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That's at least P110,000 of earnings each month. Hmmmm! Kaya mo bang kitain 'to monthly sa ginagawa mo ngayon? Kung hindi, may alam akong sistema na kayang-kayang kitain ito every month. #projectsixfigures #effectiveincomegeneratingsystem #ShalomNation

6/22/2022, 7:51:46 AM

A TRUE LEADER & AUTHORITY in their niche Positions Themselves as an Expert, not a Generalist Your prospective client wants to work with an expert, leader, authority -- dare I say it.... THE BEST! If you show up as lukewarm, less than, you will attract people who are not able to afford the rates you want to charge. It's time to be bold, claim your expertise and show up as a leader and authority in your niche. I am ready to show you how! Master this and reap these rewards: - name recognition for what you do - more qualified leads (people who are serious and ready for a solution and know that it requires an investment) - massive increase in income while still commanding your time (work less..oh yeah!) I'm hosting a brand new masterclass event next week where I will do a deep dive about this. It's called, “Stand out as a leader in your [niche/industry/field] & double your income in 90 days” During this Masterclass you'll discover: - The KEY element that is essential to the success of all your campaigns/launches - The #1 strategy that supercharges your image as a leader and authority in your niche - How to magnetize your following & book clients who are pre-sold into working with you - What it really takes to 2x your revenue in the next 90 days (psst...this will surprise you!) And guess what, you're invited! It's taking place on Wednesday, September 23rd at 12pm EDT. Click here to register now and be sure to add it to your calendar afterwards. →> REGISTER HERE: . #womanempowerment #projectsixfigures #femaleentrepreneurship #sheeo #girlbosslifestyle #bossbabesquad #bossbabesociete #bossbabestatus #businesschicks #madeformore #businessinheels #inspiredwomen #ladieswholaunch #socialboss #theleaguewomen #ladystartup #womenatwork #womenencouragingwomen #girlbossmoment #shedidit #thisgirlmeansbusines #goalswithsoul #womeneur #hustleandheart #womenwithvision #womenwithaplan #forwomenbywomen

9/18/2020, 7:12:06 PM

How can I charge more? <-- a question I hear often Here's 2 things to consider: 1) You have to own your worth. Charge what you want according to the value you attach based on your expertise and the value of the outcome that your client walks away with. 2) Your prospective client has to believe in the value. e.g. Luxury cars are sold because the brand is strong, they have a business that spans many years (experience), they have a proven track record (known to be the best). How can you showcase your value? Some ideas are testimonials, publicity spots and speaking engagements. When you stand out as a leader or authority in your niche, you attract the right clients who know your value and will pay without question. I'm going deep into this area next week in a brand new Masterclass called, “Stand out as a leader in your [niche/industry/field] & double your income in 90 days” During this Masterclass you'll discover: - The KEY element that is essential to the success of all your campaigns/launches - The #1 strategy that supercharges your image as a leader and authority in your niche - How to magnetize your following & book clients who are pre-sold into working with you - What it really takes to 2x your revenue in the next 90 days (psst...this will surprise you!) And guess what, you're invited! It's taking place on Wednesday, September 23rd at 12pm EDT. Click here to register now and be sure to add it to your calendar afterwards. . REGISTER HERE: . . #womanempowerment #projectsixfigures #femaleentrepreneurship #sheeo #girlbosslifestyle #bossbabesquad #bossbabesociete #bossbabestatus #businesschicks #9tothrive #madeformore #businessinheels #inspiredwomen #ladieswholaunch #socialboss #theleaguewomen #ladystartup #womenatwork #womenencouragingwomen #girlbossmoment #shedidit #thisgirlmeansbusines #goalswithsoul #womeneur #hustleandheart #womenwithvision #womenwithaplan #forwomenbywomen

9/18/2020, 12:48:25 AM

Having faith & focus really served me in my early days in business. What did my foray in business look like? I enrolled 8+ clients in under 60 days in an industry where I literally had 'no experience'. My 1st business was a boutique publishing company. I created a printed guide for a specific, well-identified industry/niche. I took inspired, faith-based action. I invested time and money BEFORE I even approached my my first prospective client. The decision was made. So I took the action to make it the right one. I was sold on ME. I was sold on my ability to help my market. I was sold on the medium by which I would help them to get results. I leaned on a mentor when doubt sank in and was given the tools to develop a winner's mindset. The rest is history. I work on that same premise for every new program, new direction, new launch. It has served me well. It's a mindset. It's confidence. It's teachable, doable by anyone. The moral of this story that can help you. You can achieve your biz goals with faith and focus. It truly helps to have a mentor guiding you along the way. . . Stephanie (( :-) )) P.S. When you sign up for the Purpose to Profitable Giveaway, you will get access to my 'Ready Set Booked' Guide where I show you how I went from 0 to booked in under 2 Months. Register here: #alignwithpurpose #womenencouragingwomen #allthefeels #projectsixfigures #confidenceiscool #courageousoptimism #businesstips #womeninbiz #womenwhodo #bosswomen #businessrulesforwomen #womanboss #motivatedwomen #freedombasedbusiness #womeninleadership #laptoplife #freedomseeker #bossbabeclub #gracenotperfection #girlsinbusiness #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #marketingcoach

