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🎶 Watch and you’ll seeeeee 🎶 🎶 Someday I’ll beeeeee 🎶 🎶 Part of yourrrr worrrrrrldddd 🎶 Just wanted to wish the best of luck this weekend to the only girl I know that would happily jump in the ocean in an evening gown… (Nonetheless on a day with ridiculous waves!) Beyond proud of you Emilee and can’t wait to root you on tomorrow!! Go get that crown!! 🖤👑🤍

4/26/2024, 2:21:03 PM

Long live the queens🖤📸✨🏰 #disneyday #photoshoot #maleficent #aurora #disneyqueens #pictureperfect #shoot1 #magic

4/26/2024, 2:00:00 AM

【Disney乙女向】~𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝔂♪~ (PART3)   *沒啥邏輯,撞梗,超短致歉~ *如有OOC警告,請大家當是私設~ *幼稚園文筆望見諒orz *已設情侶狀態,“你”是呆萌系的~ *內含:Elsa(Frozen) 【Elsa】 •••WinterTime•••   那一望無際的茫茫白雪,默然宣告Arendelle已踏進寒冬的季節。你自窗外眺望,白雪落下化作流動線條。 墜落途中彷與白絲交織,織成一塊潔白衣料。 也許是房間裡過於暖和的緣故吧,窗上蒙上一層薄薄的霧氣。你擦拭了下窗,扇形的明亮玻璃隨之露出。 你眨巴眨巴著,貌似想到了些東西。以蔥指作畫筆,霧窗作畫布,繪出一個又一個的圖畫,待回過神來,窗上已佈滿了你的「傑作」。 可僅僅一聲輕息,扇面區域就再度被霧氣蒙上。眼看「傑作」幾乎全毀了,你立刻怔愣住了。 “Snowflake..must you fidget so?..come here you..” 於床邊閱書的Elsa,餘光瞥見你一臉無辜又愕然的,只覺可愛,於是淺淺地彎彎唇角來。 真是可愛得讓人想好好疼愛的孩子...你有如孩童一般的性格與言行,都不由令寵溺之情在她心中油然而生。 “'Cause I'm bored...you can't blame me on that..”   而見Elsa拍拍大腿,示意可以坐在其身上去。你便抱怨似地鼓起腮幫子,投進那微涼的臂彎之中。 “Alright alright,no more pouting...let me see..what nonsense have you drawn on the window this time?” 她手捧你猶帶嬰兒胖的臉,以鼻尖相蹭,陣陣溺愛盡在不言中。你自她懷裏起來,牽牽她的冰藍衣角,牽着其走到窗邊。 “Puppies and kittens...such an unique masterpiece...”   當湊近窗一看,勉強能見輪廓的模糊畫像,確實惹笑非常。Elsa以手輕掩唇畔,噗哧一笑。透過指縫,你望見她淺紅的唇柔軟而潔亮,圓滿卻清薄,彎彎的流露一小片純白月光。 這般笑靨,想必任何人亦會對這位皇后吐出種種讚賞吧? 然而,這句「masterpiece」,你可是切切實實聽進去了。分明就是說你畫技差勁,試問怎能不生氣呢?你嬌氣的雙手抱胸,扭過頭去。彷佛在說這全因為是某人要把你困在房裏,現在還要笑你一樣,真是可惡! “....Very well, how might your queen entertain you on this snowy day?” 深知這位某人正是自己,Elsa便以雪花環繞指間,漸漸塑出一個僅有掌心大小的小白。你那雙黑瑪瑙迅即彎彎的如弦月笑起來了,當中飽溢的天真,足以令Elsa看得入迷。 有些時候,真是天真可愛得想讓人吃掉呢..她如是思忖 “Might a kiss be distraction enough, at least for a little while?”  說罷,她柔柔用手抬起你的下巴,指腹撫過唇珠便毅然貼上你的唇。每吻亦似涼意溜過寸寸皮膚,處處敏感肌,一直延伸至脖頸,讓你毫無喘息的機會... 你稍稍抬眸,不期然闖進那片醉藍,醉得深邃,醉得教人恍神。你所謂的怒氣,亦霎時變得支離破碎,轉為不知所措的窘迫。   “E-Elsa!!⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄” “It's only a kiss I'm offering, nothing more.Unless... you'd care for something more?Elskan*...”  *Elskan在挪威語中意即是my love~ The End. #乙女文 #乙女向 #disney #disney乙女 #disneyprincess #disneyqueens #elsa #frozen #迪士尼 #迪士尼公主 #公主 #童話 #fairytale #甜文 #短文 #shortstory #uke #sukisuki #gl #lesbain #yuri #yurilove #清水文 #純情 #puppylove #mayallyourwishescometrue #princesselsa #princessdreams #queenelsa

