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ナマステ 第一次到台南出攤!身為一個台南媳婦好像是有點不應該😅 謝謝昨天美好的天氣、算是第二次參加這麼大型的市集活動,主辦現場還有準備拍貼機、草地上的演唱會、還有預定晚餐!真的是很豐富也很有趣的一場市集! 因為週日有其他事情,我們只能參加一天、但感受到了現場市集的熱鬧氣氛! 謝謝每一位來到攤位面前聞皂的朋友,雖然我們的附近很多食物的味道,謝謝你們很認真地嗅聞肥皂們😆他們都是你們的萬眾之選!希望很快能再與台南的朋友市集上見~ 今天是母親節、昨天是我與阿名兄的結婚紀念日,謝謝阿名兄包容我初期創業的衝刺,提前安排慶祝的日程,然後陪著我快閃台南市集。 在客運上因為走道太窄而把將近15公斤重的推車舉起來的阿名兄,真的很帥! 為了好好陪伴家人,回歸母親的角色與休息,接下來到六月初的市集活動前,暫時不會有市集活動、線上賣貨便ㄧㄝ會在六月開放唷! 祝大家母親節快樂! #市集碎唸 #whysoap #為何製皂 #手工皂 #臺灣百岳

5/12/2024, 12:39:08 PM

ナマステ 關於上週帶出門熱銷的新皂與本週新登場的新皂。 最近在市集上遇到的大家,大概已經聽說部分皂款已經調整了配方~ 不同於冬天讓皮膚乾燥不已的狀態,需要更加滋潤的油品,春天開始的日夜溫差大、所以在3月開始就已經開始在不斷實驗新的配方!(浴室的皂盤已經爆掉😅加上中南部天氣為熱帶氣候區域,因此大部分的皂款已經是清爽的配方了唷! 油性肌膚的朋友請務必要試試~ 本週市集將會帶著庫存不多的雪山圈谷、快樂肥宅水以及兩款新皂! 剛好在台南的朋友務必來聞聞~ \本週市集/ 5/11 Sat. 15:00-21:00 台南新光三越小西門 國泰廣場 *無法前來的朋友可至首頁連結🔗線上賣貨便唷! #市集 #台南 #whysoap #為何製皂 #手工皂 #soap #冷製皂 #山系列手工皂

5/8/2024, 11:10:47 AM

ナマステ 結束了兩天的市集! 感謝主辦帶我們到松菸散步、是一場很舒適的活動,舒服到賴在椅子上都不太想動只有不停動嘴? 也很謝謝這兩天的好鄰居 @taste_normal_heart 的照顧、第一天突如其來的下雨,超給力的借了防水布,這就跟上山沒帶水跟別人借水喝的概念一樣😳 隔天還收到了超好吃蛋糕!山山也很給力的吃乾抹淨!是完全不膩口的甜,很容易一口接一口乾掉的那種超優質甜點。 感謝這兩天來到攤位前,停留或是聊天以及購買的朋友!遇到很多要送禮的人,謝謝你們選擇皂,希望收到禮物的朋友都能愉快地享受洗澡🛁 期待將皂們帶回家使用的你們,都能製造出大量多巴胺! 也謝謝這兩天跟山山玩、照顧山山的朋友~以及超大松菸場地,是山山無限放電的好所在!以及謝謝阿名兄的支持跟給力的包辦山山整天的吃喝玩樂拉?謝謝這兩天努力說明製皂理念的自己,剛剛打包完下週六的皂~ \ 市集預告 / 時間 | 5/11 Sat. 15:00 - 21:00 地點 | 台南 小西門新光三越 國泰置地廣場 本週會帶上兩款新皂! 也會帶上一些小石頭皂禮盒~ 如果剛好你在台南、歡迎來玩來聞聞皂。 #市集擺攤 #為何製皂 #whysoap #手工皂 #冷製皂 #山系列🏔️ #台灣百岳之美 #石鹼 #soap

5/5/2024, 8:18:58 PM

ナマステ 經過一個週末的休息(其實好像也沒有休息 這週每天趁沒下雨的時間趕客製皂 抓山山睡覺空擋做前置作業,做鹼水啦融油啦等等的 終於來到週日晚上、山山提早斷電的這一刻! 下班回家路上跟阿名兄嚷嚷著很想回家喝快樂肥宅水(也就是可樂 回到家吃完晚餐即開始包皂!一邊跟阿名兄看著幕府將軍、 然後看著前陣子被我譽為海蝕洞的皂,那顏色… 怎麼好像有點像快樂肥宅水? 然後就打開電腦把封條上的名字給改了😎 每個人心中都有他的快樂肥宅水、期待你們在使用這塊皂洗澡的時候也能夠一笑置之地拋開那些煩憂! 那麼我們就週末市集見! 5/4-5/5 12:00-18:30 松菸文創園區 文創大道 @somnambulist.mrkt 來聞聞你的快樂肥宅水~ #桑椹汁 #冷製皂 #whysoap #為何製皂 #soap #石鹼 #手工皂 #植物油 #雪山圈谷