4/28/2020, 5:01:22 AM

It’s time for the big reveal! Happy Monday! And I mean that I'm happy and you should get ready to get that nice happy feeling after reading what I am about to share with you in this email as well. If you're not already excited for Mondays that is, because...entrepreneurship. I am excited to announce The Purpose to Profitable Giveaway Event! Where 20+ business leaders (including me of course) share their best tools, templates, checklists, plug & play resources that helped them to grow profitable 6 and 7 figure businesses with a purpose. I'm talking templates, checklists, PDF guides, ebooks, swipe files, video training and so much more all in one [virtual] place. This is a business resource for action takers who want to build a profitable business driven by their purpose and passion. And I know my community, so I know 'that's you'! Did I mention that it's 100% free? No fluff, no pitch, no gimmicks, no hidden agenda. Just high value business resources from some of the best in their industry. We all have a heart to serve and support and want you to truly benefit from this giveaway event. So head on over to this link and register now! >> Then come back and thank me later. :-) #alignwithpurpose #womenencouragingwomen #allthefeels #projectsixfigures #confidenceiscool #courageousoptimism #businesstips #womeninbiz #womenwhodo #bosswomen #businessrulesforwomen #womanboss #motivatedwomen #freedombasedbusiness #womeninleadership #laptoplife #freedomseeker #bossbabeclub #gracenotperfection #girlsinbusiness #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #marketingcoach

4/28/2020, 1:18:20 AM

My 2020 Wish for YOU if you identify as a coach, consultant, entrepreneur, thought leader, change maker (yes you): This will be your best year in business yet! You will step into your leadership as an entrepreneur more than ever before. You will be able to hire contractors and/or employees that believe in your mission and support you in achieving it. You will embrace your investments in coaching, team support, tech and all things necessary for businesses with structure, focus, purpose and enroute to achieving BIG SUCCESS AND GROWTH. You will find your voice. Not the voice that you think you are supposed to have in order to market your business and get clients. But the voice that will inspire, educate, empower others. You will use your voice with confidence and purpose to show up on virtual stages (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter on Podcasts and Summits) and on physical stages around the world. You will be relentless in the pursuit of growth and realize a potential in yourself to achieve God-sized, purpose-driven dreams. You will work smart (and hard when necessary) and play big. Make time for YOU, make time for family, plan and make time for enjoyable experiences. You will give forward and give back. There are so many ways to do this financially, with your time and efforts. No fan fare needed. You will hold no judgements and you will be quick to forgive. This opens you up for blessings that are unimaginable. (yes, this is a business tip! ;-) ) You will be fair, gentle, yet firm in your dealings with team members, clients and colleagues. You will be transparent in all you do and act on a high level of integrity always. You will be quick to implement and forgiving of mistakes or what seems to be less than perfect strategy, marketing materials, processes. The speed of implementation is directly related to the speed to results. (Continued in comments)

1/2/2020, 4:04:07 PM

When I first started out in business, I focused heavily on setting my rates within the level of what I thought the market was doing. Much of my research centered around getting competitor rates, pricing out fixed costs and operating costs. Then allotting a small lump sum for myself after everything else got covered. Little did I know that the biggest expense was my time, which should have been the first line item. I forged ahead and enrolled 8+ clients in less than 2 Months in my 1st go-around. The revenue was good but the expenses were also a big chunk. So for a while, there was good money coming in, but very little coming in my personal bank account. In short, I had high sales but little or no profit. Kind of like living paycheck to paycheck, except it was booked period to booked period. Profit was elusive. I have since changed business models and learned a lot over the years. I have more of a strategy in place to bring on clients consistently and predictably. I am much more aware of systems around leveraging in order to work less and make more. I do marketing that I actually enjoy and makes me feel good. It shows, it's magnetic and I bring on more aligned clients in an aligned way so it doesn't feel like work. I have a free resource called: The Profit Series: Discover Proven Sky-is-the-Limit Success Strategies for more Clients & Cash with Ease and Flow If you would like no opt-in access to this training, send me a PM. The 2nd module of this training will show you how to zone in on 3 proven strategies that will allow you to achieve your client or revenue goal. --- Is this an area where you get stuck or unfocused because you feel like you should be doing all the things to accomplish your goal? COMMENT BELOW and let me know what comes up for you around this. . . . #womanempowerment #projectsixfigures #femaleentrepreneurship #sheeo #girlbosslifestyle #bossbabesquad #bossbabesociete #bossbabestatus #businesschicks #9tothrive #madeformore #businessinheels #bizchicks #inspiredwomen #ladieswholaunch #socialboss #theleaguewomen #ladystartup #womenatwork #womenencouragingwomen #girlbossmoment #shedidit #thisgirlmeansbusines #goalswithsoul

9/11/2019, 6:56:16 AM

From day one, goal setting has been a key factor in my business success. There was always a goal that I was working towards. I had a vision in my mind for how a marketing campaign would go, a goal for the number of clients in a certain time period, a goal for the revenue that it would bring in. Stephen Covey said, “Begin with the End in Mind” in his book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People”. Know what your end result is, what you want it to look like and channel your efforts, plans, activities towards that end. Your business will thrive with this simple, yet strategic principle. I start every quarter with a goal and key milestones for that period and work towards them assiduously. Bringing in more clients and cash with ease and flow starts right here. Set your client / revenue target based on your goal. Think about the costs you need to cover, revenue needed to pay you and your team, revenue needed for investment and saving. Then look at the number of clients you need to fill your programs in order to meet that goal. Be very clear and specific here. Then get to work on the proven strategies that you need to implement in order to achieve that goal. This is the launchpad for how I was able to bring in 8+ clients in under 2 Months. This is the launchpad for clients who have enrolled 3 high end clients in 5 weeks, 5 clients in 1 Month (more than the number of clients in the previous 12 Months), celebrating milestone $10K Months. That’s just a preview of my client results. I have a free training series called, “The Profit Series: Discover Proven Sky-is-the-Limit Success Strategies for more Clients & Cash with Ease and Flow”. This is a high-value, interactive series that is free to participate in and no opt-in is required. Comment below or send me a PM for details to access this free resource. -- #womanempowerment #projectsixfigures #femaleentrepreneurship #sheeo #girlbosslifestyle #bossbabesquad #bossbabesociete #bossbabestatus #businesschicks #9tothrive #madeformore #businessinheels #bizchicks #inspiredwomen #ladieswholaunch #socialboss #theleaguewomen #ladystartup #womenatwork #womenencouragingwomen #girlbossmoment #shedidit #thisgirlmeansbusines #go

