europeanunion images

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#food #travel #sports #news #may #wednesday

𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 “AI Tools 4 Youth Work” Onde: Popova Shapka, Tetovo, Macedonia do Norte; 🇲🇰 Datas: 15/06 - 22/06; 📆 Tema: Literacia digital e inteligência artificial Infopack: 📋 CANDIDATURAS: PARA COPIAR E ABRIR LINKS USAR A VERSÃO WEB DO INSTAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #erasmus #erasmusplus #erasmusprojects #learningtolearn #eu #erasmuslife #youngeuropeans #erasmus+ #esc #europeansolidaritycorps #trainingcourse #europe #youth #culturalexchange #culture #goabroad #discovereu #fun #discovereurope #youthpass #travel #opportunities #education #nonforrmaleducation #myerasmus #europeanunion #europeanproject #gapyear

5/1/2024, 12:11:30 AM

🇪🇺 20 years ago 10 countries joined the #europeanunion 🇨🇿 🇪🇪 🇨🇾 🇱🇻 🇱🇹 🇭🇺 🇲🇹 🇵🇱 🇸🇮 🇸🇰 we celebrated this anniversary in #rome with the Representatives of the @europeanparliament and @europeancommission and the Member States’ Embassies. We are united around our common values: #peace, #freedom, #democracy. The #eu brings #prosperity and #security to all! #20yearstogether #eu2024be

4/30/2024, 11:56:57 PM

Adana mobility, day 2 Space engineer, 3D rocket and virtual reality workshops: "The Door to The future" Work in progress with out KA210 project. #erasmusplus #erasmusproject #erasmuska210 #europevalues #europeanunion #erasmusstudent #erasmusmobility #learntogether @ae_castro_daire @adanabilsem

4/30/2024, 11:51:43 PM

Unlock the doors to Europe with Maria’s expert Schengen visa consultation! 🚪✨ Discover the freedom of travel with a Schengen visa! ✈️🌍 Enjoy seamless exploration across 26 European countries with just one visa. Say goodbye to multiple applications and hello to endless adventures! Contact us today: 📲: +971-564461616 | +971-564462626 ☎️: 04-3287113 📧: [email protected] #SchengenVisa #TravelEurope #EuropeanUnion #WorkInEurope #StayinEurope #EuropeAdventure #VisaServices #ImmigrationLawyer #LegalConsultants #VeritasVisaServices #VeritasVisa ♥️🇪🇺

4/30/2024, 10:54:08 PM

🇪🇺💛🇭🇺Boldog 20 éves csatlakozási évfordulót, Magyarország! 🎆Holnap lesz 20 éve, hogy Magyarország csatlakozott az Európai Unióhoz. 20 éve lett újra egységes Európa. 20 éve együtt, egymást erősítjük. 20 éve ugyanezen napon összesen 10 tagállammal bővült az EU – ez volt a történelem legnagyobb bővítése. A csatlakozással az Európai Unió az egyik legfontosabb szereplővé vált a világban. Magyarország, és az új tagállamok pedig soha nem látott lehetőséget kaptak a fejlődésre. 🎉Ünnepeljünk most együtt! Boldog évfordulót és éljen soká Európa! #20YearsTogether #EuropeanUnion #EurópaiUnió #20évEU

4/30/2024, 10:51:40 PM

European Union Supranational political and economic union of 27 states #europeanunion

4/30/2024, 10:47:55 PM

OPENING EVENT : PRESENTATION OF OUR NEW CAPACITY BUILDING PROJECT " YOUTH FOR PEACE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA" CO_FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION. #erasmusplus #capacitybuilding #youthforpeace #Mediterranean #europeanunion #peaceeducation #socialjustice #YxP #openingevent #introduction #welcoming

4/30/2024, 10:40:52 PM

Was junge Menschen von der EU erwarten können, sollen und dürfen? Am 1. Januar 2024 hat das Königreich Belgien für ein halbes Jahr zum dreizehnten Mal den Vorsitz im Rat der Europäischen Union (EU) übernommen. Dies nimmt das Belgienzentrum zum Anlass, beim diesjährigen Belgientag am 15.05.2024 auf die Rolle Belgiens in der EU zu schauen. Das Land ist nicht nur Gründungsmitglied der EU, sondern beherbergt auch das EU-Parlament. Es ist Motor vieler Neuerungen und zeigt exemplarisch auf, wie die umfassende Teilhabe von Regionen und Gemeinschaften an dem Vorsitz gelingen kann. Kommt vorbei beim Belgientag in #paderborn und diskutiert mit – dabei unter anderem Jun.-Prof. Dr. Yves Huybrechts und Prof. Dr. Johannes Süßmann vom Historischen Institut. Link in Bio, mehr erfahrt ihr auf den Kanälen des Belgienzentrums / Belgiennet“   Foto 1: © Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union / Vlad Vanderkelen Foto 3: © Benjamin-Joseph Steens #european #europe #paderborn #upb #history #geschichte #unipaderborn #studyhistory #europeanhistory #europeanunion #EU #belgium #belgique #kulturwissenschaft #owl #belgientag #culturalscience

