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20 ‘World’s Worthy Words’ artist book version, edition of 20 #débrouillard #eiffelpainter #marcriboud #jacquestati #artistbooks #untranslatablewords

4/26/2024, 10:01:05 PM

Per la nostra rubrica linguistica oggi ci spostiamo più a sud con la parola "hanyauku" ✈️ Il Kwangali o RuKwangali è un dialetto Bantu parlato da più di 85.000 persone lungo il Kavango (Namibia) e in Angola. Questo è uno dei moltissimi dialetti delle lingue Bantu, originarie di 24 paesi e parlate in una vasta area che si estende dall’Africa Centrale al Sud-Est e in Africa Meridionale. 📖 Le lingue Bantu rientrano tra le cosiddette lingue clic, ossia lingue che presentano suoni consonantici prodotti facendo schioccare la lingua contro il palato o i denti con diversi movimenti; nel caso del Kwangali vi sono i clic dentali c e gc, insieme a pre nasalizzazione e aspirazione). I Bantu sono un raggruppamento etnolinguistico di circa 400 gruppi etnici e si distinguono diverse centinaia di lingue bantu. A seconda della definizione di "lingua" o "dialetto", si stima che ci siano tra 440 e 680 lingue distinte.  Solo nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo si trovano circa 60 milioni di parlanti (2015), divisi in circa 200 gruppi etnici o tribali. I gruppi Bantu più grandi hanno una popolazione di diversi milioni di persone, come la popolazione di Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya e Burundi (25 milioni) o gli Zulu del Sudafrica (14,2 milioni nel 2016). 👀 E tu? Conoscevi questa parola? Continua a seguirci per scoprirne molte altre! #lingueafricane #bantu #scambiolinguistico #paroleintraducibili

4/26/2024, 6:05:10 PM

We're sure many of you here have been in that awkward situation where you can't help but smile, even if something isn't funny... Well, it turns out there is a Hungarian word for it! #hungarianlanguage #learnhungarian #elmosolyodni #languagelearning #untranslatablewords #translationcompany #translationservices

4/25/2024, 12:00:52 PM

Hello everyone~ Have you ever pretended to be busy at work? There is a Dutch word for it, and it’s called Epibreren. It refers to the act of appearing busy with important tasks when you’re actually not doing much. This term has an interesting backstory. Simon Carmiggelt, a Dutch columnist, coined it after a civil servant used it as a delaying tactic in 1953. The civil servant claimed he needed to “epibreren” when asked for some papers, a term that Carmiggelt was not familiar with. Upon inquiry, the civil servant admitted that he had made it up to avoid further questions (Michele, 2020). In Dutch, you could say, “We moeten dit document nog epibreren,” which translates to “We still have to epibrate this document” in a playful way to describe those moments when you’re not as busy as you seem to be. 😄📑 你們曾否試過假裝工作很忙,但其實沒什麼好做呢? 這周,小編想跟大家分享一個荷蘭語,它正正形容了這種情況,那就是 Epibreren了。 這個詞語的來源十分有趣。1953年,荷蘭作家西蒙·卡米格要求一名公務員提供一些文件時,該位公務員便創造了這個詞語作為拖延策略。卡米格特聽到這個詞後感到很好奇,於是追問公務員這個詞的意思,公務員便承認這是他為了避免麻煩而編造的詞語。 在荷蘭語中,我們亦可以開玩笑地說“We moeten dit document nog epibreren”,意思是“我們還需要對這份文件進行除毛”,用來形容工作看起來很忙但其實並不忙的情況。😄📑 Source: Michele. (2020, August 14). 203 Most Beautiful Untranslatable Words [The Ultimate List: A-Z]. The Intrepid Guide. https://www.theintrepidguide.com/untranslatable-words-ultimate-list/ #tiisstudents #untranslatablewords #epibreren #Dutch #busy

4/25/2024, 4:15:25 AM

Slowing down during spring to soak in the blossoms and changing landscape 🌱 It also feels similar to slowing down to be present with a poet - unleash the thoughts that are sitting on the surface - and create a poetic piece of art ✨🌱 #wordoftheday #wordsoftheworld #beautifulwords #foreignwords #language #multilingual #japanese #japanesewords #untranslatablewords

4/24/2024, 10:37:24 PM

BOKETTO (ぼけっと) 👀 🇯🇵 It comes from Japanese and it describes the act of staring blankly or gazing into the distance without focusing on anything specific. 🍃 It conveys a sense of mindlessness or absent-mindedness, often associated with a relaxed state of being. 🧘‍♀️ In Japanese culture, it is sometimes seen as a form of meditation or a way to momentarily disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s a simple yet profound concept that highlights the importance of taking moments to pause, reflect, and appreciate the present moment. 💬 How would you translate this word in your language? #intraducibili #japanese #translation #untranslatablewords

4/24/2024, 6:30:00 PM

🤔🌍 Guess the Untranslatable Phrase! 🧐🌐 Drop your guesses in the comments, and if you're fluent in another language, share how you'd translate this cool compound slang in your own tongue! 🌐🗨️ Let's celebrate the beauty of linguistic diversity! 🌍🤗 Want to learn this phrase with us? Click here to start your learning journey: https://ih.hu/hungarian 📚🌟 #UntranslatableWords #GuessThePhrase #LanguageLovers #internationalhouse #angolnyelvtanitas #angolnyelvtanulas #angolnyelv #learningenglishonline #learningenglish #languagecourse #languagelearning #onlinelearning #nyelviskola #englishcourse #language #languageschool #internationalhousebudapestnyelviskola

4/23/2024, 9:00:26 PM

World Book Day and National Poetry Month celebrations all in our latest book, “The Little Explorer’s Words”. 😃 A treat for kids and adults alike! Did you know? There are different ways to read this book👀 Make it your next coffee table book and simply skim through the list of quirky, untranslatable words or follow Lexi’s rhyming adventure and collect with her 30 words from around the world🗺️🌍 #worldbookday #bookday #nationalpoetrymonth #poetry #poetrybooksforkids #thelittleexplorerswords #untranslatablewords

