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We celebrate our amazing girls in tech who are pushing the boundaries and status quo. Their creativity and innovation is shaping the future of technology in remarkable ways. Partner with us to create even more opportunities #KidsInnovationHub #girlsintech

4/30/2024, 5:51:12 PM

Inspired by these female role models paving the way in tech. 💪 While women are still underrepresented in the tech and ICT industry, initiatives like UNITED's 'Girls In ICT Day' talk are changing the narrative. Our very own Merima Tipura, Senior Agile Project Manager at Skyline, recently spoke at this event, showcasing the impact of female leadership. Female role models are key to inspiring the next generation of talent. 🚀 #GirlsinTech #GirlsInICT #ICT #Tech #WomeninICT #WomeninTech #DataMiner #SkylineCommunciations

4/30/2024, 4:27:51 PM

Erfolgreicher Girl‘s Day am BKFT 💝 📌Wir waren zwar nicht im Bundeskanzleramt dabei, aber wie schon in den Jahren zuvor nahm das BKFT mit seinen Werkstätten am @der_girlsday teil. Auch in diesem Jahr konnten die Bildungsleiterin Lea Mertens und Fachlehrer Jörg Jansen am 25. April wieder 15 technisch interessierte Mädchen, im Alter zwischen 14 und 15 Jahren, zu einem spannenden Workshop in der Elektrowerkstatt und einem Besuch in der Holzwerkstatt begrüßen. 📌Nach einem kurzen gemeinsamen Kennenlernen und einer Sicherheitseinweisung, folgte die Einführung in die praktische Arbeit an einer selbst zu erstellenden Verlängerungsleitung nach frei gewähltem Längenmaß. Auch besuchten die Schülerinnen die Holzwerkstatt und lernten hier einiges spannende zur Holzfertigung mit Lasertechnologie durch Fachlehrer Teelko Heim kennen. Nach einer gemeinsamen Pause wurden dann die praktischen Arbeiten fertiggestellt und die Verlängerungsleitungen auf ihre Funktionsfähigkeit geprüft. 📌Um 14:00h endete für die jungen heranwachsenden Frauen der Schnuppertag -an einer technisch ausgerichteten weiterführenden Schule - mit vielen neuen Eindrücken und Erfahrungen. 📌Wir hoffen, wir konnten auch in diesem Jahr wieder dazu beitragen, bei Mädchen und jungen Frauen das Interesse für technische und handwerkliche Berufe zu wecken. #girlsday #girlsintech #mint #bkft #mönchengladbach

4/30/2024, 3:15:00 PM

Have you ever wondered how many paths open up, offering plenty of opportunities for tech creativity? What are the non-traditional roles in the world of technology and engineering? According to Valentini Voutsina, #weLEADER and HR Business Partner at @efoodgr , here are some of the most interesting non-traditional tech roles: ● Tech sales / sales engineering ● Tech writers ● Tech recruiter ● IT consultant ● Technology ethicist ● Augmented realities content creator ● Digital anthropologist Non-traditional roles have a significant impact on shaping future innovation, empowering tech experts to make an even greater impact. Learn more about the roles and their responsibilities now. ❗Don’t forget…tech awaits you, just as you are. 🌟This article is part of a series focused on entering the tech industry through the experiences of professionals in collaboration with . Stay tuned for more! 🔗 Link in bio and stories *In Greek #neolaia #roles #nontraditional #womenintech #womenempowerment #womeninstem #girlswhocode #womenwhocode #womensupportingwomen #womenpower #womeninspiringwomen #girlsintech #nonprofit #startup #coder #genderequity #athens #greektech #programming #coding #softwareengineer #devlife

4/30/2024, 3:12:57 PM

¡LLEGÓ EL MOMENTO MÁS IMPORTANTE DEL AÑO! TÚ PROYECTO PUEDE REPRESENTAR A CHILE EN ESTADOS UNIDOS 🇺🇲🗽🌎 Queda muy poco para que participes del Pitch Nacional el próximo 11 de mayo. Una instancia SÚPER IMPORTANTE presente en 5 regiones, donde podrás presentar tu proyecto frente a importantes jueces y juezas nacionales que te ayudarán en tu presentación en miras del Challenge Internacional de @technovationglobal 🌎 El Pitch te ayudará a potenciar tu proyecto y darle la posibilidad de estar entre las 100 mejores del mundo representando a Chile y Latinoamérica y además llegar a la final, lo que te hará viajar a Silicon Valley en EEUU🇺🇸, considerada la capital de la tecnología, a presentar tú proyecto y ganar un premio en 💲🙌🏻 Atentas entonces a sus CORREOS 📩 donde te llegará TODA LA INFORMACIÓN con tu sede y horario de presentación. Las sedes de Pitch son las siguientes Y OJO 👀 porque agregamos una sede MÁS en Santiago 📍 SANTIAGO 🔴 INACAP Santiago Sur @inacapsantiagosur 🔵 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María de Santiago (San Joaquín ) @usantamaria @vinculacionusm 📍VALPARAÍSO: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María @usantamaria @usmvalparaiso 📍 CONCEPCIÓN: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María @usmconcepcion 📍ARICA: Universidad de Tarapacá @utarapaca @fi.uta 📍 ANTOFAGASTA: Universidad Católica del Norte @ucn @generoucn @ficg.ucn ¡CONFIRMA tú participación! #technovation2024 #pitch #pitchpresencial #pitchnacional #100mejores #technovationglobal #challengeinternacional #niñasstem #niñasyciencia #GirlsInTech #STEM #educación #app #apps

