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New Logo, new Branding, new Website 🔥 Auf der Suche nach einem Steuerberater? Our shout out goes to @steindl.steuerberatung #beyondmind #website #newproject #branding #steuerberater

4/29/2024, 6:25:01 PM

Let’s learn to live Beyond Mind / 所有的世界都是你主觀一個人的認知 你主觀腦袋裡所產生的濾鏡 決定了你用什麼態度去看待這個世界 戴著充滿不滿、怨恨的濾鏡 對身邊的人說出來的話 看到的世界都是污污霧霧的 反之 如果我們願意換一換這個濾鏡 學習如何原諒他人 原諒自己 跳出這個「既定框架」 也許我們看到的世界 會是充滿光 充滿愛的 就因為是主觀的世界 所以我們每個人都可以選擇 Live Beyond Mind / 訂閱我們的頻道,獲得更多放鬆和冥想的資源: #beyondmind #wisdomware #igniteyourgreatness #OneNessConcept #OneNessHolistic #Aqive

4/29/2024, 6:59:03 AM

PERCEPTION VS PERSPECTIVE . perception is thinking, perspective is knowing that you are thinking PC @dr_friday_thrteen . . . #perception #perspective #minset #idea #observer #observerofthoughts #mindbeyondthought #consciousness #reality #bhopal #nepal #kathmandu #beyondmind #perceptionvsperspective #insta #instapost #newpost #artist

4/27/2024, 5:36:05 AM

અકલ્પ્ય Akalpya = surpassing our imagination, unthinkable. The Creator of this creation is beyond our creative imagination!! #rangoliart #unimaginable #beyondmind #divine #creator

4/26/2024, 9:57:02 PM

This tanka contemplates the unbounded journey beyond the limitations of the mind, where life's essence finds its flow. #BeyondMind #UnseenJourney #LifeWaters #SpiritualAwakening #Tanka

4/26/2024, 9:08:40 AM

🚪 天底下有无尽的借口 然而…. 人生中也有无数的出口 你想继续活出“都是别人咯…” 还是想“我为我的生命全盘负责” 你能为自己造梦筑梦 你能活出你最想要成为的样子! #JanChin #秦雯彬 #Jan心世界 #心灵疗愈空间 #OneNessConcept #BeyondMind

4/25/2024, 12:56:25 PM

Beyond Mind 覺之 ❚ 「微笑憂鬱症」是什麽? 點擊官網了解: 在追求快樂和成功的壓力下, 個人的真實情感和心理健康往往被犧牲。 你是否時常掩飾自己內心的負面情緒? 為了保護自己,習慣戴上快樂的面具? 每天以忙碌的工作或娛樂去逃避負面情緒? #微笑憂鬱症是什麼? 微笑憂鬱症的症狀與重鬱症非常相似, 但患者不會表現出典型的憂鬱症症狀, 常導致身邊人甚至患者本人無法覺察 自己的狀態,導致病情的進一步惡化。 #如何覺察憂鬱症? -放慢步調,辨識自己的情緒 -遠離負面情緒,減少消極的生活態度 -多練習自我覺察,更了解自己的情緒 難以負荷的情緒壓力,無需獨自承受。 學會聆聽內心,在關鍵時刻拉自己一把。 讓Beyond Mind陪您一同提升情緒免疫力。 - #獨創設計 提升情緒免疫力的保健用品 放鬆冥想引導: 歡迎私訊官方LINE: #覺智 #覺 #鈦覺智 #自我提升 #提升情緒免疫力 #憂鬱症 #微笑憂鬱症 #BeyondMind #titanium #wisdomware #igniteyourgreatness #depression #melancholia

4/22/2024, 11:56:00 AM

The Divine Feminine is a sacred and powerful energy that embodies qualities of nurturance, intuition, creativity, and compassion. Embracing the Divine Feminine within ourselves and in the world is essential for restoring balance and harmony in our lives and communities. It invites us to honor and celebrate the feminine qualities of receptivity, intuition, and empathy, recognizing them as strengths that bring depth and richness to our human experience. As we awaken to the power of the Divine Feminine, we tap into a wellspring of creativity, intuition, and healing energy that guides us on our spiritual journey. It invites us to honor the interconnectedness of all life, to honor the cycles of nature, and to embody the qualities of grace, strength, and resilience. By honoring and embodying the Divine Feminine within ourselves and in the world, we can create a more balanced, compassionate, and harmonious existence for all beings. #WiseMotherGoddess #BeyondMind #IntoSilence

