MLT2019 images

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#food #travel #sports #news #april #monday

The ALCAN Highway is 1387 miles long...and I’ve ridden 1280 of those miles. Guess that means I’ll have to go back!!

9/14/2020, 12:18:07 AM

#mlt2019 #bokehlounge #thedrinkswere$28apiece 😂

7/4/2020, 5:46:52 PM

take me back... #mlt2019

5/11/2020, 9:27:16 AM

🔰 [ PRA MLTF ] 🔰 Assalamu'alaikum Sahabat Muslim FIS! _وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلٰٓئِكَةِ إِنِّى جَاعِلٌ فِى الْأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً ۖ قَالُوٓا أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَنْ يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَآءَ وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ ۖ قَالَ إِنِّىٓ أَعْلَمُ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ_ "Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat, Aku hendak menjadikan khalifah di bumi. Mereka berkata, Apakah Engkau hendak menjadikan orang yang merusak dan menumpahkan darah di sana, sedangkan kami bertasbih memuji-Mu dan menyucikan nama-Mu? Dia berfirman, Sungguh, Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui." (QS. Al-Baqarah 2: Ayat 30) ___ InsyaaAllaah Pra MLT akan dilaksanakan pada: 📆 Jumat, 29 November 2019 ⏰ 15.30 s.d selesai 🏣 RSG FIS UNJ ___ 📞 Narahubung 👳🏻: 🧕🏼: ___ Kuyy, kuyyy, kuyyyy🏃🏿🏃🏽🏃 #MLT2019 #BSOICA1441H #KabinetAnNahl #SholehOnTheWay #MenebarKebaikanSemanisMadu ----------------------------------- BSO Islamic Center Al Ijtima'i 1441 H "Menebar Kebaikan Semanis Madu"

11/29/2019, 1:59:57 AM

[ H-1 Close Registration! ] Assalamualaikum Sahabat Muslim FIS! Menjadi pemimpin ialah bagian dari pendewasaan diri. Berfikir matang, berjiwa besar hingga pandai menyusun narasi perubahan itu lah bagian daripadanya. Yuk ikutan MLTF, dan menjadi pemimpin yang seutuhnya. - Suhandi (Komisi A FSLDK) ___ 🍯 H-1 Close Registration MLT 🍯 . 🐝 Timeline MLTF 🐝 . 📌PRA: 📆 Jumat,29 November 2019 ⏰ 15.30 s.d selesai 🏣 RSG FIS UNJ . 📌PASS: 📆6-8 Desember 2019 ⏰17.30 s.d selesai ___ 🔑 Syarat Peserta 1⃣Peserta merupakan Mahasiswa/i Muslim FIS 2⃣Angkatan 2017,2018,2019 3⃣Bersedia dan berkomitmen mengikuti rangkaian MLTF ___ 📲 Registrasi ⏩ . 📞 Narahubung 👳🏻: 🧕🏼: ___ Kuyy, kuyyy, kuyyyy🏃🏿🏃🏽🏃 #MLT2019 #BSOICA1441H #KabinetAnNahl #SholehOnTheWay #MenebarKebaikanSemanisMadu __________________________ BSO Islamic Center Al Ijtima'i 1441 H "Menebar Kebaikan Semanis Madu"

11/23/2019, 11:40:17 AM

[ H-3 Close Registration! ] . Assalamualaikum Sahabat Muslim FIS! . ``MLTF BSO ICA merupakan salah satu tempat terbaik bagi kita, untuk menyiapkan kembali "bekal" kebermanfaatan kita`` Ronaldo Dwi Prasetyo. [Ketua Pelaksana SWISS 2017] . 🍯H-3 Close Registration MLT🍯 . 🐝 Timeline MLTF 🐝 . 📌PRA: 📆 Jumat,29 November 2019 ⏰ 15.30 s.d selesai 🏣 RSG FIS UNJ . 📌PASS: 📆6-8 Desember 2019 ⏰17.30 s.d selesai . 🔑 Syarat Peserta 1⃣Peserta merupakan Mahasiswa/i Muslim FIS 2⃣Angkatan 2017,2018,2019 3⃣Bersedia dan berkomitmen mengikuti rangkaian MLTF . 📲 Registrasi ⏩ . 📞 Narahubung 👳🏻: 🧕🏼: Kuyy, kuyyy, kuyyyy🏃🏿🏃🏽🏃 #MLT2019 #BSOICA1441H #KabinetAnNahl #SholehOnTheWay #MenebarKebaikanSemanisMadu __________________________ BSO Islamic Center Al Ijtima'i 1441 H "Menebar Kebaikan Semanis Madu"

