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As of Monday, April 29, Annual Meeting materials are posted at and on their way by mail, OR by email to those @CalistaCorp Shareholders who opted in for electronic delivery. Receiving materials by mail? You can still vote online now using our voting site's PIN Lookup Tool! Annual Meeting materials include: + 2023 Annual Report and Annual Meeting Materials Booklet + Proxy Voting Form + PIN Mailer to Shareholders who signed up for e-delivery More information including voting FAQs can be found at the link in our bio. #Yukon #Kuskokwim #YKdelta #ANCSA #CalistaVote #AnnualMeeting #ProxyVoting #ProxyPrizes

4/29/2024, 10:11:44 PM

„Családi fotózás Ancsa apjának volt egy fényképezőgépe. Olyan, amelyik fényérzékeny filmre rögzítette a képeket. Másféle fényké­pezőgépet akkoriban nem ismertek. A filmek drágák vol­tak, és egy filmre csak harminchat kép fért. Így hát ritkán és körültekintéssel készítették őket. Amikor Ancsa család­ja fotózásra készült, anyja és nővére gondosan pózolt, apja pedig hosszasan komponálta a képet. Mindenki igyeke­zett, hogy kellő méltóságot sugározzon a kép. Hogy el le­hessen küldeni a nagyinak vagy Klári néninek. Mindenki, csak Ancsa nem. Ancsa grimaszokat vágott, vagy kiugrott anyja mögül, mint a bohóc a dobozból, meghiúsítva ezzel az egész család erőfeszítéseit. Ráadásul minderre csak ak­kor derült fény, amikor hazahozták a fotós által előhívott képeket. Ancsára ilyenkor nehéz napok virradtak, pedig csak önmagát adta.” A részlet és a kép Paweł Pawlak Ancsa című könyvéből származik. 🫶 Nálatok ki szokta elbolondozni a családi fotózkodást? 🙃 . . . . . . . . . . #pawełpawlak #ancsa #felcia #retro #fotó #illusztráció

4/21/2024, 7:00:23 PM

🐾🛟 💦 And we’re off…. 🐾🛟💦First water rescue training session of 2024 for Tia and Bugzy….. 💦 Water temperature a chilly 9°C ❄️ Snow in the hills close by A 20° temperature drop from a week ago to a cold 🥶 5°C with a mild northerly breeze… but the ☀️ came out to make it a little more bearable 🐾😇 🐾 #ancsa #waterrescuedogs #bouvierbernois #bernersennenhund #bernesemountaindog #lovemydogs

4/20/2024, 6:09:42 PM

Drága Tesóm,Annamária! Nagyon boldog születésnapot kívánok most neked!Erőt,egészséget, s hosszú boldog életet.Csodás legyen a mai napod,s váljon valóra minden álmod! 😘💐🎂🎁🍹🎉🤗 @lenk.ancsa #boldogszületésnapot #happybirthday #ancsa #ünnepacsaládban #annamária #április9 #ancsaszülinapja #húgomszülinapja #rohanazidő #mysisterbirthday #familytime #family

4/9/2024, 5:59:17 PM

Miért jobb a fekete-fehér tévé, mint a színes? Miért csak háromféle sajtot lehetett régen a boltban kapni? Milyen gép az, ami csúnya szavakat is képes leírni? 🤔 Paweł Pawlak Ancsa című képeskönyvéből mindegyik kérdésre megkapod a választ! 🧡 . . . . . . . . . . . . #nosztalgia #retro #ancsa #fecia #pawełpawlak #legyelirodalom

4/4/2024, 7:00:13 PM

„Ancsa”, czyli węgierskie wydanie „Felci”, ogromnie cieszy mnie z dwóch powodów. Po pierwsze dlatego, że ktoś uznał za wartą przetłumaczenia i wydania książkę, która jest dla mnie szczególna zarówno przez swoją bohaterkę, jak i objętość opowiadającego o niej tekstu. Po drugie zaś dlatego, że od strony edytorskiej węgierska „Felcia” jest dokładnie taka jak chciałem, mimo że wspólnie z wydawcą zdecydowaliśmy się w niej na trudny zabieg zamiany zintegrowanych z ilustracjami polskich napisów (neony, szyldy sklepów etc.) na ich węgierskie odpowiedniki. Grafik wydawnictwa Pagony naśladował mój charakter pisma lub moją kreskę tam, gdzie napisy były „wrysowane” w materię ilustracji. Efekt przeszedł moje najśmielsze oczekiwania; niektóre teksty są napisane bardziej „po Pawlakowemu” niż w polskim oryginale. Zresztą oceńcie to sami. • Paweł Pawlak „Ancsa, avagy vázlatok tüsszögő svájcisapkával” wydawca: Pagony Kiadó, Budapeszt 2024 przekład: Gábor Körner • #felcia #ancsa #pawełpawlak #pagony #wilga #ilustracja #polskailustracja #polskailustracjadladzieci #illustration #polishillustration #childrensbook #childrensbooks

