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#food #travel #sports #news #april #monday

Embracing Pragmatic Mondays: Starting the week with a clear mind, focused goals, and a determined spirit. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ #goodhabits #selfawareness #behavior #acknowledgment #pragmatism #everyday #truth #factsoflife #life #practicallife #monday #mondaymotivation #mondaymood #mondayvibes #mondayblues #mondaymorning #motivationalquotes #motivationmonday #motivated #doubt #believeinyourself #mindset

4/29/2024, 5:00:14 AM

Embracing Pragmatic Mondays: Starting the week with a clear mind, focused goals, and a determined spirit. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ #goodhabits #selfawareness #behavior #acknowledgment #pragmatism #everyday #truth #factsoflife #life #practicallife #monday #mondaymotivation #mondaymood #mondayvibes #mondayblues #mondaymorning #motivationalquotes #motivationmonday #motivated #doubt #believeinyourself #mindset

4/29/2024, 4:00:10 AM

TRANSFERRING WITH A SPOON (PRACTICING THE USE OF A SPOON) 🥄 👶As early as your child is ready and interested in holding and using a spoon 🖐 (you can adjust what you offer to transfer and the kind of containers you use accordingly.) 🏠A super easy one to set up at home and also easy to vary and rotate using various home sourced objects and open ended material 🔺You can stick to open ended material (shapes or large beads) if you are not comfortable with using dry food yet, but also remember children benefit so much from real experiences and it really helps them with those early signs of concentration in the first years of life! 🥄TRANSFERRING WITH A SPOON HELPS YOUR CHILD: •Develop hand-eye coordination •Develop hand muscles - preparing the hand for writing •Independence: practicing the use of a spoon needed for independent feeding and everyday life! •Confidence : making children feel capable while using real everyday objects! •Concentration: An activity children often like to repeat and persevere with which in turns help them develop first signs of concentration. •Mathematical skills : Indirectly inviting your child to work with early numeracy (starting to notice difference in quantities and explore how they can be changed.) •Language : mathematical language (early numeracy) 🥄 YOU COULD FOR EXAMPLE USE : Dry pasta Dry Rice Dry Beans Dry lentils Dry Sweetcorn Cotton wool Beads Ping pong balls Pom poms Food role play Japanese stones 💫Vary according to seasons: Shells Conkers Colour ice cubes Christmas baubles Easter eggs Have you tried to introduce practicing the use of a spoon at 🏠 ✅SAVE for later ✅FOLLOW @how2montessori for more ideas ✅TAG a friend looking for simple home sourced ideas! ‼️Head to our storefront to the ‘practical life’ section for inspiration on resources you may need. Link is in bio

4/28/2024, 8:06:36 PM

🏡 Welcome to my little corner of productivity and warmth! ☀️ I’m Abigail, and I wear many hats— from homemaker, operations manager of my household to homeschooling enthusiast, I’m here to share the joys and challenges of creating a nurturing haven for my family. Join me on this journey of DIY projects, meal plan and prep, family budgeting and educational adventures as we navigate the beautiful chaos of everyday life together. Here’s to finding magic in the mundane and celebrating the beauty of homemaking! 💕

4/28/2024, 6:40:35 PM

Farm Animals. Now we learn about horse. We did 2 activities at the same time. Matching colour by lacing the colour and free painting. #freepainting #practicallife #kelasmain #kelasmainbekasi #kelasmainanak

4/28/2024, 5:58:29 AM

Lovely CHMS Garden Day! Thank you to all of our volunteers for the donations and help! It's going to be another beautiful season of growing delicious and beautiful plants. #garden #gardeninglove #gardeningwithkids #montessorigarden #practicallife

4/28/2024, 2:13:26 AM

La véritable VAISSELIER est en place pour mettre la table en toute autonomie. #ViePratique #Activity #PRACTICALLIFE 🌿 🍽

4/27/2024, 8:13:41 PM

Wist u dat beginnen met pensioensparen in uw 20'er of 30'er jaren kan leiden tot een vier keer groter pensioenkapitaal? Start nu met praktisch en persoonlijk pensioenadvies bij Practical Life. #VroegBeginnen #PensioenSpaarplan #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:40:56 PM

Droomt u al van uw pensioen? Zorg dat die droom geen financiële nachtmerrie wordt. Met onze persoonlijke pensioenplanning zorgen we dat u later volop kunt genieten van uw welverdiende rust. #PensioenZekerheid #LeefJeDroom #PracticalLife

