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🚨INSCRIÇÕES ABERTAS‼️ Você já se perguntou como transformar suas ideias em negócios de sucesso? 💡 Neste mês de maio, a nossa oficina vai ser sobre Lean Startup. O Lean Startup não é apenas mais uma metodologia de negócios; é uma abordagem revolucionária que pode mudar completamente a maneira como você pensa e opera seu empreendimento. ⚠️ Então, se você está pronto para dar um salto em sua jornada empreendedora e aprender como aplicar os princípios do Lean Startup ao seu próprio negócio, esta Oficina é para você! Junte-se a nós no dia 24 de Maio, das 19h00 às 22h00, na Av. Winston Churchill, 217 - Pinheirinho, Curitiba, e comece a transformar suas ideias em realidade. 🤩💡 Não deixe essa oportunidade passar! Inscreva-se agora no link: https://lp.dnainovacao.com.br/oficinadna e faça parte dessa jornada emocionante rumo ao sucesso. Te esperamos lá!! ✨🚀 - #LeanStartup #Empreendedorismo #TransformaçãoDeIdeias

5/7/2024, 3:43:03 PM

⚡Um problema crônico de design no Brasil: 📱 Produtos são desenvolvidos sem levar em conta o comportamento do público-alvo que utilizará o produto. Hoje em dia, os produtos são desenvolvidos com base no 'achismo', sem considerar devidamente as necessidades e preferências dos usuários. 💯Imagine desenvolver um site completo apenas para descobrir depois que os usuários têm dificuldades em navegar, resultando em perda de vendas e negócios. 🎯É exatamente por esse motivo que existe o MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Com ele, você cria um site básico com poucas funcionalidades, apenas para fins de teste. Isso torna mais fácil identificar o que os usuários gostam e onde encontram dificuldades no layout. 🎮O MVP ajuda a evitar retrabalho e gastos desnecessários. Através dos testes, podemos descobrir exatamente o que não deve ser desenvolvido no site. É importante lembrar que o MVP pode ser utilizado desde a criação de um site até na construção de um processo de vendas de uma loja física. Por exemplo: um MVP poderia ser um processo de vendas simples, usado para identificar possíveis gargalos no processo de venda. . . . . . . . . #mvp #design #designthinking #leanstartup #uxdesign #app #mobile #software #uxdesign

5/7/2024, 2:43:30 AM

Let me tell you, “why minimum viable product doesn’t work in beauty?” MVP thinking can lead to -False starts Usually cause a more frequent need for pivots, each of which consumes time, money, and patience. When a founder runs out of these, it’s closing time. -False positives Raise the founder’s confidence in the brand’s path to scaling up. For the full article on -What causes & how to avoid false starts and false positives? -Examples of beauty brands COMMENT “1” below & I’ll DM you the link! #leanstartup #startups #entrepreneur #femalefounder #women #womenempowerment #cosmetics #skincare #cleanskincare #makeup #makeuptutorial #haircareroutine

5/7/2024, 2:40:01 AM

“Si estamos creando algo que nadie quiere, no importa si lo hacemos en tiempo y dentro del presupuesto” – Eric Ries El creador del método Lean Startup, Eric Ries, menciona que “demasiados planes de negocio parecen diseñados para planificar cómo lanzar un cohete: Prescriben los pasos que hay que dar y los resultados esperables con un gran nivel de detalle en cada paso, lo establecen todo como si cada minúsculo error en las asunciones o suposiciones pudiera llevar a un resultado catastrófico.” Eric Ries lo deja muy en claro: No podemos prever todos los posibles pasos (por más análisis de Fortalezas y Debilidades, de riesgos, estimaciones, simulaciones, y una larga lista de etcéteras), no podemos preparar cada detalle, nunca podremos concebir todos los posibles escenarios. Es por esto que Eric Ries, propone su método: El Método Lean Startup, que se basa en una premisa siempre pero fundamental: En lugar de hacer planes complejos basados en muchas suposiciones, se pueden hacer ajustes constantes mediante un ciclo de retroalimentación llamado Crear-Medir-Aprender. En el artículo de hoy, hablaremos sobre Lean Startup, el ciclo Crear-Medir-Aprender, y sobre el poderoso enfoque de el “Producto Mínimo Viable” ( #MVP, por sus siglas en inglés, Minimum Viable Product). Puedes leer en el enlace el artículo completo, en mi sitio web. Te invito a visitarlo :) https://leonelzapien.com/blog #agile #lean #productmanagement #productominimoviable #leanstartup