3/21/2024, 9:43:44 AM

Docenti universitari, urbanisti e architetti di Ancsa, stanno presentando questa mattina ai tanti eugubini e alle tante eugubine presenti a Palazzo Pretorio, in una gremita Sala Consiliare, i risultati dello studio che mette al centro Piazza 40 Martiri quale grande tema urbanistico. Ancsa, negli scorsi anni, ha affiancato numerose pubbliche amministrazioni: lo stesso vicepresidente Stefano Storchi ha ricordato le consulenze svolte per Expo 2015, per la regione Emilia dopo il terremoto, per Bergamo, Bologna, Genova, Ferrara e Ragusa e molte altre realtà italiane. I consulenti di Ancsa stanno presentando alla città una lettura di ciò che la piazza è e di quello che potrà diventare, a partire dai progetti di Astengo e guardando al futuro. Dopo i saluti e l’introduzione del sindaco Filippo Stirati e del vicepresidente di Ancsa Stefano Storchi, sono intervenuti Nicola Russi, docente al Politecnico di Milano, Fabrizio Toppetti, Università La Sapienza Roma, e l’architetto Pietro Nobili Vitelleschi. Dopo la chiusura della vicesindaco e assessore all’Urbanistica Alessia Tasso lo spazio alle riflessioni e agli interventi dei cittadini. #Gubbio #ancsa #piazza40martiri #PNRR #umbria

3/9/2024, 3:16:29 PM

As advocates for a resilient and sustainable food system in Alaska, the Alaska Food Policy Council (AFPC) is deeply invested in ensuring the protection of food security for all Alaskans. In response to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) 17(d)(1) Withdrawals of 28 million acres in Alaska, the AFPC recently submitted comments in support of the No Action Alternative (Alternative A). READ MORE AT LINK IN BIO. #foodsecurity #ANCSA #alaskasustainablefoods #hunting #gathering

3/4/2024, 9:07:28 PM

Join us in welcoming Calista Corporation’s 395 new Shareholders! 63 percent of new shares were issued to minors, including 58 infants. The total # of Shareholders has grown to over 37,000. Do you have family members who have yet to enroll? For our Aug. 31 deadline, Calista Descendants can easily begin the enrollment process by applying online at #Yukon #Kuskokwim #YKdelta #AlaskaNative #ANCSA #Enrollment #AlaskaNativeShareholders

2/10/2024, 1:01:07 AM

#TBT to this 1982 photo of CIRI President and CEO Roy Huhndorf (Yup'ik) signing the 7(i) agreement. ANCSA called for Alaska Native regional corporations to share 70% of their resource revenue with each other, village corporations and at-large shareholders. Shown in the foreground is Byron Mallott (Tlingit), president of Sealaska Corp., and center is Ralph Wienshienk, special court master. Huhndorf and Mallott were instrumental in initiating negotiations among the 12 land-based Alaska Native regional corporations over how to interpret the requirement. 📝 #alaskahistory #nativehistory #ANCSA #alaska

2/8/2024, 6:01:19 PM

A coalition of #Alaska #Native tribes and organizations are urging federal officials to continue protections for 28 million acres of land in Alaska. Their action comes as the federal Bureau of Land Management @mypubliclands is considering whether to remove protections against mining and other development that have been in place since the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) more than half a century ago. The lands are referred to as D-1 lands, referencing the section number in the #ANCSA text. BLM is conducting an Environmental Impact Statement. The public comment period for that process ends soon. GUESTS Malinda Chase (tribal member of Anvik, Alaska), advisor for the Bering Sea-Interior Tribal Commission and tribal liaison for the Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center @iarc_group Chief Eugene Paul (Holy Cross Tribe) Michael “Mickey” Stickman (Yukon Koyukon), former first chief of the Nulato Tribal Council and executive board member of the Bering Sea-Interior Tribal Commission Lisa Ellanna (member of King Island Native Community), advisory group member for the Bering Sea-Interior Tribal Commission and staff member of @Kawerak Inc.

2/8/2024, 2:07:39 PM

A coalition of #Alaska #Native tribes and organizations are urging federal officials to continue protections for 28 million acres of land in Alaska. Their action comes as the federal Bureau of Land Management @mypubliclands is considering whether to remove protections against mining and other development that have been in place since the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) more than half a century ago. The lands are referred to as D-1 lands, referencing the section number in the #ANCSA text. BLM is conducting an Environmental Impact Statement. The public comment period for that process ends soon. GUESTS Malinda Chase (tribal member of Anvik, Alaska), advisor for the Bering Sea-Interior Tribal Commission and tribal liaison for the Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center @iarc_group Chief Eugene Paul (Holy Cross Tribe) Michael “Mickey” Stickman (Yukon Koyukon), former first chief of the Nulato Tribal Council and executive board member of the Bering Sea-Interior Tribal Commission Lisa Ellanna (member of King Island Native Community), advisory group member for the Bering Sea-Interior Tribal Commission and staff member of @Kawerak Inc.

2/8/2024, 2:07:28 PM

A coalition of #Alaska #Native tribes and organizations are urging federal officials to continue protections for 28 million acres of land in Alaska. Their action comes as the federal Bureau of Land Management @mypubliclands is considering whether to remove protections against mining and other development that have been in place since the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) more than half a century ago. The lands are referred to as D-1 lands, referencing the section number in the #ANCSA text. BLM is conducting an Environmental Impact Statement. The public comment period for that process ends soon. GUESTS Malinda Chase (tribal member of Anvik, Alaska), advisor for the Bering Sea-Interior Tribal Commission and tribal liaison for the Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center @iarc_group Chief Eugene Paul (Holy Cross Tribe) Michael “Mickey” Stickman (Yukon Koyukon), former first chief of the Nulato Tribal Council and executive board member of the Bering Sea-Interior Tribal Commission Lisa Ellanna (member of King Island Native Community), advisory group member for the Bering Sea-Interior Tribal Commission and staff member of @Kawerak Inc. Link in profile