9/10/2019, 5:16:20 AM

Utilize Livestream to truly connect with your audience and close more sales. Your ideal clients are watching, regardless of the fact that your last livestream got zero likes or comments. They want to know you. They want to hear you talk about their problem and share advice on how to find a solution. They want to hear about your experience. They want to see how you roll. So show them. You can do livestreams with a profesh touch sharing great value. You can do behind-the-scenes livestreams. You can do quick, off-the-cuff from-your-phone, livestreams with a helpful tip. You can address questions that you get often on sales calls. The sales process doesn't just start on the phone. It's LONG before that in some cases. However, if you are consistently showing up; Consistently talking and sharing about things in your expertise... -- you book more calls -- your calls are more focused as you attract the right people -- you close more sales Are you using livestreams to connect with your audience? . . . #womanempowerment #projectsixfigures #femaleentrepreneurship #sheeo #girlbosslifestyle #bossbabesquad #bossbabesociete #bossbabestatus #businesschicks #9tothrive #madeformore #businessinheels #bizchicks #inspiredwomen #ladieswholaunch #socialboss #theleaguewomen #ladystartup

8/22/2019, 10:47:56 PM

When I started my 1st business, I HAD to be booked! There was no option not to be. Let me explain! My 1st business was a publishing company for a full-colour magazine. I loved it! It was my baby. <3 And as you know, a magazine needs content AND Ads. The Ads was a major part of the revenue. So I had to book a certain amount of Ads revenue to cover the cost and contribute to profit. I enrolled 8+ clients for the magazine in under 2 Months. And I did that several times over during the years that I ran that business. I remember talking to my mentor at the time, complaining that I didn’t have enough clients and I didn’t know what to do. He quite simply said, keep trying until you get more clients. It sounded simple, but it was profound. But it got me out of the mindset that it was OK to not have the number of clients I needed. It got me out of the mindset that it would not be possible to enroll more clients. So I went for it. I showed up, reached out, followed up, reached out and followed up some more until I had clients. How about you? Are you settling for 2 or 3 clients here and there? Or are you booking your practice out each time? Well, I have a resource for you that will help to take things up a notch for your business. I invite you to join my upcoming challenge, called: Ready, Set, Booked! Solid, Rinse & Repeatable Strategies for Booking Your Practice and Keeping it that way During this challenge you will discover: - My Signature System for going from zero to booked so you can fill and re-fill your practice anytime - Powerful rules of engagement that help lead your prospects into the sales process without the sleaze - Concrete step-by-step activities to kick-start the momentum towards getting booked this Month We start August 5th! Here's the link to join us. Sign up Join us, Be ready to take action, Implement, The results will follow! . . . #projectsixfigures #businesstips #womeninbiz #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership

7/30/2019, 3:56:42 AM

Here's one of the ways that I have been able to bring in clients... By focusing on serving my existing clients at the highest level. My clients will tell you. I over deliver! I give my clients access to me, service at a high level, extras that they didn't count on and support that is immeasurable. And without even asking, they give me referrals. Think about it. When you have received high-level service, do you need permission to refer your friends to that resource? I bet the answer is "no". So that's my advice to you. Deliver. Pay attention to the details, because your clients do. And you will continue to attract more clients. It works! ----- I have a challenge coming up called: Ready, Set, Booked! Solid, Rinse & Repeatable Strategies for Booking Your Practice and Keeping it that way If this resonates with you and you'd love to be a part of it, comment below and I will send you the details. . . . #projectsixfigures #businesstips #womeninbiz #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #thisgirlmeansbusiness #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #marketingcoach

7/23/2019, 6:15:22 PM

A TRUE STORY... ∴ Boldness was always a trait I possessed, but somewhere along the way, I lost it and became trapped by fear. ∴ I acted with boldness when I decided to leave the comfort of my home with my parents in Jamaica; and moved to New York at 21 years old ∴ I acted with boldness when I moved out of my Uncle's home where I was loved and cared for as if it was my family home in Jamaica; and went to live on my own. ∴ I acted with boldness when I decided that I could be a Single Mother (wha!) and rock it! [OK, most of the time, I have no clue what I'm doing, lol] ∴ I acted with boldness when I left corporate to start my own business with only a couple of Months living expenses in saving. ∴ But somewhere along the way, I got stuck, scared and broke. I lost confidence in myself, my success to that point, my own strategies even (which was working well for my clients). ∴ So I am reclaiming my boldness, genius and power. 💪🏽💯📣 And I know that magic 💫 will follow me throughout the year and beyond. 🙌🏽 ∴ Goodbye to being crippled by fear. Goodbye to mediocrity. Goodbye to existing in hiding. ∴ Are you ready to rediscover BOLDNESS? 💪🏽⚡ ∴ You have demonstrated boldness by starting this business of yours. And I am sure that if I were to sit with you and a notepad 🗒 in hand, I could fill pages of examples where you acted in BOLDNESS AND FAITH. ∴ That's my new secret (maybe not-so-secret) strategy 💡 for attracting purpose-driven and mission-focused clients. Does that describe you? ∴ If so, let's talk! Private message me. Love, blessings and abundance, Stephanie. <3 . . #womenencouragingwomen #allthefeels #projectsixfigures #confidenceiscool #courageousoptimism #businesstips #womeninbiz #womenwhodo #bosswomen #businessrulesforwomen #womanboss #motivatedwomen #freedombasedbusiness #womeninleadership #laptoplife #freedomseeker #bossbabeclub #gracenotperfection #girlsinbusiness #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #marketingcoach