5/6/2024, 11:58:48 PM

Estrategias Probadas para el Éxito 🚀 En el competitivo mundo empresarial actual, las #Startups se enfrentan a desafíos constantes, desde la falta de recursos hasta la incertidumbre del mercado. ¿La solución? Una de ellas es el conocido Modelo Lean Startup, una metodología probada que enfatiza la iteración rápida, la validación del cliente y la eficiencia en el uso de recursos. ¿Quieres saber más? ¡Sigue leyendo! ¿Qué es el Modelo #LeanStartup? Es una metodología que promueve la iteración rápida, la validación del cliente y la eficiencia en el uso de recursos. Beneficios: - Reducción de riesgos y costos. - Mayor flexibilidad y adaptabilidad. - Enfoque en la creación de valor para el cliente. Elementos Clave: - Validación del Cliente. - Producto Mínimo Viable (MVP). - Aprendizaje Validado. Implementación Práctica: - Identificación de hipótesis clave. - Creación y prueba de prototipos. - Medición de resultados y retroalimentación. #Emprendimiento #Innovación #StartupSuccess 🌟 #PienseLean #ActúeLean #TrateconRespeto --- Esperamos que te sirva el post. 🎯

5/6/2024, 8:35:44 PM

Minha participação no Radar de Inovação falando sobre Lean Startup 💚 #radardeinovação #fundetec #hubone #startups #leanstartup

5/6/2024, 8:03:47 PM

El Éxito en Redes Sociales: ¡Tu Carta Secreta! 🃏 Descubre cómo las empresas están dominando el juego en línea con estrategias inteligentes. Desde la construcción de marcas hasta la satisfacción del cliente, ¡te compartimos los pasos para brillar en las redes sociales! 💼💥 📲https://bjagency.net/ 📧[email protected] Haz lo tuyo. #BusJoint #Marketing #Negocios #Empresas #Ads #Pyme #MyPyme #RedesSociales #Socios #EmprendeHoy #Mexico #Emprendedora #AgenciaDeMarketing #SitioWeb #DesarrolloWeb #DiseñoGrafico #PosicionamientoSEO #EstrategiaWeb #ÉxitoOnline #Buendia #Felizdia #LeanStartup #EmprendimientoÁgil #ÉxitoEmpresarial #EmployerBranding #TalentoHumano #ÉxitoDigital

5/6/2024, 7:00:36 PM

How to Start a 1 Person Corporation or LLC #startup #entrepreneur https://www.mycompanyworks.com/starting-a-one-person-corporation-or-llc/ #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #leanstartup #formllc #getllc #applyforllc #llcformation

5/6/2024, 6:01:23 PM

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, agility is not just a buzzword; it's a necessity for survival and success. While startups may have the advantage of being nimble from the start, larger companies can leverage agility to stay competitive and relevant in their industries. Agility allows businesses to respond quickly to market changes, customer demands, and technological advancements. It enables them to innovate, experiment, and pivot when necessary, without being weighed down by cumbersome processes or bureaucratic red tape. By embracing agility, businesses can foster a culture of innovation, empower their teams to make decisions autonomously, and stay ahead of the curve. So, whether you're a startup looking to scale or an established enterprise aiming to stay relevant, agility is the key to unlocking your full potential. 🚀 Schedule a consultation with Intrinsic Agility today and discover how embracing agility can drive your business forward in today's fast-paced world. #BusinessAgility #Innovation #Adaptability #StayAhead #IntrinsicAgility #IntrinsicAgilityInsights #leadership #BusinessTransformation #EmbraceChange #StayRelevant #AgileMindset #BusinessInnovation #LeanStartup #CorporateAgility #MarketLeadership #BusinessStrategy #DigitalTransformation #EntrepreneurialSpirit #EmpowermentCulture #StayAheadOfTheCurve

5/6/2024, 4:01:56 PM

Empower your startup with MVP development! Discover how launching a Minimum Viable Product can accelerate growth, mitigate risks, and engage early adopters. Have you tapped into these benefits? Share your experiences below! Let's ignite a conversation on unlocking startup success through MVP strategies. 📱 To learn more, check out here https://www.agicent.com/.../best-app-development.../ . . . #mvp #mvpdevelopment #startups #it #apps #StartupMVP #LeanStartup #Prototype #BetaTesting #ProductDevelopment #AgileDevelopment #TechStartup #ProductStrategy #ProductManagement #StartupLife

5/6/2024, 3:22:38 PM

This week's #KnowledgeBites tackles a popular startup term: MVP, or Minimum Viable Product. An MVP isn't just a fancy way of saying "unfinished product." It's a strategic approach to launching with just enough features to validate your concept with real users. Why is an MVP important? 1. Saves time and resources by prioritizing core functionalities. 2. Gets valuable user feedback early for better product iteration. 3. Reduces risk of building something nobody wants. Thinking of launching your own product? Consider the MVP approach! It's all about learning fast and building what your customers truly need. #knowledgebites #mvp #minimumviableproduct #productdevelopment #userfeedback #leanstartup #entrepreneurship #businessstrategy

5/6/2024, 2:42:21 PM

Tu ne sais pas quel langage utiliser pour développer ton projet ? 💡 Envoie -nous un message et laisse-nous t’aider à faire évoluer ton activité.✅ Tu souhaites en apprendre plus sur le domaine de l’informatique et du web  ? 🌐 N’hésite pas à nous suivre ou à poser tes questions en commentaires.   Accède à nos services →    Le lien dans la bio #startup  #entrepreneur  #entrepreneuriat  #business  #innovation  #tech  #digital  #investissement  #incubateur  #accelerateur  #pitch  #businessplan  #entreprendre  #marketing  #branding  #growthhacking  #leanstartup  #designthinking  #disruptif  #creationdesiteweb

