kunming images

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4/29/2024, 12:36:24 PM

Springtime vibe check 👄 . . . . . #spring #jacaranda #kunming #springcity

4/29/2024, 12:35:04 PM

exploring the spectacle of Purple Jacarandas in Kunming 💜💜 . ———————— #china #kunming #yunnan

4/29/2024, 11:48:52 AM

흐아, 겨우 며칠만에 접속한 인터넷. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 중국의 방화벽이 이렇게 빡셀 줄 몰랐다. 한국에서 다운 받아온 우회 프로그램은 전부 작동조차 불가. 플레이 스토어나 브라우저 자체는 접속도 불가능. MS로 겨우 들어갔지만 가능한건 겨우 이메일이고, 연결도 안 되어 있어서 받을 사람 주소를 기억 못하는 이상 사용도 불가능..... 진짜 속 디비졌음. 계정 만드는데 스무고개 퀴즈는 무려 3번이나 안되서 포기. 소리로 하는 것도 해봤지만 실패. 봇 가려내는 퀴즈가 정말 빠꼼했다. 맞춘 퀴즈도 틀렸다고 한다. 아마 99% 사람은 틀릴것 같다. 물, 기름, 알수 없는 액체를 수면에 떨어뜨렸을때 소리만으로 물을 구분가능한 사람이라면 인정. . 출발 날 비가 내렸다. 여행이 또 시작부터 비로 나간다면 그닥 안 좋은데 싶었는데 역시나. 쿤밍 공항에 도착해 액션캠을 작동시키니 메모리 카드 에러. ㅋㅋㅋ 망한여행 시즌2를 또 찍나싶다. 망 냄새가 슬슬.... . 인터넷은 안되고, 할 수 있는게 없어 따리로 왔다. 무려 14년만에 온 따리는 정말 많이 변했지만 여전히 좋다. 날씨는 좀 미친것 같지만 아직까진 좋다. 물가는 정말 많이 올랐다. 숙소를 잡자마자 현지 친구를 통해 인터넷 접속을 도움받았다. 세명이 3시간여를 붙어 겨우 뚫어낸 방화벽.ㅋㅋㅋ 와 정말 살것 같았다. 아프리카에서의 답답함을 넘어서는 답답함이었다. 막상 현지인들은 그렇게 평화로울 수 없는데 나만 혼자 답답한 모양새였다. . 안그래도 다 까먹은 중국어에다 신조어까지 접하다보니 말이 제대로 안 나오지만 다시 길바닥 중국어로 현지인들 속에 스윽 들어가야지... ㅎㅎ 진짜 먹고팠던 란저우 라면의 도삭 우육면도 먹고, 신선한 과일로 배를 채웠다. 오자마자 몸무게가 무려 2KG가 쪘다. 현지 친구들은 몸무게가 몇 근이냐며 묻는다. 중국은 1근이 500g 으로 고기 무게 묻는데도 쓰고 사람 몸무게에도 쓴다. 진짜 돼지 된것 같다. ㅋㅋ , 아직까진 좋다. 뜨거운 햇빛 속 미친듯이 부는 바람이 좀 이상하지만 그간 못했던거 하나 하나 해야지. 잼나게 여행하고 돌아가겠습니닷! . . #성원이 #아스팔트고구마 #모험으로사는인생 #세계여행 #중국 #중국여행 #운남 #쿤밍 #대리 #따리 #lifewithadventure #asphaltpotato #travel #china #yunnan #dali #kunming #noodle #lanzhou #lamian #中国 #韩国 #旅游 #云南 #大理 #昆明 #兰州 #拉面 #水果 #世界旅游