7/22/2019, 6:51:58 PM

🔥 Client Success Alert 🔥 💫 3 New Clients in 5 Weeks! 💫 When you're not enrolling clients, it's easy to think: There's something wrong with me. No one will want to work with ME. Maybe being an entrepreneur is not for me. Will I ever get clients? Can I even make this work? None of that is true! You are enough! You are brilliant, talented and meant for YOUR clients. You just need guidance, support, someone who believes in YOU (even when you don't). I provide that for my clients. We get results! . . #projectsixfigures #businesstips #womeninbiz #purposedtoprofit #womanempowerment #onthesideofthedoers #femaleceo #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #womenencouragingwomen #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #fempreneur #faithpreneur #thisgirlmeansbusiness #entrepreneurshipcoach #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #girlcode

7/15/2019, 9:30:32 PM

#MotivationMonday Monday is such a powerful day. It can really set the tone for your week. It can set you up to achieve the goals you set for the week. On the flip side, it can set you up to have a 'flat' week if you don't set a powerful intention. It's the 3rd week of July. What are you goals for the Week or Month? What will you do today and this week to bring you closer to achieving them? There's no time for watch/wait and see. It's time for action. Renew your commitment to your goals and do what you can today and this week to achieve them. DECLARE your goal and what you will do this week to achieve them in the COMMENTS FIELD below. Say it out loud 5 times before or after commenting. Be committed and focused and take action! You can do it. . . . #projectsixfigures #businesstips #womeninbiz #purposedtoprofit #womanempowerment #onthesideofthedoers #femaleceo #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneurs #womenencouragingwomen #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #fempreneur #faithpreneur #thisgirlmeansbusiness #entrepreneurshipcoach #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #girlcode

7/15/2019, 4:30:39 PM

When I go ALL IN - I bring IN - MORE! More clients IN my business. More money IN in the bank. More Opportunities IN my business and life. This has shown up when: --> I invested in coaching. Paid money, signed the contract. Done deal! --> I invested in a support team. Contracted, made a deposit and committed to paying in full when work is complete. --> I invested my time. This has happened when I created my biz & marketing plan. When I created programs and the actual deliverables. --> I invested in photo shoots, software, things necessary to running my business. Are you all in or are you testing the waters? The old adage of you have to be IN IT to WIN IT absolutely applies here. Do what it takes to be ALL IN. If this business is for real, then start showing up and treating it that way. . . #projectsixfigures #businesstips #womeninbiz #purposedtoprofit #womanempowerment #onthesideofthedoers #femaleceo #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #womenencouragingwomen #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #fempreneur #faithpreneur #thisgirlmeansbusiness #entrepreneurshipcoach #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #girlcode

7/9/2019, 12:04:12 AM

Look around. Is it time you started being deliberate about being in the right circle? A circle of people who will lift you higher. A circle of people who are high achievers. A circle of people who will hold you accountable. A circle of people who are farther ahead in their journey than you are who are happy to guide you along the way. What does that look like? -- Investing in mastermind programs or high end private coaching that exposes you to other members. -- Committing to make the investment of money and time to attend conferences in your niche. It's time! Get busy living. Ger busy doing & achieving. #projectsixfigures #businesstips #womeninbiz #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #femaleceo #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #womenencouragingwomen #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #fempreneur #faithpreneur #thisgirlmeansbusiness #entrepreneurshipcoach #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach

6/28/2019, 4:16:18 AM

You know that feeling you get when you wake up READY? - Ready to do the difficult thing(s) that will move you forward . - Ready to feel the FEAR but you feel excitement at the same time because you know it's time AND you are TOTALLY COMMITTED . - Ready to step into a new you. Because the old you couldn't, wouldn't. So yes, your life is about to change right before your eyes. . - Ready to own your power. You know you are powerful. You know you are enough. You know you are talented. You know you are destined for much more than you have been bringing about. . No more shrinking boss lady! ☑️ New clients that find YOU! . ☑️ Compliments from those who have been watching and feeling inspired and silently cheering you on. And you have been feeding on that energy even though you had no idea! (Yes, that's pretty woo-woo, but I feel this in my bones and it gives me good vibes.) . ☑️ Onlookers watch and say, "I'll have what she's having ;-) " . ☑️ Confidence in the big picture things that will bring in clients, revenue, the right team members, collab partners and the right P.R. & speaking opportunities. No more focus on "does my cover photo look right?", "does my post sound right?", "what's the best time of day to post this so that EVERYONE will see it" ... because "Ain't nobody got time for that!" You have lives to change, potential clients who need your support and can't wait to be in your space. . That's joyful, fulfilling and rewarding work. And we all will make time for that. . So it's check ☑️, check ☑️, and check ☑️ to all of the above. . Let's do it. I'm READY are YOU? . . #projectsixfigures #businesstips #womeninbiz #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #thisgirlmeansbusiness #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #marketingcoach

6/26/2019, 6:05:21 PM

When you're up late prepping for tomorrow (well today, lol), writing and planning content on pure joyful inspiration and feeling high-energy because you ate healthy (my version #nojudgement) all day. <--- that Side note: I follow a plant-based diet and some days I eat raw, plant-based. I feel really high energy on those days. :-) But yeah, back to the point... -> I am truly loving where I am right now (enjoying the process & journey) -> How I am showing up for my community, clients, colleagues, friends and family -> I am excited about the clarity I have with my new offering (in progress) and how it will change the lives and businesses of my clients. #allthefeels #projectsixfigures #confidenceiscool #courageousoptimism #businesstips #womeninbiz #womenwhodo #bosswomen #businessrulesforwomen #womanboss #motivatedwomen #freedombasedbusiness #womeninleadership #laptoplife #freedomseeker #bossbabeclub #gracenotperfection #girlsinbusiness #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #marketingcoach