4/30/2024, 3:12:36 PM

🌟Girls' Day bei uns: Letzte Woche besuchten uns 16 Mädels in Schwertberg, um spannende Einblicke in technische Berufe zu gewinnen. 🔧Neben dem Bauen von Roboterkäfern🤖, wurden im Technikum wurden unsere Spritzgießmaschinen genau unter die Lupe genommen. Der tag endete mit einer Werksführung. ❤️Toll, dass ihr da wart Mädels! Wir freuen uns schon auf den nächsten Girls' Day. @der_girlsday 👏 #insideENGEL #GirlsInTech #Zukunftstechnologinnen #zukunststoff #lehrebeiengel #girlsday

4/30/2024, 2:44:09 PM

Our #Makersbox girls are taking the digital world by storm as they dive headfirst into the realm of #VideoEditing. From mastering cuts to adding effects, they're unleashing their creativity one frame at a time. Watch out, world—these girls are unstoppable! 🌟💻 #GirlsInTech #DigitalCreativity #VideoEditingJourney #EmpoweredGirls #MakersboxMagic

4/30/2024, 2:26:12 PM

Auch in diesem Jahr durften wir anlässlich zum @der_girlsday am 25.04.2024 fünf begeisterte und aufgeschlossene Mädchen bei uns begrüßen! Unsere ExpertInnen haben den Mädchen die Grundlagen der #nachhaltigen #Kältetechnik nähergebracht und ihnen die Möglichkeit gegeben, ihre Kenntnisse direkt in der Praxis anzuwenden. Beim Hartlöten fanden sich wahre Meisterinnen ihres Fachs und nach getaner Arbeit wurde natürlich beim Tischkicker-Turnier nochmal richtig Gas gegeben. Als Unternehmen sind wir stolz darauf, den #GirlsDay zu unterstützen und einen Beitrag zur #Förderung von Mädchen und Frauen in #technischenBerufen zu leisten. Die #Zukunft der #Technologiebranche liegt in einer #diversen und #inklusiven Arbeitswelt, in der sich jeder verwirklichen kann. Die Mädchen haben mit ihrer Begeisterung und ihrem Engagement alle angesteckt! Wir hoffen, dass wir ihre Leidenschaft für #Kältetechnik und #technischeBerufe weiter fördern konnten. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle fünf Teilnehmerinnen! Wir freuen uns darauf, auch in Zukunft an noch vielen weiteren Girls’days teilzunehmen. #GirlsInSTEM #GirlsInTech #Mädchenförderung #GirlsDay2024 __________ This year, we were once again able to welcome five enthusiastic and open-minded girls on the occasion of Girl's Day on 25.04.2024! Our experts taught the girls the basics of #sustainable #refrigerationtechnology and gave them the opportunity to apply their knowledge directly to practice. True masters of their trade were found at the brazing workshop and after the work was done, of course, the table football competition was a real highlight. As a company, we are proud to support Girl’s Day and to contribute to the #promotion of girls and women in #technicalprofessions. The #future of the #technology industry lies in a #diverse and #inclusive working world where everyone can realize their full potential. The girls have infected everyone with their enthusiasm and commitment! We hope that we were able to further encourage their passion for #refrigeration and #technical careers. A big thank you to all five participants! We look forward to taking part in many more Girls' Days in the #future.

4/30/2024, 1:48:17 PM

HAPPY FACES 🥳 We are delighted that the end of Training bootcamp (Phase 1) has come to an end 🎬 As we reflect 💭on the journey, we are glad that 96% ✅ successfully completed this phase and we are confident they further gained digital skills of the future and an advanced entrepreneurial capacity 👩‍💻that will accelerate their economic prosperity and value in the job market 👩‍⚖️ Congratulations to the beneficiaries, partners and supporters 🥳 Welcome to a new dispensation 💃 #womenintech #womeninstem #womenwhocode #womeninbusiness #tech #girlswhocode #technology #womenempowerment #coding #stem #womensupportingwomen #programming #developer #girlsintech #webdeveloper #womenintechnology #programmer #entrepreneur #womeninscience #computerscience #startup #codinglife #women #javascript #code #softwaredeveloper #innovation #stemimakersafrica #leadership

4/30/2024, 1:02:58 PM

🌟 Girls’ Day at ENGEL: Empowering future female technicians! As part of a local initiative to give girls first-hand insights into the exciting world of technical careers, 16 girls visited our headquarters last week. 🔧 For the first workshop the girls rolled up their sleeves and built robot beetles using wires, electronic components, and laser-cut plates. 🤖 Each beetle received a personalised touch with laser-engraved names. 🔍 In the afternoon, our curious guests delved into the heart of ENGEL’s expertise: injection moulding machines. They learned how the machines work, explored the diverse world of plastics and even got hands-on! By producing some plastic parts themselves, they were able to experience the magic of turning raw materials into functional components. 👌 🏭Finally, to see how our machines are made the girls visited our factory and got to see our production lines and assembly stations front row. Thank you for joining us on this amazing day! We are already looking forward to next year's Girls' Day 😊 #insideENGEL #GirlsInTech #FutureTechnologists