4/29/2024, 11:05:42 AM

#jacaranda #蓝花楹 #kunming

4/29/2024, 11:02:52 AM

Day 6 Filosofi 3 gelas teh Disetiap acara besar atau upacara pernikahan suku minoritas china, ada budaya yang unik yang mereka lakukan. Mereka akan memberikan 3 gelas teh kepada si pengantin. 3 gelas teh yang memiliki rasa dan makna berbeda. Gelas pertama rasanya pahit, Yang maknanya, dalam hidup kita perlu kerja keras, perlu berjuang, perlu berlelah-lelah dalam belajar. Gelas kedua terasa manis, menunjukan bahwa setelah berjuang kita akan merasakan kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan dalam hidup kita. Gelas ketiga terasa manis dan pahit, yang mengingatkan untuk tidak sombong, dan terus bersyukur. Karena hidup memiliki banyak cerita suka duka. #freetrip #kunmingyunan #kunming #day6

4/29/2024, 10:17:36 AM

Yunnan, one of my favorite provinces in CN, everything here is so charming and primitive. Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province. Easily capture the spirit of Yunnan. A wonderland of endless music, casual dance, beautiful ancient architectures, stunning plants and cute animals. 音乐、舞蹈和鲜花,三个元素混合在一起钻入我的眼里、耳中和脑海深处。 这是一片热土,音乐和舞蹈的故乡。我在翠湖岸边偶遇了颇为专业的街道艺术团巡演,退休的摇滚老炮手上随意地弹着贝司、键盘和鼓,嘴上叼着一只接着一只的香烟,范儿正味儿足。带着墨镜的大哥张口就来,一首藏风十足的民乐,遥远悠长。长头发的阿姨摇着青色的裙摆不紧不慢地登场,随着歌声肆意舞动。围观的群众从家里带或是来了小板凳,或是就势坐在电瓶车座椅上,或是加入乐队奏响的韵律摇动身体,所有人围着这片小场地绕一圈又一圈,大家欢呼跳跃,好不自在。 这是一片乐土,花的海洋。头顶高原直晒的阳光,我在绿意匆匆的街头随意游荡,从高耸苍老的大树脚下路过,在繁华盛开的角落驻足停留。这里的花儿仿佛被施了魔咒,全都拼了命似地往上往外长,让我我明白了争奇斗艳这个成语的重量。艳丽的三角梅如瀑般在不起眼的街头随意展开,仿佛一块在晒太阳的陈年老毛毯;紫色的蓝花楹一簇簇地在枝头炸开,仿佛听到了花朵的喧嚣吵嚷;枫啊、樟啊、竹啊、柳啊、荷啊,所有植物在同一个时段伸向太阳,在微风吹拂下摇摇晃晃。 #kunming #kunmingchina #yunnan #yunnanprovince #travelphotography #travelinchina

4/29/2024, 8:57:43 AM

Hi Traveller, Bergabunglah menuju keindahan alam yang memukau di Kun Ming, di mana petualangan tak terbatas menanti! Siapkan kamera dan hatimu untuk momen tak terlupakan di bawah langit biru Kun Ming! Promo Khusus BELI 3 DAPAT 4 Promo berlaku khusus di tanggal 29 Mei 2024 9D Kunming Shilin ( Musim Jacaranda ) Harga Normal Rp.10.900.000/pax Harga Promo Rp.8.175.000/pax setelah diskon Untuk reservasi dan info detail, hubungi: 📞 Whatsapp Contact Center +62 812-9352-6882 📧 [email protected] Atau klik link di bio kami🔗 Committed to Excellence #kunming #china #buy3get4 #ketapangtour

4/29/2024, 8:45:07 AM

Little happiness balloon 🎈 #travel #familytravel #kidstravel #china #kunming #muslimtravel

4/29/2024, 8:28:49 AM

街をもっと知るために通りを歩く #コーヒー #カフェ #喫茶店 #커피 #카페 #咖啡 #咖啡店 #coffee #coffeeshop #街の景色 #도시전망 #cityview #城市風景 #散歩 #산책 #citystrolling #城市漫步 #昆明 #kunming #旅行 #여행 #travel #서점 #本屋 #bookshop #書店 #sakefanyan #和樂且閑

