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spring summer is calling 🌸☀️💚💖 hopefully the springtime will stay a little longer 🙏🫶🌻 #boston #bostonneighborhood #bostonphotography #streetstyle #streetphotography #streetwear #lifestyle #happylife #lifequotes #behappy #begrateful #behappyandsmile #mit

4/29/2024, 4:06:32 AM

大家都很會幫自己挑每天要穿的衣服,但對於襪子的挑選也很重視嗎?因為襪子也是要穿一整天的隨身衣物,而且還是包裹在鞋子裡面,所以對於襪子的舒適度跟透氣度天兵媽非常講究!來推薦適合一家人的襪子品牌,是MIT來自台灣社頭的襪子品牌台灣襪子首選品牌-FAV飛爾美 #圖文好讀版: 怎麼樣的襪子才算得上是好襪子呢?天兵媽覺得好襪子當然要透氣,就像是一雙小呼吸器,讓我們的腳部保持清爽乾燥,遠離臭味和潮濕;其次,彈性和包裹性也是必不可少的,才能有足夠的舒適度包裹著雙腳,感受到無比的舒適和安全感;最後,材料的選擇也很重要,好的襪子要採用高品質的材料製造,柔軟舒適,不易變形,讓我們可以穿著它們無憂無慮地行走在每一個角落。 台南近期火熱熱的紅球計畫,我們也是穿著FAV飛爾美的襪子呢!來介紹幾款我們非常喜歡的款式跟型號 【FAV飛爾美 MIT除臭運動襪 #T222】 除臭抑菌是飛爾美的標誌,而且都耐洗滌且不易起毛球,更不易掉棉絮,質感跟耐用度的品質更高~這雙FAV飛爾美兒童除臭襪除臭又抗菌,使用了大家應該都不陌生的竹炭纖維,能除臭還能抵抗細菌孳生,襪口有彈性,貼合腳型,穿起來不會勒痕,元寶穿起來也是舒舒服服,穿起來感覺不悶熱隨時都舒爽,不管什麼季節穿都特別舒服~ 【FAV飛爾美 MIT微笑除臭襪 #T219】 這款是元寶和天兵媽的最愛,在襪子的後端有一個大大的可愛笑臉,腳背大面積網眼透氣,超乾爽,帶走悶熱不黏膩,元寶穿起來更輕鬆,台南常常都比較熱,穿一整天也不會流汗~ FAV微笑襪是設計給一家人都可以穿搭的款式,大人尺碼跟小孩都有!! 本來就愛跟元寶穿上親子裝的天兵媽,非常喜歡笑臉親子襪的設計,整體非常可愛俏皮,微笑襪的襪口使用無痕襪口設計,多一層布料可以讓小寶貝的腳不易產生勒痕,此外也有有竹炭除臭以及大面積透氣孔,穿起來更舒適乾爽~真的超喜歡這雙襪子的整體設計~ 【FAV飛爾美 MIT科技銀止滑運動襪 #513】 這款襪子止滑,而且透氣舒適,讓每一步踩起來更安穩,如果家中有長輩習慣在室內穿著襪子,那一定要試試看這款科技銀止滑運動襪,而且像是元寶他們教室都是木地板,以前就常常看元寶可能跳舞或是玩樂會滑倒,但後續開始穿著MIT科技銀止滑運動襪後,就蠻可以避免掉滑倒的狀況發生,當然也就更安全囉 【FAV飛爾美 MIT銀除臭運動襪 型號 #414】 最後這款是元寶爸最喜歡的,其實FAV的襪子都很不錯,但這款的設計更中元寶爸的心~穿出去工作或是運動都非常合適,因為設計本身就是非常透氣,且完全沒有被勒到的感覺,穿一整天也是舒適乾爽,當然也就沒有異味,也是天兵媽最愛的襪款哈哈 我們每天外出要穿什麼都會好好選擇,因為至少會陪伴我們一天8,9個小時,那襪子不是也更是如此嗎!?以前可能都會覺得隨便穿就好,但是FAV飛爾美就是把一雙好襪子的要求都做到了,從最基本的好穿,到更進一步的品質要求、透氣特性都做到,甚至到錦上添花的外觀也都滿足到,不止好看,也還有非常多的顏色跟設計款可以挑選,真的是一輩子都離不開的襪子了! 真的大推FAV飛爾美啦~我們要穿著四處趴趴走了~! #FAV飛爾美|品牌介紹 首先介紹這個在台灣非常歷史悠久的品牌-FAV飛爾美,來自台灣在地製造,台灣一直是製造業的強國,Made in Taiwan 就是一個非常加分的標誌,而FAV飛爾美的襪子款式非常多,除了有型好看之外,還輕盈舒適,能感受到台灣製品的優質。 融入三十多年代織知名品牌運動襪的經驗,擁有專業技術與研發的台灣設計、織造襪品。 分享 #官網活動資訊: 1,加入會員立即送$50購物金 2,壽星生日獨享$100購物金 3,每筆消費享2%購物金回饋 #FAV #MIT #兒童襪 #台灣製造 #襪子推薦 #透氣襪 #除臭襪 #飛爾美 #紅球計畫 @favtw2015

