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Decent first try of No Knead Bread 😊 300g / 48 hrs fermented #kusinanirochelley🔪🤍 #madeinstaub

4/28/2024, 9:06:22 PM

𝒞𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓎 𝐿𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓃 𝒢𝓃𝑜𝒸𝒸𝒽𝒾 🍋🐔 檸檬忌廉雞肉馬鈴薯丸子 {ʀᴇᴄɪᴘᴇ} 📝 Ingredients - 4 servings: * 3 large chicken breasts (cut into stripes) * 1 onion (chopped) * 12 garlic cloves (minced) * 1 lemon - 2 tbsp lemon juice & 4 lemon slices * 1000g gnocchi * 4 cups spinach * 1 cup shaved extra old cheddar cheese 🧂Seasonings: * 1 tbsp lemon pepper seasonings * 1/2 tbsp garlic powder * 1/2 tbsp black pepper * 2 tbsp butter * 1 tbsp olive oil * 1 cup chicken stock * 1 cup water * 2 cups 10% cream 1. Slice chicken breasts into smaller pieces and marinate overnight with lemon pepper seasoning, garlic powder and black pepper. 2. Add butter to pan and sear chicken until done, remove & set aside, save the juice from chicken. 3. Add olive oil, add chopped onions and minced garlic, cook until fragrant then add chicken stock, water and lemon juice, stir & scrape the bottom of pan. 4. Add gnocchi then add cream until it covers gnocchi, cook for 2-3 min uncovered (or as package suggests). 5. In low heat, add in spinach & cheese, cook until spinach wilts - add saved juice from chicken/ more water if sauce is too thick. 6. Add chicken breasts back into pan and mix well. 7. Garnish with sliced lemon & black pepper. ________ 📝材料 - 4人份: * 3塊 雞胸肉(切條) * 1個 洋蔥(切粒) * 12瓣 蒜頭(切碎) * 1個檸檬 - 2湯匙檸檬汁&4塊檸檬片 * 1000克 馬鈴薯丸子 * 4杯 菠菜 * 1杯 已刨的車打芝士 🧂調味料: * 1湯匙 檸檬胡椒 * 1/2湯匙 蒜粉 * 1/2湯匙 黑胡椒 * 2湯匙 牛油 * 1湯匙 橄欖油 * 1杯 雞湯 * 1杯 水 * 2杯 10%忌廉 1. 將雞胸肉切條,用檸檬胡椒、蒜粉和黑胡椒醃製過夜。 2. 鍋中加入牛油,將雞肉煎至熟,取出備用,保留雞汁。 3. 加入橄欖油,倒入切碎的洋蔥和蒜蓉,炒香後加入雞湯、水和檸檬汁,攪拌刮掉鍋底。 4. 加入馬鈴薯丸子,然後加入10%忌廉直至比覆蓋,不蓋蓋子煮 2-3 分鐘(或按照包裝建議)。 5. 小火加入菠菜和車打芝士,煮至菠菜變軟 - 如醬汁太杰,可加入保存的雞汁/更多的水。 6. 將雞柳放回鍋中,攪拌均勻。 7. 用檸檬片和黑胡椒作裝飾。 ________ #gnocchis #gnocchi #italianpasta #pastalover #creamypasta #gnocchirecipe #staub #staubtaiwan #staublover #madeinstaub #staubcooking #homecooking #castironrecipes #cookingrecipe #自己煮 #晚餐吃什麼 #二人晚餐 #晚餐自己煮 #煮飯仔 #自家煮 #自煮生活 #餐桌風景 #煮婦日常 #煮 #今晚煮乜餸 #鑄鐵鍋料理 #料理 #料理記錄 #食譜分享 #簡易食譜 @staub_japan @staub_ca @staub_usa @staub_fr