6/26/2019, 7:24:03 AM

#projectsixfigures Truth: When you want to get really client-attractive, fill your practice /programs, you can either: --> increase your frequency of how you are showing up to your existing community (email list, Facebook page, Facebook group, Instagram, etc., not necessarily all of the above but you get the gist) OR --> increase the number of people in your target audience (not a part of your community) that you show up for or get in front of, i.e. leads/visibility Power exercise: Look at a time in your current business (or a previous venture) when you attracted the most clients or had a good launch. Which one of the above proved true for you? If you did it before, you can do it again. Just go back to basics, get strategic and intentional about your strategy and execute. . . . #businesstips #womeninbiz #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #femaleceo #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #womenencouragingwomen #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #fempreneur #faithpreneur #thisgirlmeansbusiness #entrepreneurshipcoach #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #marketingcoach

6/20/2019, 5:54:05 PM

Dear Rockstar Coach/Consultant, I know that you may not be feeling like a rockstar, expert, like a success or even competent in your business right now. The struggle to grow this business of yours and truly do what excites you everyday, serving your clients and reaping the financial rewards is REAL. However, here's what I know and believe is possible for you: You can make a business and a profitable living doing what you love. You are talented and have a knack for what you do. There are many people who need your help and are willing to pay for it. So here are a few tips to go from where you are now to where you want to be: 1 - Remind yourself of your competence, experience and unique abilities that have brought you this far. Take inventory. Write a list of achievements, rewards, life milestones (like running a marathon, buying a house, raising funds for charity, etc). Look at them with confidence knowing that you bring value to the table that will truly help your potential clients. 2 - Find a way to let people know about YOU and what you do and lead them to your stage/platform (i.e. email list/FB group). Some ideas: guest posting and other collabs, Network in FB groups, Network offline and pursue speaking gigs. Always have a call to action to visit your Website or a special landing page to a compelling free offer. 3 - Create a plan to nurture, stay in touch, build relationships and showcase your expertise to your audience on your platform. 4 - Find out what they need help with the most, create offers to support them and launch. All of the above will get you started and get you creating moment AND enrolling clients. However, you will need support to get things more systematized for bigger profits, leveraging and scaling. So seek out that support when you feel the time is right. I look forward to celebrating with you. Believing in you and for you, Stephanie. 📷📷:-) - Online Marketing Strategist & Business Mentor - If you have any questions or would like to know how I can help, reach out to me via PM. Blessings <3 #projectsixfigures #businesstips #womeninbiz #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness

6/18/2019, 8:29:43 PM

Happy Wednesday my fellow entrepreneurs! I hope you're having a great week. Remember to keep the JOY and GRATITUDE in your work today as you: - meet with your clients - meet with your team - create and send out proposals - do livestreams or any other outward marketing - plan your next big launch or live event - work on content You have answered a POWERFUL calling to be an entrepreneur. It means that you decided to have a more direct purpose. That of changing and transforming lives. Those lives of your clients AND members of your team. That's a great responsibility. I applaud you. Let that power you through to do the proverbial shout from the highest mountain that YOU are the one who ________________ [NAME YOUR EXPERTISE / HOW YOU HELP YOUR CLIENTS HERE]. You love it, you're great at it and your clients get results. Stay the course to help more people (and you can't do it by ONLY offering 1-on-1 services), lead by example and grow your team. Then naturally my friend, that will translate to more revenue, more money that you can pay yourself and your team and reinvest in other areas of your business. And as you grow, it will result in more time off as you set systems up and put structure in place to serve in a leveraged and scaleable way. You've got this! (( :-) )) Stephanie. P.S. If you would like to know how I can support you to grow, get visible and reach more of your people, sell your programs and put systems in place for even more growth, send me a message today. Let's set up some time to talk. . . . #projectsixfigures #claimyourbold #businesstips #womeninbiz #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #femaleceo #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #womenencouragingwomen #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #fempreneur #faithpreneur #thisgirlmeansbusiness #entrepreneurshipcoach #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #momboss

6/12/2019, 9:10:15 PM

My FIRST venture into entrepreneurship started with my Boutique Publishing Company. I did some market research for about 3 Months and then I went all in! My results: >> 12 Clients in 4 to 6 weeks >> I doubled that in my 1st year >> Brand recognition and respect from key industry players >> I was able to pay myself and reinvest in the business which had become my full-time gig >> I was able to stay home due to my flexible business hours with my then 4 year old Son >> Another great plus was that I started to feel like I was working in my Zone - doing what I love, getting paid handsomely for it, working on my own schedule. Can you say sweet spot ;-) ? I did this WITHOUT social media and to a market that was virtually cold (no referrals or prior connections). Here are 4 fundamental things that will help you sell your $3K, $5K, $10K programs or more: 1) A well defined target audience 2) An offer or program that will help them achieve their most desired results 3) A program agreement outlining all deliverables and important terms 4) A payment processor -- I help my clients to get to consistent $5K Months or more, fill their practice, create visibility that shows authority & expert status, attract their targeted clients and fill their pipelines with serious leads. When we work together, my clients are FULLY SUPPORTED with my expertise, experience and background and my team to help them implement. -- The right support can short-circuit your journey to your transformation. Don't put your next level on the back burner. Act with urgency and focus to achieve your dreams. You can do this! . . #projectsixfigures #businesstips #womeninbiz #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #femaleceo #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #womenencouragingwomen #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #fempreneur #faithpreneur #thisgirlmeansbusiness #entrepreneurshipcoach #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #momboss #savvybusinessowner #marketingcoach