4/27/2024, 12:40:48 PM

Een lijfrente kopen kan een slimme zet zijn voor uw financiële toekomst. Zorg voor een gegarandeerde inkomstenstroom die u helpt om van uw pensioen te genieten, ongeacht de marktomstandigheden. #LijfrenteKopen #FinanciëleStabiliteit #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:40:18 PM

Estate planning is niet alleen voor de rijken. Iedereen heeft iets waardevols om na te laten. Wij maken het eenvoudig om uw nalatenschap te beheren en te beschermen. #EstatePlanningVoorIedereen #Nalatenschapsbescherming #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:33:47 PM

Bent u al begonnen met het plannen van uw pensioen? Wacht niet tot het laatste moment. Start vandaag met het opbouwen van een veilige toekomst waar u onbezorgd van kunt genieten. Ons team bij Practical Life biedt op maat gemaakte pensioenplanning die aansluit bij uw levensstijl en financiële doelen. #Pensioenplanning #ToekomstZekerStellen #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:31:44 PM

Het lijkt misschien nog ver weg, maar uw pensioen komt sneller dichterbij dan u denkt. Elke stap die u nu zet, helpt om straks comfortabel te kunnen leven. Kom langs bij Practical Life voor een persoonlijk pensioenadvies. #PensioenPreparatie #PracticalLife #financiëleplanning

4/27/2024, 12:31:12 PM

Overweegt u een lijfrente? Dit is een geweldige manier om te zorgen voor een stabiel en gegarandeerd inkomen na uw pensioen. Bij Practical Life adviseren we u graag over de verschillende mogelijkheden en hoe deze kunnen bijdragen aan uw financiële zekerheid op lange termijn. #Lijfrente #StabielInkomen #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:30:59 PM

Lijfrenteplannen bieden financiële zekerheid voor uw toekomst. Wilt u meer weten over hoe lijfrente kan bijdragen aan uw pensioenstrategie? Onze financiële adviseurs staan klaar om u te helpen met gepersonaliseerd advies en planning. #LijfrentePlan #FinancieelAdvies #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:24:25 PM

Bescherm uw erfenis en zorg voor uw dierbaren, zelfs als u er niet meer bent. Ons team biedt deskundig advies en ondersteuning bij het opstellen van testamenten, schenkingsplannen, en meer. #ErfenisPlannen #PracticalLife #toekomstzorgen

4/27/2024, 12:24:07 PM

Estate planning helpt u bij het effectief structureren van uw nalatenschap, het minimaliseren van belastingen en het beschermen van uw dierbaren. Maak een afspraak bij Practical Life voor een gedetailleerd en persoonlijk advies. #Vermogensopvolging #JuridischAdvies #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:23:56 PM

Uw pensioen is de tijd om te genieten van de vruchten van uw harde werk. Laat ons u helpen uw financiële toekomst veilig te stellen met onze op maat gemaakte pensioenoplossingen. #GenietVanPensioen #PracticalLife #pensioenplanning

4/27/2024, 12:23:46 PM

Lijfrente: uw brug naar een zorgeloze pensioentijd. Ontdek hoe u kunt profiteren van fiscale voordelen terwijl u een stabiel inkomen voor later opbouwt. #LijfrenteVoordelen #PensioenInkomen #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:21:38 PM

Veilig en stabiel: twee woorden die u wilt horen over uw pensioeninkomen. Met een lijfrente van Practical Life kunt u deze zekerheid bereiken. Laten we uw opties verkennen. #FinanciëleZekerheid #Lijfrente #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:21:25 PM

Estate planning gaat niet alleen over het verdelen van uw bezittingen, maar ook over het creëren van een nalatenschap die generaties kan beïnvloeden. Laat Practical Life u helpen een blijvende impact te maken. #LegacyPlanning #EstatePlanning #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:20:59 PM

Zorg ervoor dat uw harde werk niet verloren gaat. Onze estate planning diensten zorgen dat uw wensen worden gerespecteerd en uw familie beschermd is. #BeschermUwFamilie #NalatenschapBeheer #practicallife