11/23/2019, 11:37:38 AM

[ Open Registration! ] Assalamualaikum Sahabat Muslim FIS! Tau enggak sih kalau hari ini udah Open Registration MLT (Muslim Leadership Training) wooww banget ga sih? Ini bukan sih yang di tunggu temen-temen semua selama ngampus di UNJ? -- selain nunggu kelulusan sidang. ___ Kalau kata ummah KDLC ICA. . . "MLT itu ibarat sebuah pintu gerbang awalan untuk menjadi seorang pemuda islam yang memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan sebagaimana Rasulullah dan para sahabat." ___ Nahh kerenn abizz kan? Yoi..tunggu apa lagi. . ✨ Open Registration MLT✨ . 📆 Timeline ⏩18 - 24 November 2019 . 🔑 Syarat Peserta 1⃣Peserta merupakan Mahasiswa/i Muslim FIS 2⃣Angkatan 2017, 2018, 2019 3⃣Bersedia dan berkomitmen mengikuti rangkaian MLTF . 📲 Registrasi ⏩ ___ . 📞 Narahubung 👳🏻: 🧕🏼: Kuyy, kuyyy, kuyyyy🏃🏿🏃🏽🏃 #MLT2019 #BSOICA1441H #KabinetAnNahl #SholehOnTheWay #MenebarKebaikanSemanisMadu __________________________ BSO Islamic Center Al Ijtima'i 1441 H "Menebar Kebaikan Semanis Madu"

11/18/2019, 6:35:15 AM

Birthday daughter 😙😙 We love you always ce.. Jadi anak yang baik, rendah hati dan selalu berguna buat sesama 😇😇 Jadi kebanggaan papa mama dan meme yah.. semangat hadapi semua.. perjalananmu masih panjang dan tetap strong yah!! 😙😙 #daughter #girl #mybabies #birthdaymegan #MLT2019 #ATW2019 #latepost #november2019

11/18/2019, 3:20:20 AM

[ Mengatur Napas yang Panjang ] Besarnya beban dan beratnya tanggung jawab yang dibebankan di pundak para aktivis di arena perjuangan Islam menegaskan bahwa jalan perjuangan ini panjang, aktivitas ini berat, jihad ini sungguh pahit, dan bahwa orang-orang yang menempuh jalan ini harus menyiapkan diri mereka untuk menghadapi segala kesusahan dan kesulitan serta memberikan segala bentuk pengorbanan Para aktivis pergerakan Islam harus mengatur "napas panjang" sehingga aktivitas dakwah ini dilaksanakan berdasarkan kesadaran penuh untuk mencari ridho-Nya, sehingga mereka tidak tergesa-gesa dalam perjalanan, tidak tergesa-gesa ingin memetik buah perjuangan sebelum matang. . - Fathi Yakan ____ #kenanganMLT #MLT2019 #fathiyakan