5/6/2024, 2:26:06 PM

Empreendedorismo é frequentemente visto como uma resposta eficaz para a escassez de oportunidades tradicionais de emprego, permitindo aos indivíduos criar seu próprio caminho e realizar mudanças significativas em suas carreiras e comunidades. Ao se aventurar pelo empreendedorismo, você não apenas forja uma nova via profissional, mas também contribui para a inovação e o desenvolvimento econômico. Confira algumas ferramentas, metodologias e dicas que podem auxiliar na jornada empreendedora e transformar a falta de oportunidades em um trampolim para o sucesso. 1. Ferramentas: a. Plataformas de Crowdfunding: Kickstarter, Indiegogo, e GoFundMe para levantar fundos para novos negócios. b. Ferramentas de criação de sites: Wix, Squarespace, e WordPress para criar uma presença online profissional. c. Ferramentas de análise de mercado: Google Trends e SurveyMonkey para entender tendências de mercado e preferências dos consumidores. d. Redes de networking online: LinkedIn, Meetup e Eventbrite para conectar-se com outros empreendedores e potenciais investidores. 2. Metodologias: a. Lean Startup: Enfatiza o desenvolvimento rápido de produtos com ciclos iterativos de aprendizado e inovação. b. Bootstrapping: Iniciar um negócio com recursos mínimos, evitando dívidas e maximizando a autossuficiência. c. Growth Hacking: Estratégias de marketing que se concentram no crescimento rápido e em grande escala. d. Scrum: Uma abordagem ágil para gerenciamento de projetos, ideal para projetos com muitas incertezas. 3. Outros recursos que podem te ajudar: a. Incubadoras e aceleradoras: Programas que oferecem apoio, recursos e mentoria para startups. b. Feiras e exposições de empreendedorismo: Ótimas para fazer contatos, aprender e validar ideias de negócio. c. Plataformas de habilidades digitais: Codecademy, General Assembly para aprender habilidades tecnológicas essenciais. 4. Dicas para aplicar o empreendedorismo: a. Identifique uma necessidade: Encontre um problema que muitas pessoas enfrentam e que você pode resolver. b. Desenvolva um MVP (Produto Mínimo Viável): Crie uma versão simples do seu produto para testar a viabilidade do negócio.

5/6/2024, 11:54:37 AM

🚀 Today marked @ivygo_australia 's first official strategy session 🚀 Sumit and I are buzzing with excitement about what's to come in the next six months. As co-founders, we work very hard to execute on our vision with the care and attention that the transition to net zero emission deserves. But what makes this journey truly special is the fun we have along the way! I couldn't dream of a better person to go on this adventure with 🙌🏼 I know that every stage of the journey will have its ups and downs, but I wish I could bottle up all the feelings right now! Also, I'm pretty proud of myself for finding a cheap yet effective way to get access to a "whiteboard" 😁 #whatmycofounderwantsmycofoundergets #leanstartup #postitaddict Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and grow 🌱🔋 #startuplife #innovation #teamwork #peertopeerevcharging #communityevcharging #evaustralia #netzero

5/6/2024, 11:35:04 AM

I decided around year 4 that I my aim was to be wanted by my team (like being a comfort blanket) but not NEEDED (so they could run everything without me). One of the best decisions I ever made!!! It led to amazing things; like taking holidays, enjoying when I was at work & having the ability to do some personal development outside of work. #smallbusinessowner #attitude #LeanStartup #monkeycatering #minions

5/6/2024, 7:00:15 AM

어제부터 보령에 비가 새차게 옵니다. 새벽에 일어나서 창문을 두드리는 빗소리가 어제와 같습니다. 새벽 조깅에 대해 부정적인 관념이 생길 때마다 결정을 미루는 좋은 습관이 있습니다. 일단, 나가서 뛰고 결정하자. 일단, 1Km만 뛰고 결정하자. 일단, 5Km만 뛰고 결정하자. 일단, 7km만 뛰고 결정하자. 그냥 10km 뛰고 오랜만에 운동화 세탁하자.^^ 땀에 젖으나 비에 젖으나 젖는 거 매한가지.... 우리가 시장을 바라보는 관점도 같습니다. 요즘같이 급변하는 시장 환경에서 너무 많은 관념을 갖고 있으면 시작하기가 너무 무겁습니다. 일단 작게 시작하고 수정과 보완을 갖고 진행하는 민첩함이 필요하다고 조깅하며 생각해봅니다. #새벽조깅🏃 #휴일조깅🏃‍♂️ #우천조깅🌧 #10km🔥 #조깅스타그램 #운동피드백📋 #일단시작하세요 #결정을미루는습관 #린스타트업 #LeanStartup #생산_측정_개선 #오늘하루를주셔서감사합니다🙋