4/27/2024, 12:20:31 PM

#practicallife #realworld #nodream

4/27/2024, 6:57:27 AM

Mencuci beras dan memasak nasi mungkin terlihat seperti aktivitas sederhana bagi orang dewasa, tapi tahukah kamu bahwa kegiatan ini memiliki banyak manfaat untuk anak usia dini? Beberapa anfaat Mencuci Beras dan Memasak Nasi untuk Anak: - Meningkatkan keterampilan motorik halus: Menggenggam beras, mengaduk air, dan menuangkan nasi dapat membantu mengembangkan keterampilan motorik halus anak. - Meningkatkan kemampuan sensorik: Bermain dengan beras dan air dapat membantu anak menjelajahi tekstur dan sensasi yang berbeda. - Mengajarkan tanggung jawab: Terlibat bersama orang tua di dapur dapat menanamkan rasa tanggung jawab dan kemandirian pada anak. - Meningkatkan rasa percaya diri: Menyelesaikan tugas dengan sukses dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri anak. - Menumbuhkan rasa cinta terhadap makanan: Membantu menyiapkan makanan dapat membuat anak lebih menghargai dan menyukai makanan. - Memperkuat ikatan dengan orang tua: Beraktivitas bersama di dapur dapat memperkuat ikatan antara orang tua dan anak. Sudah masak nasi hari ini? 😍 #idemain #idebermain #practicallife #montessoriathome

4/27/2024, 6:51:22 AM

Where are the aeroplanes hiding? ✈️ ☁️ Some fine motor fun to strengthen my tiny weeny mighty fingers 🤩🤏🏻 through the learning theme of transportation #ChildrensWorldKL #TaskaChildrensWorld #Montessori #KSPK #STEM #STEAM #Language #readingprogramme #PracticalLife #Cultural #Cognitive #Sensory #earlychildhoodeducation #learnthroughplay #learningmadefun #childdevelopment #braindevelopment ________ Contact us to find out more about our #Montessori programme as early as 18* months-old. *T&C

4/27/2024, 6:00:00 AM

Choose Practical Learning over Rote Learning by choosing Sunrise. 🎓🌟 At Sunrise School, we prioritize hands-on experiences, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills over mere memorization. Join us in cultivating a generation of learners equipped to excel in a dynamic world. . . . #PracticalLearning #HandsOnEducation #SunriseSchool #practical #practicalmagic #practicalskills #PracticalLearning #practicallife #AdmissionOpen #admissionopen2024_2025

4/27/2024, 4:30:12 AM

Bagaimana cara orang tua merespon setiap tahap pertumbuhan anak berdasarkan taraf usia dengan tepat? 🤔💭 Maria Montessori menuturkan bahwa tahapan proses tumbuh kembang anak dapat diperhatikan melalui taraf usia mereka, mulai dari usia 0-24 tahun. 😊✨ Ketahui lebih banyak informasi tentang tahapan proses tumbuh-kembang anak berdasarkan taraf usia, serta kebutuhan mereka untuk dapat tumbuh secara optimal melalui tayangan di atas, bersama LINK Montessori School! 💁🏻‍♀️🏫💯 #learningthroughplaying #practicallife #paudbandung #parentinganakusiadini #pendidikananak #montessoriindonesia #montessorischool #multisensorylearning #learningthroughpractice #linkmontessorischool

4/27/2024, 4:00:03 AM

Pouring dry pasta is an ideal Montessori practical life activity as it enhances fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, concentration, independence, and teaches practical life skills in a single engaging task. 🌱 #LearnAndPlayMontessori #MontessoriEducation #earlychildhoodeducation #PouringDryPasta #PracticalLife #EyeCoordination #DusterberryCampus

4/26/2024, 8:59:07 PM

Spring sessions are just around the corner! 👀 Sign up links coming soon...🌷☔️

4/26/2024, 8:11:26 PM

New learning tower design 🤩📣 Empower your child's independence with our new learning tower made of solid pine wood. The removable back piece provides extra safety as your little one explores from a new vantage point. #montessori #lifeskills #practicallife #learningtower

4/26/2024, 7:33:15 PM

“The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.” #Montessori #PracticalLife #PracticalLifeLessons #Independence #Pouring #Transferring #MontessoriClassroom #MontessoriLesson #Polaris #Columbus #Ohio