6/11/2019, 9:03:54 PM

Who is determined to bring your business to a place where: * The transformation you support your clients to achieve changes lives * You build a team of not just employees, but ambassadors of your brand and stakeholders that are vested in your company's success * You are able to step away for life, business or whatever and operations, client service, deliverables and marketing & sales continue * You are able to and committed to creating a line-item for charitable efforts and be able to support 5 figure sums (or more) to certain causes every year Are you? Well, guess what? - If you think small and play small, you won't get there. - If you make decisions based on where you are right now (as opposed to decisions based on your company's goal and vision), you won't get there. - If you limit your marketing efforts by not showing up (speaking, connecting, getting in front of your audience), you won't get there. - If you don't have a plan for lead generation, relationship-building and sales, you won't get there. > It's time to claim your place in the World. > It's time to build an empire (not a little something to help you survive on the side or even full-time). > It's time to get passionate about making a difference. > It's time to get serious about purpose and get busy living it! If you're ready, send me a message. 📧 🔥 Action-takers, change-makers, status-quo breakers, doers, visionaries...I look forward to a powerful interaction with you when we talk. 🔥 (( <3 )) Stephanie #projectsixfigures #claimyourbold #businesstips #womeninbiz #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #thisgirlmeansbusiness #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #marketingcoach

6/4/2019, 7:02:01 PM

As an entrepreneur, if you set things up right, you can make money while you sleep, take off for a beautiful location like the beach at a moment's notice, etc. Then you can post glamorous "day in the life" pics here on Instagram. Here's what most of my morning has looked like. Renewing my (lost) car registration certificate. #joy #reallife #projectsixfigures #claimyourbold #businesstips #womeninbiz #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #femaleceo #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #womenencouragingwomen #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness

5/31/2019, 8:06:49 PM

It's important when marketing to tune out and go on an information diet It's important when working on big shifts in your business, income or strategy to tune out of the noise. Go on an information diet. Look within and connect with what your market wants, how they hear or see you or your messages, what makes sense and will get you closer to your goal. Then be intentional about putting your plan together and sticking to it. When you continue to read and study other's marketing messages via email or Social Media, you get starry-eyed and distracted. You start to question your instincts, your (or your coaches) proven strategies and think that you're doing it wrong if you're not doing it like someone else. Tune out. Refocus. Concentrate. Stay on task and implement. Make sense? Agree? #projectsixfigures #claimyourbold #businesstips #womeninbiz #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #femaleceo #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #womenencouragingwomen #leadersinheels #thoughtleaders #mompreneur #thoughtleadership #girlboss #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #fempreneur #faithpreneur #thisgirlmeansbusiness #entrepreneurshipcoach #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach

5/30/2019, 5:45:49 PM

TREAT YOUR COMMUNITY LIKE YOUR BFF . If you have been marketing online for some time, you may have heard the saying, The Fortune is in the List. However, this adage is more on point: “The Fortune is in your relationship with your list”. First of all, I believe wholeheartedly in authentic marketing. And the truth is that, these days even non-marketers know that you can use email newsletter programs to personalize broadcast emails. So just using a person’s first name in the subject or the body of the email is a little transparent. So how do you set yourself apart and show your list that you are real, you want to add value to their lives or business and you truly believe in the products you recommend, even if you are an affiliate? ✨ Here are a few tips: *Send a weekly email/newsletter* Let your subscribers know that you will email them on a schedule so they know when to expect to hear from you. Outside of any other correspondence, the newsletter should go out on schedule. *A picture says a thousand words* Personalize your scheduled newsletter with a picture of yourself at an event, with colleagues or family. *Video/Livestreams* Share tips via video or Livestream and share it with your list or community on Facebook (FB Page or Group) *Share updates about your personal life* This is a tough one for me. It is possible though to share information about yourself while still holding some things sacred. That is a line that each person will have to draw for themselves. Know however, that you can't build a close relationship with someone without being open. It's the same thing for your marketing. #projectsixfigures #claimyourbold #businesstips #believinginyou #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness

5/29/2019, 11:43:02 PM

It's Monday! Do you know what's on your agenda for today? Folks, let's have a little #realtalk this morning... I encourage you to be INTENTIONAL and STAY FOCUSED today and this week. Your day and week should be focused on doing the things that will bring you towards achieving your business goals. Things that you have to do, things that are in your brilliance, then delegate the rest. Sign out of Facebook, Email, Instagram (when not in active use for business). Turn off phone notifications. If you were in an office, you would have to do this. Hold yourself to the same standard or higher in your business. Stay on task. Hold the vision of your ideal business in your mind and get the job done. You can do this! Let's have an intentional, productive and winning week friends! Love, blessings and abundance, Stephanie. [in picture: a selfie from my speaking engagement at a conference in Antigua this Month a couple of years ago) #projectsixfigures #claimyourbold #businesstips #believinginyou #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #womenencouragingwomen #leadersinheels #fempreneur #mompreneur #womeninbiz #abundance #ladyboss

5/27/2019, 4:32:09 PM

I'm growing, transforming, expanding! Want to follow my progress? Want to join in on the journey? There's strength in numbers but I'm not afraid to go solo. :-) Follow me on my FB page @stephanietreasurebiz Join my FB group @Passionate, Purposeful & Powerful Entrepreneurs And be sure to check out my stories here on Instagram - #instastoriesdaily A shift is happening! Let's shift together. #projectsixfigures #claimyourbold #leaderinheels #ladyboss #shiningmylight #believinginme #believinginyou #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #projectsixfigures #femaleentrepreneurs #mindset #leadersinheels #fempreneur #mompreneur #womeninbiz #abundance #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #businesstips #fempreneur #faithpreneur #savvyentrepreneur #focusforward #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #savvybusinessowner #marketingcoach

