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Hul-sten A simple yet powerful amulet for luck and protection is the stones with a natural hole in them. Nothing much is written down about these natural magical objects, so I can only tell a little. These stones are believed to give you protection against angry nature spirits and to give you more luck in your life. It is also believed that you could see the ellefolk, elves and faeri folk if you look through the hole in the stone on a midsummer night. #trolddommagic #trolddom #trolldom #troldomr #galdr #nordicwitchcraft #norsewitchcraft #norsewitch #tradcraft #traditionalwitchcraft #folkmagic #heks #heksekunst #witch #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #galdrkyndig #galdrkona #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙

5/30/2024, 12:41:45 PM

Ritual of change. A few days ago, I went through a powerful (and sometimes a rather painful ) tattoo session and ceremony. On my right hand, I had an old tattoo that only reminded me of a very horrible time of my life that gave me scars of anxiety. When I had the old made (which wasn't my idea or in my interest), I felt like I wanted to tear it right off. I don't like to talk about that past, so only very few know how important this change is for me. I got the amazing work done by @ullrs_blod who helped me create this magical symbol that represents the magic of the moon, protection of the Algiz rune, and power to overcome the scars of the past. The small ship inside the tattoo wasn't originally part of the plan, but it showed itself under the work, which is funny because we were sitting in the ship stone setting at Lejre. The small ship has a combined algiz and tyrs rune in its design. And maybe it was just my imagination, but I think that I heard small vættir speaking behind me while I got the tattoo. First, I thought it was children, but there was no one around. Nature and the ancestors definitely speaks out there. I also got some earth with me home as a reminder of a very magical day. Again, thank you, @ullrs_blod for helping me out 🌙✨️ #trolddom #trolldom #galdr #magicaltattoo #moonmagic #stonemagic #nordicwitchcraft #norsemagic #nordicwitch #troldkyndig #norsewitchcraft #witchesofinstagram #galdrkyndig #galdrkona

5/23/2024, 10:49:16 AM

Charm against anxiety. This one I learned from another troldkyndig many years ago, and it has been a huge help for me. It's called a "Pyt-sten" or "whatever-stone." The galdrstave helps you to come back to a more calm state when you are either nervous or anxious, and it's carved on a stone that should be nice to the touch, either on a natural stone (like mine you see here), or even on a nice tumbled crystal. When you feel nervous or the anxiety is on its way, then take the stone in your hand (and remember to breathe deeply and ground yourself). You can use this as a method together with breathing exercises and what else you use to calm yourself. Keep the stone in your pocket, your back, or where it's easy to get it when needed. Note here: this charm is NOT something that should replace actual professional help or medicine! Always go to a professional psychologist or your doctor for help as the first thing. I share this as a small technique you can use, just like breathing exercises or grounding techniques. #trolddom #trolldom #troldomr #galdrstafir #galdrstave #nordicwitchcraft #norsewitchcraft #trolddommagic #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #galdr #galdrmagic #galdrkona #witchesofinstagram #danishwitch #danskehekse #witchcraft #witch

5/17/2024, 7:27:50 PM

Lidt ekstra lækkerier som man vil kunne finde hos mig til dette års Witchmarket. Hellige tre konger røgelse og en stærk Love powder, samt andre fede ting. Ses vi den 26? 🌙✨️🌿💀 @copenhagenoccultclub #witchshop #witchmarketcopenhagen #witchcraft #trolddom #røgelse #magicpowder #witchesofinstagram #tradcraft #traditionalwitchcraft #traditionalwitch #tradwitch #troldkyndig #troldkvinde

5/16/2024, 7:14:55 PM

Åmanden. In Danish folklore, there exists a water spirit called Åmanden (å=creek or river. Manden=man, so maybe riverman is the right translation to english). He looks like a man, but he has more green like skin, and he has a violin that he plays on to lure humans into the river. This spirit protects the creeks, rivers, and lakes, and it's said that there is more than one åmand in Denmark. But there's a price with the protection is a sacrifice once a year. A human sacrifice. The spirit will scream, "The time has come! But the man isn't here!" Shortly after it's known that a person drowns, it's told that the spirit forces a human into the river to drown the person. In the rest of Scandinavia, a similar type of spirit roams the rivers and lakes, and that spirit is called Nøkken who also plays on a violin to lure people into the deep waters. #folklore #danishfolklore #scandinavianfolklore #nordicfolkmagic #norsefolklore #norsefolkmagic #folkmagic #tradcraft #traditionalwitchcraft #nordicwitchcraft #norsewitchcraft #norsewitch #trolddommagic #trolddom #trolldom #troldomr #spiritmagic #waterspirits #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #troldkyndig