4/30/2024, 12:03:30 PM

AUSBILDUNG Girls´ Day bei Franken Guss! 💪🔨👷‍♀️ Wir haben uns auch dieses Jahr riesig gefreut, dass so viele Mädchen am Girls´ Day zu uns kommen wollten, um unsere technischen Berufe kennenzulernen. Sieben Schülerinnen konnten wir schließlich willkommen heißen und über unsere Ausbildungsberufe informieren. In der Ausbildungswerkstatt durfte jede eigenhändig eine Metallblume herstellen. Unter Anleitung unserer Ausbilder und einiger Auszubildenden packten die Mädchen beherzt an und übten den Umgang mit Werkzeugen und Metallen. Es musste unter anderem Rundmaterial gebogen und ein Blech zu Blättern geschnitten und gefeilt werden. Wie die möglichen Einsatzfelder nach einer technischen Ausbildung bei uns aussehen, konnten sich die Schülerinnen bei einer Betriebsbesichtigung live anschauen. Schön, dass ihr da wart! Wir haben uns sehr über euren Besuch gefreut! 😊🎉 #frankenguss #girlsday #girlsintech #kitzingen #berufsorientierung #berufsausbildung

4/30/2024, 11:48:42 AM

Ήρθε η ευκαιρία σου να γνωρίσεις το CERN!😯 Το Girls in Tech Greece σε συνεργασία με το CERN πραγματοποιούν το webinar: ‘The ultimate insider: Discover career opportunities at CERN’. 🧪 🗓️23 Μαΐου ⏰7-8 μ.μ. Μαζί με την Μαρία Χιωτέλη, research fellow CERN, τον Μάνο Μπαγάκη, DevOps engineer CERNκαι την Δήμητρα Χαζτηχρυσού, ex DevOps engineer CERN, θα συζητήσουμε για internships, διαθέσιμες θέσεις άλλα και την δική τους εμπειρία δουλεύοντας σε ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα πειραματικά κέντρα πυρηνικών ερευνών! Είναι μοναδική εμπειρία μην το χάσεις! ✨Σημείωση: στο webinar θα συζητηθούν και διάφορα πρόγραμματα για internships στο CERN! Δήλωσε γρήγορα συμμετοχή στο link in bio. #cern #womeninstem #girlsintech #webinar #stem

4/30/2024, 11:25:33 AM

News from our Coding Workshop! Last Saturday, the kids programmed their own game using Scratch. 🎮🕹️ Scratch enables a colorful programming adventure. Developed at the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), it lets you build apps by simply linking together colorful blocks on a PC or tablet, instead of writing complicated code. It creates scenes, sequences, and actions. It's super-easy and great fun! 🌟👾 Our coding kids' game took them deep underwater, where a brave diver caught garbage floating by. 🤿 A fun adventure that also shows how important it is to keep our oceans clean. Would you like to find out how easy programming is? Heads up: There are still places on the waiting list for the next CodingWerkstatt @ InVision on May 25, 2024. Register now at and dive into the exciting world of coding! 🌐👨‍💻👩‍💻 #CodingKids #Coding #CodingForTomorrow #Scratch #KidsCanCode #GirlsCanCodeToo #CodingGirls #GirlsWhoCode #GirlsInTech #CompanyCulture #GreatPlaceToWork #InVision

4/30/2024, 10:42:57 AM

HK Unicorn Squad asutaja Taavi Kotka andis @rakett69 finaalis välja kaks rahalist preemiat: 🦄 Parima tüdruku auhinna sai Hugo Treffneri Gümnaasiumi õpilane Violeta Jürgens; 🦄 Silmapaistvaima raketlase auhinna sai Nõo Reaalgümnaasiumi õpilane Rudolf Kivi. Palju õnne, oli vinge hooaeg! 🚀 Foto: Kairit Leibold / ERR #hkunicornsquad #unicornid #smartgirls #unicorns #technology #girlsintech #education #movement #techmovement #learning #onlygirlsintechnology #estonia #taltech #rakett69

4/30/2024, 10:12:53 AM

More pictures from the #InternationalGirlsinICTday last week at GSS Hwolse. Alot of girls are now happy to learn tech!🥳🥳🥳 @jostechgirls #awareness #GirlsInTech

4/30/2024, 10:00:59 AM

Am 25.04. fand der Girls‘ Day statt, bei dem jungen Mädchen Einblicke in technische Berufe ermöglicht und Geschlechterklischees in der Arbeitswelt herausgefordert werden. TSA war dieses Jahr erstmals Teil dieses spannenden Events, bei dem 40 Schülerinnen der Musikmittelschule Gumpoldskirchen uns am Standort Wiener Neudorf besuchten. 🏫 Bei einer Führung durch die Produktion konnten die Teilnehmerinnen sehen, wie Elektromotoren entstehen – angefangen von der technischen Konstruktion und Zeichnung, bis hin zur tatsächlichen Fertigung. Dazu hatten die Mädchen die Möglichkeit, ihr Geschick bei kleinen handwerklichen Tätigkeiten selbst zu testen und zu erfahren, wie es sich anfühlt, ein Werkstück mit den eigenen Händen zu erschaffen. Während des gesamten Programms wurden die Schülerinnen von einer TSA-Mentorin begleitet. Ihr konnten konkrete Fragen über das Unternehmen und ihr Berufsfeld gestellt, und so neue Blickwinkel auf den Tätigkeitsbereich gewonnen werden. Wir möchten uns bei allen Schülerinnen für ihren Besuch herzlich bedanken und freuen uns darauf, vielleicht einige von Ihnen in Zukunft als Praktikantinnen, Lehrlinge oder Mitarbeiterinnen wiederzusehen. 👧🏽👩🏻‍🦰💙 #girlsday #girlsintech #electromobility