4/28/2024, 6:14:33 PM

​ ​ 【 TINGROOM SELECT |燈聚選物 】 ——————————————————— ⊹ WHY soap 為何製皂 ⊹ 一位愛山如癡,現為母親及製皂的人,希望每個人都能愉悅地享受洗澡! - 手工皂為天然的清潔產品,無添加化學物質泡沫會比市面上的化學香皂少,建議搭配皂用起泡網,能幫助手工皂搓揉出豐富、細緻、有彈性的綿密泡沫,溫和地將肌膚上的髒污徹底清洗乾淨,洗淨皮脂的髒東西,讓保養品好吸收,提高肌膚的鎖水性… - 將髮皂放入起泡袋裡,有助於泡泡的產生,也可以避免髮絲黏在髮皂上,泡泡易帶走髒污! |注意事項 | 1. 手工皂採用天然植物粉、礦泥粉製作,不添加合成色粉與化學藥劑,顏色可能會隨時間褪色,精油香味亦會隨時間變淡,收到的皂皆為微香,此為正常現象。 2. 香皂皆由天然植物手工少量製作,每一批的皂紋形狀、顏色、氣味略有差異。 3. 每個人過敏原不同,建議先於手臂內側試用,確認無過敏反應後,即可安心使用。 TINGROOM SELECT* 不僅是展示精選商品的空間,更是一個不斷演進的創意市集。我們致力於與不同品牌和創作者合作,透過靈活的招商管道持續引入新奇與創新的選品。我們歡迎各路創作者、品牌與我們共同創造更多可能性。每次光臨,都可能發現新的寶貝,加入我們,讓您的產品在這裡綻放新光彩。 - { TING THE LIGHT, ROOM YOUR VIBE } 寓意{ 點亮燈光, 妝點氛圍 } ——————————————————— Open Time 營業時間 - ONLY MON CLOSED TUE - SUN 11:00-20:00 - 地址|台北市大同區南京西路18巷6弄3號2F 交通|捷運中山站4號出口步行3分鐘 電話|(02) 25580668 合作信箱|[email protected] ——————————————————— ꕤ 每人低消一杯飲品 ꕤ 提供免費插座及WIFI ꕤ 免收服務費 #燈光咖啡 #植感時光 #中山 #中山美食 #中山區 #中山區美食 #中山道 #中山站咖啡廳 #燈 #燈光 #燈飾 #燈飾設計 #燈具 #新開 #新店舗 #下午茶 #咖啡 #咖啡廳 #台北咖啡廳推薦 #台北咖啡館 #蛋糕 #手工香皂 #咖啡調飲 #香皂 #whysoap #新開幕

4/24/2024, 11:44:53 AM

Breaking hearts 🩷 | But here's why..... We appreciate your love for our soaps, but we keep things fresh like the changing seasons. ❄🌱🌞🍁 At markets, we often receive questions about why all of our soaps aren't available throughout the year. There are a couple reasons, and one of them is NOT to disappoint you! 😆 We offer upwards of 30-75 different scent combos throughout the year! (Yes, this is true!) In the last 6 years as soap makers, we have found that offering too many scents at once is 🔸 Overwhelming to the shopper. 🔸When we are "soap heavy" folks have a hard time choosing what captivates their noses, often falling back to one of their favorites. (🫖Hello Bergamot Black Tea!) 🔸Seasons change & so do preferences🔸As an example, when summer is in full swing, we have found clean cotton, fruit-inspired and floral scents are the rage. As with Fall, 🎃pumpkin rules them all! 🤷‍♀️Who wants to smell like a Christmas tree in July? So, what can you do when you crave one of our fall scents in the middle of summer or something fruity in the middle of winter? ➡️Ask for a private batch⬅️ ✅ Added cost savings because it's considered "Bulk" ✅ You can get an out-of-season scent. (Like Whiskey Vanilla or Pomegranate Cider) ✅ It's only a 10-bar commitment (same size bars, just a different shape) ✅ Make it any color combo you want, it's all yours! ✅ Make it unique (almost anything can be added to soap!) *fee may apply ✅ Create a custom scent that's all you. ☎️ Call Jen with your ideas & requests (941)270-6268 💻 Email us your soap idea, we love a challenge! [email protected] 📣 (Most) custom orders come with FREE shipping or delivery! #CustomSoaps #HandmadeFun #HandmadeSoaps #SeasonalScents #CustomerLove #SummerScents #FallScents #OrderOnline #EmailUs #BulkSoapOrders #LocallyMadeSoap #FloridaSmallBusiness #IYKYK #WhySoap #RealIngredients #Saponify #QualityMatters #SarasotaCountySoap #VeniceFlorida #Englewoodfl #WellenParkfl #Nokomis #SiestaKey #NorthPortfl #ManateeCounty #CharlotteCounty #SarasotaCounty #Sarasotafl #ApothecaBrownSoaps

4/23/2024, 3:00:27 PM

ナマステ~ 結束了連續三天的市集活動,馬上鼻子感染的我休息了一天終於可以來好好書寫市集文~ 必須要先感謝主辦 @sukilane.tw 舒喜巷!從一開始報名到活動結束、讓我們知道市集的進度、以及市集過程中不斷的關心,在現場協調及調整~超用心的主辦! 以及這次新認識的鄰居們 @birthembroiderygirl @yuing_crochet @shansarts 與超開心呢再次同框的 @leechencoffee 交流中所帶來的情感或是創作的過程總能激發出不同的思維與感觸! 希望能量時能不斷流動也很期待與大家再見~ 謝謝第一次購買的你們!謝謝你們無私分享不同的使用經歷~也超謝謝去年曾買過,特地再過來的妳☺️購買了第三代的阿名兄的皂!感動不已!也謝謝每位停留在攤前端詳皂們的同時被我轟炸耳朵創皂過程的你們~ 最後當然不能忘記的是謝謝阿名兄週五請假,拖著輪子壞掉的拖車在市集第一天跟最後一天來去,在我忙著跟每一位停留的人介紹的時候,看顧著瘋狂在會場跑來跑去的山山(當爸真的太不容易了…,最美麗的風景就是第三天晚上山山終於玩累倒在嬰兒車上的樣子,看了都好欣慰🤭 下週要迎來四月的最後一場市集! 地點:台中 范特喜綠光計畫 時間:12:00-18:00 日前:4/27(六) 沒錯只有禮拜六唷!聽說會下雨🤪 聽說我們是第一次前往台中!希望天公伯不要太嚴苛~ #為何製皂 #whysoap #市集碎唸 #手工皂 #山系列手工皂 #台灣百岳 #soap #artsoap #石鹼

