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#food #travel #sports #news #may #friday

#香精香水 #香水精華 #parfumextrait #pureperfume #perfumeextract #extraitdeparfum #液體寶石 #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty

5/2/2024, 2:25:00 PM

ㅁㅊㅁㅊ;;;;; 모자와 안경 없는 비스티.. 개귀엽다 ㄹㅇ🔫 게시물 좀 올려다오 ..! 한국도 와. (주세요) #beasty #beastybeatbox #beasteez #LoïcPalmiste

5/2/2024, 1:32:30 PM

Mr.Dragon【白龍】 2023 —《神獸香水》系列 如果閉上眼睛聞這隻香水,腦海中會浮現有著沈穩、紳士氣質、藍色襯衫深灰色西裝、梳著一絲不亂的西裝頭、深邃眼眸、成熟魅力、陰鬱的冷性感 白龍這隻香水靈感來自於我的其中一個家人 他的靈魂是隻可愛的龍龍🐉 沒事就喜歡跟我談心順便找我貼貼 他很細心也很雞婆 總是為我站出來說話 雖然在我面前總像小孩 但我知道他一直急著長大 我感覺的到他內心的脆弱 不過他卻覺得要堅強才是長大 在我眼中他一直停留在16歲 所以這隻香水獻給他 也獻給想要散發這種氣質的小天使 調色的靈感是來自神隱少女的白龍 順道一提,有趣的小故事 神隱少女裡的白龍他長得跟我青梅竹馬超像 以前國小一、二年紀的時候我會看著他想🤔所以我青梅竹馬以後會跟白龍一樣把頭髮留長嗎? ▍前調 甜橙、柑橘、天竺葵、萊姆、檸檬、佛手柑、薄荷 ▍中調 薰衣草、百合、丁香、玫瑰、茉莉 ▍後調 檀香、廣藿香、岩蘭草、琥珀、麝香、雪松 ▍基調 木質調、果香調 #森靈系調香 #淡香精 #淡香精香水 #eaudeparfum #香精香水 #香水精華 #parfumextrait #pureperfume #perfumeextract #extraitdeparfum #液體寶石 #淡香水 #eaudetoilette #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty #白龍 #dragon #white

5/1/2024, 6:07:51 PM

Rollin' through life with the wind in my hair and anime on my chest❤‍🔥 #RideInStyle #AnimeVibes #jawa42 #jawarider #bike #pose #rider #classy #beasty

5/1/2024, 2:45:06 PM

「香精香水」 (香水精華) 英文Perfume 法文Parfum 或稱Pure Perfume Parfum Extrait Perfume Extract 或是法文extrait de parfum 賦香率:16%~30% 香水原精含量20~40% 在市面上香水系列之中「香精」由於濃度最高 所以最昂貴;停留時間最長,可達到6~8小時。 濃度高 因此被稱為高質量的液體寶石💎 市面上不普及 #香精香水 #香水精華 #parfumextrait #pureperfume #perfumeextract #extraitdeparfum #液體寶石 #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty

5/1/2024, 2:25:00 PM

My transformation story ✨ One day she will have knowledge and understanding to the parable of my recovery ❤️‍🩹…. That she played a huge role in this. The battle was long but now it’s all up from here. 👑 Seasons will come but they are not here to stay. 💋 #leadingbyexample #beastfitmommy #beastmode #beasty #myprincess #winwin #lifeisgood #strongmindstrongbody

4/30/2024, 9:45:14 PM

Just hanging out… #Beasty #kittylove #kitten

4/30/2024, 5:23:57 PM

「淡香精」 縮寫為EDP 全名Eau de Parfum 賦香率9%~15% 含有香水原精10~20% 可持續4~5小時✨ 是常見普及的香水種類 使用之後不太需要補香 #淡香精 #淡香精香水 #eaudeparfum #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty

4/30/2024, 2:56:03 PM

「淡香水」 縮寫為EDT 全名Eau de Toilette 賦香率4%~8% 含有香水原精5~15% 可持續2~3小時。 是常用普及、價格親民的香水濃度 PS:需要經常補香 #淡香水 #eaudetoilette #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty

4/30/2024, 2:47:44 PM

Loved watching this ladies play some softball tonight. All of them got some huge hits and Ella got a homerun! Proud of them! 15-0 shutout 🥎 #beasty

4/30/2024, 1:16:27 AM

Today starts BEAST week at boot camp for DJ!! He’s going all in & HARD this week!! Last attempt for anyone who wants to write him!! Encourage him, tell him you love & support him or whatever you want to say!! I told y’all before letters are like the ultimate prize while you’re there!! He WILL REMEMBER who took the time out to write home. It keeps himmotivated and strong and also gives him something to look forward to!! If you send a letter after seeing this post, make it priority mail or fast shipping because next week is his last week there!!! Graduation next Wed & Thur 💪🏽💪🏽 *address in comments* #Beasty #AirforceAirman #LetsGoDJ

4/29/2024, 9:03:43 PM

S/O to @2roninpictures I promise y’all Jose is one of the best in cinema photography super professional & has a great eye and mind. This project will be great bc the entire crew is…& that’s just my opinion 😊 also my opinion matters to a lot of important people 🫵🏽‼️ #FilmDay #TrustYouMovie #2Ronin #JoseSalazar #Beasty

4/29/2024, 6:26:40 PM

▍根據香精所含的濃度,可將香水分類為: 「特級香精香水」英文 Special grade perfume 此濃度的香水為市面上獨一無二的濃度 是怪物小姐為了有需求的VVIP客人們 特別調製的超強濃度,原精含量高達50%~80% 值得注意的是,使用時請噴一至兩下就可以維持8~12小時 「香精香水」 英文Perfume 法文Parfum 或稱pure perfume、perfume extract 或是法文extrait de parfum 香水原精含量20~40% 在市面上香水系列之中「香精香水」由於濃度最高 所以最昂貴 停留時間最長,可達到6~8小時 「淡香精香水」 縮寫為EDP 全名Eau de Parfum 含有香水原精10~20% 可持續4~5小時。 「淡香水」 縮寫為EDT 全名Eau de Toilette 含有香水原精5~15% 可持續2~3小時 「古龍水/科隆水」 縮寫為EDC 全名Eau de Cologne 含有香水原精2~5% 「清香水」 全名為Eau Fraiche 香水原精含量1~2% #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty

4/29/2024, 8:08:49 AM

▍香水保存期限 本品牌的香水建議保存期限 開封:兩年 未開封:三年 基本上只要遵循陰涼、乾爽、避光線三大準則,香水是不會壞掉的。 其實就成分上來看,一般香水有高達 70% 以上的成分都是酒精、精油等具有抗菌功效的物質,基本上不太會發生腐敗或發霉等一般「過期」狀況。許多專家也都曾表明香水並沒有過期的說法,只有因為溫度、濕度等存放條件造成香水「變質」的情況,這些因素比起時間長短,更容易影響香水品質。不過話雖如此,放置過久的香水的確會因為酒精揮發影響濃度比例,進而改變香味,這時候就是看個人喜好選擇,品質部分並無太大疑慮。 此外也有一些人會習慣把香水放在浴室裡洗完澡立馬噴灑個幾下,但其實像浴室這種潮濕的環境也不利於香水保存,而且也超過了一般 10°C~27°C 的建議保存溫度。以下提供幾個方法測試你的香水是否變質,基本上就是以最直觀的色澤、質地、氣味等因素作判斷是最準確的: (1)香水是否變色? 香水放久最容易有變色狀況,但其實像一些含有紅醋栗、香草等香料的香水本身就相當容易變色,即使顏色變深也不一定是變質,甚至味道也不大會改變。除非你的香水已經漸漸產生濃稠感、顏色深至醬油色,底部還有沈澱物,那可能就真的是變質了。 (2)香水是否有異味? 香水經過長時間的放置本來就會因為酒精的揮發產生氣味變化,像一些柑橘、檸檬等清新調的香水就很容易因為放置過久失去前調,但其實一瓶香水的中後調才是整體香氣的重點,基本上不影響香水靈魂所在。不過若你的香水已經變得難聞或有其他異味,建議直接忍痛丟掉,畢竟一罐香水不好聞就失去了它的存在意義了! 經過以上兩關檢視之後,如果你還是有疑慮,可以先在手腕內側小範圍測試有無過敏等不適反應,如果有安全過關,基本上就可以繼續放心使用。不過所有東西都有它的最佳使用期,還是建議盡量在開封後的 24 至 36 個月之內用完,如果有一些較少使用到的可以先將香水瓶倒置隔絕空氣,防止香水氧化。 #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty

4/29/2024, 8:08:41 AM

▍香水裡面的材料有什麼? 香水的內容物以 水、酒精、香精混合而成, 香精(香水原精)皆取自大自然,從動物、植物的特定部位 以溶劑萃取、蒸餾或冷壓的方式提煉出原精、精油等 天然的豐富香氣就此成為香水中不可或缺的一部分 因此香精是一瓶香水中香味的根本來源 以玫瑰為例 玫瑰的萃取率僅約0.03%,以大馬士革玫瑰為例,約需要3,500 公斤的玫瑰花(約1,050,000 朵)才能萃出一公斤的精油 因此香精是非常珍貴且昂貴的材料✨ #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty

4/29/2024, 8:08:35 AM

Twinningggg with @milk_marieeee_ #thatsmybeasty #beasty #boatrace2024

4/29/2024, 1:42:12 AM

So happy to get beasty home, a very healthy 309.7rwkw to go with it, camera will never do exhaust justice 😣 #ls1 #holden #commodore #wagon #v8 #ironlion #holdenwagon #beasty #holdenv8

4/28/2024, 10:16:56 AM

• In the moment of her beloved’s demise, at the very instant that she sensed he had left his body to make the trip to the Fade . . . suddenly, and for no reason that she could think of, she barked, “Roll him onto his side. Do it!” She started pulling on him herself, but got nowhere—he was too heavy and she couldn’t get a good grip on his massive torso. Looking up, she motioned at the Brothers. “Help me! Fucking help me!” V and Butch dropped down with her and eased Rhage onto his right side. Arching around her mate, Mary recoiled for a split second. The bright colors of the dragon’s tattoo were fading, as if the brilliance of the depiction were a barometer of Rhage’s health. Snapping back into focus, she put her hands on the beast’s form—and, God, she hated how sluggish the response was. “Come with me,” she said urgently. “I need you to come with me.” This was crazy, she thought as she slowly drew her palms around Rhage’s torso—but something drove her on, some kind of will that certainly didn’t feel like her own. She wasn’t going to argue, though, as the representation of the beast followed her touch—and it was strange: It wasn’t until she made her way onto his ribs that she realized what she was doing. Crazy, she thought again. Completely nuts. Come on, it wasn’t like the dragon had been trained in emergency medicine—much less cardiac surgery. But she didn’t stop. “Help me,” she choked to the beast. “Oh, please . . . figure it out, help him, save him . . . save yourself by saving him. . . .” • The Beast #14 The Black Dagger Brotherhood J. R. Ward • Oh the freaking heart break of this scene😭😭😭 Wept like a baby. I can't wait to see who gets the role of Hollywood in the Passionflix upcoming series of the Brotherhood!! Be well and have a good weekend! #blackdaggerbrotherhood #bdb #jrward #thebeast #jrwardauthor #blackdaggerbooks #theblackdaggers #jrwardbdb #vampires #beasty #rhage #mary #bdbseries #jrwardblackdaggerbrotherhood #theblackdaggerbrotherhood #theblackdaggerbrotherhoodseries #booklove