5/6/2024, 2:34:44 AM

Judul Bisnis: Edu-Fun: Platform Belajar Bahasa Asing yang Menyenangkan Masalah: Banyak orang ingin belajar bahasa asing tapi bosan dengan metode tradisional yang membosankan. Solusi: Edu-Fun menawarkan platform belajar bahasa asing yang interaktif dan menyenangkan menggunakan game, video, dan komunitas online. Pelanggan Sasaran: Anak muda dan orang dewasa yang ingin belajar bahasa asing dengan cara yang mudah dan menyenangkan. Proposisi Nilai Unik: Kombinasi game edukasi dan video interaktif untuk meningkatkan minat belajar. Komunitas online untuk saling bertukar informasi dan berlatih bahasa asing. Akses ke guru bahasa asing profesional untuk bimbingan dan latihan. Metrik Kunci: Jumlah pengguna aktif bulanan. Tingkat retensi pengguna. Tingkat konversi pengguna menjadi pelanggan berbayar. Rencana Eksperimen: Meluncurkan versi beta platform dengan fitur-fitur dasar untuk menguji minat pasar. Mengumpulkan umpan balik dari pengguna untuk menyempurnakan platform. Menjalin kerjasama dengan influencer dan komunitas online untuk menjangkau lebih banyak pengguna. Sumber Daya: Tim pengembang yang terdiri dari 2 programmer dan 1 desainer grafis. Modal awal Rp 50 juta untuk pengembangan platform dan pemasaran. Mentor: @aditbizlab: Pakar startup yang berpengalaman dalam membangun dan mengembangkan bisnis. @biz.lab: Platform edukasi bisnis yang menyediakan berbagai sumber daya dan pelatihan untuk startup. #LeanStartup #BusinessPlan #EdTech #Edutainment @lanunggastudio @dr.andriputranto @aditbizlab @biz.lab

5/5/2024, 6:59:34 PM

💡 Ever wondered how much time and money could've been saved if you prototyped your project or business idea first? We've learned the hard way in business and in private life. Not prototyping led to costly mistakes over the years. Questions like "How to experiment effectively?" and "What's the best model for a real user experience?" haunted us. Enter Lean Startup—thanks to pioneers like @EricRies, we've gained inspiration and insights. Now, let's share experiences! Have you faced similar challenges? Let's chat and learn from each other's journey. 💬 #ericries #prototypebeforeinvest #leanstartup #prototyping #innovation

5/5/2024, 6:27:36 PM

Ein- & Rückblicke auf 20-jährige Erfahrung als Unternehmer und Business-Coach. In meiner Keynote auf der YBG-Pitchnight durfte ich über die Top 7 Dinge reflektieren, die ich gerne schon vor 20 Jahren gewusst hätte. Bin überwältigt über euer MEAG Feedback! 🚀 Danke! #BusinessCoaching #StartupBeratung #LeadershipTraining #BusinessDevelopment #Didaktik #AgileMethoden #LeanStartup #BuyerPersona #CustomerJourney #BusinessModelCanvas #YBG

5/5/2024, 12:01:20 PM

Don’t worry about funding if you don’t need it. Today, it’s cheaper to start a business than ever. 🌟 With the rise of digital tools, online platforms, and shared resources, starting a business has become more accessible and cost-effective than in the past. Whether it's launching an e-commerce store, offering freelance services, or creating digital products, entrepreneurs can leverage technology to minimize upfront costs and bootstrap their ventures. Instead of fixating on funding, focus on validating your idea, building a solid product or service, and delivering value to your customers. Let's embrace the era of entrepreneurship and seize the opportunities that abound in today's digital landscape. . . . Unlock a deeper understanding of your true potential by following @performanceonfire #Bootstrapping #Entrepreneurship #DigitalEra #StartUpLife #NoNeedForFunding #CostEffective #BusinessOpportunity #OnlineBusiness #SmallBusinessOwner #BootstrapYourBusiness #DigitalTools #CheaperToStartABusiness #NoFundingNeeded #LeanStartup #EntrepreneurialJourney #BusinessVenture #DigitalEntrepreneur #TechSavvyEntrepreneur #StartupTips #Performanceonfire

5/5/2024, 5:47:00 AM

"Innovation is not just about the private sector; it's a collaborative effort, and government initiatives can provide the necessary infrastructure and support for startups to flourish." . . . #startupbihar #startupindia #startup #entrepreneurship #techstartup #innovation #venturecapital #StartupLife #founder #smallbusiness #startupgrind #leanstartup

5/4/2024, 6:54:53 PM

¡Atención emprendedores visionarios! 🚀 ¿Listos para llevar sus ideas de negocio al siguiente nivel? 💡💼 ¡Entonces este taller es para ti! Únete a nosotros el 11 de Mayo y descubre cómo convertir tus ideas en realidad en solo 2 horas con la  metodología Lean Start Up. . 🌟 Nos encontraremos en el  Palacio de Dina ubicado en Guarne-Antioquia en la vereda Romeral sector Batea Seca , vamos a  sumergirnos  en un ambiente de creatividad y aprendizaje. Además, te proporcionaremos todos los materiales que necesitas y un delicioso snack para que compartamos ¡Reserva tu lugar! . Las primeras 10 plazas por solo $50.000, luego $70.000 y $90.000 para las últimas 10. ¡No pierdas esta oportunidad única para impulsar tu proyecto! Contáctanos al 323 2885986 para asegurar tu cupo o sigue el enlace para inscribirte. ¡Te esperamos para que juntos materialicemos la realidad empresarial que mereces! 💼✨ . Link de registro:  https://forms.gle/bmMeET5aGQi2MYYx6 . #Emprendimiento #LeanStartUp #DesarrolloDeNegocios #agencia #proyectos #mentoring #innovación #creatividad