5/10/2024, 3:31:37 PM

Coin amulet. I recently learned about an amulet from the Scandinavian trolldom tradition. You take a 1 crown coin (1 kr.) and make a hole in it, and thread it with a black cord. To make it magical, it has to be put in the mouth of a dead, but you must not touch the coin when you put it in the mouth of the dead. Afterwards, the amulet gives you the powers to see and communicate with spirits. The amulet will also protect you against evil spirits, bad luck, and against curses. I have made mine with a 2 crown coin (2 kr.) that I found between two small trees at the local cemetery by the western wall, so it comes directly from the earth where the dead rest. The nice thing with danish 1, 2, and 5 coins are that they already have a hole in the middle, so i dont have to think about making that. I see a lot of symbolic meaning with my version: light and dark, God and Devil, our world and otherworld, the horns of the folkloric devil.. you name it. It's told with this kind of amulet that you have to give it back to the dead before your own time on earth is up, or else you will see all of the most terrifying things from hell just before you take your last breath. #folkmagic #trolddom #trolldom #troldomr #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #wisewoman #tradcraft #tradwitch #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #folkwitch #witch #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram

4/16/2024, 2:24:09 PM

Et lille udvalg af de varer jeg tager med til dette års Witchmarket! Spirit bottles, magiske olier, alter dekorationer, knogler samt et udvalg af forskellige amuletter, powders og andet lækkert til den troldsomskyndige. Lidt flere billeder kommer jo tættere vi kommer på datoen. Så husk at kigge forbi den 26 Maj inde i Kødbyen til dette års Witchmarket! @copenhagenoccultclub #witchcraft #witchmarketcopenhagen #trolddom #magi #nordicwitchcraft #troldkyndig #gravurtshop

4/13/2024, 4:24:00 PM

The kettle of Hell. Not far from where I live, deep on a forest is a place known as The kettle of Hell. The place is full of a weird whirling energy, and it can be felt in the rest of the area. I remember the first time I tried to find the place, the GPS on my phone started to malfunction, and I got lost. It took me a second try and an old-fashioned map that I got to finally find the place. The landscape was formed under the ice age, but the story of the place goes that it is an ancient place where people in olden times sacrificed to the goddess Hel. Every 9th years, a sacrifice of 99 humans, 99 cows, 99 hens, 99 horses, 99 dogs, and 99 hawks took place. Today, there stands a pile of stones. Most visitors place a stone on this spot for unknown reasons, I have also heard that rituals are still being performed there, just without the big sacrifices. #goddesshel #norsefolkmagic #norsefolklore #norsewitchcraft #trolddommagic #trolddom #trolldom #troldomr #seidr #galdr #folkmagic #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #tradcraft #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram

4/6/2024, 9:57:52 AM

Naturens smukke og fortryllende væsener. ❤️ Nature’s beautiful and enchanting beings. ❤️ #nature #natur #naturensvæsener #naturesbeings #spring #forår #naturtro #animisme #animism #nordisktroldkraft #nordicwitchcraft #nordiskvildkvinde #nordicwildwoman #ents #ente #troldkyndig #folketroensvæsner #folklore #norsemythology #nordiskmytologi

4/2/2024, 4:16:10 PM

A fine collection of pieces of old red bricks from the local church. The church was build around 1100, so these small pieces are quite old. I find these pieces very close to the church, as they fall off because of weather damaging the building over many years, so they are easy to collect. In the tradition of Scandinavian folkmagic called Trolddom, they can be used as amulets to protect against evil and sickness, since it was believed that these pieces of red brick contained the same holy energy as the church building and the ground it stands on. I have also come across the use of powdered red bricks in hexbags for protection and to give the spell that the hexbag contains some extra energy. And I believe there are even more uses for it. #witchcraft #trolddom #folkmagic #magick #nordicwitchcraft #norsewitchcraft #traditionalwitchcraft #tradcraft #tradcrafter #tradwitchcraft #nordicfolkmagic #witchesofinstagram #witch #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #heks

