blondieinmorocco images

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#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

Kolorowe melhfy krążą po ulicach. Od targu do targu, skupując produkty na wieczorny ftour. Bowiem tak tu lokalnie, mówi się na iftar. Warzywa na sałatki, mięso ja komu budżet pozwala i owoce. Te zebrane tu niedaleko, by lać owocowe soki każdego wieczoru inny. Słychać na ulicach różne głosy i krzyki. Wiele twarzy jest zdenerwowanych i unika wchodzenia między ludzi. Robi swoje by szybko uciec z przestrzeni obleganej przez innych. Taksówkarze trąbią częściej i mocniej niż zazwyczaj. Wisi nad wszystkim aura nieopisanej złości. Podczas gdy z nieba leje się żar, tak że ciężkie powietrze można przecinać nożem. Kto nie musi, chowa się w domu przed słońcem, by w spokoju przetrwać do wieczora i przerwać post 🙏🏼🇲🇦 Jestem w domu. To mój pierwszy #ramadan obchodzony w Maroku. Poprzednie były na odległość, przez różne okoliczności. I dopiero teraz czuję, czym tak naprawdę ramadan stoi. Jaki jest ten duchowy sens i jak to wszystko wygląda. Ciekawie jest obserwować jak twarz człowieka opisuje nasze uczucia. Jak zmienia się, z głodowej złości w rozpromienioną po posiłku. Nie wiem czy wiesz, ale Marokańczycy mają takie przysłowie: Meni techba3 lkerch tkoul l’ras yreni 💃🏼 Co w wolnym tłumaczeniu znaczy- Kiedy brzuch jest pełny, każe głowie śpiewać. Albo jak ja to lubię mówić: kiedy brzuch najedzony to głowa zaczyna tańczyć✨ Jedno jest pewne. W Polsce mawiano, że brzucha słowami się nie nakarmi. Tymczasem tutaj.. próbuje się go za dnia nasycić dobrymi uczynkami, za które później nagradza się siebie i najbliższych przepyszną ucztą. Całuje, M 🖤 📸 #maroko #podróże #egzotyka #turystyka #agadir #blondieinmorocco #blondynkawpodróży #moroccanstyle #moroccotrip #visitmorocco #simplymorocco #morocco #polkinaobczyznie @onet_podroze @wp_turystyka @polkinaobczyznie #polkinakrancuswiata

3/29/2023, 3:40:48 PM

Marokas lyg filmas su įtraukiančiu scenarijumi - labai įvairus, kunkuliuojantis ir tirštas patirčių 🌿 Reikėjo kokios dienos perprasti: judėjimo meną, įsiliejimo į minią taktiką, neskubėti kažko laukiant ir nuolat prisiminti, kad bus taip kaip lemta, nebūtinai pagal planą.  Čia yra modernių miestų, yra ir kaimelių, kur laikas sustojo. Čia yra penkių žvaigždučių prabangos, bet yra senos autentikos, kuri netelpa į jokias vertinimo sistemas. Čia gatvėje Teslos ir Porsche prasilenkia su vežimus traukiančiais asiliukais ir skraidančiais motociklais. Čia vieną akimirką gali pasijausti kaip Paryžiuje, o kitą - nukeliavęs į senąją Marakešo Mediną - lyg persikėlęs laiko mašina atgal į praeitį. Čia yra dykumų, bangų, vėjų, kalnų ir žaliuojančių oazių.  Gal dėl tos įvairovės atrodo, kad laikas čia teka kitaip 🤍 Ačiū mielai draugei @blondie_in_morocco , kuri čia gyvendama keletą metų tikrai žino perliukus ir padeda žmonėms ne tik suplanuoti keliones, susigaudyti, bet ir rasti tai, ko Google nežino!  . . . #keliones #marokas #marakesh #blondieinmorocco #kelionės #menas #menasbefiltru

