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Sometimes, it's time to do some spring cleaning, like clearing out your desk and never going back! Share your workplace stories. #worklife #OfficeTherapy #OfficeLifeUnplugged #mentalhealthawareness #careergrowth #badboss #toxicworkplace # #WorkplaceSurvival

5/21/2024, 7:50:11 PM

Join Megan Hunter and Bill Eddy in this episode of 'It's All Your Fault' as they delve into the challenges of dealing with high conflict personalities in academia. From bullying bosses to toxic work environments, they offer strategies for navigating the treacherous waters of higher education. Listen now for insights on handling high conflict colleagues, setting boundaries, and making a graceful exit from toxic academic environments. #HighConflict #Academia #WorkplaceSurvival

5/9/2024, 6:08:25 PM

Join Megan Hunter and Bill Eddy in this episode of 'It's All Your Fault' as they delve into the challenges of dealing with high conflict personalities in academia. From bullying bosses to toxic work environments, they offer strategies for navigating the treacherous waters of higher education. @highconflictinstitute Listen now for insights on handling high conflict colleagues, setting boundaries, and making a graceful exit from toxic academic environments. #HighConflict #Academia #WorkplaceSurvival

5/9/2024, 6:08:25 PM

Let's face it, not all bosses are created equal. We've all found ourselves in situations where we don't report to a good one. 😔 So, what do you do if your boss isn't the supportive, inspiring leader you'd hoped for? Here's a roadmap to navigate those tricky situations. 👇🏻 ✔ Assess the Situation: Try to objectively evaluate your boss's behavior. Is it a temporary issue, or a pattern of toxic behavior? Understanding the root cause can help you decide what to do next. ✔ Seek Support: Reach out to trusted colleagues, mentors, or HR professionals for advice and support. Sometimes, just having a venting-partner makes a huge difference. ✔ Communicate Effectively: Try to address your concerns directly with your boss. Choose a time and place for open dialogue, and express your thoughts and feelings calmly and constructively. You might be surprised at how receptive they are to feedback! ✔ Focus on What You Can Control: While you can't change your boss's behavior, you can control your own actions. Focus on doing your job well, maintaining a positive attitude, and seeking out opportunities for growth. ✔ Set Boundaries: If your boss's behavior is crossing a line, set boundaries to protect your well-being. Be clear about what you will and won't tolerate, and don't be afraid to assert yourself when necessary. ✔ Document Everything: Keep a record of any incidents or interactions that demonstrate your boss's problematic behavior. This documentation may be valuable if you need to escalate the situation or seek outside assistance. ✔ Explore Your Options: If all else fails and the situation becomes unbearable, it may be time to explore other opportunities. Start networking, updating your resume, and researching potential job openings that align with your career goals and values. You deserve to work in an place where you feel valued, respected, and supported. While dealing with a difficult boss is challenging, it's important to advocate for yourself and protect your well-being. Stay strong, stay resilient, and don't be afraid to seek help when you need it. You've got this! 💌 SAVE and ❤️ FOLLOW for more tips from an executive coach to build a working life you love.

5/6/2024, 3:57:02 PM

TOXIC BOSS: “So I hear You are going to Sue me?” ME: “This was NEVER about ME V YOU it’s about”… #fitat62 #dvtsurvivor #StrokeSurvivor #EWBOP #toxicboss #doyou #bestrong #amazed Blog: Facebook: BFF’s Instagram: yolanda1sworld YouTube: VincentianLady Pinterest: #EWBOP #workplacejustice #empoweryourself #documenteverything #fightback #standupforyourrights #workplacediary #secretweapon #workplacebullying #workplacediscrimination #workplaceharassment #workplaceinjustice #workplacesurvival #workplacetips #workplacewarrior #workingfortheenemy #workplacewitness #yourvoicecounts #youmatter #youarenotalone #itsjustajob #yougotthis

4/30/2024, 9:32:26 AM

YOU may not NOTICE the CONNECTION Between YOUR INITIAL SIN & the CONSEQUENCES of that but CONSEQUENCES are… Jordan Peterson #fitat62 #dvtsurvivor #StrokeSurvivor #EWBOP #truth #doyou #bestrong #firstsignofweakness Blog: Facebook: BFF’s Instagram: yolanda1sworld YouTube: VincentianLady Pinterest: #EWBOP #workplacejustice #empoweryourself #documenteverything #fightback #standupforyourrights #workplacediary #secretweapon #workplacebullying #workplacediscrimination #workplaceharassment #workplaceinjustice #workplacesurvival #workplacetips #workplacewarrior #workingfortheenemy #workplacewitness #yourvoicecounts #youmatter #youarenotalone #itsjustajob #yougotthis