4/29/2024, 4:01:55 AM

熱泵賣了20幾年 一直在想如何用大家了解的邏輯去介紹甚麼是熱泵 什麼是熱泵? 熱泵就是冷氣,熱泵這個泵很容易讓人聯想到水泵,水泵不生產水,它只是水的搬運工,只要通上電,它就能把低處的水往高處送,從左邊搬到右邊,或右邊送到左邊,那熱泵也是一樣的道理,它不會生產熱量,它只是熱量的搬運工,熱泵通上電,可以把A處的熱量搬到B處,冷氣就是倒過來,把室內的熱送到室外,所以當冷氣在運轉的時候,我們的室外機都是排出熱風,冷風就從我們室內機排出來。熱泵熱水器跟電熱水器是完全不同的設備,電熱水器是把電力轉換成熱量,所以說電熱水器不搬運熱量,它是熱量的製造商,很多朋友詢問,一樣的用水量,為什麼熱泵的電費比電熱水器便宜,舉例來說,相信大家都能理解,搬運成本絕對比製造成本來的低,對吧?,當我需要熱量,花點電費請熱泵搬運那肯定比電熱水器自己生產製造熱量的電費要便宜得多,還是那句話,熱泵只是搬運熱能來製造熱水,電熱水器是要自己生產熱能來製造熱水,這就是為什麼熱泵熱水器的電費比傳統電熱水器便宜的原因拉 以上的解說不知道是否有幫助到想了解熱泵的朋友,有更進一步的了解! ————————————— 家庭用,民宿,美髮院,的熱泵熱水器 大概就這五種配置了 依照您的需求,讓我們幫您規劃吧 最高水溫55度 1. HA-12NT熱泵主機+500L壓力桶 2. HA-12NT熱泵主機+500L壓力桶X2 最高水溫70度 3. WA-30NT熱泵主機+500L壓力桶 4. WA-30NT熱泵主機+500L壓力桶X2 5. WA-30NT熱泵主機+500L壓力桶X3 熱泵比電熱爐省約4倍電費 熱泵比太陽能省約1.7倍電費(整年度計算) 熱泵沒有瓦斯中毒的風險 使用熱泵,是要它配合我們的使用習慣 而不是,我們配合它的做熱水習慣 -————————————— 為了方便提供更快速的水量設計 為了提供更精準的建議設備 請先回答以下問題 1.使用人數? 2.幾間衛浴? 3.是否浴缸?(浴缸容量) 4.透天或大樓? 5.安裝在那個縣市? 如果方便,也留下聯繫電話 我們會請當地的人員與您聯繫 -——————————— 有興趣的朋友或想經銷的老闆,來電詢問起來喔 加入line@專人免費諮詢 節能專線:0970-888-418 維修專線:0905-188-111 營業時間:8:00~17:00 聯絡地址:高雄市大寮區光華路251巷7號 官方網站: GOOGL商家: #熱泵 #自然風熱泵 #熱泵熱水機 #熱泵熱水器 #台灣熱泵 #熱泵維修 #高雄熱泵 #台南熱泵 #屏東熱泵 #台東熱泵 #恆春熱泵 #台中熱泵 #彰化熱泵 #雲林熱泵 #嘉義熱泵 #熱泵經銷 #熱泵代理 #熱泵熱水器 #太陽能熱水器 #太陽能 #壓力桶 #MIT #屏東熱泵 #熱水器 #水電 #節能熱水器 #省電熱水