4/30/2024, 10:39:59 PM

MAJÓWKA TUŻ TUŻ! ☀️ JAK ZAMIERZASZ JĄ WYKORZYSTAĆ? Niektórzy z Was już rozpoczęli swój majówkowy wypad. Wasze zdjęcia pokazują, że na dobre rozpoczął się sezon podróży po Polsce i Europie. Dzisiaj uświadomiłam sobie, że Europa liczy ponad 40 państw i naprawdę przede mną jeszcze wiele do zobaczenia na tym kontynencie. Może dlatego tak bardzo cieszę się na nadchodzącą podróż. Jeszcze 14 dni i rozpocznę kilkudniową przygodę z nowym krajem. Już żałuję, że potrwa ona tylko 5 dni, bo z tego co czytam i oglądam, to mogę stwierdzić, że to miejsce zasługuje, aby poświęcić mu znacznie więcej czasu. Napiszcie w komentarzu, jakie macie plany na najbliższe dni 🏖️🎒 _______________ #warszawa_love #poland🇵🇱 #photography📷 #girlintravel #mycountrylife #europeanunion #sunsetlovers #sunday #localguide #podrozemaleiduze🚗 #ogrody #wspomnienia 🗝️ Warszawa | Polska | stolica | spacer | relaks | odpoczynek | podróże | fotografia | zwiedzanie

4/30/2024, 10:03:00 PM

✅️ EU 유기농 로고: 유럽국가에서 유기농으로 생산된 제품에 마크가 부여됩니다. 생산, 가공, 운송 및 보관에 대한 엄격한 조건을 충족해야 합니다. 최소 95%의 유기농 성분으로 구성되고 나머지 5%에 대해서도 엄격한 요구 사항을 충족하는 제품에만 허용됩니다 🇪🇺 🌱차의 원재료인 허브와 꽃이 1)농약, 2)화학비료, 3)유전자재조합 "없이" 재배되었음을 의미합니다 #유럽 #유기농 #무농약 #무화학비료 #유전자재조합노노 #건강 #친환경 #bio #europeanunion

4/30/2024, 10:02:55 PM

Nuclear Fusion: A Solution to the World’s Energy Problem? At the 3rd EUROPE TALKS conference yesterday, Belgian expert engineer Mr. Paul Wouters beautifully illuminated how nuclear fusion offers a promising solution to our global energy challenges, introducing us to ITER, the world’s largest experimental fusion reactor. ITER, the golden grail of energy, aims to replicate the fusion reactions that power the sun and stars. Mr. Wouters emphasised its potential to provide a large-scale, virtually limitless source of clean energy, with minimal environmental impact. Paul Wouters is Senior Project Manager for Nucleair Safety and Licensing of the ITER TBM at Fusion for Energy, the European Union Agency managing the European contribution to ITER Organization, based in Barcelona. The conference was moderated by Mr. Arnaud Devienne, a nuclear engineer expert with ten years of experience in radiation protection and nuclear safety, who recently joined the ITER project as a nuclear safety engineer to support the F4E program. EUROPE TALKS is a collaboration between the Consulate of Belgium in Barcelona, the Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona, Fundación ”la Caixa”, and The Club of Rome. The initiative aligns with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of European Union, from January to June 2024. CCBLB remains gratefully committed to supporting initiatives and collaborations that create Belgian and Luxembourg awareness in and around Barcelona. Stay tuned for the 4th EUROPE TALKS conference, “Europe Rediscovers Geopolitics: From Ukraine to Taiwan” on Monday, May 13 at 18:00, featuring Dr. Sven Biscop. #EuropeanUnion #f4e #ITER #NuclearFusion #SustainableEnergy #nuclearenergy #eu2924be #europeancommission #belgianpresidency #clubofrome #clubderoma #fundaciolacaixa #caixaforum #chamberofcommerce #networking  #ccblb #belgium #europe #barcelona #catalonia

4/30/2024, 9:49:50 PM

Episode 1: Εκλογές για το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο: Η αρχή 🎙Simon Veil & Jacques Delors 🎙Ιστορική αναδρομή στις πρώτες δύο εκλογικές αναμετρήσεις για το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο 🎙Η Ενιαία Ευρωπαϊκή Πράξη και οι αρμοδιότητες του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου #podcast #europarliament #Eu #europe #elections #EuropeanUnion #Europeanelections

4/30/2024, 9:48:03 PM

Matteo Renzi sarà candidato alle elezioni europee con la lista Stati Uniti d’Europa. A parlare per prima è Emma Bonino, leader di +Europa: “Matteo Renzi si candiderà all’ultimo posto in lista in quattro circoscrizioni su cinque, garantendo così il suo pieno sostegno al progetto. Tutti i candidati della Lista Stati Uniti d’Europa si sono impegnati, se eletti, a lasciare eventuali altri incarichi e andare al Parlamento europeo. E ora tuffiamoci nella campagna elettorale, sfidando sovranisti e anti europeisti nel nome degli Stati Uniti d’Europa”. “Io in questo ufficio lascio un pezzo di cuore. Lascio un pezzo di cuore perché ho deciso di candidarmi alle elezioni europee dell’8 e 9 giugno e a differenza di quello che fanno gli altri, se sarò eletto io andrò al Parlamento europeo”. Così Matteo Renzi in un video su Fb dall’ufficio a palazzo Giustiniani Dopo aver presentato nei giorni scorsi simbolo e capilista, oggi pomeriggio abbiamo terminato il lavoro sulle liste per gli Stati Uniti d’Europa, il progetto politico ed elettorale per le europee che ho lanciato mesi fa e che è stato abbracciato con convinzione oltre che da +Europa, da Italia Viva, dal PSI, dai Libdem, da Radicali Italiani e da Italia C’è. Ho deciso di raddoppiare il mio impegno, candidandomi nella testa di lista anche nella circoscrizione del centro, oltre che capolista al Nord Ovest.” Che ne pensate? #matteorenzi #renzi #reneweurope #renewitalia #statiunitideuropa #europaverde #ItaliaViva #PiuEuropa #libdems #Libdem #partitosocialista #Radicali #europeanunion #european #europee2024 #europee #nopropaganda #nofakenews