4/23/2024, 2:30:27 PM

A long strange word, but so on the mark. It just happens, and when it does, it’s wonderful. #creativespark #inspiration #creativity #intuition #ahamoments #imagination #creativeprocess #artdaily #creativeart #untranslatablewords

4/23/2024, 4:22:51 AM

Bentornati nel mondo affascinante delle parole intraducibili! Anche la lingua italiana possiede un bel pò di termini che mettono a dura prova i traduttori di tutto il mondo! Oggi scopriremo la parola "abbiocco". Abbiocco è un termine usato per esprimere quel momento in cui dopo un pasto abbondante ci si sente improvvisamente stanchi o assonnati. È quel piacevole torpore che segue un pranzo soddisfacente, quando il corpo richiede un breve riposo. Ma perchè proprio abbiocco?🤔 La sua origine deriva da chioccia, ovvero da un animale che per eccellenza sta in una posizione raccolta, rannicchiata, per covare le uova. Da qui è passata a indicare chi si accoccola su sé stesso a causa della stanchezza. E qui troviamo un legame sorprendente con la letteratura: il termine "abbiocco" compare ben tre volte nel romanzo romano di Pier Paolo Pasolini, "Ragazzi di vita" del 1955. Pasolini lo usa in frasi come: «Se ne stavano abbioccate in silenzio, una rivolta verso l'altra, ma come se nemmeno si vedessero». E tu hai mai avuto un momento di abbiocco? Segui il nostro corso di lingua italiana per scoprire tanti altri termini 100% made in Italy! 🍝💤 #ParoleIntraducibili #CulturaItaliana #Abbiocco #Pasolini #linguaitaliana [Eng] Welcome back to the fascinating world of untranslatable words! Even the Italian language has a lot of terms that put a strain on the translators from all over the world! Today we will discover the word "abbiocco". Abbiocco is a term used to express that moment when after a meal you suddenly feel tired or sleepy. It is that pleasant torpor that follows a satisfying lunch, when the body requires a short rest. But why do I have to?🤔 Its origin comes from a hen, that is, from an animal that par a gathered position, curled up, to hatch the eggs. From here she passed to indicate who squats on himself because of fatigue. And here we find a surprising link with literature: the term "abbiocco" appears three times in the Roman novel by Pier Paolo Pasolini, "Ragazzi di vita", 1955. [Go check the comments for the end]

4/22/2024, 6:00:39 PM

Non è incredibile come una parola può rendere tutto ciò? 💫 • • • #paroleintraducibili #lecco #leccocity #mondaymood #mondaymotivation #word #monday #mondayvibes #untranslatablewords #wordoftheday #words #leccolake

4/22/2024, 2:31:08 PM

Hello everyone! This week, I wanted to share with you a beautiful, untranslatable term that I absolutely love. The term “Ya’aburnee”( يقبرني) is an Arabic expression that captures the depth of love one feels for another person. The expression translates to “you bury me” and signifies a desire to pass away before a loved one to avoid the pain of living without them. Although it may seem morbid, “Ya’aburnee” expresses a deep and profound love that chooses death over living without the beloved. It differs from English expressions of love, which tend to avoid mentioning death. Deep love desires to die before loved ones, defying life’s end. Romantic, isn’t it? 這一週,小編想跟大家分享一個非常美麗的詞——就是 Ya’aburnee,一種阿拉伯語的表達方式,描述一個人對另一個人的深愛。 這個表達翻譯過來就是你埋葬了我,意思是人們寧願在他們所愛的人離世之前死去,這樣他們就不必經歷失去他們的痛苦。 儘管聽起來很悲傷,但Ya’aburnee代表了一個人對摯愛深切的愛,捕捉到超越生命的愛的深度。它獨特地將愛與死亡的概念融合在一起,不同於那些避免談論死亡的內斂愛情表達方式。 Ya’aburnee概括了一種如此深刻的愛,以至於一個人寧願在所愛的人離世之前死去。這很浪漫,不是嗎? #tiisstudents #untranslatablewords #Ya’aburnee #youburyme #Arabic

4/18/2024, 8:39:53 PM

TÍMA 💰 🇮🇸 It comes from Icelandic and it refers to the reluctance or hesitation to spend time or money on something, even if one possesses the necessary means to do so. ⏳ This sentiment goes beyond mere frugality or thriftiness; it delves into the realm of personal priorities, values, and mindfulness. In Icelandic culture, the notion of “tíma” reflects a deep-rooted respect for resources, whether they are material possessions or intangible assets like time and energy. 💬 How would you translate this word in your language? #intraducibili #icelandic #translation #untranslatablewords

4/17/2024, 6:30:00 PM

Se ti fermi a pensare, le lingue sono strane. Ogni lingua ha le sue peculiarità, la sua storia e la sua cultura, e alcune parole sono e rimarranno sempre intraducibili. Questo è il primo di una serie di post dedicati a parole intraducibili in altre lingue, che da sole riescono a spiegare interi concetti. Quanto sarebbe bello avere sempre una sola parola a disposizione per spiegare un intero concetto? ☕️ Sobremesa - Spanish Il tempo trascorso, dopo il pranzo o la cena, a parlare con le persone con cui hai condiviso il pasto. Conosci altre parole intraducibili? Scrivile qui sotto👇 #explain #explaindesign #untranslatablewords #untraslatable #sobremesa #language #design #informationdesign #graphicdesign #illustration

4/16/2024, 5:46:56 PM

Unlocking the Untranslatable: Exploring Unique Spanish Words 🌍📚 Tired of the limitations of language? Dive into the fascinating world of untranslatable Spanish words like "sobremesa" (time spent after a meal) or "estrenar" (to use something for the first time). Discover how these words enrich the Spanish language and culture! 💬 Join the conversation! Share your favorite untranslatable Spanish words in the comments below. Which word do you find most intriguing and wish existed in other languages? 🎯 Explore the richness of the Spanish language and the nuances of its untranslatable words. Immerse yourself in the beauty of linguistic diversity that Spanish offers. 🔍 Want to uncover more fascinating aspects of the Spanish language? Follow our profile to stay updated on all things related to language and culture! #languagelearning #spanishlanguage #untranslatablewords #linguisticdiversity #languagelovers #learnspanish #spanishclasses #spanishonline SEO - Untranslatable Spanish Words, Unique Spanish Words, Spanish Language and Culture, Linguistic Diversity, Language Exploration, Cultural Enrichment, spanish class near me, spanish class online, spanish class for adults, spanish class online