4/30/2024, 9:00:23 AM

VZDELÁVAME O IT BEZPEČNOSTI DIEVČATÁ PO CELOM SLOVENSKU. Po prvýkrát na Gymnáziu A. Sládkoviča v Krupine a osemročnom gymnáziu v Levoči. Dievčatá si okrem teórie vyskúšali aj test, ktorý ich preskúšal, či vedia odhaliť phising, pozreli si video o AI a aktívne sa zapojili do diskusie. Ocenili, že workshop bol naozaj interaktívny, čo hodnotili vysoko pozitívne. :-) V Levoči si tiež teóriu vyskúšali: na svojich mobiloch dievčatá overovali, či boli ich údaje v minulosti odcudzené, či majú dostatočne silné heslo a mnoho iných dôležitých informácií. Tieto workshopy na ZŠ a SŠ organizujeme vďaka podpore @zzurichfoundation a @unicredit_eu #unicreditfoundation #ajtyvit #itsecurity #itbezpecnost #girlsintech #stredoskolacky

4/30/2024, 8:59:16 AM

One of the questions we talked about in our latest episode was “what’s the difference between a Database Administrator and a Database Reliability Engineer?” 🤔 To learn more about the role of a DBRE, check out episode 46, the latest episode in our Exploring Tech Jobs series! What other tech jobs do you think we should cover? 👩‍💻 #hotgirlscode #tech #techindustry #techpodcast #database #dba #girlswhocode #girlsintech #coding

4/30/2024, 7:50:01 AM

Cultura é feita por nós, e nós fazemos a diferença!⚡ Quando falamos de cultura, é impossível não pensar em toda a sociedade, especialmente nós, mulheres! Ao reconhecer e desafiar as estruturas de poder e os padrões culturais que insistem em excluir mulheres, podemos trabalhar para criar e moldar novas culturas inclusivas, diversificadas e justas para todas. A mudança não é apenas uma possibilidade, mas uma necessidade! A mudança está acontecendo e nós estamos aqui para moldá-la! Vamos juntas! 💪⚡ Realização: @corali_org @prototipandoaquebrada Apoio: @embaixadaeua #empowerher #empowerherbrasil #diversidadeeinclusao #mulheresempoderadas #mulheresnatecnologia #empower #empowergirls #girlsintech #EmpowerHer #MulheresNaTecnologia #QuebrandoBarreiras #InspireSe #GirlPower #SoftSkills #sociedade #equidade #Empoderamento #Criatividade

4/30/2024, 2:32:35 AM

orgulhosa do meu setup crescendo cada vez mais 🥹💻👩‍💻 #girlsintech

4/30/2024, 2:14:57 AM

Today I fought with a few pixels 👾 honestly, I have no idea how you front end-devs do it, css is hell 😂 I was trying to build a toggle into our react frontend for a chat bot interface we’re experimenting with and it didn’t really want to work (some of you probably saw my story) 🫠 got some good tips from you, but so far I can’t figure out what’s wrong. The toggle switch still functionally works despite being very ugly, so for now I’ll just implement the backend functionality of it… maybe the solution to my frontend problem will present itself tomorrow or I will have to ask someone from the software development team - thankfully we have people that are way better at frontend than me, truly one of the best things of working in a team 👌🏻😊

4/30/2024, 1:04:14 AM

'Success comes from the thousands of hours work that no one sees'

4/29/2024, 10:17:29 PM

Ready to immerse yourself in hands-on tech adventures? 💻 Don't miss out on unlocking your creativity with #STEM! Join us at Techie Camp, where 6th-8th grade girls in greater Columbus can dive deep into the exciting world of technology. 🌟 Plus, walk away with awesome TECH CORPS swag! Best part? It's completely #FREE! 🗓️ Mark your calendars for June 3-7 and June 10-14, from 9am-4pm. Register now at and secure your spot! Techie Camp, proudly brought to you by @techcorpsUS and sponsored by @Google is your chance to explore, create, and have a blast while learning valuable tech skills. 💡 #TechieCamp #GirlsInTech

4/29/2024, 10:01:59 PM

🎉 I finally feel like a proper software engineer! 🎊 Not because of the setup, although I have been spending a lot of time here recently. But we just had a big deployment at work on my project, and code I wrote, and features I’ve worked on are now live in production! Actual JavaScript and C# THAT I WROTE is now live and being shared with users. 🤯😍 My partner said months ago when I started that this would be the day it all hits home. Still more to do though - my tech skills are nowhere near where I’d like them and I’m hoping to kickstart an effort soon to add automated regression testing to our project to minimise the amount of manual testing I have to do 🤣 Still work to do on the setup too, but I’ve got a week booked off in June and hoping we can catch up on some home bits. We’ve achieved a lot recently but as always there’s always more to do 😭💪 So yeah, 9 months to the day since starting my new career and feeling like a teeny tiny little bit less of a fraud. No pic of my face as I’m having a crisis with my peri-menopausal skin and my hormones are screaming at me (ahhh luteal phase 💙). #softwaredeveloper #softwareengineer #girlswhocode #womenwhocode #cloudengineer #powerapps #powerplatform #womenintech #girlsintech #codefirstgirls #careerswitch #squigglycareer #desksetup #softwareengineering #iamanengineer