4/21/2024, 6:13:45 AM

The soul and the ego are two dual aspects of our inner being that play different roles in shaping our consciousness and experiences. The soul is often associated with our higher self, our spiritual nature. It is eternal, interconnected with the divine, and embodies qualities such as love, truth, and wisdom. The soul represents our deepest inner truth, guiding us on our spiritual journey and connecting us to a greater sense of purpose and meaning. On the other hand, the ego is the psychological construct that represents our sense of self-identity, formed by our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. The ego is driven by desires, fears, and attachments to the external world, seeking validation, control, and recognition. It often operates from a place of separation and self-preservation, creating a sense of individuality and distinction from others. While the soul emanates from a place of unity, connection, and authenticity, the ego tends to operate from a place of separation, fear, and illusion. The soul seeks to express love, harmony, and oneness, while the ego often prioritizes self-interest, comparison, and validation. By understanding the differences between the soul and the ego, we can cultivate a deeper awareness of our inner dynamics and strive to align with the wisdom and guidance of our soul in our journey towards spiritual growth and self-realization. #WiseMotherGoddess #BeyondMind #IntoSilence

4/21/2024, 6:07:00 AM

Meditation and breathwork are two transformative practices that hold immense power in fostering inner peace, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. Through the practice of meditation, we cultivate a state of mindfulness and presence, allowing us to quiet the chatter of the mind and connect with our inner being. This practice enables us to tap into a profound sense of clarity, self-awareness, and inner stillness, creating a space for healing and higher perspective. Similarly, breathwork serves as a powerful tool for harnessing the energy of the breath to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By consciously controlling our breath patterns, we can regulate our nervous system, reduce stress, and enhance our overall vitality. Breathwork techniques, such as deep diaphragmatic breathing or rhythmic breathing exercises, can help us release tension, increase our energy levels, and cultivate a sense of calm and relaxation. When combined, meditation and breathwork synergize to amplify their benefits and deepen our connection to the present moment and our inner selves. The harmonious interplay between these practices allows us to access a state of heightened awareness, inner peace, and spiritual alignment. By incorporating meditation and breathwork into our daily routine, we can embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. Embrace the power of meditation and breathwork to nurture your mind, body, and spirit, and awaken to the infinite potential that resides within you. #WiseMotherGoddess #BeyondMind #IntoSilence

4/21/2024, 5:49:10 AM

Meditation is a potent tool for increasing our frequency and aligning with the essence of our creator. Through the practice of meditation, we cultivate a sacred space within ourselves to tune into the subtle vibrations of our inner being and connect with the universal source of all creation. As we quiet the noise of the external world and turn inward, we open ourselves to higher states of consciousness and awareness, raising our energetic frequency to resonate with the pure essence of love and light. The power of meditation lies in its ability to attune our inner vibration to the frequencies of the universe, allowing us to tap into the infinite wisdom. By establishing a regular meditation practice, we create a harmonious resonance between our individual consciousness and the divine consciousness that permeates all of existence. In this state of alignment and connection, we experience a deep sense of peace, clarity, and wholeness with the source of all creation, enabling us to navigate life with a renewed sense of purpose. #WiseMotherGoddess #BeyondMind #IntoSilence

4/21/2024, 5:27:32 AM

Each of us carries within us a unique narrative of experiences, challenges, and triumphs that shape our journey through life. These stories, filled with lessons and growth, have the power to inspire and guide others out of the hell they are living in. When we embrace our stories from a healed perspective, we not only heal ourselves but also offer a hand of hope and resilience to those who may be walking a similar path. Our struggles and victories become a testament to the strength of the human community and the capacity for growth and renewal. In sharing our stories with vulnerability and honesty, we create a ripple effect of empowerment and connection. Our words and experiences have the potential to uplift and support others in their darkest moments, offering them a roadmap for navigating their own challenges and finding light in the midst of darkness. As we embrace the interconnectedness of all beings and the power of storytelling, we realize that our experiences are not just our own but are woven into the fabric of the collective human experience. By allowing our stories to serve as a survival guide for others, we contribute to the tapestry of wisdom and compassion that binds us all together in a shared journey of growth and evolution. #WiseMotherGoddess #BeyondMind #IntoSilence