4/30/2024, 9:46:47 PM

V piatok 26. apríla sme boli v Košiciach na Gymnáziu Edity Steinovej 🤩, kde sme sa so štvrtákmi rozprávali o rozmeroch európskeho občianstva a právach, povinnostiach, ale aj výhodách, ktoré prináša. Na úvod sme hovorili o tom, čo to znamená byť európskym občanom, ako funguje Európska únia, ako prebieha advokácia na európskej úrovni, no a potom sme študentom aj učiteľom predstavili aké rôzne projekty na úrovni EÚ existujú 🇪🇺, do ktorých sa môžu zapájať a aké vlastné si môžu tvoriť. V rámci praktickej časti workshopu sme im predstavili koncept Európskych solidárnych projektov a spolu s nimi sme sa pustili do draftovania projektov v ich lokálnych komunitách, ale aj v škole. 🏫 Veríme, že to pre GYMES a jeho žiakov bol prínosný čas, z ktorého budú ešte dlho čerpať 💪 *workshop prebehol v rámci nášho projektu v spolupráci s Kanceláriou Európskeho parlamentu na Slovensku s názvom "Európske stretnutia blízkeho druhu"* #workshop #nonformaleducation #project #eucitizenship #eu #europeanunion #solidarityproject #advocacy #kosice #slovensko

4/30/2024, 9:45:55 PM

Are you exploring stable and lucrative real estate investment opportunities? Let's delve into the Greece Golden Visa program! Here's why it's worth your attention: 🏡 Steady Market Growth: Greece's real estate sector has shown resilience and steady appreciation. 🌟 EU Residency: By investing, you and your family can secure EU residency, empowering you to travel, live, and study with convenience across Europe. 💡 Long-Term Benefits: A strategic investment that offers potential rental yields and long-term value appreciation. Read the full article: link in Bio Why Greece, and why now? Let's discuss how this could be your gateway to Europe and what it means for global investors. #GreeceRealEstate #GoldenVisa #InvestInEurope #EUResidency #RealEstateInvestment #PropertyMarket #GlobalInvestors #EuropeanUnion #WealthManagement #InvestmentOpportunity

4/30/2024, 9:31:07 PM

Stand with Georgia! Free Georgia! No to Russian law! #Georgia #Tiblisi #tiblisigeorgia #Freedom #liberty #StandwithGeorgia #EuropeanUnion #Europe #RussiaIsATerroristState #NoToRussianLaw

4/30/2024, 9:26:31 PM Apartments to rent and buy in Malta #malta #maltalet #maltarent #valletta #europeanunion #unioneuropea

4/30/2024, 9:21:58 PM

Easy training near the main building of European Commission. 💪😎🏢 #Brussels #Belgium ///// Viegls treniņš pie Eiropas Komisijas centrālās ēkas. 💪😊🏢 #Brisele #Beļģija ///// #workout #athletics #run #running #racewalking #trip #travel #sports #photography #EU #EuropeanUnion #EuropeanCommission #athlete #architecture #Bruxelles #night #street #adventure #training #skriešana #skrējiens #soļošana #vieglatlētika #vieglatlētivar #treniņš

4/30/2024, 9:12:33 PM

🇪🇺🇵🇱 20 years in the European Union 🇪🇺🇵🇱 #uniaeuropejska🇪🇺 #europeanunion #europeanunion🇪🇺 #polska🇵🇱 🇪🇺 #poland🇵🇱 🇪🇺

4/30/2024, 9:08:42 PM

Le 1er mai ou "May Day" ou "Labour Day" célèbre la fête du travail ! Les fourgons, ou "D-Truck" ou "E-Truck" (gamme Aixam Pro.) sont donc de la partie ! Héritage des luttes du 19e siècle et du début du 20e siècle, le 1er mai est aujourd’hui un jour férié dans 24 des 27 pays de l’Union européenne. Le 1er mai est obligatoirement chômé dans trois pays de l’Union européenne : l’Espagne, la France et la Pologne. #fourgon #fourgonnette #travaillerensemble #letravailcestlasanté #utilitaire #Indépendant #libéraux #entreprise #entrepreneuse #entrepreneuriat #entreprenariat #mayday #labourday @followers #f4f #followerseveryone #EuropeanUnion #european #europe

4/30/2024, 9:06:09 PM

💢To άρθρο στους Financial Times συνέκρινε την ελληνική οικονομία με την κατάσταση του 2007 στη χώρα μας και κατέληξε σε κάποια συμπεράσματα. Ακριβή μεν τα στοιχεία, εξαγόμενα όμως από ένα μεθοδολογικό σφάλμα, ενώ εκτός των άλλων είναι και προσβλητικό να γράφεται για μια χώρα που πλήρωσε πολύ ακριβά τη δανεική ευημερία των '00s «ναι, αλλά το 2007 ήσασταν σχεδόν πλούσιοι». ✍️Γιάννης Κουτσομύτης 🔗Ολόκληρο το άρθρο στο link στο bio #iefimerida #greece #economy #financialtimes #success #growth #finance #europeanunion

4/30/2024, 8:35:05 PM

🇪🇺 On 1 May, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of our accession to the EU, which is why the Karolinum is symbolically wrapped in blue today. 💙 Charles University is joining the national commemoration of one of the most important events in our contemporary history, which is the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union. Important buildings will be illuminated in blue across the Czech Republic. #charlesuni #charlesuniversity #cu #europeanunion #eu #20thanniversary #20letvEU