3/13/2024, 11:48:03 AM

Hold da fast, så fik jeg endelig nogle visitkort hjem! Jeg kunne ikke fange farverne helt med billedet her, men flotte er de blevet 🌿💀🌱 Undre du dig over det lille symbol i kraniets pande, og som findes på begge sider af kortet? Det er mit symbol, min underskrift kan man kalde det. Det symboliserer den magi jeg deler igennem mit arbejde, som jeg deler med jer, en magi der er i konstant bevægelse og udvikling, og en beskytter til min lille shop 😉🔥 Bestiller du noget af mig får du sådan et fint lille visitkort med, og jeg har dem også med til årets Witch Market inde i Kødbyen i København den 26 Maj! Så kom endelig forbi og sig hej! Jeg deler mere information om markedet i den kommende fremtid, og jeg glæder mig rigtig meget til at vise jer alle de nye spændende sager, som jeg er ved at gøre klar ✨️🌙 #heksekunst #heks #heksebutik #magi #okkultisme #trolddom #danskehekse #witch #witchcraft #gravurtshop #witchshop #trolldom #nordiskheksekunst #nordiskheks #troldkunst #troldkyndig

3/12/2024, 6:22:15 PM

Creating new magical oils so they can get ready for this May's Witch Market in Copenhagen. I have made an Uncrossing oil, a Protective oil and an oil for divination. I'm looking very much forward to this new market, I have never been to a specific market for witches and magic folks, so I'm very excited 🌿 I'm also planning to create more incense and other lovely things ✨️ #witchmarketcopenhagen #witchcraft #trolddom #trolldom #troldomr #troldkvinde #troldkyndig #folkmagic #tradcraft #traditionalwitchcraft #traditionalwitch #magicaloils #magicoils #gravurtshop #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #heks #heksekunst

2/22/2024, 2:07:45 PM

Oðin. King of the Asir, son of the Jotun Bestla and Borr, brother to Vile and Ve. Master of seiðr and magic, the one who took up the runes and learned their secrets. Sacrificed an eye in Mimirs well to gain wisdom. Ygg the terrible, the god of war and death, who take the first half of the slain. Jolnar God of Yule and the winter solstice. With Fjörgynn he has the son Thor, and with the wife Frigg he has Balder, Hørder and Hermod. Owner of the spear Gungnir, the magical ring Draupnir, the eight legged horse Sleipnir, the two ravens Hugin and Munin and the two wolves Geri and Freki. Sitting on the throne Hliðskálf he sees everything that happens in the world. Wotan, Wodan, Woðinaz, Woðanaz, Woðnas, Wodin, Odinkar, Alföðr, Langskæg, Valföðr, Bolverkr, Ravnegud, just to name a few of the many many names. Pictures of the figure of Odin in my home, and the original small figurine of Odin from Lejre museum. #norsemythology #norsegod #odin #norsewitch #nordicwitchcraft #trolddom #troldomr #galdr #gandr #seidr #seidrmagic #seiðr #troldkyndig #troldkvinde

1/12/2024, 1:55:39 PM

The Devil Or whatever he might be called, this horned deity, that got the name of Devil by the church. Three years ago, I made this drawing after I had a very wild dream. I named it Bucca Dhu because at that time, I was reading the book Traditional witchcraft a Cornish book of ways by Gemma Gary. The dream goes like this: I was in this weird room, and an angel was trying to make me choose another way, away from the path of the witch. It was like this angel had hypnotised me, so I almost said yes, but suddenly, I hear heavy stumping from outside a door. I open the door and see darkness, a thick black darkness. Suddenly, a massive black goat runs towards me. It jumps right on me, so I'm thrown down to the ground. It stares at me and says, "You are not going anywhere. You belong to me!". Today, I see this deity a bit differently and belonging to a more local folklore, so to speak. I have learned more about him and how he ended up with the name of Devil. But that is secret, I can't share it. The dream is still very clear to me to this day, and now, three years after, I'm comfortable sharing it with you. #witchcraft #traditionalwitchcraft #traditionalwitch #thedevil #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #galdrkona #galdrmagic #norsewitchcraft #nordicwitchcraft #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙

1/12/2024, 10:50:07 AM

A look into my cabinet of magic. This is where I have all of my herbs, stones, and a few of my tools. What you can't see are the drawers underneath. There, I have bones and empty glass containers, as well as normal everyday objects. I always look at it and think that I need more herbs and stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 #everydaywitchstuff #witchesofinstagram #witch #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #trolddom #trolldom #troldomr #nordicwitchcraft #norsewitch #norsewitchcraft #galdr #galdrkona #galdrmagic #heksekunst #heks #troldkyndig