4/21/2024, 5:22:24 AM

As a spiritual being who was surrendered from the chains of my mind, I have experienced profound liberation and enlightenment on my spiritual journey. The moment of awakening, when the filter of the mind was lifted, revealed a deeper truth that resonated with the core of my being. It was a moment of clarity and connection with the divine energy that exists within and around us. In this state of spiritual freedom, I have felt a sense of oneness with the universe, a profound unity that transcends the boundaries of the matrix. The ego, which once held me captive in a web of fear and attachment, has dissolved, allowing me to experience a profound sense of wholeness within myself. Every breath I take is intoxicated with a sense of gratitude and reverence for the interconnectedness of all life. My spiritual experience has deepened my experience of the interconnected nature of existence and the power of love and compassion to transcend all barriers. I am no longer a slave to the fluctuations of my mind but a vessel of divine light, spreading love and wisdom wherever I go. In this state of spiritual freedom, I have found true liberation and purpose in serving others on their own paths to awakening. My journey continues to unfold, guided by the eternal light of truth and the boundless love that permeates all creation. #WiseMotherGoddess #BeyondMind #IntoSilence

4/21/2024, 5:07:56 AM

Breathwork is a practice that involves conscious awareness of breathing patterns to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This ancient practice has gained popularity in recent years for its numerous health benefits, including stress reduction, improved focus, and relaxation. From a neuroscience perspective, breathwork has been shown to have a direct impact on the brain and nervous system. When we engage in intentional breathing techniques, such as deep diaphragmatic breathing or rhythmic breathing patterns, we can stimulate the vagus nerve, which is responsible for regulating our parasympathetic nervous system. This activation can lead to a decrease in stress hormones, such as cortisol, and an increase in feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin. Research has also shown that regular breathwork practices can help improve cognitive function, enhance emotional regulation, and promote overall brain health. By incorporating breathwork into our daily routine, we can optimize our brain’s performance and support our mental well-being. We all have a unique ability to decrease the noise of the mind, by increasing the volume of our breath, leading to a disruption in our habitual and addictive behaviors. #WiseMotherGoddess #BeyondMind #IntoSilence

4/21/2024, 5:06:22 AM

烦闷的天气,焦躁的心 脑里的噪音让你静不下心 感觉别人的呼吸声都在打扰自己 施主莫慌, I小编特来解忧 在喜马拉雅 热盐石疗里 颂钵起到了至关重要的作用 在一声又一声的 【ommm】音频中 引导心绪重新归零 沉淀纷杂的烦恼和焦躁 震走负面能量 保持心情愉悦是健康最好的证明哦~ 联络热线: yumiko tay 📍 𝟑𝟔-𝟓(𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫),𝐉𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐡,𝟖𝟒𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐌𝐮𝐚𝐫,𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐫. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐩𝐬 : #活好 #ISPA骨态疗愈 �#美学疗愈空间� #Aqive气机科技 #BeyondMind#DeekSha澳洲花晶 #ISPA是你无痛的选择 #iSPA #Muar

4/15/2024, 10:30:08 AM

Wie oft machen wir etwas, was außerhalb unserer Vorstellungskraft liegt? Oder anders gefragt, wann sind wir mutig genug über unsere eigenen Grenzen zu gehen? Wenn du von etwas wirklich überzeugt bist? Wenn die Begeisterung, die Angst übertrifft? Wenn du so richtig dafür brennst? 🔥 Unternehmen werden vielleicht von heute auf morgen gegründet, aber nicht in einem Tag erbaut. Aus diesem vermeintlich so simplen Grund beschützen wir das, was wir uns geschaffen haben und halten oft an dem fest was ist. Ist dieses Denken und Handeln begrenzt? Ja, natürlich. Du als Unternehmer:in bist es der sie schafft, diese Richtlinien, Regeln, Handlungsfelder - diese Grenzen. Völlig legitim und auch gar nicht schlecht zu werten. Manchmal hilft es jedoch genau über diese Grenzen zu gehen, an den eigenen Tabus zu kratzen und auszubrechen aus Bestehendem, warum? Weil uns das hilft weiter zu denken, gehen und handeln. ✨ Schupser gefällig? Here we are. 🙋🏻‍♀️ Unsere Mission liegt nämlich genau da, dich dort hin zu führen, wofür du so richtig brennst und #unstoppable bist! #beyondmind #strategy #marketing #agentur #mission