4/28/2024, 3:07:27 PM

전복 버터 솥밥에 어머님이 주신 도다리 쑥국으로 차린 저녁✨ 전복 내장은 따로 모아 청주랑 간장, 미림, 소금 째끔, 참기름 넣고 곱게 갈아서 쌀이랑 함께 볶았어요. 전복 솥밥엔 내장이 들어가야 찐하고 꼬소하니 맛있더라구요. 완성된 솥밥에 버터까지 넣어 섞어주니 맛이야 뭐..💕 밑반찬은 거의 안하는데 시댁에서 마늘쫑도 주셔서 마늘쫑 멸치 볶음을 처음 만들어 봤어요. 밑반찬 만드니깐 주부 9단이 된 것 같구 뿌듯하구 그러네요?🙈 . . . #mnm식탁일기

4/28/2024, 1:57:33 PM

Frühlingsfrisch und unglaublich lecker!🥗💖 Genießt den Frühling mit einem köstlichen Wildkräutersalat mit Ziegenkäse und Granatapfeldressing. Die perfekte Kombination aus Frische, Cremigkeit und einem Hauch von Süße – einfach unwiderstehlich!😍 Das Rezept findet ihr hier: #staub #madeinstaub #foodconnects #ceramics #ceramique #spring #springrecipe #vegetarisch #vegetarischerezepte #salat #wildkräuter #granatapfel

4/28/2024, 12:17:08 PM

Enhance your cooking experience with our lightweight cast iron cookware, designed for ergonomic lifting and compatible with all cooktops. Oven-safe up to 500°F. Discover the joy of cooking with the lightest cast iron on the market #madeinstaub #basting #cookinghack #foodie #foodiehack #cookingtips

4/27/2024, 10:40:12 PM

Join us as we continue to celebrate 50 years of STAUB inspiring us to live and cook in color. Do you like to mix and match or stick to one color? Tell us in the comments. #madeinStaub

4/26/2024, 3:02:05 PM

👨‍🍳 Elevate your dining experience with our elegant eucalyptus-colored cast iron products. Bring a touch of French charm to your table. 💚😍 #staub #madeinstaub

4/26/2024, 12:00:10 PM

Join us as we celebrate 50 years of STAUB encouraging us to bring indulgence to the table. There’s a reason professional chefs prefer it and at-home chefs adore it: Everything tastes better when it’s cooked—and served—in STAUB. In the comments below, drop your favorite recipe to cook in YOUR STAUB! #madeinstaub #belanjadenganperennials

4/26/2024, 6:25:50 AM

Ne remisez pas vos mini cocottes au placard. Vous utilisez vos mini cocottes seulement pour de grandes occasions, quel dommage ! Gardez-les à portée de main et utilisez-les pour garder sel et épices ! Vos mini cocottes seront utiles au quotidien et vos épices seront protégées de toute humidité ! #staub #madeinstaub #staubcastiron #staubfonte #cocotte #cocotteenfonte #ceramique #minicocotte #sel #épices #condiments #decoration #artdelatable #cocottes #astuce #cookwithstaub #cuisine

4/25/2024, 4:01:22 PM

👀 Eleve a elegância da sua mesa com a "alta costura" dos nossos produtos inspiradores 🍲 STAUB em todo o seu 🌈 esplendor colorido.. #mesa #elegancia #altaCostura #mesabonita #mesaposta #cocotte #minicocotte #ceramica #ferrofundido #madeinstaub #colorful #staub

4/25/2024, 11:01:06 AM

👀 Eleva la elegancia de tu mesa con la 'alta costura' de nuestros inspiradores productos 🍲 STAUB en todo el esplendor de su 🌈 colorido. . #mesa #elegancia #altaCostura #mesabonita #mesapuesta #cocotte #minicocotte #ceramica #hierrofundido #madeinstaub #colorful #staub

4/25/2024, 11:01:06 AM

Voglia di fragole? Noi sicuramente sì! Oggi sotto forma di tiramisù alle fragole 🍓🍓🍓 Curiosità: le fragole contengono più vitamina C delle arance, quindi, mangiando il tiramisù alle fragole, facciamo qualcosa di buono per il nostro sistema immunitario! 😉 #madeinSTAUB #STAUB #staubceramics #tiramisu #strawberrylove #strawberrytiramisu #foodconnects