2/8/2024, 1:57:10 PM

Január végén végre sikerült átvenni a @chezdodomacaron Karácsonyi játékán nyert nyereményemet, ami 2 forró ital és 2 db pisztáciás-narancsvirágos financier volt a téli kollekcióból. ☕️ 🍮 ||| 🎄❄️ Még egyszer nagyon szépen köszönöm! Az ott kapott,s az itthonra vett sütemények is különlegesek és isteni finomak voltak! ♥️🎁 #nyereményem #köszönöm #finomvolt #minyon #anyu #ancsa #financier #macaron #chezdodo #chezdodomacaron #budapest #annamária #mégvisszatérünk #pisztáciásóriásmacaron

2/1/2024, 2:25:58 PM

Hazaérkezett Gödöllőre Ancsa, az AN-2-es repülőgép. #godollo #repules #ancsa #beautiful #plane #avion

1/28/2024, 8:19:16 PM

I love them❤️❤️❤️ #kispatkányok #sz.néni #ancsa

12/27/2023, 6:55:04 PM
1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act): #ancsa #alaskanativeclaimssettlementact #alaskahistory" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1mcmE1LTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS80MTE5NDk0NTdfMTA4MjU4MDU0MjkxNTI4MF81ODA3MTc5MzI3MzI5NTkwODg3X24uanBnP3N0cD1kc3QtanBnX2UxNSZfbmNfaHQ9c2NvbnRlbnQtZnJhNS0xLmNkbmluc3RhZ3JhbS5jb20mX25jX2NhdD0xMDAmX25jX29oYz1fV2lKVGFyRjJ5c1E3a052Z0YzVHVuTiZlZG09QU9VUHhoMEJBQUFBJmNjYj03LTUmb2g9MDBfQWZCZFF2ZWpwWDExYm50Sjl6aDJVbWMzQzFrTUYwa2xISElqalB2ZjlGTUxRdyZvZT02NjM3MUIwNCZfbmNfc2lkPTlkYzY2MA==.jpg" />

Today is the anniversary of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). Signed into law on December 18, 1971, the Act paved the way for the empowerment of Alaska Natives to determine their own destiny by ensuring land rights and fostering economic independence. The settlement of 44 million acres of land and close to a billion dollars is the largest settlement of Native land claims in American history. The Act created a new reality for Alaska Natives with greater political, social and economic power, and changed the way that the United States government settles Native land claims. The Alaska Historical Society produced a Guide to Sources for the Study of ANCSA. Explore that and more resources related to the Act (go to our website and click the tab "Discover Alaska's History" -> 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act): #ancsa #alaskanativeclaimssettlementact #alaskahistory

12/18/2023, 8:09:52 PM

One of my top priorities has been to help push the Unrecognized Southeast Alaska Native Communities Recognition and Compensation Act to give Alaska Native communities in Haines, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, and Tenakee the right to form urban corporations and receive land entitlements under the ANCSA. This should have happened years ago, and I’m glad to advocate for this legislation because these Alaska Native communities deserve to have what ANCSA granted to other Southeast Native communities more than 50 years ago. Besides giving them the right to form an Alaska Native Urban Corporation, it also fights for them to receive 23,040 acres, or one township, of federal land. This is how we make sure our Alaska Native communities are better off and given the opportunities they deserve. ANSCA was intended to recognize and address traditional land claims, enabling the selection of lands to be used for the benefit of Alaska Natives. But for these Southeast Alaska Native communities, this never happened. It is past time that we correct this unjust error. #MaryInCongress #ANCSA

11/28/2023, 11:30:28 PM

We are proud that our mission strongly supports the @calistacorp Shareholders. This month we will share parts of the Alaskan culture and history as we celebrate our core function as an Alaska Native Corporation (ANC). Pictured: Regina Qussauyaq Therchik, Workforce Development Specialist, Calista Corporation and Calista Shareholder. Regina is from Toksook Bay, AK and before joining the Calista Corp. team, Regina interned and worked at Yulista as a Training and Compliance Specialist. While it’s fair to say her people, the Yup’ik people in the Inuit family, are disadvantaged economically, Regina lights up when she talks about how they are rich in language and heritage. She sees herself as a catalyst for change in the broader Calista Corporation as she champions and participates in their efforts to preserve the languages and cultural heritage of the Calista region. #ANCHistory #ANC #ANCSA #AlaskaNativeHeritageMonth #AlaskaNative #AlaskaPride #Alaska #TeamYulista

11/8/2023, 9:30:46 PM

Photo: Nemes Gergely , D.Artworkroom , @d.art_workroom Corset and Dress: Lightning Dark , @lightnin_dark_design Makeup and Hair: Bogi Modell: F. Ancsa #corset #corsetlove #corsetmaker #corsetstyle #japandress #gesa #geisha #japan #mider #waspie #kimono #beauty #beautiful #Ancsa #photo #photography #photographer #fuzo

11/3/2023, 5:00:49 PM

Photo: Nemes Gergely , D.Artworkroom , @d.art_workroom Corset and dress: Lightning Dark , @lightning_dark_design Make up and Hair: Bogi Modell: F. Annamária #corset #corsetlove #corsetmaker #corsetstyle #japan #gesa #geisha #sakura #mider #fuzo #lightningdark #photo #photography #photographer #ancsa