2/20/2023, 7:37:27 PM

🇲🇦🥷🏻💙 #czechgirl #blue #camelride #morocco #marrakech #blondieinmorocco

8/10/2022, 3:26:45 PM

Always look BEYOND what you can see ✨ Beyond to moje słowo na ten rok. Znaczy wybiegać poza to co znane. Dla mnie, po prostu z dala od tego co utarte czy powszechne. Przekraczać pewne granice, ponad wieloma narzuconymi schematami kreować nowe horyzonty. Chcę w tym roku sięgnąć głębiej. Prześledzić swoje kroki i emocje. Wyciągnąć ze swych doświadczeń jeszcze więcej cennych lekcji. Spojrzeć na swoje życie z ciut innej perspektywy.. i takie też chcę pokazywać to marokańskie czy polskie życie tutaj. Poza narzuconymi standardami lub lekko wbrew temu co ogólnie znane. Tłumacząc, że wcale nie jesteśmy od siebie tacy inni, choć pochodzimy z różnych kontynentów i środowisk 🖤 Dwie migracje, które miałam przyjemność odbyć w życiu, dużo mnie nauczyły. Przez język, obycie, tolerancje po zwyczajną skromność. Hiszpania dodała mi iskry spontaniczności, a Maroko nauczyło jeszcze mocniej cieszyć się chwilą. Każda podróż otwiera mnie mocniej na nowe, uświadamiając po drodze jak bardzo powinnam być wdzięczna. Nawet za możliwość popełniania błędów, które przyczyniają się do większego rozwoju i poszerzania perspektywy niżeli często słane uśmiechy lub komplementy. Nie było łatwo przyzwyczajać się do wielu zmian w życiu, ale co jakiś czas trzeba znów gdzieś wyjechać i pogonić marzenia. Jeszcze nie wiem co ten rok da, ale wiem, że się nie poddam w walce o lepsze jutro. O to by wszystko było właśnie beyond. Poza i powyżej, dokładnie na to zasługuje! a Ty, na co stawiasz w tym nowym roku? 🥂

1/4/2022, 10:45:50 AM

Looking foward 2022 I know that this year was challenging for all of us, but I believe we all learned so much... Yes, we can, inshallah What lesson did you learn in 2021? Mine was the understanding that everything in life is so fragile and temporary. We can build expensive castles, open businesses and then, the covid comes, the tsunamis come... What is left? To enjoy what we have.... Now #morocco #blondieinmorocco #travelplanner #2022 #2022resolution

12/28/2021, 8:31:33 PM

Today I was walking in the Jemaa El Fna square, and it was so sad to see it empty; many restaurants and hotels closed down again because of the current 2 weeks flight suspensions. December is usually one of the busiest seasons in Morocco, full of tourists enjoying their winter holidays. But not for the last 2 years. I guess we all need to stay positive that normal life will go back soon... How do you feel like in this period? Have you had your travel plans cancelled? #blondieinmorocco #travelrestrictions #taghazout

12/3/2021, 10:41:33 PM

Where have you been Rasa? Many of you were sending messages asking where did I disappear for a few months. The truth is, I worked on my other long term work at @artvilnius art fair and was living with contemporary art in Lithuania. But my travel planning never stopped; I am happy that tourism in Morocco is slowly coming back. And I am back in Morocco, with new energy and travel plans for my curious travellers. Want to ask me? Don't know where to start? Then, why not tell me your Morocco related travel plans in the comments. #morocco #travelplanner #blondieinmorocco #moroccotravelplanner #discovermorocco #uniqueplaces #mountains #mountainsmorocco

11/10/2021, 10:48:38 PM

I found my Morroco, and it was perfect:) #morroco #marrakech #blondieinmorocco #letstravel #dessert #aubergelasource #summerallyearlong #aintbenhaddou

10/17/2021, 7:52:20 PM

Even after 6 years in Morocco, I am still impressed by its beauty and architecture. My client once left me a review saying "Rasa, I loved your created Morocco travel itinerary not only because of its unique spots and experiences but as well the love and passion you put in my travel plan. I can't wait to come to Morocco and feel the same love like you..." Are you still impressed by the country you live in now? Or after some time the magic fades away? #moroccotrip #morocco #blondieinmorocco #travelplanner #travelconsultant #moroccanarchitecture #arabicarchitecture #hotelarchitecture

8/19/2021, 1:12:36 PM

So yep, August is the worst time to visit Marrakech and many other places in Morocco +47C in Marrakech today. Don't forget to contact me if you are planning your trip to Morocco, so you avoid hustle and don't melt in the heat. I was talking today with one UK family relocating to Morocco soon, and I couldn't believe myself, next year will be my 7th in Morocco. Anyone here have this feeling that time runs so fast? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #desert #agafay #travelplanner #travelconcierge #heat #summer

8/13/2021, 10:15:22 PM

Saturday walk in the outskirts of Marrakech #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #moroccotravel #moroccoarchitecture #kasbah

