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🇪🇺 Am 1. Mai 2004 traten zehn Staaten der Europäischen Union bei - Hoffnungsschlag oder ernüchternde Enttäuschung? Wie ernst werden kleiner Länder wie Zypern, Malta oder Litauen in der EU eigentlich genommen? 👉 Über diese und viele weitere Fragen werde ich HEUTE mit dem rbb Inforadio bei der Podiumsdiskussion „20 Jahre EU-Erweiterung - „better together“?“ im Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus sprechen. 🇭🇷 Kroatien war erst Teil der siebten EU-Erweiterungsrunde und wurde Mitgliedsstaat am 1. Juli 2013. Heute sitze ich als jüngste Berliner Abgeordnete und Deutsch-Kroatin im Podium und spreche auch über meinen persönlichen Bezug zur EU. 🎙️ Die Ausstrahlung der Veranstaltung könnt ihr am Sonntag, dem 05.05. um 11 Uhr und 20 Uhr im rbb Inforadio hören. Die Sendung werdet ihr nach Ausstrahlung über den Link in meiner Instabio, sowie auf meiner Webseite finden. 🤝 Das Ganze findet in Kooperation zwischen der @europaeische_akademie_berlin _akademie_berlin, dem @agh_berlin und dem @rbb24, mit Unterstützung des @auswaertigesamt und der Europäischen Union statt. #europawahl #eu #politik #gruene #gruenepolitik #eav #diskurs #akademie #politischebildung #letstalkpolitics #demokratie #rbb #inforadio #radio #grueneberlin #agh #abgeordnete #europapolitik #euvote

4/29/2024, 12:45:51 PM

🇪🇺 Ogni 9 maggio si celebra la giornata dell'Europa e in occasione della campagna #EUvote di @esnitalia , siete invitati a partecipare a una tavola rotonda dal titolo "Cittadini d'Europa: giovani, elezioni e partecipazione", dove potrete scoprire i progetti e le opportunità offerti dall'Unione Europea 📍Galleria degli Antichi Forni 🗓 9 maggio 🕓 Dalle ore 16 🍴 A seguire ci sarà la degustazione di prodotti tipici e cocktail dai Monti Sibillini. 🌍 E non solo, avrete l'opportunità di imparare nuove lingue e immergervi in un contesto internazionale durante il tandem linguistico Speak Easy 📍 Galleria degli Antichi Forni 🗓 il 10 maggio 🕕 Dalle ore 18 🍴A seguire vi aspetta una degustazione di prodotti tipici forniti da @confartmcapfm . ✍🏻 Compila il form al link in bio 🇬🇧 🇪🇺 Europe Day is celebrated every May 9th, and, on the occasion of ESN Italia's #EUvote campaign, you're all invited to the workshop "Citizens of Europe: young people, elections and participation". You can discover the projects and opportunities offered by the European Union 📍Galleria degli Antichi Forni 🗓 May 9th 🕓 From 4pm 🍴 There will be a tasting of typical products and cocktails from the Sibillini Mountains. 🌍 And not only that, you will also have the opportunity to learn new languages and immerse yourself in an international context during the Speak Easy language tandem 📍 Galleria degli Antichi Forni 🗓 May 10th 🕕 From 6pm 🍴Afterwards, a tasting of typical products provided by Confartigianato. ✍🏻 Fill in the form, link in bio #ESNMacerata #THISisESN #EuropeDay #festadelleuropamacerata #EuropeanElections #EUvote

4/29/2024, 12:23:02 PM

EU Elections 🇪🇺 Use your vote! The European Elections are almost here (8th-9th of June 2024 for Italy), but how does voting work? #esniulm #EUvote #esn #erasmus #erasmusstudent #europeanelectios2024 #UseYourVote

4/25/2024, 11:10:52 AM

👶 Erfahrung trifft Leidenschaft Ich bin Hebamme seit 34 Jahren, spezialisiert darauf, am Ursprung der Familienbildung zu unterstützen und zu fördern! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Jede Familie beginnt mit einem kleinen, neuen Menschen, der unsere volle Aufmerksamkeit verdient. #Hebamme #Familienbildung #Babyglück 🌐 Erfahren Sie mehr über meine Ziele und Visionen auf meiner Website: Ihre Stimme zählt – gehen Sie wählen und gestalten Sie die Zukunft mit! Bei Fragen oder Anregungen erreichen Sie mich jederzeit unter 📧 [email protected] #IsabelGraumann #WählenGehen #PolitikVerstehen #ZukunftGestalten

4/23/2024, 3:56:54 PM

Chatbots like ChatGPT are useful many things but basing your political vote on ChatGPT’s output may not be the smartest bet. Chatbots were tested for their ability to inform us about the EU elections. Result: Not good enough to be reliable. While providers are aware of the problems, and it is also their responsibility to fix them (and not make them worse), let’s not rely on them alone, but on our brains as well. Krempl, S. (2024, April 15). Studie: KI-Chatbots wie ChatGPT verbreiten Unwahrheiten über die EU-Wahl​. Heise Online. #eu #euvote #chatbots #chatgpt #euelections2024 #responsibility #responsibleai #safeai #transparentai #aieducation #learnai #aelai

4/22/2024, 7:05:56 PM

Die zweite wichtige Wahl die dieses Jahr ansteht ist die EU-Parlamentswahl. Sie findet von 06.Juni bis 09.Juni statt. Mit dieser Wahl haben die Wähler*innen die Chance sich von Personen auf EU-Ebene vertreten zu lassen die für ihre Interessen einstehen. . #frauenring #österreichischerfrauenring #superwahljahr #euwahl #euparliament #euvote #voteforeu #voteforfeminism

4/19/2024, 7:00:00 PM

Auf Einladung der Europa-Union Vogelsberg fand am 19. April 2024 eine Podiumsdiskussion mit Kandidaten für das Europaparlament in der Albert-Schweitzer-Schule Alsfeld unter der gekonnten Moderation von Bürgermeister Stephan Paule statt. An der Europawahl am 09. Juni 2024 kann erstmals ab 16 Jahren gewählt werden. GERade die Pandemie und der Krieg in der Ukraine zeigen, dass wir ein starkes und gemeinsames EUropa brauchen. #europa #eu #euvote #europawahl2024 #vogelsbergkreis #demokratie #alsfeld_erleben #assalsfeld #