10/30/2023, 5:57:06 PM

NUEVA DISTINCIÓN INTERNACIONAL PARA SALTA🤩 . ℹLas obras de conservación en Potrero de Payogasta fueron destacadas por ANCSA en los Premios Gubbio - Sección América Latina y Caribe. A través del certamen que busca difundir las mejores intervenciones y las buenas prácticas en el manejo de las áreas patrimoniales de la región, Salta recibió una distinción gracias a las Obras de Conservación con participación comunitaria en un sitio del Qhapaq Ñan Patrimonio Mundial. . . #Salta #Argentina #SaltaTuLugar #Payogasta #PotrerodePayogasta #norte #norteargentino #ANCSA #PremiosGubbio #AmericaLatina #Caribe #distincion #orgullosalteño

9/29/2023, 7:00:06 PM

Nella giornata di sabato 23 settembre si sono svolte le elezioni per il rinnovo delle cariche amministrative di ANCSA. Sono profondamente orgoglioso di annunciare la mia elezione come nuovo membro del Consiglio Direttivo. Prometto il massimo impegno, di ascoltare tutti ed esserne la loro voce, di non lasciare nulla di intentato per migliorare la categoria del soccorso stradale, a cui tutti siamo legati #cinquantaannidiANCSA #annodelcambiamento #ANCSA

9/25/2023, 6:39:12 PM

Oggi e domani vi aspettiamo al Congresso Nazionale di A.N.C.S.A!! 🌍🚚🚜 #handsonsystems #gps #iotsolutions #tecnology #rfid #congresso #ancsa

9/23/2023, 9:35:20 AM

CONVEGNO ANCSA 2023 - 50 ANNIVERSARIO Un piacere esserci e potere esporre veicoli fatti con passione grazie alla fiducia di voi clienti. #omarsspa #ancsa #riccione #soccorsostradaleh24 #soccorsostradale #soccorsostradalepesante #3fn #heavywrecker #scaniav8 #toyotahilux

9/22/2023, 11:07:27 PM

South Africa's ANC National Executive Committee member Cde Polly Boshielo visited the Liberation City for a familiarisation tour where she was received by CEO Ambassador Kwame Muzawazi. Cde Polly Boshielo was later taken around on a two-hour long site tour by Recreation Manager Diana T Sitotombe Embassy of South Africa in Harare, Zimbabwe #southafrica #pollyboshielo #ancsa

8/22/2023, 12:34:53 PM

Vi è una sola condizione per rigenerare il patrimonio del nostro centro storico: riviverlo! In questi giorni, la meravigliosa chiesetta di San Rocco, torna a vivere con @danzartfestival #ragusa #centrostorico #openpatrimonio #terramadre #sicilia #italy #unesco #ragusaterramadre #open #ancsa

7/17/2023, 10:36:12 AM

Nagyon boldog névnapot kívánok Tesóm! Legyen a mai egy csodás nap a számodra! 💐 🎁🍷 puszi! @lenk.ancsa #annamária #ancsa #család #húgomnévnapja #family #ancsanévnapja #happynameday #boldognévnapot

7/1/2023, 11:17:33 AM

A legeslegjobbak egyike 💙✈️💙 #antonovan2 #an2 #ancsa #antonov

6/29/2023, 2:40:28 PM

#Ancsa #TiAscolta #AncsaSulTerritorio Siamo lieti di comunicarvi l'appuntamento con il #Quarto #Evento sul #Territorio #Italiano il giorno 17 Giugno 2023 dalle 10:30 alle 13:00 a #Lecce, per condividere le problematiche attuali del soccorso stradale e della custodia dei veicoli. A tal proposito vi invitiamo a presenziare a LECCE, in Via Cosimo de Giorgi, 62: inquadrando il #QRCode sulla locandina verrete condotti direttamente a destinazione. VI ASPETTIAMO NUMEROSI !!! Cordiali saluti Ulteriori informazioni su

6/7/2023, 3:30:56 PM

Dolgozó Nő... Igazi Nő... Szenvedélyes Nő... Amikor a munka a hivatás. 🥳 A legtöbb időnket a munkahelyünkön töltjük, ezért nem mindegy, hogy mit választunk. 🔥 Az a nő, aki élvezettel végzi feladatait "láthatóvá" válik az élet minden más területén is. 👁 Kisugárzás 💋 Mindenből 100 %❗Kevesebbet minek ❓ A Nő tudja, hogy a lelket és a testet is folyamatosan fejleszteni szükséges. ✔️ Ancsa nem spórol az edzéseken, odateszi, amit oda kell ❗ Fergeteges humorával, elvetemültségével, a lehetetlen szó nem ismerésével, nőcis szereléseivel minden edzésen elbűvöl minket. 👀 Nyári edzéseihez kedvence a Karády szett ☺️ 👉 🖤 Az erős Nő... A dolgozó Nő... The Real Woman... #aikaczeczelisportswear #woman #fitwoman #healthywoman #prettywoman #ancsa #therealwoman

6/6/2023, 10:00:16 AM

Our @calistacorp summer interns have arrived! This week, 14 Calista Shareholders join #TeamYulista for their summer internship! This program is a great opportunity for Calista Shareholder scholarship recipients to gain valuable work experience and explore a career path at our Yulista facilities. This year, Yulista has interns joining us in Huntsville AL, Houston TX, Panama City Beach FL, and Anchorage AK. We look forward to having a fun and educational summer together! #internships2023 #CalistaShareholders #CalistaDescendants #YKDelta #AlaskaNative #ANCSA