4/28/2024, 12:46:26 AM

Don’t follow your dreams, chase them! 🦋💪🏼 Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you. “Walt Whitman” #chevy #nbs #v8 #5.3 #girlswhodrivetrucks #mybaby #beasty #postivity #strong #healing #iwillmakeitthroughthisstorm #fyp #cheverolet #gotitmade #country #silverado #bayarea #26s #spectre

4/27/2024, 11:52:02 PM

《已完售》 Ms.Beasty No.3 【布列塔尼】 2023 —《時空穿越香水》系列 法國的爺爺、奶奶是布列塔尼人 從法國爺爺奶奶家走路大概15-30分鐘就可以到海邊 其實他們是說10分鐘,但我每次都自己一邊看牛過馬路,一邊自己走走玩玩走了半小時 沿路是一望無際的草和馬路,家人們每次都不懂我是在追蝴蝶還是幹嘛😂 有一次 Tonton直接開車五分鐘去海邊堵我,結果等了快半小時才看到我冒出一顆小頭 跳跳跳的到沙灘上 這支香水想要詮釋的,就是走去海邊路上的香氣 在Brest (布雷斯特)的生活很單純,早上早早起床 會坐在廚房裡面的餐桌吃法國麵包加上Mamie ( 奶奶)親手做的果醬(Btw 我最喜歡的是奇異果果醬,真的巨好吃🥝) 吃完早餐 之後會把桌上的麵包屑收集起來撒到院子裏給小鳥吃 整理完之後會回房間梳妝打扮 然後去市場 買法國麵包🥖海鮮🦞等等 (那邊最有名的是藍龍蝦 ) 買晚餐回到家裡之後,就是去院子摘中午要吃的蔬菜和水果 長豆、覆盆莓之類的 我有時候下午嘴饞的時候也會一個人蹲在莓果旁邊偷吃 然後外公就會說「 啊啊啊,又有大老鼠在偷吃了」如果他精神很好的時候還會拿小鏟子做個驅趕的動作 然後我們就會開始大笑 然後跑來跑去 吃午餐有時候是在陽台BBQ有時候是坐在飯廳的長餐桌 前菜 沙拉 湯 主餐 甜點 酒的話就要看主餐是什麼做搭配 吃完午餐之後爺爺奶奶會午休,我會打掃一下飯廳 之後就開始瞎晃(這個時間點就很適合換上泳衣走去海邊) 晚餐大概是晚上六、七點或是更晚,我們會吃飯聊天有時候會聊超過12點 吃晚飯就是洗澡睡覺,或是玩桌遊之類的 好多小天使都對我在法國的生活挺好奇,於是這篇打了比較長🤭 ▍前調:番茄葉、迷迭香、葡萄柚 ▍中調:露苺、牡丹 ▍後調:白木、廣藿香、琥珀 ▍基調:花香調、海洋調 #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty #布列塔尼 #portanier

4/27/2024, 6:30:00 PM

Merci 💪👅 #merci #mercedes #amg #a200amg #beasty

4/27/2024, 3:04:12 PM

My awesome new hair (I love it sm😈) #beasty 🤑🪣🛵🪅

4/27/2024, 2:14:27 PM

《已完售》 Ms.Beasty No.2 【森林秘境】 2023 —《時空穿越香水》系列 在法國的時候除了上班之外 我最喜歡一個人跑到森林裏面大冒險 看著手機裡面的Zenly 一邊往自己沒有走過的地方前進 走了好多沒人走過的地方 發現了好多好美的風景 這支香水想要想要向那時遇到的大家致敬 謝謝你們一路的幫助和陪伴 也致敬那個探索了巴黎、南特和布列塔尼的自己 ▍前調:番茄葉、迷迭香 ▍中調:露苺、牡丹、葡萄柚 ▍後調:白木、廣藿香、琥珀 ▍基調:花香調 #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty #森林 #森靈