4/29/2024, 3:49:55 AM

昨日は、飯能市のRADUNO POPORASにて、童謡ユニットSAKURA3回目のステージでした。 ハンディキャップを持つ親子のグループで、気兼ねなく安心してコンサートを楽しみたいとの事で、依頼を頂いての企画でした。 年齢の幅が、9歳〜なんと99歳まで😳 懐かしい童謡から今生み出されたばかりのオリジナル童謡、ジブリソング、昭和歌謡など盛りだくさんの名曲達を皆さんと楽しみました。 終わった後は、Hugしたり🥰涙したり🥹想いを聞いたりの撮影会📷 「この所大変だったけど、今日来て本当に良かったです💖」と言って頂けた事が、嬉しかった〜🥹 今回のコンサートはSAKURAを応援してくださる方々のお陰で実現しました。その結果、聴いてくれた方を応援出来たなら、こんなに嬉しいエネルギー循環はないなぁと思いました😍 帰りにmeguちゃんが見た夕焼け空 私たちはみんな大丈夫😊 ちゃんと真っ直ぐ登っていけるよ🐉と、教えてくれる様な空でした💖 ありがとうございました🌸 ____________________________ 「SAKURA」 🌸歌とピアノの童謡ユニット🌸 歌:Katsura、ピアノ:Megu 日本に昔から伝わる童謡や唱歌を年輩の方達と懐かしんで歌いたい。子ども達にも聴いてもらいたい。そして、これから生まれる新しい童謡や唱歌も綺麗な日本語で歌っていきたいと、主に聴きに来られない方々に音楽を届ける活動をしています。 #SAKURA #童謡ユニット #音楽を届ける活動 #歌とピアノ #Katsura #Mit

4/29/2024, 3:42:05 AM

L200 TRITON 3.2 + FORTE + BRUTA! Com a @strikebrasil isso é possível! Mais uma CASCA GROSSA exclusiva recebendo nossa Reprogramação de injeção eletrônica com o nosso software exclusivo STRIKE BRASIL! Os ganhos neste modelo são: ✔️ POTÊNCIA: 170cv para até 210cv ✔️ TORQUE: 38.0 Kgf.m para até 50.0kgf.m ✔️ Redução no atraso do acelerador eletrônico ✔️ Solução para Válvula EGR ✔️ Instalação de Downpipe 2,5” Tudo realizado via tomada de diagnóstico OBDII, sem desmontar ou abrir a ECU do veículo! Camionete que também está contando com Lift de Suspensão 2” (5cm), Kit Jumelos Conforto e Espaçadores de roda 38mm instalados em conjunto. Quer o melhor para seu veículo? Venha logo pra nossa Unidade de Caxias do Sul ou entre em contato pelos fones abaixo para melhores esclarecimentos, aguardamos por você! 📲 (54) 99237-8994 ou ☎ (54) 3419-5889.

4/29/2024, 3:33:44 AM

Grief comes in different stages.... this stage is.....disbelief!!! I find myself having sleepless nights thinking about our last conversation... and hearing your voice!!!!!! 🥹🤦🏽‍♀️😢😭 #JustTryingToPullItTogether #MyGirl #MIT #karamelkissesforever💋 #Us

4/29/2024, 3:22:44 AM

Call to action: I'll be going by the MIT Scientists Against Genocide encampment with supplies (heating packs, water, zines) on Tuesday, if anyone else wants to make a donation I'll gladly drop it off! That is, if the Mayor of Cambridge hasn't sicced the CPD on the protestors the way Michelle Wu did in Boston. If you want to join me and some other like-minded folks there after Noon to pass out supplies and talk to people--even better! These students are risking everything to stand up for what is right and they deserve unwavering community support. Fellow protestors in Boston have suffered expulsion, broken bones and concussions at the hands of the violent state. Protestors in NYC and Texas have faced police violence, expulsion, and forced homelessness. These protests being raided by the police are peaceful gatherings of students where they speak out against the genocide in Palestine with reasonable demands (including the universities' divestment--demanding an end to all research that further develops Israeli military technology) and in turn they face suppression by the institutions where they pay tuition, police brutality, and attacks by outside agitators. How long can we expect people to gather peacefully when even their peaceful resistance is being met at the end of guns? With the national guard being threatened to weaponize against protestors, it's a matter of time before this powder keg boils over in a repeat of Kent State. Time is a flat circle. Now is the time to show your solidarity. Step out in front of your computer screen and show up to make a difference! "Never again" is now. If you want to send your support directly to Palestine, go to "support Gaza families" on #neveragainisnow #freepalestine #mitencampment #massartistsforchange #freegaza #endgenocideingaza #permanentceasefirenow #cambridgema #mit