1/8/2024, 6:45:51 PM

The exchange is an old concept from folklore, which refers to the trolls and other magical creatures from folklore exchanging their young for human children. I am of the opinion that it still takes place nowadays. I believe in creatures like me and many others living among humans in hiding as we have been hunted for centuries. #troldkarl #troldkyndig #trolddom #trollkunst #wicthcraft #shamanism #folkmagic #folklore

5/17/2023, 1:45:31 PM

Folkmagic and the dead. For those that have no problems with working with the dead, graveyard dirt, and bones, I can recommend this little gem of Scandinavian folkmagic. Written by the same person who wrote Svartskonst böcker, a compendium of the Swedish black art book tradition, Dr Thomas K. Johnson. It contains many different spells that involves the dead, and how these can help you with everything from a cure, protection, find a thief and hex others, to how you can be initiated as a practitioner by the means of the dead (and not the devil), and much more. I would say right away that a lot of the spells have to be updated, so they match today's practitioner because some of these spells ask you to do stuff that is illegal today. But with that said, it's a nice book for those interested in how the old wise folks of Scandinavia worked with the dead. #witchcraft #trolddom #troldkyndig #trolldom #troldkvinde #folkmagic #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #tradcraft #witchesofinstagram #skandinavianwitchcraft #nordicwitchcraft #norsefolkmagic #norsemagic

4/26/2023, 3:18:35 PM

If you think about cursing someone, always remember to think twice before you do it, you don't know if the person's protection is stronger than your own, It may end up that your curse befalls you. Are your defenses strong enough to resist a curse, think about it #troldkarl #troldkyndig #trolddom #trollkunst #wicthcraft #shamanism #folkmagic #folklore

4/18/2023, 10:51:02 AM

Skærtorsdag Maundy Thursday is a special day in the old trolddom tradition. Though yesterday was Sankt Skades dag, Saint Magpies day, where the witches flew with magpies to sabbath and danced with the devil, tonight on this Maundy Thursday, is the night of initiation. At midnight, the new witches walk in silence, either alone or with their teacher to a church. Here, starting at the front door of the church, they walk anticlockwise and backwards around the church three times. When they have reached the door for the third time, they blow into the keyhole and call upon the Devil. It's said that the Devil will arrive with a black book full of spells, rituals, and methods to heal or harm, and give it to the new witch. This book is called a svartebok or sortebog. If you can't make it tonight, then you'll have to wait to Sankt Hans (June 24) or Christmas night. And if that's possible as well, you will have to do the walk three Thursdays in a row. But you must not speak to anyone! I myself did my initiation a few years ago.. A very special and powerful ritual that I will remember for a long time. Picture is from the book Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson, a classic that I can recommend. #witchcraft #folkmagic #trolddom #trolldom #tradwitch #tradcraft #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #witch #witchesofinstagram #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #nordicwitchcraft #norsemagic

4/6/2023, 9:45:33 AM

A connection with the spirit world. A small charm that I wear around my neck that connects me with the land of the dead, spirit, and my helpers from the other side. This small vial contains h💀man bone dust.. For some, it might seem very macabre and wrong, but not to me. I know its story and the person who made this small charm. It's not for everyone to wear such a thing around their neck, and that's alright. Bones of the dead were used in healing the sick and to remove curses from the body, so I also use this charm to protect me against curses. If you are wondering about me having problems with the spirit of the bonedust, I can assure you that we are fine, there's no problems. Book is The Black Toad by Gemma Gary. #witchcraft #witch #traditionalwitchcraft #trolddom #trolldom #tradwitch #troldkyndig #galdrkona #nordicwitchcraft #folkmagic #witchesofinstagram #danishwitch #danskehekse

3/28/2023, 1:05:31 PM

Now spring is on its way, that means all the vættir is waking up and all our spring herbs are coming out, what are you going to go out and collect let me know, I'm a little curious. #troldkarl #troldkyndig #trolddom #trollkunst #wicthcraft #shamanism