4/24/2024, 8:13:12 PM

《醬燒馬鈴薯排骨》 日前發現了一個非常棒的 Instagrammer --「老金食堂的家常菜」@jinguangchen 裡面滿滿都是豐富卻不繁複的 #家常菜 💕 其中這一道「#醬燒馬鈴薯排骨」一看食譜就讓我鼻酸了,這就是家父生前的做法,唯一不同之處是家父會在燉煮時多加一塊老薑。 父親在世時是家裡的大廚,母親當了一輩子的職業婦女,只會蛋炒飯和煮冷凍水餃,所以記憶中家的味道就是父親做的家常菜。 父親平日也上班,只有週末會下廚,他一早去傳統市場買菜,市場的小販各個都認識他。週六早上一大早,他會用新鮮的米漿/豆漿和熱騰騰的飯糰把我從被窩裡叫醒,如果我賴床,早餐冷了,他還會生氣。當時不懂得珍惜父親的好 😢 小時候的我們都以為父母的存在是理所當然又天經地義的,子欲養而親不待是我心中永遠的痛。 於是靠著下廚來治癒我對父親的思念吧! 也歡迎大家去 @jinguangchen 的 #老金食堂 擷取靈感,也許您也能端出充滿濃濃愛意的家常菜,讓它們成為孩子心中幸福的回憶! (做法歡迎參考老金的「醬燒馬鈴薯排骨」) #酗飲甜茶看南方 #好吃不過家常菜 #手機食先 #醬燒馬鈴薯排骨 #醬燒排骨 #madeinstaub #staub #staubcocotte #staub料理 #史大伯鑄鐵鍋

4/24/2024, 5:04:44 PM

Ready to see the result? ➡️ Is this something you would do? #staub #madeinstaub

4/24/2024, 2:30:56 PM

♡ ... .. ここ最近3回目の#中華おこわ 今回はSBレシピにでて作りました。オイシイです👍干しエビ.香港で買った干し貝柱を入れるとお味がお店レベルの美味しさ❣️焼豚.、うずらの卵は手作りしました。 #米屋ながはら さんの精米したての#餅米 に出会えってラッキーなこと❣️ ..... ...... ...... ....!. #おうち中華#中華ご飯#スパイスごはん#乾物#手作りチャーシュー #家庭料理が一番#蒸し料理家庭料理 #mixedrice #staub #madeinstaub #staubcooking #staublover #staubごはん #staubfan#ストウブ#ストウブ料理#ストウブごはん#ストウブスチーマー#ストウブのある暮らし

4/24/2024, 1:29:29 PM

homemade curry 🍛 今夜はおうちカレー。 具材は牛肉、玉ねぎ、 ジャガイモ、人参で、 あまくちカレーです😙 お鍋はストウブです サイズは18センチ。 ちなみに最近知って 意外だったのですが ストウブ社って今年 50周年なのですと! ずっともーっと歳上 って思っていました🤭 祝50周年🎉 @staub_japan . #カレー #おうちカレー #普通のカレー #カレーは飲み物 #ストウブ #ストウ部 #homemadecurry #curry #madeinstaub

4/24/2024, 9:31:03 AM

We’re celebrating 50 years of STAUB inspiring us to live—and cook—in color with a dazzling array of vivid hues designed to brighten every meal and moment. From bright blues to gorgeous greens and everything in between, there’s something for everyone. Share your favorite color in the comments! #madeinstaub #belanjadenganPerennials

4/24/2024, 2:01:31 AM

La cocotte ronde en fonte Cerise de 26cm est idéale pour 4 à 5 personnes et pour toute sorte de recettes ! Vous souhaitez cuire vos ingrédients à la vapeur ? Cette cocotte est munie d'un panier vapeur en acier inoxydable, qui vous permet de cuire simultanément deux préparations. Son joint en silicone épais permet à la vapeur de se répartir uniformément, pour une cuisson saine et savoureuse. À vous les recettes saines et savoureuses #STAUB #madeinSTAUB #cocotte #fonte #cuisine #cocottefonte #castiron #cocotteSTAUB #émail #iconique #sain #healthy #chistera #cuisson #cuissonvapeur