8/7/2021, 11:59:55 PM

Pamiętasz swoje pierwsze podróżnicze rozczarowanie?? 📸 Ja w sumie doskonale. To była mała miejscowość w Chorwacji, dawno temu. Naoglądaliśmy się obrazów w Google i stwierdziliśmy, że to cudo trzeba odwiedzić. Finalnie, straciliśmy cały dzień by zobaczyć coś, czego zdjęcia w sieci kompletnie nie oddały. Stare mury, zero ładnych miejsc i jakieś to wszystkie inne. Byłam nieziemsko rozczarowana. Zła, że straciłam tyle czasu by zobaczyć coś brzydkiego, podczas gdy mogłam jechać w inne miejsca 🤭 Takie uczucie miałam jeszcze kilka razy w podróży. Trochę w Veronie, na Martynice, nawet w Barcelonie oraz Maroku.. Kiedyś często przed podróżą zerkałam na idealne kadry fotograficzne! Podpatrywałam miasta na IG oraz obserwowałam konkretne hashtagi. Przyznaje się, że napędzałam to dziwne parcie na super fotki z myślą „byleby mieć co dodać”. Zapominałam często mieć zwyczajnie fun z tego gdzie jadę czy co robię. Obecnie? Nie jestem fanką przygotowanych magicznych miejsc specjalnie pod zdjęcia. Na moim profilu (może?) znajdują się ładne kadry, ale zdecydowanie nie są one przemyślane, przygotowane lub zaplanowane na podstawie jakiś trendów. Wole gdzieś spontanicznie na ulicy cyknąć fotkę lub stworzyć migawkę zwykłego życia. Ustawianie się godzinami do zdjęć czy powtarzanie ujęć z różnych perspektyw to kompletnie nie dla mnie. Natomiast, prawdą jest, że wielu podróżników właśnie tylko takie zdjęcia cyka, temu destynacje zaczęły inwestować w tworzenie miejsc „idealnych”. Wiecie, że w Fes można wejść w teoretycznie zakazane miejsca za drobną opłatą? A w Chefchaouen są specjalnie przygotowane uliczki na sesje, gdzie dostaje się nawet marokański ubiór? W Marrakeszu przodują ekskluzywne Riady oraz Hotel la Mamounia, gdzie nie trzeba bukować nocy za kilka tysięcy lecz kupić wejściówkę na godzinę. Niby można zabłysnąć, ale później to właśnie takie przygotowane zdjęcia robią większą furorę w świecie social mediów, niżeli realia! Zakrzywiając obraz, pozbawiając niekiedy czaru podróży i powodując mocne zderzenie z rzeczywistością. Trochę jak mocne filtry i retusze, nakładane psują odbiór. Zatem, przyznaje się, że Kręcą mnie brzydkie miejsca pięknych miast 🖤

8/2/2021, 1:51:46 PM

Can you guess where is this place in Morocco? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #moroccotravel #travelplanner

7/26/2021, 9:48:03 PM

Hi! Welcome to paradise. When in Marrakech +45C, there is not much to do than to live in a swimming pool in the stone desert of Agafay What's your favourite swimming pool in Marrakech? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #swimmingpool #agafay #agafaydesert #swimmingpooldesert #travelplanner #heat #desertlife

7/23/2021, 12:11:50 AM

Yes please, freshly squeezed orange juice with lots of ice! How do you survive this summer? I am still not adapting well to the Marrakech +42C daily fire. So the orange juice stand picture from Essaouira reminds me that the best place in July in Morocco is the coast. #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #essaouira #orangejuice #freshorangejuice #heat #streetvendor

7/19/2021, 9:05:55 PM

The best time to visit Morocco? Not now, if you don't like +45C. However, even in this heat, Morocco has plenty of cool places and activities to offer. Mountains, Noord, beaches... Contact me and together we will create a perfect dreamy summer itinerary P. S. In the last slide is the weather temperature for this week in Marrakech. Yes, +25C in the night temperature. #blondieinmorocco #morocco #travelblogger #travelconcierge #travelcurator #summertravels #summermorocco #weathermorocco

7/7/2021, 5:08:31 PM

Someone can take me back to the Sahara desert? However, will need to wait until the heat wave will move away from Morocco. It is around +42C in Marrakech and even more in Merzouga... My dear favorite Merzouga hotel view, I will be back in autumn. Is it hot in your country? How you survive this heat? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #freelancing #travelplanner #saharadesert #sahara #sand #deserthotel

7/3/2021, 5:34:04 PM

Driving scooter in Marrakech? Those who follow me for some time know that I am crazy about my scooter. And even though I have a car, the scooter is still the preferable commuting transport in Marrakech. Almost all my friends are so surprised I am not scared to drive in the very hectic streets where you need to race among other cars, scooters, donkeys, horse carriages and pedestrians walking anywhere on the road. The truth is, in this hectic environment scoter is a perfect choice as it's small, can manoeuvre easily among other cars in traffic jams. But, most important, you can park anywhere you want. To buy a scooter, you need to be a resident, new city style scooters cost from 1400 eur (e. g. Italo). By the way, I am taking about the automatic ones, couldn't drive the ones with gears, maybe they are cheaper? My Italo was second hand, the year 2016, for 600 hours. No driving licence needed for mopeds/scooters up to 50cc engine size. The full tank for my baby cost 30dh-3 euro and I can drive around 50 km. There are designated parking spots for scooters, mopeds all over the town, most of the time you can park next to cars as long you see the guardian. The price for parking is 2dh day and 3dh night time. Wanna rent a scooter in Marrakech? There are few rental spots right on the streets, one in front of Zara, others if you walk that street towards Medina. Simply look for guys with scooters, day cost around 200dh, but you can also rent for an hour. Would you dare to drive a scooter in Morocco? Or maybe you are using this transport in other countries? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #moroccotravel #scooter #drivingscooter #motorbycicle #drivinginmorocco