4/30/2024, 8:31:55 PM

Azərbaycan Milli Avtomobil Klubu (AMAK), Beynəlxalq Avtomobil Federasiyası (FIA) və Təhlükəsiz və Davamlı Nəqliyyat üzrə Şərq Alyansının (EASST) dəstəyi ilə həyata keçirdiyi “Məktəblər ətrafında yol hərəkəti təhlükəsizliyinin qiymətləndirilməsi” layihəsi çərçivəsində 16, 18 və 24 aprel tarixlərində könüllülər ilə birgə mövcud vəziyyətin qiymətləndirilməsi üçün ilkin addım olaraq Sumqayıt şəhər 4 Nömrəli məktəb önündə piyada və sürücülərin sayının hesablanması məqsədilə tədbir görülmüşdür. Tədbir zamanı könüllülər ilə birgə valideynlərlə məktəb ətrafında sürət, infrastruktur, yol nişanlanması və digər yol təhlükəsizliyi ilə bağlı fikirləri öyrənilmişdir. Sözügedən təşkilatların dəstəyi ilə məktəb önündə yol hərəkətinin mövcud vəziyyətinin təkmilləşdirilməsi planlaşdırılır və bununla bağlı növbəti aylar ərzində bir sıra sörğular, araşdırmalar və tədbirlərin təşkili nəzərdə tutulur. Layihənin yekunu olaraq, əldə olunan məlumatlar əsasında infrastruktur təkmilləşdirilməsinə dair təkliflər veriləcək və aidiyyatı qurumlarla əməkdaşlıq çərçivəsində küçə transformasiyası həyata keçiriləcək. #roadsafety #drivewithcare #safedriving #amak #AMAK #azerbaycan #azerbaijan #FIA #AMAK #EAAST #Road #Azerbaijan #nəqliyyat #yoltəhlükəsizliyi #roadsafety #transport #Azərbaycan #EuropeanUnion #Avropaİttifaqı #road #nəqliyyat #Discipline #Safety #Road #fia #konullu

4/30/2024, 8:30:58 PM

“Avrupa Birliği’nin İnsan Hakları Politikaları ve Uygulamaları” Konulu Yaz Okulu Katılımlarınızı Bekliyor 🛑Link in Bio #Proje #Hibe #Fon #Burs #Eğitim #Kariyer #İş #Staj #Gönüllülük #seminer #webinar #duyuru #workshop #ücretsizeğitim #online #zoom #abilan #avrupa #ab #avrupabirliği #europeanunion

4/30/2024, 8:15:28 PM

The European Union (EU) is tightening visa rules for people from Ethiopia in response to what it says is a lack of cooperation from the Ethiopian government with the repatriation of those who have entered Europe illegally. As a result of the changes, the EU said the visa processing time for Ethiopian nationals will triple, from 15 to 45 days, and that waiving requirements for certain paperwork will no longer be allowed. According to the EU, Ethiopian officials and diplomats will need to pay to obtain travel visas while Multiple entry visas will no longer be allowed. The European Commission noted that this decision was reached due to lack of response from Ethiopian authorities with regard to readmission requests, and shortcomings with the organization of both voluntary and non-voluntary return operations. The Associated Press reports that the EU maintained that these restrictions won’t last forever, but they haven’t said when they’ll end. . . . #ethiopia #ethiopian #ethiopiatravel #ethiopianvisa #eu #europeanunion #visarestrictions

4/30/2024, 8:02:01 PM

EU2024 - Machen, was zählt: Für David stehen 2024 die Menschen in Königslutter und Europa an allererster Stelle. Vielen Dank für die tatkräftige Unterstützung! @djm_off #Europawahl #gruene #grüne #europa #politik #instapolitics #politics #eu #wahlkampf #green #election2024 #europeanunion @fbsirske

4/30/2024, 7:59:13 PM

A conclusão é da associação europeia de construtores automóveis: o número de postos de carregamentos para veículos elétricos previstos até 2035, não chegam!... Leia mais, no site da revista Turbo🚗🚗🚗 🚘 #revistaturbo #mercadoautomóvelturbo #veículoselétricosturbo #EuropeanUnion #europeancommission Na Bio

4/30/2024, 7:56:32 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, Kadriorg Palace was founded by Russian Tsar Peter I in 1718. The palace was named Kadriorg (Katharinenthal in German) in honour of his wife Catherine I. The palace designed by Italian architect Nicola Michetti with its magnificent main hall is one of the most beautiful examples of Baroque architecture in Estonia and in Northern Europe as a whole. The lovely Roman Baroque palace is surrounded by a garden of fountains, hedges, and flowerbeds, modelled on Versailles. Contact us: [email protected] [email protected] #Businessdiplomacy #worldwide #globalsecurity #Business #diplomacy #ironnavy #riskmanagement #riskassessments #Estonia #maritimesecurity #EuropeanUnion #eu #europe #Closeprotection #armedguards #corporatesecurity

4/30/2024, 7:34:11 PM

The European Commission has initiated formal proceedings against Meta Platforms, Inc., the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, over concerns that the tech giant has not adequately addressed the spread of misinformation and misleading advertising across its platforms. According to the Commission, Meta is under scrutiny for potentially breaching European rules regarding political advertising and the insufficient control of disinformation campaigns within the EU. Read more at (Link in Bio and Story) Image source: #Meta #Metaplatforms #whatsapp #markzuckerberg #facebook #instagram #EU #Europeanunion #fakenews #misinformation