4/29/2024, 9:59:09 PM

All-female Delta crew flies 120 girls to NASA headquarters The flight was meant to promote STEM careers and inspire female aviators. How cool is that. 👯‍♀️🚀 . . #hearherstories #feminism #feminist #nasa #hearherstories #feminism #feminist #space #spacex #leader #spacestation #spaceship #spacegirl #nasa🚀 #stem #stemthegap #stemeducation #stemgirls #steminist #girlsinscience #womeninscience #science #tech #technology #girlsintech #womenintech #womeninscience #womeninspiringwomen #inspire

4/29/2024, 8:41:03 PM

Calling all German-speaking ladies with a background in Data Science, AI, Machine Learning, and Python programming! Get ready for an exciting recruiting event brought to you by BCG X and Girls in Tech. ✨ We know the job market can be tough right now, but don’t worry - we’ve got your back! Join us for a chance to kickstart or advance your career in the tech industry and connect with top companies looking for talented professionals like you. 💪🏼💻 Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! Apply now through the link in our bio. Let’s show the world what Girls in Tech are capable of! #BCGX #GirlsInTech #WomenInTech #RecruitingEvent #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #PythonProgramming 🇩🇪🎉 #berlintech

4/29/2024, 8:07:05 PM

⚡ Who's that girl It's Luisa! Our first female ironworker and we are proud of that. We wish you lots of fun on your new project Luisa! ^Team Eindhoven #inaxtion #girlpower #girlsintech #ironwork #holanda

4/29/2024, 8:00:42 PM

Is Monday kicking anyone else's ass?? 😵‍💫 Anywhoo - today's desk and keeb visual 🤗💕🫧 Any weekly goals?? 🫧 Partners🫧 @aaronntkid @opal.keys @xpocketxclownx @hot_pynk_gaming @sage_types @yayayamilet 💕tags💕 #cozyvibes #keyboarddesign #keebs #keycapset #rgb #officesetup #officespace #melgeekmojo68 #keyboardswitches #newsetup #silentswitches #keyboardasmr #mechanicalkeyboard #mechkeebs #cozydesk #newpost #typing #keyboardasmr #mechkeebs #cozysetup #girlsintech #naildesign #pressons #deskviews

4/29/2024, 7:25:28 PM

Exciting news, Tech Queens!! We are thrilled to announce that registration for the African Girl in Tech Academy Cohort 8.0 is now open! Are you a young African female between the ages of 16 and 40 with a passion for learning tech skills? Then Cohort 8.0 is tailor-made for you. Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity. Join our academy today! Click the link below to secure your spot in our fully funded African Girls in Tech Academy. P.S. Limited spaces are available. #AfricaAgility #GirlsInTechBootcamp8 #GirlsInTech #Empowerment

4/29/2024, 7:19:37 PM

This is a big big privilege for me and I'm most appreciative for the given platform to aim more at Academic growth. Thanks @bazeuni_abuja for the commitment and immense opportunity given to I and other thousands of Nigerians. I trust to be and give my best to this study God helping me. #GirlsInTech #STEM_Education

4/29/2024, 5:52:51 PM

Ein Blick zurück auf den diesjährigen Girls' und Boys' Day! 🌟 Auch bei uns waren Mädels und Jungs aus Gießen und Umgebung zu Gast und haben einen Einblick hinter die Kulissen von CURSOR erhalten. Nach einer kurzen Vorstellungsrunde haben die IT-Profis von Morgen die Büros auf eigene Faust erkundet und die unterschiedlichsten Berufsbilder bei CURSOR kennengelernt. Es war ein rundum schöner Girls‘ und Boys‘ Day und wir freuen uns, wenn wir den oder die ein oder andere bald wiedersehen – vielleicht als nächste Softwareentwicklerin oder als nächsten Marketing Manager bei uns! 😉 ➡️ Wenn ihr auch mal bei uns reinschnuppern wollt, dann merkt euch jetzt schon den nächsten Girls‘ und Boys‘ Day am 03. April 2025 vor. #girlsday2024 #boysday2024 #zukunftstag #girlsintech #gemeinsambegeisternderfolgreich

4/29/2024, 5:22:19 PM

🤝 Make Meaningful Connections! As our Community Engagement Manager, your efforts will build bridges within our tech community. If you’re passionate about fostering inclusive spaces, we want to hear from you. To get involved... Please fill out our board member application form, linked in our bio! Don’t have the time? Share this post with your network. Amplifying our message will be a great way to support us. #CommunityFirst #TechInclusivity #GirlsInTechMiami #VolunteerOpportunity #GirlsinTech

4/29/2024, 5:11:25 PM

This weekend, I did my first two video game streams of Stellar Blade on YouTube. It was fun and exciting. I plan to do gaming streams every weekend, so join in! Link to my channel in bio 🎮 #videogames #streaming #womenintech #womenwhocode #codinglife #codinggirl #developer #gamestreaming #webdeveloper #girlswhocode #girlsintech #techpeople #stellarblade

4/29/2024, 4:52:58 PM

Partimos está semana con un resumen de lo que fue nuestra 4ta sesión interescolar ✨💜😌☝🏻 ¿Te reconoces en alguna foto? 👀🔍 ¡Cuéntanos! @ucatolicaoficial @preingenieria_uc @usantamaria @vinculacionusm @inacap_centro @inacap_oficial @usachoficial @utarapaca @fi.uta @ucn @ficg.ucn 📍 📢 Nos vemos el próximo sábado 🗓️ #technovation2024 #technovationchile #STEM #niñasstem #niñasprogramadoras #niñasyciencia #GirlsInTech