4/19/2024, 5:31:20 PM

Mettere a servizio della collettività le mie competenze tecniche per favorire una maggiore efficacia della "macchina" Europa e qualificare il peso dell'Italia nelle decisioni e nei ruoli strategici. Questi ed altri motivi mi hanno spinto a candidarmi. Seguitemi e sostenetemi in questo mio percorso, che è anche il vostro.❤️🇮🇹❤️ #europeanelections #voteEU #EUdecision #EuropeanUnion #EUvote #eudebate #EUfuture #eupolitics #europeandemocracy #EUrepresentatives #euleaders #europedecides #euvoting #EUcitizens #EUparliament #EUgovernment #EUcandidates #EUvoice #EUchange #EUelection #EUdemocracy #fratelliditalia #europeanunity #EUdecisionmaking

4/19/2024, 12:00:24 PM

Your vote is your voice – let’s raise it together, loud and proud! 🇪🇺 Your vote is a powerful tool for change, a beacon of hope, and a testament to the principles of freedom and equality. 🤔 Ok my vote matters but, why to vote? 1️⃣  Right to vote - as a citizen you have been given a right to vote. the right to vote is sacred – it’s the cornerstone of our freedoms, the essence of our civic duty, and the foundation of our collective destiny. Regardless of background, beliefs, or identity, every citizen has the right to have their voice heard and their vote counted. Let’s cherish this right and honor those who fought for it. 2️⃣ Democratic rights - Democracy isn’t just a privilege – it’s a responsibility. It’s about more than just casting a vote; it’s about engaging in dialogue, advocating for change, and holding our leaders accountable. From freedom of speech to the right to assembly, democratic rights are the pillars of a just and inclusive society. 3️⃣ Voting process - it is as simple as that. From registering to vote to casting your ballot, the voting process is a straightforward yet profound act of citizenship. Whether it’s at the polling station or by mail, your vote is your voice – so make it count. 🗳️ Youth, let’s embrace the power of democracy, ignite the flame of civic engagement, and build a world where every voice is heard, every vote is counted, and every individual is valued.  . #YouthEmpowerEU #EUYouthVotes  #DemocracyInAction #EUYouthWeek #EUvote

4/19/2024, 7:00:00 AM

💡È il 1969 quando Sofia Corradi, meglio conosciuta come Mamma Erasmus, ha un’idea: creare un programma che permetta lo scambio tra gli studenti europei; nel 1987 questa sua intuizione diventa realtà e viene istituito lo EuRopean community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students, l’ERASMUS. 🇪🇺Legato a corda doppia con l’Unione Europea e i suoi valori, il programma Erasmus mira, tra le altre cose, a promuovere la mobilità e la cooperazione tra gli Stati membri. Erasmus+ ha un impatto significativo sull'identità europea e sulla sensibilizzazione alla cittadinanza europea, tant’è che oggi si può parlare di una vera e propria Erasmus Generation. 💡 It was 1969 when Sofia Corradi, also known as “Mamma Erasmus”, had an idea: a programme that allows student exchanges across Europe. In 1987 this idea became reality and the EuRopean community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students, or ERASMUS, was born. 🇪🇺 Strictly tied to the European Union and to its values, the Erasmus program aims, among other things, to promote mobility and cooperation between member States. Erasmus+ has a huge role in shaping the European identity and raising awareness about European citizenship, so much so that it created a true Erasmus Generation. #EUvote #ESNItaly #THISisESN #EuropeanElections #ErasmusGeneration

4/18/2024, 3:00:15 PM

🌍✨ In a world where every voice matters, it’s time to hear from the future leaders, innovators, and changemakers of Europe – the youth! 💬 In the following reel we invite you to listen to the young people from various countries from the EU, who we met in Slovenia. From bustling city streets to tranquil countryside, from diverse backgrounds and experiences, these young Europeans share their personal stories, insights, and visions for the future – and why the EU matters to them. 💪 So, are you ready to be inspired? To be empowered? To be the change you wish to see in the world? Let’s embark on this journey together, united in our diversity, and determined to create a brighter tomorrow for all! . #YouthEmpowerEU #EUYouthVotes  #DemocracyInAction #EUYouthWeek #EUvote

4/18/2024, 7:00:00 AM

💪🇪🇺 From fighting climate change to protecting digital rights and empowering youth, the EU is leading the charge towards a brighter, more inclusive future for all.  🌿 European Green Deal - Climate change knows no borders, but neither does our determination to combat it! The EU’s European Green Deal is a bold roadmap for a sustainable future, with ambitious goals to achieve carbon neutrality, promote renewable energy, and preserve our precious planet for generations to come. 💻 Digital rights and innovation - In the digital age, protecting our online privacy and rights is more crucial than ever. The EU is leading the charge with robust regulations like GDPR to safeguard our personal data, ensure transparency, and uphold our digital freedoms. Your data, your rights – because privacy matters! Moreover, EU invests in digital innovations and bring digitalisation closer to everyone without borders.  🗳️ Youth participation - The future belongs to the youth, and the EU is committed to empowering the next generation of leaders, innovators, and change-makers. Through initiatives like the European Youth Strategy and Erasmus+, we’re fostering youth engagement, participation, and dialogue, because every voice counts in shaping our collective future! . #YouthEmpowerEU #EUYouthVotes  #DemocracyInAction #EUYouthWeek #EUvote

4/17/2024, 7:00:00 AM

Shaping tomorrow, today! 🙌 In the EU, youth voices are not only heard - they are celebrated, empowered and used for positive change. 🗣️ The youth form a dynamic and vital part of the heart of the EU, which is democratic diversity. 🤝 Over 74 million young people, aged between 15-29 y.o., live in the EU. Democratic diversity, solidarity and tolerance from diverse backgrounds and cultures is our unity in diversity is our strength. 📢 Active participation - young people are active participants, change-makers, and leaders in our communities. From grassroots activism to political engagement, young people are shaping policies, sparking conversations, and making their voices heard. 💪 Youth representation - The EU values youth representation and ensures our voices are heard at all levels of decision-making. Whether it’s through youth councils, advisory bodies, or platforms for dialogue, we have a seat at the table – and we’re here to make a difference.  Act. React. Cooperate. Be the change. Together we shape the future! . #YouthEmpowerEU #EUYouthVotes  #DemocracyInAction #EUYouthWeek #EUvote