4/14/2024, 3:45:20 PM

Beyond Mind ─ 覺晶▪️產品介紹▪️ 點擊官網了解: 我們都活在忙碌生活的喧囂之下 —— 停下腳步,細心傾聽當下內心的聲音。 沈澱思維,覺察深層的情緒與感受。 釋放壓力,並與過去未來的束縛和解。 【 覺晶 Crysastral 】 與「輕盈時尚的能量積木」相遇, 靈感來自超七水晶與分子的六角形結構, 以天然水晶能量,建立與當下的深度鏈接。 ▪️使用方法 #改善飲水體驗 作為杯墊,可優化水分子。 #促進良好睡眠 放在枕頭下,有助於提升睡眠品質。 #個人能量增強 直接手握或接觸皮膚,感受頻率的傳遞。 覺晶 Crysastral 透過 #國防醫學院 「 #幹細胞暨組織再生實驗室 」實驗証實: 📍 對 沙門氏菌、大腸桿菌 有殺菌的效果 📍 對 A549肺癌細胞 有延緩生長效果 - #獨創設計 提升情緒免疫力的保健用品 放鬆冥想引導: 歡迎私訊官方LINE: #覺之 #覺 #覺晶 #自我提升 #提升情緒免疫力 #BeyondMind #Crysastral

4/12/2024, 6:34:39 AM

Discover the unshakeable joy within you.🌈✨Ramana Maharshi reminds us: True happiness isn't a chase—it's our essence. Look past life's ups and downs and tap into the eternal bliss that's always been yours. #EternalJoy #BeyondMind #TrueNature

4/10/2024, 11:00:06 AM

工作连连,压力大到好焦虑? 小心各种文明病找上门啊啊啊 为自己standby好最best的解压方法 恢复身心平衡就靠它 喜马拉雅 热盐石疗 采用富含钠,铁,钙,镁等 十多种对人体有益的元素 不仅柔肤紧肌,更促进淋巴循环 疗愈身心就是如此简单 除了来ISPA疗愈自己 也别忘了多运动,保持正常作息哦~ 联络热线: yumiko tay 📍 𝟑𝟔-𝟓(𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫),𝐉𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐡,𝟖𝟒𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐌𝐮𝐚𝐫,𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐫. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐩𝐬 : #活好 #ISPA骨态疗愈 �#美学疗愈空间� #Aqive气机科技 #BeyondMind#DeekSha澳洲花晶 #ISPA是你无痛的选择 #iSPA #Muar

4/10/2024, 10:30:20 AM

Aktuell pimpen wir gerade so einiges 💥 ✔️ Positionierung ✔️ Neues Branding ✔️ Teamerweiterung What‘s next? Achja - das Office bekommt einen ordentlichen Facelift 😍 #bymd #beyondmind #agentur #werbeagentur #marketing #brand #branding #salzburg #business #crew Neues

4/10/2024, 8:22:47 AM

Spiritual love sees beyond differences, like a string of beads. The hole at the center represents our soul, which is the same for all of us. No matter our outward appearances, the "God within" connects us all. #godwithin #spirituallove #unconditionnallove #divinelove #soulawakening #beyonddifferences #unityingod #5senses #beyondmind #divinity #divinitywithin #connectwithgod #freefromexpectations #spiritualpractice #spiritualawakening #wisdomoflove #eternaltruth #absolutetruth #beyondappearances #seebeyond

4/9/2024, 4:00:29 PM

Hello #newbranding 🖤 Ob wir verliebt sind? Sowas von. 1000Dank an @antje.mackner für unseren neuen, unglaublich starken Auftritt. #limeisthenewpink Eine neue Ära von @beyondmind.agentur starts now 💥 #beyondmind #branding #agentur #marketing #neu #salzburg #ready #werbeagentur #salzburg #business #unternehmen #bymd

4/8/2024, 5:04:54 PM

2023A已过去4个月啦 �却一直在想工作无法好好休息吗? �来啦,来点放松的仪式感� 让自己切换成offday模式吧 �药浴理疗�在轻松地泡浴过程�让草药渗透皮肤 穴位�补气行血,舒筋活络。�改善并加速代谢 把草药疗效泡进体内�有效放松身心灵 �有责任的你很棒 �但好好休息也是很重要的ok~ 联络热线: yumiko tay 𝟑𝟔-𝟓(𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫),𝐉𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐡,𝟖𝟒𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐌𝐮𝐚𝐫,𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐫. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐩𝐬 : �#活好 #ISPA骨态疗愈 �#美学疗愈空间� #Aqive气机科技 � #DeekSha澳洲花晶 #ISPA是你无痛的选择 #beyondmind #iSPA #muar