4/16/2024, 3:04:09 PM

My next artist book «World’s Worthy Words» work in progress but in time to celebrate #nyplworldliteraturefestival & #nycimmigrantheritageweek #artistbooks #workinprogress #untranslatablewords #culturespecific

4/15/2024, 6:28:54 PM

🤔🌍 Guess the Untranslatable Phrase! 🧐🌐 Drop your guesses in the comments, and if you're fluent in another language, share how you'd translate this cool compound slang in your own tongue! 🌐🗨️ Let's celebrate the beauty of linguistic diversity! 🌍🤗 Want to learn this phrase with us? Click here to start your learning journey: https://ih.hu/polish 📚🌟 #UntranslatableWords #GuessThePhrase #LanguageLovers #internationalhouse #angolnyelvtanitas #angolnyelvtanulas #angolnyelv #learningenglishonline #learningenglish #languagecourse #languagelearning #onlinelearning #nyelviskola #englishcourse #language #languageschool #internationalhousebudapestnyelviskola

4/15/2024, 4:00:25 PM

Giorno nuovo, “verme dell’orecchio” nuovo😂 • • • #paroleintraducibili #lecco #leccocity #mondaymood #mondaymotivation #word #monday #mondayvibes #untranslatablewords #wordoftheday #words #leccolake

4/15/2024, 2:30:26 PM

Dragi ljubitelji jezika, Danas pričamo o još jednoj portugalskoj reči koja nema direktan ekvivalent u drugim jezicima. Saudade označava melanholični osećaj, čežnju, nostalgiju, bol zbog odsustva nekoga ili nečega, uspomene na mesta ili prijatna iskustva. Neki tvrde da je etimologija reči saudade povezana sa solidão (samoća) što vodi poreklo od latinskog "solitas" ili "solitate". Drugi veruju da reč saudade potiče iz arapskog jezika, od reči koja označava crnu boju, ali i melanholiju - سوداء (sawda'). Navodi se i da je to osećanje prvenstveno vezano za moreplovce i duga putešestvija morem. Najistaknutija pevačica sa Zelenortiskih ostrva (Cabo Verde) Cesária Évora je poznata po svojoj čuvenoj pesmi "Sodade" (saudade). Pesma govori o čežnji za njenim rodnim krajem, São Nicolau: "Sodade dessa minha terra, São Nicolau." Evo nekoliko primera sa saudade: "Estou com saudade de você/ti." Ili "Tenho saudades de você/ti." - Nedostaješ mi. "Estou com saudades do Brasil/de Portugal." - Nedostaje mi Brazil/Portugal. Naredni put kad vam neko ili nešto nedostaje i kada koristite reč saudade, setite se da ova reč ima mnogo dublji smisao. ♥️🤗 Šta vama izaziva saudade? Sačuvajte objavu, pošaljite nekome ko uči portugalski i zapratite profil za još korisnih izraza i lekcija. #portugalskijezik #učimoportugalski #casoviportugalskog #saudade #português #linguaportuguesa #studyportuguese #learnportuguese #learningportuguese #speakingportuguese #funlearning #onlineclasses #portugueselanguage #portugal #brazil #untranslatablewords #palavrasemtradução #zabavnoučenje

4/13/2024, 2:22:51 PM

Danas pričamo o jednoj reči koja je svojstvena norveškom i danskom jeziku te je možemo prevesti na više načina. Imenica hygge označava stanje prijatnosti, komfora, topline i mira u prijateljskoj i opuštenoj atmosferi. Pridev hyggelig znači prijatan, udoban, ugodan, dobar, komforan i može se upotrebiti u različitim situacijama. Evo nekoliko primera kako koristiti pridev hyggelig i glagol å hygge: 1. Kad nam se neko zahvali, reći ćemo "Bare hyggelig" ( nema na čemu). 2. Det var en hyggelig overraskelse. To je bilo prijatno iznenađenje. 3. Vi vil ha det hyggelig på jobb. Želimo da nam bude ugodno i prijatno na poslu. 4. Nå skal vi hygge oss. Sad ćemo uživati (u opuštenoj atmosferi). 5. Han er så hyggelig! On je tako prijatan! 6. Hyggelig å møte deg! Drago mi je što sam te upoznala! Napišite u komentarima jednu rečenicu sa pridevom "hyggelig". Sačuvajte objavu i zapratite profil za još korisnih izraza i lekcija. #norveska #norveskijezik #ucimonorveski #učimonorveški #casovinorveskog #NorwegianLanguage #norwegianculture #learningnorwegian #speakingnorwegian #studynorwegian #funlearning #zabavnoučenje #hyggelig #hygge #norskspråk #lærnorsk #untranslatablewords

4/13/2024, 12:55:05 PM

Live in the present, cherish the positives, and let Kuleana guide us towards meaningful connections and actions. #untranslatablewords #fridayfeels #kuleana #learningacrosslanguages #chilling #alwayslearning #wynlearnfestival #wyndhamlearningfestival #connected #together