4/23/2024, 6:09:26 AM

ナマステ 關於上週末的市集馬拉松🏃‍♀️真的是太累了😅 從4/5到4/7總共三天跑了兩個市集! 不過真的是大豐收。 心靈上跟身體上的都是。 在好好手感微笑市集認識了 @stitch_life7827 ,謝謝宇宙安排妳在我對面、讓我遇見手上的茶晶與黑超七,戴上他讓我滿滿雞皮疙瘩的瞬間就決定要帶他回家🥰 舒適的中心新村,真的是擺攤的好所在!雖然距離新北投捷運站需要走兩個好漢坡!但是好值得~ 週末又來到了小椿市集~認識好有緣同年齡的、有著瘋狂體驗有趣人生的@maeverland_hatter (抬頭超長😅 相處到第二天發現有著聊不完的話題! 這種感覺真的是好久不見! 本週充滿著神秘色彩的身心靈療癒之週、以及眼見快要沒貨的皂寶們,待這兩天雨勢結束之後就要來瘋狂做皂啦! 最後不免俗要來感謝已經開始上班的阿名兄,週末的陪伴,以及走路越來越穩,幾乎要變成脫韁野馬的勁量電池山山,還有受到各攤友的照顧,真心感謝!Namaste 🙏 \市集預告/ 4/19(五)ー4/21 (日) 由舒喜巷主辦的穀雨春潤市 在松山文創園區 北向製煙廠 當天會帶上讓我想破頭的新皂出現~ 敬請期待! 先破個小梗、這款肥皂使用了節氣中#春分 的卯時水所製作、據說使用會帶來好運捏 #冷製皂 #whysoap #為何製皂 #卯時水 #手工皂 #石鹸 #cpsoap

4/8/2024, 4:15:44 PM

ナマステ 這大概是我最喜歡的作品了~ 不管是電影、也是肥皂系列。 Before sunrise - 甜茴香、真正薰衣草、鼠尾草 甜茴香的花香、草味與帶點辛辣味如同年輕的Jesse與Celine,被彼此吸引、僅有一天的刺激與瘋狂,青澀的彼此把握在日出之前相處的時光,既刺激卻又甜美的情感。 Before sunset - 甜橙、檸檬、鼠尾草 Jesse將兩人年輕的故事寫進了書裡,再次相遇的兩人想起過去就如同檸檬的酸、又像甜橙的甜、細細咀嚼過去9年之間兩人的生活,探討彼此的想法,30多歲的兩人彷彿掉進了時光隧道之中,在日落之前,有點不捨的情感。 Before midnight - 印度蒔蘿、沒藥、芳樟、歐洲赤松 在40歲階段的兩人、對於家庭、愛情與婚姻之間的關係轉換,太多的現實是這個階段要面對的,用了味道很像八角的蒔蘿,搭配藥草以及兩種不同木質調性的香調,代表著兩人的調性。而終於,在午夜來臨之前。他們還是那個最初愛著彼此的自己。 這次三款皂用的是較為清爽洗感的配方、以及換了一些油品(只有變貴!),期待熟成後的洗感😙 #beforesunrise #beforesunset #beforemidnight #movies #soap #whysoap #為何製皂 #石鹼 #冷製皂 #手工皂

3/18/2024, 4:32:23 PM

ナマステ 上週六到高雄岡山參加 @larue_market 主辦的樂雪祭,是我們自開始跑市集以來,第一次跑這麼遠的地方。 收獲非常多!也給了我很大的刺激,一直到稍早做完(沈澱)兩條肥皂,再打死一隻叮山山臉的蚊子,我才有辦法好好地打這篇文。 這場市集遇到非常多長輩!謝謝他們對於我的皂有興趣,來看看也好、問候也好、殺價也好(抱歉殺價我真的會笑著送您走唷!)也謝謝喜歡我的皂香、皂型的人~ 後來與先生認真地討論了一下,由於沐浴乳商品是在1980年代出現,也就是說長輩們從小都經歷過一塊肥皂從頭洗到腳的時候。一直到1952年才發明了熱製皂的方法,曾經是中高階級才買得起的肥皂,因此開始變得便宜不已。也造就了長輩們認為一塊肥皂要花兩百多元甚至三百,是多麼昂貴的事情。 但還是謝謝長輩們的指教,能夠去省思我們的不足,然後調整不足的地方 。 一樣還是要謝謝阿名兄跟山山一起南下去擺攤,謝謝山山幾乎沒有哭鬧,還提早睡覺。謝謝阿名兄搬上搬下所有東西,顧山山還跑來跑去買東西,跟著我一起沒吃晚餐,收拾完東西馬上搭著高鐵衝回板橋。 剛剛用了新的配方來對抗即將到來的夏日,以及將愛在系列的第三塊皂完成~做皂真的是很舒壓😌(一邊打瞌睡一邊修改最後這一段文章😅) ———市集預告 ——— 3/23-4/24 榕錦時光園區 #whysoap #市集碎唸 #為何製皂 #石鹼 #soapmaking #高雄岡山