4/7/2024, 10:30:08 PM

BYMD 💥 Wir sehen‘s gerne mal anders! #newbranding #new #marketing #beyondmind #bymd #branding #werbeagentur #anders

4/7/2024, 9:12:52 AM

When you go beyond awareness, there is a state of nonduality, in which there is no cognition, only pure being. In the state of nonduality, all separation ceases. -Sri Nisargadatta #NisargadattaMaharaj #AdvaitaVedanta #NonDuality #SpiritualWisdom #Consciousness #InnerJourney #SelfRealization #Awareness #Enlightenment #PhilosophyOfMind #Meditation #SpiritualPath #UltimateReality #BeyondMind #TruthSeeker #InnerPeace #MysticWisdom #EternalNow #UnityConsciousness #TheAbsolute

4/7/2024, 5:27:01 AM

Alchemy Crystal Sound Healing Today we focused on releasing and letting go of the same / old thought patterns in regards to a challenge we are working with at this moment which could be related to health, work, family, or friends. Through the process we are opening ourselves to a wider perspective and so much more. #oceanwhitehawk #samadhi #samadhicentre #truthteachings #universalteachings #wisdomteachings #esotericteachings #divinity #soulawakening #soultraining #empowerment #embodiment #oneness #divinelove #universallove #metaphysics #beyondmind #innerwork #innerpeace #spiritualhealing #higherconsciousness #pearls_of_wisdom_108 #spritual #kundalini #thirdeye #enlightenment #spirituality #calmmind #quotes

4/6/2024, 1:53:35 PM

Faktencheck 2/2: Warum du dein Business nicht auf die Straße bringst ⤵️ 1. Sehen wir einfach mal der Tatsache ins Auge - du hast zwar ein Logo, aber das hat nichts mit einem professionellen Branding zu tun. Und das ist auch gar nicht schlimm, denn zum damaligen Zeitpunkt hattest du vielleicht kein Geld oder auch gar keine Lust, dir Gedanken darüber zu machen, wie deine Marke nach außen wirken könnte. Wahrscheinlich wäre es die bessere Option gewesen, es einfach zu lassen und ohne Logo an den Start zu gehen, aber das hat dir natürlich niemand geraten. Warum auch? Hätte womöglich auch jemand kein Geld verdient. Fakt ist gerade zu Beginn wissen wir eigentlich noch gar nichts. Die wenigsten haben ja auch einen Business Plan und um seinen eigenen Auftritt auch wirklich auf die Beine stellen zu können braucht etwas Substanz oder wie ich sagen würde Fleisch am Knochen. Und ja, so ist es irgendwann Zeit die alten Zöpfe abzuschneiden und neue Wege zu gehen. Vielleicht etwas professioneller, durchdachter und auf alle Fälle stimmiger. Ein gutes Branding wird für Kunden gemacht und nicht für das eigene Ego. 2. Puh - hart aber fair. Du hast einfach keinen Bock und somit keinen Antrieb für das, was du machst. Warum ich das weiß? Weil Menschen kämpfen für ihre Visionen, brennen für das was sie tun und daran glauben auch wenn’s sonst keiner tut. Sie gehen nicht nur all in - sie sind schon mittendrin und zwar von Anfang an. Was dich von solchen Menschen unterscheidet? Die Leidenschaft und der Biss - auch das Leiden für eigene Schaffen zu zulassen, wenn es nötig ist und die Zähheit dabei zu bleiben. #beyondmind #mind #beyond #ego #business #fakten #unternehmerin #unternehmer #agentur #mindset #power #machen

