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❤️❤️Community LOVE pot! ❤️❤️ This working will help enhance, grow and improve your relationships with your significant other, crush or partner! This can boost: Communication 🗣️ Obsession 👀 Love and affection 💕 Sexual attraction 🍆 And more! NOW….The way this working is set up, it will not work if this person is not good for you. So before you pay for this working, make sure this is someone you really want to be with. Otherwise, it simply will not work. There will be no backfiring, but you simply will not get what you asked for. With pots of course it’s best to have an intention set, but it will give even if you don’t have one set. THIS WORKING IS NOT LIKE THAT. You need to state WHO you want this energy from and WHAT energy you want from them. This works for ANY gender. If you would like to be entered YOU MUST send me the first and last name of your partner and you. 💋$44.44 - Normal entry/ Singles road unblocker 💕$66.66 - Relationship Road unblocker (Good for when you’re in tough spots) 🎁$88.88- Relationship unblocker with inboxed mini reading TO ENTER: 1️⃣ Send your payment and Add “LOVE pot” in notes 2️⃣ Inbox with you first and last initials or full name 3️⃣ If you paid for a reading too PLEASE inbox me. If you don’t I cannot guarantee your reading and you may be refunded for it. Payments can be sent to 👇🏽 Cash app: (don’t forget the s) PayPal Zelle/ Apple Pay #vodou | #witchy | #witch | #bruja | #brujas | #metaphysics | #alchemy | #alchemist | #metaphysical | #conjure | #hoodoo | #brujasofinstagram | #brujo | #juju | #goddess | #magic | #magical | #magick | #witchcraft | #brujeria | #brujería | #witchery | #metaphysicalshop | #botanica | #divinefemme | #divinefeminine | #magnetism | #conjure | #blitch

4/27/2024, 12:30:59 PM

1️⃣👼 Si estás interesad@ en un endulzamiento, amor, abundancia, calma y abre caminos, o si quieres que te lea las cartas. Háblame por privado • • • • • • • #magia #magiablanca #rituales #hechizos #tarot #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #wicca #witch #amor #love #universo #witch #witchesofinstagram #magick #witchcraft #bruja #brujeria #witchyvibes #witches #brujasofinstagram #tarot #eclecticwitch #divination #moon #witchlife #witchymemes #candles #love #spirituality #crystals #witchvibes