3/17/2024, 6:17:11 PM

ナマステ 今天的這一場市集真的是太 好 玩 啦!雖然山山今天很多時候都覺得無聊有點鬧情緒、謝謝各位攤友的包容以及 @cestsibon_ear 帶了玩具來借山山玩,成功轉移了她的注意力🙌 很感謝Peggy經營 @galagalamarket 這個溫暖的小空間、超用心的與每一個品牌交流以及超用力的推廣品牌的特色,在這裏很有家的感覺! 天知道我煩惱了一個禮拜到底直播該怎麼說才好、到現場Peggy一句「我不會放妳一個人」瞬間安心!實在是太帥氣了! 現場有期待好幾天的 @sunsuncafe_ ,終於喝到了想很久的巴拿馬產地的豆子🥰 洗牌會獲得隨機的溫暖小語也好用心! 還有一擊必中 @studioperhaps 的山山耳環,看到後勾起了去大小壩尖山的回憶、馬上就把我戴了十多年的鋼製耳環現場換了下來😂 回家照鏡子覺得自己總算像個女性了(? 第一次被耳環驚艷到的神奇魔法耶! 還有在我旁邊的 @zebrebleuhandicraft 、其實我偷聽跟忍不住偷看了好一陣子,覺得髮帶們真的超 漂 亮!尤其是材料用了有機棉跟美麗諾羊毛,戴起來很舒服又輕盈!波浪形狀的髮帶原來可以解套我這個大扁頭,真的是超級感動! (終於要講到我自己😅 那是昨夜突發其想的idea、關於「未來肥皂」的想法。起心動念是因為我是一個從超愛買肥皂、到自己開始做肥皂的角色,過程中我從三不五時會去打開我的櫥櫃翻出肥皂來聞聞嗅嗅、到現在自己做好一批批的肥皂,每天都會去拿起來摸一摸 聞一聞他們的味道,感受他們每天在不同濕度、溫度以及皂化反應的轉變。 那樣一個期待肥皂熟成的過程,我想應該會有人跟我一樣想要一起體驗吧?抱持這樣的心情帶了一些到現場去。也好感謝帶他們回家的人,請期待肥皂們的有趣變化~ 我們下一場市集見~ 最後必須要感謝阿名兄與山山、陪著我搬運肥皂及到市集活動,你們是我最強大的後盾🫶 #市集碎唸 #為何製皂 #whysoap

3/3/2024, 6:01:17 PM

ナマステ 這幾天緊鑼密鼓的包皂做皂、有一些皂已經用了清爽的配方來製作、適合最近忽冷忽熱的天氣~ 山系列這次只會帶兩款出現在市集😅因為之前突然爆賣加上做皂的時候太開心完全忘記要製作山系列、所以出現了生活系列的款式比例比較多的情況~ 另外還帶了用紅茶為水相、烏龍茶為香氛這樣的有趣品項、當初製作的概念是因為春茶也代表著春天到來的寓意~ ———本週市集——— (期待好久的 @galagalamarket 台北市中山區吉林路141號3樓 3/3(日)13:00-19:00 #手工皂 #冷製皂 #茶皂 #soap #石鹼 #whysoap #為何製皂

2/28/2024, 3:43:58 PM

ナマステ 山系列-嘉明湖的春 最近一次去嘉明湖、是2022年的春天、那一次還是春季的最後一波寒流,我們上山的時候,處處可見結冰的看天池,我們一邊用著登山杖戳破池面的冰、聽著叱咋裂開的聲音樂此不彼。 一邊走著山路一邊玩著冰、一邊看著風起雲湧,天氣冷的時候,山上總是能看到滿滿的雲海,白天的夜晚的都有不同的風情。 想到那些碎冰的聲音,或是那些山裡的畫面就覺得療癒不已。 #嘉明湖 #山女 #soapmaking #artsoap #whysoap #為何製皂 #手工皂 #冷製皂 #石鹼

2/26/2024, 4:36:35 PM

ナマステ 市集結束隔了一天才有時間來發文~身為一個有正職工作、堅持要帶便當還要顧小孩的斜槓媽媽,時間真的是要用擠的啊😤 首先還是要感謝週末的超級好天氣、讓我們一家人出攤沒煩惱!雖然補班日的人潮比較少,但卻有機會跟一起出攤的品牌好好聊天、取暖鼓勵彼此、然後讓我好好買東西(? 這週遇到了因為喜歡肥皂的外型但沒有使用肥皂習慣的客人、也遇到單純好奇我為什麼要做肥皂的過客、也有扼腕曾經錯過沒買到肥皂的客人、更有聞著皂說她只聞到肥皂味的過客;這些相遇與對話我都有好好的記在腦子裡!因為這些都是我們茁壯的養分,無敵感謝! 也謝謝聽我興奮地分享做皂想法的客人,希望你們沒有被我訴說雪山冰激淋的理念時的激動嚇壞😅 最後免不了要謝謝陪我兩天的阿名兄與山山,週日先生還起了大早去練跑,下午吃完飯不自覺抱著山山坐在椅子上睡著真的是累壞了~ 然後~就是本週的市集預告! 中原文創園區 12:00-18:00 我們週六見~ #手工皂 #市集 #為何製皂 #whysoap #soapart #冷製皂 #石鹼

2/19/2024, 7:01:14 PM

《阿名兄的皂》 皮膚黝黑的阿名兄(也就是我先生😁)是個會對光過敏的男子,夏天的時候也因為天氣炎熱而排不出汗水來,因此皮膚也很容易粘膩不適。 也因此去年在研究配方的時候,提高了能夠平衡皮膚油脂的榛果油入皂,希望能夠讓阿名兄的皮膚舒適一些。後來在農曆年前,朋友突然傳了訊息來,說自己使用之後皮膚感覺有一層膜在身上,而且也相當滋潤,於是一口氣就訂了7顆肥皂。 一條肥皂可以切出12顆皂,於是剩下的5顆會帶到市集去~我們明天松菸水水市集見啦! #手工皂 #為何製皂 #whysoap #冷製皂 #阿名兄的皂 #精油皂

2/16/2024, 11:36:51 AM

ナマステ、 關於厚度2cm 擺市集的時候、曾經聽過有些人反應肥皂好薄喔!很小塊耶!感覺很快就會用完等等的反饋。 我用深夜mama time 來與大家說明一下為什麼會是2公分。 🧼我算是女生裡面手掌偏大的那一類型,而滿多用過的手工皂,厚度大部分會裁切成2.5公分,大約會是120g左右,但我就是一個手殘常常會掉肥皂的人😅 雖然在家裡掉肥皂是不用擔心啦(喂~ 不過還有一個超任性原因,就是我喜歡直接將肥皂塗抹在身上,讓肥皂經過皮膚的時候,產生的香氣讓人感覺超愉悅!雖然這樣會讓肥皂消耗得很快😅 也就是因為如此,我認為2公分是一個很好掌握、又不會消耗得太快的肥皂厚度。當然每個人都各有所好唷!並不是我的看法就是絕對~ 最後、還是要祝大家新年快樂!請愉悅地享受洗澡~ #為何製皂 #whysoap #手工皂 #石鹼 #cpsoap