5/22/2019, 6:55:09 PM

Always implement quickly. The speed to implementation is the speed to results and success. There's magic in this ONE simple tip. THE FLIP SIDE is this: Law of Diminishing Intent, which says, “The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it.” It's a no-brainer! Which will you choose? #projectsixfigures #claimyourbold #believinginme #believinginyou #shiningmylight #bemoredomore #onthesideofthedoers #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurs #mindset #leadersinheels #fempreneur #mompreneur #womeninbiz #abundance #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #businesstips #fempreneur #faithpreneur #savvyentrepreneur #focusforward #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #savvybusinessowner #marketingcoach

5/22/2019, 3:08:05 AM

I took imperfect action today! I got started on a new project that I can't wait to share with you. As I write this, I am taking a mini-break from my Marketing Implementation plan. I feel called to be more and do more. I feel called to create a bigger impact. I feel called to utilize my talents the way they were meant to be. I feel called to be the person from the parable who turned 5 talents into 10. I will no longer bury my God-given talents. The more you step out of your comfort zone, the more you inspire others to do the same. The more you reach and impact other people's lives for the better. I salute those of you on the same journey. You have taken a step out of conformity and dared to chart your own path. You have a passion to changes lives and you will in effect, change the world. Let's do this! #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #projectsixfigures #femaleentrepreneurs #mindset #leadersinheels #fempreneur #mompreneur #womeninbiz #abundance #ladyboss #womeninbusiness #businesstips #fempreneur #faithpreneur #savvyentrepreneur #focusforward #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #womanempowered #successcoach #momboss #savvybusinessowner #marketingcoach

5/21/2019, 4:50:47 AM

I love to empower others: team members, clients and colleagues. I'm a great listener and supporter in my personal life and in my business. When clients come to me in fear of showing up. When clients come to me in fear of changing their business model so they can reclaim their time (as is your right as an entrepreneur. Time is precious. Don't apologize for wanting more of it). When clients come to me in fear of actually tracking their income (what if I'm not making enough money). Do you know what I do? I stand STRONG FOR THEM. I allow them to borrow my courage and faith in them. And then the magic happens. ✓ One client achieved her 1st $10K Month (tracked). ✓ She created a group coaching experience (beta) and filled it with clients. ✓ She finally did that Website revamp that felt like it really captured her brand. ✓ She hired new contractors. ✓ She took steps to get more exposure plus an amazing photo shoot. And so much more! I don't just mentor my clients. I partner with them when they need advice. I empower them to own their own talents, skills, magic & greatness. I support them with my talents, skills, experience and background to do the things that will result in massive upleveling. If this resonates and you feel like a mentor like this would be a fit. Send me a PM. I would love to hear from you. <3 xo Stephanie. #projectsixfigures #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #lifestyle #femaleentrepreneurs #mindset #passionpreneur #fempreneur #mompreneur #womeninbiz #abundance #inspiration #womeninbusiness #businesstips #fempreneur #faithpreneur #savvyentrepreneur #focusforward #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #businesscoaching #successcoach #momboss #savvybusinessowner #marketingcoach

4/28/2019, 8:16:04 PM

Hey lovelies! I want to invite you to step back into memory lane for an important lesson. A throw back to push forward if you will. If you're reading this and you're in a place where you're feeling defeated; it's been a long time since you have had a 'win' to celebrate in your business; or if you are not feeling like you're on track with your goals for the year as we're well into the 8th Month of the year.... ...this post is especially for you. Keep reading. Think back to a time when you went after something that was big, a stretch, near impossible and had folks around you questioning your sanity [almost, lol]. Was it that time you decided to train and enter a marathon or half-marathon in a short period of time? Was it that time you decided to go for your Bachelor's or Master's degree when you had a busy schedule, perhaps a family to raise simultaneously? Was it that time you downsized your life to unimaginable proportions in order to afford a dream house, a big move or pay off debt? In any of the above scenarios or your own that you know all too well, think about the discipline, focus, determination, drive, guts, passion that you possessed. Think about how those characteristics kept the fire inside you ignited UNTIL you accomplished that crazy, impossible dream or goal. That person is you. Look in the mirror. Reconnect with him or her. That person can have a successful business. You can have a successful business. You can build a profitable business. You can change lives with your gifts and talent. You are rewarded as an expert and respected by your peers. Your clients love to be in your space and willingly invest in your services. They KNOW that they are in good hands. You may not have it all figured out right now and that's OK. Because when you want something, you get it! If you know you need help with marketing, then you will invest in that support, implement and get 'out of the park' results. That's how you roll my dear. So own it! Rise up. Stand tall. Know that you've got this. Then take the steps to create your future. Blessings, love and abundance, Stephanie Treasure, MBA #projectsixfigures #missionfocused #purposedriven

8/15/2018, 5:05:12 PM

A BOLD & POWERFUL exercise.... . Imagine...It's the end of August and you are creating a 'celebration' comment or post that will be seen by fellow entrepreneurs who want to support you, encourage you and lift you higher. . How will your post read? What will you be celebrating? . COMMENT BELOW! #DeclareItToClaimIt #FortuneFavoursTheBold #projectsixfigures #missionfocused #purposedriven #reclaimingmybold #shiningmylight #leadingbyexample #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #lifestyle #femaleentrepreneurs #mindset #passionpreneur #fempreneur #mompreneur #womeninbiz #abundance #inspiration #womeninbusiness #businesstips #fempreneur #faithpreneur #savvyentrepreneur #focusforward #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #businesscoaching