4/12/2024, 7:00:16 AM

Hello everyone, have you ever experienced a ‘Mamihlapinatapai’ moment?🤫 The term “mamihlapinatapa” can be a difficult word to pronounce, but it represents a meaningful situation where two people share a moment of hesitation to begin a mutual desire. This word comes from the Yaghan language of the native people of Tierra del Fuego. It originally meant the silent agreement between individuals around a fire while sharing stories and knowledge (Bitong, 2018). Over time, this term has come to represent a shared yearning for action but a reluctance to initiate it, particularly in a shared moment between two people. "Mamihlapinatapai" is a fascinating term that encompasses a profound human emotion. It's all about expressing emotions through quiet reflection and non-verbal communication. The word is celebrated in art for its ability to capture universally felt moments and symbolize the unspoken connections we share in our daily lives. It's truly amazing how much depth and complexity can be conveyed through a single word! 你們有沒有經歷過 Mamihlapinatapai?🤫 Mamihlapinatapai 可能很難發音,但它蘊含著深刻的意義。 這個字源自於火地群島原住民所說的雅甘語。 最初,它指的是圍繞火堆分享故事和知識的安靜時刻。 隨著時間的推移,這個詞已經代表了兩個人之間的共同願望,即每個人都希望對方邁出第一步,但又都猶豫不決的時刻。 Mamihlapinatapai 涵蓋了人類的微妙情感,透過非語言溝通捕捉人類情感的複雜性。它更象徵著我們在日常生活中經歷的不言而喻的時刻。 單單一個詞便能傳達如此多的含義,是不是很令人著迷呢? Reference: Bitong, A. (2018, April 3). Mamihlapinatapai: A lost language’s untranslatable legacy. BBC Travel. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20180402-mamihlapinatapai-a-lost-languages-untranslatable-legacy #tiisstudents #untranslatablewords #Mamihlapinatapai #Yaganlanguage #hesitation

4/11/2024, 3:09:15 AM

Have you experienced a tingling sensation after a poet reads your poem out loud? Have certain words conjured goosebumps? We’d argue that a custom poem has a high chance of giving you chills - because it’s a reflection of your own thoughts and feelings. ✨ #wordoftheday #wordsoftheworld #beautifulwords #foreignwords #language #multilingual #untranslatablewords

4/10/2024, 8:03:10 PM

GEZELLIG 🍻 🇳🇱 It comes from Dutch and it encompasses a sense of coziness, warmth, conviviality, and an intimate feeling of togetherness. 🍵 Imagine gathering with friends or family in a warmly lit room, sharing stories, laughter, and good food, all while feeling completely at ease and content. ☁️ The noun that stems from it, Gezelligheid, describes Dutch culture better than any other word. It embodies that unique Dutch appreciation for comfort, companionship, and a relaxed atmosphere that is quintessential to their lifestyle and hospitality. 💬 How would you translate this word in your language? #intraducibili #dutch #translation #untranslatablewords

4/10/2024, 7:20:03 PM

🤔🌍 Guess the Untranslatable Phrase! 🧐🌐 Drop your guesses in the comments, and if you're fluent in another language, share how you'd translate this cool compound slang in your own tongue! 🌐🗨️ Let's celebrate the beauty of linguistic diversity! 🌍🤗 Want to learn this phrase with us? Click here to start your learning journey: https://ih.hu/chinese 📚🌟 #UntranslatableWords #GuessThePhrase #LanguageLovers #internationalhouse #angolnyelvtanitas #angolnyelvtanulas #angolnyelv #learningenglishonline #learningenglish #languagecourse #languagelearning #onlinelearning #nyelviskola #englishcourse #language #languageschool #internationalhousebudapestnyelviskola

4/8/2024, 6:21:35 PM

Di sicuro non è la brezza dei giorni di Pasqua ⛈️☂️🥶 • • • #paroleintraducibili #lecco #leccocity #mondaymood #mondaymotivation #word #monday #mondayvibes #untranslatablewords #wordoftheday #words #leccolake

4/8/2024, 2:31:05 PM

✈️ Beyond simply “wanderlust”! This German word isn’t just about travel – it’s a yearning for distant horizons 🌍✨ #fernweh is really the opposite of “homesickness”, literally “farsickness” 🌅 #untranslatablewords #languages #translation #travel

4/5/2024, 12:00:00 PM

Why waste time worrying when we could be embracing the good things happening around us? Let's live in the moment and let go of unnecessary concerns. #untranslatablewords #fridayfeels #shouganai #learningacrosslanguages #chilling #alwayslearning #wynlearnfestival #wyndhamlearningfestival #embracethemoment

4/5/2024, 6:00:17 AM

Have you ever experienced a fluttering sensation in your gut when you meet someone you’re fond of? 🦋 The Filipino word “kilig” encapsulates the sudden surge of happiness or thrill that arises during romantic or dreamy occurrences. Borrowed from the Tagalog language and incorporated into the Filipino English usage, it’s synonymous with feelings like a fluttery stomach, a heart turning to mush, spine-tingling sensations, irrepressible grins, and the mental tug-of-war between aspiration and reality. “Kilig” evokes a head-in-the-clouds sensation that disrupts normal actions, breathing patterns, and the ability to express coherent thoughts. While “kilig” lacks a precise ‘one-word’ English equivalent, it’s best understood as an emotional response. For instance, the sight of a beloved individual or a romantic sequence in a film can trigger this ecstatic reaction. It resembles the colloquial expression of ‘getting butterflies in your stomach.’ Originating from “kiliti,” the Tagalog term for tickling, it aptly reflects the ticklish excitement it represents (Stellar, 2016). “Kilig” is a sentiment that's truly cherished in the Philippines, and once you experience it, you'll understand why. :) 當你們遇到自己喜歡的人時,你們會否感到一種輕快的感覺在你的內心盪漾?🦋 菲律賓語中的“kilig”一詞,正正捕捉了這在浪漫或夢幻般的時刻突然湧現的快樂或興奮感。這個詞借用自他加祿語,並被融入於他們的英語使用中,它與諸如胃裡的蝴蝶飛舞、心融化、抑制不住的微笑等感覺劃上等號。“Kilig”喚起了一種無法抑制的、如雲端漫步般的、無法停止的感覺,更打亂人們正常的行動、呼吸模式,以及表達的能力。 雖然“kilig”在英語中沒有確切的相應詞,但更好的被理解為一種情感反應。例如,當看到心愛的人或電影中的浪漫場景,便能觸發這種狂喜的反應。kilig更源於“kiliti”,一個他加祿語中表示發癢的詞,這十分貼切地反映了它所代表的那種發癢的興奮感。 一旦我們感受過、體驗過kilig,我們便能明白為何這情感如此珍貴 :) References: Stellar, T. (2016, April 15). What is Kilig? [Oxford Dictionary]. A Lone Bunny’s Tale #tiisstudents #untranslatablewords #kilig #happiness #Tagalog #butterflies #studenttakeover