4/29/2024, 1:59:48 AM

Call to action: I'll be going by the MIT Scientists Against Genocide encampment with supplies (heating packs, water, zines) on Tuesday, if anyone else wants to make a donation I'll gladly drop it off! That is, if the Mayor of Cambridge hasn't sicced the CPD on the protestors the way Michelle Wu did in Boston. If you want to join me and some other like-minded folks there after Noon to pass out supplies and talk to people--even better! These students are risking everything to stand up for what is right and they deserve unwavering community support. Fellow protestors in Boston have suffered expulsion, broken bones and concussions at the hands of the violent state. Protestors in NYC and Texas have faced police violence, expulsion, and forced homelessness. These protests being raided by the police are peaceful gatherings of students where they speak out against the genocide in Palestine with reasonable demands (including the universities' divestment--demanding an end to all research that further develops Israeli military technology) and in turn they face suppression by the institutions where they pay tuition, police brutality, and attacks by outside agitators. How long can we expect people to gather peacefully when even their peaceful resistance is being met at the end of guns? With the national guard being threatened to weaponize against protestors, it's a matter of time before this powder keg boils over in a repeat of Kent State. Time is a flat circle. Now is the time to show your solidarity. Step out in front of your computer screen and show up to make a difference! "Never again" is now. If you want to send your support directly to Palestine, go to "support Gaza families" on #neveragainisnow #freepalestine #mitencampment #massartistsforchange #freegaza #endgenocideingaza #permanentceasefirenow #cambridgema #mit

4/29/2024, 1:58:07 AM

Chanel is enjoying being back home and wishes everyone a Happy Sunday. Take her advice sleep, eat and go back to sleep again . Use today as a restart to prepare for an amazing week. #MIT Motivate Inspire Transform MIT Global Enterprises, LLC

4/29/2024, 1:40:54 AM

Você se machucou e está sem benefícios? Quando você sofre uma lesão ou adquire uma doença relacionada ao exercício do trabalho, fazer uma reclamação de indenização trabalhista é de extrema importância para receber o tratamento médico e assistência financeira que você merece. Se você se feriu no trabalho e ainda está sem benefícios ou não resolveu sua situação, independente do seu status imigratório, você tem direitos. Por isso, ligue para nossa equipe. Estamos aqui para ajudá-lo a obter a indenização que você merece, por meio de nossos advogados. CNN LEGAL SERVICES é uma empresa de encaminhamento de clientes para advogados e escritórios de advocacia. NÃO somos um escritório de advocacia. Nenhuma informação contida nesta postagem deve ser interpretada como uma solicitação de cliente ou aconselhamento jurídico." #cnnlegalservices #cnnlegal #sijs #legalizaçãonosestadosunidos #eua #brasil #america #mudardevida #novosciclos #novayork #estudarfora #falaringles #estudarnoseua #vivernoseua #vivaavida #riquesa #dolar #greencard #mit #sonhoamericano #voumudardevida #trabalharnosestadosunidoslegalmente #falaringlesfluente #propositodevida #queromeugreencard