8/14/2018, 3:26:31 PM

🌎 The World is YOUR Oyster Due to advances in technology and new media, the WORLD is YOUR STAGE 🎙💻🖱 There are SO MANY WAYS to get known & be found, spread your message, build an audience and serve them. This is the RIGHT TIME. This is YOUR TIME. ⏰ It's TIME TO CHOOSE:️ 🎯 Seize the day or let the day seize you. ️🎯 Watch the doers, do OR become a doer. ️🎯 Sit on the sidelines or GET INVOLVED. ️🎯 Watch everyone shining their LIGHT (livestreams, Instagram photos & stories, podcasts and so MUCH MORE) or SHINE YOUR LIGHT. You are the light of the world. Matt. 5:14 We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. [Marianne Williamson -- Our Deepest Fear] Will you shine your light? What do you choose? AFFIRM WITH ME: I am brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous and I will shine my light and inspire others to shine theirs too. [Copy and paste this affirmation below if this message resonates with you.] #projectsixfigures #missionfocused #purposedriven #reclaimingmybold #shiningmylight #leadingbyexample #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #lifestyle #femaleentrepreneurs #mindset #passionpreneur #fempreneur #mompreneur #womeninbiz #abundance #inspiration #womeninbusiness #businesstips #fempreneur #faithpreneur #savvyentrepreneur #focusforward #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #businesscoaching #successcoach #momboss #savvybusinessowner #marketingcoach

8/3/2018, 4:33:24 PM

LAUNCHPAD INTO THE NEW MONTH OF JUNE TOMORROW You know that feeling when you do a big spring cleaning or you do a big clearing before you move to another home? . Yeah! . Shedding the things that don't support you. Deciding to launch into the new and say goodbye to the old. Deciding to become truly unstoppable and pursue that big, hairy, audacious goal. Deciding to ditch excuses and adopt a 'make-it-work' attitude. Deciding to have hope that you can and you will get through any obstacle that comes your way. . Can you relate? . We are on the eve of the 6th Month of the year. . I invite you to comment below with what you will say goodbye to and what you will embrace in June. See my response in the first comment. . Stephanie (( 📷<3 )) . . #projectsixfigures #missionfocused #purposedriven #reclaimngmybold #shiningmylight #leadingbyexample #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness #christianentrepreneur #lifestyle #femaleentrepreneurs #mindset #passionpreneur #fempreneur #mompreneur #womeninbiz #abundance #inspiration #womeninbusiness #businesstips #fempreneur #faithpreneur #savvyentrepreneur #focusforward #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #businesscoaching #successcoach #momboss #savvybusinessowner #marketingcoach

6/1/2018, 6:14:45 AM
> Link in bio . . #projectsixfigures #missionfocused #purposedriven #reclaimingmybold #shiningmylight #leadingbyexample #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness  #christianentrepreneur #lifestyle #femaleentrepreneurs #mindset #passionpreneur  #fempreneur #mompreneur #womeninbiz #abundance #inspiration #womeninbusiness  #businesstips #fempreneur #faithpreneur #savvyentrepreneur  #focusforward #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #businesscoaching  #successcoach #momboss #savvybusinessowner #marketingcoach" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1jZGc0LTMuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yODg1LTE1LzMzMDIxNjQyXzY0MzgzMjQyNTk0OTMxNV80MDY4Mjk5MzE0NjIxODQxNDA4X24uanBnP3N0cD1kc3QtanBnX2UzNSZfbmNfaHQ9c2NvbnRlbnQtY2RnNC0zLmNkbmluc3RhZ3JhbS5jb20mX25jX2NhdD0xMTEmX25jX29oYz1scXVzV3ZZamVCTVE3a052Z0ZRSXNBWiZlZG09QU9VUHhoMEJBQUFBJmNjYj03LTUmb2g9MDBfQVlDNlQ4WkpjXzdqMVJfdXY2UFVyMExESVVtTlZqSjdNSENhbXpMb1lLSzB0dyZvZT02NjYxNTZDNCZfbmNfc2lkPTlkYzY2MA==.jpg" />

Why blend in when you were born to stand out? Why would you hide from stepping up as a leader when you were born for a purpose? Why strive for just enough when you can have more, be more and do more? You were born for a purpose. Find it. Fulfill it! . . BRAND NEW LIVE MASTERCLASS called: "3 Key Strategies to move towards $5K Months and beyond" . REGISTER NOW! -->> Link in bio . . #projectsixfigures #missionfocused #purposedriven #reclaimingmybold #shiningmylight #leadingbyexample #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #christianwomeninbusiness  #christianentrepreneur #lifestyle #femaleentrepreneurs #mindset #passionpreneur  #fempreneur #mompreneur #womeninbiz #abundance #inspiration #womeninbusiness  #businesstips #fempreneur #faithpreneur #savvyentrepreneur  #focusforward #femaleentrepreneur #businesscoach #businesscoaching  #successcoach #momboss #savvybusinessowner #marketingcoach

5/28/2018, 12:21:34 AM

Happy to be here. . . . #smile #success #workhardplayhard #dreambig #projectsixfigures

12/9/2015, 5:25:18 PM

#projectsixfigures on mind.. #Oghenedo

11/27/2015, 11:19:29 AM

Chilling on a lowkey #projectsixfigures

11/1/2015, 9:49:54 PM

The road to success begins and ends with YOU! #projectsixfigures #allroadsleadtomiami

8/19/2015, 4:24:51 PM

If you never try anything new you'll always be stuck in your current situation. Stretch beyond your ability #projectsixfigures #allroadsleadtomiami #humblemoney

8/19/2015, 6:11:35 AM