3/24/2023, 9:46:42 AM

Forårsjævndøgn er over os (selvom det var i går), og hvilken bedre tid til rensning af hjem og genstande end nu? Jeg har disse fire glas med en skøn røgelse der bruges til at rense ud med, om det er hjemmet, nogle genstande eller dig selv som trænger til at blive renset, så er denne røgelse et skønt valg 🌿✨ Indeholder blandt andet lavendel, rosmarin og enebær, samt et par hemmelige ingredienser som virkelig sætter gang i energien på denne røgelse 🔥 Koster 90 kr stykket. #heksekunst #heks #hekse #røgelse #magiskrøgelse #trolddom #troldkyndig #danskehekse #witchcraft #forårsjævndøgn #gravurtshop

3/21/2023, 12:33:39 PM

Last night we had a storm here in Denmark, and it made me think of an old story from local folklore, and you might even know about it. Here in Denmark it's know as Kong Volmers vilde ridt (Kong Volmers wild Hunt), in Jylland (in the West of Denmark) it's called Wojens jæger (Wojens hunter). In other Scandinavian countries as well as northern Germany he's called Oden, Uons, Woudan, Wotan and Woutis. All related to Odin, so it seems that this myth can be traced far back in time. The story says that when it storms, the King is out hunting for trolls and witches. And it's also told, that when you hear the wild Hunt you should close your eyes, because every kind of unluck would hit those who sees the hunter. It's even told, that the hunt is an omen of war and death. So stay inside, lock the door, close your eyes and hope your protective magic works when your hear the Wild Hunt. #folklore #danishfolklore #folketro #witchcraft #traditionalwitchcraft #traditionalwitch #tradwitch #tradcraft #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #galdr #nordicwitchcraft #nordicfolkmagic #norsefolkmagic

2/18/2023, 12:41:18 PM

Sometimes on your path you will come to a crossroad. Some will know exactly which way to go, others are guided and others again have to stop up and take a break, before finding out which way to go. I have found myself on the last. Taking a break, get my breath again and deciding where to go with my craft. I decided to order some new books which I look forward to get my hands on and find inspiration. Everything goes slow, but it's alright I love this break. #witchcraft #witch #tradwitch #traditionalwitch #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #nordicwitchcraft #folkemagi #folkmagic #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙

2/16/2023, 2:27:41 PM

Skal din magi bruge et boost fra solen? Så er her to glas med Sun powder. Bruges til at drysse over din magi, om dit magiske lys, eller et sted hvor der er brug for solens kraft. Powders er lavet med de rette urter i sinde, og alle urterne i denne sun powder er associeret med solen. Solen blev tilbedt i bronzealderen, og der er fundet mange genstande hvor solen er portrætteret, da den havde en stor indflydelse på hverdagen og livet i gammel tid. Koster 80 kr #heksekunst #heksepowder #danskehekse #gravurtshop #trolddom #troldkyndig #folkemagi #solmagi

2/8/2023, 1:19:09 PM

Today is Kyndelmisse, Candlemas, a celebration of light. From old Danish it means, kyndel (torch) and misse (mass), and was until 1770 celebrated here. In olden times it was said that half of the winter was now over, and on this day the farmers made different types of divinations to see how the year would be, and how soon the spring would arrive. One way was done by checking the weather, and if "det blæser så meget, at 18 kællinger ikke kunne holde den 19. ved jorden så vil foråret snart være på vej." (If the wind is blowing so much that 18 b*tches couldn't hold unto the 19th then spring would arrive soon), and the last couple of days we have had storm here in Denmark, so I think spring is arriving very soon. A very happy and blessed Kyndelmisse to you all #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #trolddom #trolldom #folkmagic #folkemagi #galdr #nordicwitchcraft #norsefolkmagic #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #tradcraft #tradwitch #troldkyndig #troldkvinde

2/2/2023, 1:09:05 PM

A few years ago I taught a class of kids about an old spell involving troll trees (that's what I like to call them). It's part of old Danish folkmagic, I'm not sure if there's something similar in the rest of Scandinavia. These trees have formed a hole in a branch, properly by two branches growing together, and if you climb through the hole on a Thursday, or at midsummer you wouldn't have to deal with any bad luck or sickness until next year. These holes where also used to cleanse oneself of curses and hexes. #witchcraft #folkmagic #trolddom #trolldom #traditionalwitchcraft #traditionalwitch #tradcraft #witch #heks #galdrkona #troldkyndig #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙

1/30/2023, 8:32:44 PM

People say that the right tool is half the work, therefore these blades are made with consideration for the spiritual work that is to harvest your herbs and the things we need to work with the nature spirits #troldkarl #trolddom #trollkunst #troldkyndig #wicthcraft #shamanism #folkmagic #folklore