4/29/2024, 7:34:37 AM

街をもっと知るために通りを歩く #コーヒー #カフェ #喫茶店 #커피 #카페 #咖啡 #咖啡店 #coffee #coffeeshop #街の景色 #도시전망 #cityview #城市風景 #散歩 #산책 #citystrolling #城市漫步 #昆明 #kunming #旅行 #여행 #travel #서점 #本屋 #bookshop #書店 #sakefanyan #和樂且閑

4/29/2024, 7:27:48 AM

Bunga-bunga yang berwarna ungu menghiasi jalan-jalan di Kota Kunming, Provinsi Yunnan di barat daya Tiongkok, saat bunga jacaranda mekar dengan indah dan sempurna. Yuk liburan ke Kunming untuk keberangkatan 29 Mei 2024 yang akan datang dan dapatkan penawaran special gratis untuk orang ke-4, jika daftar 4 orang. Daftar segera tempat terbatas. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat langsung menghubungi tim sales counter K.I.A Tours & Travel. ☎Thamrin : 021 - 3925128. ☎Harmoni : 021 - 3448886. ☎Harmoni : 021 - 7233666. #kunming #jacaranda #tourchina #liburan #jalanjalan #infokiatravels #promokia #promokiatravels #kiatours #kiatravels

4/29/2024, 6:51:50 AM

Behind the waterfall #Behind the curtain #Kobkob #WhatTheFrog #KunmingWaterFalls #KunmingWaterFallPark #KunmingPark #WaterFall #BehindWaterFall #Kunming #Yunnan #กบกบ #ไปม่ะไปกับกบกบ #แบกกบเที่ยว #หลังน้ำตก #ม่านน้ำตก #น้ำตกคุนหมิง #น้ำตก #สวนคุนหมิง #คุนหมิง #ยูนนาน #จีน

4/29/2024, 6:45:11 AM

Selamat pagi dari cantiknya bunga mawar 🌹 #jianchuan #jianchuanoldtown #oldtown #yunnan #kunming #china

4/29/2024, 6:16:21 AM

#jacaranda #蓝花楹 #kunming

4/29/2024, 3:44:52 AM

お早うございます昆明 #散歩 #산책 #citystrolling #城市漫步 #昆明 #kunming #旅行 #여행 #travel #コーヒー #커피 #咖啡 #coffee #호텔 #ホテル #hotel #酒店 #radissonred #丽芮酒店 #和樂且閑 #sakefanyan

4/29/2024, 2:41:58 AM

Happy Zumba can make people forget all their troubles and enjoy life. 4.27 ZUMBA Fuego🔥🔥 #zumba #yunnan #kunming

4/28/2024, 7:42:07 PM

💙 #jacaranda #kunming

4/28/2024, 6:56:42 PM

One of busy and crowded road these days in kunming. Beautiful kunming #kunming

4/28/2024, 6:43:27 PM

It's a tragedy the way our story goes; may be, perhaps, almost #Sunday #Kunming

4/28/2024, 6:01:15 PM

撰寫說明…… #苏铁#老铁#铁树#🌳 #kunming#云南 #inspiration #funny#曾孝濂 #figure #everydaylife #exploreeverything

4/28/2024, 5:50:47 PM

Back to 80s. All of people swimming in the lake. #swimwear #swiming #80s #kunming #fuji

4/28/2024, 5:40:17 PM

I am being treated like royalty! I LOVE everything about my time here so far - amazing people (that's Abdul in the photo with me), amazing food, amazing vibe, beautiful city.... . #china #retreat #love #travel #vegan #satsang #kunming #friends #friendship #goodvibes

4/28/2024, 5:32:14 PM

Dragon in Cuihu park, kunming city,yunnan #cuihu #kunming #yunnan #dragon

4/28/2024, 4:38:27 PM

Kunming - Yuantong Zen Buddhist Temple #china #kunming #yuantongtemple #travel #buddhist #iphone15promax

4/28/2024, 4:10:46 PM

Late evening shopping #散歩 #산책 #citystrolling #城市漫步 #昆明 #kunming #旅行 #여행 #travel #和樂且閑 #sakefanyan