4/16/2024, 7:00:00 AM

The EU isn’t just about policies and politics – it’s about YOU! 🌍🗣️ Democracy is more than just a word. It’s the heartbeat of our society, the pulse of our freedoms, and the promise of our future. In a democracy, every voice matters. It’s about having the power to shape our collective destiny, to make our voices heard, and to hold our leaders accountable.  🤝🇪🇺 The European Union with its institutions like the European Parliament, Council of the European Union, and European Commission, the EU stands as a testament to unity in diversity, solidarity, and shared prosperity. 🤔 But, why is the EU and its institutions important for you, young people? 🎓✈️ Education and training - EU invests in programs that may expand your horizons, to provide life-changing opportunities for study abroad, vocational training, and skills development. 💡 Employment and start-ups - it ensures access to job opportunities, apprenticeships, and training, while initiatives support budding entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into reality. 🎭🌱 Creativity and well-being - From cultural exchange programs to supporting the arts, the EU celebrates creativity, innovation, and cultural diversity. . #YouthEmpowerEU #EUYouth #democracy #DemocracyInAction #EUYouthWeek #EUVote

4/15/2024, 12:00:00 PM

The European Parliament has voted in favour of including access to abortion in the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. The proposal was approved by 336 votes to 163 against, with support mainly coming from left-wing and centrist members. Hard-left French MEP Manon Aubry attacked what she called “reactionaries” on the right for voting against the measure. “The right to abortion is not a question of point of view,” she said. “It is a human right.” #euronews #euronewsnext #euvote #abortionrights

4/11/2024, 6:20:13 PM

🇪🇺✨ European Elections 2024 ✨🇪🇺 Last week, in collaboration with Europe Direct Brescia and Informagiovani, ESN Brescia organized an event shedding light on the significance of the European Union and the upcoming European elections on June 8th and 9th. This is an important occasion for EU citizens to have the opportunity to elect their future representatives to the European Parliament. 🗳️ We set up an interactive crossword, weaving through the fabric of European unity and diversity, igniting curiosity and awareness amongst participants.💡 From unravelling the threads of EU policies to celebrating the rich tapestry of European cultures, we inspired conversations and emphasized the importance of every vote in shaping our shared future. 🗣️ This event was part of the #EUvote campaign launched by ESN Italy, advocating for active participation in the democratic process and encouraging as many students as possible to vote. Let’s continue to elevate our voices and strengthen the bonds of our union! 🌟 #EUvote #UseYourVote #ErasmusGeneration #THISisESN @esnitalia @esn_int

4/10/2024, 1:25:22 PM

🌟Europe is calling!🇪🇺 The European Elections are approaching, only two months left, and they will certainly be the electoral event of the year: on this occasion, the 76 members of the European Parliament who will lead Europe in the next five years will be elected. On June 8th and 9th we will all be called to vote in Italy! We, as ESN Macerata join the #EUvote Campaign of @esnitalia with the aim of encouraging as many students as possible to vote, because "if you don't vote, others will decide for you". #ESNMacerata #followthesnail #THISisESN #EUvote #UseYourVote #EuropeanElections

4/8/2024, 11:15:11 AM

🇪🇺Le Elezioni Europee sono sempre più imminenti (8 e 9 giugno 2024), ma come funziona il voto? 🗳️Tante sono le opzioni che sia gli studenti e le studentesse in mobilità possono sfruttare: dall’iscriversi alle liste del comune in cui si è domiciliati al voto consolare, e in alcuni Stati vengono anche previsti il voto elettronico, il voto per corrispondenza e il voto per procura (controlla la legge elettorale del tuo Stato d’origine!). 🔥La novità più recente riguarda sicuramente il voto per gli studenti e le studentesse fuorisede! È stata infatti avviata la sperimentazione, solo per queste Elezioni Europee, che permette di votare senza dover tornare nel proprio Comune di residenza. 🇪🇺The European Elections are almost here (8th and 9th of June 2024), but how does voting work? 🗳️As a student on mobility there are several options available to you: you can register on the lists of the municipality in which you are domiciled, opt for consular voting, or in some countries, opt for electronic, postal, or proxy voting (make sure to check the electoral law of your home country for more information!). 🔥And here's some news: people studying away from home can now vote too! An experiment has been launched for the upcoming European Elections, which will allow voters to cast their ballot without having to return to their municipality of residence. #THISisESN #ESNItaly #ESN #EUvote #europeanelections2024 #UseYourVote #UsaIlTuoVoto @pe_italia

4/4/2024, 10:18:18 AM

On 8th and 9th June the European Elections will take place in Italy. 📆🇪🇺 An important occasion for EU citizens to have the opportunity to elect their future reppresentatives to the European Parliament. 📨 During the next months many contents will be published for encouraging as many students as is possible for voting!🪄 Stay tuned!👀 #ThisIsESN #ESNItalia #ESNRomaTre #EUVote #EuropeanElections

4/3/2024, 12:04:40 PM

Pentru oameni, printre oameni! Mulțumesc Alina, mulțumesc George, cred că mersul pe pământ face bine tuturor! 😉 Aviz celor din stratosferă! 👏✌️ #euvote #euelections #dreaptaunita #alegeri2024

3/31/2024, 5:43:26 PM

Un sintetico vademecum a proposito di elezioni europee. Perché solo chi non partecipa fa davvero il male delle istituzioni democratiche, non così chi semplicemente la pensa in modo diverso da noi (e vota di conseguenza). Ditelo forte e ditelo a tutti: chi non vota subisce. E lamentarsi dopo non aver votato è proprio il colmo della iattura. #euvote #euparliament #eupolls #elezionieuropee #eu #partecipazione