4/27/2024, 12:26:10 PM

⬅️⬅️由於編幅所限,第一位巨靈介紹請參看前文 《4月優惠》優惠延續 配對全線精靈 送升級版三眼開發儀式 或8折優惠 只需HKD7,040 《精品級系列》暗黑三巨靈團隊 伊夫利特火系男巨靈 x 神祇級愛慾女巨靈 x 死靈財富男巨靈 巨靈界鉅子 三重能量 三倍快速 全願望達成 黑魔法 死靈術 愛情欲慾 財富 事業 投資賭博 靈性/個人發展 美容魔法 權力地位 去阻礙 復仇 防小人去是非 控制思想 操縱人心 干擾思緒 HKD8,800(需預訂) 第二位介紹的是一位神祇級愛慾女巨靈;巫師指它特別擅長於愛情/情慾上的魔法上,在它的幫助下,即使她與丈夫結婚多年,仍保持著浪漫歡愉的生活方式,並一直維持二人靈魂身體合一的狀態。 神祇屬於最強最稀有的精靈,被喻為可遇有可求的精靈級別,這個級別並不如皇族一樣與生倶來,只有最強最有實力最有經驗的巨靈方有資格成為神祇,這完全是靠精靈的個人努力而得來的函頭,是非常高的階級地位。除了能力非常出眾,擁有驚人的願望達成能力外,同時擁有著性靈的能力。 它可以與擁有者有親密接觸(視乎你個人選擇,非必須),它會滿足你渴望已久的需求,對於能取悅你,它會感到幸福。它可以增強你在性方面的能力和慾望,讓你自信大增。如果你在性生活上感到不滿足,或與伴侶未能協調,它可以幫助你倆,並使你獲得前所未有的滿足感。它屬於形象轉換精靈,能隨心所慾地化身不同形象,一般來說,它喜歡化成你夢寐以求的對象,或你喜歡的類型。它有點頑皮,極誘人,有點霸道,卻成為它最吸引之處。 雖然它擁有神祇-這至高無尚的稱號,但它對擁有者非常尊重,並以善良的心進入你的家庭。它最大的願望是為你實現所想,帶給你幸福和平的生活。由於它的能力太廣泛,恕我們未能詳列。它的能力包括但不限於: ◎ 強效性魔法 ◎ 開發三眼 ◎ 帶來幸福 ◎ 完滿愛情 ◎ 恢復失去的愛情 ◎ 財富增長 ◎ 事業發展與晉升 ◎ 所有範疇的成功 ◎ 帶來好名聲 ◎ 提供建議與指導 ◎ 美容魔法、年齡逆轉抗衰老 ◎ 提高自信 ◎ 增強魅力 ◎ 賦予權力 ◎ 增強智慧 ◎ 惡咒去除、辟邪 ◎ 強大保護 ◎ 能量提升、體能增加 ◎ 閱讀人心、操縱思想 它的能力是無限的... 你將獲得無限的金錢、美滿愛情、成功、無盡的幸福與好運。同時,你將學會閱讀人心,操控別人思想的能力。另外,它亦幫助加強你與精靈家族成員的溝通,你將比以往更易感受到精靈的存在及其能量,更易感應它們的想法。你和你所愛的人在它的保護下,都能免除傷害。 第三位介紹的是一位死靈財富男巨靈,它屬黑暗性質,性格貪婪、聰明而且會計算。非常擅長於死靈法,並能派遣亡靈辦事。巫師表揚它在財政上的支援,並幫助她在工作上持續發展,多年來在它的幫助下衣食無憂,生活水平亦不斷提高。 它最出色的是財富上的願望達成,包括帶來好運、幫助事業發展(升職加薪或轉工,甚至創業等)和解決財政問題並透過不同方法給予你額外金錢(投資/賭博等),使你可以享受生活。與它綁定後,很快你會發現運氣變好,過往的倒霉消失,額外的金錢、成功、工作機會、生意上的進漲、投資機會和地位躍進的機會。工作上,你會發現別人變得更尊重你,升職加薪的機會接種而來。投資賭博上,它會給你指引,令你作出明智的選擇,從而取得成功。如果你向來運氣一般,擁有它後,會發現自己明顯的轉變。 除了財富願望,它的能力亦包括但不限於下列: ◎ 死靈術 ◎ 開發並發展第三眼 ◎ 賜予幸福美好生活 ◎ 完滿愛的愛(友情/愛情/親情) ◎ 所有範疇的成功 ◎ 青春美麗 ◎ 尋找靈魂伴侶 ◎ 閱讀人心、控制思想 ◎ 罕擾別人思緒 ◎ 強大保護(辟邪/防止小人) ◎ 復仇 ◎ 靈力發展 你可以透過心靈感應,冥想,靈擺,夢境與它溝通。 你購買後,我們會將它的名字告訴你,而你將會收到載有它的飾物。 精靈與我們之間最重要的是互信與尊重,你對它們的信心是它們為你取得成功的重要因素;只要你真心對待它們,它們是感覺得到的;因此如果你不相信它們,請你不要購買。 歡迎參觀我們的網頁: FB/IG: firehawkmagick #magick #精靈 #魔法 #巫術 #白巫術 #暗巫術 #黑巫術 #暗黑 #蠟燭 #靈擺 #精靈配對 #巫術儀式 #巫術用品 #愛情 #財運 #金錢 #好運 #改善運程 #提升 #度身訂造 #巫毒 #voodoo #vodou 交收方式:不設面交 香港-順豐包郵 台灣及海外地區-郵政掛號包郵 我們接受:PAYPAL(免手續費)/PAYME/恆生或中國銀行轉帳/轉數快/支付寶(香港及國內)/微信支付/臺灣銀行轉帳/八達通線上付款/分期付款(詳情請向我們查詢) 本店所有精靈/儀式/服務/週邊產品均不設退款或退換。 (參考圖片轉載自網絡)

4/27/2024, 12:14:53 PM

We are Open this beautiful weekend and everyday ✨🧚🏼✨ A perfect time for a day trip visit ! ☀️ New stock arriving each day … all for your Delight ✨ @enchantedmaine #crystalshop #crystals #incense #boothbayharbormaine #boothbayharbor #maine #open #tarot #magic #magick #books #yoga #clothing #chakras #jewelry #spring #vacation #gratitude