4/26/2024, 7:15:38 AM

Feeling the burn? Let's cool off. Remember, it's okay to step back and breathe at work. Burnout isn't a badge of honor. It's a sign to take a step back and assess. Let's laugh a little and care a lot. 👍 #MindYourHealth #WorkplaceWellness #toxicworkplace #podcast #wellnesspodcast #therapy #WorkplaceSurvival #worklifebalance #dealingwithtoxicwork #worklife

4/23/2024, 10:08:33 PM

Ever had coworkers so unhinged you're tempted to give them a nickname like 'Captain Chaos' or 'Queen Drama'? 🤣 We've all been there! But dealing with toxic work environments and bullies is no laughing matter. Here are some 'Office Therapy' tips for surviving the madness: 1️⃣ Set boundaries like your sanity depends on it (spoiler: it does!). 2️⃣ Surround yourself with a support system of allies and mentors. 3️⃣ Document everything – trust us, it's your secret weapon. 4️⃣ And remember, you're not alone. DM us your craziest co-worker stories and let's laugh our way through the chaos together! 💼💪 #OfficeTherapy #WorkplaceSurvival #mentalhealth #notoxicwork #diversityandinclusion #leadership #careergrowth #therapy #futureofwork #shitmybosssaid #toxicworkplace

4/17/2024, 9:16:02 PM

The truths of the workplace: Invaluable employment lessons. #careerwisdom #workplacesurvival #employmentwisdom #careeradvice

3/6/2024, 5:06:34 AM

The truths of the workplace: Invaluable employment lessons. #CareerWisdom #WorkplaceSurvival #EmploymentWisdom #CareerAdvice

3/6/2024, 5:00:50 AM

🔸 **Dealing with Narcissists at Work: A Survival Guide** 🔸 Navigating through workplace dynamics can be challenging, especially when dealing with narcissistic personalities. Here are some strategies to help you maintain your sanity and professionalism: 1. **Set Boundaries:** Clearly define your boundaries and stick to them. Narcissists thrive on manipulation, so it’s crucial to establish what you will and will not tolerate. 2. **Stay Calm and Confident:** Maintain your composure and confidence when interacting with a narcissist. They often feed off emotional reactions, so staying calm can disarm their tactics. 3. **Document Everything:** Keep a record of interactions, emails, and any incidents that occur. Having documentation can be invaluable if you need to address the situation with HR or higher-ups. 4. **Focus on Solutions, Not Drama:** When addressing issues with a narcissist, keep the focus on finding solutions rather than engaging in drama or power struggles. 5. **Seek Support:** Don’t hesitate to seek support from trusted colleagues, mentors, or HR professionals. Having a support system can provide validation and guidance. 6. **Know When to Disengage:** Sometimes, the best course of action is to disengage from interactions with a narcissist altogether. Choose your battles wisely and prioritize your mental well-being. Remember, you can’t change a narcissist, but you can control how you respond to their behavior. Stay resilient and focused on your goals. You’ve got this! @forbes covered this really well in a recent article!! 💪 #WorkplaceSurvival #Narcissist #ProfessionalDevelopment #leader #leadership #womeninbusiness #business #entrepreneur #irishbusiness #irishwomen #irishwomeninbusiness #layoffs #career #job #work #support #selfcare #development #growth #instagood #motivation #success #toxic #coach #mentor #careercoach #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #inspiration

2/28/2024, 12:17:12 PM

…Think of ME as the 🐝 BEEKEEPER I Protect the HIVE when the SYSTEM is out of Balance I CORRECT IT… Statham Quote that needs No Explanation #fitat61 #dvtsurvivor #StrokeSurvivor #EWBOP #respect #thebeekeeper #love #braveheart Blog: Facebook: BFF’s Instagram: yolanda1sworld YouTube: VincentianLady Pinterest: #EWBOP #workplacejustice #empoweryourself #documenteverything #fightback #standupforyourrights #workplacediary #secretweapon #workplacebullying #workplacediscrimination #workplaceharassment #workplaceinjustice #workplacesurvival #workplacetips #workplacewarrior #workingfortheenemy #workplacewitness #yourvoicecounts #youmatter #youarenotalone #itsjustajob #yougotthis

2/27/2024, 5:25:09 AM