4/30/2024, 7:26:49 PM

🇦🇱 👉Në datën 16 Prill, në Hotel Colosseo, në Shkodër, u mbajt e treta tryezë nga katër tryezat tekniko-institucionale. 💡Fokusi ishte në rolin transformues të sipërmarrjeve sociale në peisazhin socio-ekonomik të Shqipërisë. 👀Pikat kryesore: - Diskutime të thelluara mbi sfidat me të cilat përballen ndërmarrjet sociale. - Eksplorimi i mënyrave për të përmirësuar kuadrin ligjor për të mbështetur këto subjekte jetike. 🎉Për më tepër, ENGIM prezantoi manifestin dhe peticionin e fushatës sonë advokuese, që synon të çojë përpara ndryshime kuptim-plota dhe mbështetje për sipërmarrjet sociale në Shqipëri. ENGIM zhvilloi aktivitetin si pjesë e projektit të financuar nga BE "Përhapja e Ndërmarrjeve Sociale: formim profesional, punë dhe përfshirje" zbatuar nga ENGIM, @liberacontrolemafie , @qendra_murialdo_fier dhe @help_albania. 🇬🇧 👉On the 16th of April, the third of four technical-institutional roundtables was held at Hotel Colosseo, in #shkodër . 💡The #focus was on the transformative role of #social #enterprises in #Albania’s socio-economic landscape. 👀Key highlights: - In-depth #discussions on #challenges faced by social enterprises; - Exploring ways to enhance the legal #framework to support these vital entities. 🎉Plus, ENGIM presented our #advocacy campaign's manifesto and petition, aimed at driving forward meaningful change and support for social enterprises in Albania. ENGIM held the activity as part of the EU-funded project "Spreading #Social Enterprise: training, work and #inclusion" implemented by ENGIM, @liberacontrolemafie , @qendra_murialdo_fier and @help_albania. #EuropeanUnion #euinalbania #socialenterprise #rural #ENGIM #fier #shqiperia #albania #scutari #socialempowerment #empowerment #ngo #roundtable #cso #civilsociety #civilsocietyorganisation #informationsession #legalframework

4/30/2024, 7:20:18 PM

#EMERGINGARCHITECTUREWINNER #EUmiesAwards2024 ‘Gabriel García Márquez Library’ in #Barcelona #Spain → Architects: SUMA Arquitectura (@sumaarquitectura_) founded by Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano → Program: #MixedUse #CulturalAndSocial More about the project: 🔗 📌 #SAVETHEDATE for the Granting Ceremony on May 14 at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona in the context of the EUmies Awards Day, a day-long-event that will include the opening of the #EUmiesAwards2024 exhibition, lectures by the authors of the winning and finalist works, and discussions with the architects, clients, policymakers and jury members. Photo: @polviladoms #Winners #EUmiesAwards2024 #Architecture #Emerging #EuropeanCommission #EU #EuropeanUnion #FutureOfEurope #culture #Europe #Europa #arquitectura #architektur #contemporaryarchitecture #EUmiesAwards @fundaciomies @europeancommission @worldarchitects_official @junglovesarchitecture @jansen_architecture_matters @usmmodularfurniture

4/30/2024, 7:15:52 PM

🇬🇪🇪🇺🇺🇦 #europe #eu #europeanunion #geo #ukraine #slavaukraini

4/30/2024, 7:09:22 PM

#GalisteoinDüsseldorf 🇩🇪 #GalisteoinGermany

4/30/2024, 7:03:08 PM

Відкрита реєстрація, на захід - презентацію проєкту ʼАдаптації житлового кварталу під кліматичні, культурні, соціальні та економічні зміниʼ який відбудеться 07.05.2024 року . 🔻 Захід проходитиме в 2-х форматах : онлайн та офф лайн. 👉🏻ОФФЛАЙН захід, нажаль, має обмеженні правила, з обмеженою кількістю місць. Тому ми заздалегідь вибачаємось, якщо Ви не отримаєте запрошення на нього з деталями проведення заходу. ☘️ Але є гарна новина 🍀 👉🏻 ОНЛАЙН формат обмежень не має, щодо кількості запрошених. Тож кожен, хто пройде реєстрацію, та буде узгоджений нашим модератором, отримає лінк , та зможе долучить до заходу 07.05.2024 року на платформі YouTube🔻 ☘️ Вже на цьому тижні, всі, чия реєстраційна форма буде підтверджена модератором, зможе отримати деталі проведення заходу. . 🔺РЕЕСТРАЦІЙНИЙ ЛІНК У ШАПЦІ ПРОФІЛЮ, та в розділі ʼновиниʼ на сайті проєкту🔺 ___________________________________________________ Проєкт реалізується компанією ТОВ «АБК «ПОРТАЛ-21» та співфінансується програмою ZMINA:Rebuilding, створеною за підтримки Європейського Союзу в рамках спеціального конкурсу заявок на підтримку українських переселенців та українського культурного та креативного секторів, за підтримки МБФ « Ізоляція», «Trans Europe Halles « та «Maly Berlin . # #zmina_rebuilding #malyberlin #transeuropehalles #portal_21_ua #izyum #izyumlive #izyumcity #urbanplanning #architecture #rebuildukraine #ukrainetoday #europeanunion #IZYUMadaptation #Ізюм #Ukraine #Харків #Kharkiv #УкраЇна #ПідтримкаУкраїни #ВідновленняРегіонів #supportukraine #IZYUM #Izyumukraine #Відновлення

4/30/2024, 6:59:14 PM

The EU bus. Inequality has never been higher in the European Union. #eu #europe #europeanunion #inequality #income #economy #cartoon #editorialcartoons #satire #poverty

4/30/2024, 6:58:33 PM

🎤Meet another distinguished guest speaker joining us on the first day of the event: Catherine De Vries. 

As a political science professor at Bocconi University, she also holds the esteemed position of Dean of International Affairs and serves as one of the chairs of the IAC. Additionally, she is the Generali Endowed Chair in European Affairs and a Member of the European Integration Committee of the Dutch Advisory Council on Foreign Affairs. 