5/4/2024, 5:28:32 PM

¡Atención emprendedores visionarios! 🚀 ¿Listos para llevar sus ideas de negocio al siguiente nivel? 💡💼 ¡Entonces este taller es para ti! Únete a nosotros el 11 de Mayo y descubre cómo convertir tus ideas en realidad en solo 2 horas con la  metodología Lean Start Up. . 🌟 Nos encontraremos en el  Palacio de Dina ubicado en Guarne-Antioquia en la vereda Romeral sector Batea Seca , vamos a  sumergirnos  en un ambiente de creatividad y aprendizaje. Además, te proporcionaremos todos los materiales que necesitas y un delicioso snack para que compartamos ¡Reserva tu lugar! . Las primeras 10 plazas por solo $50.000, luego $70.000 y $90.000 para las últimas 10. ¡No pierdas esta oportunidad única para impulsar tu proyecto! Contáctanos al 323 2885986 para asegurar tu cupo o sigue el enlace para inscribirte. ¡Te esperamos para que juntos materialicemos la realidad empresarial que mereces! 💼✨ . Link de registro:  https://forms.gle/bmMeET5aGQi2MYYx6 . #Emprendimiento #LeanStartUp #DesarrolloDeNegocios

5/4/2024, 5:24:20 PM

Titan Company on May 3 reported a standalone net profit of Rs 786 crore for the March quarter, a growth of 7 percent from Rs 734 crore in the year-ago period. The jeweller and watchmaker's revenue came in at Rs 10,047 crore, rising 17 percent from Rs 8,553 crore in the year-ago quarter, the company said in a regulatory filing. The brokerages pegged revenue at Rs 11,054 crore, a growth of 11.4 percent from the year-ago quarter. . . @gokusstartuphub . . Source : MC . . #titan #titan160 #watch #watchcollector #diamonds #tata #tatasons #ratantata #investment #profit #turnover #dividends #BusinessPlan #Entrepreneurship #StartupGuide #BusinessStrategy #FinancialProjections #MarketResearch #BusinessGoals #CompanyDescription #ExecutiveSummary #LeanStartup . . Disclaimer: All information on this page is for Educational purpose only. We are not SEBI registered.

5/3/2024, 6:16:53 PM

Why prioritize MVP? 🚀 Find out why starting with a Minimum Viable Product is key to market testing efficiently.💡 For any assistance or inquiries, contact us at ✉ [email protected] or visit us at techlusion.io #leanstartup #mvp #techsolutions #startsmart #innovatetech #techtriumph #techwisdom #futureready #techconsulting #startups #launch

5/3/2024, 6:01:35 PM

This is wrong... What the Rabbit R1 launch can teach us about Minimum Viable Product and why founders should avoid abusing this method. Read more in this week's newsletter. Link in bio #innovation #minimumviableproduct #mvp #strategy #leanstartup #productmanagement #startups #startup #gotomarket #productlaunch

5/3/2024, 2:45:00 PM

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 organized a One-day seminar on "𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐩 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭?". 𝐌𝐫. 𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐣𝐚𝐧, Founder, of 2K Speakathon, Coimbatore was the guest speaker for the seminar. Students attended the seminar and gained practical insights into one of the most effective approaches to launching a successful startup. #LeanStartup #StartupSeminar #ECE #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #Coimbatore #StudentOpportunity #PracticalInsights #FutureOfStartups #TechEvent #KCEians #KCE #WeKCEians

5/3/2024, 2:35:27 PM

Early validation of your startup idea can save you time and resources. Don't skip this crucial step. #LeanStartup #Validation

5/3/2024, 1:56:04 PM

التكنلوجيا ليست دائماً الحل !؟؟ @ #ذكاء_اصطناعي #ArtificialIntelligence #بلوكتشين #Blockchain #انترنت_ #تطوير_مستمر #ContinuousDevelopment #تطوير_المنتجات #ProductDevelopment #إدارة_المشاريع_الرشيقة #AgileProjectManagement #سكروم #Scrum #لين_ستارتب #LeanStartup #تطوير_القيادة #LeadershipDevelopment #استراتيجيات_النمو #GrowthStrategies #استدامة_الأعمال #BusinessSustainability #ابتكار_رقمي #DigitalInnovation

5/2/2024, 10:05:52 PM

Happy May! Startup Zones is open on these Saturdays in May. Join us! #StartupZones #Startups #StartupCommunity #TechStartups #StartupTips #BusinessNetworking #Tucson #OroValley #StartupFails #LeanStartup #StartupEcosystem