4/5/2024, 9:49:48 PM

忙忙碌碌的每一天,争取把平凡变优秀,然后把优秀变成习惯🦋🫧 #🦋🫧 #beyondmind #candid #workvibes

4/5/2024, 1:40:41 PM

清明节hen~~~累人 又塞车又要晒太阳割草 辛苦后也别忘了ISPA 犒赏自己一天的辛勤 喜马拉雅 热盐石疗 采用富含钠,铁,钙,镁等十多种 对人体有益的元素 不仅柔肤紧肌,更促进淋巴循环 释放疲劳就是如此简单 一年一次的仪式不能少 但积累的疲劳可是越少越好啊~ 联络热线: yumiko tay 📍 𝟑𝟔-𝟓(𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫),𝐉𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐡,𝟖𝟒𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐌𝐮𝐚𝐫,𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐫. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐩𝐬 : #活好 #ISPA骨态疗愈 �#美学疗愈空间� #Aqive气机科技 #BeyondMind#DeekSha澳洲花晶 #ISPA是你无痛的选择 #iSPA #Muar

4/5/2024, 10:30:49 AM

The energy of Pushing through we are quite familiar with. The energy of the pause, the opening up, the surrendering the need to control, predict and logically know everything. When the barriers created by the survival mind fall away...this is when the creative force creates magic. 💮 xx your wise self #innerwisdom #whispersfromyourwiseself #beyondmind #heartcentered #letgo

4/1/2024, 6:22:17 PM

The only way to know the truth, is to sit in silence and be the truth, long enough until there's nothing to know ❤️ #priorawareness #bethetruth #truthinsilence #beyondmind #beyondborders #beyondboundaries #silentwitness #knowthetruth #knowthyself

4/1/2024, 4:38:18 AM

Sunday @ 9-10:15am : Children’s Group Self Mastery series A hands-on programme that teaches your child the Ways of Love and Heart Intelligence to be empowered as a conscious soul as he or she grows. #oceanwhitehawk #samadhi #samadhicentre #truthteachings #universalteachings #wisdomteachings #esotericteachings #divinity #soulawakening #soultraining #empowerment #embodiment #oneness #divinelove #universallove #metaphysics #beyondmind #innerwork #innerpeace #spiritualhealing #higherconsciousness #pearls_of_wisdom_108 #spritual #kundalini #thirdeye #enlightenment #spirituality #calmmind #quotes

3/30/2024, 3:07:51 PM

#学会经营自己 #人生只是一个或长或短的过程 在这过程里我们一天天缩短生命的距离 我们何不用宽容与爱去活好生命的每一天 祝福你有个愉悦的一天 �#活好 #ISPA骨态疗愈 �#美学疗愈空间� #Aqive气机科技 #BeyondMind#DeekSha澳洲花晶 #ISPA是你无痛的选择 #iSPA #Muar

3/29/2024, 2:00:28 AM

Beyond Mind 覺之 ❚ 提升情緒免疫力:5種獲得快樂的練習 點擊官網了解: 生活中,難免會遇到挫折與失望, 我們的情緒開始變得越來越複雜。 在面對充滿壓力的現實世界時, 我們到底要如何讓自己快樂呢? 有一個「快樂練習」的實驗, 要求577位實驗對象做到以下幾件事: 1. 感恩之旅:一周內寫信給想感謝的人。 2. 三件好事:持續一周寫下每天發生的 3 件好事。 3. 辨識強項:利用測驗找出自己的長處。 4. 運用強項:每天找機會使用自己的長處,幫助自己或他人。 5. 最好的時刻:說出每天表現最棒的時刻,列出當時發揮的能力。 實驗結果發現,「擅用強項」及 「三件好事」 可以增強快樂、降低憂鬱長達 6 個月。 「感恩之旅」則是可以維持愉悅 1 個月, 而其他練習也都有短暫的正面效果。 換句話說,我們能夠透過具體的做法 去「習得樂觀」(learned optimism)。 而這些練習可以幫助建立積極的心理狀態, 提升情緒免疫力,從而應對生活中的挑戰! - #獨創設計 提升情緒免疫力的保健用品 放鬆冥想引導: 歡迎私訊官方LINE: #覺智 #覺 #鈦覺智 #自我提升 #提升情緒免疫力 #快樂練習 #BeyondMind #titanium #wisdomware #igniteyourgreatness