4/29/2024, 3:58:31 PM

Meet Julie Picarel, Senior Project Leader for Civil Engineering and BIM at Zurich Airport 🔥 From France to Switzerland, Julie's career journey is one of resilience and innovation. Specializing in Building Information Modeling (BIM) for infrastructure, she's driving the digital transformation and the mindset change. And the latter is the real challenge! Julie's passion lies in creating a safer, more sustainable world. Through technology and dedication, she's paving the way for future generations. For her, true leadership means leading by example and empowering others to take initiative. She encourages aspiring engineers to embrace responsibility and drive positive change 💜 Join us in celebrating Julie's journey and her commitment to engineering excellence! 👉Follow the link in bio to read the full interview #GirlsInTech #GirlsInTechSwitzerland #WomenWhoInspireUs #WomenInSTEM

4/29/2024, 3:49:51 PM

🎉After celebrating our birthday, we’re eager to highlight and congratulate once again the graduates of our very first tech bootcamps. 💚Class of 2023-24, we are so proud of you! It's amazing to see our web development bootcamps graduates building a thriving career in tech. We’ll share exciting updates about their journeys soon! 🚀New programs are also coming. Stay tuned #webdevelopment #womenintech #womenempowerment #womeninstem #girlswhocode #womenwhocode #womensupportingwomen #womenpower #womeninspiringwomen #girlsintech #nonprofit #startup #coder #genderequity #athens #greektech #programming #coding #softwareengineer #devlife #frondenddeveloper #backenddeveloper

4/29/2024, 2:13:13 PM

Schulfrei bei adesso Austria – Wiener Töchtertag 2024 🎉 adesso Austria hat zum ersten Mal am Wiener Töchtertag teilgenommen und konnte 6 Schülerinnen unser Unternehmen und die IT-Branche näherbringen. Sie tauchten in die faszinierende Welt des Programmierens ein und konnten ihr eigenes Spiel mit Scratch kreieren. Zudem erlernten sie, wie Anforderungen mit Playmobil Pro entwickelt werden und vieles mehr. 💻👧💡 Es war ein Tag voller Inspiration, Kreativität und Spaß. 😄 Ein riesiges Dankeschön geht an alle adessi, die diesen Tag organisiert und gestaltet haben! 💙 #adesso #Austria #WienerTöchtertag #coding #girlpower #GirlsInTech

4/29/2024, 2:01:00 PM

Stavljanjem fokusa na hrabrost i talente djevojčica, kroz edukativne radionice nastojimo pružiti podršku i ohrabrenje koje je potrebno za ostvarivanje njihovih punih potencijala. Potrebno je da zajedno gradimo inkluzivnije okruženje gdje djevojke i žene nisu samo učesnice, već i ključne pokretačice tehnoloških inovacija. Veliko hvala svim djevojčicama, djevojkama i ženama čija posvećenost pokazuju koliko je važno da svi imamo jednake šanse. 💪 . . . #GirIsInICT #EmpowerHerInICT #WomenInSTEM #ICTforGirls #GirlsinTech

4/29/2024, 1:54:09 PM

🌟 Exciting News!🌟 We are thrilled to announce that Divaloper has received a generous donation of laptops from the @kglfoundation ! 🎉 This incredible support will play a crucial role in our upcoming training program for girls in tech supported by KGL foundation . With these laptops, we can provide our participants with the tools they need to excel in the field of technology and pursue their dreams with confidence. 💻✨ A big thank you to the KGL Foundation for their unwavering support and belief in our mission. Together, we are empowering the next generation of female tech leaders! 🚀👩‍💻 A special thanks to @gye.nyame the CEO of the @kglfoundation , we appreciate you sir❤️. #Divaloper #GirlsInTech #EmpoweringTheFuture #KGLFoundation #TechEducation #ThankYou 🙌

4/29/2024, 12:47:35 PM

🌸a little recap of April 💌 Had a lot of work, but I’m all about balance!⚖️ Spending quality time with my boyfriend🥰, trying out a new hobby - candles making🕯️, taking refreshing walks around the beautiful city of Toulouse🩷, visiting new places 🚗, etc. 😊 . . . #coding #codingvibes #womenintech #womenwhocode #codinglife #codinggirl #developer #programmer #webdeveloper #javascript #girlswhocode #girlsintech #techpeople #webdev #codingtips #frontend #frontenddeveloper #development #studyinspiration #studywithme #study #tips #devlife #computerscience #lifeinfrance #france #frenchlifestyle #frenchlife #occitanie

4/29/2024, 12:26:29 PM

Am 25. April 2024 öffneten wir unsere Türen für den Girlsday und tauchten gemeinsam mit jungen Teilnehmerinnen in die faszinierende Welt der Technik ein! 🌟 Von spannenden Einblicken in den 3D-Druck bis hin zu interaktiven Workshops in Elektrotechnik und Mikroskopie - der Girlsday bot ein breites Spektrum an Möglichkeiten für alle Neugierigen. Ob beim Bau eigener Schaltungen oder dem Erkunden der winzigen Welt unter dem Mikroskop - der Tag steckte voller Entdeckungen und Spaß! Wir sind stolz darauf, Mädchen und Frauen in der Technik zu unterstützen und freuen uns bereits auf den nächsten Girlsday 2025! 💫 #girlsday #GirlsInTech #FGW #Inspiration #TechnikEntdecken @der_girlsday