7/1/2021, 6:55:21 PM

YES, THE BORDERS ARE OPEN! Last week, when I first heard that Morocco is opening its borders to international tourists, I couldn't believe it. I've been waiting for this moment so long, that though it's not true. I felt as confused as seeing this gas station with an American cold beer invitation on the highway out of Ouarzazate. It was not a hallucination, but the set used for the 2006 horror film "The Hills Have Eyes." Morocco to open its air borders next June 15 . What are the conditions? Morocco classified all countries into two lists (A and B). Travellers from A list can come to Morocco if they have a vaccination pass or a negative PCR test at boarding not exceeding 48 hours. However, I heard that you still need to show the PCR test even with a vaccination pass. The part with B list countries is not making me happy because it includes Lithuania (whyyy?). Tourists from countries listed in list B must obtain an exceptional travel authorization ( in the Moroccan embassy, not explained very clearly). Upon arrival, travelers from B listed cluntries, must present a negative PCR test and undergo mandatory 10-day isolation in a special hotel designated for quarantine and to pay 80 eur/night (obligaitory) —swipe right to find the B list countries. What is not clear, if A or B countries listings mean that anyone living, e.g., Lithuania, cannot come or only Lithuanians cannot come? Still not clear if you are Lithuanian and live in the USA. Can you come? Or if you are a Moroccan living in Ukraine? You cannot come back home because Ukraine is on the B list? I'm waiting for clarification from the government and will keep you updated. #morocco #blondieinmorocco #boarders #moroccoflights #moroccoopen #thehillshaveeyes #movielocations

6/13/2021, 5:35:42 PM

HOLYWOOD IN MOROCCO Before moving to Morocco, I couldn't even imagine that I will be involved, in big Holywood movies and TV shows productions. By being involved, I mean taking parts as a background actor or extra, together with many others. Morocco is a film production paradise owing to the diversity of its locations, and cheaper production cost. I used to run a Lithuanian movies website, so to see from closer how million dollars movies are made was such a gift. Before I couldn't imagine that to shoot a short scene in the airport, you have actually to find a new location, hire dozen of extras to walk in the background as travellers, dressed them... I remember, for small scenes, we had to be prepared from 5 am to 7 pm, and often sit just waiting for hours until is our turn to become 1seconde of a movie scene. Over the past 20 years, Morocco has become a popular setting for films Lawrence of Arabia, The Jewel of the Nile, The Mummy, Babel, Sex and the City 2, Inception, American sniper, Game of Thrones, The Old Guard etc... So if you dream to be an actor, why not moving to Morocco? Right? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #movielocation #hollywood #movieshooting #dream

6/12/2021, 2:58:47 PM

I AM TERRIBLE AT FOOD PICTURES A few days ago, one follower asked me to post more pictures of Moroccan food. I did take more pictures of food but realised being terrible at this job. I don't know how to take a glamorous picture of Tagine or couscous, nor Tangia... Don't get me wrong, dear Moroccan dishes, it's either you are not photogenic or I am not a good photographer. Anyhow, this is my second post on Moroccan dishes and it's again breakfast one. Because I can't get enough breakfast. I am addicted to omelette khlea – fried egg meal with dried beef. Khlea is a type of Moroccan jerky made by cooking sun-dried meat in fat and oil. You can buy khlea in many Moroccan stores and prepare a delicious breakfast at home! It's a fatty dish, so don't enjoy it too often. PM me for my favourite omelette khlea place in Marrakech. And what's your favourite Moroccan breakfast and the best places? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #moroccanfood #omlette #moroccanbreakfast #travelplanner

6/5/2021, 12:03:14 PM

PARLES FRANÇAIS? So what language people speak in Morocco and do you need French? The official languages of Morocco are standard Arabic and Tamazight (Berber). However, these languages are rarely spoken, and almost everyone uses the Moroccan Arabic dialect called Darija. French is a colonial legacy and is used in administration, banking, commerce, education and industry. French is the second most used language after the Darija dialect. You can live in Morocco without speaking French. However, your employment and life administration options will be minimal. Most employers need French knowledge; all contracts and even ads on popular websites will be in only French. There are so many French people living in Morocco. However, sometimes I feel their ignorance if you don't speak French with them. I then ask how come they don't speak Darija living in Morocco for so long? French is not absolute and if you want to immerse in Moroccan culture, learn Darija, at least some basics. ----- When you move abroad do you prefer to learn the local language or get away with English? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #freelancing #travelplanner #expats #french #frenchinmorocco #frenchlanguage #darija