2/7/2024, 7:32:18 PM

ナマステ。 新年的初始、恰好認識了在嘉義的 @goodlife_goodlifeveryday 自從懷孕的時候去了一趟嘉義,就很喜歡的城市;靜謐、隨性又舒適。 當時還跟先生說,退休之後我想要移居嘉義,離山也好近,人潮也少~是個退休養生的好地點! 恰巧有了機緣與好好生活洽談,品牌理念如同名字一樣,也與我當初的思考品牌一樣,好好地過生活,包括洗澡時享受沐浴的愉悅時光一般,二話不說就毛遂自薦! 有機會或是正在計畫旅行的朋友們,務必要到嘉義去走一遭!或有意想不到的收穫,如果覺得生活好忙好累,嘉義也是一個放電的好地方~ #手工皂 #旅行 #嘉義 #好好生活 #whysoap

1/12/2024, 11:49:41 AM

ナマステ 《No.5 遠山呼喚》——— 山系列——— 創作是一件何其療癒的事情、我們在日常之中說著、聽著、想著都能說是一種創作,若是將思想轉換成具象化的物件,則是為了能感染更多的人吧! ——— 。 ——— 秋冬配方:冷壓椰子油、橄欖油、蓖麻油、米糠油、乳油木果脂、榛果油、甜杏仁油(浸泡小花茉莉)、植物粉、Noah、純水 精油:真正薰衣草、歐薄荷、冷杉、檸檬、安息香 #手工皂 #冷製皂 #whysoap #why #石鹼

1/2/2024, 4:38:18 PM

ナマステ 《大水窟山屋2.0》 在2023年的倒數前15分鐘開箱切皂,會有種趕上新的年份新的歲數的起始感。 謝謝山山早睡的配合,也謝謝先生一邊看雜誌的等待,切完肥皂是23:58,我們拿著朋友的梅酒乾杯,敬我們新成員一口,也敬我們的新身分一口。 空氣中瀰漫著羅勒香氣,像是把我們帶往山上一般,2021年底的我們還在山上度過,夜裡睡著聞著的青草香歷歷在目。 接下來還請大家多多指教。接下來會持續的創作山系列肥皂,將我們在山裡的視野帶進城市裡給大家! ———市集預告——— 1/6(六)12:00-18:00 松菸 水水市集 1/20(六) 11:00-19:00 土城 日月光廣場 #手工皂 #冷製皂 #soap #soapart #mountainsoap #石鹼 #whysoap

1/1/2024, 2:57:45 PM

ナマステ 這週的市集路途有點遙遠、光是移動就要花上一個多小時。謝謝先生搬著加上木箱應該有8-9公斤皂寶們跟著我一起到處移動🥹 因為市集場域的關係、會出現不同的人流,這週遇到喜歡我的皂們的很多都是小朋友們!而且都對極光很有反應!好神奇~ 也遇到來自荷蘭了做皂的同好、彼此交流了用台灣的午時水及荷蘭的咬人貓(?做得肥皂 再來就是在市集遇到了之前逛市集時很喜歡的香氛 @zenu_design 在家試著將「迷霧」這隻調香入皂,隨著皂化反應之後,不變的香氣讓我一直超愛!當然還買了另一隻調香,準備週末再來試看看不同的皂款!敬請期待~ #whysoap #為何製皂 #cpsoap #soapart #石鹼 #手工皂 #冷製皂

12/25/2023, 4:39:51 AM

上個週末的第一次出攤~ 帶著平常心、一點點的緊張與興奮感到土城日月光廣場以及大稻埕的秘境療癒市集 兩個位置的市集風格不同、感謝特地來的朋友、路過的朋友、還有遇到跟過去的我一樣超愛買手工皂的朋友、正在學習藥草學的朋友、教會我如何面對脆弱的朋友、還有一樣做著肥皂的朋友~ 也很重要的是、這兩天幫忙遛山山、與山山互動的大小朋友~以及我的先生,跟著我帶著小孩一起出動!大~感~謝! 只能說、參加市集也太好玩了!雖然很大部分未來需要仰賴它為生計,但是認識的人、談話的內容卻都是無價之寶。 #市集初體驗 #whysoap #soap #soapsrt #石鹼 #手工皂

12/19/2023, 6:00:09 AM

山友&山山的皂 就是不一樣 #戒茂斯 #大水窟 #whysoap

12/16/2023, 8:00:16 AM

LAST WHY SOAP POST! 📣📣 (for now) I have many more reasons why I personally love soaps, why I think they're great products to make and to buy, why I think it's important to support your local soapmakers, but I've said a lot already and it's time to toss it to YOU! ❤️ Whether you're a soapmaker or not, whether you have purchased a soap from me before or not and lastly whether you agree with my reasons or not... 🙈 Why do YOU like handmade natural soap?👇👇 Tell me in the comments because I'm so interested in hearing your responses ❤️

