음) ⭐️개선문에서 출발하며, 투어 출발 15분 전에는 꼭 착석해 있어야 함을 잊지 마세요!! ▫️버스트로놈 Bustronome ✔️예약은 #버스트로놈 홈페이지에서 가능 🕰️런치 코스는 매일 12:15 , 12:45 (1시간 45분 소요) 디너 코스는 매일 19:45 , 20:45 (2시간 45분 소요) 💶런치 네가지 코스 요리 - 1인 70EUR (음료, 주류 포함하면 90EUR) 디너 여섯가지 코스 요리 - 1인 120EUR (음류, 주류 포함하면 150EUR) 어린이용 식사도 있음 가격 다르니 홈페이지 참고 🚐버스트로놈 경로 개선문-트로카데로-에펠탑-샹 드 마르스-앵발리드-알렉산드르 3세 다리-그랑 팔레-콩코르드-국민의회-오르세 미술관-루브르 박물관-오페라 가르니에-막달라 마리아 성당-콩코르드-엘리제궁-개선문 🍯버스트로놈 예약 꿀팁 1️⃣일찍 예약하면 좋은 자리 준다고 함.(블로그 후기 피셜-일찍 예약했더니 맨 앞 가장 넓은 자리 배정 받았다고 함) 2️⃣2인석은 천장이 막혀 있고, 4인석이 천장까지 통창으로 되어 있어 구경하기 더 좋음 3️⃣환불이 안 되니 일정이 확실하게 나왔을 때 예약하는 것 추천 #렐레_파리 #bustronome #parisbustronome #paris #france #franceparis #파리여행 #파리가볼만한곳 #프랑스여행 #프랑스파리 #버스트로놈파리

2/26/2024, 1:33:27 PM

Paris에서 맞이한 36번째 생일, 나 많이 즐거웠네🫶🏻 한국과 프랑스, 두 나라의 시차에 맞춰 메세지를 받다보니 이틀내내 생일 축하를 받았어요 다들 감사합니다💙 그리고 유리창마다 있는 문식이... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #paris #bustronome #버스트로놈 #버스트로놈파리

2/26/2024, 4:30:15 AM

Loulou & Titi in Paris #operagarnierparis🇫🇷🗼🏤 #arsènelupinetlesecretdelopera #bustronome #toureiffel

2/24/2024, 6:33:25 PM

La plus belle vue de Paris ✨ The best view of Paris. Credit @mademoiselle.anna #paris #bustronome #bustronomeparis #viewparis #restaurantparis #eatparis #thingstodoparis

2/20/2024, 7:16:05 PM

Paris - je t’aime ❤️ A city with so many different atmospheres, in each neighbourhoud you will find something different. From cabaret and paintings on #Montmartre to (window) shopping on the #champselysees or at #galerieslafayette. Or just hanging out at the #eifel Tower or the #arcdetriomphe? Fantastic! #lemarais #notredame #bustronome #aulapinagile #sacrecoeur #louvre #seine #emilyinparis #paris #europe #travelparis #parisjetaime

2/19/2024, 8:50:34 AM

Nous espérons que vous avez passé une joyeuse Saint Valentin! On vous retrouve l’année prochaine pour encore plus de surprise et d’amour ❤️ Crédit @celabacellar ✨ #bustronome #bustronomeparis #stvalentin #valentinesday #diner #dinerparis #paris

2/18/2024, 12:08:55 PM

Drengetur til paris i vinterferien 2024 #paris #luksus #trainlebleu #bustronome #ferie #effiltårnet #triumphbuen #monalisa

2/15/2024, 2:07:34 PM

One of the best things I’ve done in Paris. #paris #travel #bustronome

2/13/2024, 7:15:43 PM

#voyagegourmand #미식여행 #bustronome #espresso 딸이랑 둘이서 그날 계획은 그날 아침에.. 개선문 에서 시작~

2/12/2024, 4:12:22 PM

#bustronome #london🇬🇧

2/12/2024, 6:13:47 AM

观光巴士餐厅 #paris #lunch #bustronome #travel #view #eiffel #holiday #torreeiffel #france