3/28/2024, 10:36:49 AM

压力加上焦躁的心情 简直是个混合双打 哇老eh 打我个措手不及 让I小编教你怎样反击 在喜马拉雅 热盐石疗里 颂钵起到了至关重要的作用 在一声又一声的 【ommm】音频中 引导心绪重新归零 沉淀纷杂的烦恼和焦躁 来ISPA 把生活中的不爽不甘愿 全部都敲走吧 联络热线: yumiko tay 📍 𝟑𝟔-𝟓(𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫),𝐉𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐡,𝟖𝟒𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐌𝐮𝐚𝐫,𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐫. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐩𝐬 : #活好 #ISPA骨态疗愈 �#美学疗愈空间� #Aqive气机科技 #BeyondMind#DeekSha澳洲花晶 #ISPA是你无痛的选择 #iSPA #Muar

3/27/2024, 9:30:13 AM

现代人越来越忙�提案,应酬,跑sales� 每天行程被排满到~~huyooo� 给酱努力的自己奖励吧�� 药浴理疗�在轻松地泡浴过程� 让草药渗透皮肤,穴位�补气行血 舒筋活络。�改善并加速代谢 把草药疗效泡进体内�有效放松身心灵 ��偶尔总要休息一下 �charge满电过后再继续努力! 联络热线: yumiko tay 𝟑𝟔-𝟓(𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫),𝐉𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐡,𝟖𝟒𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐌𝐮𝐚𝐫,𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐫. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐩𝐬 : �#活好 #ISPA骨态疗愈 �#美学疗愈空间� #Aqive气机科技 � #deeksha澳洲花晶 #ispa是你无痛的选择 #beyondmind #iSPA #Muar

3/25/2024, 9:30:14 AM

Sundays @ 10:30 - 11:45am: Detox the mind, Purify the heart 💖✨ Train in Higher Awareness to rewire your neural pathways to release mental toxicity and restore harmony to the heart. #oceanwhitehawk #samadhi #samadhicentre #truthteachings #universalteachings #wisdomteachings #esotericteachings #divinity #soulawakening #soultraining #empowerment #embodiment #oneness #divinelove #universallove #metaphysics #beyondmind #innerwork #innerpeace #spiritualhealing #higherconsciousness #pearls_of_wisdom_108 #spritual #kundalini #thirdeye #enlightenment #spirituality #calmmind #quotes

3/25/2024, 6:00:51 AM

Sundays 9:00 - 10:15 SAMADHI Mastery Training for Children which includes wisdom teaching’s, movement, stillness and so much JOY. Today we practiced to embrace everything and let go of our resistance especially in the more intense poses like splits. #oceanwhitehawk #samadhi #samadhicentre #truthteachings #universalteachings #wisdomteachings #esotericteachings #divinity #soulawakening #soultraining #empowerment #embodiment #oneness #divinelove #universallove #metaphysics #beyondmind #innerwork #innerpeace #spiritualhealing #higherconsciousness #pearls_of_wisdom_108 #spritual #kundalini #thirdeye #enlightenment #spirituality #calmmind #quotes

3/24/2024, 3:32:29 AM

学习 让自己内在事实 与世界的外在事实 保持一致🦋🫧 . #words #studystudystudy #beyondmind #🦋🫧 #2024

3/24/2024, 1:22:05 AM

In this week’s Penetrating Soul Wisdom, we looked at, for each precious birth, each beloved Soul choosing their specific syllabus to master in the human schoolroom. As we went deep within to see what that syllabus may be, a beloved participant identified a past event which actually caused her unresolved questions and sadness. We used the crystal bowls to release that deep sadness as very often, even something that happened a long way back still impacts us and distorts how we feel about ourselves. #oceanwhitehawk #samadhi #samadhicentre #truthteachings #universalteachings #wisdomteachings #esotericteachings #divinity #soulawakening #soultraining #empowerment #embodiment #oneness #divinelove #universallove #metaphysics #beyondmind #innerwork #innerpeace #spiritualhealing #higherconsciousness #pearls_of_wisdom_108 #spritual #kundalini #thirdeye #enlightenment #spirituality #calmmind #quotes

3/23/2024, 4:50:45 AM

#每一次疗愈体验 #都是一次内在的探索 我们可以看见自己的 脆弱和坚强,矛盾和和谐 #疗愈让我们接纳自己的一切 不再隐藏不再抗拒。 无论哪一种形式的治愈,都在告诉你 #用心生活 #用心看见 #用心爱 自然疗愈spa | #喜马拉雅热盐石疗 体验活动进行中,联络热线: yumiko tay #活好 #ISPA骨态疗愈 �#美学疗愈空间� #Aqive气机科技 #BeyondMind#DeekSha澳洲花晶 #ISPA是你无痛的选择 #iSPA #Muar