5/2/2024, 8:35:44 PM

Don’t be the best, be the only— “There’s a greater upside in not even trying to compete with who else is out there, and instead of trying to be the best, be the only. Because the companies who can establish themselves as the only, they set the rules for everyone else. They create the sandbox and decide who gets to play it. They’re not asking for the toy to play with someone else’s sandbox They create categories, they create trends, and they set the terms for everyone else. Don’t be the best, be the only.” #StartupLife #Entrepreneurship #Innovation #SmallBiz #TechStartups #BusinessMindset #FounderLife #VentureCapital #LeanStartup #StartupGrind #YoungEntrepreneur #ScaleUp #DisruptiveTech #Bootstrapping #FutureOfWork

5/2/2024, 7:42:28 PM

Eine gelungene Tagung war unser 12. „Experten im Dialog“ im IMPULS Trainingscenter. Experten aus verschiedenen Branchen teilten mit uns ihre Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen zu ihren Lean-Aktivitäten. Wir bedanken uns sehr herzlich für die interessanten Vorträge und die zahlreiche Teilnahme! Ihr ITC IMPULS Trainingscenter Köln #LeanManagement #ContinuousImprovement #LeanManufacturing #ProcessImprovement #Kaizen #ValueStream #SixSigma #OperationalExcellence #WasteReduction #LeanStartup #2024 #veranstaltung #köln

5/2/2024, 2:50:44 PM

🚀УВЕЛИЧЬТЕ СВОЙ ДОХОД С ПОМОЩЬЮ АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАННЫХ ПРОДАЖ И ИСКУССТВЕННОГО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТА. Мечтаете о стабильном потоке клиентов и высоких чеках, но устали от бесконечного поиска и рутинных задач? Мы знаем, как это исправить! Наша команда разработает и внедрит эффективную стратегию привлечения клиентов, которая позволит вам: ✔️ Автоматизировать продажи: больше никаких холодных звонков и утомительных переговоров ✔️ Привлекать клиентов 24/7: ваш бизнес будет работать на вас даже во время отдыха ✔️ Увеличить прибыль: получайте стабильный поток клиентов и высокие чеки ✔️ Освободить время: сосредоточьтесь на развитии своего бизнеса, а рутину оставьте нам Мы используем технологию искусственного интеллекта , чтобы обеспечить максимальную эффективность: • Telegram: для автоматизации продаж и пассивного дохода • Instagram: для привлечения клиентов и создания сильного бренда 🔥 Результат: увеличение дохода, стабильный поток клиентов и свободное время для развития вашего бизнеса. Готовы к взлёту? Напишите "+" в личные сообщения, и мы свяжемся с вами, чтобы обсудить детали. P.S. Убедитесь в эффективности наших методов - заберите пример ИИ ассистента в шапке профиля или поставь «+» комментарии.

5/2/2024, 12:27:52 PM

Fueling the fire of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, BMU's recent Entrepreneurial Mindset Workshop empowered aspiring entrepreneurs with a powerful 3-day journey. This immersive programme, led by Dr. Sakshi Chabbra, equipped participants with the knowledge and tools to turn their ideas into reality. The workshop culminated in an immersive simulation game, "Startup Factory," where participants put their learnings into practice by building and running a virtual business, experiencing the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship firsthand. By offering such comprehensive workshops, BMU empowers its students to translate their entrepreneurial dreams into impactful realities, solidifying the university's position as a hub for innovation and a launchpad for the next generation of enterprising minds. #BMU #Workshop #EntrepreneurialMindset #InnovationHub #Entrepreneurshi #StartupSuccess #BuildingBusinesses #FoundersTeam #IAmBMU #BusinessPlanning #LeanStartup #FundingYourStartup #StartupSimulation #BMUCommunity

5/2/2024, 10:51:02 AM

Thinking about starting a new business or product line? Let us help you think through the details. From the initial customer segments and what makes them tick to the market sizing, we can help you think through your go-to-market strategy. Use AiMay24 for $20 off your first month and start innovating with GLIDR.ai today! #GLIDRai #innovation #entrepreneur #leanstartup #customerdiscovery #ai

5/2/2024, 12:04:12 AM

🚀 Excited to share the amazing benefits of launching a lean online business with just $100 and some help from Clickfunnels! 💰💻 You can easily build sales funnels, landing pages, and websites to boost your online presence and drive sales. The best part? You don't need a huge budget to get started - just $100 and you're good to go! 🚀Click the link in our bio or copy paste this link ! ⇶ https://courses.growmybusinessfast.fastmastermind.com/blog/how-to-launch-a-lean-online-business-with-100-and-a-little-help-from-clickfunnels--20460 🙌Ready to launch and/or grow your dream business and give Clickfunnels a try? Join the One Funnel Away Challenge and get Daily Training, LIVE Coaching and Accountability! ⟹ https://www.onefunnelaway.com/ #Clickfunnels #OnlineBusiness #LeanStartup #Entrepreneurship #SmallBudgetBigResults 💪🌟