4/4/2024, 7:50:20 AM

🤔🌍 Guess the Untranslatable Phrase! 🧐🌐 Drop your guesses in the comments, and if you're fluent in another language, share how you'd translate this cool compound slang in your own tongue! 🌐🗨️ Let's celebrate the beauty of linguistic diversity! 🌍🤗 Want to learn this phrase with us? Click here to start your learning journey: https://ih.hu/francia 📚🌟 #UntranslatableWords #GuessThePhrase #LanguageLovers #internationalhouse #angolnyelvtanitas #angolnyelvtanulas #angolnyelv #learningenglishonline #learningenglish #languagecourse #languagelearning #onlinelearning #nyelviskola #englishcourse #language #languageschool #internationalhousebudapestnyelviskola

4/3/2024, 5:00:31 PM

"Did you know that French has an untranslatable word? 'Dépaysement' captures the unique feeling of being disoriented or out of place in a new environment. It's a linguistic gem that encapsulates a complex experience in a single word. Explore these linguistic wonders of the French language to discover unexpected nuances! 🌍📚 Visit : francaisEasy.com #FrenchLanguage #UntranslatableWords"

4/1/2024, 8:00:05 PM

*** UNTRANSLATABLE WORDS: ‘DESENRASCANÇO' *** ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Have you ever come across a word so unique, so full of meaning and so linked to the soul of a people, that it defies any attempt at translation? 🤔 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Well, let us introduce you to the Portuguese term ‘desenrascanço’, a concept so Lusitanian that it has become emblematic. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ But, after all, what is ‘desenrascanço’? 🌟 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ‘Desenrascanço’ is the art of finding an improvised solution to a problem without an apparent solution. It is the ability to think outside the box, to use available resources innovatively, to turn the tide in your favour when all seems lost. 🎩✨ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ And why is this word so special? Because it is a testament to human unpredictability and the ability to face adversity with assertiveness. 💡🌈 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So the next time you find yourself in a deadlock with no prospect of a solution, remember: ‘Tugas‘ [the Portuguese] have a perfect solution! ‘Desenrascanço’ may not have a direct translation, but its essence is universal. 🌏 It turns the impossible into the possible, with a smile on your face and a shiny solution up your sleeve. 🚀 🌟 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #SMARTIDIOM #IamSMARTIDIOM #Translation #Localisation #UntranslatableWords ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⚠️DISCLAIMER: This post was written in English. If you’re reading it in another language, it has been (quite probably badly) translated by AI without our and/or your consent.

3/28/2024, 11:30:21 AM

Hello, everyone! Do you like having conversations with your family and friends during a meal? In Spanish culture, it is common practice to sit at the table and engage in casual conversations for hours after eating. This practice is called "sobremesa," a Spanish term used to describe the period of time spent after a meal when people enjoy each other's company, chat, and relax. Sobremesa is a Spanish social custom emphasizing social bonding, hospitality, and leisure. It starts after a meal and can last from a few minutes to several hours. Sobremesa is a wonderful opportunity for people to relish easy conversation, hearty laughs, and good company over food. After a satisfying meal, it's the perfect time to share laughter and strengthen bonds with those around you. Why not try adding sobremesa to your next meal? See you next Thursday! 你們喜歡在飯後與家人和朋友交談嗎? 在西班牙文化中,飯後坐在桌邊交談幾個小時是十分常見的。 這種做法被稱為 "sobremesa",指的是飯後的一段時間,人們可以盡情享受彼此的陪伴、聊天和放鬆。 Sobremesa 強調社交、好客和放鬆的重要性。 飯後,人們可以繼續交談幾分鐘到幾個小時。 Sobremesa 是人們在餐桌上敘舊、增進感情、分享笑話和故事、享受彼此陪伴的絕佳機會。 你們喜歡在用餐後加入 Sobremesa 嗎? #tiisstudents #untranslatablewords #sobremesa #meal #spanish #studenttakeover

3/28/2024, 2:46:58 AM

Let your thoughts and creative minds storm free ⛈️ #wordoftheday #wordsoftheworld #beautifulwords #foreignwords #language #multilingual #german #germanwords #untranslatablewords

3/27/2024, 7:02:57 PM

SAMAR (سمر) ✨ 🇸🇦 It comes from Arabic and it stems from the root verb samara (سَمَرَ) meaning “chat with one another at the night, having an evening of entertainment”. 🌛 This word, also used as an Arabic female given name, embodies the act of staying up late and having enjoyable conversations with friends and family. 🔐 It’s a cultural experience of cherished moments spent with loved ones, accompanied by Arabic music and poetry, in an attempt to prolong the night as much as possible, so as never to part. 💬 How would you translate this word in your language? #intraducibili #arabic #translation #untranslatablewords

3/27/2024, 6:30:00 PM

🤔🌍 Guess the Untranslatable Phrase! 🧐🌐 Drop your guesses in the comments, and if you're fluent in another language, share how you'd translate this cool compound slang in your own tongue! 🌐🗨️ Let's celebrate the beauty of linguistic diversity! 🌍🤗 Want to learn this phrase with us? Click here to start your learning journey: https://ih.hu/hungarian 📚🌟 #UntranslatableWords #GuessThePhrase #LanguageLovers #internationalhouse #angolnyelvtanitas #angolnyelvtanulas #angolnyelv #learningenglishonline #learningenglish #languagecourse #languagelearning #onlinelearning #nyelviskola #englishcourse #language #languageschool #internationalhousebudapestnyelviskola

3/26/2024, 11:34:26 AM

Quando scopri che tailandese si può scrivere senza h e lo metti subito in pratica 🤷🏻‍♀️ • • • #paroleintraducibili #lecco #leccocity #mondaymood #mondaymotivation #word #monday #mondayvibes #untranslatablewords #wordoftheday #words #leccolake