4/23/2024, 5:30:11 PM

Baking bread is depressing when it goes wrong, but it’s a great feeling when it goes right! Still lots to learn to make this focaccia but it’s so simple and actual hands on time is about 15 minutes but resting the dough for 24 hours plus the second proof time in room temperature from 2 to 4 hours is the key to make the dough fluffier Focaccia 🌱Organic spelt flour and organic unbleached all purpose flour-450g 🌱Filtered water (40℃) 🌱Active dry yeast-7g 🌱Organic sugar or maple syrup-5g 🌱Celtic sea salt-4g 🌱Extra virgin olive oil- as it needs 💧lukewarm water(under 42℃)-430g #focaccia #organic #plantbased #tomato #basil #oregano #staub #garlic #ストウブ  #castiron #roastedgarlic #baking #フォカッチャ #ニンニク #インスタフード  #instafood #organic #lentils #plantbased #easyrecipes #madeinstaub #bread #breadmaking #focacciabread

4/23/2024, 3:47:02 PM

Ready to see the result? ➡️ Is this something you would do? #staub #madeinstaub

4/23/2024, 12:00:23 PM

We’re celebrating 50 years of STAUB inspiring us to live—and cook—in color with a dazzling array of vivid hues designed to brighten every meal and moment. From bright blues to gorgeous greens and everything in between, there’s something for everyone. Share your favorite color in the comments! #madeinstaub #belanjadenganPerennials

4/23/2024, 2:03:13 AM

Whether a high-quality steak, a fresh piece of salmon, or a burger pattie – our STAUB grill pan simply is brilliant for searing meat and fish. With the grooves on the bottom, it gives the meat an attractive pattern - like on a grill. In addition, the grooves ensure that fat can simply run off and the meat is prepared low fat - and perfect taste! #STAUB #MadeInSTAUB #grillingfood

4/22/2024, 3:23:47 PM

Bunt, praktisch, vielseitig und einfach schön.😍 Die STAUB Schüsseln aus robuster Keramik sind in verschiedenen Farben und Größen erhältlich, sodass du für jeden Einsatzzweck die passende Schüssel findest. Ob für Müsli, Salat oder Snacks - die farbenfrohen Schüsseln bringen Farbe auf den Tisch und machen einfach gute Laune.🥗😊 #staub #madeinstaub #foodconnects #bowl #schüssel #ceramique #ceramics #regenbogen #rainbow

4/22/2024, 2:00:13 PM

1974年に誕生したストウブ。それは単なるクックウェアではなく、食卓を囲む時間を大切にする、フランス文化を表現するシンボルそのもの。 #STAUB #ストウブ #madeinstaub

4/22/2024, 4:59:01 AM

Simple & yummy rice pot with Black truffle & King oyster mushrooms 🍄‍🟫 🍄 🖤🍚 - #madeinstaub #staubごはん #staubおうちカフェ #staub料理 #偽忙煮婦生活 #jacqmade #ストウブテリーヌ #ricepot

4/22/2024, 3:32:45 AM

Got the Truffle salt from 🇬🇧, so it’s Steak night 🥩🐮 - #madeinstaub #staubごはん #staubおうちカフェ #staub料理 #偽忙煮婦生活 #jacqmade #ストウブテリーヌ #recipe #steak #truffle

4/20/2024, 5:55:42 AM

It's that Friyay!! The Boys's (&some classmates) Bi-monthly Spam Musubi FriDay! lol #kusinanirochelley🔪🤍 #madeinstaub

4/19/2024, 4:00:51 PM

カンパーニュLove ... ... 友人が育てた黒胡麻を炒ってたっぷり入れ#黒胡麻カンパーニュ 香ばしくて美味しい 分量を増やしたのでいつもの鍋では無理ぽい からワナベで焼いてみた 真鍮ノブが高温に耐えられるか分からないから、ホイルをぐるぐる巻きにして保護しました。お陰でローストチキンにはならなかった笑) ... #staub #madeinstaub #staubcooking #staubfan #staublover #staubごはん#ストウブ#ストウブ料理#ストウブワナベ#ストウブパン#鍋パン#サワー種#自家製酵母#酵母パン#カンパーニュ#カンパーニュ大好き#趣味のパン#クープ