3/30/2024, 5:51:33 PM

So this is it, my very first weeks being a full and active member of Volt. And I am more than happy and thrilled to be part of THE team. Happy birthday @volteuropa. 💜🇪🇺 Let’s do this, Volt, for more Europe. For more love and happiness, at least for my mind. 🧠 • Das sind also meine ersten Wochen als vollwertiges und aktives Mitglied von Volt. Und ich bin mehr als glücklich und begeistert, ein Teil DIESES Teams zu sein. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag @volteuropa. 💜🇪🇺 Let’s do this, Volt, für mehr Europa. Für mehr Liebe und Freude, zumindest für meine Seele. 🧠 • Dit zijn mijn eerste weken als volwaardig en actief lid van Volt. En ik ben meer dan blij en opgewonden om deel te zijn van DIT team. Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag @volteuropa. 💜🇪🇺 Laten we dit doen, Volt, voor meer Europa. Voor meer liefde en vreugde, tenminste voor mijn ziel. 🧠 • #volt #volteuropa #volteurope #voltdeutschland #voltberlin #voltpotsdam #voltnederland #voltpartei #voltparty #seikeinarschloch #europa #europa #vote #voting #eu #euvote #european #europeanunion #europeanunion🇪🇺 #euvote2024 #2024 #supportvolt #support #democracy #paneuropean #progressive #happybirthday #birthday #together #fckafd #fckafdé

3/30/2024, 12:43:05 PM

On 8th and 9th June the European Elections will take place in Italy. These are an important occasion for EU citizens to have the opportunity to elect their future representatives to the European Parliament. On this occasion ESN Italy will launch the campaign " #EUVote" with the aim of encouraging as many students as possible to vote. During the next months many contents will be published on the communication channels of ESN Italy. Stay tuned! 🇪🇺 . #ESNPerugia #ESNItalia #ESNItaly #ThisIsESN #Perugia #unipg #unistrapg #ErasmusGeneration

3/27/2024, 2:49:04 PM

🇪🇺 Elezioni UE 2024 | I cittadini italiani temporaneamente residenti in un altro Paese dell'Unione Europea possono votare all’estero presso i seggi istituiti dagli Uffici Consolari. 🗳 Per essere ammessi al voto è necessario presentare entro il 21 marzo 2024 un’apposita domanda all’Ufficio consolare italiano competente. 👉 Tutte le informazioni sono disponibili sul sito del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione... e su quelli delle sedi consolari dei singoli Paesi: [link in bio] . . . #EUvote #UEvote #UnioneEuroepea #Europa #UE #EU #ueueueue #comunecernuscosulnaviglio #cernuscosn #comunecernuscns #cernuscosulnaviglio #voto #elezioni #parlamentoeuropeo

3/14/2024, 9:57:45 AM

Thank you for your support for European workers and your engagement in the European Union. Together with Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, we can strengthen workers in the European Union and strive for prosperity and unity in Europe. Your involvement in the upcoming European Parliament elections is crucial for shaping the future of Europe. You have a unique opportunity to influence the direction the European Union is taking by casting your vote in the elections taking place from June 6th to 9th. Join the movement towards a fairer and more inclusive Europe and make your vote count towards positive change. Your engagement and support for European workers are essential for the Union's future success. Seize this opportunity to make a real difference and pave the way for a brighter future for all. Thank you for your commitment, and I hope that together we can achieve a better future for Europe and its citizens.  Click on this link to find out more information and register for the elections. Josef Anger, the CEO, Owner, and Board Member of  #CNBC #Elections  #Politics  #EU  #European  #EuropeanUnion  #Parliament  #Government  #Politicians  #EuropeanElections  #Memes  #Meme  #Democracy  #Politics  #Narodnarada  #Smer  #VOTE  #Elections  #EuropeanElections  #EUelections  #ElectionsForEuropeanParliament  #EuropeanElections  #EUelections  #VoteEurope  #YourVoteMatters  #VoteForEurope  #VoteForEurope  #EuVote  #Europawahl  #EuropeanElections  #EuropeanElections  #VoteEurope  #ChooseYourFuture  #DemocracyEurope  #EUdecision  #BuildEurope  #VoiceYourChoice  #UniteForEurope

3/8/2024, 3:09:01 PM

Campagna #EUvote Vademecum per le elezioni europee Nell’ambito della campagna sulle prossime elezioni europee, ESN Siena GES propone alcune informazioni molto utili per spiegare come le studentesse e gli studenti europei, pur essendo in mobilità, possono ugualmente partecipare al voto, senza perdere l’occasione di esercitare il proprio diritto. L’Europa dà anche questa possibilità: è bene saperlo. #UsailTuoVoto

3/4/2024, 2:08:09 PM

Make a difference in the European elections - Support European workers with EP President Roberta Metsola. Eager to leave your mark on the European Union? Look no further than acknowledging the outstanding contributions of European workers, tirelessly driving the Union forward. From Roberta Metsola's perspective, these dedicated individuals form the backbone of a thriving Europe, uniting nations and propelling progress. Your vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections carries immense weight, enabling you to advocate for the rights and well-being of these hardworking individuals. Beyond the ballots, engage with parliamentary debates, public dialogues, and calls for accountability to ensure that European workers' efforts are duly recognized. Seize the opportunity to shape the future of Europe as you cast your vote in the elections happening from June 6th to 9th. Join the movement towards a fairer, more inclusive Europe. Your voice matters. Let it resonate in Brussels, shaping a Europe that values diversity and unity, guided by principles of peace and equality. Embrace this chance to make a real impact and pave the way for a brighter future for all. Click on this link to find out more information and register for the elections. Josef Anger, the CEO, Owner, and Board Member of #CNBC #Elections #Politics #EU #European #EuropeanUnion #Parliament #Government #Politicians #EuropeanElections #Memes #Meme #Democracy #Politics #Narodnarada #Smer #VOTE #Elections #EuropeanElections #EUelections #ElectionsForEuropeanParliament #EuropeanElections #EUelections #VoteEurope #YourVoteMatters #VoteForEurope #VoteForEurope #EuVote #Europawahl #EuropeanElections #EuropeanElections #VoteEurope #ChooseYourFuture #DemocracyEurope #EUdecision #BuildEurope #VoiceYourChoice #UniteForEurope