3/25/2024, 5:03:40 PM

It was my birthday at the weekend and I made every effort to struggle another year toward the world of senior citizenry. My weekend largely consisted of running a LOT of Call of Cthulhu and not a lot of time in and around the internet. Horror on the Orient Express was the flavour of game and one of my friends made me some birthday Jelly moulded into hearts, livers, lungs and so forth. This is very on point for the Doom Train section of the scenario and I regret there being no pictures of this glorious endeavour, if you know it you know it. There were also marzipan skulls but they also, yummily, did not survive. Whilst I have much to play and show off about, gamewise, I’ll get to that in the week and leave this post with a MASSIVE thank you to people who sent me messages of kindness and peeps that sent me gifts. These are three of my favourites: A book of untranslatable words (lexicology and etymology being things I enjoy), a Dalek T-Shirt that I didn’t have (because I love Dr Who) thank you @kitsalembrutnell and something that has immediately become one of the favourite things that I own. My Cthonian collection is quite extensive due to that vaunted youth that I often post about but it is far from complete. A fact which @the_ilicic_witch knows well and the reason that it has been increased by the Terror Australis. This book has been like a legendary grail since I failed to get it when I was young, it was printed in 1987. To say that I have longed to hold this in my hands is not an understatement and if you have read my posts you know how passionate I am about my Call of Cthulhu. That passion is absolutely present as I get to fulfil a small desire of my youth some decades after it manifested. A welcome piece in the jigsaw of happy in my life. Once again Thank you everyone! Happy Mondays Much Love

3/25/2024, 3:46:19 PM

This could be our favourite word so far! 💙 As Cultural Diversity Week comes to a close, let's embrace the spirit of Ubuntu and strive to build inclusive communities where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported. Together, we can create a world where Ubuntu flourishes, celebrating the richness of our diversity while recognising our shared humanity. #Ubuntu #CommunitySpirit #CulturalDiversityWeek #together #untranslatablewords #fridayfeels #learningacrosslanguages #alwayslearning #wynlearnfestival #wyndhamlearningfestival

3/22/2024, 5:00:17 AM

Everyone knows an 𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘭. It could be your colleague, your cousin, the man who lives across the street or even your husband. The term was first introduced in 2005 by an Italian writer, but has since gained momentum. What originally started as retired men in flat caps and beige coats, standing with hands clasped behind their backs watching the construction workers, has now been put in a wider context. Nowadays an 𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘭 is anyone ‘who offers all sorts of comments to those who are trying to get some work done, but who are not doing any work themselves’. Who is your 𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘭? Reposted [Background 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵, courtesy of @westerberg] #taalplezier #taal #woorden #betekenis #taalliefhebber #woordenboek #mooiwoord #betekenis #nederlands #etymologie #english #italian #newwords #untranslatablewords #umarell

3/21/2024, 7:46:15 PM

Hello everyone! Are you a fan of hot drinks and food? If you are, have you ever heard of 'nekojita'? It's a Japanese term that means having a heat-sensitive tongue, just like a cat's! 🐱👅 The term "nekojita" (猫舌) is a combination of two Japanese words: "neko" which means "cat," and "shita" which means "tongue." This term is used to describe a person who has a sensitive tongue and can't tolerate hot or spicy food or drinks. This sensitivity to heat is believed to be due to the structure of the tongue. Cats, who are known for their love of milk and tuna, also share this trait. It is thought that cats' tongues are sensitive to heat, which is why they avoid hot food and drink. If you have nekojita, it can make it difficult to enjoy your favorite spicy foods or drinks. Some people manage this condition by choosing mild or non-spicy alternatives, while others build up their tolerance over time. Personally, I enjoy the heat when the food is fresh. What about you? Make sure to come back next Thursday for more content! 你們喜歡喝熱飲和吃剛呈上來的料理嗎? 如果是的話,你們有聽說過“nekojita”嗎? 第六周,小編想跟大家分享一個日語,nekojita,它的意思是熱敏舌頭,就像貓的舌頭一樣! 🐱👅 “nekojita”(貓舌)一詞是兩個日語單字的組合:“neko”在日文的意思是“貓”,而“shita”就是“舌頭”。 這是用來描述擁有敏感舌頭且不能忍受熱或辛辣食物的人。 這種對熱的敏感程度通常被認為是由舌頭的結構所造成的。普遍來説,貓的舌頭對熱十分敏感,因此它們避免吃過熱的食物和飲料,所以也可見nekojita(貓舌)這個詞的意思。 擁有貓舌的人,在吃任何熱的或辛辣的東西時候,他們可能會感到口腔灼熱或不適,不能即時享用自己喜歡的辛辣菜餚或飲料。而有些擁有貓舌的人即會選擇溫和或不辛辣的替代品,有些人則會試圖克服。然而,小編就十分喜歡剛呈上的熱騰騰,香噴噴的食物,由其是在冬天吃上一口,十分的滿足~那你們呢?我們下週四再見~ #tiisstudents #untranslatablewords #nekojita #ねこじた #猫舌

3/21/2024, 2:09:26 PM

Decidnos que nos somos las únicas que no pueden resistirse a comprar un nuevo libro pese a que en casa tienen una pila enorme de libros por leer. Es algo que solo los amantes de los libros entenderán. 😛 . . #academiaidiomasfuentealamo #academiaonline #academiainglés #academiafrancés #frenchlessons #englishlessons #sabiasque #sabíasque #cultura #culturageneral #booklover #Japanese #japonés #tsundoku #palabrasintraducibles #untranslatablewords #translation #translation #xl8 #T9n #languages #idiomas #instagood #instagram

3/21/2024, 1:49:35 PM

MÅNGATA 🌙 🇸🇪 It comes from Swedish, and it’s a combination of the words måne (“moon”) +‎ gata (“street, road”). 🪞 It stems from the idea that everything can resemble something else: a cloud can look like the softest cotton candy, the shape of almonds recalls huge droplets of water, and a chestnut’s shell can easily remind you of a sea urchin. 🌌 Mångata describes the illusion that the reflection of moonlight creates on a body of water, making it look like a path or a road. 💬 How would you translate this word in your language? #intraducibili #swedish #translation #untranslatablewords