8/22/2022, 8:38:18 AM

Hi! I'm writing from a quiet corner on my little beach vacation. I'm coming at you with a post that's near and dear to my heart and as many other ones may seem a bit obvious to you and you may not appreciate it, it's an important reason why I really love soaps, especially as gifts for my loved ones. ❤️ Soaps and soapmaking are wonderfully size inclusive!🎉🎉🎉 Bear with me for a second here, please! 🙈 You may be thinking... How are soaps size inclusive?! And why would that matter?!🙈 I exist in a body that most stores would consider plus size (or on the cusp of it at least) and have been for a significant portion of my life. And throughout my life I've been getting various types of gifts for various occasions. And sometimes, they would be clothes. 🙈 As a person who struggled with their body image and disordered eating I wasn't excited about those gifts, however kind I considered them. 🙈 They made me confront my body in a way I didn't choose and I wasn't comfortable with. I often faced the dreaded question of how the piece fitted and had to answer with the even more dreaded "it's too small". 🙈 Many times, gifted clothes didn't fit me and weren't my style and on top of that I felt shamed for not being able to fit into them (may I just add: your body's not the problem, the clothes are the problem ❤️). When I was young and stupid, I thought I'm the only one with that issue. But I learned that a lot of us (if not most) have very complicated relationships with their bodies, often their size being an object of scrutiny, critiqued or even mocked. 😭 That's why when considering my future, my calling, my job, inclusivity (size inclusivity being one of them) was an important piece of the puzzle to me.❤️ I wanted to make sure that my creativity leads me into pouring love into people in whatever body they reside, without shame and without judgement. ❤️ And I'm really happy that I ended up in the soaps business, because soaps don't need to ask for your size to fit you well, don't have to be cut just right so you'd feel comfortable in them, don't need you to confront your body in an uncomfortable way, and lastly don't ever judge.❤️ Not you, not your giftees ❤️

8/4/2022, 6:35:40 PM

Today's edition of WHY SOAP is brought to you by that quickened breath, heart flutter and sweat dripping down your safety goggles... 🙈 Today's reason why I love soapmaking is somewhat the opposite of last one's, yet goes completely hand in hand! I love soap because it's... challenging! 🙈 You may be thinking, wow, how insightful, but let me tell you. Natural soap has an infinite amount of variables you can change (we'll talk about in more detail another time) and ALL of them can affect how your creation turns out. 🙈 For the most part, you can read up on things, go for the best practices, but when you're actually there, actually making the soap, it can still throw you an unknown challenge. It's always hard, but often in different ways. 🙈 So, why did I choose soapmaking if it's challenging? One of my New Year's resolutions was to learn things. At that point I had no idea what and what it would mean for me later in the year, but that was a prominent need in my life. I felt myself stagnating and needed something to shake me up a bit. And this one while fun, was a big challenge! 🙈 What's something that you consider a challenge in your life, yet you welcome it with open arms trying to appreciate all that it has in store for you? Let me know in the comments 👇👇

7/26/2022, 7:17:10 AM

On today's edition of WHY SOAP? I've decided to talk a little bit about the basics. ☀️ There's a multitude of reasons why I chose to make soaps, but it really starts here, in my opinion. ☀️ Whenever I think of things I want to do in life, this thought always enters my mind. I want to be an active participant in choosing how my life looks like and one of the most important metrics lately has been "FUN/JOY". It hasn't always been that way, but the older I get the more important it is to me. ☀️ So, today's reason why I chose soapmaking is because... It's fun! ❤️ When I first made soap, 6 months ago, I had so much fun figuring out the process. I was learning and it was a challenge, sure, but it brought me an immense amount of joy. And I knew that this is something I want to share with the world. ☀️ I had plenty of other ideas floating around over the years as to what I want to do, but not all of them are as fun as soaps have been so far. ☀️ I'm not denying that soapmaking takes time, practice, that it can be really difficult, but as long as there is a net positive, I'm into it. And so far soapmaking has been an absolute blast! But that's only one of the reasons WHY SOAP... ☀️ What's something that brings you joy and you have fun doing? Tell me in the comments 👇👇

7/25/2022, 8:17:56 AM

Ever heard soap dries your skin? Ever watched Mad Men? Truth is… Natural soap is simple and fantastic for the skin.  Something special happens when soap is made the traditional way – Natural Glycerin is created.  This amazing by-product moisturises, aids the natural barrier function + mechanical properties of the skin, protecting against irritants + speeding up healing.  What do we do? ▪️Load the soap with mineral rich clays, ▪️Vitamin dense ingredients And to top it off… ▪️Powerful essential oils. Great soap 🧼, supercharged 🦸‍♂️! What does the Industry do? ▪️ Take the Glycerin out.  ▪️ Tell you soap dries the skin. And then… ▪️ Sell you the Glycerin back in expensive moisturisers and serums. Those pesky advertisers deserve another yacht. . . . . . . . #civilblock #microsoapery #soap #madeinbritain #glycerin #moisturisingsoap #goodforyourskin #naturalsoap #betterforyou #bekindtoyourskin #goodforyourbody #soapforhealth #handsoap #bodysoap #hinch1909 #followus #followme #smallukbusiness #honestluxury #campaignforrealsoap #whysoap #naturalskincare #soapthatworks #switchtosoap #doingtherightthing #makingtherightchoices #nobullshit

9/19/2021, 8:01:52 PM

Who here hasn't been completely mesmerised by the textural feeling of a bar of soap turning smoothly in their hands?⠀⁠ ⠀⁠ Who here hasn't felt the bar create a rich lather of stable, creamy, lotion-like foam?⠀⁠ ⠀⁠ Who here hasn't used a soap that leaves your skin feeling soft, smooth, clean + comfortable?⠀⁠ ⠀⁠ Drop an emoji in the comments and tell me why!⠀

7/18/2021, 10:01:16 AM

So, you bought a soap . It’s organic and good but, is it really good for you? Check out why Aloe hand soap can be good for you and your whole family !! #want to order? DM or order on thr link in the bio!! #soap #ph #harshsoap #aloesoap #whysoap #regularsoap #becterialsoap #smoothskinsoP #sensitiveskin