6/1/2023, 11:35:11 PM

We have a brand new theater schedule at ANHC this summer! 🤩 One of the new films we are showing is "ANCSA: Our People. Our Land. Our Future." 🎬This documentary was produced by @ancsaregional and looks back at the first 50 years of ANCSA using historical footage and photos and captures a glimpse of what’s to come through interviews with Alaska Native leaders, policymakers, and culture bearers. The film is showcased in our theater 3x a day, 7 days a week. Make sure to check it out the next time you're at ANHC! ✨ ANHC is open 7 days a week from 9AM to 5PM this summer. Learn more at . . #alaskanativeheritagecenter #americasculturaltreasures #alaskanative #ANCSA

5/26/2023, 2:39:35 AM

It’s early. Really early! Some Calista Corp. Shareholders report our 2023 Spring Distribution showed up in online bank accounts as early as last Thursday (April 6). That’s way ahead of our target date (April 14). With 36,000+ Shareholders, Calista had a LOT of direct deposit and check payments to set up for this $11 million distribution. Quyana to staff in our Shareholder Services Department for their hard work in recent weeks 🙌 #Yukon #Kuksokwim #YKdelta #ANCSA #ShareholderServices #ShareholderBenefits

4/10/2023, 11:15:00 PM

Drága Tesóm! Nagyon boldog születésnapot kívánok neked! Erőt,egészséget,s hosszú boldog életet! Legyen csodás a mai napod, s minden álmod váljon valóra. 😘 💐 🎂 🍷 🎉 🎁 ♥️ ✨️ @lenk.ancsa #boldogszületésnapot #ancsa #ünnepacsaládban #április9 #ancsaszülinapja #happybirthday #húgomszülinapja #annamária #rohanazidő #őalegjobbtestvéravilàgon #várunkhaza #mysisterbirthday

4/9/2023, 5:09:07 AM

Ty Dudley, a Calista Shareholder and @calistaeducation scholarship recipient from Bethel, aspires to become a commercial pilot 🙌 Dudley says the CECI scholarship has "covered expenses beyond tuition. I can focus on learning at school and training at work thanks to having my tools covered." Learn more about Ty at the link in our bio! #ShareholderInTheNews #Storyknife #YKdelta #BethelAK #Kuskokwim #AlaskaNative #ANCSA #Alaskapilots

4/5/2023, 1:13:24 AM

I want to share a quote that perfectly spoke to my criticism of the how the outdoor industry treats Alaska. This quote comes from the book Blonde Indian written by the most badass Lingít Ernestine Hayes (@ernestinealaska) “When you speak of a place, it is best also to talk about its history, of what that place means to the people who once there lived. Not to do so would be like picturing a lush and timeless woman, but choosing not to make mention of her lost children - those children to whom she gave fecund birth, whom she nourished at her rich fat breast, whom she loved no less than they loved her, who were seized and sent away from her arms, but whom she remembers and longs for every day. That is the same way that the land longs for her children. That is how pitiful the land is with out her children.” I was so fortunate to join a Women’s History Month Celebration this past Sunday, where Ernestine spoke about her life and experiences. Ernestine’s speech left me with goosebumps, tears rolling down my face, fist in the air, proud to be a part of a long legacy of badass Lingít women, fighting to get it all back. If you are making films in Alaska, and you are not centering the life and experiences of the people who belong to the land, you are missing the true story. You are simply extracting a false narrative, projecting your own world view on sovereign beings with a significantly longer history than you could ever comprehend. 📸: @matthew_tufts #Alaska #alaskanative #Lingít #Tlingit #lingítaaní #landback #ski #exploitation #extraction #outdoor #outdoorindustry #skiing #extractiveindustry #heliskiing #educateyourself #youareonnativeland #ancsa #alaskanativeswithoutland #landless #elizabethperatrovich #alaskanativebrotherhood #alaskanativesisterhood #ernestinehayes #womenshistorymonth

3/30/2023, 7:49:24 PM

Repost from @ellengbradley • Just waiting for the day the “outdoor industry” stops extracting photos, film, stories, relatives, experiences, “resources” from Alaska and starts listening to Alaska Natives on how to be a good guest on our lands. Your heli-skiing carbon emissions, your lack of any relationship to the land and each of it’s relatives before being dropped off on the top of a mountain, your lack of respect for the culture, your ignorance and inadequate education about Alaska Native history, your sense of entitlement to the land is offensive. If you have recreated in Lingít aaní and you have never heard of the Landless communities, Elizabeth Peratrovich, Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood, Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Sealaska, Goldbelt, the Angoon Bombardment, Sheldon Jackson, Wrangell Institute, Dr. Walter Soboleff, to name a few… then you need to seriously reconsider your priorities. Pick up a book, watch a film, educate yourself. I have lost all of my patience and energy to educating folks for the last three ski seasons, in addition to a lifetime outside of this “outdoor” space. I am exhausted. Please just try to be better. 📸: @matthew_tufts #alaska #alaskanative #tlingit #lingit #lingítaaní #landback #ski #exploitation #outdoor #outdoorindustry #skiing #extractiveindustry #heliskiing #educateyourself #youareonnativeland #ancsa #alaskanativeswithoutland #landless #elizabethperatrovich #alaskanativebrotherhood #alaskanativesisterhood #sealaska #goldbelt #drwaltersoboleff