4/19/2024, 12:04:27 PM

50 anni di tradizione, innovazione e, soprattutto, colore 🥘 Il mondo STAUB unisce la versatilità di ghisa e ceramica, portando nella tua cucina il gusto della cucina francese e la voglia di sperimentare piatti sempre diversi, con la stessa certezza che solo uno strumento di qualità può darti 👩🏼‍🍳 Scopri il mondo STAUB e prendi posto alla nostra tavola! #STAUB #ghisa #tradizione #innovazione #madeinSTAUB

4/19/2024, 11:51:03 AM

Bergabunglah bersama kami untuk merayakan makanan, dan kenangan seiring kami menghormati 50 tahun STAUB. Ini akan menjadi tahun yang besar, jadi nantikanlah beberapa kejutan spesial. Yuk share di kolom komen moment favorit kamu bersama STAUB! #madeinstaub

4/19/2024, 4:01:51 AM

Made this focaccia with mixture of spelt and unbleached all purpose flour. It definitely tastes “healthier” than just making this with only unbleached all purpose flour. Still lots to learn to make this focaccia but it’s so simple and actual hands on time is about 15 minutes if it’s not less. Waiting time in the fridge is minimum overnight to 24 hours plus the second proof time in room temperature from 2 to 4 hours. Focaccia 🌱Organic spelt flour and organic unbleached all purpose flour-300g 🌱Filtered water (40℃) 🌱Active dry yeast-7g 🌱Organic sugar or maple syrup-5g 🌱Celtic sea salt-4g 🌱Extra virgin olive oil- as it needs Topping suggestions ✨herbs ✨roasted garlic ✨onion ✨tomato ✨olives ✨mushrooms ✨artichoke #focaccia #organic #plantbased #tomato #basil #oregano #staub #garlic #ストウブ  #castiron #roastedgarlic #baking #フォカッチャ #ニンニク #インスタフード  #instafood #organic #lentils #plantbased #easyrecipes #madeinstaub #veganrecipes #easybaking #focaccia #organic #spelt #speltflour

4/19/2024, 3:30:35 AM

Made this focaccia with mixture of spelt and unbleached all purpose flour. It definitely tastes “healthier” than just making this with only unbleached all purpose flour. Still lots to learn to make this focaccia but it’s so simple and actual hands on time is about 15 minutes if it’s not less. Waiting time in the fridge is minimum overnight to 24 hours plus the second proof time in room temperature from 2 to 4 hours. Focaccia 🌱Organic spelt flour and organic unbleached all purpose flour-300g 🌱Filtered water (40℃) 🌱Active dry yeast-7g 🌱Organic sugar or maple syrup-5g 🌱Celtic sea salt-4g 🌱Extra virgin olive oil- as it needs #focaccia #organic #plantbased #tomato #basil #oregano #staub #garlic #ストウブ  #castiron #roastedgarlic #baking #フォカッチャ #ニンニク #インスタフード  #instafood #organic #lentils #plantbased #easyrecipes #madeinstaub

4/19/2024, 1:43:52 AM

Junte-se a nós para continuarmos a celebrar os 5️⃣0️⃣ anos da STAUB 👏, inspirando-nos a levar o amor ❤️ à mesa e lembrando-nos que cada refeição partilhada com os nossos entes queridos é um momento e, mais tarde, uma memória a celebrar 🎉. Como imagina o seu momento STAUB preferido? 🗯️ . #aniversarioSTAUB #50aniversarioSTAUB #50anosSTAUB #tradiçao #cozinhadeverdade #amorpelacozinha #paixaopelacozinha #madeinstaub #madeinfrance #cozinhafrancesa #staub50years #STAUB

