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*本週Toy Biz 九O年代X戰警玩具預告* Mojo(魔咒)是來自其他宇宙的暴君,他將電視頻道變成控制人心的工具,為了得到收視率不擇手段。Longshot(隆夏特/遠射)則是被Mojo逼著演出電視的奴隸,為了爭取自由與Mojo對抗。根據這兩個角色做成的玩具,一個亮眼而精細,另一個則平淡無奇。 角色人偶:Longshot(1993)、Mojo(1994) *Toy Biz X-Figure introduction for this week* Mojo is a tyrant from another universe who has turned TV channels (and more recently, video games) into mind-controlling tools and will stop at nothing to get ratings. Longshot is a slave and an actor who fights Mojo for his freedom. The toys based on these two characters, one is bright and detailed, the other one is unimpressive. Character: Longshot(1993)、Mojo(1994) #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel #mojo #longshot

4/7/2024, 8:40:11 PM

*本週Toy Biz 九O年代X戰警玩具預告* 同樣是X-men團隊中的青少年,Jubilee(茱比莉/李千歡)在92版動畫中因為異能無家可回,Sunspot(太陽黑子)則在最近上映的97版動畫裡面臨能力覺醒的困擾。這兩名角色在九O年代都被Toy Biz做成了人偶,一個塗色漂亮、動作流暢,另一個則差強人意。 角色人偶:Sunspot (1994)、Jubilee(1995) *Toy Biz X-Figure introduction for this week* These are two teenagers in the X-men team. Jubilee was rendered homeless in the X-men '92 animated series because of her power. Sunspot faced the problem of awakening his ability in the recently released X-men '97 animated series. Both characters were made into figures by Toy Biz in the 1990s. However, one is beautifully painted and fluidly moved, and another one is unsatisfactory. Character: Sunspot(1994)、Jubilee(1995) #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel #sunspot

3/31/2024, 6:37:07 PM

*本週Toy Biz 九O年代X戰警玩具預告* 在九O年代的X-men卡通中,Morph(千面人)以動畫的獨創角色登場了!原本屬於X-men的團隊成員,其後卻因遭到反派Mr.Sinister的心靈控制,成為X-men的對手。而在Toy Biz的系列玩具中,Mr.Sinister(魔鬼父王/驚惡先生)與Morph是兩個優秀漂亮的人偶,Morph的機關賣點尤其特別,值得好好介紹。 角色人偶:Mr. Sinister (1992)、Morph(1994) *Toy Biz X-Figure introduction for this week* From the 1990's X-men animated series, Morph appeared as an original character of the animation. Originally a team member of the X-men, he later became the enemy of the X-men due to the mind control of the villain Mr. Sinister. Among Toy Biz toys in 1990s, Mr. Sinister and Morph are two outstanding and beautiful figures. Morph's action feature is particularly unique and deserves a good introduction. Character:Mr.Sinister(1992)、Morph(1994) #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel #mrsinister #morph Where did I get the Mr. Sinister figure ? @lao_wanju

3/24/2024, 12:26:27 AM

*本週Toy Biz 九O年代X戰警玩具預告* 本週我想介紹兩個十分受歡迎的X-men人物,兄妹檔Scarlet Witch(緋紅女巫)與Quicksilver(快銀)。他們不屬於Toy Biz最知名的Uncanny X-men玩具系列,因此較難在評論中看到對他們的看法,但他們卻擁有頗能反映自身能力的機關賣點,是兩個很棒的人偶。 角色人偶:Scarlet Witch(1997)、Quicksilver(1996) *Toy Biz X-Figure introduction for this week* This week I want to introduce two very popular X-men characters, twin brother and sister Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. They're not part of the Toy Biz's best-known series, Uncanny X-men toys, so it's harder to see opinions on them, but they do have action features which match their own abilities. Character:Scarlet Witch(1997)、Quicksilver(1996) #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel #scarletwitch #quicksilver

3/17/2024, 8:39:10 PM

*本週Toy Biz 九O年代X戰警玩具預告* X-men的最強對手,相信便是擁有不死之身的Apocalypse(亞帕寇列斯/天啟)了。Toy Biz設計兩代Apocalypse人偶時,提供了截然不同的機關賣點,可看出九O年代平價玩具的設計創意。 角色人偶:Apocalypse I(1991)、Apocalypse II(1993) *Toy Biz X-Figure introduction for this week* Immortal Apocalypse is the strongest enemy to X-men. When Toy Biz designed Apocalypse figures, different action features were provided. We can see design creativity of 1990's budget toys from these two generation figures. Character:Apocalypse I(1991)、Apocalypse II(1993) #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel #apocalypse