3/4/2024, 10:35:25 AM

Under sportlovet åkte Helen från Göteborg ut och lämnade ut ris till 26 föräldralösa barn. P.O.X group i Örebro har haft vår Pantkorg med information om EU-valet och deras bidrag var ovärdeligt! ❤️🙌🏽 Föräldrarna hade gett sig ut på havet för att söka jobb, pandemin har inte bara påverkat vår ekonomi, föräldrarna till dessa 26 barn såg ingen annan utväg än att ge sig ut på en livsfarlig resa med hopp om att kunna försörja sina barn. 😔💔 Strax före julafton sjönk båten och föräldrarna miste livet.. 😭 Vi samlar in pengar till ett Fadderbarn i samma by (som älskar att spela fotboll⚽️ och vill utbilda sig till lärare👨🏾‍🏫) och samma Förening tog sig an att ge husrum och mat till barnen som mist sin mamma och pappa. I byn kostar det ca 24 368 Dalasi för ett barn att gå gymnasiet per år. Det är ca 4000 kr. Medellönen är ca 450 kr i månaden så under ett år har en förälder tjänat in 5400 kr å då ska hyra, mat och övriga räkningar betalas. De har inte samma förutsättningar som oss, bara samma drömmar! ❤️ Å vi kan göra en enorm skillnad i andra människors liv, tusen tack P.O.X group!! 🙌🏽❤️✨ #eu #epas #juniorambassadors #europaparlament #euvote #euelections2024 #gambia #p.o.x #örebro #heroes #makeadiffrence #grateful #childrenarethefuture

3/4/2024, 10:19:50 AM

🇪🇺 Today at the heart of the EU Council vote lies the fate of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive ( #CSDDD). 🇩🇪 What is happening with Germany's unexpected stance? Read into the full story on LinkedIn ( #linkinbio) for a closer look at the twists and turns shaping the future of #EU #supplychain standards. #CorporateSustainability #EUVote #CSDDD

2/28/2024, 10:53:08 AM

🇪🇺 Elezioni UE 2024 | Disponibili sul nostro sito, le indicazioni per i cittadini di altri paesi membri dell'Unione Europea residenti a Cernusco sul Naviglio che vogliano votare alle elezioni di sabato 8 e domenica 9 giugno per eleggere i nuovi rappresentanti del Parlamento Europeo. 🗳 Le domande devono essere inviate entro l'11 marzo 2024. Maggiori informazioni: [link in bio] 🇩🇪 Unionsbürger mit Wohnsitz in Italien: 🇫🇷 Ressortissants de l’UE residant en Italie: 🇬🇧 EU citizens residing in Italy: . . . #EUvote #UEvote #UnioneEuroepea #Europa #UE #EU #ueueueue #comunecernuscosulnaviglio #cernuscosn #comunecernuscns #cernuscosulnaviglio #voto #elezioni #parlamentoeuropeo

2/23/2024, 12:30:14 PM

In riferimento alla manifestazione elettorale di Sanremo, organizzata dal Centrodestra per la presentazione a candidato sindaco dell'Ing. Rolando, alla quale ho partecipato assieme a numerosi miei sostenitori, deisdero ringraziare i Coordinatori Regionali e Provinciali dei vari partiti e formazioni per l'impegno profuso, che ha portato ad una partecipazione di folla veramente impressionante. Fra essi, mi è particolarmente gradito ringraziare il Coordinatore Regionale di Fratelli d'italia On.le Matteo Rosso e il Senatore Gianni Berrino per la calorosa accoglienza e l'ospitalità riservate. Come già espresso in precedenza, ho voluto, con la mia presenza e quella dei miei amici e sostenitori, contribuire al risultato elettorale positivo che conseguirà Rolando. #Sanremo #ElezioniSanremo #Centrodestra #CandidatoSindaco #IngRolando #Sostenitori #CoordinatoriRegionali #CoordinatoriProvinciali #FratelliDItalia #Partecipazione #Accoglienza #Ospitalità #RisultatoElettorale #ManifestazioneElettorale #Politica #ElezioneSindaco #Sanremo2024 #europeanelections #voteEU #EUdecision #EuropeanUnion #EUvote #eudebate #EUfuture #eupolitics #europeandemocracy #EUrepresentatives #euleaders

2/21/2024, 12:50:55 PM

🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹 CENA TRICOLORE ALPINI La serata è stata estremamente piacevole e mi ha offerto l’opportunità di conversare con molte persone. Durante queste conversazioni ho avvertito un diffuso senso di delusione e sfiducia nella politica. Ho colto l’occasione per argomentare la necessità di un ruolo più attivo e partecipativo da parte dell’elettorato, nonché la volontà di un cambiamento da parte dei politici, che devono ascoltare le esigenze della popolazione e adottare un approccio pragmatico, specialmente in merito alle questioni europee. È fondamentale che i rappresentanti siano preparati anche dal punto di vista giuridico, considerata la complessità delle normative europee e le problematiche legate alla loro applicazione. È pertanto necessaria una semplificazione del sistema normativo. Durante la serata, ho ricevuto molte richieste da parte dei presenti, tra cui la volontà di avere un rappresentante effettivamente presente in Europa. Ho confermato la mia intenzione di agire su due fronti: essere presente in Parlamento e trascorrere i fine settimana nei territori per mantenere un contatto diretto con le persone. Desidero esprimere la mia gratitudine al Presidente dell’Associazione Alpini di Pancalieri, Beppe, al sindaco Luca Pochettino e ad Antonio Castellano e al Consigliere Regionale Davide Nicco che era presente. #europeanelections #voteEU #EUdecision #EuropeanUnion #EUvote #eudebate #EUfuture #eupolitics #europeandemocracy #EUrepresentatives #euleaders #europedecides #euvoting #EUcitizens #EUparliament #EUgovernment #EUcandidates #EUvoice #EUchange #EUelection #EUdemocracy #fratelliditalia #europeanunity #alpini