4/29/2024, 1:18:52 AM

Aufzeichnen, was wir verloren haben. #Moden #ein #mit #Rekord #alltagsleben

4/29/2024, 12:48:25 AM

The Hypocrisy tho #foryou #world #harvard #colombiauniversity #mit

4/29/2024, 12:09:45 AM

[ MITINFO ] Kecacingan merupakan penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh parasit berupa cacing. Penyakit cacingan merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat menyebabkan kurang gizi, menghambat perkembangan fisik/ stunting, serta menyebabkan menurunnya ketahanan tubuh. Yuk, kita cegah cacingan dengan mengkonsumsi obat cacing setiap 6 bulan sekali🥰 __________________________________________ 🗓 Pendaftaran Gelombang 2 : 1 Maret 2024 - 30 April 2024 🏫 Lokasi Pesantren PPI 28 Cicalengka Kampus II, Margaasih, Kec. Cicalengka, Kab. Bandung, 40395 🌐 Pendaftaran Online 📱 Informasi Selengkapnya 0821 2014 9898 MARI BERGABUNG BERSAMA KAMI! #psb2024 #ppdb2024 #psbmitalikhlas2024 #madrasahibtidaiyah #madrasahibtidaiyahterpadu #pondokpesantren #pondokpesantrenpersis28 #ponpesppi28 #ponpes #pesantren #sekolahdasarislamterpadu #madrasahibtidaiyahterpadu #mit #sdit #mitalikhlasppi28 #mitrisalah #mitceria #mitbelajar #mitjalanjalan #mithealthy #mitkreatif #mitinspirasi #mittanyajawab #mithavefun #mitinfo #cacingan #stunting #imunisasi

4/29/2024, 12:07:31 AM

Solidarity for Palestine is sweeping across the World! ✊🏼👏🏼❤️🇵🇸 #EndtheSiege #FreePalestine Repost @azzformenowyoullsee University of Sydney students in Australia have begun their encampment to stand in solidarity with the students across the United States who are doing the same. They are standing against jenny side. We must support them. #biden #kamalaharris #democrats #republicans #uspolitics #yaleuniversity #yale #harvard #harvarduniversity #rutgers #rutgersuniversity #usc #mit #columbia #columbiauniversity #nyu #newyorkuniversity #usyd #universityofsydney

4/28/2024, 11:29:52 PM

📚 #MIT Chancellor, Melissa Nobles, tackles the big issues in higher education today. Learn more about her vision, link in bio.

4/28/2024, 11:03:19 PM

🌟🔬 #BilimKesifleri: MIT'den bilim insanları, suyun sadece ışıkla nasıl buharlaşabileceğini gösteren "fotomoleküler etki"yi keşfetti! Bu devrim niteliğindeki buluş, hava tahminlerinden enerji üretimine kadar pek çok alanda yeni uygulamalara yol açabilir. #MIT #BilimdeDevrim⁠ ⁠ Massachusetts Teknoloji Enstitüsü'nden (MIT) bir ekip, suyun ısı kaynağı olmadan sadece ışık kullanılarak buharlaşabileceğini gösteren "fotomoleküler etki" adında yeni bir süreci keşfetti. Bu buluş, 80 yıldır çözülemeyen bir gizemi aydınlatıyor ve iklim değişikliği hesaplamalarından güneş enerjisiyle tuzdan arındırma sistemlerine kadar birçok alanda potansiyel uygulamalara yol açıyor. Araştırma, ışık ve suyun etkileşiminin daha önce bilinmeyen yönlerini ortaya çıkararak, iklim ve hava tahmin modellerinde yeni metodolojilerin geliştirilmesine imkan tanıyabilir.

4/28/2024, 11:00:20 PM

«In Boston they ask, how much does he know» #Harvard #MIT #fusion #BackBay #hanami

4/28/2024, 10:59:22 PM

The weather is hot today ☀️🔥 #mit #datenight #wealthbuilding

4/28/2024, 10:10:16 PM

… Mitolojide gelincik kara sevdaya tutulan çiftlere sakinleşmesi için taç yapılıp takılırmış,taç zamanla o kişinin uyumasını sağlayıp acılarını dindirirmiş. Nerde bir gelincik görsen,hep aşıkları hatırla!… #gelincik #mitoloji #mit #doğa #yol

4/28/2024, 10:04:49 PM

Nominiert #Mit dem @taz.die_tageszeitung Panter Preis werden Menschen und Initiativen ausgezeichnet, die sich für Menschenrechte, soziale Gerechtigkeit und Klima- und Umweltschutz engagieren.“ In #Sachsen sind das im Besonderen @sisters.sachsen, @calzone_rivoluzione, Omas gegen Rechts Döbeln und die @bandacomunale mit #sachsenpositivbesetzen #alerta 😘

