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"Neste mundo, toda alma é seduzida por sons musicais; e não apenas aquelas de hábitos mais refinados, mas também os bárbaros adotaram peças musicais com as quais podem se encher de coragem ou se deliciar em prazeres; pois a alma carrega consigo mesma, e no corpo, certa memória da música que contemplou no céu..." (Comentários ao 'Sonho de Cipião', de Cícero, Livro II, c. 3.7) Os comentários de Macróbio a esse clássico de Cícero exerceram uma influência sobre a Idade Média semelhante àquela que exerceram os comentários sobre o Timeu de Platão, escritos por Calcídio. Ambos os comentários foram elaborados entre os séculos IV e V d.C., e ambos alimentaram a imaginação musical dos cristãos por séculos. Assim como Platão, Cícero apresentava uma espécie de cosmovisão musical em sua obra. A harmonia da alma do mundo, a harmonia das esferas celestes, a harmonia da alma humana, o ritmo da sucessão das estações: tudo isso é apresentado como parte e como expressão da chamada "musica mundana". Macróbio, em seu comentário, torna ainda mais explícitas as influências pitagórico-platônicas de Cícero. Num outro trecho, fazendo clara referência à disposição musical feita pelo Demiurgo na Alma do Mundo, Macróbio diz: "(...) é natural que tudo aquilo que respira seja cativado pela música, uma vez que a Alma celeste, que anima o cosmos, teve a sua origem na música." (Livro II, c. 3.11) #Cicero #DreamOfScipio #Macrobius #Calcidius #Plato #Pythagoras #HarmoniaSphaerarum #MusicaPerennis

2/23/2022, 8:18:26 PM

🇺🇸 HISTORY OF PHYSICS 141. During the 4th century, Neoplatonism defeated all other philosophical schools. Neoplatonists were interested in only a few aspects of physics, such as light and harmonics. Their cultural contest was not scientific but religious. Some ancient works were edited in this century, e.g. some works by Euclid and Ptolemy edited by Theon of Alexandria, Plato's Timaeus edited by Calcidius. Some of these editions are of interest to the history of physics because they were the only versions known in the Middle Age. 🇮🇹 STORIA DELLA FISICA 141. Durante il 4° secolo il Neoplatonismo sconfisse tutte le altre scuole filosofiche. I Neoplatonisti erano interessati solo a pochi aspetti della fisica, come la luce e l'armonia. Il loro contesto culturale non fu scientifico ma religioso. Alcune opere antiche furono edite in questo secolo, ad es. alcune opere di Euclide e Tolomeo edite da Teone di Alessandria, il Timeo di Platone edito da Calcidio. Alcune di queste edizioni sono di interesse per la storia della fisica perché furono le uniche versioni note nel Medio Evo. #storiadellafisica #historyofphysics #fisica #física #physics #physique #physik #theoreticalphysics #theoreticalphysicist #experimentalphysics #experimentalphysicist #ancientphysics #greekphysics #hellenism #hellenisticscience  #ancientastronomy #rome #romanscience #neoplatonism #calcidius #theon #theonofalexandria

4/5/2021, 9:10:45 PM

‘presence in absentia’ —————————extensions’ first iteration features a collaboration between Nicola Polloni, Rosie Reed Gold and Joshua Harvey. It examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience #algorithm #spatial #shadow

8/9/2019, 12:01:08 PM

‘presence in absentia’ —————————extensions’ first iteration features a collaboration between Nicola Polloni, Rosie Reed Gold and Joshua Harvey. It examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience #algorithm #spatial #shadow

8/9/2019, 12:00:37 PM

‘presence in absentia’ —————————extensions’ first iteration features a collaboration between Nicola Polloni, Rosie Reed Gold and Joshua Harvey. It examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience #algorithm #spatial #shadow

8/9/2019, 12:00:09 PM

‘presence in absentia’ —————————extensions’ first iteration features a collaboration between Nicola Polloni, Rosie Reed Gold and Joshua Harvey. It examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience #algorithm #spatial #shadow

8/9/2019, 11:59:35 AM

‘presence in absentia’ —————————extensions’ first iteration features a collaboration between Nicola Polloni, Rosie Reed Gold and Joshua Harvey. It examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience #algorithm #spatial #shadow

8/9/2019, 11:58:49 AM

‘presence in absentia’ —————————extensions’ first iteration features a collaboration between Nicola Polloni, Rosie Reed Gold and Joshua Harvey. It examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience #algorithm #spatial #shadow