3/10/2024, 5:50:43 PM

*本週Toy Biz 九O年代X戰警玩具預告* Gambit(金牌手)與Rogue(羅剎/小淘氣)是X-men故事裡的官配,也都是非常受歡迎的角色。從玩玩具的角度來看,這兩個人偶也都擁有恰到好處的機關賣點,是我非常喜歡的兩個玩具。 角色人偶:Gambit(1992)、Rogue(1994) *Toy Biz X-Figure introduction for this week* Gambit and Rogue are a couple in X-men stories, they are both highly popular. From the perspective of playing with toys, these two figures both have proper action features as well. I love them very much. Character: Gambit(1992)、Rogue(1994) #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel #nightcrawler

3/3/2024, 3:55:52 PM

*本週Toy Biz 九O年代X戰警玩具預告* Nightcrawler(藍魔鬼/夜行者)與Beast(大力獸/野獸)是兩個外表令人生畏,但內心溫柔善良的變種人。放在一起介紹,不僅是因為角色的經典性與藍色外形,還因為這兩個玩具都用到了吸盤。 角色人偶:Nightcrawler(1991)、Beast(1994) *Toy Biz X-Figure introduction for this week* Nightcrawler and Beast are two noble mutants. They are both scary on the outside but kind on the inside. I put them together, not only because their blue look but also both toys use a suction cup. Character: Nightcrawler(1991)、Beast(1994) #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel #nightcrawler

2/24/2024, 11:17:29 PM

今年5/29即將發行的X-MEN: THE WEDDING SPECIAL #1,以Mystique與Destiny這對女女情侶的婚禮為封面,內容將講述她們的婚禮故事。男男、男女、女女婚禮在X-men的世界裡均未缺席,彰顯了X-men世界觀中的多元價值。就讓我們一起回顧X漫畫裡著名的婚禮封面: X-MEN: THE WEDDING SPECIAL #1 is going to be released on 5/29. The cover of this book is the wedding of Mystique and Destiny. Any kind of love are not absent in X-men world, demonstrating the value of diversity. Let's review famous wedding covers of X-men comic books. Mystique &Destiny Cyclops & Jean Grey Northstar & Kyle Jinadu Gambit & Rogue Colossus & Kitty Pryde Tony Stark & Emma Frost Black panther & Storm Wolverine & Mariko Yashida 圖片來源:@x_mutants #xmen #xartworks #xmenanimatedseries #xcomics #xmen92 #xmen97 #marvel #mcu

2/21/2024, 11:35:05 PM

Expo en cours a Clessé dernier week end de février ;) #expo #lepressoir71 #olivierpitopereiraartiste #xart #xartworks

2/20/2024, 7:20:54 AM

*本週Toy Biz 九O年代X戰警玩具預告* Sabretooth(劍齒虎)是Wolverine(金剛狼)曾經的盟友,也是他最著名的宿敵,同時也是我認為Toy Biz 在Uncanny X-men系列中最好的玩具之一。 角色人偶:Sabretooth I(1992)、Sabretooth II(1993) *Toy Biz X-Figure introduction for this week* Sabretooth was Wolverine's ally once, and now he is Wolverine's most noted enemy. Also, in my opinion , Sabretooth figure I & II are both wonderful toys of the whole Toy Biz Uncanny X-men series. Character: Sabretooth I(1992)、Sabretooth II(1993) #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel #sabretooth

2/18/2024, 12:33:24 AM

*本週Toy Biz 九O年代X戰警玩具介紹* 他們都是來自未來的變種人,為了拯救數十年後的變種人命運,努力穿越時空。 角色人偶:Forge(1992)、Bishop(1993) *Toy Biz X-Figure introduction for this week* They are both mutants from the future. To save mutants after several decades, the two dedicated their efforts to find the method to go back to modern times. Character: Forge(1992)、Bishop(1993) #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel #bishop #forge

2/12/2024, 8:25:10 PM

1994年以前,Toy Biz的X-men系列吊卡上,都繪有這名角色的藝術肖像,並針對這個玩偶的機關賣點進行介紹。這個習慣直到1994年的“Phoenix Saga”系列之後才停止。 照片是我擁有的一部份吊卡,五顏六色的設計,看起來繽紛炫目,掛在商店貨架上的時候,總能吸引我拿下來研究。Toy Biz的九O年代可動人偶能這麼經典,吊卡設計的藝術性肯定功不可沒。 Before 1994, there were character portrait paintings and action feature introductions on all Toy Biz X-figures' cards. This practice stopped after the "Phoenix Saga" action figure series was released. This photo shows part of my cards currently. Their colorful design actually attracted me. Whenever I walked through a store, I always couldn't help but take off toys from the shelves. The artistry of cards definitely part of 90's Toy Biz X-figures' success. #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel

2/11/2024, 8:48:16 AM

*X-men Artworks* X戰警塔羅牌設計。 Origin: Marvel Tarot Deck and Guidebook Publish Date: September 26, 2023 Format: Non-traditional book Category: Comics & Graphic Novels - Superheroes (See Also Fiction - Superheroes) Publisher: Universe Trim Size: 5-1/3 x 3-1/2 Pages: 208 US Price: $25.00 CDN Price: $34.00 ISBN: 978-0-7893-4123-5 #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #tarot #marvel #mcu #cyclops #jeangray #phoenix #beast #deadpool #storm #gambit #professorxavier #msmarvel

2/8/2024, 5:20:39 PM

*X-men Artworks* 在@oliver.boito 的筆下,這些X-men充滿男性魅力,非常撩人!🔥🔥你最喜歡誰呢? Painted by @oliver.boito, these X-men are full of charisma. Which one do you like the most?😁 #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #angel #iceman #nightcrawler #havok #northstar #gambit #xmovie #marvel #colossus #banshee

2/5/2024, 7:49:29 AM

*X-men Artworks* 對臺灣人來說,我們並不陌生日本風格的繪畫,但將X戰警與日本古風融合得這麼好,我還是第一次看到!🚀 你看得出他們是誰嗎? As a Taiwanese, I am familiar to Japanese style artworks. However, I never saw X-men characters painted in Japanese style ! Every pics are delicate and creative.👍Can you recognize who they are? My favorite new follow @lucaspereiraart #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #mystique #juggernaut #archangel #mrsinister #blob #emmafrost #sabretooth #ladydeathstrike #xmovie #marvel

2/4/2024, 6:04:02 PM

*X-men Artworks* 對臺灣人來說,我們並不陌生日本風格的繪畫,但將X戰警與日本古風融合得這麼好,我還是第一次看到!🚀 你看得出他們是誰嗎? As a Taiwanese, I am familiar to Japanese style artworks. However, I never saw X-men characters painted in Japanese style ! Every pics are delicate and creative.👍Can you recognize who they are? My favorite new follow @lucaspereiraart #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cable #nightcrawler #psylocke #forge #warlock #magneto #warpath #shatterstar #xmovie #marvel #shadowcat

2/4/2024, 5:59:54 PM

*X-men Artworks* 對臺灣人來說,我們並不陌生日本風格的繪畫,但將X戰警與日本古風融合得這麼好,我還是第一次看到!🚀 你看得出他們是誰嗎? As a Taiwanese, I am familiar to Japanese style artworks. However, I never saw X-men characters painted in Japanese style ! Every pics are delicate and creative.👍Can you recognize who they are? My favorite new follow @lucaspereiraart #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #sunfire #northstar #sunspot #angel #colossus #polaris #domino #iceman #havok #xmovie #marvel #dazzler

2/4/2024, 5:55:23 PM

*X-men Artworks* 對臺灣人來說,我們並不陌生日本風格的繪畫,但將X戰警與日本古風融合得這麼好,我還是第一次看到!🚀 你看得出他們是誰嗎? As a Taiwanese, I am familiar to Japanese style artworks. However, I never saw X-men characters painted in Japanese style ! Every pics are delicate and creative.👍Can you recognize who they are? My favorite new follow @lucaspereiraart #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel

2/4/2024, 5:50:49 PM

*Toy Biz 九O年代X戰警玩具介紹* 人偶:Cyclops I (Blue & white 1991、Blue & Yellow 1993)、Cyclops II (1993) #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel

2/4/2024, 8:55:23 AM

*X-men Artworks* X戰警人物潮鞋設計,我每一雙都想要!🚀 These shoes were inspired by X-men characters. I want them all!!😆 @drksidegraphics #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #mystique #emmafrost #magneto #siren #juggernaut #sentinel #sabretooth #archangel #apocalypse #xmovie #marvel

2/3/2024, 6:01:32 PM

*X-men Artworks* X戰警人物潮鞋設計,我每一雙都想要!🚀 These shoes were inspired by X-men characters. I want them all!!😆 @drksidegraphics #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #colossus #nightcrawler #angel #darkphoenix #bishop #cable #iceman #jeangrey #psylocke #xmovie #marvel

2/3/2024, 5:54:19 PM

*X-men Artworks* X戰警人物潮鞋設計,我每一雙都想要!🚀 These shoes were inspired by X-men characters. I want them all!!😆 @drksidegraphics #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel

2/3/2024, 4:44:24 PM

*X-men artworks* 熟悉九O年代X-men卡通的朋友一定一眼就能看出來,這些人物的圖像風格來自卡通的片頭,但畫風更加細緻,像是美系的人物加上日系的質感。 If you are familiar to X-men 90s animated series, you must tell these pictures are inspired by cartoon's intro. However, these pics are more meticulous, close to Japanese style. #xmen #xartworks #xmenactionfigures #xforce #xmenart #xmenanimatedseries #xmen92 #xmen90s #xmen90series #xmen97 #cyclops #wolverine #beast #rogue #storm #gambit #jubilee #jeangrey #professorxavier #xmovie #marvel

2/2/2024, 8:12:20 PM

👉 @yoshi_not_dinosaur also on DeviantArt & Twitter ★ Follow @indieart40 for more art ★ I always repost with permission ★ #indieartist #indieart #fantasyart #oc #digitalartwork #digitaldrawing #illustrationartists #illustration #instaartist #artistofinstagram #deviantartist #deviantart #twitterartists #xartworks #supportartists #smallartist #artcommunity

2/2/2024, 6:00:17 PM

hinata hyuga @mukesh0art . . . . . . Like and comment please onegaishimasu 😢 Anime artwork #narutouzumaki #drawinganime #narutouzumakiart #hinatahyuga #leafvillage #drawinganime #artistsoninstagram #xartworks

2/1/2024, 12:53:44 PM

*Toy Biz 90s X-men action figure* Iceman(1993) & Iceman(1996) I have two Iceman action figures. The blue one is from the original series in 1993. The transparent with white stripes one is from "Marvel Hall of Fame" series which was released in 1996. The action feature of Iceman is "freezable icesled". You can stand the figure on the "sled", fill water into the rectangle hole of the sled and freeze. When it is frozen, a small rectangle would be frozen around the figure's feet. Move out the figure from the sled, you can slide this figure smoothly because there is a ice cube attached to its feet. Although it is pretty cool, I never froze Iceman in the freezer when I was a child. It is the first time I try to freeze them. Even though I am 37 years old, when I put these two Icemen into the fridge, I still felt excited. The card is Taiwan version. We Taiwanese called X-men “特異功能組” in 90s. The current translation is "X戰警". #xmen #xmenactionfigures #iceman #actionfigures #marvel #mcu #xcomics #xmovie #xartworks #taiwan

1/19/2024, 7:32:00 PM

Work hard then work harder ----------------------- photo📸@arwin_hsn edit💻@xartworks 👤@amir.fasihiani ----------------------- #photo #photography #fall #fallfashion #xartworks # #shiraz #model #modeling #amir #akasi #paeez🍁

1/12/2024, 2:21:32 PM

Se siete in Svezia da oggi non potete mancare alla X-mas group exhibit @galleriartsight nel cuore di #stockholm #artforchristmas #contemporaryart #contemporaryartgallery #swedenartgallery #swedencontemporaryart #xart #xartworks #xmasart #artforgifts #contemporaryartist #caterinaarcipreteartist

12/8/2023, 8:25:34 AM

Se siete nelle Marche da oggi non potete mancare alla X-art group exhibit @galleriagrida nel cuore di #jesi #artforchristmas #contemporaryart #contemporaryartgallery #italyartgallery #xart #xartworks #xmasart #artforgifts #contemporaryartist #caterinaarcipreteartist

12/8/2023, 8:23:13 AM

Tal vez un poquito tarde pero queria hacerlo jajaja Feliz halloween atrasado wuuuu (estaba ocupado) EStaria chido que me siguieran por X, me haria muy feli y soy mas activo por alla, un poquito https://x.com/ElserchixDD . . . #originalcharacter #originalart #halloween #nsfwwarning #androidgirl #rule34 #oc #art #original #artoftheday #witchcustome #xart #xartworks

11/4/2023, 12:28:55 AM

Buku puisi baru karya kawan lama @nabil_samandari dan @chris.x.santos menarik diresapi & dinikmati malam saat rehat diiringi alunan dendang Ceu Amy kesukaan @ajub_wachjudi. Bukunya kecil, puisi2 nya simpel gak rumit namun sarat makna dan kearifan. Jika tertarik mangga dicekedot @jagatide #kumpulanpuisi #sketsakalbu #xartworks #jagatide #amywinehouse

10/6/2023, 5:33:04 PM

Eu precisava fazer um desenho do Wiliam😗✌ Esse estilo ficou muito bom combinou muito com o personagem, bom eu espero que te dê alguma ideia |~\~\~\~\~\~\~| Tempo:1:32min |~\~\~\~\~\~\~| Pincel de cryon giz de cera |~\~\~\~\~\~\~| Tags: #x #xartworks #animation #art #instagood #fyp #william #art #power #viral #view #likesforlike #cosplay