Stay tuned for more speaker announcements and we look forward to seeing you at EYD this week! ⭐️ #EYD2024 #Roadto2024EuropeanYouthDebate #RoadToEYD #mycountryeurope #youngeuropeans #proeurope #proeu #europeanunion

4/30/2024, 6:57:39 PM

Na Mariánském náměstí dnes vedení města zahájilo výstavu připomínající vstup Česka do EU.🇪🇺 #evropskaunie #europe #anniversary #20 #europeanunion #celebrate

4/30/2024, 6:42:11 PM

Podróże po UE 🇪🇺 Paszport Zwierzęcia Domowego jest niezbędnym dokumentem do przekroczenia granicy. Paszport można wyrobić w uprawnionej do tego przychodni weterynaryjnej za opłatą ok. 100 zł. Dodatkowo zwierzę musi posiadać mikrochip / tatuaż oraz aktualne szczepienie przeciw wściekliźnie💉 Teraz już nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie przed dłuższymi podróżami ✈️ A Wy gdzie się wybieracie w najbliższym czasie? Podzielcie się planami ! 🏝️ C.💙 #miniatureamericanshepherd #MAS #miniaturowyowczarekamerykanski #maspuppy #puppy #puppylove #passport #dogpassport #dogtravel #travel #europeanunion

4/30/2024, 6:36:33 PM

🦅🇺🇸🇬🇪🇪🇺🇺🇸🦅 ძალა ერთობაშია! ! ! We will win together ✊ ! ! ! Freedom of Georgia !!! God bless Georgia !!! საქათველოს ჭირდება ამერიკული და ევროპული განათლება ! ღმერთი არს ჩვენთან!! !!! TOGETHER!!! #FreedomofGeorgia #freedomofspeech #Georgia #ზუგდიდისადაცაიშისეპარქია #ზუგდიდი #ცაიში #whitehouse #washingtondc #EuropeanUnion #EuropeanParliament @usaidgeorgia @usingeo #bbcnews #nyc #bayridge #varazannonarrowsbridge #whitehouses #washingtondc #congres #UnitedStatesCongress #unitedstatesofamerica🇺🇸🗽 #ny #godblessamerica ❤️ #edgenyc It was amazing, thank you so much for this ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅✊

4/30/2024, 6:29:27 PM

Attention: 🆕 Digital education challenges coming up! @digieduhack is getting ready for its 5th edition taking place 8-17 November 2024!We want to hear from Digital education enthusiasts - that are passionate about sharing knowledge and encouraging the co-creation of solutions, to overcome the most pressing challenges of digital education! Don't hesitate: join now and share the news with your network! The bigger the team, the better the results!‍💻 More info & registrations via our link in bio. - #EUDigitalEducation #Hackathon #JoinTheChallenge #Tech #Digital #Education #DigitalEducation #DigiEduHack #Europe #EuropeanUnion #EuropeanCommission

4/30/2024, 6:02:12 PM

Dieu soit avec nous. Puissions-nous tous avoir de la force et de la patience. Avec amour tout se fera! ❤️ #HappyEaster #Spring2024 #April2024 #Summer2024 #Season2024 #Chania #WesternCrete #Crete #MediterraneanSea #Greece #Hellas #GreekRepublic #HellenicRepublic #EuropeanUnion #EU 🇬🇷🇪🇺🇬🇷🇪🇺🇬🇷

4/30/2024, 6:01:32 PM

#JensStoltenberg #Slava_Ukraini #Glory_To_🇺🇦 #Ukraine #OperationSwordsOfIron #IsraelDefenseForces #Israel #UnitedStates #NATO #pentagon #europeanunion #g20 #unitedkingdom #france #germany #poland #finland #sweden #taiwan #japan #southkorea #australia #christian #faithoverfear #swift_accurate_decisive Captured By: Ryan Dietrich (Nov 10th, 2021) Immature Bald Eagle (aka: Young Fearless Raptor) 👁 Faith✝️Filled 👁 | 🦅 Swift & Decisive 🦅 * Forging Elite Raptor Style Relationships * **Critics of IDF Stances are Miscalculated** Any chance Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran, Pro-Palestinian protesters have or will ever implement a reasonable, swift and sustainable peace deal with the IDF, Israel community members and united alliances involving the release of ALL remaining hostages withheld on Oct 7th, 2023? Who ( #🇮🇷 ) intentionally coordinated, armed and encouraged Hamas to invade Israel, massacre, rape, etc… its community members during a peaceful festival? Ryan Dietrich, BC, 🇨🇦, 🦅, 🫡 NATO News NATO Secretary General at the Verkhovna Rada in Ukraine 🇺🇦, 29 APR 2024 Copy & Paste The Following Link 13min 07sec (*Watch 🧐 FULL Recording*) Eric Stalkelbeck on TBN Israel Leaders Face ARREST by International Court & Gaza SEIZEFIRE? | Watchman Newscast Live Copy & Paste The Following Link 32min 10sec (*Watch 🧐 FULL Recording*) Israel Defense Forces The IDF’s Ongoing Efforts to Aid Gaza Civilians Copy & Paste The Following Link 3min 09sec (*Watch 🧐 FULL Recording*) The Sun Hamas has no intention of releasing all Israeli hostages & has rejected deal after deal, says expert Copy & Paste The Following Link—CDBg1I 9min 08sec (*Watch 🧐 FULL Recording*) The Sun Wiping out Hamas in Rafah will take Israel 3 months and Hezbollah and Iran must be next says expert Copy & Paste The Following Link 11min 42sec (*Watch 🧐 FULL Recording*) Ryan Dietrich, BC, 🇨🇦 All Pics ➡️ Copyrighted ©. 🦅🙏🏼🛡