4/28/2024, 10:01:40 PM

#photodump Boston, USA from June 2023 📍pic 1, 2 and 3: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (university) and MIT Sloan School of Management (business school) 📍pic 4:  Harvard Business School 📍pic 5: Charles River, Massachusetts 📍pic 6, 7 and 8: On the streets of #Boston 📍pic 9: Good old "Pani Puri" with tamarind and fresh lemonade 😁 restaurant: "Vaanga Boston" #traveller #foodie #asianfood #education #harvard #harvardbusinessschool #hbs #mit #mitsloan #businessschool #travelphotography #travelmood🌍 #travelusa #eastcoast #igersboston #igersfrankfurt #germany

4/28/2024, 9:47:45 PM

#restaurant #frischen #luft #mit #family #essen #bestetag #boyfriend👦 ❤️😎😍

4/28/2024, 9:38:50 PM

Excited to introduce the #leadership team at our hub! Following a successful election process in February, our hub is proud to welcome our incoming leadership team: @zilili.h ( #Harvard, Incoming Curator), Samuel Han ( #Yale Graduate, Incoming Vice Curator), @nairvineet9 ( #MIT, incoming Impact Officer). Since last July, our hub has undergone a series of successful transitions, marking the first year of full operations under the leadership of @linxin_gu ( #JohnsHopkins Graduate, Curator). During this time, we have reorganized members and hub structure, built a robust core team, re-established our hub’s short-term goals and long-term vision and enabled hub governance. Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, our hub goes beyond local engagements, and is dedicated to forging connections and launching impactful projects inspired by insights gained at global conferences in Geneva and regional events such as the Shape North America conference in Washington DC. We have already initiated three impactful projects in collaboration with our partner hubs (see LinkedIn below🔗 for details) Looking ahead, our hub is on rapid growth and development. We are currently recruiting for 2024 Spring Cohort, and is looking to focus more on local development initiatives within Massachusetts, fostering collaborations with both public and private sectors to drive meaningful change as part of our commitment to youth engagement under 30. Moreover, we will continue to leverage the #diversity and #inclusivity of our hub, which we are proud of, to maintain global connections for impactful projects. Join us and stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey together! #GlobalShapers #Shaperslove #CommunityBuilding #ImpactfulProjects #YouthEngagement #CambridgeMAHub LinkedIn Post:

4/28/2024, 9:37:02 PM

In this new podcast episode Ralph welcomes Professor Theodore Postol, Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology and National Security Policy at MIT. We discuss the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel/ Palestine and breakdown what the weaponry being used in both conflicts tells us about the intentions and capabilities of all parties involved. Plus, Ralph answers listener questions! #mit #gaza #israel

4/28/2024, 9:29:40 PM

Maniküre mit Schellack 🩷 ⚡️Jetzt 40€⚡️ #maniküre #münster #maniküre #mit #schellack #design #french #maniküre #mit #gellack #münster

4/28/2024, 9:06:45 PM

1️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ Jahre Musikverein Waldstetten - Probenwochenende für unser Jubiläumskonzert am 11. Mai 2024. Das set up für unsere Schlagwerker passt schon mal 😉. #musikverein #waldstetten #125jahre #jubiläum #probenwochenende #mit #kuchen #und #pizza #gemütlich #zusammen #blasmusik #wirliebenblasmusik #Jubiläumskonzert #filmmusik

4/28/2024, 9:01:18 PM

Maniküre mit Schellack French😍 #Münster #manikure #french #maniküre #mit #schellack#