4/27/2024, 12:00:44 PM

Descoperă Magia cu Moldavit! 📚 În această carte captivantă vei găsi metode profunde pentru a-ți amplifica puterile telepatice, telekinetice și de manifestare. De asemenea, vei învăța tehnici de vindecare și cum să dizolvi imprinturile karmice care îți pot bloca potențialul. 👉🏽 Fii pregătit să explorezi o lume plină de posibilități nelimitate! 🔮✨ #MagiaCuMoldavit #DezvoltarePersonală #CartiInspirationale #magick #moldavit #moldavite #magie #terapie #energie

4/27/2024, 11:56:47 AM

Kula Shaker - Natural Magick ‼️FOR SALE 590 THB.‼️ เทปใหม่/ชีล/มือ1/สินค้าพร้อมส่ง 🚚💨💨💨 มีค่าส่ง kerry กทม.50/ตจว.70 #cassette #tape #เทป #คาสเซ็ท #tapecassette #cassettetape #เทปคาสเซ็ท #คาสเซ็ทเทป #cassetteallday #เทปมือ1 #เทปมือหนึ่ง #เทปเพลง #เพลง #ดนตรี #เพลงไทย #เพลงสากล #kulashaker #kula #shaker #naturalmagick #natural #magick #britpop #britrock #britpop90s #britpopmusic #britpopglory #britishband #britishrock #british

4/27/2024, 11:55:36 AM

Malachite is a vibrant green mineral that's not only known for its beautiful, swirling patterns but also for its potent metaphysical properties. Due to its powerful properties, malachite is often recommended to be used with caution and respect, as it can amplify both positive and negative energies. It's a stone that encourages significant changes and emotional risk-taking, leading to fresh perspectives and a new outlook on life. Here are some of the key attributes commonly associated with malachite: #puchusapothecary #puchu #healing #malachite #spiritualjourney #spiritual #healingcrystals #crystaldiaries #crystal #witchyways #witchytips #witchystuff #witchylife #witchyvibes #witchcrafting #witchcraftspells #spells #spellcraft #magickspells #magick #meditate #meditation #protection #travel #energy #energyhealing #energyhealer #intentions #intuition #intuitive

4/27/2024, 11:48:56 AM

✨And when you’re done, I’ll make you do it all again . #portrait #bwlady #mood #witchy #natural #nature #wild #power #magick #naturalimmunity🖕 # flow #bw_photooftheday #bw_lover #bw_addiction #bwportraits #photography #witchy #selvage #wild #selfie

4/27/2024, 11:47:41 AM

This weekend’s Three Card Draw comes from the Energy Oracle Deck. If you would like a little insight this weekend, please feel free to pick a card! If you comment your choice below – 1, 2, or 3 – I’ll like the comment once the reveal is posted. Take care 😊 #cardoftheday #cardoftheweek #readingsbyroberta #fortunetelling #fortuneteller #tarotcards #tarot #tarotreading #dailytarot #divination #magick #witch #witchcraft #tarotreadersofinstagram #intuition #intuitive #psychic #insight #guidance #oracle #pickacard #chooseyourfate #trustyourgut #spiritual #spirituality

4/27/2024, 11:47:08 AM

What you doin' on your bed on your back? Ah What you doin' on your bed on your back? Ah You should be dancing, yeah Dancing, yeah - Bee Gees Summon your inner dancing goat. Today is not made to fit in. Horns are your crown! Have a great weekend!✨️ #dancing #goat #beegees #magick #pentagramm #horns #ritual #urban #mystic #art #illustration #witchcraft #witch #wicca #pagan #gothic #magic #engraving #mythology #urbanmysticart #benurbanart

4/27/2024, 11:44:54 AM

Grass tree grove. The other day I went for a walk in the bush near my home and discovered a truly magical grove of 100s of grass trees! I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen them before. From tiny ones to ancient tall ones that would easily be 10’ high. For those who don’t know grass trees take many years to grow and some are 3/400 years old or more. So, needless to say I’ll be a regular visitor painting and absorbing their amazingness. This is 30 x 40cm and for sale. Email [email protected] for more information🙏🏼 #grasstree #oilpainting #landscapes #australiannativeflora #aussiebush #bushwalking #beautiful #magick

4/27/2024, 11:33:14 AM

🔥Doing a demonic spell😈 Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like me to cast a spell for you. You can contact me using the contacts on my website, specified in my bio. #Magick #lovespellsthatwork #exbackspells #exbackspell #lovespells #LoveSpell #Spells #Spellcaster #Rituals #Witches #Spellcraft #Witchcraft #Enchantments #Mystic #Sorcery #WitchyVibes #Spellwork #MagicalLove #WitchyLife #MysticalRealm #Occult #WizardsOfInstagram #Mystical #Alchemy #MagicalWorld #WitchyThings #Supernatural #LoveAlchemy #SpiritualSpells #MysticMagic