4/29/2024, 12:19:05 PM

Ein spannender Girls'Day liegt hinter uns! 👩‍💻 Neun talentierte Mädchen haben einen exklusiven Einblick in die Welt der IT und in unser Unternehmen erhalten. 💡 Wir haben gemeinsam Wissen geteilt und jede Menge Spaß gehabt - Es war großartig, die Begeisterung und Neugierde der Teilnehmerinnen zu sehen! 💪 #kpc #blueconsult #GirlsDay #GirlsInTech #EmpoweringGirls #InspiringFutureGenerations

4/29/2024, 11:31:07 AM

Letzte Woche leuchteten beim #girlsday bei #itemis in #bonn nicht nur die Bildschirme, sondern auch die Augen von 11 jungen Programmiererinnen! 😊Sie tauchten in die Welt des Programmierens ein und schufen mit #scratch eigene Spiele und Geschichten. Die Zeit verging wie im Flug, gefüllt mit Spaß, Lernen und Teamarbeit. Ein Tag, der allen viel zu kurz erschien! 🎮💡 #girlsintech #zukunftgestalten #softwareentwicklerin #softwareentwicklung #softwareengineers #

4/29/2024, 11:10:54 AM

Inspiring 🌟. Imaginative 💭. Innovative 💡 . Just some of the ways to describe girls enjoying the tech & engineering education workshops available through Girls Into Coding. What words would you use to describe the #WomenInTech of the future❓ #TechEducation #TechEvents #GirlsInTech #engineering #STEM #Tech

4/29/2024, 10:30:03 AM

The African Girls Tech Bootcamp 7.0 is still going strong.💪 Our tech queens 👸 are having fun leaving skills that will transform their lives and Africa. Check out this snippet of what went down last week. #AfricaAgility #GirlsInTech #Empowerment #TechSavvy #Bootcamp #GIT7.0

4/29/2024, 10:27:58 AM

Here is your ✨affirmation✨ of the day! Some days in tech are tough - you might struggle with imposter syndrome, trying to figure out a really tricky task, or just not feeling good enough. This is when it is so important to show yourself compassion and kindness 💗 So repeat after me: I am compassionate, kind and generous with myself and with others 👩‍💻✨💗 #hotgirlscode #affirmations #affirmation #qotd #girlsintech #girlsinstem #stem #softwaredeveloper #podcast

4/29/2024, 7:20:11 AM

Hey girls! Siap-siap untuk kelas akhir pekan yang seru! Dan ini merupakan kelas online (FREE!) pertama kita, sesuai request dari kalian lho 🥰 AMADEA CLAIRE, pakar Business Intelligence dari Sinarmas Mining (Alumni BINAR), akan memandu Online Graph Gals: Explore Data Visualization! 📆 Sabtu, 4 Mei 2024 ⏰ 09.30-11.00 WIB Ayo daftar disini sekarang! 🚀 #TheITGirls #OnlineCourse #GirlsinTech #Tech #IT #FemaleinTech #Empowerment #DataVisualization

4/29/2024, 4:26:34 AM

Shout out to all the teams, volunteers, industry leaders in private and public STEM fields for your participation in the 2024 Technovation Ottawa finals. Everything was on point. Oh yah, the girls finished in P1 in their category. Well done to all the young women. This was the first step on the long road towards the world finals. Let's go! @technovationglobal @Carleton_U #Sustainability #ClimateChange #Agriculture #Local #GirlPower #girls #motivation #mindset #GirlsInSTEM #Innovation #Leaders #WomenInSTEM #Technovation2024 #TechnovationGirls #TechnovationGirls2024 #girlsintech #girlsinSTEM #STEM #womenintech #womeninSTEM #coding #code #app #teched #technovationcanada #technovationOttawa #YOW #CarletonUniversity

4/29/2024, 1:05:01 AM

It’s rare that I dress in anything other than hoodies working remote. And hair? Too exhausting 😒

4/29/2024, 12:57:59 AM

We were selected to be a part of the @DragonKimFoundation Fellowship Program! With the support of leadership training, funding, and mentorship, this summer we will ignite the change for our community with our project Tech InnovateHERS! Tech InnovateHERS is a non-profit camp aiming to empower the next generation of female tech leaders by exposing underserved girls in community to different fields in tech. We believe our project can help eradicate the stigmas around women in tech and teach them crucial life skills. Follow @DragonKimFoundation to learn more about how we and an entire cohort of passionate leaders will make an impact in our communities! #techinnovatehers #girlsintech #dragonkimfoundation #dragonkimfellowship #beadragon #shootpastthestars #limitless #DKF8 #leadership #community #bethechange

4/28/2024, 11:17:08 PM

Highlights of our week in 6 slides. The third slide should inspire you to dream again no matter your age. There are lessons for you to take into this new business week in the 5th slide- Check out the 1 minute video on our Reels feed. If you are still wondering why you need the Mini MBA, then you must have skipped slide 3 😁 What were the highlights of your own week? Care to inspire us, too? 😎 #leadingladiesbusinessinstitute #ladylawyer #lagosmums #lagosmuapro #virtualmba #llbiminimba #mbaforwomen #girlsintech #womeninnigeria #womeninafrica #womenInleadership

4/28/2024, 8:28:51 PM

We have the pleasure to announce the creation of a new Code Club! Adriana will be hosting 10th club in Luxembourg. The Club is at the Makerspace in Lycée Junglinster. For more information: [email protected] Thank you to @lensterlycee_int._school for hosting us! Thank you to the Fondation André Losch for the financial support!! #coding #girlsintech #codingforkids #scratchjr #scratch #codeclub #luxembourg #tech #codingforkids #lycee #