4/18/2024, 11:01:16 AM

Únete a nosotros para seguir celebrando los 5️⃣0️⃣ años de STAUB 👏 inspirándonos a llevar el amor ❤️ a la mesa y recordándonos que cada comida compartida con los seres queridos es un momento y, más tarde, un recuerdo que celebrar 🎉. ¿Cómo te imaginas tu momento STAUB favorito? 🗯️ . #aniversarioSTAUB #50aniversarioSTAUB #50añosSTAUB #cumpleañosSTAUB #tradicion #cocinadeverdad #amorporlacocina #pasionporlacocina #madeinstaub #madeinfrance #cocinafrancesa #staub50years #STAUB

4/18/2024, 11:00:21 AM

Frühlingszeit ist Crumble-Zeit!😍 Das Beste an einem Crumble ist seine Vielseitigkeit: Man kann praktisch jede Art von Früchten verwenden, je nachdem, was gerade Saison hat. Im Frühling sind zum Beispiel Erdbeeren, Rhabarber und Äpfel absolute Favoriten.🍓🍎 Getoppt mit etwas Vanilleeis, schmecken Crumble besonders hervorragend und in den STAUB Gusseisenpfannen lässt sich das leckere Dessert schnell und unkompliziert zubereiten! #staub #madeinstaub #foodconnects #castiron #fruits #fruechte #crumble #kuchen #dessert #springrecipe

4/17/2024, 1:10:07 PM

Come join us as we celebrate 50 years of STAUB, inspiring us to bring love to the table and cherish every meal shared with loved ones. These moments become cherished memories worth celebrating. What is your most cherished STAUB moment? #staub #madeinstaub

4/17/2024, 11:00:48 AM

⭐ New Colors ⭐ Our two-piece rectangular baking dish set is now available in a range of fresh new colors. Inspired by pastel-colored French macarons, you can now choose from pink, green, and blue (swipe to view the collection). This cheerful set includes a 10.5" x 7.5" and a 7.5" x 6" rectangular baking dish. Which color is your favorite? Let us know in the comments. #madeinstaub

4/16/2024, 3:03:39 PM

🍳 Looking for a versatile frying pan that offers professional browning results? 🤔 Look no further! Our Cast Iron Round Frying Pan has a multi-layered, black matte enamelled interior and a beech wooden handle for an attractive finish, plus, its loop design allows for a stylish display. 👀 #staub #madeinstaub

4/16/2024, 12:00:18 PM

♡ ... .... .... ....... 2回目の#筍ごはん 隠し味に玉ねぎ麹を入れてみたら、メチャ美味しいじゃん🎶 山椒の葉を千切りながら混ぜ込むと爽やかな香りが口いっぱい広がりました。     #ごちそうさまでした #筍#お昼ご飯#玉ねぎ麹#炊き込みご飯#筍料理#家庭料理部#家庭料理が一番#おうちレシピ #staub #madeinstaub #staubfan #staubごはん #staublover #lacocottedegohan#ストウブ#ストウブ料理#ストウブ炊飯#ストウブのある暮らし#ストウブごはん#ストウブココハン

4/15/2024, 2:50:01 PM

Make a statement in the kitchen this Autum with STAUB’s high-quality cast iron pots and pans. Perfect for any recipe, these kitchen essentials are sure to impress. #STAUB #foodconnects #MadeinSTAUB #castiron #potsandpans #castiron

4/15/2024, 1:17:52 PM

Genieße die Vielfalt der vegetarischen Küche mit diesem Rezept: Blumenkohlsteaks mit Tandoori-Dip! Diese köstlichen Blumenkohlsteaks sind eine wahre Gaumenfreude und werden durch den würzigen Tandoori-Dip perfekt ergänzt.😊 Entdecke eine neue Art, Gemüse zu genießen! Das Rezept findet ihr im Kommentar. #staub #madeinstaub #foodconnects #tandoori #blumenkohl #blumenkohlsteak #cauliflower #cauliflowersteak #vegetarian #vegetarisch #vegetarischerezepte

4/15/2024, 1:00:17 PM

And much earlier in the week, we made the Baked Lemon Rosemary Chicken Meatballs and Creamy Orzo from @halfbakedharvest for dinner. Now, I’ll admit that for the sake of time cuz this was a dinner that would be made on a weeknight and post workout, I did buy some preassembled chicken meatballs. So that made this a lot easier, but I still would call it an easy dinner even if I had mixed those up myself. I did especially love that it really was a one pan dish and the Staub was all that needed to be cleaned up! And with all of that cheesy sauce and comforting orzo pasta, it tasted great too! #halfbakedharvest #madeinstaub #chickenmeatballsandorzo