2/12/2024, 11:47:47 AM

Da poco terminato l’incontro con l’On. Maurizio Leo, Vice Ministro dell’Economia e delle Finanze a Saluzzo. La sua visione di riforma fiscale incontra le nostre richieste, attese da almeno 50 anni. 👍 La visione di uno Stato che ascolta i cittadini  👍 Che non avvia accertamenti senza un contraddittorio e se prosegue deve darne motivo rafforzato 👍 Che combatte l’evasione fiscale attraverso la semplificazione del sistema 🇮🇹 Il prossimo obiettivo sarà marzo, con la presentazione delle bozze di Testo Unico. Grazie al Consigliere Regionale Dr. Paolo Bongioanni per aver creato questo momento di incontro e di confronto. #europeanelections #voteEU #EUdecision #EuropeanUnion #EUvote #eudebate #EUfuture #eupolitics #europeandemocracy #EUrepresentatives #euleaders #europedecides #euvoting #EUcitizens #EUparliament #EUgovernment #EUcandidates #EUvoice #EUchange #EUelection #EUdemocracy #fratelliditalia #europeanunity #EUdecisionmaking

2/9/2024, 3:08:03 PM

Den 6 till 9 ju i är det val till Europaparlamentet, och i Sverige kan man rösta den 9 juni. Men varför ska just du rösta i EU-valet? Du har säkert hört många gånger att du kan förändra världen med din röst, och det är precis därför du ska rösta! Din röst ger de ledamöter som delar tankar med dig, möjligheten att få sitta i Europaparlamentet och bestämma lagar och förordningar som kommer påverka EU:s framtid, och därmed Sveriges framtid. Hitta en ledamot eller ett parti som delar prioriteringar med dig, och rösta på dem för att de ska styra EU i den riktningen som du vill. Gör EU till ditt EU genom att utnyttja din rösträtt! 🫶🤝🙌🏽👊🏽🤟🏿🤌🏻👌🏾 #europaparlament #epas #eu #sverige #sweden #vote #euvote #election #val #euval #eudemocracy #tillsammansieuropa #togetherineu

2/1/2024, 11:59:51 AM

🌿✨Positive progress we love to see! 🌍💚 This month the EU has introduced bold new legislation when it comes to greenwashing, holding businesses accountable for their eco-claims. Navigating the world of making better choices is difficult for consumers - we’re faced with so much jargon and so many competing messages and initiatives - we hope that this new ruling will clean things up for both the people and the planet! 🍃🫶 It’s the kind of change we need to be seeing to ensure we head to a more sustainable future. #thegoodinfluence #tgi #sustainableliving #euvote #nomoregreenwashing #greenwashingban #socialagency #purposedriven #agencylife #sustainablelifestyle

1/29/2024, 6:21:59 PM

🔷Brüssel-Fahrt der JU Harburg im Oktober 2023🔷🇪🇺 Von Oktober bis November 2023 hospitierte unser Ortsvorsitzender Marco Pulci @marco.pulci.97 im Rahmen seines Baureferendariats vier Wochen an der Bayerischen Vertretung in Brüssel. Diese nimmt Einfluss auf die politische Willensbildung in der Europäischen Union, berät und unterstützt bei der Kontaktaufnahme mit EU-Stellen und arbeitet mit anderen europäischen Regionalvertretungen mit Sitz in Brüssel zusammen. 🔹 Bei dieser Gelegenheit besuchten ihn Johannes Amerdinger und Bruder Manuel Pulci @manuelpulci für ein paar Tage. Neben dem Besuch wichtiger EU Institutionen und der Stadtbesichtigung stand auch wieder einmal ein Erfahrungsaustausch auf dem Programm. 🔹 Gerade in Hinblick auf die Europawahl 2024 konnte das Team der @juharburgschwaben wertvolle Erfahrungen sammeln. 🔹 🔹 🔹 #europawahl2024 #eudemocracy #eufuture #euparliament #europeanunity #voteeurope #euvote #eucitizens #europeanvoice #donauries #csu #jubayern #jungeunion

12/23/2023, 3:32:50 PM

🗞️✨ Breaking News: Hungary 🇭🇺, still opposed to Ukraine's membership, abstains from vote after unanimous support from 26 other members! 👥💔 #Hungary #Ukraine #MembershipDenied #EUvote #UnitedFront #NoConsensus 🚫🤝 En Español: 🗞️✨ ¡Última hora! Hungría 🇭🇺, todavía se opone a la membresía de Ucrania, se abstiene de votar luego del apoyo unánime de los otros 26 miembros! 👥💔 #Hungría #Ucrania #MembresíaDenegada #VotoUE #FrenteUnido #SinConsensus 🚫🤝 \[Emojis: 🗞️✨🇭🇺👥💔🚫🤝\] #mexicanosenelmundo #colombianosenelmundo #ecuatorianosenelmundo #venezolanosenelmundo #peruanosenelmundo #latinosenelmundo #dominicanosenelmundo #argentinosenelmundo #hispanosenelmundo #enelmundolatinos #enelmundo #latinos #hispanosenelmundo #hispanosenelmundo #latinosenelmundo #latinaenelmundo #latinasenelmundo #latinosenelmundo #actualidad Try #BHIVENectar and publish your own news on whatever topic/language you choose. Stay top of mind with your network. Go to Nectar.Social for more info or use QR code to access app. #BHIVE is a Canadian owned and operated company. In the meanwhile, follow us for more news. Siguenos para más noticias. What do you think? Leave your comments below. 🤔👀 Que opinan ustedes? Comenten abajo....👇

12/14/2023, 9:00:29 PM

I recently updated my electoral registration info (after finally finding a way to do it for free, having missed my opportunity to vote, in several elections!), but they have my election type wrong, and there's no way of fixing it on the website! 🤬 A stands for "potential EU citizen", whereas I am most definitely an EU citizen, so my type should be E, which would allow me to vote in local, and EU elections. As it is, I'm only allowed to vote in local elections! I want my voting rights. #checktheregister #ireland #electoralregister #electoralregistration #localelections #localvote #euelections #europeanelections #euvote #europeanvote #voting #votingrights

8/21/2023, 7:45:51 PM

LV: Kas ir galvenie iemesli, kāpēc jaunieši Latvijā nedodas vēlēt EP vēlēšanās? Uzzini to un vēl papildus informāciju, kas palīdz novērst šos iemeslus, tieši šeit!😁 Šis ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: What are the main reasons why young people in Latvia do not go to vote in the EP elections? Find out that and additional information that helps to prevent these reasons, right here!😁 This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