4/27/2024, 11:26:30 AM

Ave My Lord Azazel. Iloveyou ♥️

4/27/2024, 11:23:10 AM

See you tomorrow for Beltane & Sæx Magick? ❤️‍🔥 Learn about the origin of this juicy art of magick... We'll talk about Aleister Crowley and his cult in Sicily, the Wiccan way and how to raise this potent energy. We'll not conduct any practical rituals this Sunday, we'll leave that to your private practice. We will however facilitate a tarot workshop around the topic though as well as a Beltane ritual. Well also dive into the Beltane Celebration and its connection to the art of sæx magick. This event is for inspiration and knowledge sharing. Hope to see you tomorrow ❤️‍🔥 #copenhagenoccultclub #coven #witchcrafting #witchyevents #aleistercrowley #thelema #modernwitchcraft #modernwitches #heks #hekseri #witchtips #magi #magick #moonmagick #fullmoon

4/27/2024, 11:21:57 AM

✨ 💚Energia da Semana de 28 de Abril a 4 de Maio💫 💜 A bruxinha 🧙🏼‍♀️🌙🐾 que há em mim saúda a bruxinha 🧙🏼‍♀️🌙🐾 que há em ti ✨🕯️🦋🍀 🧘‍♀️ Concentra-te e respira fundo 🧘‍♀️ 🪬Escolhe um grupo de cartas 🪬 🔮Permite que a tua intuição te guie, para o grupo de cartas que contém a mensagem que, mais precisas receber para a próxima semana 🔮 As mensagens serão reveladas amanhã 🔮🪬🙏🏼 Partilha para que possamos chegar a mais pessoas 🙏🏼 🌕🌑🌟🦋✨🍀🌙🧙🕯️🐾🔮🐈‍⬛ #energiadasemana #mundodaluaterapiasholisticas #mundodaluatarot #tarot #cartomancia #oraculos #consultas #consultasdetarot #mensagensoraculares #mundodalua #lojaesoterica #magia #magick #wicca #astrologia #celta #mundodaluaastrologia #feiticeira #maga #witchcraft #witches #mundodalualojaonline

4/27/2024, 11:17:19 AM

Trust me, this is organised Chaos 😂 Market Ready 🔮 & en route 🏃🏾‍♂️ @thebigmarketlondon @ghbc_taproom #magpiesxmirth #magpiesxmirth #market #localtrader #localseller #thebigmarketlondon #homemade #handmade #shopsmall #supportsmallbusiness #scentedcandles #ukwitchshop #metaphysicalshop #spiritual #magick #chaos

4/27/2024, 10:53:07 AM

𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔦𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔦𝔫 𝔣𝔞𝔩𝔩 🤎🍂 . . . . . . . . . . . #witch #witchaesthetic #witchesofinstagram #explorepage #whimsigoth #whimsical #tattoos #tattooed #fall #fallfashion #tarot #occult #magick

4/27/2024, 10:51:47 AM

Get ready with me 💄🎃🔮💐🪄 I woke up feeling like it's Halloween soon. Why? Lmao • • • • • #womenempowerment #witchesoninstagram #tarotreader #grwm #feminism #witchmemes #witchesofinstagram #magick #paganism #spirituality #astrology #zodiac #natalchart #tarotreading #greekmythology #hellenic #fantasy

4/27/2024, 10:08:23 AM

Saturday Spell I’ve had trouble sleeping this week. To be honest, I do most of the time. I’ve for a sleep charm bag under my pillow and lavender everywhere! This week I tried this potion. I don’t have any honey, so I just used a teaspoon of sugar. The smell of the cinnamon and lavender is sooooo good. It’s become a part of my bedtime routine now. Give it a try 💗 #thewitchroom #wiccan #witchaesthetic #magick #gothic #pagan #witchy #witchyvibes #witchesofinstagram #fyp #spells #mymadpsychicjourney #gothgirl #witchythings #witchcraft #witchlife #witch #witches #wicca #witchywoman #crystals #oraclereading #psychic #crystalmagic #oracle #oraclecards #magick #crystalhealing #foryou