11/7/2022, 1:47:27 PM

Today I'll write about something that not many would find comfortable. I like talking about that type of magic many stays away from. An old form of healing from the tradition of trolddom involves bones from the dead. It's called "touch of the dead", and I think I remember correctly that Gemma Gary have also talked about this type of magic in her books. But this is not just something from England, because we also have it here in Scandinavia. In old times a healer or cunningfolk would go to a graveyard on a Thursday night, and dig up a grave to find the right bone for their work. The bone was used to cure different forms of illness or pain, and the cunningfolk touched the area on the clients body that needed healing. It was believed that the bone would absorb the illness or pain, and when the healing was done, the cunningfolk went back to the graveyard with the bone, and layed it back in the right grave, together with a proper offering to the dead. #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #bonemagic #tradwitch #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #trolddom #trolldom #troldkvinde #troldkyndig #galdrakona #galdr #nordicwitchcraft #folkwitch #folkmagic

8/24/2022, 2:17:25 PM

Bones and witchcraft. You can be sure that when I do magic, it involves bones. I use bones in almost everything. Amulets, magical jewelry, charms, protective magic, curses... Even the handle on my wand is made from a bone. Most of my collection of bones and skulls are from animals that have died naturally, and all of them are found out in the forest. The rest are bones that people give me, or that I buy from other practitioners that works with bones as well. #witch #tradwitch #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #tradcraft #tradwitchcraft #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #galdrakona #nordicwitchcraft #norsewitchcraft #seiðr #galdr #bonemagic #witchagram

7/27/2022, 6:48:39 PM

When you walk in the forest and out in the countryside, look for the faces in the trees and stones and remember to treat them with respect for they are the hidden ones, the trolls, the vættir, the huldfolk #troll #trold #trolddom #trollkunst #troldkyndig

7/6/2022, 5:23:08 PM

How did I become a witch? A frequent question I get. Note that I'm not looking for sympathy with this post, I'm just sharing my story. It wasn't because I felt it. It wasn't because I thought it could be cool, or because "I always felt different". I was different from others, both in my clothing, and how I was around other kids, and therefore the one that everyone bullied back in school, and in the extreme form with physically attacks. It was often I came home crying and with bruises on my body. My teachers didn't do anything to help me. That lasted for many years from when I was around 8 until the last few years of school when I was around 14. We had school projects, and I got the project about Modern witches. Of course I was bullied with that project as well, but it gave me something. I didn't get help from my teachers to stop the bullies, they never helped me when I was bleeding and lying on the ground crying. Witchcraft did. I was given this project, and got in contact with a Danish witch who helped me. I see it as I got the opportunity to take my power back, so I did. Not like in curses, but protection. It ended with that I got a few friends who helped me, and the bullies ended up being banned from the school. From there it evolved, I started studying more, learning from others. Today I still experience bullying and different attacks in form of personal attacks, but I'm not letting it take me down. Not anymore. I somehow believe that witchcraft is not something you choose, it's something that chooses you, and it shows up when you most need it. But that's my personal opinion. #witchcraft #tradwitch #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #galdrakona #witchagram #witchesofinstagram #danishwitch #heks

6/29/2022, 12:29:13 PM

Not comfortable with graveyard dirt? Then here's a witch tip from Scandinavian trolddom. For those who aren't able to get their hands on graveyard dirt, or who aren't comfortable with it for different reasons then Mullein is the herb to use. It's a perfect substitute that's used in the same way as graveyard dirt, and it protects against evil witchcraft and curses. #witchtip #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #tradwitch #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #galdrakona #magicalherbs #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft

6/7/2022, 4:42:10 PM

What a weekend! We went to a huge historical market and came home with a bit of goods 🥰 A dried baby turtle, a dried toad, a hares foot, a snakeskin necklace and.. Two small bottles with human bone dust. Perfect for my craft! We also met a lot of people we know, and met new people as well! So amazing! Before anyone attacks me because the animal parts: both the baby turtle, the frog and the hare died by natural courses. #witchcraft #tradwitch #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #galdrakona #witch