5/30/2021, 4:34:56 PM

BICYCLE IN MARRAKECH? I had lived in Amsterdam before I moved to Marrakech. No wonder why, on my second day in the city, I bought a bike. It worried me, though, how I will manage to cycle in the hectic streets of Marrakech. This city has so many forms of transportation. Mopeds, motorcycles, donkey carts, horse and carriages – all like to use their own rules like constant horn blowing and hand gestures. Even pedestrians cross the streets anywhere. Besides, in Amsterdam, cars stop at the red light. In Marrakech – not necessary. It took me a few days to get used to the local cycling rules. Even though the traffic in the streets looks disorganized, in this chaos everyone knows their place. In Marrakech, bicycle roads are not everywhere. So, it is a good idea to recall your car driving skills (I have my driving license for 10 years, but rarely use it). After few years, I exchanged a bicycle for a scooter but still miss my daily exercises. Do you like cycling? Or you think Marrakech is too crazy to do it? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #bicycle #cycling #bicyclemorocco #cyclingmarrakech #traveltips

5/24/2021, 12:27:33 PM

TODAY is + 41°C (104°F) What's your excuse of being lazy? Mine is the heat Let's talk about the weather. Do you like travelling in the summertime but can't handle the heat? Then, Marrakesh is probably not for you. In Morocco, in the hot season (June-October), it can get boiling. The temperature sometimes jumps to +50 C, especially in Marrakech and the desert side. At night, it gets a bit cooler but still hard to sleep without air-conditioning. My advice for summer travels is to explore more Moroccan coastline where the weather is cooler and you can enjoy the ocean pleasures. If you did get stuck in Marrakech, make sure you get stuck in a hotel with a swimmingpool or find one and spend your days in the water. And don't be surprised feeling lazy... Marrakech heat is the best excuse to be lazy! Have you experienced Moroccan heat? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #heat #hotsummer #moroccosummer #travelplannermorocco

5/20/2021, 5:30:24 PM

I am still struggling to understand what is more dramatic Unlimited ocean or the dunes of the Sahara desert... The dunes remind me of ocean waves. And camels of surfers, the best riders of unlimited power... What's your personal preference? Somehow, I always recommend my travellers to see Sahara... Because you can have ocean in many countries, but Sahara... #morocco #blondieinmorocco #travelblogger #travelplanner #sahara #saharadesert #saharadesertmorocco #camels

5/14/2021, 4:51:57 PM

END OF RAMADAN The Holy month of Ramadan will end in a few days. The end of Ramadan is announced by the young moon appearing in the sky. Then begins the one celebration of Eid al-Fitr (also called the “Festival of Breaking the Fast”), during which everyone makes up for the month of fasting. In the main squares, there are free lunches or other kinds of help offered to the poor. Eid al-Fitr is one of the biggest Islamic holy festivals in the world. This celebration begins early in the morning, just before sunset, when Muslim men gather for common prayer. At the same time, women prepare a special breakfast of Eid al-Fitr. After breakfast, families gather together, drink tea, children are dressed in new clothes, and adults wear traditional Moroccan clothing. You can read more about Ramadan in my blog, link in a bio #morocco #blondieinmorocco #ramadan #eidalfitr #eidalfitr2021 #pray #muslimcelebration

5/11/2021, 6:49:15 PM

BEAUTIFUL BEACHES OF MOROCCO - LEGZIRA Located 150 km south of Agadir and 10 km from Sidi Ifni, Legzira beach was selected among the 40 best beaches on Earth. Although one of two famous Legzira rock arches collapsed in 2016, the 8km long stretch of Legzira beach is a perfect hideaway from the busy coastline. In Legzira, you can then walk along the beautiful sandy beach and make sure to follow the tide table to ensure the tides are low enough. Don't get immersed only in the rock arch view, the other side of the beach is as beautiful, full of rock formations and sea creatures. What else? Why not rent one of the beach houses there, buying your dinner octopus directly from fishermen (yes, an octopus can be fished right on the beach, at rocks) and enjoying peace, especially now, during the pandemic... Is it worth visiting Legzira for a day if you are in Agadir? Definitely yes, on the way visiting beautiful Tiznit, Mirleft and Sidi Ifni towns. Have you been to Legzira? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #legzira #legzirabeach #moroccobeaches #mostbeautifulbeaches #legziraarch #rockarch #travelplanner

5/5/2021, 10:51:20 AM

Have a nice weekend everyone #morocco #blondieinmorocco #legzira #weekend

4/30/2021, 9:08:23 PM

F R E L A N C I N G IN M O R O CC O? I received many questions from freelancers about working remotely in Morocco. I always encourage them to come because Morocco is a perfect place for this! Read more about working remotely in Morocco in this carousel post! There, you will find info for people who want to come to Morocco to wo remotely for a short time , like 1 or 2 months #morocco #blondieinmorocco #freelancing #freelancingmorocco