4/30/2024, 6:00:58 PM

"LEADER constitue un rouage essentiel de la machinerie des plans stratégiques de la PAC, réservant à sa mise en œuvre 5 % de l'ensemble du budget du Fonds Européen de l'Agriculture pour le Développement Rural. Mais, en évaluant le LEADER, les États membres se retrouvent confrontés à un défi substantiel. Il ne s'agit pas seulement de mesurer la contribution de LEADER aux Objectifs Spécifiques de la PAC, mais aussi de découvrir la valeur ajoutée générée par l'application de la « méthode LEADER»". 📄 Extrait du rapport de @EU CAP network à propos de l'évaluation du programme LEADER en Europe. 🤓 Intéressant de lire comment procèdent nos homologues Européens et comment nous pourrons mettre en place les recommandations pour poursuivre le travail d'évaluation essentiel à la mise en œuvre d'un programme comme le notre ! #evaluation #europe #rural @uefrance @European Commission @assoleaderfrance @europedanslesud @reseaururalfrancais @maregionsud @departementdevaucluse @alpes_de_haute_provence_04 @forcalquier.lure @parcduluberon #EuropeanUnion #eu #FEADER #leader #PFUE2022 #leaderfrance #Europeenpaca #regionsud #developpementrural #transitionecologique #circuitscourts #intelligencecollective #parcnaturelregional #programmeleader #uefrance

4/30/2024, 5:57:39 PM

🇪🇺 Jutro o poranku w na temat 20 lat Polski w Unii Europejskiej. Będziemy rozmawiać o wartościach i korzyściach dla naszego społeczeństwa. Będę łączyć się z Brukseli 😊🙏🏻 #UniaEuropejska #UE #Unia #iameuropean #Europe #European #EuropeanUnion

4/30/2024, 5:51:33 PM

Wrong turn, Ms von der Leyen! Last night, the outgoing president of the European Commission suggested that her centre-right political family (EPP) should collaborate more with the hard right ECR party. The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) are currently led by Giorgia Meloni, and it also counts amongst its ranks notorious Euroskeptics and fearmongers like Santiago Abascal 🇪🇸, Jarosław Kaczyński 🇵🇱 or Jimmie Åkesson 🇸🇪. Hungary’s ruler Viktor Orban is also expected to join the ECR family after the European Elections. If we are to defend the European project, there can be no pact with those who want to destroy it. Opening up the door to the extreme right – like the EPP has done in recent months – poses an existential threat to the unity and prosperity of our Union. As Socialists & Democrats, we know which direction we want to lead Europe to. And it’s not by taking the nearest exit. #europeanunion #europeancommission #eu #europe #meloni #abascal #orban #vonderleyen #kaczynski

4/30/2024, 5:37:08 PM

Już 9 czerwca znów pójdziemy do urn. Będziemy wybierać 53 europosłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego. Jakie są najważniejsze daty przed dniem głosowania? Kiedy poznamy listy kandydatów na posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego? Kiedy wyborcy mogą składać wnioski o wydanie zaświadczenia o prawie do głosowania oraz o zmianę miejsca głosowania? Kiedy zobaczymy i usłyszymy w programach publicznych nadawców radiowych i telewizyjnych audycje wyborcze, przygotowane przez komitety wyborcze? 📅 Sprawdźcie przygotowane przez nas pełne kalendarium wyborcze: link w BIO. #fundacjabatorego #fundacja #ngo #ngopl #uniaeuropejska #europeanunion #polskawuniieuropejskiej

4/30/2024, 5:28:26 PM

Get prepared for Thursday 2nd May - Locate your Polling Station - Remember your voter ID (you'll be turned away without it). Most important - DO THE RIGHT THING & be overjoyed to vote a Tory OUT!❎🥳 . . . . . . . . @MVTFWD #LocalElections #StopTheTories #GTTO #GTTONow

4/30/2024, 5:23:23 PM

#ARCHITECTUREWINNER #EUmiesAwards2024 ‘Study Pavilion on the campus of the Technical University of Braunschweig’ in #Braunschweig #Germany → Architects: Gustav Düsing (@gustavdusing) and Max Hacke (@maxhacke) → Program: #Education More info about the project → Photos: @leonhard.clemens @iwanbaan 📌 #SAVETHEDATE for the Granting Ceremony on May 14 at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona in the context of the EUmies Awards Day, a day-long-event that will include the opening of the #EUmiesAwards2024 exhibition, lectures by the authors of the winning and finalist works, and discussions with the architects, clients, policymakers and jury members. #Winners #EUmiesAwards2024 #Architecture #Emerging #EuropeanCommission #EU #EuropeanUnion #FutureOfEurope #culture #Europe #Europa #arquitectura #architektur #contemporaryarchitecture #EUmiesAwards @fundaciomies @europeancommission @worldarchitects_official @junglovesarchitecture @jansen_architecture_matters @usmmodularfurniture

4/30/2024, 5:22:27 PM

Voordat we de Europese Unie als geheel kunnen begrijpen, is het belangrijk om te kijken hoe ze is ontstaan. 🌍 Swipe en lees mee! ➡️

4/30/2024, 5:11:27 PM

Osjećate se malo nostalgično? Zaljubljeni smo do ušiju u novu playlistu ''Najbolje iz 2004.''! Dok obilježavamo 20. obljetnicu velikog proširenja EU-a 2004., vrijeme je za slavlje. A nijedna prava proslava ne može proći bez dobre glazbe. Uključite se u popis za reprodukciju ''Najbolje iz 2004.'' na našem EU Spotify računu i 🤿 u eklektičnu mješavinu neke od najpopularnijih glazbenih ljestvica u EU s početka 2000-tih! S obzirom na to da svaka pjesma dolazi iz druge države članice 🇪🇺, slavimo zajedno! Počnite slušati odmah! 🎧 27L9ckbRI8veyh5UfQg9aC? si=81ceff04c732484a #20YearsTogether #2004Throwback #EuropeanHits #EUExpansion #MusicDiversity #CelebratingTogether #EU #EuropeanUnion