4/28/2024, 3:56:14 PM

彩云之南 云南 一个怎么拍都好看的地方 昆明,丽江,大理,西双版纳 📸 July&Dec, 2023 #yunnan #kunming #lijiang #dali #xishuangbanna #china #chinatravel

4/28/2024, 3:50:58 PM

Bookstore 📚 #kunming

4/28/2024, 3:14:32 PM

The old town of Kunming. #china #chinatravel #kunming #photography #lenscharm

4/28/2024, 3:13:05 PM

🇨🇳 #kunming #china #plog #tb #photography #lenscharm

4/28/2024, 3:11:50 PM

Cảnh sắc 🫶🏻 #Kunming #Dali #Yunnan

4/28/2024, 3:07:51 PM

Kunming’s blue jacaranda by Ctrip! ( No Ads 😝) The blossoms will continue till the mid of next month! If you are in Kunming now or ever visiting Kunming around this time, don’t miss it! 💜 #bluejacaranda #purple #nature #naturephotography #wallpaper #kunming #yunnan

4/28/2024, 3:00:00 PM

#kunming 🌿🌷

4/28/2024, 2:16:41 PM

Во такая вясна ў горадзе вечнай Вясны... #昆明 #kunming

4/28/2024, 1:46:47 PM

Hometown also has good scenery, good food ✨ The most popular old lady in Kunming also have! What is so special about the old lady Sita, who has lined up more than 200 tables as the first single restaurant in Shanghai's barbecue list? ✅ The overall decoration of the store is very bright. And the photos are great. It just looks like It feels big and comfortable! ✔️ Old lady Sita's most surprising must be her sesame paste 🥢 this sesame paste I feel is very magical, the roast soaked in sesame paste will not cover up the taste of the roast itself, and feel to make the meat more delicious, this sesame paste is also very suitable for children to eat! 🥩 The quality of the barbecue is very good, The waiter was very warm and helped with the barbecue the whole time, Perfect control of the flavor and timing of the roast. Friends who like to eat barbecue must not miss! ‼ ️ Warm tip: The meal is really many people, queue for a long time, you can point in advance to go! 🏡 Sita Old Lady Clay Oven Roast (Helle World Store) Room 7-A01, 7 / F, Zone A, 📍 #travel #food #barbecue #kunming shop #kunming barbecue # Food daily #kunming eat, drink and play recommended #west old lady #network red barbecue #kunming photos #kunming treasure food

4/28/2024, 1:21:28 PM

Hometown also has good scenery, good food ✨ The most popular old lady in Kunming also have! What is so special about the old lady Sita, who has lined up more than 200 tables as the first single restaurant in Shanghai's barbecue list? ✅ The overall decoration of the store is very bright. And the photos are great. It just looks like It feels big and comfortable! ✔️ Old lady Sita's most surprising must be her sesame paste 🥢 this sesame paste I feel is very magical, the roast soaked in sesame paste will not cover up the taste of the roast itself, and feel to make the meat more delicious, this sesame paste is also very suitable for children to eat! 🥩 The quality of the barbecue is very good, The waiter was very warm and helped with the barbecue the whole time, Perfect control of the flavor and timing of the roast. Friends who like to eat barbecue must not miss! ‼ ️ Warm tip: The meal is really many people, queue for a long time, you can point in advance to go! 🏡 Sita Old Lady Clay Oven Roast (Helle World Store) Room 7-A01, 7 / F, Zone A, 📍 #travel #food #barbecue #kunming shop #kunming barbecue #food daily #kunming eat, drink and play recommended #west old lady #network red barbecue #kunming photos #kunming treasure food