4/26/2024, 6:30:00 PM

《已完售》 Ms.Beasty No.1 【巴黎街道】 2023。第一支《時空穿越香水》 這支香水想要詮釋的回憶 是關於我住在法國時有住在巴黎和南特時 早上出門街道上的香氣 沈澱了一夜的清新氣息 還有旁邊森林傳來的芬多精和植物香氣 現在回想起來覺得真的非常巧合 不管是在台北、巴黎還是南特我總是很恰巧的住在森林旁邊 或許這或多或少的影響了我調香時的風格 我想這也是我的香水被粉絲們稱為森靈系調香的原因吧 ▍前調:番茄葉、迷迭香 ▍中調:露苺、牡丹 ▍後調:白木、廣藿香、琥珀 ▍基調:花香調 #神獸香水 #神獸 #神獸可邀 #可邀請 #beasty #beastyperfume #perfume #parfum #parfumbestial #bestial #msbeasty #paris #巴黎

4/26/2024, 3:34:28 PM

🛖 ✨🐍🐅🐆🦍 « Bestiality » 🦍🐆🐅🐍✨🛖 #bestial #theanimals #animalartist #animalinstinct #animalinstincts #beasty #africananimals

4/26/2024, 1:01:11 PM

Tag your best friend 🥰🤗 #tagyourbestfriend #beasty #bestie #tagyourbestie #heart_touching_lines85641

4/25/2024, 2:14:06 PM

There’s gotta be some recourse for such crappy #refcalls 🙂 I get it, @nyknicks we’re battling from behind so hard all game long at @thegarden 💚 But such #hacking needs to be checked, and I think offending #referee should be fined with #dough going to #victim or their #team ⭐️ Go @sixers - and #congrats to #beasty @tyresemaxey for #mostimprovedplayer 🎶 #coyote @jonimitchell 🎶 #grattitude #basketballjones #hustle

4/24/2024, 9:17:08 PM

Aaaayyyy!!! Leveled up in my run time! Lol, I never thought in my life I would ever level up anything in regards to running. Took 12 sec off going up 2x in my color level. Awesomeness!! Just because it's hard does not mean impossible. Keep pushing, fam! #nomissedworkouts #atascaderocrossfit #gethealthygetactive #pushpullgrind #staywellstaypositive #hydratedandhappy #Beasty #dig #pushyourlimits #practicepositiveselftalk #bekindtoyourself

4/24/2024, 2:56:06 AM


4/24/2024, 2:00:36 AM

#beasty @_ms_krtti @cutesubhu143_ #bestfriends

4/23/2024, 1:32:12 PM

4 miles on deck before starting my day. What you doing? #beasty #bangbangbaby #famecosts #throughtheface #round1. Yesterday's round 2 laid me down. #movement

4/23/2024, 1:04:45 PM

🥰Forever and always🫣. #dost #beasty #beastfriendsforever

4/23/2024, 9:24:14 AM

𝘼𝘼𝘾 𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙆𝙇𝙔 𝙃𝙊𝙉𝙊𝙍 𝙍𝙊𝙇𝙇 Sophomore midfielder, Emma Rowland, was named to the @american_conf honor roll after racking up a team high 4 goals on Saturday 😈🧬 #ReignOn | @odusports | #Beasty

4/23/2024, 12:33:59 AM

I 100% believe I could beat a fat heavyweight in amateur mma right now. #Beasty

4/22/2024, 11:08:07 PM

Babe found a quail nest while watering the plants yesterday. I feel horrible that I frightened her this morning and will NOT do it again. I just wanted to put some food out there for her. We’ll be giving that part of the yard some space from now on. Beasty is devastated that he can’t be friends with Quail mommy. Haha. He’ll be okay getting loads of treats and pets and staying indoors. Supervised backyard time is on pause. #springbabies #quaileggs #Beasty #hesbeasty #indoorcat #bestlife #azlife