6/5/2022, 5:58:37 PM

A lot of practitioners have a special necklace that's used in their craft in one way or another. Some protects, other empowers. A lot of you fell in love with mine, so I wanted to tell a bit more about it. Used only when I do rituals, this necklace has a lot of meaning to me. It's made by three different types of beads: wood, amber and volcanic stones, and has a crows foot attached. The wood connects me with the forest, which is a place I often go to for different purposes. The amber, also known as Freya's tears, are connected with healing and Freya, the one who taught Odin the magical Seiðr, but more than that, it connects me with the ancestral spirits, because the amber comes from an old necklace I was gifted by my husbands grandmother. The volcanic stones grounds me, but also empower when I work. The crow you can guess yourself. I created the necklace myself. #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #galdrakona #folkwitch #folkmagic #folkcraft #tradwitch #traditionalwitch #traditionalwitchcraft

5/27/2022, 6:41:02 PM

The Black Toad. When I arrived on the path of traditional witchcraft I slowly got introduced to the many spirits of the path, four of them are the spirit familiars of the compass round. The first of these spirits was the Crow of the North road, who had already been following me since I was a kid, a story I will tell another day. The second spirit I met was the Toad of the West road. A very interesting meeting on special night... I would love to tell about the exact night of this meeting but I have to keep it a secret. Some things aren't ment to be shared. From West you find the magic of the moon, emotions, dream magic, healing magic, seamagic, thoughts and memories, the element of water. It's the cauldron and the cup. So here it is, another spirit familiar. Check out my other post with the first drawing I made of the Serpent of the East. Drawing by me, symbols are from Traditional witchcraft by Gemma Gary. #traditionalwitchcraft #traditionalwitch #tradwitch #tradwitchcraft #trolddom #trolldom #witchcraft #troldkyndig #troldkvinde #nordicwitchcraft #witchesofinstagram

5/14/2022, 6:41:04 PM

It's time for a re-read and book recommendation! This book about traditional witchcraft is by far one of my favourites. I see so many similarities between Cornish Folkmagic and Scandinavian Folkmagic, so this book is a perfect match for my own work. I have two books by @gemma.gary the other is The Black Toad (another amazing book) and I love them so much. I can highly recommend these two books if you find traditional witchcraft interesting. I of course has to own all the other books by Gemma and so many others from @troy_books_publishing when I'm able to get my hands on them ✨💚 #traditionalwitchcraft #traditionalwitch #tradcraft #tradwitch #tradwitchcraft #folkmagic #folkcraft #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig #troldkvinde

4/19/2022, 2:12:07 PM

Gratis temaaften på den lokale og mega hyggelige café i Brejning d.27.10 kl.19.00-20.30 Jeg vil fortælle om de gamle traditioner; shamanisme og den nordiske sejd og hvordan jeg i mit terapeutiske arbejde fletter det sammen med min baggrund som psykolog.. Aftenen byder bl.a på Trommehealing Kraftdyr Forskellige redskaber som rasle, trommen, krystaller og kraftstav Det at finde ind til sin kraft og stå i den Søge råd Sang Intuition Der er plads til max 25 deltagere. Tilmelding via [email protected] eller 49402585 Ses vi? ❤ #temaaften #cafehygge #shamanisme #sejd #psykologi #spiritualitet #healing #gamletraditioner #vølve #troldkyndig #seer #historiefortæller #trommehealing #ståstærkt

9/29/2021, 8:17:03 PM

Charms. Whoever you are we all have them, and we all put energy into them, we wear them for strength and protection. They can give us calmness and peace #troldkarl #troldkyndig #trolddom

7/15/2021, 3:23:01 PM

You need to go out where the spirits live if you want to connect with them #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig #troldkarl #folkmagic #tradcraft

5/22/2021, 2:07:16 PM

In the work of the troldkarl you have to go out in nature and find the spirits. I personly work with the land vættir, the thursa, the trolls and the bog spirits #troldkarl #trolddom #trolldom #troldkyndig

5/17/2021, 5:36:51 PM

After a long time I have finally made a meditation incense that I think works. #troldkarl #troldkyndig #trolddom

5/15/2021, 2:29:11 PM

. . . This book just came in the mail from Norway. I’m super excited to read it. _____________________ #mystikkogovertro #oslomarka #evensaugstad #trolde #trolls #huldra #huldrefolk #folketro #troldkyndig #svartekunst #folklore #norwegianfolklore

12/7/2020, 4:27:07 PM

#shaman #troldkyndig #troldkvinde på toppen af højen #momu #moesgaardmuseum

7/7/2016, 11:47:32 AM