3/29/2023, 6:04:31 PM

Just waiting for the day the “outdoor industry” stops extracting photos, film, stories, relatives, experiences, “resources” from Alaska and starts listening to Alaska Natives on how to be a good guest on our lands. Your heli-skiing carbon emissions, your lack of any relationship to the land and each of it’s relatives before being dropped off on the top of a mountain, your lack of respect for the culture, your ignorance and inadequate education about Alaska Native history, your sense of entitlement to the land is offensive. If you have recreated in Lingít aaní and you have never heard of the Landless communities, Elizabeth Peratrovich, Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood, Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Sealaska, Goldbelt, the Angoon Bombardment, Sheldon Jackson, Wrangell Institute, Dr. Walter Soboleff, to name a few… then you need to seriously reconsider your priorities. Pick up a book, watch a film, educate yourself. I have lost all of my patience and energy to educating folks for the last three ski seasons, in addition to a lifetime outside of this “outdoor” space. I am exhausted. Please just try to be better. 📸: @matthew_tufts #alaska #alaskanative #tlingit #lingit #lingítaaní #landback #ski #exploitation #outdoor #outdoorindustry #skiing #extractiveindustry #heliskiing #educateyourself #youareonnativeland #ancsa #alaskanativeswithoutland #landless #elizabethperatrovich #alaskanativebrotherhood #alaskanativesisterhood #sealaska #goldbelt #drwaltersoboleff

3/29/2023, 5:44:38 PM

2023.03.02. 🥰😘 #szájtetoválás #piros #pirosszáj #pirosruzs #vörösrúzs #NitschBettina #Angyalfőld #Ancsa #széplett #száj

3/2/2023, 11:06:30 PM

Tavaszi tőzikék között 🤍🌲🚶‍♀️🐕 #lentimumor #lentimumorerdő #erdeiséta #tőzike #mia #anyu #ancsa #sisterandme👭 #mother #kirándulásmiával #myfamily #családikirándulás #együttacsalád #sister #szépazerdő

3/1/2023, 6:28:27 PM

Nominate a deserving Calista Elder of the Year by 5 pm on March 15! This award recognizes a Calista Corp. Shareholder Elder who exemplifies the values and qualities important to us as Alaska Native people. This individual is recognized as a leader, an educator, and preserver of the Native culture whose contributions have benefited Shareholders and Descendants throughout his or her life. Elders are defined as individuals 65 years of age or older by the nomination deadline. Nomination form at the link in our bio! #YKdelta #Yukon #Kuskokwim #YKRegion #Elder #ANCSA #AlaskaNative

2/28/2023, 10:55:04 PM

This photo is of my Great Uncle, Nick Brizgaloff, in the 1970s. This photo was taken shortly after the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. It was a time when the Chugach Alaska Corporation was still called Chugach Natives Incorporated. . . I have always loved this photo, which was a big reason I wanted to become a shareholder of Chugach. In the spring of last year, my mother gifted me a few shares, and I am proud to say I am now a Chugach Alaska Corporation Shareholder. . . Being Alaskan Native but not from Alaska is interesting because I didn't grow up in a village or one of the incredible communities of the Chugach region. The corporation is my Native Village; I guess you could say I am a Corporate Native. . . Comment below if you are also a Shareholder or Descendant of an Alaskan Native Corporation! . . #sugpiatland #chugachalaska #chugach #princewilliamsound #supportchugachnatives #alaskannative #nativealaskan #anc #alaskannativecorporation #corporatenative #ANCSA #alaska

2/28/2023, 5:02:06 PM

Pontosan 3 éve készült ez a fotó. Emlékszel rá Te is tesóm? @lenk.ancsa 🤗 😀 Jó kis nap volt Veldenben! #emlékek #utazásaink #ausztria #sisterandme #austria #3éve #karinthia #velden #derégisvolt #utazásahúgommal #2020 #február #kärthen #sisterandme👭 #annamária #ancsa #mégvörösen #travelmysister #sisters

2/22/2023, 7:56:29 PM

Oggi, si è svolto l’incontro di A.n.c.s.a. Associazione Nazionale Centri Soccorso Autoveicoli con la Presidente Eleonora Testani - Presidente A.N.C.S.A., che ha parlato del Soccorso stradale meccanico: Contributo di A.N.C.S.A. per la sicurezza stradale. È intervenuto Giuseppe Altieri - Responsabile Centro Studi A.N.C.S.A. che ha parlato della Disciplina del soccorso stradale e esigenze di riforma e infine Giancarlo Izzi - Direttore Generale A.N.C.S.A che ha parlato della Mobilità elettrica: criticità emergenti ed esigenze di sicurezza. Il presidente di Confimea Imprese Roberto Nardella ha partecipato alla conferenza assicurando ad #Ancsa la vicinanza all’associazione e il sostegno incondizionato di Confimea alle loro istanze.