4/26/2024, 7:24:05 PM

Learning our road signs and road safety. 👌🏾 #practicallife

4/26/2024, 6:54:31 PM

You are suffering because of the decisions you have refused to make. Waa, this is serious challenge. Since I heard this I am scanning through my life to see which decisions I am refusing to make to change my life. It’s gonna be decion time. #reubenonunga #practicallife #valuetolife

4/26/2024, 3:49:57 PM

Engage, Explore, Flourish! Dive into our Summer Camp Week 4: Practical Life Free Play Activities. Unleash the power of play in your child's development. From boosting creativity to fostering independence, free play is essential for holistic growth. Witness as your little ones delve into a world of imagination and discovery. #FlourishKids #Pattukkottai #SummerCamp #PracticalLife #FreePlay #ChildDevelopment #Creativity #Independence #SocialSkills #LanguageDevelopment

4/26/2024, 3:33:18 PM

Engage, Explore, Flourish! Dive into our Summer Camp Week 4: Practical Life Free Play Activities. Unleash the power of play in your child's development. From boosting creativity to fostering independence, free play is essential for holistic growth. Witness as your little ones delve into a world of imagination and discovery. #FlourishKids #Pattukkottai #SummerCamp #PracticalLife #FreePlay #ChildDevelopment #Creativity #Independence #SocialSkills #LanguageDevelopment

4/26/2024, 3:33:18 PM

Engage, Explore, Flourish! Dive into our Summer Camp Week 4: Practical Life Free Play Activities. Unleash the power of play in your child's development. From boosting creativity to fostering independence, free play is essential for holistic growth. Witness as your little ones delve into a world of imagination and discovery. #FlourishKids #Pattukkottai #SummerCamp #PracticalLife #FreePlay #ChildDevelopment #Creativity #Independence #SocialSkills #LanguageDevelopment

4/26/2024, 3:33:16 PM

Engage, Explore, Flourish! Dive into our Summer Camp Week 4: Practical Life Free Play Activities. Unleash the power of play in your child's development. From boosting creativity to fostering independence, free play is essential for holistic growth. Witness as your little ones delve into a world of imagination and discovery. #FlourishKids #Pattukkottai #SummerCamp #PracticalLife #FreePlay #ChildDevelopment #Creativity #Independence #SocialSkills #LanguageDevelopment

4/26/2024, 3:33:13 PM

Our art show was a ton of fun, but this here is my true happy place. 🥰🥰🥰 #montessoritoddlers #outdoorclassroom #practicallife #foodprepwithtoddlers #freshsqueezedjuice 🍊🍊🍊

4/26/2024, 2:32:46 PM

Children’s House made the cutest Earth Day inspired treat this week! They were so yummy!😋🌎🍪 Every day should be Earth Day! May we always remember how amazing and precious our planet is. We must each do our part to take care of it.😊 #ImaginationAcademyVI #ImagineWithUs #PracticalLife #BakingWithKids #EarthCookies #ProtectTheEarth #EarthDay2024

4/25/2024, 11:32:36 PM

In our classrooms, our little learners practice not just pouring, but also the art of cleaning up after themselves! - Practical life skills are a cornerstone of the Montessori curriculum, helping children develop independence, coordination, and responsibility. Every spill is an opportunity to learn and grow! #PhoenixMontessori #MontessoriAZ #PhoenixPreschool #ArizonaMontessori #MontessoriLifePhoenix #EarlyLearningPhoenix #MontessoriEducationAZ #PhoenixMontessoriKids #AZMontessoriCommunity #MontessoriParentingPhoenix #MontessoriMoments #PracticalLife #LittleLearners

4/25/2024, 10:43:07 PM

Plant update - all the kinds of seeds we planted have gotten some sprouts! I know this is not the typical insta worthy picture, but to me, it’s one of the best! Okay, this is a really big deal for me. I am notoriously bad with plants, but I have really wanted to integrate gardening into the school experience for children. Stay stoned for some transplanting highlights next week! #montessoriinspired #montessoritopics #montessorichildren #montessoriparenting #montessoriathome #montessorieducation #montessorischool #montessorimicroschool #mariamontessori #montessori #earlychildhoodeducation #montessorifromthestart #mobtessoribabies #montessoriatoi #montessoritoddlers #practicallife #practicallifemontessori

4/25/2024, 9:19:11 PM

Folding practice! . . . . . . #montessori #toddlerwork #reggioinspired #practicallife #