4/14/2024, 4:22:41 PM

🍳In the kitchen, trust is the secret ingredient. At STAUB, our passion and skill go into every handcrafted product we make. 🙌🏼 From France's Alsace region, our cast iron pots and pans bring a touch of French cuisine to your kitchen. 💙 #MadeinSTAUB #STAUB #foodconnects #madeinfrance #elsace #frenchcuisine #potsandpans #castiron #kitchendesign

4/14/2024, 12:00:12 PM

As the weather warms and new beginnings bloom, it's time to elevate your cooking game. Make a statement in the kitchen this spring with STAUB's high-quality cast iron pots and pans. Perfect for any recipe, these kitchen essentials are sure to impress. #STAUB #foodconnects #MadeinSTAUB #castiron #potsandpans #castiron

4/13/2024, 12:00:16 PM

There is no denying the importance of a tea towel in any well-equipped kitchen. Its versatility and functionality make it an essential item that is often overlooked and underappreciated. From drying dishes and wiping spills to handling hot pots and pans, a tea towel is a must-have for any home cook or professional chef. #STAUB #madeinSTAUB #delicious #dinner

4/12/2024, 4:00:08 PM

Join us as we continue to celebrate 50 years of STAUB and the legacy of craftsmanship that makes our cocotte the perfect pot. Share your favorite heirloom piece and the recipe you love to cook in it below in the comments. #madeinStaub

4/12/2024, 3:02:01 PM

Feiert mit uns 50 Jahre STAUB, die uns inspirieren gewagte Geschmackserlebnisse zu Tisch zu bringen.🍾😊 1974 hatten wir eine neuartige Idee - wir gaben emailliertem Gusseisen eine matte Emaille-Innenseite und kombinierten sie mit unserem charakteristischen, dicht schließenden Deckel - und heute, ein halbes Jahrhundert später, entscheiden sich Köche auf der ganzen Welt immer noch für STAUB.🥰 #staub #madeinstaub #foodconnects #castiron #cocotte #gusseisen #50yearsofstaub #kitchendesign #potsandpans

4/12/2024, 12:00:17 PM

4 days of breakfast meal prep, pecan french toast casserole #casserole #breakfastcasserole #breakfasttime #elsabeenecooking #madeinstaub

4/11/2024, 11:06:18 PM

¿Sabía que STAUB también fabrica textiles: tenemos disponible delantales, y paños de cocina? Colgado del hombro, colgado en la pared o simplemente colocado casualmente sobre la superficie de trabajo, el paño de cocina siempre está presente en la cocina y rara vez está solo 😊. Nuestros paños de cocina 100% algodón miden 70x50 cm y están disponibles en gris y azul. #STAUB #madeinSTAUB #paños de cocina #cocina #algodón #delantaltes #repasador #timeless #tela #cocina #textil

4/11/2024, 9:23:09 PM

Le riz est un ingrédient incontournable de nos assiettes. Aujourd’hui, nous vous présentons 3 ustensiles qui vous faciliteront la vie lors de la préparation et du service. Notre cocotte Gohan : elle cuit le riz (légumineuses ou autres féculents) parfaitement grâce à la répartition homogène de la chaleur et à son couvercle qui arrose continuellement vos ingrédients. Servez la quantité idéale de riz à vos convives grâce à nos bols blancs en céramique avec leurs diamètres de 12 cm. Leur design intemporel s’adaptera à n’importe quelle table. La bien nommée cuillère à riz en silicone vous aidera à servir votre riz grâce à surface plane. Le silicone de la cuillère permet de ne pas abîmer les grains de riz. #staub #madeinstaub #staubfonte #staubcastiron #staubgohan #fonte #cuisson #riz #japon #bol #cuillere #service #bols #servir #madeinfrance #instafood #cookwithstaub #cuisine #legumineuses