4/28/2024, 1:20:23 PM

Hometown also has good scenery, good food ✨ The most popular old lady in Kunming also have! What is so special about the old lady Sita, who has lined up more than 200 tables as the first single restaurant in Shanghai's barbecue list? ✅ The overall decoration of the store is very bright. And the photos are great. It just looks like It feels big and comfortable! ✔️ Old lady Sita's most surprising must be her sesame paste 🥢 this sesame paste I feel is very magical, the roast soaked in sesame paste will not cover up the taste of the roast itself, and feel to make the meat more delicious, this sesame paste is also very suitable for children to eat! 🥩 The quality of the barbecue is very good, The waiter was very warm and helped with the barbecue the whole time, Perfect control of the flavor and timing of the roast. Friends who like to eat barbecue must not miss! ‼ ️ Warm tip: The meal is really many people, queue for a long time, you can point in advance to go! 🏡 Sita Old Lady Clay Oven Roast (Helle World Store) Room 7-A01, 7 / F, Zone A, 📍 #travel #food #barbecue #kunming shop #kunming barbecue # Food daily #kunming eat, drink and play recommended #west old lady #network red barbecue #kunming photos #kunming treasure food

4/28/2024, 1:19:19 PM

Hometown also has good scenery, good food ✨ The most popular old lady in Kunming also have! What is so special about the old lady Sita, who has lined up more than 200 tables as the first single restaurant in Shanghai's barbecue list? ✅ The overall decoration of the store is very bright. And the photos are great. It just looks like It feels big and comfortable! ✔️ Old lady Sita's most surprising must be her sesame paste 🥢 this sesame paste I feel is very magical, the roast soaked in sesame paste will not cover up the taste of the roast itself, and feel to make the meat more delicious, this sesame paste is also very suitable for children to eat! 🥩 The quality of the barbecue is very good, The waiter was very warm and helped with the barbecue the whole time, Perfect control of the flavor and timing of the roast. Friends who like to eat barbecue must not miss! ‼ ️ Warm tip: The meal is really many people, queue for a long time, you can point in advance to go! 🏡 Sita Old Lady Clay Oven Roast (Helle World Store) Room 7-A01, 7 / F, Zone A, 📍 #travel #food #barbecue #kunming shop #kunming barbecue # Food daily #kunming eat, drink and play recommended #west old lady #network red barbecue #kunming photos #kunming treasure food

4/28/2024, 1:18:26 PM

Hometown also has good scenery, good food ✨ The most popular old lady in Kunming also have! What is so special about the old lady Sita, who has lined up more than 200 tables as the first single restaurant in Shanghai's barbecue list? ✅ The overall decoration of the store is very bright. And the photos are great. It just looks like It feels big and comfortable! ✔️ Old lady Sita's most surprising must be her sesame paste 🥢 this sesame paste I feel is very magical, the roast soaked in sesame paste will not cover up the taste of the roast itself, and feel to make the meat more delicious, this sesame paste is also very suitable for children to eat! 🥩 The quality of the barbecue is very good, The waiter was very warm and helped with the barbecue the whole time, Perfect control of the flavor and timing of the roast. Friends who like to eat barbecue must not miss! ‼ ️ Warm tip: The meal is really many people, queue for a long time, you can point in advance to go! 🏡 Sita Old Lady Clay Oven Roast (Helle World Store) Room 7-A01, 7 / F, Zone A, 📍 #travel #food #barbecue #kunming shop #kunming barbecue # Food daily #kunming eat, drink and play recommended #west old lady #network red barbecue #kunming photos #kunming treasure food

4/28/2024, 1:17:35 PM

Hometown also has good scenery, good food ✨ The most popular old lady in Kunming also have! What is so special about the old lady Sita, who has lined up more than 200 tables as the first single restaurant in Shanghai's barbecue list? ✅ The overall decoration of the store is very bright. And the photos are great. It just looks like It feels big and comfortable! ✔️ Old lady Sita's most surprising must be her sesame paste 🥢 this sesame paste I feel is very magical, the roast soaked in sesame paste will not cover up the taste of the roast itself, and feel to make the meat more delicious, this sesame paste is also very suitable for children to eat! 🥩 The quality of the barbecue is very good, The waiter was very warm and helped with the barbecue the whole time, Perfect control of the flavor and timing of the roast. Friends who like to eat barbecue must not miss! ‼ ️ Warm tip: The meal is really many people, queue for a long time, you can point in advance to go! 🏡 Sita Old Lady Clay Oven Roast (Helle World Store) Room 7-A01, 7 / F, Zone A, 📍 #travel #food #barbecue #kunming shop #kunming barbecue # Food daily #kunming eat, drink and play recommended #west old lady #network red barbecue #kunming photos #kunming treasure food