2/21/2023, 7:12:14 PM

Una vera e propria fabbrica di idee per il futuro di Piazza Quaranta Martiri, per una due giorni che metterà insieme architetti, storici, amministratori, docenti di urbanistica, progettisti, esperti e cittadini, per cercare, tutti insieme, di scrivere una nuova pagina per la città. Venerdì 24 febbraio alle 16 Palazzo Pretorio ospiterà, in Sala Consiliare, un convegno che vedrà protagonisti i più grandi esperti italiani di urbanistica e architettura. Ad aprire i lavori sarà il sindaco di Gubbio, nelle vesti anche di presidente dell’Ancsa, Associazione nazionale dei centri storico-artistici, Filippo Mario Stirati, sarà poi la volta del vicesindaco Alessia Tasso, che farà il punto sulle previsioni urbanistiche per Piazza 40 martiri nei vari piani regolatori e sulle opportunità che sono in arrivo grazie al finanziamento del PNRR. A loro seguiranno gli interventi del gruppo di lavoro di Ancsa. Prevista anche la presenza di Leopoldo Freyrie, dal 2011 presidente del Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, curatore del progetto “L’oro di Gubbio”, e di Paolo Micalizzi, docente del corso di Storia della città e del territorio presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell’ Università Roma Tre, che ha scritto la storia urbanistica della città di Gubbio. Dopo un pomeriggio di lavori e confronto tra tecnici, aperto comunque a tutti, il sabato mattina vedrà protagonisti le cittadine e i cittadini di Gubbio: sabato 25 in Sala Consiliare, infatti, si terrà a partire dalle 9,30 un dibattito utile a raccogliere pareri, opinioni, storie, possibili progetti e auspici per quello che potrà essere il futuro di Piazza 40 Martiri, oggetto di un importante finanziamento acquisito dal Comune di Gubbio nell’ambito dei fondi previsti dal Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza. Tutti sono invitati a partecipare, a prendere la parola e a portare il proprio contributo, perché il futuro di una città passa dalla sua storia e da chi, quella storia, l’ha vissuta. #Gubbio #Umbria #piazza40martiri #PNRR #ancsa #urbanistica #centristorici #gubbioitaly #gubbio❤️

2/16/2023, 1:05:28 PM

Join us in welcoming our 431 new Shareholders! Eligible applicants who completed an enrollment application with all required documentation by Jan. 14 have received Class C Descendant shares. Welcome letters will go out in the second half of February. 62 percent of new shares were issued to minors, including 77 toddlers and 1 newborn just a few weeks old. The total # of Shareholders has grown to over 36,000. Do you still have family members who have yet to enroll? Calista Descendants can easily begin the enrollment process by applying online at #Yukon #Kuskokwim #YKdelta #AlaskaNative #ANCSA #NewShareholders

2/3/2023, 10:02:12 PM

Il Presidente di #Confimea Imprese Roberto Nardella, la Presidente di #Ancsa Eleonora Testani, il Direttore Generale di Confimea Imprese Silvia Mei e il Consigliere di Ancsa Giuseppe Altieri si sono incontrati nei giorni scorsi e hanno definito un metodo efficiente e proficuo per affrontare il negoziato con le OOSS Nazionali di Categoria dell’UGL per il rinnovo del CCNL dei dipendenti delle piccole e medie Imprese del Settore del Soccorso Stradale e delle attività di servizi connessi. Successiva la delegazione trattante di Confimea Imprese ha incontrato le OOSS Nazionali di Categoria dell’UGL per l’apertura delle trattative. Le Parti Sociali hanno deciso di calendarizzare a breve degli incontri specifici finalizzati all’adeguamento normativo del dettato contrattuale, che sarà comprensivo anche di Strategie Ambientali orientate ad un “Modello di Sviluppo Ecosostenibile”, fondato sul Rispetto dell’Ambiente, che terrà conto della “Accettabilità sociale e della salvaguardia dell’occupazione” e che opererà in maniera “Equilibrata con le esigenze finanziarie, economiche e produttive delle Aziende” . Le Parti Sociali hanno sottolineato di comune accordo, altresì la necessità, di un rinnovo economico del CCNL del Settore stesso, che terrà conto della perdita del potere di acquisto delle retribuzioni, quindi verrà previsto un incremento che non prescinderà dall’inflazione reale. Direttore Generale Confimea Silvia Mei

1/15/2023, 9:35:38 AM

DID YOU KNOW… …that on this date in 1971, the #AlaskaNativeClaimsSettlementAct (ANCSA) was signed into law. ANCSA extinguished aboriginal land title in Alaska and divided the state into 12 distinct regions. It mandated the creation of 12 corresponding private, for-profit Alaska Native regional corporations—including CIRI—and more than 200 private, for-profit Alaska Native village corporations. Visit the @ancsaregional website to learn more (link in bio). #ANCSA #Alaska #AlaskaNative #NativeAlaskan #AlaskaHistory #AlaskaNativeHistory #AlaskaNativeCorporation #CIRI #OurCIRI #culture #pride #heritage #profit #economy #land #landpreservation #indigenous #thisisdenainaełnena

12/18/2022, 6:01:04 PM

Two years ago tonight, in the dead of that first pandemic winter while we were all still coming to accept the proper noun "Zoom" as a verb, we partnered with University of Alaska Press to launch their new edition of Tom Kizzia’s "The Wake of the Unseen Object: Travels through Alaska's Native Landscapes." The book, originally published in 1991, was republished on the anniversary of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act in UA Press's Classic Reprint Series. The new version includes an updated introduction by @tomkizzia talking about the literary work of turning scattered portraits of rural Alaska originally produced for @anchoragedailynews into a first-person travel narrative, and the different expectations today on a white guy writing about Alaska Native village life in a time of great historical change. Thanks to attendees Mary Odden, @spatz_ak, and @grandmapatt , shown here in the photos, for participating. Link in bio to watch the recording on our YouTube channel. #timewarp #TomKizzia #AlaskaLit #AlaskaClassic #thewakeoftheunseenobject #alaskabooks #alaskaauthor #recordedlive #universityofalaskapress #ualaskapress @tomkizzia #MaryOdden #TBT #ThrowbackThursday #ANCSA