3/20/2024, 6:49:02 PM

Πολλές φόρες, στη προσπάθειά μας να διορθώσουμε μια κατάσταση, την κάνουμε χειρότερη. Στη γερμανική γλώσσα η λέξη "verschlimmbessern" περιγράφει μονολεκτικά αυτή ακριβώς την κατάσταση. Είναι αδύνατον να μεταφραστεί στα ελληνικά με μια μόνο λέξη. . . . #wednesday #language #facts #languagelearning #untranslatablewords #uniquewords #translation #verschlimmbessern #german #greek #didyouknow #interpretation #alphavitostranslations #translategerman #agency

3/20/2024, 1:11:43 PM

🤔🌍 Guess the Untranslatable Phrase! 🧐🌐 Drop your guesses in the comments, and if you're fluent in another language, share how you'd translate this cool compound slang in your own tongue! 🌐🗨️ Let's celebrate the beauty of linguistic diversity! 🌍🤗 Want to learn this phrase with us? Click here to start your learning journey: https://ih.hu/spanish 📚🌟 #UntranslatableWords #GuessThePhrase #LanguageLovers #internationalhouse #angolnyelvtanitas #angolnyelvtanulas #angolnyelv #learningenglishonline #learningenglish #languagecourse #languagelearning #onlinelearning #nyelviskola #englishcourse #language #languageschool #internationalhousebudapestnyelviskola

3/19/2024, 11:01:15 AM

Un “ponte d’oro” per iniziare bene la settimana 🌅 • • • #paroleintraducibili #lecco #leccocity #mondaymood #mondaymotivation #word #monday #mondayvibes #untranslatablewords #wordoftheday #words #leccolake

3/18/2024, 4:01:52 PM

Let's unravel the magic of language!🌻 Today, we're delving into the world of untranslatable words, each a cultural gem with its own story to tell. 🌞 #EnlightenYourself #EclatEnglish #WordDefinition #WordDefinitions #UntranslatableWords #UntranslateableWord #Untranslatable #Word #Wordstagram #LearnEnglish #LearnEnglishWithUs #EnglishLearning #EnglishLearningOnline

3/16/2024, 4:47:17 PM

The ritual of springtime - hearing the birds sing at dawn 🕊️ A perfect time to practice gratitude and be present. #wordoftheday #wordsoftheworld #beautifulwords #foreignwords #language #multilingual #swedish #swedishwords #untranslatablewords

3/14/2024, 7:48:06 PM

Have you ever met someone who constantly asks questions? If you have, you may have met a "Pochemuchka"! 👀 Today, I want to introduce a fascinating untranslatable term called “pochemuchka" (почемучка). It is commonly used to describe a child who is very curious and asks a lot of questions. The word "pochemuchka" was derived from the Russian word "why" (pochemu) and is inspired by a famous children's book called "Alyosha Pochemuchka," which narrates the story of an extremely curious little boy. The word "почемучка" is informal and is formed from "почему" ("why") and "-чка" (a suffix that denotes an object or person with a particular quality). It is a playful way of creating new words and is commonly used when speaking to children. Other words that follow the same pattern are "вонючка" (stinker) from "вонючий" (stinky) or "липучка" (sticky tape) from "липкий" (sticky). On the other hand, an adult who asks too many questions would be described as "любопытный" (neutral, meaning "curious") or "сующий свой нос повсюду" (pejoratively, meaning "nosey"), but almost never as "почемучка." Therefore, if you want to say to a child, "You're so curious today," you can say "Ты такой почемучка сегодня" ("You're such a pochemuchka today") (Kostyukovich, 2017). Have you learned anything new in Russian? I look forward to sharing another untranslated word with you next Thursday! 你身邊有經常問問題的人嗎?有的話,我想你可能遇到 Pochemuchka 了。 到了第五周,小編想跟大家介紹 pochemuchka (почемучка) 這個詞。 Pochemuchka 源自俄語單字「為什麼」(pochemu),通常指問太多問題的孩子。Pochemuchka的靈感是來自於一本俄羅斯著名的兒童讀物《Alyosha Pochemuchka》,講述了一個極其好奇的小男孩的故事。 所以,這個名字來自俄語單字pochemu,意思是「為什麼」。 「почему」在俄語的意思是「為什麼」。 而 「почемучка」是由「почему」(「為什麼」)和「-чка」組成。其他遵循相同模式的單字包括,“вонючий”(臭)中的“вонючка”(臭味)或“липкий”(黏性)中的“липучка”(膠帶)。 由於這種創造新詞的方式是非正式的,所以我們主要用於與孩子交談時,好比「Ты такой почемучка сегодня」(「你今天真是個好奇寶寶」)。 相反,提出太多問題的成年人會被描述為“любопытный”(中性詞,好奇)或“сующий свой нос повсюду”(貶義詞,意為多管閒事),但幾乎不會被描述為「почемучка」。 你們覺得這種創造新詞的方式怎麼樣?我們下週四再見吧~ Source: Kostyukovich, Maxim. "What does the Russian word Pochemuchka mean?" https://tinyurl.com/2c56kef8 #tiisstudents #untranslatablewords #translation #pochemuchka #почемучка #why

3/14/2024, 2:16:07 AM

🤔🌍 Guess the Untranslatable Phrase! 🧐🌐 Drop your guesses in the comments, and if you're fluent in another language, share how you'd translate this cool compound slang in your own tongue! 🌐🗨️ Let's celebrate the beauty of linguistic diversity! 🌍🤗 Want to learn this phrase with us? Click here to start your learning journey: https://ih.hu/portuguese 📚🌟 #UntranslatableWords #GuessThePhrase #LanguageLovers #internationalhouse #angolnyelvtanitas #angolnyelvtanulas #angolnyelv #learningenglishonline #learningenglish #languagecourse #languagelearning #onlinelearning #nyelviskola #englishcourse #language #languageschool #internationalhousebudapestnyelviskola

3/12/2024, 3:00:28 PM

It’s Monday again, anche per gli “ottimisti del tempo”⏰ • • • #paroleintraducibili #lecco #leccocity #mondaymood #mondaymotivation #word #monday #mondayvibes #untranslatablewords #wordoftheday #words #leccolake

3/11/2024, 7:00:29 AM

What these words imply are liable to be lost in translation. These are really interesting examples of uniqueness of different languages. #deekshalearning #deeksha #untranslatablewords #lostintranslation #NurturingSuccessofEveryChild