8/19/2020, 1:08:15 PM

I have had a lot of people ask if I have "antibacterial" soap. My response: It is not necessary. All natural soap will do the trick and wash off all those unwanted germs! Below is the reasoning stolen from Harvard University. ❤⬇️ "In terms of illness-causing germs, which are mostly bacteria and viruses, soap has a two-fold effect: one chemical and one behavioral. Firstly, the amphipathic nature of soap loosens the bacteria and viruses off your hands so they can be washed away more easily. Secondly, you tend to wash your hands for a longer period when using soap, because you try to rinse all of it away. Thus, regular soaps don’t necessarily kill bacteria and viruses as much as they simply help you wash them off your skin. Antibacterial soaps have all the same properties as regular soap, but with an extra ingredient added that is intended to stop the bacteria remaining on your skin from replicating. The idea is that this additive will further protect the hand-washer from harmful bacteria as compared to regular soap. It is important to mention that these ingredients generally have no effect on viruses, so the focus is to reduce the risk from bacterial germs." #ilovesoap #ilovescience #soapscience #whysoap #allnatural #naturalsoap #handmade #handmadesoap #science #soap #clarksburgwv #educationiskey #sudsberry

5/18/2020, 8:03:49 PM

Here’s a quick science experiment you can do at home to visualize the science of soap and washing your hands. Running water alone does not wipe away germs and bacteria from your hands. You need soap, as it acts as a mediator between the water and germs on your skin to “pick up” the germs and wash them away. Soap does not kill germs it simply acts as a vessel to move them away from you. Mythbuster... there is no scientific evidence that suggests antibacterial soap is any more effective than any normal soap at wiping away germs and bacteria. Enjoy!

4/3/2020, 7:54:02 PM

《Pepper & Soap Science Trick For Kids🧼》 This experiment can explain the importance of washing hands properly “Why Soap is So Important” 讓小朋友做這個簡單的實驗 來了解為什麼要用肥皂洗手 為什麼肥皂這麼重要🤔 很簡單又有趣的實驗🧫 家長們可以讓孩子在家試試看!👀 📌記得要勤洗手 洗20秒喔!👋🏻 Must Wash hands with Soap for 20seconds #experiment #pepperandsoap #sciencetricks #funtime #water #soap #handsoap #washhands #20seconds #whysoap #mustwashhands #staypositive #behappy #stayhealthy

4/3/2020, 2:39:28 AM

5 things you may not know about soap..💚 . 🌻 Soap is a salt, it is made up from different fatty acids which is saponified oils and butters (solidified) . 🌻 Every soap we make is handmade in a block then cut into individual bars, we use the cold process soap method . 🌻 The glycerin is retained in the soap, thats why it is so gentle and doesn't dry out your skin like liquid soap . 🌻 Wriggly Tin began in 2014 in South Africa 🇿🇦 on the farm and is still going strong, Jody expanded to the UK in 2019 . 🌻 Humans have used soap for cleaning for millennia. Evidence exists of the production of soap-like materials in around 2800 BC in ancient Babylon ... #funfacts #soapmaker #soapmaking #historyofsoap #soaplove #whysoap #soapbars #handmadeinuk #handmadesoap #goatsmilksoap #coconutmilksoap #wrigglylove

3/31/2020, 5:54:44 PM

✅ Why does soap work so well on protecting against viruses? ✅ The short story: because the virus is a self-assembled nanoparticle in which the weakest link is the lipid (fatty) bilayer. Soap dissolves the fat membrane and the virus falls apart and is washed away. On the other hand, hand sanitisers are not as reliable as soap. They do act similarly, defeating bacteria and viruses by destabilising their lipid membranes. But they cannot easily remove microorganisms from the skin. Alcohol-based sanitiser is a good backup when soap and water are not accessible. 🧡 -- www.sudsandsoy.com.au -- 📸 @trudibartleyphotographer

3/29/2020, 7:56:11 AM

Why did we choose SOAP? . . In the beginning, we purchased our farm, so we could become more sustainable with our own food options, in addition, wanted to provide cleaner food choices to others. We strongly believe industrial farming is horrible for your health, based on unknowns, such as, farming conditions, chemicals, steroids, etc. We are open with our organic farming methods, and by providing better alternatives, we can make an impact on our overall health for the long run. . . Our first farming experiences included, meat chickens 🍗, egg chickens 🥚 and a massive organic garden. Not long after, we purchased our first two goats 🐐🐐 for dairy production and a small flock of sheep 🐑 for meat. . . Life on the farm was very emotional at first, being the animal lover that I am, I struggled with the loss of any animal, however, learning to separate myself and understanding the circle of life, really helped me overcome the sadness. . . I quickly fell in love with the goats. They were extremely personable, lovable animals and loved attention. They helped take my mind off the daily farm struggles. . . Soon the herd started to grow and take over. I was surrounded by sweet, lovable animals that made my heart smile. JB, being the biz-ness man that he is, said “if the goats didn’t earn their keep, they would have to go”. Since I’m a fighter, not a quitter, I quickly started researching ways I could put all that extra milk to good use and start generating money for the farm. I was convinced these goats were not going ANYWHERE! . . Read more here: https://www.quarterspringfarm.com/why-we-chose-soap . . #buildinganempire #quarterspringfarmempire #aboutus #whysoap #steppingstones #supportsmallbusiness #quarterspringfarm #goatmilksoap #naturalsoap #madeinusa #madeinamerica #shoplocal #shopsmall

1/13/2020, 10:25:11 PM

Почему я не пользовался натуральным мылом раньше?🤔🤔 Как и многие, я думал, что оно не пенится (почему сложилось такое впечатление, я так и не понял), что плохо пахнет (видимо, ассоциация с хозяйственным), потому что никто им не пользовался!!! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. Но времена меняются, друзья! Мы все больше задумываемся об окружающей среде и делаем для себя потрясающие открытия, забытые нами в процессе эволюции! ☝️Чудесное натуральное мыло не загрязняет окружающую среду, отлично пенится! Очень вкусно пахнет! Да еще и заботится о вашей коже! . Все наши кусочки теперь со штампом нашего бренда! 🕺🕺 . А вы когда начали пользоваться мылом в душе? Или вы все еще с гелями для душа??🤨🤨😃😃😃