5/1/2024, 6:32:29 PM

Los próximos días estaremos compartiendo un taller sobre Emprendimiento, gracias a #leanstartup

5/1/2024, 6:17:27 AM

Il modello del work for equity sta avendo sempre più seguito nel mondo delle startup, ma quali vantaggi e sfide porta per startup e professionisti? Scoprilo con noi! #consulting34 #fisco #contabilità #commercialista #consulenza #consulenzastartup #startup #startupinnovativa #leanstartup #workforequity

4/30/2024, 5:25:48 PM

Simplicity isn’t about cutting corners; it’s about cutting the clutter. Every Tuesday, challenge your team to find one process to simplify. Less can truly be more when it's about streamlining success. What will you trim this week for a leaner workflow? Comment below! 👇 #Success #Agile #Leadership #Scrum #LeanStartup

4/30/2024, 5:02:00 PM

Olá, sou Rodrigo! Um Engenheiro com mais de 20 anos de experiência em processos industriais, estou dedicado a ajudar empresas a alcançarem a excelência operacional. Se você está procurando formas de eliminar desperdícios e otimizar processos, estou aqui para transformar desafios em oportunidades. 🔍 O que oferecemos: Análise detalhada de processos para identificar pontos de melhoria. Estratégias personalizadas para redução de custos. Implementação de soluções sustentáveis que promovem resultados a longo prazo. Auxiliar gestores a destravar ferramentas de metodologia existentes. 💼 Benefícios: Redução significativa de custos operacionais. Melhoria contínua e sustentabilidade dos processos. Aumento de competitividade no mercado. Equipes alcançando a alta performance. 🔗 Entre em contato para uma consulta inicial e vamos juntos elevar o padrão de eficiência da sua empresa! See translation #processengineering #takttime #leangovernance #leanstartup #costsaving #reducaodecustos #mapeamentodeprocessos #processos #eliminedesperdícios #lean #leanthinking #leansixsigma #continuousimprovement #melhoriacontinua #processmapping #valuestreammapping

4/30/2024, 3:07:11 PM

Już w 2016 roku przygotowany przez #McKinsey & Company raport podawał, że firmy wdrażające koncepcję #customerjourney zaobserwowały 👉 wzrost przychodów na poziomie 1️⃣0️⃣-1️⃣5️⃣% 👉 wzrost satysfakcji klienta o 2️⃣0️⃣%, 👉 optymalizację kosztów o 1️⃣5️⃣- 2️⃣0️⃣%. Jak to możliwe❓ Jeff Bezos - najbogatszy człowiek świata, założyciel #Amazon powiedział : „Nie martwi mnie ktoś, kto oferuje ceny o 5️⃣% niższe. Niepokoi mnie ktoś, kto może zaoferować lepsze doznania dla klienta”. 🎁 Zapraszamy do przeczytania artykułu "Customer journey hit czy kit❓", który opowiada o tym jak oferować lepsze doznania klienta i wzrastać. 🔗https://klientocentryczni.pl/customer-journey-hit-czy-kit/ ... .............. Pomożemy Ci zaprojektować doświadczenia klientów. SKONTAKTUJ się z nami: [email protected] #Biznes #Innowacje #RozwójProjektu #Współpraca #cx #customerexperience #klientocentryczni #klientocentrycznosc #DesignThinking #LeanStartup #ProjectDevelopment #CustomerDevelopment #przewagakonkurencyjna #CX #CustomerExperience

4/30/2024, 9:14:09 AM

Tap HERE ⬇⬇⬇ and read the caption: Ready to make a change, take charge, and supercharge your business? 🚀 👉 link in bio @businessleadermind 👉 link in bio @businessleadermind 👉 link in bio @businessleadermind Now is the perfect moment to seize the opportunity for growth! 👉Follow @businessleadermind for more 👉Follow @businessleadermind for more 👉Follow @businessleadermind for more Click the link in my bio and enroll in my weekly coaching calls to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey. 🌟 Let's achieve your business goals together. . . . #Entrepreneurship #StartupLife #EntrepreneurialJourney #BusinessOwner #YoungEntrepreneur #HustleHard #Innovate #EntrepreneurMindset #SmallBusinessOwner #SideHustle #StartYourBusiness #Founder #BusinessVenture #PassionProject #Solopreneur #BusinessMentor #SuccessStories #ScaleUp #ElevatorPitch #DreamBig #EntrepreneurialSpirit #BusinessIdeas #LearnAndEarn #RiskTaker #BusinessGrowth #SerialEntrepreneur #CreativeEntrepreneur #DigitalNomad #InspiredByEntrepreneurs #LeanStartup

4/30/2024, 2:00:10 AM

A pressa é inimiga da perfeição, mas às vezes um bom timing vale mais do que um produto perfeito! 😎 Quando falamos de Cultura de Produto existe muita coisa a se considerar, por isso é importante trabalhar com quem entende do assunto e é capaz de aplicar as melhores metodologias para essas situações! 🚀 Quer saber mais sobre o assunto? Então comente “agilidade” aqui nesse post! 💬 #Agilidade #Produto #CulturaDeProduto #LeanStartup #Agility #Tecnologia #Tech #OrangeJuice #OrangeJuiceTech