4/27/2024, 10:00:53 AM

Card for Today 🔮 Sometimes something appears in your path that seems so difficult that you feel you will never get through it. Like climbing a huge mountain, it’s going to take effort, endurance and stamina to reach the top. However, there might be another way. You could go around the mountain or even through it. Not every mountain has to be climbed to get past it. Sometimes it’s best to choose an easier route. Sometimes you just have to get on and climb. Whichever way it is, take one step at a time. Each step takes you closer to your end point 💗 #thewitchroom #wiccan #witchaesthetic #magick #gothic #pagan #witchy #witchyvibes #witchesofinstagram #fyp #spells #mymadpsychicjourney #gothgirl #witchythings #witchcraft #witchlife #witch #witches #wicca #witchywoman #crystals #oraclereading #psychic #crystalmagic #oracle #oraclecards #magick #crystalhealing #foryou

4/27/2024, 10:00:24 AM

Instagram: X The Wheel of Fortune Tarot / Das Schicksalsrad the cycles of the multiverse / acceptance of fate - symbol: metamorphosis, re-/birth, faith, the perspective of time planet: jupiter path of kaph: chesed - netzach archetype: Fortuna, the norns #wheeloffortune #tarot #tarotcards #psychedelicart #alchemy #occultart #surrealism #gnostic #gothic #alchemy #gnosis #divination #oracle #darktarot #occult #darkart #symbols #symbolic #magick #tarotdecks #tarotcommunity #darksurrealism #wheel #cycles #spiritualism

4/27/2024, 9:51:50 AM

💫 Preorder 💫 NWS-0071 กระเป๋า 🎨 สีขาว ,สีแดง ,สีชมพู ※ 💰 Sาคา - 1689 THB. ※ รอหลังสั่งซื้อ 15-25 วัน ราคารวมส่งแล้ว ※ 🌟สอบถามสั่งซื้อทัก DM ได้เลยค่า #NamelessWitchShop #Witch #magic #magictool #witchcommunity #magick

4/27/2024, 9:45:04 AM

🌱 Runes of the Day - Ansuz 🌱 🌱Take a look at where you are right now in life. Maybe you have been waiting for an opportunity for so long, you don’t realise the time has come and you are ready for new adventures. 🌱Ansuz is connected with wisdom and divine. It is a signal for us to explore the depths of the foundation of life. At the same time you are reminded to nourish and take care of yourself, only that way you will be able to nourish and take care of others. . . . . . . #divine_moon_witch #witch #witchlife #witchaesthetic #witchvibes #witchy #heathen #pagan #asatru #ásatrú #vikings #rune #runes #blessed #blessing #healing #love #magic #magick #magicmoments #witchesofinstagram #meditation #selfcare #spirituality #life #spiritual #spiritualawakening #positivevibes #positivity #happines

4/27/2024, 9:41:38 AM

🌀✨Daily Affirmation ✨🌀 ✨I listen to myself and acknowledge my needs. I assert myself and retain my power. I am brave and gentle. I don’t have to be afraid of others. I respect myself and I am respected by others ✨ . . . . . #divine_moon_witch #moonwitch #moonmagic #moonmagick #witch #witchlife #witchaesthetic #witchvibes #witchy #witchstyle #witchesofinstagram #magic #magick #magicmoments #witching #witchyways #witchystuff #heathen #heathenism #heathenry #heathenwitch #heathenwoman #pagan #paganwoman #paganwitch #paganism #pagancommunity #divination #oldsoul #affirmation

4/27/2024, 9:34:07 AM

Full moon the other night 🌙🌝🌙 #photography #canon #canoneos #moon #fullmoon #spiritual #spiritualhealing #lunar #lunarphases #magick #witchcraft

4/27/2024, 9:18:00 AM

Hand rolled beeswax mini pillar candles 🕯️ Available in many colours🌈 approximately 2 hours burn time 🔥 5cm tall 🕯️ Shop link in bio… ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #magick #meditation #occult #pagan #reiki #reikienergy #reikihealing #reikimaster #ukcrystalshop #ukcrystalshops #uketsyshop #beeswax #beeswaxcandles #wellnessinfluencer #candles #wisdom #chakra #witchcraft #chakras #witches #energy #witchesofinstagram #energyhealing #witchvibes #healing #witchyvibes #lightworker #magic

4/27/2024, 9:17:09 AM


4/27/2024, 9:15:59 AM

It’s the year of the rabbit so it only felt right to start the year off with these cute bunny mugs. You can find them (and zodiac mugs) available for preorder now! #dirtworksceramics #yearoftherabbit #newyear #midnightgarden #bunny #bunnyrabbit #magic #moonmagic #magick #moon #handmade #pottery