8/9/2019, 11:57:42 AM

Very happy to show a taster of ‘presence in absentia’ - the first @extensionsofreality interdisciplinary collaboration with @nicola.polloni and @hirschland —————- ‘presence in absentia’ examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. Inspired largely by William of Conches’ commentary on Calcudius: “ the darkness is seen without seeing and the silence is heard by hearing nothing, as too that primordial matter which is prime matter is understood without understanding. Which corresponds to say that in the same way it is necessary for sight to fail to see the darkness and similarly for the hearing as to hear the silence, likewise the intellect has to fail in order to understand prime matter. Indeed, when we think of matter without any form, our intellect fails.” —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience

8/8/2019, 12:09:34 PM

Very happy to show a taster of ‘presence in absentia’ - the first @extensionsofreality interdisciplinary collaboration with @nicola.polloni and @hirschland —————- ‘presence in absentia’ examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. Inspired largely by William of Conches’ commentary on Calcudius: “ the darkness is seen without seeing and the silence is heard by hearing nothing, as too that primordial matter which is prime matter is understood without understanding. Which corresponds to say that in the same way it is necessary for sight to fail to see the darkness and similarly for the hearing as to hear the silence, likewise the intellect has to fail in order to understand prime matter. Indeed, when we think of matter without any form, our intellect fails.” —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience

8/8/2019, 12:08:44 PM

Very happy to show a taster of ‘presence in absentia’ - the first @extensionsofreality interdisciplinary collaboration with @nicola.polloni and @hirschland —————- ‘presence in absentia’ examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. Inspired largely by William of Conches’ commentary on Calcudius: “ the darkness is seen without seeing and the silence is heard by hearing nothing, as too that primordial matter which is prime matter is understood without understanding. Which corresponds to say that in the same way it is necessary for sight to fail to see the darkness and similarly for the hearing as to hear the silence, likewise the intellect has to fail in order to understand prime matter. Indeed, when we think of matter without any form, our intellect fails.” —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience

8/8/2019, 12:06:02 PM

Very happy to show a taster of ‘presence in absentia’ - the first @extensionsofreality interdisciplinary collaboration with @nicola.polloni and @hirschland —————- ‘presence in absentia’ examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. Inspired largely by William of Conches’ commentary on Calcudius: “ the darkness is seen without seeing and the silence is heard by hearing nothing, as too that primordial matter which is prime matter is understood without understanding. Which corresponds to say that in the same way it is necessary for sight to fail to see the darkness and similarly for the hearing as to hear the silence, likewise the intellect has to fail in order to understand prime matter. Indeed, when we think of matter without any form, our intellect fails.” —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience

8/8/2019, 12:02:15 PM

Very happy to show a taster of ‘presence in absentia’ - the first @extensionsofreality interdisciplinary collaboration with @nicola.polloni and @hirschland —————- ‘presence in absentia’ examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. Inspired largely by William of Conches’ commentary on Calcudius: “ the darkness is seen without seeing and the silence is heard by hearing nothing, as too that primordial matter which is prime matter is understood without understanding. Which corresponds to say that in the same way it is necessary for sight to fail to see the darkness and similarly for the hearing as to hear the silence, likewise the intellect has to fail in order to understand prime matter. Indeed, when we think of matter without any form, our intellect fails.” —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience

8/8/2019, 12:00:59 PM

Very happy to show a taster of ‘presence in absentia’ - the first @extensionsofreality interdisciplinary collaboration with @nicola.polloni and @hirschland —————- ‘presence in absentia’ examines notions of the present absent, using medieval philosophical epistemes of (prime) matter, artistic visualisations of unseen data and scientific studies on the nature of perception. Inspired largely by William of Conches’ commentary on Calcudius: “ the darkness is seen without seeing and the silence is heard by hearing nothing, as too that primordial matter which is prime matter is understood without understanding. Which corresponds to say that in the same way it is necessary for sight to fail to see the darkness and similarly for the hearing as to hear the silence, likewise the intellect has to fail in order to understand prime matter. Indeed, when we think of matter without any form, our intellect fails.” —————- For more info please visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . #presence #absence #presentinabsentia #epistemology #calcidius #philosophy #art #science #collaboration #interdisciplinary #text #howtoseenothing #textbasedart #perception #cognitive #darkness #light #matter #primematter #contemporaryart #structuringnature #extensions #extensionsofreality #neuroscience

8/8/2019, 11:59:13 AM

The beginnings of a collaboration between Rosie Reed Gold, Nicola Polloni and Joshua Harvey discussing artistic, philosophic and scientific interpretations of our understanding of prime matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #collaboration #interdisciplinary #extensions #perception #text #resynthesis #aristotle #calcidius #matter #primematter #makingtheinvisiblevisible #shadow #light #presence #absence #processing #art #philosophy #science

7/19/2019, 3:53:24 PM