4/28/2024, 1:16:35 PM

Hometown also has good scenery, good food ✨ The most popular old lady in Kunming also have! What is so special about the old lady Sita, who has lined up more than 200 tables as the first single restaurant in Shanghai's barbecue list? ✅ The overall decoration of the store is very bright. And the photos are great. It just looks like It feels big and comfortable! ✔️ Old lady Sita's most surprising must be her sesame paste 🥢 this sesame paste I feel is very magical, the roast soaked in sesame paste will not cover up the taste of the roast itself, and feel to make the meat more delicious, this sesame paste is also very suitable for children to eat! 🥩 The quality of the barbecue is very good, The waiter was very warm and helped with the barbecue the whole time, Perfect control of the flavor and timing of the roast. Friends who like to eat barbecue must not miss! ‼ ️ Warm tip: The meal is really many people, queue for a long time, you can point in advance to go! 🏡 Sita Old Lady Clay Oven Roast (Helle World Store) Room 7-A01, 7 / F, Zone A, 📍 #travel #food #barbecue # Kunming shop #kunming barbecue # Food daily #kunming eat, drink and play recommended #west old lady # network red barbecue #kunming photos # Kunming treasure food

4/28/2024, 1:15:08 PM

公園のアーティスト #散歩 #산책 #citystrolling #城市漫步 #昆明 #kunming #旅行 #여행 #travel #音樂家 #음악가 #musician #公園 #공원 #park #アーティスト #아티스트 #artist #藝術家 #cloisonné #掐絲琺瑯 #エナメルの糸を切る #법랑을꼬집다 #和樂且閑 #sakefanyan

4/28/2024, 12:39:37 PM

Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition came to me but I think of the #kunming World Horticultural Exposition, each has its own well, after many years, #memories are full, add extra points to # Kunming China Kunming World Horticultural Exposition Park (referred to as the Expo Park) is the 1999 Kunming World Horticultural Exposition site, located in the northeast outskirts of Kunming Jindian scenic area, the Expo park covers an area of about 218 hectares, the vegetation coverage rate of 76.7%, of which 120 hectares of dense brush gentle slope, water accounted for 10% ~ 15%. The overall planning of the park is based on the mountain, integrating the local characteristics of provinces, districts and cities across the country and 95 national style garden and horticultural products. The garden architecture and technology achievements are in one park, reflecting the theme of The Times of "harmonious development of man and nature", and it is a garden with "Yunnan characteristics, Chinese style and world class" garden and horticultural products. On August 3, 2016, the National Tourism Administration approved the Kunming Expo Park in Kunming, Yunnan Province as a 5A scenic spot. The total construction area is 11,000 square meters, covers an area of 13,250 square meters, the road square area is 4,300 square meters, the green area is 3,050 square meters, and the indoor floor level is 1,953 meters. Chinese name Kunming World Horticultural Exposition Park Kunming World Horticultural Expo Garden The origin of 1999 Kunming International Horticultural Exposition site Location No.439 Bailong Road, Panlong District, Kunming City It covers 218 hectares Open all year 08:30-17:00 #travel , #expo Park, #food