4/27/2024, 9:12:39 AM

The Sower Original Work Written by David.C #poetrycommunity #writersofinstagram #thelema #magick #inspiration

4/27/2024, 9:04:10 AM

What do you do when your son is at Grandpas for the night … a dream pouch. This dream pouch has very particular florals & crystals to enhance lucid dreams while also protecting against nightmares as I am intending to be open to receive messages 🧚🏼‍♀️ Lucid dreams can also be invoked with bath rituals. DM me to create your bespoke dream pouch or ritual bath soak #dreampouch #magick #herbs #handmade #intentioncandles #goddess

4/27/2024, 9:01:21 AM

🕸Noir Gothic Saturday🕸 ⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧ 🕸Gothic culture embodies enigmatic allure, weaving shadows with elegance and revealing beauty in the depths of enigmas.🕸 ⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. #theogham #witchcraft #witch #witchesofinstagram #pagan #wicca #magic #witchyvibes #magick #witches #tarot #witchythings #witchy #occult #wiccan #crystals #spirituality #spells #pagansofinstagram #paganism #witchlife #halloween #goth #spiritual #gothic #love #greenwitch #divination #witchery #witchaesthetic 🔮 Use discount code INSTA40 for 40% off! 🦇 🥀 🕯 🪦 🩸 🏹⁀༄ જ⁀➴ ✨ Tap the link: NOW and save at TheOgham Shop with your exclusive 40% discount!✨

4/27/2024, 9:00:17 AM

SOLD: I realized that “Metamorphosis” never got its stand alone spotlight. I felt it necessary to showcase her because I was very happy with how she came out and how the colors tied together! This beautiful hat features a Tibetan turquoise focal stone. The idea behind this hat is the necessity of change. We as beings are constantly changing. We go through good changes and bad…all of which are a crucial part of being human. This hat is a reminder to embrace that metamorphosis and that change…because it makes us who we are! What do you guys think of her? Let me know in the comments. #witch #witchy #witchythings #withhatwitchhats #halloweendecor #spokkyseason #spookyseason👻 #turquoise #tibetanturquoise #altarpiece #crystal #crystalart #clay #poltmerclay #polymerclayart #witchyart #witchyways #witchydecor #magicalart #artistsoninstagram #clayart #witchylife #witchesaltar #butterfly #butterflies #butterflyart #wicca #pegan #magick #magic

4/27/2024, 8:45:46 AM

If you requested one of these rituals and I couldn’t fit you in for this Saturday, I’ll add you early for next Saturday, April 4th. • The Shield Wall • Untethered • Mind Bender • Point Of No Return ➸ link in bio 🕯️ Private Ritual Only 🗓️ Ritual worked on Fridays ✔️ Description of ritual (link in bio) 🌟 Private rituals are powerful by design 📸 Content in post is for aesthetics only 👉🏾 A CONSULTATION FOR NEW CLIENTS IS NEEDED BEFORE PURCHASING ANY PRIVATE RITUALS ➸ link in bio ~ Nova 𒀭 (Priestess and Seer) ✨I will never message you for my services. Beware of fake accounts in your direct messages.✨ Original Post: @novamagicktarot Copyright © 2024 Nova Magick Tarot. All rights reserved. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ #novamagicktarot #voodoo #hoodoo #conjure #rootwork #candlemagick #witchtip #fyp #witchy #occult #pagan #divination #magick #mood #witchcraft #spellwork #witchyvibes #esoteric #darkacademia #witchaesthetic #explorepage #lefthandpath #spirituality #graveyard #pagan #witchesofinstagram #darkaesthetic #chaosmagick #ritualcandle #witchythings #darkmagic

4/27/2024, 8:41:27 AM

✨ Feel the magic in the air! ✨ As the sun shines in Aquarius and the stars align, we're diving into a world of fresh starts and new ideas. 🌟🌙 Are you ready for a transformation? 🔄 We've got some spellbinding secrets to share that might just change your life! Curious about love spells or other magical wonders? 💌✨ Send us a DM to learn more or to order your very own spell crafted by expert spellcasters. Let's make some magick happen together! 👉 Don't forget to follow @spellsandpsychics2 for witchy tips, tricks, spells, and lessons. 🔮 #zodiac #astrolgy #astronomy #transformation #beginning #newideas #sun #aquarius #stars #LoveSpells #SpellWork #Spellcaster #SpellCasting #CastingSpells #Witchcraft #WitchcraftSpells #Magick #WitchyWisdom #SpiritualJourney #MagicCommunity #AstrologyLovers #WiccanCommunity #Occult #Esoteric #ModernWitch #MagicPractices #TheCraft #WitchesOfInstagram #DailyHoroscope . . .