4/29/2021, 8:34:57 PM

HEY YOU, FREELANCER Probably many of you are dreaming to move your office closer to the beach. I live in Morocco for 6 years now but never achieved this dream myself. I never actually lived in a place with a terrace right on the ocean. So, I moved my office to Taghazout for a month. Now, you probably wonder how much it would cost for you? When I do workations, I prefer to have some privacy or share space with work minded people (10dh is around 1 euro) ACCOMMODATION. To rent a furnished 2 bedroom apartment with internet for a month will cost you from 4000-7000 DH, cheaper in Tamraght or Banana village (very close to Taghazout). Closer to the beach, more expensive. You might find, of course, more affordable studios, like in hotels etc. I also stayed and recommend trying @sundeskcoworking place that not only provides office space but also functions as a hotel for their freelancers. FOOD in/around Taghazout is cheap, and fish rules the kitchen. Kilo of Monkfish will cost you around 40 Dh and sardines - only 10dh/kg. 1kg of good grounded beef meat - around 70dh. If you eat in more local restaurants, you will manage to lunch for 30 DH, more fancy ones, about 70 DH. ALCOHOL - the nearest shop is in Agadir, but in Taghazout, some restaurants like @dfrostsurfandyoga @mungaguesthouse @wow_surfhouse as well serve alcohol TRANSPORTATION - There is a local bus connecting Taghazout, Tamraght Banana village with Agadir (every hour or so), ticket cost 7dh. You can get a shared grande taxi (wait till it gets full) for 15dh, or a private one. Or, just rent a bicycle or scooter. #morocco #blondieinmorocco #taghazout #freelancer #freelancerlife #freelanceroffice #workation #freelancinginmorocco #taghazoutbeach

4/21/2021, 8:52:49 PM

R A M A DA N MUBARAK The third day of Ramadan in Morocco looks so quiet and different... Not as quiet as last year's when Morocco was on the strict lockdown, but still different. This year, the Moroccan government implemented new curfew hours from 8 p.m. to 6 a. m. All restaurants /cafés are closed at 7 p.m., right when is the Iftar time. I wish all my Muslim followers and friends a happy, blessed Ramadan. For those who are not familiar with Ramadan, please read not only my carousel story but as well my blog post about it. Link in bio. Have more questions about Ramadan? Leave them in the comment section. #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #moroccotravel #ramadan #ramadanmorocco #ramadankareem #whatisramadan #travelcurator

4/16/2021, 3:57:31 PM

What's your favourite Moroccan breakfast? 🍊🥐🍳 Before we dive into the Ramadan spirit tomorrow and talk about the evening Iftar breakfast, let's enjoy my favourite breakfast picture. It is only missing omelette khlii, and the rest is there. Like I call, breakfast tapas. Honesty, when you will come to Morocco, try at least once to skip hotel breakfast and enjoy the first meal of the day at some local café place. In the picture: traditional Moroccan bread (khobz), orange juice, amlou spread (from argan oil, almonds and honey), Argan oil, olive oil, jam, butter, nous nous coffee. #morocco #blondieinmorocco #moroccanfood #breakfast #travelplanner #moroccanbreakfast #moroccanbread #amlou #arganoil

4/13/2021, 10:37:31 AM

Riad, hotel or... ? Or maybe riad? Many of you ask where shall they stay in Marrakech? In an authentic riad, hotel or something outside the city? My answer is always a riad if you want to immerse yourself in real Moroccan life. Even for 1 night, still, you need to experience the hectic Medina life, enjoy morning coffee on the terrace facing Atlas mountains, full of minarets and other beautiful rooftops... Riads reminds me of fairytales, 1001 Arabian nights... What is your favourite riad in Marrakech? #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #moroccotravel #moroccotrip #travelplanner #riad #riadmarrakech

4/10/2021, 1:13:44 PM

Relax, You're Not in Control... The same as the desert can't control the wind shaping its dunes... The same, we can't predict what you gonna happen next... We need to relax and make the best of it... #morocco #blondieinmorocco #merzouga #saharadesert #sahara #saharamorocco #travelmantra #travelplanner #sand

4/8/2021, 5:19:48 PM

Who is planning to visit Morocco soon? Last week, I received few emails from travellers planning to visit Morocco after Ramadan. These messages make me so happy... Even though most of the travellers are scared to make confirmed plans as the situation with a pandemic is changing all the time, still... It makes me happy that you guys are planning to travel soon! 📸 @adel_abdulhamid_ #morocco #blondieinmorocco #marrakech #riadelfenn #koutoubiamosque #sunset #dreamer #travelplanner #travelplannermoroccoo

4/6/2021, 9:03:29 PM

WHAT MAKES ESSAOUIRA SO CHARMING? Recently, I started to receive more emails from families willing to spend few months in Morocco as either digital nomads or just as an escape from their daily hustle. During consultations, they express their wish to stay somewhere close to the occean but as well experience city life. My answer always is... Essaouira! Positioned on the Atlantic coast, the 18th-century port city of Essaouira was always my favourite place in Morocco. The charming fishermen town attracts many tourists, but still don’t lose its magic. #blondieinmorocco #morocco #travelblogger #travelplanning #essaouira #essaouiramedina #moroccochill