4/28/2024, 12:38:13 PM

🦜💐🌄 #citywalk #kunming

4/28/2024, 12:23:51 PM

It's Holiday's Time.-. It's China Time.- Let's Go to Jiuzhaigou • Chongqing • Zhangjiajie • Guizhou • Yunnan • Kunming • Xinjiang • Inner Mongolia.- Charter Flight by : Citilink Indonesia.- Holiday With Us : GO! HOLIDAY SOLUTION PT. Tjipta Lestari Darmawisata +62 812 6840 1800 +62 812 7000 797 +62 812 700 3001 [email protected] Facebook : Go Holiday Solution Instagram : goholiday.solution Google Drive : bit.ly/goholidaysolution #holiday #goholiday #goholidaysolution #travel #traveling #vacation #staycation #cruise #kapalpesiar #liburan #liburanmurah #liburanpromo #paketliburan #pakettour #paketmurah #tourmurah #jalanjalan #china #jiuzhaigou #chongqing #zhangjiajie #guizhou #yunnan #kunming #xinjiang #innermongolia #citilink

4/28/2024, 11:12:23 AM

Yunnan: A many-Splendored Life| Jacaranda #icecream is sweet and nice looking! Jacaranda at Jiaochangzhong Road creates a unique site in Kunming, capital of Yunnan province. Not only the flowers turn bustling city lanes into romantic online popular spots, they also attract tourists to buy related cultural and creative products, injecting impetus to the flower economy. #yunnan #jacaranda #flower #kunming

4/28/2024, 11:02:53 AM

The planet does not need more successfull people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kind. - Dalai Lama - #ivenyiveny #ivenytraveling #ivenytravelling #freetripmci #kunmingtripmci #kunming #yunan #lijiang #dali #jadedragonsnowmountain #yulongsnowmountain #yak #traditionalclothes #tibetan

4/28/2024, 10:49:49 AM

昆明の素晴らしい美術館を訪れて、罗旭について知ります。 #罗旭 #土著巢罗旭美术馆 #散歩 #산책 #citystrolling #城市漫步 #昆明 #kunming #旅行 #여행 #travel #美術 #미술 #art #美術館 #예술박물관 #artmuseum #コーヒー #커피 #coffee #咖啡 #和樂且閑 #sakefanyan

4/28/2024, 7:52:59 AM

The jacaranda trees are in full bloom on both sides of the Jiaochang Middle Road in Kunming, capital city of southwest China’s Yunnan Province, April 22, 2024, attracting many citizens and tourists to visit and capture photos in the “purple flower sea.” (Photo by Li Jiaxian/CNSPHOTO) #Jacarandatree #Kunming

4/28/2024, 7:47:43 AM

The jacaranda trees are in full bloom on both sides of the Jiaochang Middle Road in Kunming, capital city of southwest China’s Yunnan Province, April 22, 2024, attracting many citizens and tourists to visit and capture photos in the “purple flower sea.” (Photo by Li Jiaxian/CNSPHOTO) #Jacarandatree #Kunming

4/28/2024, 7:47:01 AM

First time class in 🇨🇳 Clip 1 : 常明 老师 Clip 2 : 王建莲 老师 📍 旦斯特(昆明) 很高兴认识你们 😊✨ #旦斯特 #dansters #昆明 #kunming #china

4/28/2024, 7:30:48 AM

#kunming #yuantongtemple #วัดหยวนทง #CNtrip #3-12APR24

4/28/2024, 7:22:48 AM

Shanghai diaries: April 27, 2024 It rained in Shanghai early this morning and the skies stayed cloudy throughout the day. I hurt my ankle on the 19th, the day after we arrived in Shanghai, while exiting a subway carriage. We were heading back to our hotel after completing the application to extend our stay in China. Since then, I have been hibernating in our hotel room following doctor’s order to heal my ankle. I had my MRI test on the 26th and I’ll be seeing a doctor on the 29th for my results. The leg brace recommended by the doctor was a huge help and having Allegra as a carer was a godsend. After many days coup up inside a hotel room, we started looking into an indoor activity that both of us will enjoy and will have seats to rest at intervals. We both liked architecture and museums and we chose Allegra’s choice and went to Shanghai Art Museum or China Art Museum. (Tips: always checked the official website for permanent and current exhibits as well as the need to make a reservation or not.) The Shanghai Art Museum was established in 1956 and moved to the current China Pavilion Building in 2011 after the World Expo held in Shanghai in 2010. The 63-meter high pavilion, the tallest structure at the Expo, was designed by architect He Jingtang and his team. The building took 3 years to complete (12/2007 - 02/2010) and is dubbed “the Crown of the East” due to its resemblance to an ancient crown. (Ref: source) The current exhibit at the art museum was called “Shanghai through Artistic Eyes” and featured art pieces on Shanghai city throughout different eras, which included the earliest city map, the colonial era, during the opium war, the world wars, and the Republic of China era, it’s leaders and citizens engaged in various activities. . . . #china #chinatravel #travelchina #visitchina #chinatrip #kunming #kunmingchina #asia #asiatravel #asiatrip #travelasia #bucketlist #travelphotography #traveltheworld #travelling #traveler #travelpics #photogram #travelblog #travelmemories #traveldiaries #travelstories #travelphotos #momanddaughter #livinginthemoment #creatingmemories With @adventurewithallegra @joyful.footprints