4/27/2024, 8:17:13 AM

Bu sehrli şam bəzən keçmiş hissləri unutmaq, buraxmaq və ya məhv etmək istəyən insanlar üçün nəzərdə tutulub. Hər birimizin həyatımızda elə bir şey olub ki, sevdiyimiz insanla ağrılı-acılı ayrılıqdan sonra onu uzun müddət unuda bilmədik, o qədər göz yaşı, əzab, yuxusuz gecələr. Bütün bunlar ürəyi qırılan insanın əlamətləridir, sizdə tənhalıq və uzaqlaşma aurası var, heç nə kömək etmir, dostlardan, valideynlərdən, yeni tanışlardan dəstək, psixoloqa baş çəkmək, bütün düşüncələr onun içində və onun haqqındadır. Ritual şam sizə sülh və əmin-amanlıq tapmağa kömək edəcək, bu şam unutmaq üçün ən yaxşı dostunuz olacaq, bir insanı ruhunuzdan, ürəyinizdən, başınızdan atacaqdır. Bu sehrli şam həm də sağlam ağıl və təmiz ürəklə yeni bir münasibətə başlamaq üçün auranızı və emosional fonunuzu keçmiş münasibətlərdən təmizləyəcək. Keçmişiniz yenidən sizinlə olmaq istəsə belə, təəssüf ki, heç vaxt olmayacaqsınız. Ona qarşı bu hissləri yaşasanız, şam əvəzinə sönəcəklər🔮🕯️ 🚗 Ölkə daxili çatdırılma mövcuddur(rayonlara)- 5azn 🚗ünvana çatdırılma isə məsafədən asılıdır Daha çox çeşid üçün isə mağazamıza buyurub gələ bilərsiz Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün📥 📍ünvan:Bakıxanov qəs(razin). Aygün mall(2-ci mərtəbə) 📞/wp:070-680-08-36 📞/wp:010-382-13-17 ritual #ritualmagick #rituals #rituales #rituel #rituels #ritüel #ritüeller #ritualtools #spiritual #spiritüel #candlemagick #candle #mum #cadu #tilsim #tarot #magia #magick #sevgi #aşk #sevgili #nails #nailsart #fashion #fashionstyle

4/27/2024, 8:13:16 AM

THE GRAND RITUAL OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN MAGICK OF WEALTH. - A.L.C. May the gods & goddesses & and ancient dragons bless you with wealth and abundance.. ✨🌙🐉🌙✨ -DRAKO COVEN OF WHISPERS #egyptianmagick #ancientegypt #witchcraft #rituals #ancientegyptiangods #magick #highermagick #ceremonialmagick #witchcraft #moneymagick

4/27/2024, 8:11:50 AM

✨ Unlock your magic! ✨ Meditation sharpens your focus for better spell work. It links you to spirits and boosts your intuition. Looking within, it heals and reveals hidden feelings. Control energy to cast spells, heal, and protect. It cleans your vibe and keeps you balanced. Imagine your wishes coming true with meditation. Stay calm and clear for powerful witchcraft. DM us for potent love spells or to order your own spell! 🌟 #LoveSpells #SpellWork #Spellcaster #SpellCasting #CastingSpells #Witchcraft #WitchcraftSpells #Magick #loveisblind #spellcasting #loveisblindmemes #spellcaster #spellwork #potions #datingmemes #datingmeme #relationshipmemes #witchmemes #witchmeme #witchymemes #magickmemes #memesforwitches #cursedmemes #curses #blackmagic #voodoodoll #lovespells #lovespellsthatwork #lovemagic #darkmagic #witchhumor #wiccansofinstagram