4/2/2021, 11:30:37 AM

Authenticity is a new luxury? What was your most authentic travel experience in Morocco? Mine was stopping randomly at a small town in the middle of nowhere, spending the night there and being introduced to a village life where most of the women make their living from carpet weaving. They thought us the waving secrets, invited lunch to their families. We did buy few carpets from these ladies and we're so happy to support their hard work. I often include authentic experiences in my curated travel itineraries and so happy that more and more travellers choose authentic experiences. Thank you my parters for creating these experiences and making unique for each traveller. #morocco #blondieinmorocco #berberlife #carpetwaving #moroccovillage #travelplanning

3/30/2021, 10:41:44 PM

The Abused "Inshallah"? Yesterday, I told my Moroccan friend that I have an appointment tomorrow at 9 am, Inshallah. She starts laughing and asked why Inshallah. Well, I said, I was in this office 3 times already and the guy wasn't there. But promised to be there tomorrow, Inshallah. My friend said that she hates Inshallah because Morocco is so overused everywhere. Especially, it sounds weird and not natural when a foreigner says it. Do you agree with my friend? Do you also think Inshallah in Morocco and other Muslim countries is overused? For me, Inshallah is more saying you go with the flow and if something will not work out, I will not be disappointed... #morocco #blondieinmorocco #inshallah #moroccanculture #travelplanner

3/25/2021, 5:54:41 PM

find the expected in unexcepted ! #droga 🙏🏼 ta którą podążam, często myśle że nie jest tą, której sama sobie czy innym osobom życzę. nie tą, o której pragnęłam ani marzyłam, gdy dorastałam. z pewnością jest pełna zawirowań, dziwnych zrządzeń losu i tak samo pełna nieprzyjemności jak sukcesów. a jednak, odnajduje się w niej coraz bardziej nie narzekając na to co się przytrafi a jedynie biorąc co każdy kolejny dzień da. nie mylić tego z biernością, bo to nie ja. nadal dążę do tego by spełniać swoje pragnienia lecz już nie kosztem całokształtu i wieszania wszystkiego na wóz albo przewóz, bardziej drogą negocjacji czy dedukcji. eliminuje powolutku to co złe ucząc się jak żyć lepiej, kim lub czym się otaczać oraz w co wierzyć. zaryzykuje mówiąc, że żyje bardziej świadomie niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej. zrozumiałam, że po drodze wiele może się zdarzyć, bo choćbyśmy zaplanowali jej trasę to nie przewidzimy tego co los rzuci nam pod nogi na każdym zakręcie. ani tego jaki wiatr dostaniemy w żagle, czy ten z przodu utrudniający wszystko lub może ten popychający/motywujący do działania. Wiecie.. długo wierzyłam, że wiele rzeczy jest czarno-białych i albo tu, albo tam. trochę jak kij co ma dwa końce. tymczasem Życie ma wiele różnych barw oraz odcieni, które przenikając się wzajemnie i dopełniają. różne kolory skóry, religie, narodowości, kultura.. im bardziej mieszam w swoim życiu tym bardziej czuje, że jest kompletne 🖤 zostawiam was na weekend wsród dróg Marrakesza.. całuje, M. _ #forowyzwanie #piątekztelefonem #telefonem #wpodróży #kochampodróże #podróż #blondynkawpodróży #blondieinmorocco #unexpectedlove #unexpectedtrip #moroccotravels #marocain #moroccostyle @inmorocco #pandemiacoronavirus #winter2021 @simplymorocco #wyzwaniefotograficzne #przemyślenia #marriagegoals #marrakesh #explorethenew #marrakechmedina #medinamarrakech @instamarrakech @visit_marrakesh #mixedlife #expatblogger #blogipodroznicze #drogadocelu #małżeństwo #związkimieszane @marcelina_fotografuje_

3/19/2021, 9:32:30 PM

i miss you ☀️ miss you my old life.. mam cholerne Deja Vu 😅 kolejne święta, urodziny i pewnie ramadan spędzę z dala od Starego.. tym razem jednak bez smutku, na spokojnie. lecz brakuje mi podróży na dziko, wyjścia w nocy na miasto z grupą przyjaciół oraz spontaniczności w życiu - bynajmniej ta, którą dostajemy od różnych państw w sprawie restrykcji już mnie nie bawi! od soboty lockdown w Polsce a i pod stołem znów rozpatrywany jest ważny projekt opisujący rodzine oraz kwestionujący prawa płodu czy genetyczne uwarunkowanie płci. czy tylko ja czuję się jak w cyrku otoczona klaunami? lwów skaczących przez płomienie sobie do gardeł też w mediach pełno.. każdy każdego oskarża jak zwykle pozbywając się odpowiedzialności eh! _ #autorefleksja #polska #polskablogerka #blogpodrozniczy #tęsknię #portretkobiety #inmorocco #taghazoutbeach #maroko #blodynkawpodróży #blondieinmorocco #moroccolives #tęsknięzasłońcem #podróżowanie #lockdown2021 #pandemiacoronavirus #ważne #cyrkbezzwierząt #mojkrajtakipiekny