3/8/2024, 10:54:22 AM

Embrace the weekend with a touch of hygge! Take this time to unwind, recharge, and pamper yourself. You deserve it. 😊 #untranslatablewords #fridayfeels #hygge #learningacrosslanguages #chilling #alwayslearning #wynlearnfestival #wyndhamlearningfestival

3/8/2024, 2:45:11 AM

The most crucial element of any story, the ‘as if’ moment that can suspend reality. #wordoftheday #wordsoftheworld #beautifulwords #foreignwords #language #multilingual #untranslatablewords

3/7/2024, 3:21:59 PM

Hello everyone~ this week, I want to share with you an interesting untranslatable word - Drachenfutter. Drachenfutter is a German term literally meaning “dragon fodder.” It refers to a peace offering or gift given to one’s partner after a disagreement or argument. 🐉 This term is often used when men give their wives or girlfriends a gift, either physical or in the form of a favor, to apologize for staying out late. In German, a girlfriend or wife who is angry is often referred to as a Hausdrache (home dragon), who will literally explode when you return home (Untranslatable German Words, 2014). For example, if a man thinks he may have done something wrong, he might buy chocolates for his girlfriend or wife to prevent her from getting angry with him. In other words, he is feeding the dragon! XD However, this term can be used in any situation where you buy a gift or do something for someone to prevent them from being angry with you. It's interesting, isn't it? See you next Thursday ~ 大家好!不知道你們有激惱別人然後送禮致歉的經歴嗎?這星期,小編想跟大家分享的難以翻譯的詞語是——Drachenfutter。 Drachenfutter字面上意為「龍的飼料」。它指的是在爭論或爭執後,送給伴侶的一份和解禮物。🐉 這個詞通常指的是男子給妻子或女友的禮物,通常是為了道歉,送給她們一份禮物,無論是物質的還是形式的,理由不外乎因為他們工作晚歸了。在德文中,一個預計會對你生氣的女友或妻子,通常會被稱為Hausdrache(家中的龍),哈哈,因為她真的會在你回家時「爆炸」。因此,如果一個男子感覺自己有做得不對的地方,他可能會先買一些巧克力、甜食送給他的女友或妻子,哄哄她們開心,使她們消氣。所以,換句話說,他是在餵龍!XD 你們喜歡這個詞嗎?我們下週四再見~ Reference: Untranslatable German Words: Teil 1. (2014, June 9). German Language Blog. https://blogs.transparent.com/german/untranslatable-german-words-teil-1/ #tiisstudents #untranslatablewords #translation #drachenfutter

3/7/2024, 5:41:19 AM

Questa mattina una signora mi ha detto “basta con questa pioggia, non se ne può più!”. Vero, sono d’accordo con lei. Però è anche vero che se non piovesse ci lamenteremmo della siccità. Se fosse caldo ci lamenteremmo che è ancora troppo presto per quello, e se fosse freddo che l’inverno dovrebbe essere ormai passato. Quindi sapete una cosa? Visto che (fortunatamente) non abbiamo ancora il controllo sul meteo cerchiamo di guardare il lato positivo delle cose: volete mettere la meraviglia di sentire, magari nel silenzio della notte, il rumore che le gocce di pioggia fanno sulle diverse superfici? I giapponesi, maestri del rendere omaggio alle piccole cose, hanno (ovviamente) una parola intraducibile anche per questo: Amaoto 💧 #dtales #paroleintraducibili #amatoro #japanese #japanculture #japan #soundofrain #giapponese #pioggia #nuvole #rumoredipioggia #enjoylittlethings #nature #lasciachesia #untranslatablewords #illustratrice #illustratoritaliani #illustrationoftheday #illustration #drawing #illustrationartists #digitaldrawing #digitalart #positivevibes

3/6/2024, 5:43:05 PM

🤔🌍 Guess the Untranslatable Phrase! 🧐🌐 Drop your guesses in the comments, and if you're fluent in another language, share how you'd translate this cool compound slang in your own tongue! 🌐🗨️ Let's celebrate the beauty of linguistic diversity! 🌍🤗 Want to learn this phrase with us? Click here to start your learning journey: https://ih.hu/polish 📚🌟 #UntranslatableWords #GuessThePhrase #LanguageLovers #internationalhouse #angolnyelvtanitas #angolnyelvtanulas #angolnyelv #learningenglishonline #learningenglish #languagecourse #languagelearning #onlinelearning #nyelviskola #englishcourse #language #languageschool #internationalhousebudapestnyelviskola

3/6/2024, 3:00:35 PM

🌏Happy Monday, all! Our book to start off the school week is “The Little Explorer’s Words” by Evi Triantafyllides, illustrated by Nefeli Malekou! Follow Lexi as she travels the world, meets new friends, and learns about 30 untranslatable words. 📚Read below for a description of the book. Sound like a perfect read for you or a little reader? Give us a call or swing by in store for a copy of your own. 📖Lexi loved adventures. Lexi loved to explore. Whenever something caught Lexi’s attention, she just had to dig into it a little bit more. One day Lexi spotted something poking up from Grandma’s lawn. And when she followed it? She embarked on the most marvelous adventure of them all! A heartwarming tale of a little explorer who travels around the world collecting 30 unique, untranslatable words from different cultures and their meanings.”

3/4/2024, 6:35:00 PM

Μια λέξη που αποτελεί σημαντικό μέρος της ισπανικής κουλτούρας και δεν μπορεί να μεταφραστεί μονολεκτικά σε κάποια άλλη γλώσσα. #sobremesa σημαίνει κατά λέξη "πάνω από το τραπέζι". #words #wordoftheday #friday #translation #untranslatablewords #languages #spanish #fact #didyouknow #pastel #world #alphavitostranslations

3/1/2024, 2:19:07 PM

Are you guilty of a little bit of schadenfreude? Share your own untranslatable wisdoms in the comments 😀 #untranslatablewords #fridayfeels #schadenfreude #learningacrosslanguages #anticipation #alwayslearning #schadenfreude #wynlearnfestival #wyndhamlearningfestival

3/1/2024, 3:00:11 AM