2/8/2024, 2:40:38 PM

#LondonTrip2024 #Ep03 #BusTour Since it was going to be my first time in #London, I still wanted to do #touristy stuff, although I'm only there for 4 days. I had mentioned this to @mikaelelvi from the start, and I had found the perfect tour bus for me and @malin.e.m.r 🥰 It had the #vegetarian menu. It had the #birthday #cake. Sold! 😄 I thought it would be the perfect way for me and Malin to enjoy London since #LondonEye was under maintenance until today (Feb. 3rd), and January was still too cold for ferry services. The food was delicious, the staff were very friendly, and it had great #Brit music going on. I'd love to try their dinner one day and also their #Paris location. #Bustronome #London Food: 😋😋😋😋😋 Place: The bus is fully equipped with a kitchen and bathroom, and bus seatings are comfortable with big windows throughout the ceiling of the bus Note: The food is served hot. I would highly recommend this lunch tour bus if it is your first time in London

2/3/2024, 4:31:39 PM

Bon voyage ❤️ 👩‍❤️‍👨🕯️🥂🍾 the first time you do a thing is always exciting 🫶 So it was our first dinner date on the bus 🚌🇬🇧 #dinnerdate #dinner #couolegoals #us #londondinner #lithuaniancouple #loveisintheair #bonvoyage #travel #firsttime #dinneronthebus #londonsightseeing #exploringlondon #bustronome #bustronomelondon #vakariene #happywifehappylife #moments #specialmoments #livelife #grateful #hesmyrock #lithuanian #londoncity #londonfashion

2/2/2024, 6:09:39 PM

GIVEAWAY CLOSE Win the ultimate Valentine’s Day date night! 🌹 Enter now for a chance to win a romantic dinner for two with wine pairing aboard Bustronome London.�� To enter: * Follow @bustronomelondon * Like this post * Tag two friends to participate * To have more chances to win, share this post on your story Good luck ❤️ Winner will be announced on the 8th of February 2024 *value of the gift £340, the winner will be contacted by DM with our unique account @bustronomelondon, results announced on the 8th of February 2024. #giveaway #valentinesday #romanticdinner #bustronomelondon #bustronome #valentines

2/1/2024, 8:20:42 PM

버스에서 즐기는 만찬🍴💕

1/31/2024, 3:41:09 AM

A unique way to discover London ❤️ Bustronome is open Monday to Sunday, lunch and dinner 🗓️ Our team is ready and will be delighted to welcome you on board ✨ Credit @victoriachmel #bustronome #bustronomelondon #restaurant #restaurantlondon #eatlondon #visitlondon #visibritain #london

1/25/2024, 7:59:42 PM

倫敦旅遊Bustronome 土餐車! 名稱:Bustronomes 地址:COACH BAY 40B #倫敦 #bustronome #餐車

1/18/2024, 4:51:10 PM

Imprenditoria intelligente: -Prendi un Bus londinese, rigorosamente a due piani. -Trasforma il primo piano in una cucina gourmet. -Trasforma il piano superiore in una terrazza panoramica. -Organizza Tour di Londra e delle sue attrazioni. -Fammi salire e dammi da mangiare. 🙋🏽‍♂️ . . #bustronome #bustronomelondon #london #uk #bus #towerbridge #bigben #londoneye #trafalgarsquare #westminsterabbey #british #travelphotography #turistagram #amunì #aroundtheworld #sempreinviaggio #viaggiachetipassa

1/16/2024, 11:10:05 PM

Bus gastronomico a Parigi🥂 🇫🇷🍾🇫🇷🍾🇫🇷🍾🇫🇷🍾🇫🇷🍾🇫🇷🍾🇫🇷🍾🇫🇷🍾🇫🇷🍾🇫🇷🍾🇫🇷 #bustronome #paris #parigi #france #Francia #toureiffel #arcdetriomphe #arcoditrionfo #torreeiffel #champagne #luxury #happy #vacancy #triptoparis

1/16/2024, 8:43:55 AM

겨울 파리❄️ 따뜻한 버스 안에서 코스요리를 먹으면서 창밖으로 에펠탑 보기 너무좋당❤️ #파리여행#파리맛집 #bustronome

1/11/2024, 6:34:55 AM

For an unparalleled city experience, the optimal method of exploration is by bus. Bustronome, a unique venture, seamlessly blends fine dining with sightseeing. Transforming a double-decker bus into a culinary haven, it features a fully-equipped kitchen and dining tables. While navigating through the city, patrons are treated to creative and seasonally-inspired menus. To maximize the visual feast, ascend to the top deck, where expansive windows and a glass roof offer the most breathtaking views of the cityscape. Bustronome provides a delightful fusion of gastronomy and sightseeing, ensuring an unforgettable journey through the heart of the city. #bustronome #foodios #london #londonresurent

1/10/2024, 6:18:13 PM