4/28/2024, 4:56:29 AM

Life is short.. But the world is wide.. Miny library from comfy hotel in Dali-China..⚘ #Kunming #Yunnan #Dali #muslimtraveler

4/28/2024, 2:57:49 AM

お早うございます昆明 #散歩 #산책 #citystrolling #城市漫步 #昆明 #kunming #旅行 #여행 #travel #コーヒー #커피 #咖啡 #coffee #호텔 #ホテル #hotel #酒店 #radissonred #丽芮酒店 #和樂且閑 #sakefanyan

4/28/2024, 2:50:00 AM

📍🇨🇳雲南省 昆明市 かもめ見に来たはずが...人しかおらん^ ^ #trip #travel #travelphotography #travelblogger #trippieredd #china #chinatravel #chinatrip #yunnan #kunming #旅行 #中国旅行 #旅行記 #旅行好きな人と繋がりたい #日常 #日記 #旅行日記 #中国語 #雲南 #雲南市 #大学生 #女子大生 #大学生の日常 #女子大生の日常 #大学

4/28/2024, 2:48:29 AM

#kunming #city #street #time #photo

4/28/2024, 12:58:50 AM

Good Morning, Happy Sunday🩷 Jalani hidup ini dengan penuh bersyukur Jangan bandingkan hidup kita dengan orang lain Karena hidup adalah perjuangan bukan pertandingan Hidup tak akan pernah berubah andai kita tak pernah belajar dari kesilapan masa lalu Selamat pagi sahabatku ...salam sehat dan bahagia selalu Better life with Mci #chinatravel #Kunming #travelling #traveltheworld #travelingphotographer

4/28/2024, 12:39:26 AM

This is really the most beautiful Baohong green tea we had chance to try so far. This tea always fascinated me as longjing drinker. The hand processing is excellent and we really drink this tea almost every day now. Soft, green beans like sweet taste with some fruity tones later. Can be brewed many more times than longjing, but of course these two teas are not the same, even they are processed in similar way in the wok. Wish you beautiful weekend ! #🍵 #☯ . . . #baohongtea #tributetea #chinesefamoustea #yunnantea #greentea #yiliang #Kunming #yunnangreentea #finestgreentea #vintageteaset #gaiwan #chineeeantique #chawangshop

4/27/2024, 8:50:25 PM

Long time no see 🪨 #kunming #china

4/27/2024, 7:21:00 PM

#🌱 #kunming

4/27/2024, 6:53:01 PM

The lovely surprise and welcome with a beautiful fresh bouquet 💐💐💐 #Kunming #China #BusinessTrip

4/27/2024, 6:43:05 PM

Kita tidak tahu rahasia hidup kita🥰 Yang bisa kita tau hanya 3 hal.. Masa kini, masa depan, dan masa lalu.. Dari pada hidup berbayang masa lalu.. Akan lebih berfaedah nya jika lakukan yang terbaik di masa kini untuk planing di masa depan.. 😇 Bismillah, bisnis ya bisnis MCI.. Better Life With MCI #FREETRIPMCI #YUNAN #KUNMING #CHINA2024

4/27/2024, 6:23:41 PM