5/11/2023, 9:12:43 PM

Workshop: varför är det viktigt att rösta i det kommande EU-valet? ✍️🗳 Kan du komma på fler saker varför det är viktigt? Fyll på i kommentarsfältet! 👇 Å glöm inte bort att DU inte enbart är svensk medborgare utan även en europeisk medborgare, VI är EU! 🫶🇪🇺 #europaparlament #eu #epas #vote #euvote #rösta #val

5/9/2023, 12:25:51 PM

Oggi è la Giornata dell'Europa 🇪🇺✨ Ve ne parliamo con TEO, ospite e mascotte d'eccezione che ci accompagnerà per tanto tempo 🐈‍⬛ #TurnEuropeOn #TEOStrauss #StraussAPS #EuropeDay #EUvote

5/9/2023, 8:01:14 AM

LV: Kādas ir galvenās EP politiskās grupas? Kurās politiskajās grupās Latvijas deputāti ir novietoti?👨‍💼 To un vēl vairāk uzzini šajā ierakstā!✨️ Šis ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: What are the main political groups in the EP? In which political groups are Latvian deputies placed?👨‍💼 Find out that and more in this post!✨️ This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

5/2/2023, 7:29:59 AM

LV: 28. aprīlī viesojāmies Rēzeknes Valsts poļu ģimnāzijā. 56 šīs skolas jauniešu uzzināja par ES likumdošanas sistēmu, kā arī gatavojās 2024. gada Eiropas Parlamenta vēlēšanām🇪🇺 Šis pasākums un ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. On April 28, we went to Rēzekne State Polish Gymnasium. 56 young people from this school learned about the EU legislative system and prepared for the 2024 European Parliament elections🇪🇺 This event and post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

5/1/2023, 8:43:05 PM

LV: 27. aprīlī mēs viesojāmies Jēkabpils Valsts ģimnāzijā, kur satikām atbalstošus un aktīvus jauniešus!🤩 Viņiem bija iespēja iegūt jaunas zināšanas par ES struktūru, izmantojot neformālās izglītības metodes.✨️ Šis pasākums un ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: On April 27, we visited Jēkabpils State Gymnasium, where we met supportive and active youngsters!🤩 They had the opportunity to gain new knowledge about the structure of the EU through non-formal education.✨️ This event and post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/30/2023, 7:17:44 PM

LV: Vai tu zini, kā sokas Latvijas EP deputātiem? Ko viņi ir sasnieguši un kādas ir viņu nostājas? Uzzini to un vairāk šajā postā!🤩 Šis ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: Do you know how Latvian MEPs are doing? What have they done and what are their stance's? Find out that and more in this post!🤩 This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/29/2023, 9:30:18 PM

LV: 24. aprīlī viesojāmies pie Jelgavas Valsts ģimnāzijas jauniešiem, kur iepazīstinājām viņus ar ES pamatprincipiem un darbības virzieniem. Šis pasākums un ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: On April 24, we visited youngsters of Jelgava State Gymnasium, where we introduced them to the basic principles and directions of the EU. This event and post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/26/2023, 7:39:01 PM

LV: 20. aprīlī viesojāmies pie Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju vidusskolas jauniešiem, lai informētu viņus par to, kā strādā Eiropas Savienības likumu pieņemšana🇪🇺 Šis pasākums un ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: On April 20, we visited youngsters of Daugavpils Technological High School to inform them about how European Union legislation works🇪🇺 This event and post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/24/2023, 7:49:17 AM

LV: Kā strādā ES institūcijas? Kādas tās ir un kā tās iedalās? Uzzini par to un vēl vairāk, pavelkot pa labi!✨️ Šis ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: How do EU institutions work? What are they and how are they classified as? Learn about it and more by swiping right!✨️ This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/22/2023, 9:20:10 PM

LV: 17. aprīlī mēs viesojāmies pie Ludzas pilsētas vidusskolas jauniešiem, kur mēs izspēlējām Eiropas Savienības lēmumpieņemšanas soļus, kas deva jauniešiem ieskatu Eiropas Savienības darbībā. Šis pasākums un ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: On April 17, we visited the youth of Ludza City High School, where we acted out the decision-making steps in the European Union. In order to give youth an insight into the functioning of the European Union. This event and post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/20/2023, 7:58:22 AM

LV: Ko vispār dara Eiropas Savienība? Kā izpaužas ES vara pār tās iedzīvotājiem? Un cik liela vara paliek Latvijas rokās?😮 Šis ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: What does the European Union even do? What power does the EU have over their citizens, and what power remains in the hands of the state?😮 This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/19/2023, 5:53:11 PM

LV: Kas ir galvenais, ko Tev jāzina par Eiropas Parlamentu pirms ej vēlēt? Šajā ierakstā uzzināsi tieši to! Šis ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: What are the main things you need to know about the European Parliament before voting? You will find out exactly that in this post! This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/17/2023, 6:38:40 AM

LV: Dzīve Eiropas Savienībā nodrošina daudzas priekšrocības. Tās saistītas gan ar cilvēku resursiem, cilvēku labklājību un tiesībām, gan apkārtējo vidi un ekonomiku. ✨️ Pavelc pa kreisi un uzzini, kā ES labklājības veicināšanas sasniegumi palīdz arī Tev!🙌 Šis ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: Living in the European Union provides many advantages. They are related to human resources, human welfare and rights, as well as the environment and economy.✨️ Swipe left and find out how the EU welfare promotion achievements help you too!🙌 This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/12/2023, 9:53:40 PM

LV: Eiropas Savienībai ir pamatvērtības, pēc kurām vadās visas Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstis, bet vai jauniešiem tās ir aktuālas, un vai tās sakrīt ar Latvijas jauniešu interesēm?🙉 Šis ieraksts tapis, pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: The European Union has basic values ​​that all EU member states adhere to, but are they relevant for young people, and do they coincide with the interests of Latvian youth?🙉 This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/10/2023, 5:46:39 PM

LV: Vai tu zini, ko Eiropas Savienība dara jauniešu labā?🤔 Uzzini par Eiropas Savienības piedāvātājām iespējām jauniešu pašizaugsmes veicināšanai. Ja esi jaunietis, iespējams tevi ieinteresēs sevi attīstīt izmantojot dotās ES iespējas. Šis ieraksts ir tapis pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: Do you know what the European Union is doing for youngsters?🤔 Learn about the opportunities offered by the European Union to promote the self-growth of the youth. If you are a young person, you may be interested in developing yourself using the EU-offered opportunities. This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/2/2023, 6:39:53 PM