4/25/2024, 8:46:17 PM

Binomial Cube 🟥🟦⬛ The box has a red, blue, and black pattern on the lid that matches the pattern of the cube when it is constructed properly. Schedule a tour today to learn more about the benefits of an authentic Montessori environment! (Link in bio) #bloominghouse #montessori #dressingframes #smallbuttonframe #bloominghousemontessori #montessorimethod #encinitas #preschool #spanishimmersion #montessoripreschool #practicallife #mariamontessori #montessorimaterials

4/25/2024, 5:40:55 PM

Working on the button frame to grow his independence and will have the skills to button his own clothing. #buttons #practicallife #skills #independence #montessori #dressingframe

4/25/2024, 4:00:28 PM

Life Lesson No. 19: Choose peace over chaos. Starting to see the results of consolidating my life goals and discarding the unproductive thoughts and habits. #reubenonunga #practicallife #valuetolife

4/25/2024, 12:32:18 PM

#memes #practicallife #pencil

4/25/2024, 11:23:13 AM

Today, our KG 1 Tulip A & B students brushed their teeth for their ‘Practical Life’ activity. Through this activity, students can develop motor control and coordination. It also helps them to learn independence, concentration and sense of responsibility. Well done kids! #abckindergartenschool #sekolahtadikaabc #practicallife #brushingteeth

4/25/2024, 4:15:42 AM

Student Spotlight! Aira is one of our #MontessoriToddler students! She's 2.5 😍 ㅤ The Montessori Toddler curriculum incorporates a truly holistic approach to child development, with everything from #practicallife to language development, self-expression, psychosensory, and of course – plentiful movement opportunities to refine motor skills and executive functioning. ㅤ Montessori is the only approach to education that was scientifically designed around how children authentically develop. In this path, you won't have to worry about starting "too soon" because nothing is rushed on the young child. We meet the child precisely where they are. ㅤ #montessorieducation #educationreform #theearlyyearsmatter

4/24/2024, 8:26:37 PM

The Snap Dressing Frame holds a significant role as it serves as a practical tool for independence and refining fine motor skills. Beyond simply teaching children how to fasten snaps, buttons, and zippers, it symbolizes a gateway to autonomy, empowering young learners to dress themselves confidently and with ease. groundwork for their journey towards becoming capable, independent individuals. . #childrenshouse #montessori #guidepostmontessori #mariamontessori #practicallife #learning #education #montessorilearning #montessorieducation #montessoriactivity #montessorimaterials

4/24/2024, 8:20:22 PM

Our students enjoyed a special food prep lesson while celebrating Earth Day this week and learning about our planet. They made dirt cups from chocolate pudding and gummy worms as they learned about the importance of earth worms in the fertilization of our soil. #preschool #preschoolactivities #montessoriactivities #practicallife

4/24/2024, 7:41:43 PM

More water work excitement and fun this morning! #practicallife #finemotorskills #learningisfun #pisgahcollective

4/24/2024, 6:16:10 PM

Now is the time for educators to go beyond teaching academics. We need to prioritise character development. You will only be able to achieve this when you show kindness, empathy and compassion to your pupils. Beyond the normal numbers and letters, observe your pupils more and know when to step in to help them be a better person. Let's raise holistic children in our school. #bloomeducaremontessorihub #montessori #notobullying #charactereducation #montessoriconsultant #practicallife

4/24/2024, 1:51:37 PM

This is the year to be your best self. Keep going. #reubenonunga #practicallife #valuetolife

4/24/2024, 1:50:56 PM

Mealtime seating for toddlers can be a challenge for parents who want to ensure their child's safety and comfort while also maintaining style in their dining room. My Happy Helpers® has the perfect solution - the Dine and Grow™ Adjustable Toddler Dining Chair. This unique chair is designed for toddlers who are too big for a high chair, but still too small to comfortably sit in a regular chair. Available for pre-order 🇦🇺 Available for purchase 🇺🇸 - - - #learningtower #kidstool #kitchenhelper #montessoribaby #kidsinthekitchen #learningandplay #kidsgifts #babytoys #kidstoys #woodentoys #montessorikids #montessoriathome #playmatters #learningthroughplay #practicallife #myhappyhelpers #handsonlearning #playbasedlearning #montessoritoddler #montessoribaby #invitationtoplay #aussiemums #perthmums #melbournemums #sydneymums #brisbanemums

4/24/2024, 11:30:37 AM