9/23/2019, 1:19:00 PM

Refreshing Body wash for an overall cool & clean sensation. Order on Flipkart : https://bit.ly/2SlEAhF ------------------------------------------------------- #ayurveda #health #holistichealth #healthy #ayurvedalife #ayurvedic #wellness #meditation #selfcare #holistic #vegan #ayurvedalifestyle #natural #ayurvedicmedicine #lifestyle #nature #BodyWash #WhySoap

7/16/2019, 11:24:39 AM

Why soap when you can Body Wash!! Buy on Flipkart : https://bit.ly/2NWf9EQ ---------------------------------------------------- #ayurveda #health #holistichealth #healthy #ayurvedalife #ayurvedic #wellness #meditation #selfcare #holistic #vegan #ayurvedalifestyle #natural #ayurvedicmedicine #lifestyle #nature #BodyWash #WhySoap

7/16/2019, 10:43:38 AM

처음 비누 만들었을 때의 그 설레임. 내가 지향하는 가치와 결을 같이 한다는 것을 알았을 때의 그 기쁨. Soaper라는 단어를 처음 들었을때의 그 두근거림... 한발짝 떨어져서 생각해보자. 왜 '비누'여야하는가? #whysoap #backtothebasics #calmdown #진지열매냠냠 #삼켜말어

6/3/2019, 7:13:13 PM

Why soap? . Because it’s been around for thousands of years, because it’s simple, because it lasts longer, because you don’t need to wrap it up in plastic and because you can make it from plants. Finally because we genuinely love the stuff! . Our soap making journey began because of all of the above. Why do you choose to use the hard stuff? Why do you choose soap? . . . ———————— #wildsageandco #greenbeauty #soapmakers #soapmaking #whysoap #lovesoap #naturalsoap #naturalsoapmaking #soaplove

3/20/2019, 7:37:17 PM

Snapped this a couple nights ago 🤦🏽‍♂️ #dogs #brats #whysoap

12/3/2018, 10:15:15 AM

WHAT ARE SURFACTANTS AND WHY ARE THEY IN OUR FACE WASH?!? 🤔🛀🚿 We will tackle this question that I have been asked by you. Surfactants are Surface Active Agents that allow for water and oil to mix, so you can easily rinse the dirt and makeup off of your skin. The earliest surfactants came from soap (discovered by Sumerians 2500 BC) and are still used today for their effectiveness. But what do they do to our skin's essential microbiome? 😮 Find out as Dr. Brei explains the best facial cleansing options to achieve that healthy looking, glowing, and visibly radiant complexion. If you do not wear makeup, you can use NuVsio Purifying Mineral Mask to cleanse the skin on a gentle level and protect your skin lipid barrier while supporting the skin microbiome. 😘🌿🌼👍

7/31/2018, 3:17:35 PM

Cooling off the heat with Gazpacho Andaluz • Refreshing chilled tomato and cucumber soap with chili crostini • #rosengarten #bern #soup #whySoap #chilledsoup #refreshing #snack #switzerland #passingBy #midsummer #heatRelief

6/30/2018, 4:51:51 PM

市售香皂的迷思,你了解多少呢? . 贵不一定适合你,便宜也未必没有不好的。 . #手工皂 #槟城 #课程 #工作坊策划 #花草茶 #手工皂课程 #蜡烛课程 #whysoap #soapmaking #workshopinpg #penang

5/22/2018, 6:55:27 PM

#첫줄 #수고하셨습니다. Jt쌤 #가을가을한분위기 듬뿍- #레이스캔들 입니다 어여 공방에서 수업하고 사진도 찍고프네욤 섬세한 레이스를 왁스로 표현할 수있는 매력과 #러블리 #앤틱 #모던 모든 분위기 다 담고있는 #인기만점 #레이스캔들원데이클래스 였습니다 #레이스캔들만들기 #wHY 에서 함께해요 #레이스캔들특강 문의는 #24시간 언제든 부담없이 주시와요 #ㅋㅋ 🗨 https://open.kakao.com/me/hervely #일상 #예쁨 #파주캔들공방 #인테리어소품 #레이스캔들수업 #캔들 #캔들수업 #캔들자격증 #dialy #interior #canlde #lacecandle #candleclass #wHYcandle #wHYflower #wHYsoap

9/2/2017, 8:45:04 AM

#wHYsoap 요즘 #추석선물 로 가장 문의가 많은 #한복비누세트 랍니다:-) #한복비누 #고급스러운포장 #예쁜한복의자태 도 좋지만 고급 유기농 재료들만 사용해 만들었답니다 #아들셋 키우는 #엄마의마음 가득 담았습니다 #문의는DM 주세요 #한복비누특강 #한복비누만들기 #한복비누주문제작 #일상 #좋아요 #인친 #선물 #명절 #명절선물 #MP비누 #천연비누 #디자인비누 #핸드메이드비누 #soap #mpsoap #designsoap #handmade #daily

8/30/2017, 5:45:42 PM

#첫줄 #명절 #추석 #한가위 #선물세트 #한복비누세트 #첫눈에반하다 #하트뿅뿅💕 하며 업어가셨어요 #추석선물 고민하지마시고 #한복비누 준비하세요 #주문 #판매 #모든문의DM #wHYhandmade #wHYcandle #wHYflower #wHYsoap

8/28/2017, 6:00:03 PM

❤️❤️❤️BRAD PITT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #instadaily #bradpitt #love #whysoap #photooftheday #photodaily #stickers

8/16/2017, 7:50:58 AM

Yay for winning soap and tissues! .... #summer #winner #whysoap

7/24/2014, 8:04:26 PM

He ate a soap?!?!?! Seriously? 😂😂😂🙅⚠ #ahungryboy #alex #whysoap #heeatsanything

11/23/2013, 12:04:06 AM

#mirrors #justintimberlake #whysoap?

7/23/2013, 1:48:50 PM