LV: 30. martā notika pasākums "Ātrais randiņš ar Eiropu".🍽 Pasākuma laikā jauniešiem no visas Latvijas bija iespēja uzzināt vairāk par dažādām Eiropas Savienības darbības formām, kā arī piedalīties paneļdiskusijā ar @baibadziedataja, runājot par ES vērtību nozīmi 2023. gadā.🇪🇺 Pasākuma laikā, no Briseles mums pievienojās arī @ivarsijabs. Un jauniešiem bija iespēja uzdot viņam savus jautājumus.✨️ Šis pasākums un ieraksts tapis pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: On March 30, the event "Quick ​​date with Europe" was held.🍽 During the event, youngsters from all over Latvia had the opportunity to learn more about the various areas of work of the European Union, as well as participate in a panel discussion with @baibadziedataja, talking about the importance of EU values ​​in 2023.🇪🇺 During the event, @ivarsijabs also joined us from Brussels. And youngsters had the opportunity to ask him their questions.✨️ This event and post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/1/2023, 8:28:30 PM

LV: Kāpec katra balss ir svarīga?🗣  Kādas sekas rodas, ja cilvēki atturās balsot? 🫸 Iepazīsti vēsturisku piemēru, kuru definē šie jautājumi un izpēti situācijai līdzīgu teorētisku piemēru! Šis ieraksts ir tapis pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: Why does every vote matter?🗣  What are the consequences of abstaining from voting? 🫸 Get to know historical examples defined by these questions and explore a theoretical situation similar to this! This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

4/1/2023, 10:09:40 AM

LV: Vai vēlies piedalīties topošajās EP vēlēšanās, bet tevi uztrauc šī jaunā pieredze?🤔 Vairs nav ko baidīties! Izlasi Ances Mālkalnas pieredzi balsot 2019. gada EP vēlēšanās . Iespējams uzzināsi ko interesantu!😉 Šis ieraksts tapis pateicoties “Co-operation You(th) Vote” (COYV) projektam, kuru finansē Eiropas Savienība. EN: Do you want to participate in the upcoming EP elections but are worried about this new experience?🤔 There is nothing to fear anymore! Read about Ance’s Mālkalna's experience on 2019 EP elections. Maybe you will learn something interesting!😉 This post was created thanks to the "Co-operation You(th) Vote" (COYV) project, which is funded by the European Union. #esvēlu #euvote #youthvote

3/28/2023, 8:12:45 PM

02/05/22 - MEP dag 5 MEP zit erop! Moe maar voldaan. Vandaag werd er, per commissie, voor de opgestelde resoluties gestemd. Met als afsluiter een spaghetti! Topervaring, onvergetelijke herinneringen en een sterke prestatie van campus fenix! Deze avond was het dan tijd om te lobbyen. #campusfenix #mep #modeleuropeanparliament #europeanparliament #eu #europe #europeanunion #brussels #europeseunie #landenoverleg #stemmen #vote #euvote #fenixwijzewereldburger #burgerzin #citizenship #helemaalgo #sgrscoop

5/3/2022, 12:17:34 AM

Today’s EU MiCA vote could ban exchanges from listing proof of work crypto assets.⁠ ⁠ The wording in the current MiCA report would cause crypto service providers to issue a proof of work ban for 'unsustainable' crypto assets.⁠ ⁠ #thecryptocafe #coinbase #cryptotrade #cryptoban #⁠ bitcoinban #cryptotrading #ethereum #euban #euvote #mica #micavote #proofofwork #cryptocurrency #cryptoinvestor #bitcoinlife

3/14/2022, 11:23:07 AM

Bitcoin-Banning Measure Seen Too Close To Call In Tomorrow's EU Parliament Vote A proposed rule that could effectively amount to a ban on the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin will be voted on by European Union (EU) parliamentarians Monday with the outcome very much undecided. . . . . . . #bitcoin #btc #crypto #cryptocurrency #eu #euparliament #btcban #bitcoinban #banbitcoin #vote #euvote #parliamentvote #euparliamentvote #newssails

3/14/2022, 5:15:44 AM

Jaarlijks worden meer dan drie miljoen levende dieren vanuit de EU op lange afstand transport gezet om te worden vetgemest en geslacht. Tijdens deze transporten, die soms maanden kunnen duren, lijden de dieren enorm. Veel dieren overleven deze transporten niet. Vandaag stemt de EU over nieuwe wetten om de omstandigheden van deze live export te verbeteren. Dit is niet genoeg! We willen een totaal verbod op de export van levende dieren! Teken de petitie die al door meer dan 900.00 mensen is getekend. Link in bio 🧡 #banliveexport #euvote #transport #europeanparliament #liveexport #boerenleven

1/20/2022, 12:24:11 PM

🦈!!SAVE OUR SHARKS - STOP FINNING - VOTE TO BAN THIS IN THE EU - PLEASE SHARE!!🦈 "The situation with sharks right now is very serious. In 2013, the journal Marine Policy estimated that we are killing over 11.000 sharks per hour around the world. 11.000 sharks per hour means about 100.000.000 per year, but the journal also said that the actual numbers could be almost three times as many as that. It’s hard to understand what numbers like that really mean sometimes. Think of it this way. Killing 11.000 sharks per hour is more or less like killing all the people in Venice, Italy–over and over, every day! If we continue at this rate, soon there will be no sharks left. Since sharks are essential species in marine ecosystems, the loss of sharks affects the entire health of the oceans." - Sarah Geron - This is an official EU Vote, if you think shark-finning should be banned and you are an EU citizen, Go to 🦈 Or scan the QR code when you're entering our shop!! Use your vote to make a difference 💞voting ends at the end of January @seashepherd is supporting this! #eco #surfshop #sustain #sharks #finning #surf #ocean #stopfinning #europe #euvote #vote #finbannow #stopfinningeu #seashepherd #seashepherportugal #makeadifference

1/17/2022, 5:31:41 PM