9/11/2023, 4:55:29 AM

#xartworks #transfer_visions @quick.tag #tv_community #tv_travel #tv_pointofview #ig_worldphoto #igworld_global #ok_europe #cbviews #instatravel #ig_europe #travel_drops #architecture #monuments #sculptures #fountains #excellent_structure #creative_architecture #peoplecreatives #everything_imaginable #worldprime #mybest_shot #monumental_world #topeuropephoto #citybestpics #instavacation #europe_gallery #ellie #srfredericksen #upaltasaventuras

8/26/2023, 7:16:59 AM

Рисовали с Антоном. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #painting #акварель #кот #art #inspire #picturetokeep_art #искусство #illustration #artscrowds #artsnewss #worldofartists #artstalentz #artist_features #blvart #bangbangstudio #xartworks #topillustration #timetoart

7/22/2023, 3:45:21 AM

🔫PRE-ORDER🔫 We are currently running a Hobby Search EXCLUSIVE lottery campaign for an illustration done by RUCACO. The illustration was produced as a Giclee and Aurora Art by X-ART who is certified as a studio with high technology and knowledge for fine art prints required by ILFORD. Put your name in the hat for a chance to buy one of these limited edition illustrations done by a renowned Japanese Illustrator! ORDER AT HOBBY SEARCH! Make sure to use the link in our profile and start shopping :) 抽選販売! rucaco/るかこ先生の完全書き下ろし新作発表!美しい複製原画で作品を楽しもう。数量限定受注開始! #rucaco #gicleeprint #giclee #gicleeprints #giclée #るかこ #hobbysearch #1999 #hobbysearchjapan #xart #xartworks #xartworks

7/20/2023, 4:37:11 AM

RVX @rizkaemha #illustration #design #artwork #xartworks #rizkaemha

7/9/2023, 3:14:22 AM

Рисовали с учеником пингвинов. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #painting #пастель #акварель #пингвины #art #inspire #picturetokeep_art #искусство #illustration #artscrowds #artsnewss #worldofartists #artstalentz #artist_features #blvart #bangbangstudio #xartworks #topillustration #timetoart

6/13/2023, 6:56:24 AM

Рисовали с ученицей Кота 🐱 каллиграфа. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #painting #акварель #кот #art #inspire #picturetokeep_art #искусство #illustration #artscrowds #artsnewss #worldofartists #artstalentz #artist_features #blvart #bangbangstudio #xartworks #topillustration #timetoart

6/13/2023, 6:53:51 AM

Царицыно акварелью. Рисовали с ученицей. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #painting #акварель #царицыно #art #inspire #picturetokeep_art #искусство #illustration #artscrowds #artsnewss #worldofartists #artstalentz #artist_features #blvart #bangbangstudio #xartworks #topillustration #timetoart

6/13/2023, 6:51:28 AM

Тема: Огонь и Лёд. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #painting #пастель #art #inspire #picturetokeep_art #искусство #illustration #artscrowds #artsnewss #worldofartists #artstalentz #artist_features #blvart #bangbangstudio #xartworks #topillustration #timetoart #огонь #лед

6/13/2023, 6:49:07 AM

Портрет карандашом ✏️ и пастелью в процессе. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #painting #пастель #art #inspire #picturetokeep_art #искусство #illustration #artscrowds #artsnewss #worldofartists #artstalentz #artist_features #blvart #bangbangstudio #xartworks #topillustration #timetoart #портрет

6/13/2023, 6:47:16 AM

Рисовали дракона. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #painting #акварель #дракон #art #inspire #picturetokeep_art #искусство #illustration #artscrowds #artsnewss #worldofartists #artstalentz #artist_features #blvart #bangbangstudio #xartworks #topillustration #timetoart

6/13/2023, 5:02:08 AM

Делали объемного кота 🐱 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #painting #цветнаябумага #картон #поделка #art #inspire #picturetokeep_art #искусство #illustration #artscrowds #artsnewss #worldofartists #artstalentz #artist_features #blvart #bangbangstudio #xartworks #topillustration #timetoart

6/13/2023, 5:00:11 AM

Рисовали от скелета до мышц. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #painting #анатомия #цветныекарандаши #скелет #art #inspire #picturetokeep_art #искусство #illustration #artscrowds #artsnewss #worldofartists #artstalentz #artist_features #blvart #bangbangstudio #xartworks #topillustration #timetoart

6/13/2023, 4:53:42 AM