3/21/2024, 11:26:30 AM

Thursdays @7-8:15pm: Alchemy Crystal Sound Healing This powerful sound healing will retune your cells and atoms to healing, health and harmony through unseen light, and sounds of high vibrational alchemy crystal bowls. #oceanwhitehawk #samadhi #samadhicentre #truthteachings #universalteachings #wisdomteachings #esotericteachings #divinity #soulawakening #soultraining #empowerment #embodiment #oneness #divinelove #universallove #metaphysics #beyondmind #innerwork #innerpeace #spiritualhealing #higherconsciousness #pearls_of_wisdom_108 #spritual #kundalini #thirdeye #enlightenment #spirituality #calmmind #quotes

3/21/2024, 10:04:24 AM

Spiritual Mentoring: Adult Private 121 sessions: Assisting adults in shifting out of stuck situations by identifying negative patterns to awaken their divine nature and lead them unto their true path. The session may include a customised sound healing portion. #oceanwhitehawk #samadhi #samadhicentre #truthteachings #universalteachings #wisdomteachings #esotericteachings #divinity #soulawakening #soultraining #empowerment #embodiment #oneness #divinelove #universallove #metaphysics #beyondmind #innerwork #innerpeace #spiritualhealing #higherconsciousness #pearls_of_wisdom_108 #spritual #kundalini #thirdeye #enlightenment #spirituality #calmmind #quotes

3/21/2024, 3:15:37 AM Monday @ 7-8pm: Group yoga (in person) This unique yoga opens your body and soul to the Light of the Divine. Its wisdom and beautiful stretches will assist you to connect to the living source of life itself. Wednesday @ 12-1:15pm : Penetrating Soul Wisdom You will learn how to decode Divine Wisdom into everyday life application. You will begin to see and experience reality from the sweet perspective of the Soul. Thursday @ 6-7pm: Learn to Meditate (Cantonese) You will learn the basics of meditation: posture, breathing, training the mind to focus and opening the heart. @7-8:15pm : Alchemy Crystal Sound Healing This powerful sound healing will retune your cells and atoms to healing, health and harmony through unseen light, and sounds of high vibrational alchemy crystal bowls. @ 8-9:30pm : Foundation in Metaphysics and Science of Consciousness (Mandarin) For those who are ready for serious awakening, to study and apply the Truth Teachings of Mother Ocean in order to spiritually transform your life. Friday @11:45am-1: Alchemy Crystal Sound Healing This powerful sound healing will retune your cells and atoms to healing, health and harmony through unseen light, and sounds of high vibrational alchemy crystal bowls. @ 3-4pm: Change Maker You will learn practical applications of Heart Intelligence into demanding work environments, to bring about ease and empowerment for you. Saturday @ 2:30 - 3:30pm : Guided Meditation Practice You will deepen your meditation practice which will strengthen you in all aspects of life and enable you to deal powerfully with any challenges you may encounter. @3:30pm-4:30pm: Alchemy Crystal Sound Healing This powerful sound healing will retune your cells and atoms to healing, health and harmony through unseen light, and sounds of high vibrational alchemy crystal bowls. @ 4-5:30pm and 10-11:30pm: Foundation in Metaphysics and Science of Consciousness For those who are ready for serious awakening, to study and apply the Truth Teachings of Mother Ocean in order to spiritually transform your life.

3/20/2024, 11:44:36 PM

2023A来到了第三个月 年后重新投入工作或面对新环境 不知不觉累积的压力 让身体也变得硬梆梆 舒缓紧绷的身体&情绪 就来ISPA吧 喜马拉雅 热盐石疗 富含钠,铁,钙,镁等十多种对人体有益的元素 透过每次的按压 缓缓推开累积下来的压力 让ISPA帮你加油打气 以更好的状态面对工作吧 联络热线: yumiko tay 📍 𝟑𝟔-𝟓(𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫),𝐉𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐡,𝟖𝟒𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐌𝐮𝐚𝐫,𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐫. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐩𝐬 : �#活好 #ISPA骨态疗愈 �#美学疗愈空间� #Aqive气机科技 #BeyondMind#DeekSha澳洲花晶 #ISPA是你无痛的选择 #iSPA #Muar

3/20/2024, 9:30:33 AM