4/30/2024, 5:00:18 PM

what a beautiful stack of epal in france 🇫🇷 #epal #epalepalepal #europe #europeanunion

4/30/2024, 4:53:20 PM

Portugal é o 5º país da União Europeia com o salário médio mais baixo, sendo as áreas da agricultura, pescas, alojamento e restauração os sectores onde menos se ganha. É o que aponta novo estudo da Pordata.⁠ ⁠ Dados também indicam que cerca de 44% dos empregadores têm apenas o 9º ano de escolaridade.⁠ ⁠ 📲 Leia mais no link na bio. ⁠ ⁠ #trabalho #salario #remuneracao #salariomedio #uniaoeuropeia #europeanunion

4/30/2024, 4:45:16 PM

🦅🇺🇸🇬🇪🇪🇺🇺🇸🦅 ძალა ერთობაშია! ! ! We will win together ✊ ! ! ! Freedom of Georgia !!! God bless Georgia !!! საქათველოს ჭირდება ამერიკული და ევროპული განათლება ! ღმერთი არს ჩვენთან!! !!! TOGETHER!!! #FreedomofGeorgia #freedomofspeech #Georgia #ზუგდიდისადაცაიშისეპარქია #ზუგდიდი #ცაიში #whitehouse #washingtondc #EuropeanUnion #EuropeanParliament CharlesMICHEL @usaidgeorgia @usingeo #bbcnews #nyc #bayridge #varazannonarrowsbridge #whitehouses #washingtondc #congres #UnitedStatesCongress #unitedstatesofamerica🇺🇸🗽 #ny #godblessamerica ❤️ #performingartscenter #shenyun It was amazing, thank you so much for this performance ❤️🙏✊

4/30/2024, 4:43:41 PM

🇸🇰 Dnes poobede som sa vyjadroval v @rtvs_official pre :24 o vývoji regiónov na Slovensku po našom vstupe do Európskej únie. Rozhovor so mnou viedla @barbora.bodakova a dotkli sme sa aj špecifickejších tém, ako je dlhodobá neschopnosť štátu riešiť "rómsku otázku", či vplyv samosprávnych krajov na náš vstup do Európskej únie. Na začiatku ma moderátorka pobavila otázkou, či si spomínam, čo som robil 1. mája 2004. 🙂 🇬🇧 This afternoon, I was invited by :24 (@rtvs_official ), where I spoke about the development of regions in Slovakia after our entry into the European Union. The interview with me was conducted by @barbora.bodakova , and we also touched on more specific topics, such as the long-term failure of the state to solve the "Roma issue" or the influence of self-governing regions on Slovakia's entry into the European Union. At the beginning, the moderator entertained me by asking if I remember what I was doing on the 1st May 2004. 🙂 🎞 (at 10:40) #607 #comeniusuniversity #univerzitakomenskeho #filozofickafakulta #fifuk #politologiauk #rtvs #rtvs24 #univerzita #univerzitnyzivot #universitylife #regionalnyrozvoj #regionaldevelopment #europeanunion #eu #eufondy #samospravnykraj #samospravnekraje #eufunds #roma #romovia #regionalnapolitika #regionalpolicy #slovensko #slovakia #eumembership #eumembershipbenefits #clenstvoveu #europskaunia

4/30/2024, 4:43:15 PM

Week 3 of @culturemoveseurope - again, no space to drop all the nice moments, places and people we met :) This (nearly a) month in Paris has been mad good, filled with fun things to do, experiments and creativity-boosters. Our EP with @friendsomerecords is cooking, we trully can't wait to have the final result in our hands 💜 Special thanks to the dear old friends who helped us on every step of this journey, and the new friends that showered us with kindness and good music. It's ending in grace, news regarding this chapter will flow in the coming months. À tout, Paris ! Merci beaucoup 🫶 🇲🇫 🇵🇹 @goetheinstitut_portugal @funkon_together @_larry_quest_ @tatiedee_ #pushboundaries #culturemoveseurope #electronicmusic #musicproduction #studio #ableton #synthesizer #drummachine #recordshop #friendsomerecords #funkon #paris #lisbon #europeanunion #musicalbum #vinyl

4/30/2024, 4:32:37 PM

Bieg 🏃‍♀️🏃Europejski 🇪🇺 w 20 lecie przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej na osiedlu Przyrzecze 2️⃣0️⃣x100 metrów Każdy przynosi akcenty europejskie, z którymi pobiegnie i które są dla niego ważne. Zapisy: 11:30 Start 1️⃣2️⃣ Na każdego uczestnika czekają pamiątkowe medale 🏅 #pobiegnijdlasiebie #EuropeanUnion #UniaEuropejska #jawor

4/30/2024, 4:28:10 PM

Hallo, en welkom op dit nieuwe account! Vind jij het belangrijk om je stem te laten horen, maar snap je niet precies hoe die Europese Verkiezingen nou werken? Same here. Daarom heb ik besloten om dit account aan te maken: om mezelf te laten begrijpen hoe de Europese Unie precies werkt, én de aankomende verkiezingen op 6 juni 2024. 🗳️ De komende paar weken neem ik je onder andere mee door de Europese instellingen, beleidskwesties en fracties. Zo kunnen we ons het best voorbereiden en een juiste keuze maken! 🇪🇺

4/30/2024, 4:20:22 PM