11/17/2019, 11:39:23 AM

[ MLT Hadir Kembali! ] Assalamu'alaikum Sahabat Muslim FIS! Kali ini BSO Islamic Center Al-Ijtimai kembali menggelar agenda tahunan setelah SWISS, yaitu 🔰Muslim Leadership Training (MLT) 🔰 Muslim Leadership Training (MLT) adalah agenda pelatihan kepemimpinan dengan nuansa Islami. Peserta akan diarahkan untuk menemukan potensi diri dan mengembangkannya. Berbalut asas-asas keislaman yang kuat, output yang diharapkan adalah peserta dapat menjadi pribadi yang semakin baik dan siap menjadi pemimpin di masa mendatang. Ibarat kata, SWISS itu layaknya Makrab dan MLT itu layaknya PKMP 💥 Eits, tenang aja. MLT enggak 'se-menakutkan' yang dibayangkan kok 🕶 Gak percaya? Nantikan deh testimoni dari para alumni MLT. Jadi, pantengin terus update-an dari BSO Islamic Center Al Ijtima'i ya^^ 📡 #MLT2019 #BSOICA1441H #KabinetAnNahl #SholehOnTheWay #MenebarKebaikanSemanisMadu __________________________ BSO Islamic Center Al Ijtima'i 1441 H "Menebar Kebaikan Semanis Madu"

11/12/2019, 7:50:35 AM

November 8th. 59 degrees. Loving every minute of it. If you’d told me I’d be riding in November I would have been skeptical. So grateful for every extra day on the bike...

11/8/2019, 11:14:15 PM

Management Leadership Training 2019 Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Villa Reunion Malino Kec. Tinggi Moncong, Kab. Gowa pada tanggal 11-13 Oktober 2019 #himamanajemenfeunm #mlt #mlt2019 #prosperous19 #manajemen #infounm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/26/2019, 6:55:52 AM

Management Leadership Training 2019 Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Villa Reunion Malino Kec. Tinggi Moncong, Kab. Gowa pada tanggal 11-13 Oktober 2019 #himamanajemenfeunm #mlt #mlt2019 #prosperous19 #manajemen #infounm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/26/2019, 6:55:25 AM

Management Leadership Training 2019 Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Villa Reunion Malino Kec. Tinggi Moncong, Kab. Gowa pada tanggal 11-13 Oktober 2019 #himamanajemenfeunm #mlt #mlt2019 #prosperous19 #manajemen #infounm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/26/2019, 6:54:37 AM

[ Management Leadership Training 2019 ] Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Villa Reunion Malino Kec. Tinggi Moncong, Kab. Gowa pada tanggal 11 - 13 Oktober 2019 Turut hadir Ayahanda Ketua Prodi dan beberapa Dosen Manajemen UNM. Jumlah Mahasiswa Baru yang ikut sebanyak 232. Terima kasih atas kehadiran Bapak Ibu dosen dan terima kasih atas sinergitas dan dukungan dari Bapak Ibu sekalian sehingga kegiatan ini dapat berjalan sebagaimana yang di harapkan. . . . . #himamanajemenfeunm #mlt #mlt2019 #infounm #unm #mahasiswaunm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/24/2019, 7:14:10 PM

[ Management Leadership Training 2019 ] Materi ketujuh " Mahasiswa & Problem Pokoknya " Pemateri : Kakanda Tsalis Kurniawan Husain S.E., M.SC Moderator : Muh. Hardin Himawan ( Ketum HIMA Manajemen FE UNM Periode 2019 - 2020 ) #himamanajemenfeunm #manajemenunm #mlt2019 #mlt #mahasiswaunm #infounm #unm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/24/2019, 6:44:58 PM

[ Management Leadership Training 2019 ] Materi Keenam " Falsafah & Sejarah Pergerakan Mahasiswa " Pemateri : Kakanda Muh. Firdaus Bahtiar S.E Moderator : Imam Aminda Sudarmin ( Staf Bidang 4 Advokasi & Komunikasi HIMA Manajemen FE UNM Periode 2019 - 2020 ) #himamanajemenfeunm #manajemenunm #mlt2019 #mlt #mahasiswaunm #infounm #unm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/24/2019, 6:39:31 PM

[ Management Leadership Training 2019 ] Materi kelima " Bedah Wacana " Pemateri : Kakanda S. Muh. Sadiq Thaba S.E Moderator : Dandi Bajuddin ( Kabid 4 Advokasi & Komunikasi HIMA Manajemen FE UNM Periode 2019 - 2020 ) #himamanajemenfeunm #manajemenunm #mlt2019 #mlt #mahasiswaunm #infounm #unm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/24/2019, 6:37:41 PM