4/27/2024, 7:53:28 AM

The Fool is about embracing your free spirit and being spontaneous, and what better way to do this than having a tote at the ready? ⁣ ⁣ Toss in some books for a coffee house, snacks for a road trip, or a towel and beach gear - this bag can keep you organized while you take off.⁣ ⁣ Bag is polyester textured canvas, black cotton should straps. 16" tall, 13" wide, and 3" at base.⁣ ⁣ 🌟Available at:🌟⁣ .⁣ #bluebeehivestudio #tarot #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotjewelry #tarotreader #tarotcommunity #witchesofinstagram #witches #witchcraft #witchylife #pagan #wiccan #wicca #wiccansofinstagram #thefool #tote #spontaneity #freesprit #adventure #pagansofinstagram #magick #spells #occult #fortuneteller #luck #totebag #tote #shoulderbag #freespirit

4/27/2024, 7:44:10 AM

The discovery. My dear grandmother once saw something. In the early morning at their lovely old cottage where we used to spend the summers, she had one very early morning on her way to the outdoor privy stopped in awe. There on the rock was a small figure she said, like a very small ghost, dark greenish with peppercorn eyes. Tiny as it was, it frightened her and she ran inside. Only to never see it again, and for all times keep wondering what in the world it was… * * * #illustration #drawing #art #spring #creatures #sketchbook #sketch #childrensillustration #magick #pencildrawingart #graphitesketch #storytelling #mysterious

4/27/2024, 7:34:57 AM

Idk y the unseen can’t see that I’m sleepy asf 😵‍💫 #mood but. okay. I’m listening. 🥱 lol ~ Nova 𒀭 (Priestess • Seer) ✨I will never message you for my services. Beware of fake accounts in your direct messages.✨ Original Post: @novamagicktarot Copyright © 2024 Nova Magick Tarot. All rights reserved. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ #novamagicktarot #witchyvibes #voodoo #fyp #spirituality #witchtip #darkaesthetic #conjure #explorepage #memes #pagan #esoteric #witchaesthetic #witchy #darkart #oracle #quotes #divination #magick #occult #hoodoo #witchythings #funnymemes #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #darkacademia #wiccan #tarotreader #3am

4/27/2024, 7:25:50 AM

#thoth ~ Nova 𒀭 (Priestess • Seer) ✨I will never message you for my services. Beware of fake accounts in your direct messages.✨ Original Post: @novamagicktarot Copyright © 2024 Nova Magick Tarot. All rights reserved. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ #novamagicktarot #witchyvibes #voodoo #fyp #spirituality #witchtip #darkaesthetic #conjure #explorepage #memes #wiccan #witchcraft #esoteric #witchaesthetic #witchy #darkart #oracle #quotes #divination #magick #occult #witchythings #dailytarot #witchesofinstagram #darkacademia #mood #tarotreader #pagan #ancientegypt

4/27/2024, 7:00:15 AM

𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐨𝐥𝐝, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩, 𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐤𝐲, 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐤𝐲, 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐨. ~𝐀𝐧𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐫~ @shesmagicandmidnightlace_ #romanticism #poetry #romanticquotes #romanticismo #romanticacademia #romanticquotes #magick #witchmemes #witchquotes #poetry #lovepoems #lovequotes #literature #romántica #romantico #twinflamelove #soulmatequotes #poems #twinflamequotes #twinflamejourney #heartquotes #soulquotes #figurativepainting #figurativeart #jamesneedham #darkacademia

4/27/2024, 6:51:13 AM

Presents • Artist @catrine.sandberg • Thank you for sharing with us!🥀 • Selected by • Please showcase this artists gallery 🥀 • Follow @darknmoody_hunter Use #darknmoody_hunter • Affiliated hubs @lightnmoody_hunter @blacknwhite_hunter @magicnmacro_hunter • Friend hubs @whispersofoursouls @whispersofoursouls_memories @world_of__darkness2.0 @_fairies_in_dark @unforgotten__world @horror_of__darkness @aj_graveyards @dusty_dark_memories @memories_of_decay @entropy_to_epitaphs @galleria_of_grace @picturetokeep.edit @renegade_dark @awokendarkness @touch_of_mysticalbeauty • Recommend Tags #dark #darkartist #darkartists #creativeartist #darknature #darkedits #darkaesthetic #darkaesthetics #darkaestheticsedit #natureaesthetic #moonlight #moon #atmosphere #darklover #darklovers #mystic #mysticfalls #mystical #magic #magick #magickal #witchy #witchythings #witchyvibes #moody #darkmood #fog #foggy #foggylake

4/27/2024, 6:49:31 AM

Carte du jour. 🤍 The weekend brings a time of closure. Look back at what you have accomplished thus far. A new path will open once you have learnt the lessons of this period. Your purpose is about to be updated. Embrace this ending gracefully.

4/27/2024, 5:00:12 AM