4/28/2024, 8:59:07 PM

#mit uns strahlt eure Fugen wie Neu🧱#

4/28/2024, 8:52:08 PM

#wenn #der #tag #zu #ende #geht #mit #rotem #feuer

4/28/2024, 8:44:13 PM

#khosh #nevisi #tezhip #mit #mina #sadra #iran #

4/28/2024, 8:37:11 PM

2024.04.26 야심차게 아침부터 길을 나섰다 ! MIT 는 지하철 역에서 내리자마자 탄성을 나오게 했다 ! 이 괴상한 건축물 …. #statacenter 옆으로 가서 볼수록 더 특이하고 내부도 천장과 창문이 생각한 위치에 없어서 재미났다 내부 카페테리아도 있어서 커피한잔할까 고심하게 만듬 테트리스 빌딩으로 유명한 54번 green building! 내부가 궁금해서 엘레베이터 타고 18층 꼭대기로 올라가봤다 세상에 찰스강이 탁 트인 이곳 ! 그레이트돔 10번 빌딩으로 가는 길…. 랩실마다 드론 연구 / 로봇연구 … 내가 뭐하는 중이다 문앞에 붙여있어 통로 지나다니는 재미가 쏠쏠했다 building 6 : 기부자(?) 코를 만지면 입학한다는 속설에 따라 …. 물어 물어 찾아왔다 너 꼭 오….는거지? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ #mit #mittour #ivyleague #괴짜건축 #보스턴 #bostontour #아이와함께여행 #아이와함께미국여행 #아이와함께동부여행 #아이비리그투어

4/28/2024, 8:29:30 PM

2024 #usa National College Championship #MIT #sailing Pavilion Sat., April 27, 2024 #cambridge, #Massachusetts, #usa MIT Sailing Pavilion Hosted "2024 National College Championship" yesterday. However, it has been open for MIT community recreational sailing starting from April 1, and will continue until November 15! So catch the sailing on the beautiful #charlesriver before the season is over!

4/28/2024, 8:25:47 PM

2024 #usa National College Championship #MIT #sailing Pavilion Sat., April 27, 2024 #cambridge, #Massachusetts, #usa MIT Sailing Pavilion Hosted "2024 National College Championship" yesterday. However, it has been open for MIT community recreational sailing starting from April 1, and will continue until November 15! So catch the sailing on the beautiful #charlesriver before the season is over!

4/28/2024, 8:25:15 PM

2024 #usa National College Championship #MIT #sailing Pavilion Sat., April 27, 2024 #cambridge, #Massachusetts, #usa MIT Sailing Pavilion Hosted "2024 National College Championship" yesterday. However, it has been open for MIT community recreational sailing starting from April 1, and will continue until November 15! So catch the sailing on the beautiful #charlesriver before the season is over!

4/28/2024, 8:24:49 PM

Voller Samstag aber jeder Termin war wichtig und schön, sogar bei Sonnenschein 🫶☀️ 🏃🏻‍♂️ Nach dem Testen der neuen Joggingschuhe ging es zum Kreisparteitag der #CDU nach Herne. Glückwunsch an Christoph Bußmann @bussmann.cdu und Björn Wohlgefahrt @bjoernw_1982 zur (Wieder) Wahl als Kreisvorsitzender, bzw. Stellv. Kreisvorsitzender, beide mit über 85 Prozent 👏 Danach ging es direkt und gerade noch rechtzeitig zu den Bochumer Maischützen. Gemeinsam mit dem Festumzug -und natürlich dem Maibaum- wurde in die Bochumer Innenstadt marschiert. Immer wieder ein großes Spektakel 🥳 Lieber Tim, lieber Roland Mitschke zu gerne hätte ich mit euch Schnaps verteilt im Bochumer Norden, nächstes Jahr dann aber wieder! Letzter Termin war dann ein privater 30. Geburtstag - eine Harry Potter Motto Party 🧙🏽‍♂️🎂 Das kühle Pils am Abend war wirklich verdient nach dem langen Samstag 😊 #bochum #maischützen #herne #cdu #mit #frühling #friendshipgoals

4/28/2024, 8:19:55 PM

UTKARSH 2K24🫶❤️‍🔥. 💫. #college #collegelife #collegefunction #mitmoradabad #mit #maliksquad #bhaibhai❤️ #bhaicharazindabad💪😎👌

4/28/2024, 8:18:53 PM

Maniküre mit Gellack 🍧 #manikure #mit #gellack #maniküre #mit #design #münster #germany #maniküre #mit #schellack

4/28/2024, 8:14:44 PM

علشان حرصنا علي جوده التدريب بنعمل امتحانات تحديد المستوي علي ألـ 4 skills وجودك معانا هيفرق كتير في تحسين اللغة #المصرية_للتكنولوجيا_والمعلومات #MIT