4/11/2024, 1:00:16 PM

Os 🍲 tabuleiros para o forno são tão versáteis que nunca são muitos na sua cozinha. Claro, eles são perfeitos para gratinados 🧀 e ensopados, mas também para assar legumes 🥦 ou carne 🍖 e para muitas sobremesas 🍰 deliciosas. . #ceramica #tabuleiro #travessa #assadeira #ceramicastaub #cozinha #utensiliosdecozinha #mesa #forno #ceramics #madeinstaub #staub

4/11/2024, 11:01:15 AM

Los 🍲 recipientes de gratinado son increíblemente versátiles y nunca son demasiados. Por supuesto, son ideales para preparar 🧀 gratinados y guisos, pero también son excelentes para asar 🥦 verduras o 🍖 carne y para crear deliciosos 🍰 postres. . #ceramica #fuentes #bandeja #ceramicastaub #cocina #menaje #mesa #horno #ceramics #madeinstaub #staub

4/11/2024, 11:01:15 AM

♡ #ライ麦パン好き ... ... 久々の#ストウブテリーヌ型 出番で〜す💌 ルブロと迷って#フロッケンセザム 作りました。ライ麦シュロート、ナッツ、ドライフルーツもりもり!現地のライ麦パンにはスパイスが入ってたのでオールスパイスを入れました。アペリティフやランチにいい感じ🍷 簡単で美味しいから又作ろう🎶 .... .... .... #ライ麦#ライ麦パン#サワー種#天然酵母#ドイツパン#フロッケンセサミ#ワインに合う料理#うまいラボ#サワードゥ #staub #madeinstaub #staublover #staubfan#ストウブ#ストウブ料理#ストウブのある暮らし#ストウ部 #staubおうちカフェ#ストウブパン

4/11/2024, 9:35:10 AM

Lemon chicken pasta, broccolini, and a delightful @duchman_family_winery Vermintino Pan seared the chicken breasts, then finished them in the oven. Cooked green onions, lemon zest, and garlic in the chicken pan, then deglazed with lemon juice, and then deglazed a further with the Vermentino. Added parsley and green onions to the pan and let that cook and cool. Tossed the pasta in that deliciousness, added a healthy amount and of pecorino Romano and pasta water. Broccolini cooked in olive oil, garlic, and lemon zest. Finished it all with fresh ground pepper, pecorino Romano, and lemon zest. #homecooking #madeinstaub

4/11/2024, 4:58:21 AM

Isn’t she a beauty? Our limited edition 26cm Black cocotte has landed and is ready to elevate your cooking game! With its sleek design and superior performance, this cocotte is a must-have in any kitchen. Get yours before it’s gone! #LimitedEdition #madeinstaub

4/10/2024, 4:07:06 PM

⭐ Mixed colors vs. matching set ⭐ In your STAUB collection, do you mix and match colors or prefer to collect pieces in the same colorway? From bright and bold hues to soft neutrals, our carefully curated variety of timeless colors allows you to tailor your collection to your own kitchen's aesthetic. Tell us more about your collection below. #madeinstaub

4/10/2024, 3:01:29 PM

Upgrade deine Küche mit den STAUB Edelstahlknäufen!😍 Robust, stilvoll und perfekt für dein Kochgeschirr – diese Knäufe verleihen deinen STAUB-Töpfen und -Pfannen einen individuellen Touch und machen das Kocherlebnis zum absoluten Vergnügen! Stöbert in dem vielfältigen Sortiment und entdeckt spannende Varianten.🐟🐇 #staub #madeinstaub #foodconnects #castiron #potsandpans #kitchendesign #kitcheninspiration #gusseisen #cocotte

4/10/2024, 12:00:26 PM

Join us as we continue to celebrate 50 years of STAUB inspiring us to bring big, bold flavours to the table. In 1974, we had a novel idea—give enamelled cast iron a matte enamel interior and pair it with our signature, tight-fitting lid—and now half a century later, chefs all around the globe still choose STAUB. What’s your favourite recipe to cook in STAUB? #staub #madeinstaub

4/10/2024, 11:01:41 AM