4/29/2024, 11:00:57 PM

I couldn't find a single canvas to define a strategy and business model for a new product. So, I created a new template. In my new, free post: 1. Strategy vs. business model 2. Disadvantages of the popular approaches 3. Startup Canvas to download (Google Docs) 4. Business Model Canvas vs. Lean Canvas vs. Startup Canvas 5. Recommended resources No email, no paywall: productcompass.pm #productmanagement #leanstartup #businessmodel #businessmodelcanvas #productstrategy #startupstrategy

4/29/2024, 6:43:17 PM

Un projet rentable trouve toujours son origine dans une idée bien pensée et élaborée. 💡 Nous avons tous des idées de projet, que ce soit pour lancer un business en ligne, du e-commerce, ou encore comme la plupart de nos clients chez Volkeno, de lancer une application ou solution digitale. Mais ^simplement^ avoir une idée n'est pas suffisant pour en faire un projet viable. Nous vous partageons aujourd’hui 4 astuces pour valider votre idée de projet et lui donner toutes les chances d’exister. #project #startups #mvp #leanstartup

4/29/2024, 3:46:03 PM

Money flow absolutely plays a key role in Wall Street performance. Here’s how: Increased Investment Leads to Higher Prices When there’s more money flowing into the stock market, it creates greater demand for stocks. This increased demand can push stock prices higher, leading to a bull market. Investors see this as a positive sign and may be more likely to jump in, further accelerating the rise. Funding for Businesses and M&A Activity Companies rely on the stock market to raise capital. When there’s ample cash flow, businesses can issue new stocks or bonds to fund expansion, research, or acquisitions. This can improve company performance and increase investor confidence, positively impacting the market. Trading Activity and Brokerage Fees Increased money flow translates to more frequent buying and selling of stocks. This generates revenue for brokerage firms through commissions or trading fees. Higher trading activity can also increase market liquidity, making it easier to buy and sell stocks. Investor Sentiment and Risk Appetite The amount of money flowing into the market reflects investor sentiment. When there’s a steady inflow, it indicates optimism and a willingness to take on risk. This can lead to a more positive outlook on the market, attracting even more investors. Keep in mind: Money flow isn’t the only factor affecting Wall Street. Interest rates, government policies, and global events all play a part. However, it’s a significant driver and understanding its influence can be helpful for investors. #irbssmartrader weekly Trade information. #passionforresults #businessinnovation #CarpacitAcción #industry4.0 #cryptocurrencies #leanlogistics #growyourbusiness #wallstreet #spy @crypto #businessmindset #strategicplannig #mipymes #wallstreetfitness #mic_rd #ia #leanstartup #protocoloempresasfamiliares #businessmashups #roshgadol #mashupsmindset #micm #mepyd #inversiones #liquidez #mercado #finanzas #riesgo #diversificacion #asesorfinanciero

4/29/2024, 1:35:50 PM

Have you ever heard a conversation between developers? Understanding their language might be difficult if you're not one of them. That's why we decided to create an IT Jargon dictionary and help you out. We’re going to post a new card every week. If you don’t want to miss any of them, make sure to follow our page! #cardsagainstIT #cookie #buildyourbusiness #entrepreneur #development #developer #coding #programming #business #startup #startuplife #startups #startupbusiness #leanstartup #digitalbusiness #businesstips #innovation #technology #newproduct #growth #growthmindset #productdevelopment #further #gofurther #furtherdigitalsolutions #teamfurther

4/28/2024, 6:00:18 PM

🚀 Launching Success with MVP: Your Blueprint to Innovation! 💼 Join us this Sunday for our ‘Entrepreneurship Jargon’ series as we unravel the power of Minimum Viable Product. Learn how to validate your ideas, minimize risks, and accelerate your path to success! Don’t miss out! #minimumviableproduct #mvp #entrepreneurshipjargon #innovation #leanstartup #productdevelopment

4/28/2024, 4:00:00 PM

Hoje de manhã ministrei o primeiro encontro do curso de extensão “Introdução ao Lean thinking: os 5 passos do pensamento enxuto”. Aprofundamos no modelo japonês de gestão 🇯🇵 e no sistema Toyota de Produção @toyotadobrasil #leanthinking #toyota #leanstartup

4/27/2024, 9:36:35 PM

🚀 Excited to launch my IG & FB advertising agency! From creating pages from scratch to SEO optimization, funnel-based carousel designs, and targeted ad campaigns, we've got you covered. Let's take your business to new heights! #BusinessLeaders #ExecutiveLife #CorporateWorld #Entrepreneurship #CEOInsights #LeadershipDevelopment #ManagementTips #IndustryInsights #ProfessionalNetwork #BusinessStrategy #StartupLife #EntrepreneurialJourney #TechStartups #StartupCommunity #InnovationHub #VentureCapital #StartupCulture #LeanStartup #DisruptiveTech #FounderStories @meta_ads_shafique

4/15/2024, 9:00:15 AM