4/28/2024, 7:00:30 PM

@syrians_love_israelis @vivian_bercovici @djfoj @loganlevkoff @therealzvi @sspollak @marikatzo @maziourlegislator @therealzvi @lorelei.reiter This insanity needs to 🛑 STOP NOW! It’s not just an east coast issue, west coast issue, southern issue, northern issue- IT’S A GLOBAL ISSUE!! “Rediscovering Yourself Through Chronic Illness” @spotify @spotifyforpodcasters @amazonmusic @pandora @endjewhatred @bringhomenow @bringthemlight_oct7 #endethnichate #rutgers #harvard #columbia #barnard #MIT #UPenn #USC #ucberkeley @stanford @columbia @ucberkeleyofficial @tamu @govkathyhochul @governorabbott @governorshapiro @flgovrondesantis @govnedlamont @gavinnewsom @adamschiffca @repadamschiff @aoc

4/28/2024, 6:52:50 PM

#mit #dir #an #meiner #seite #ist #das #leben #traumhaftschön💖 #mtblife #mtb #love #18.12.23 #fypage #fy #soulmate🦋☀️🍃🌻🚵🏻‍♀️🍃 #du #bist #mein #ruhepol🍃🦋

4/28/2024, 6:40:55 PM

Very grateful for the sun and seabreeze while hosting the ICSA Open Team Racing Champs this week. MIT Sailing Pavilion passes the baton to Harved Sailing for the Women's Team Race Champs. Fair winds sailors! Thank you to everyone who helped make this year's National Championships one for the books. #mitsailing #sailing #mit #collegesailing

4/28/2024, 6:39:51 PM

Bartu Bölükbaşı’ndan herkes için müthiş bir çalışma: Türk Mitoloji Atlası (Presstij Yayınevi-Beşinci Baskı: Ekim 2023) “Ülkemizin son yıllarda yetiştirdiği genç yeteneklerden birisi olan Bartu Bölükbaşı, bir ilke imza atarak Türk Mitolojisi için güzel bir atlas hazırladı. Bu çalışmasında Bartu Bölükbaşı, Türk Mitolojisinde yaygın görülen karakterleri, kavramları ve anlatıları inceleyerek onlar için zengin görsel malzemeler ortaya koydu. Atlasın özelliklerinden birisi de, eski Türk inançlaryla ilgili bazı çevrelerde çeşitli ideolojik-dini kaygılarla ortaya atılan görüşlere sert ve haklı eleştiriler getirilmesidir. İslam-öncesi dönemlerde Türklerin tek tanrılı olduklarına ilişkin görüşlere karşı çıkıp bunların zayıf taraflarını ortaya koyan Bartu Bölükbaşı, Türklerin eski inançlarının çok tanrılı olduğunu örnekleriyle sergilemistir. Atlasta ayrıca Türk mitolojisinde Budizm gibi yabancı dinlerin etkilerinin vurgulanması ve Türk mitolojisinin Kelt, iskandinav, Slav, Japon ve Hint söylenceleri gibi dünya mitolojileriyle karşılaştırmalı incelenmesi dikkat çekici ekici bir özellik olmuştur. Kullanılan akademik kaynakçanın Türkçe olduğu kadar İngilizce, Rusça, İspanyolca araştırmalardan oluşması hatta Tibetçe, Palice, Sanskritçe gibi kadim dillerin kaynaklarını barındırması takdire şayandır. Türk Mitolojisi Atlası sayesinde okurlar, Türk boylarının mitolojisiyle ilgili farklı bakış açılarını zengin görseller eşliğinde okumak fırsatını yakalayacaklardır.*” - Hayrettin ihsan Erkoç- #türkmitolojiatlası #bartubölükbaşı #türkmitolojisi #presstijyayınevi #mitoloji #mit #efsane #söylence

4/28/2024, 6:39:12 PM

Meet Libby! Libby is a senior completing her extern at Good Samaritan in Puyallup Washington, see what she has to say about externship, good luck Libby! #nuclearmedicine💉☢️ #nucmed #oregontech #oit #externship #radiology #medicalimaging #mit

4/28/2024, 6:39:01 PM

: American universities are cracking down on student protests over Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. . Do these arrests and crackdowns lead to students giving up? . #Gaza #studentprotests #student #university #mit #usa #humanity #humanity #Colombiauniversity

4/28/2024, 6:28:53 PM

Denemeye değer bir koku eğitimi. Limitleri zorlayacağız. #malinois #mit

4/28/2024, 6:22:52 PM