3/18/2021, 11:42:40 AM

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑏𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑦 𝑏𝑒, 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑎𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑎𝑟𝑒! . . . . . ----------------------------------------- #africa #morocco 🇲🇦 #casablanca #casablanca_ig #hassanllmosque #marruecos #visitmorocco #traveladdict #worldtravel 🗺 #tourism #beautifuldestinations #wonderfulplaces #feelthevibes #onemoretrip#lovetravel #girlsaroundtheworld #blondieinmorocco #explore #discover #world_vocations #holidays #mostbeautifulplaces #moments #makememories #happy_mood #photooftheday #trip #travelphotography #instapic #instatravel

3/4/2021, 11:54:30 AM

Today's mantra: -Stop being busy -Let some chances to pass -Stop rushing -Accept the present Being a travel blogger and travel curator, I was looking at each travel inside Morocco not just as a holiday, but as well as part of my work. That includes taking pictures, posting stories, checking new places and making new connections. However, I realised that it's easy to burn because the distinction between work and free time is so fragile. So I'm trying to find the right balance. It's not easy, but possible by repeating today's mantra. How are you dealing with freelancing burnouts? . . . . #morocco #freelancer #blondieinmorocco #mantra #takeiteasy

2/28/2021, 9:04:50 PM

Workations' Are the Latest Travel Trend? Freelancer, do you often have a vacation, or you always do workation? Haha, seriously, I don't know when the last time I had a regular vacation. Even when my colleague at the Fair asked me, if I want to take some time off, I got confused. I can work from anywhere, and I never felt like a need another kind of vacation. Anyway, guys, the last few months were hard, so I needed to escape city life. Taghazout was a perfect hideaway for my wish. I got inspired and have new project ideas coming up soon related to freelancers life. Nowadays, so many of us are working from home, that not only freelancers can do workations, many of us can. I can't wait to share my new project soon. Bizou Bizou from the ocean Thank you @wow_surfhouse for the spot #morocco #blondieinmorocco #taghazout #workation #workations #workationmorocco #travelplannermorocco #freelancerlife #freelancermorocco

2/24/2021, 1:09:22 PM

How are you surviving your winter? Meanwhile, I can't believe the weather in Marrakech changes so rapidly. A few weeks ago, we were freezing in the evenings and sitting in front of the fireplaces. And now weeks are getting hotter, reaching up to +28 C temperature. As well, sorry for being away and not posting too much these weeks. Have to confess, had a taught weeks dealing with life, but promise, I will be back in the full power soon. #marrakech #morocco #moroccotrip #agafay #sun #wintersun #byewinter #travelplanner #blondieinmorocco #dreaminginmorocco

1/30/2021, 4:25:25 PM

Was all excited to use my new purse and everything shut down extra early 😑

1/1/2021, 2:19:55 PM

Merry Merry everyone! . . . . #morocco #marrakech #moroccotravel #blondieinmorocco #christmas

12/24/2020, 5:46:53 PM

12/21/2020, 3:04:08 PM

Some wild waves today at Lassarga Beach 🏖

12/16/2020, 8:26:14 PM

My heartbeat 💓

11/21/2020, 9:15:31 PM

Pre Dinner Drinks at Bavaro Beach

11/21/2020, 9:14:08 PM

Tea for two in a tent

11/12/2020, 7:04:27 PM

Whats your next dream trip planned? #morocco🇲🇦 #MOROCCO #tafedna #disovermorocco #blondieinmorocco

11/7/2020, 8:13:42 PM

11/7/2020, 5:57:40 PM

Rasa, where did you disappear? Last time I posted something on my Instagram feed was more than a month ago. I was so busy with my other work in Lithuania, organising art fair @artvilnius, I was busy rethinking, rebooting my head, travelling around in Morocco. Seriously, I was starting to consider the existence of Blondie in Morocco. However, I accidentally met a few people, who recognised me and thanked for the work I do promote Morocco and create off beaten path travel plans. I met some followers who asked where did I disappear. These compliments gave me a strength to continue, to move forward. I realised how important it is to encourage each other, so I started to send compliments to other bloggers, that I appreciate. So let me know, why do you follow me? Why shouldn't I stop my Blondie work? And maybe even tell me how did you discover my blog? Thanks @dee_deima for 📸 #morocco #blondieinmorocco #travelblogger #travelconcierge #travelconsultant #compliments #tafedna #freelancer #petitjardintafedna

11/2/2020, 12:01:41 PM

Happy Friday! Time for couscous and time with hubby 😍😍

10/23/2020, 3:13:59 PM

I guess this is like skip the dishes? 🤪

10/23/2020, 11:23:26 AM