4/22/2024, 9:49:35 PM

Due facce della stessa medaglia 😇😈 . . . #beasty #mmagirl #mma #mmagirls

4/22/2024, 5:21:20 PM

————forever friendship ❤️——- . . . . . . . #frindship #friends #food #love #trending #trend #forever #birthday #birthdaycake #birthdays #birthdayboy #happy #happybirthday #bestfriend #beasty

4/21/2024, 3:16:01 PM

閲覧ありがとうございます💕 こちらのアカウントでは ANN DANCE STUDIO ストリートダンスクラス情報 を掲載してまいります🕺🎶 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします✨ #anndancestudio #beasty

4/21/2024, 6:30:18 AM

See you at @spotfestival ? We'll be playing at Friday 3rd May 17:15 🌻 #clapper #clapster #clapping #livejazz #jazzbeats #beatjazz #beasty #badbeats

4/20/2024, 9:20:45 AM

Wah , selalu suka suka suka ☺😍 Masyaallah 😌 #alhamdulilah #liburanseru #cafeestetik #cafe #lovethem #beasty #april #tongketongke #sulawesiselatan

4/20/2024, 8:34:06 AM

Partió el fin de semana y los días estan perfectos para BEASTY 🐽 Hartos nuevos integrantes han llegado a nuestra #animalgang en los últimos días y no esta de más recordarles que si bien somos amantes de las burgers y la carne ❤️ tambien tenemos picoteos para volverse locos 🤯 Crudito, ribs con salsa asiática, burrata con tomate confitado y pesto y nuestra coliflor ahumada son solo algunos! 👀 que nuestra barra esta equipadisima con todo para acompañarlos! Desde el nuevo “Maldito Ñachi”, el “Matadero Franklin”, schopitos, sour, vino y mas! 🥂 #beasty #restaurant #burrata #ribs #santiagodechile

4/19/2024, 7:28:39 PM

👀🖤 . . . . @mr._devil._004 💗 #followforfollowback #fashion #ns200 #nslovers🖤 #powerfullengine #bby #beasty #look #axorhelmet

4/19/2024, 1:00:03 PM

Tried to rest, but it was calling me, and I came. It's my dang on bedtime. #thesegoalswontreachthemselves #fighthardereveryday #imincompetitionwithmyself #marathon #beasty #bangbangbaby

4/19/2024, 3:51:05 AM

Meet Beasty, our fearless mascot on a mission to spread kindness and love! With boundless energy and a heart of gold, Beasty is ready to roar into action and make a positive impact in the world. Join us in following his lead and let's spread kindness together! #beastoftheblocks #spreadkindness #beasty"

4/16/2024, 6:50:24 PM

ফ্রেমবন্দি ❤️😌।শুধু বন্ধ বললে কম বলা হবে তোদের 😌, তোরা আমার খুব কাছের মানুষ ❤️, তোদের দুজন কে বন্ধ হিসেবে পাওয়া ভাগ্যের ব্যাপার ,🥹💞যেদিন থেকে স্কুল যেতে শুরু করি ততদিন থেকে আমাদের বন্ধুত্ব #12yers 💑হয়ে গেলো আর আমর বিয়ে হয়ে গেলো👰‍♀️।এবার তোরা বিয়ে টা কর 🙏🤣 #friendship #family #bestfriend🫂 #beasty #trending #valobasa

4/16/2024, 11:33:48 AM

When someone remixes your photo with an old one and you eat your dogs face... # #unicornchellyadventures #beasty #thickyetfit #ninatucker

4/15/2024, 12:07:38 PM

🖤 🧡 . . . . . #beasty #90skid #2stroke #suzuki #samuraibike #bike #fyp #bikelovers #kerala #india #ride #photography #suzukisamurai #since1994 . . @suzuki2strokeclub_s2c @suzuki2wheelers @2strokesownerskerala @2stroke_owners_india

3/2/2024, 2:20:54 PM