4/14/2024, 5:50:45 AM

【Disney乙女向】~𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝔂♪~ (PART2)   *沒啥邏輯,撞梗,超短致歉~ *如有OOC警告,請大家當是私設~ *幼稚園文筆望見諒orz *已設情侶狀態,“你”是呆萌系的~ *內含:Megara(大力士) 【Megara】 •••Cute Criminal?•••  *註:stella mou means my girl in Greek. 嫣紅晚霞染滿天際,此時已是星星悄悄逐一亮起的時刻。終於做完Hades那些惱人委託,Megara帶着些許倦意,回到你們二人的溫暖小居。 “What is it? What have you done now?” 甫進家門,Megara本想任著慵懶的氣氛,窩在長椅中,小憩片刻。然而目睹長椅上的你,那天真爛漫的姿態,這次又是做錯了什麼...思及此,她懊惱的捏一把鼻樑。 “Nothing, Meg, I promise! I was just missing you...”   你不是眨巴眨巴的,就是“無辜”搖首。最後更是心虛似地將小被子蓋到頭上去。這不由使得Megara心中一凜,亦升起種種的疑問。 半响,她俏眉稍揚,便一手拉走你的小被子,小被子下的你,似乎藏着什麼東西...是零食?還是Hercules的單戀情信?她越發不解的思索著。 “Fine...I pretty like the dress you have...and...you know our sizes...are quite different...its dead body is over there...”  見你蹩腳的演技再無法隱瞞,你手執一套薰衣草色的長裙,小聲囁嚅着。說到最後,聲音更是輕得如夢囈難以聽見。 “Oh my..please tell me you didn't...”  放眼望去,Megara便見所謂「的殘骸」。長裙早已亂作一團。皺巴巴的領口,掉了鍊頭的拉鏈,一切皆是強行撐開的痕跡。 這孩子,只是少看一會而已呀...只是一會...就犯下這般罪行了嗎? 最為鍾愛的裙子現在落得如此下場,她只覺凄涼,心也一揪,釋出哀淒的眼神來。 “You're lucky you're so cute, you little troublemaker...But no more borrowing my clothes without asking, got it? ” 閉目沉思,似安撫雜亂心緒,Megara倒抽一口涼氣。隨後便弓下身,低柔輕拍你的頭頂。本來她仍有怒意,但你這罪魁禍首可憐巴巴的表情,怒氣似水蒸氣全蒸發掉了。 “But...you aren't mad about this? It was your favourite dress... I'm..really sorry...”  你像乖乖小狗一樣,蹭蹭Megara的掌心。你沒曾料想她居然連一句責備的說話也沒,語調亦因此略帶愕然的。 “I know it was my favorite, stella mou*..But it's just a dress. As long as you're safe, that's what really matters.” Megara蠻是無奈的嘆一聲,在你額上印下甜柔有如棉花糖的一吻。你抬頭,與她目光交錯,澄紫眸間似那酒樣的透亮晚霞,似那載滿點點繁星的夜空,獨為你一人熠耀。 “Maybe I can try repair it...no worries!”  "Okay, I think that's enough dress surgery for now, doc..You've done your best, but I think this patient is beyond repair." 你倏然蹦到衣裙前,拿起針線布料,瞇起的眼像在全神貫注的感覺。Megara見狀就速速取走你那些小工具,以免「罪案」再度發生。 “It's all right, darling. I appreciate the thought...do you want some ice cream?” 見你低着腦袋,亦歉然似地抿住唇,想必在責怪自己吧?她將你擁入懷裡,低柔的說着,唇角的溫馨笑意已訴盡一切。 “With sprinkles?” “With as many sprinkles as you like,sweet girl.” The End. #乙女文 #乙女向 #disney #disney乙女 #disneyprincess #disneyqueens #megara #hercules #disneyprinces #迪士尼 #迪士尼公主 #公主 #童話 #fairytale #甜文 #短文 #shortstory #uke #sukisuki #gl #lesbain #yuri #yurilove #清水文 #純情 #puppylove #mayallyourwishescometrue #princessmegara #princessdreams