[ Management Leadership Training 2019 ] Materi Keempat " Kepemimpinan & Hakekat Organisasi " Pemateri : Kakanda Khaidir Syahrul S.E., M.B.A Moderator : Fadlullah Khair ( Kabid 3 Ekonomi & Kewirausahaan HIMA Manajemen FE UNM Periode 2019 - 2020 ) #himamanajemenfeunm #manajemenunm #mlt2019 #mlt #mahasiswaunm #infounm #unm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/24/2019, 6:34:36 PM

[ Management Leadership Training 2019 ] Materi ketiga " Retorika " Pemateri : Kakanda Saldi S.E Moderator : Siti Alisya Fakhrah A ( Bendum HIMA Manajemen FE UNM Periode 2019 - 2020 ) #himamanajemenfeunm #manajemenunm #mlt2019 #mlt #mahasiswaunm #infounm #unm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/24/2019, 6:27:22 PM

[ Management Leadership Training 2019 ] Materi kedua " Paradigma Berfikir Mahasiswa " Pemateri : Kakanda Abbas S.E Moderator : Andi Andrie Sukhaeri ( Kabid 1 Pendidikan & Pelatihan HIMA Manajemen FE UNM Periode 2019 - 2020 ) #himamanajemenfeunm #manajemenunm #mlt2019 #mlt #mahasiswaunm #infounm #unm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/24/2019, 6:24:16 PM

[ Management Leadership Training 2019 ] Materi pertama " Metode Persidangan & Kesekretariatan " Pemateri : Kakanda Zaenal S.E Moderator : Syahrul Gunawan ( Sekum HIMA Manajemen FE UNM Periode 2019 - 2020 ) #himamanajemenfeunm #manajemenunm #mlt2019 #mlt #mahasiswaunm #infounm #unm #foreverinbrotherhood

10/24/2019, 6:20:59 PM

I love Monday ♥️♥️ My kids my Everything 🌺🌺 #daughtertime #kiddos #anakwedok #playingtime #liburansekolah #enjoymonday #MLT2019 #ATW2019

10/14/2019, 5:41:48 PM

It doesn’t matter how grown up you get, because you will forever be my little baby to me 👧🏻👸🏼👩🏼‍💻👩🏻‍🦳👵🏻 #anakwedok #daughter #MLT2019 #oktober2019 #notababymore #copypastemama Time so flies ...

10/12/2019, 7:07:14 AM

With teammates for this course🥰 #scientificwritingworkshop #malacca #mlt2019

9/29/2019, 8:12:13 AM

Ingatlah, jangan menganggap rendah seorang dari anak-anak kecil ini. Karena Aku berkata kepadamu: Ada malaikat mereka di sorga yang selalu memandang wajah Bapa-Ku yang di sorga. – Matius 18:10 - #happysunday #sundayvibes #positifthingking #enjoyourday #Jesuslovekids #bff #MLT2019 #ATW2019 #sabtuceria #bsdcity #homey

9/29/2019, 3:14:56 AM

“ Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring – quite often the hard way.” — lcy2019 — #siblinggoals #daughter #MLT2019 #ATW2019 #anakwedok #mamakmelow #udaabegeh #iloveyou #kids #girls

9/21/2019, 7:26:35 PM

Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life.. I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you're grateful, you'll see God open up new doors.. ~~ lcy2019 ~~ #happyweekend #happyholiday #satdate #ohana #family #iloveyou #selfreminder #MLT2019 #ATW2019 #mengucapsyukurlahdalamsegalahal #bersyukurselalu #enjoylife #hargailahsesama #hiduplebihbaik

9/21/2019, 4:32:00 AM

Celebrating 10+ years of volunteering with YFC! #leavingalegacy #mlt2019 #bethestoryfor1

9/17/2019, 2:01:57 AM

Thank you to our event sponsor, @crust_54! We are so grateful for your support of WMYFC (and did we mention you make the BEST pizza?!) #eventsponsor #grateful #welovepizza #mlt2019

9/17/2019, 1:51:22 AM

looking For Alaska by John Green. I feel like this is book 8 of 24 for 2019... I’m well behind my intended pace but believe me there is still time. I finished this book while I was at Sturgis this year and I’ve already started working on another @johngreenwritesbooks book. Great books and there is always a character who deals with some different mental health conditions. I’ll definitely read more of his books!!