12/16/2022, 3:59:12 AM

More than 2,850 Elders—an increase of 100 from last year—will receive Calista Corporation's 2022 Elder's Benefit distribution on or before December 16. This year's distribution is $350 per Elder, for a total distribution of about $1 million. “Each year the number of eligible Elders has increased. We are grateful to our Elders for their invaluable transference of cultural knowledge, and we hope this distribution can help alleviate some of the financial weight,” says Willie Kasayulie, Calista Corp. Board Chair. Calista has distributed a record $14.6 million to Shareholders in 2022, over $2 million more than last year. #YKdelta #Yukon #Kuskokwim #Elders #AlaskaNative #ANCSA #ANCSAbenefits #ElderBenefits

11/30/2022, 1:53:18 AM

Egy újabb rohangálós nap az életemben. Kórház 😷 🏥👨‍⚕️🩺 💊 Vásárlás 🛒 🛍 Megéheztünk...🍔🥤🍟 Állatorvos 🐶 , s a napnak még nincs is vége. 🌧 Elfáradtam! 🥱 #kórház #endokrinológia #ahúgommalmentünk #álmosvagyok #fáradtvagyok #zeg #zalaegerszeg #szentrafaelkórház #kfc #vásároltunk #ancsa #ahúgomitthonvan #annamária #állatorvosnál #lenti #esősnap #miaszuritkapott #bátorvolt #hidegvan #rainnyday

11/15/2022, 9:10:41 PM

🌧 💳 🛍 Zalaegerszegen... 🍔🥤🍟 #vásárlásancsával #ahúgomitthonvan #énlennék #itsme #megéheztünk #ancsa #zalaegerszeg #zeg #burgerking #azújsapkámban #imádom #mostvettem #vásároltunk #shoppingmysister #annamária #esősnap #rainyday

11/10/2022, 9:09:01 PM

Our heritage is the foundation of our company values and purpose. In honor of #NationalNativeAmericanMonth, also known as American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month, we are taking this opportunity to educate others about our Alaska Native history and culture. About 50 years ago, on December 18, 1971, the Alaskan Native Claims Settlement Act [ANCSA] was signed into law. This sanctioned one of the largest land claims in U.S. history. Forty-four million acres of land and $962.5 million dollars were divided amongst 12 regional corporations and over 200 village corporations within Alaska. Our parent company, @calistacorp, is one of those twelve. A new era emerged for the indigenous people as they became Shareholders of these regional corporations. Under the ANCSA, Alaskan Native Corporations [ANC], like Yulista, were formed and designed to serve Alaska Native people. In addition to their corporate responsibilities, the ANCs committed to cultural and community efforts to preserve the Alaskan way of life. Our Native ancestors have remained RESILIENT through times of change. We are honored to be part of their story and contribute to their well-being and to their descendants’ futures. #ANCHistory #ANC #ANCSA #AlaskaNativeHeritageMonth #AlaskaNative #AlaskaPride #Alaska #TeamYulista #WeAreYulista

11/1/2022, 3:06:01 PM

#egyrevilágosabb #szuperfodrász #köszönöm #ancsa 😊

10/25/2022, 12:33:55 PM

We enjoyed interviewing Katrina Domnick of Bethel in our Storyknife newsletter! Katrina is a Calista Shareholder and @calistaeducation scholarship recipient looking to develop meaningful pathways between culture and health. She is pursuing her Master in Public Health from the University of North Dakota with an emphasis in Indigenous Health. Read the article at the 🔗 in our bio. #YKdelta #Yukon #Kuskokwim #ANCSA #Scholarship #PublicHealth #IndigenousHealth

10/19/2022, 10:50:03 PM

Please join us in welcoming Calista Corporation’s 760 new Shareholders! Eligible Calista Descendants who completed an Enrollment application with all required documentation by August 31, 2022 have received Class C Descendant shares in Calista’s 12th stock issuance. The youngest Shareholder applicant was less than a month old at the Aug. 31 application deadline! Do you still have family members who have yet to enroll? Calista Descendants can easily begin the enrollment process by applying online—read the story at the 🔗 in our bio to find out more. #ykdelta #yukon #kuskokwim #ANCSA #AlaskaNative #OpenEnrollment #Tuluksak

10/13/2022, 9:46:18 PM

Happy Archives Month!⁠ A huge congratulations to Oral History of completing the ANCSA Jukebox website.⁠ -⁠ -⁠ -⁠ The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Project Jukebox emphasizes the recollections of people who are important to the Native land claims movement, and is an opportunity to recognize those who worked to bring about this settlement, to assess the legislation that was created, and to evaluate impacts fifty years later. The story of ANCSA has been written in many published works, however, hearing from the people in their own words about their struggles, their successes, and what actually happened offers a richer and more personal experience. ⁠ -⁠ -⁠ -⁠ In 2022, the Alaska Historical Society produced the "Guide to Sources for the Study of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act" that contains information about primary source archival resources on ANCSA available from archives around the state and nationally.⁠ -⁠ -⁠ -⁠ The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Project Jukebox was created in 2022 by Karen Brewster of the Oral History Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Funding was provided by the Alaska State Library through an Interlibrary Cooperation Grant based on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. ⁠ -⁠ -⁠ -⁠ Photo: ASL-933-05⁠ -⁠ -⁠ -⁠ #aprcaatuaf #uafrasmusonlibrary #ancsa #archivesmonth

10/12/2022, 10:01:21 PM