4/14/2024, 5:46:05 AM

【Disney乙女向】~𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝔂♪~ (PART 1)   *沒啥邏輯,撞梗,超短致歉~ *如有OOC警告,請大家當是私設~ *幼稚園文筆望見諒orz *已設情侶狀態,“你”是呆萌系的~ *內含:Aurora(睡公主/sleeping beauty) 【Aurora】 •••ℂ𝕦𝕥𝕖𝔹𝕦𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕠•••   清晨,鳥鳴於耳畔迴繞,你煩燥的翻了個身。睡床與窗台相隔只是一臂之遙,使得鳥兒的歌聲直直澆潑臉上...一大清早有夠吵嚷的呢... “No...No morning... Aurora...” 縷縷陽光似金粉灑進,樹影飄飄,使得眼前亮光一明一滅。而為躲避那可惡朝陽,你縮在溫暖尤其的懷抱。你順勢將臉埋在Aurora的頸窩,絲質一般的幽香,不由讓人聯想起薔薇。 “Shh, it's alright, you can wake up at any time,my love..”  聞見你不滿的悶哼,Aurora那宛為晚霞的澄紫寶石,稍有睡意的半開着。她望向窗外,將曉未曉的天色..距離早上似乎還有段時間。   那就..稍微賴床一下吧?..如是想着,她把懷裡的你摟得更緊,與你雙雙回到甜美的夢鄉。   “Did you sleep well?” Aurora醒轉之際,便傾身輕吻你髮邊。垂下眸來,便覺你仍沉浸夢境之中,她禁不住莞爾。明明自己才是sleeping beauty,怎麼你這位小戀人還要比自己更嗜睡呢? 啊,時間也差不多了,不然那三位Fairy godmothers又得要吵嚷起來了。Aurora在心中思忖,便徐徐下床準備梳粧。 “Mmm..I guess so...”   你揉搓著眼眶,一副迷迷糊糊的模樣。不時聳拉的小腦袋,感覺,只要你一閉眼便會「好夢正濃」。 幾經辛苦,披着心愛的毛氈,你終於自床上直起身子。然而你又一個鬆懈,令你連人帶氈,倒回床上。 還意外地捲成可愛的burrito了呢。 “Well..it seems you may need some help extricating yourself, my little burrito.” Aurora聞聲回頭,眼看這般天真爛漫的景像,只得以手掩住上揚的玫唇。想了想,她就往你伸出雙手,彷佛是要接過初生嬰孩的動作。 “The blankie is so cozy,I don't wanna leave it.”   “I know it's cozy my sweet, but we can't have you getting tangled up all day long.” 被當成小孩子來看,你心裏面多少覺得不爽。於是無視她的援助,又在床鋪上轉了一個圈,用毛氈裹緊自己,鼓起小小的包子臉,示意自己的悶氣。卻未曾想到,你這一連串的動作也充滿著滿滿的孩子氣。 “Oh very well, you may keep the blankie for a little while longer. But only if you give me a kiss first, my precious burrito love..."   似看透你心中所思,Aurora悠悠將你一縷髮絲輕繞指間。接着於你唇上,予以雪花般輕薄,卻滿載深厚柔情的吻。 The End. #乙女文 #乙女向 #disney #disney乙女 #disneyprincess #disneyqueens #aurora #sleeppingbeauty #迪士尼 #迪士尼公主 #公主 #童話 #fairytale #甜文 #短文 #shortstory #uke #sukisuki #gl #lesbain #yuri #yurilove #清水文 #純情 #puppylove #mayallyourwishescometrue #princessaurora #princessdreams

4/14/2024, 5:40:45 AM

As a child and even now, there has been a noticeable absence of main plus-sized Disney characters. This absence reflects societal standards that often diminish the acceptance of curvy or plus-sized individuals. The portrayal of predominantly thin characters in media can perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards and contribute to feelings of inadequacy among those who don’t fit the mold. Introducing more diverse body types in media, including Disney characters, can promote inclusivity and help challenge harmful stereotypes about body image. Who’s your favorite plus Queen? Let us know in the comments!! 🧡🩵💛🙌🏽 #disneyplus #cos143 #curvesofstrength #disneyqueens #plusdisneyqueens

4/5/2024, 11:00:40 AM

We just uploaded last Saturday’s 3xNYX: POP-UP album by @marilenezeeman! Go to our Facebook page if to see more! #3xnyx #queerparty #clubnyx #amsterdam #nyxamsterdam #lgbt tq #lhbtqia #queer #reguliers #queeramsterdam #disneyqueens