9/10/2019, 7:30:37 AM

Fiesta Mexicana#🇲🇽💃🕺🦋😍☀️сезон экзотики открыт#мексика #arminastravelmexico #veneratourkiev #mlt2019

9/6/2019, 9:58:37 PM

Just three of 👩🏻👧🏻👧🏻 setelah finish exam 👏🏻 ajakin mereka jalan jalan sebentar dari penat, meskipun mamaknya ngebut dari meeting dengan klien 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 yang penting mamanya berjuang buat kalian yak😘😘 i love you kids•• #proudmommy #anakhebat #familytime #girls #MLT2019 #ATW2019 #anakwedok

9/2/2019, 3:13:53 PM

🔜Už příští neděli se na Vás budeme těšit na Stadionu Markéta v Praze na 5️⃣1️⃣.MEMORIÁLU LUBOŠE TOMÍČKA V neděli v 16:00 🕓🏁 #speedway #speedwayprague #memoriallubosetomicka #mlt2019 #speedwaylife #akmarketa #letsmakespeedway

8/29/2019, 9:32:42 PM

Met this great group of guys just outside of Red Deer and cruised with them up to Saskatchewan River Crossing. What a blast, got to stretch the legs on the new bike... let’s just say triple digits felt pretty smooth. 😎 These guys get together every year to pay tribute to Neil’s dad... Neil was my dad’s name so it just felt perfect. So grateful for the gift the universe gives...

8/26/2019, 6:18:20 AM

Great day in Regina!! Went to some cool shops, toured the Athol Murray College of Notre Dame, know for their hockey prowess and saw this amazing barn!! And last but not least getting to hang out with the one, the only @kaitdas who I met when we were both volunteering in Leh, India with the @thehelpinc

8/23/2019, 1:22:46 AM

What an epic day!! I just love my bike, being on the road, connecting with some amazing people, seeing old friends...does it get much better? Today I got to meet the good folks from @project11wellness that is part of the @nhljets organization, I went over the 12k mile mark for the summer, and was able to have more conversation about the topic of mental health with some people. This is the good life...

8/22/2019, 2:36:56 AM

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths ~ Prov. 3:5&6 ~ #datewithdaughter #selfreminder #jesusblessUS #weekendvibes #ourweekend #saturdate #MLT2019 #ATW2019 #remindme

8/17/2019, 7:56:43 PM

College was one of the best times of my life... I loved this place, the people, and the way I felt about so many things. This place will always feel like home. So grateful for a couple hours on campus today!!

8/16/2019, 1:05:27 AM

Trying to get caught up after two weeks at Sturgis!! This hammock might be my own personal heaven. Feeling so relaxed and enjoying a little peace and quiet. My heart is full but boy could I use some more sleep!! 😂

8/13/2019, 5:16:32 PM

The new bike is coming together nicely... new 14” @pybaggernation bars, heated grips, and sick new @makelemonadetour logos!! Sturgis, here I come!

7/26/2019, 4:35:01 AM

Thanks to @orsinivinylanddesigns for these logos. As well as @surf_or_ski for making the connection and @corinne.toyooka for being my second pair of eyes during the install. So tell her if they look crooked 🤣😂🤣 40 hours till departure to @sturgisrally

7/25/2019, 11:22:06 PM

Sometimes life just smiles back at you... I can honestly tell you that the past few months I’ve felt the best I have in years!! I walk taller, my head feels higher, my spirit is bright, my heart is happy. Things have been quiet for the @makelemonadetour for the past month or so but that’s about to change. Looking forward to getting back out on the road, Sturgis, then to Minnesota for a while to visit my @csbsju family I missed at our class reunion. Can’t wait for the month ahead!!