4/28/2024, 6:57:36 PM

Happy Sunday! I've waited so long for this @macherstudio (rightfully so) and it's so worth it!! 😍😍 Thank you Ellie - hope you're recovering well 🤗 🫶🏾 🫧 Partners🫧 @aaronntkid @opal.keys @xpocketxclownx @hot_pynk_gaming @sage_types @yayayamilet 💕tags💕 #cozyvibes #keyboarddesign #keebs #keycapset #rgb #officesetup #officespace #melgeekmojo68 #keyboardswitches #newsetup #silentswitches #keyboardasmr #mechanicalkeyboard #mechkeebs #cozydesk #newpost #typing #keyboardasmr #mechkeebs #cozysetup #girlsintech #naildesign #pressons

4/28/2024, 6:53:50 PM

A huge thank you goes to @_ameliahardy_ and her team. We love you ❤️ @harrogateflowershow #flowershow #humangardener #girlsintech #tech

4/28/2024, 6:33:16 PM

Coffee == Concentration 😌 It’s almost like a trigger for productivity.

4/28/2024, 6:21:52 PM

What's more satisfying than having a good work station, stable electricity, stable internet and a healthy meal 🧘 catch the BUGS Code is Art💚 #girlsintech #blackwomenintech #frontendwebdeveloper #techhouse #techlover

4/28/2024, 1:05:12 PM

Do you remember the first brainstorming session 12 weeks ago?🤔 Now it has turned into 57 ideas, weeks of dedication, and a dream to change the world from Technovation Cambodia teams 🇰🇭🎉 This isn’t just about numbers of the submissions, it’s about the girls’ months of effort, alongside the hard work of their mentors who guided them every step of the way. Their journey wasn’t easy. It involved extensive research on complex issues, late nights coding, and supporting each other through every challenge. Technovation isn’t just a competition; it’s a transformative experience that empowers young women in the tech industry. 💡 The girls’ hard work doesn’t just represent them, it represents Cambodia on a global scale! We can’t wait to see their innovative solutions take center stage! Best of luck, girls!🚀🌟 #women #girlsintech #technology #science #womenintech #universitystudents #TechnovationCambodia #Technovation

4/28/2024, 1:00:00 PM

Last week, we released the second episode of our Exploring Tech Jobs series! 👩‍💻 In our latest episode, we speak to Zoë who works as a Database Reliability Engineer! If you’ve ever wondered what kinda jobs you can get in tech, what the difference is between a DBA and a DBRE, or how a DBRE works within a tech team, check out episode 46 at the link in our bio 🔗🎙️ #hotgirlscode #girlswhocode #girlsintech #dbre #database #techpodcast #podcast #interview #tech #womenintech

4/28/2024, 4:34:51 AM

As one of the board members of Girls in Tech Singapore I have the privilege of helping and attending events that fuel the mind and bring inspiration even if I may not be in the tech industry anymore. This one with Workiva was no different! Off the back of Workiva’s Accelerate event, Girls in Tech collaborated on a panel discussion on “Empowering Women: How to be a leader of change in your community”. Here were some key takeaways from the evening: ✨ “BYSG”, build your own support group. Find someone who will go to bat for you. Someone who will fight for you through the ranks. That is career changing. ✨ Formulate a sounding board made up of friends, allies, a mentor and a coach. These will be the most helpful individuals to surround yourself with to help you progress your career and develop your networking skills ✨When driving change: Find the right language that your stakeholders understand. Understand the right levers to trigger practical arguments that will shift decisions in the direction you need ✨ Align your stakeholders one-by-one, align things for change to be exponential once you activate the plan ✨ “Part artist, part scientist”. Use both left-brain and right-brain logic to embrace and conduct change. ✨ Every company is trying to do more with less today and it all comes down to people. It all comes down to what a leader needs to do to build trust and engage their employees on this transformation. ✨ Diversity is about access to opportunities for everyone, despite social structure barriers or societal norms. It’s so boring to be in a room with people who all have the same opinion as you. ✨ “Don’t wait for the perfect moment to start anything because it’s never going to come, just go for it” #girlsintech #workiva

4/28/2024, 3:01:13 AM

It was pretty neat getting to work with both @RigaTechGirls and the Canadian Embassy in Latvia. Mostly it was conical that kept talking as if I was indeed at home in Canada, since I kept seeing Canadian flags everywhere! The Latvian community was truly so welcoming and appreciative of our time to share insights. I spoke here about Community building tactics that startup founders can use as they think about their brand or member communities. 📸 @lebedoka Anna Andersone Co-founder of #RigaTechGirls and myself, Margaux A Miller [April 2024] #techgirls #girlsintech #womenintech #wit #riga

4/28/2024, 1:02:15 AM

Happy to spend Saturday mornings with the kids! #coding #codingforkids #girlsintech #womenintech #girlsinict #girlsinstem #workshop4me #python #letscodepython

4/27/2024, 10:25:45 PM

(>>>swipe for more contents) At the end of March, I remotely participated in the generative art workshop for high school girls hosted by Girls In Tech Taiwan and the American Institute In Taiwan. During the sharing, I talked about how I got into generative art in the beginning, what’s the unique essence of generative art, and my usual creative process along with the thoughts and concept behind my artworks. To me, it was an amazing opportunity to guide young minds in exploring their artistic talents through creative coding. #girlsintech #arttech #genartclub #creativecoding #algorithmicart #generativeart #education

4/27/2024, 8:37:06 PM