7/22/2019, 7:35:20 PM

Self care is necessary, it isn’t just spa days... #26d74e70fee0

7/12/2019, 4:20:55 AM

I think in every lesson there's a blessing, and there's so many blessings from all the lessons I've had to go through in life.. 💐 God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty.. 🖤🖤 #happythursday #enjoytime #dibuangsayang #ohana #daughter #anakwedok #momicecememe #MLT2019 #ATW2019

7/11/2019, 11:01:49 AM

Thanks @marketwatch for helping start conversations around mental health conditions!! #mentalhealth #letstalk #stigmafree #mlt2019 #youarentalone

7/9/2019, 4:41:59 AM

As I get ready to head back out on the road (finally) I’m thinking back on my time riding through the Red Woods!!

7/7/2019, 5:40:25 AM

Grazie infinite ancora per la cura, l'attenzione e l'entusiasmo dello staff di @mlt_arcade 😻😻 Un cinque alto a @suonoclavdio e alla sua simpaticissima crew, a @lad.sound che si è prestato a questo nuovo set-up live e a tutti coloro che sono passati ♥ A breve videonews 👀👀 • • #elisaerin #sinusoide #musicaliberatutti2019 #clavdiocuore #openingact #comingsoon #arcade #trevisto #mlt2019

7/5/2019, 12:59:41 PM

Spending time with bocah😁😁 #mommiesgirls #daughters #anakwedok #MLT2019 #ATW2019 #temenjalanjalan

7/5/2019, 12:02:42 PM

Close To You 🎡🕶🌿💄💃🏼🌺👢🌈 #daughtertime #shorttrip2019 #yogyakarta #solo #semarang #kiddos #anakwedok #MLT2019 #ATW2019

7/5/2019, 4:30:10 AM

We can not wait to show you the professional pictures taken by @snshotsphotography. Thank you for your hard work. The photos taken will be use through the whole reign, you will see them in all the promotions, magazines etc!!! . . #misslatinatampa #misslatinatampa2019 #MLT #MLT2019 #tampa #reinas #2K19 #pageant #concurso #belleza #selfcare #selflove #crown #community #hablamosespañol #latina #latinas #staytuned #tampabay

6/27/2019, 11:06:32 PM

Si muka tirus ❤️❤️ Siu Lien 💋💋 ga mau kalah sama dede nya .. #anakwedok #daughter #fotoalaala #MLT2019 #instakids #kiddos

6/22/2019, 8:33:14 AM

I’ve talked about this book before and I’ll talk about it again!! If you struggle with depression and anxiety I HIGHLY recommend this book!! Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy!! #Repost @johann.hari with @get_repost ・・・ If you are depressed, if you are anxious - your pain makes sense. You are not a machine with broken parts; you are a human being with unmet needs. My book Lost Connections explains why #lostconnections

6/22/2019, 1:10:10 AM

Quick stop today at Columbia Lake (that feeds the Columbia River) on my into the Canadian Rockies. So many hot springs I want to come back and enjoy!! So grateful to be back on my @makelemonadetour I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me!! #mlt2019

6/20/2019, 7:28:06 AM

Quick stop today at Columbia Lake (that feeds the Columbia River) on my into the Canadian Rockies. So many hot springs I want to come back and enjoy!! So grateful to be back on my @makelemonadetour I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me!! #mlt2019

6/20/2019, 7:16:20 AM

Amazing day today from Spokane, WA to Calgary, AB. Cold, wet at times, and consistently stunning views!!

6/20/2019, 7:09:26 AM

Hoy nuestras Reinas firmaron el contrato! Ahora que continue la aventura de @misslatinatampa 2k19! Felicidades y bendiciones una vez más, estamos orgullosos de las 3! 👑👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👑 . . #misslatinatampa #misslatinatampa2019 #MLT #MLT2019 #tampa #reinas #reinado #pageant #pageant2k19 #coronation #corona #latina #hispanas #participa #lasreinas #latinasorgullosas #hablamosespañol

6/19/2019, 10:06:03 PM