3/20/2024, 4:36:15 PM

Embracing the magic of #InternationalWomensDay with these fierce Disney Princesses! 💪✨ Here's to strong women – may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them. 🌟 Tag someone you think is an inspirational fierce strong woman, and let me know which princess they remind you of!! #GirlPower #EmpowerWomen #DisneyMagic #WomenSupportingWomen #Inspiration #StrongIsBeautiful #FairyTaleFeminism #WomenWhoLead #WomensHistoryMonth #EqualityForAll #WomenInMedia #ShePersisted #Sheroes #CelebrateWomen #Empowerment #WomenInAnimation #StrengthInSisterhood #DisneyQueens #LeadingLadies #BreakingBarriers #InspirationalWomen

3/8/2024, 8:46:22 PM

Happy International Women's Day from 3 Disney Queens! 👑✨ As we celebrate, let's remember the power of inclusion and the importance of lifting each other up. Together, we can inspire inclusion and create a world where every woman's voice is heard and valued. 💪💖 #InspireInclusion #InternationalWomensDay #DisneyQueens #DisneyLambs #MinnieMouse

3/8/2024, 3:14:53 PM

I got the chanse to perform as Elsa for @storybookcelebrations for the first time. Thank you so much @esmee_vanrhee for this chanse , I look forward to do this again. Love you❤ #frozen2 #disney #elsa #anna #olaf #disneyprincesses #disneyfrozen #elsafrozen #elsacosplay #siterlove #princesscosplay #disneycosplay #letitgo #intotheunknown #disneyqueens #5thspirit #disneygram #cosplayersofinstagram #frozen2elsa #arendelle #showyourself #annafrozen #frozenelsa #frozensisters #friendswhocosplay

3/4/2024, 5:18:01 PM

【DisneyQueens乙女向】~𝕸𝖆𝖞 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖊~ (PART3)    *沒啥邏輯,撞梗,超短致歉~ *如有OOC警告,請大家當是私設~ *幼稚園文筆望見諒orz *已設情侶狀態,“你”是呆萌系的~ *OO可自行代入 *內含:Queen Athena(The little mermaid) 【Athena】 •••𝐺𝑒𝑚 𝑂𝑓 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑂𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑛•••   弦月穿過天空,夜色漸漸凍了起來。就只有遠處幾盞燈火忽暗忽明的閃着,莫名為無人海灘又添上幾分的落寞 你提起累贅的裙擺,悠悠漫步,一串串腳印重疊在一起,雜亂無章地印在細砂上。你對於戀人的思念,亦隨宛如層層雪花的海浪而捲起... “Goodevening,sweetheart....watching the moon again I see.” 彷佛是聞見你思念,半响,Athena便浮現水面,和你目光相會。而隨著她在水中施然游動,翠綠鱗片與月光會有着微妙變化,泛出湖水綠般光暈,很美 Athena半身靠在沙灘,用手撐著臉頰,鮮紅欲滴的髮絲隨意地披散至兩肩,仍是半濕的狀態 “Athena!... You brought me seashells again!?...I like this one...that one..” 望見她掌心滿滿都是花花綠綠的貝殼,你立刻奔到她面前去。當你弓下身細細挑選時,瑪瑙似的眼眸亦泛出陣陣的孩子氣 好可愛呢,每每見你露出小孩子的一面。那唇角總是禁不住往上揚。或者是這樣的緣故,Athena找你的時候,也一定會帶上一些小禮物給你的 “Each shell truly is a work of art. But they pale in beauty compared to you, my dear...come,i wanna show you something” 這般說着,她就往你的方向伸出手,亦滿臉堆笑的。你並沒多加思考,也就將手放到她之上...可是.... “The view of the stars is even more breathtaking from here” 可是霎時間,纖細手臂就發出讓你沒法想像的力量,一把就攫住你的手腕,將你拉至身前。你的思緒追不上Athena超越常規的舉動,也來不及反應,只能任由她擺佈.. 衣服漸漸因海水變得濕漉漉的,也讓感官變得異常的敏感。能感覺到互相交融的體溫,能感覺到撲通撲通地響的心臟,能感覺到急促起來的呼吸 “...hey! Try to be careful!your majesty” 沉醉在少女漫畫一般的羅曼蒂克氛圍之中,你差點把事情本質給拋到腦後了。剛才Athena的舉動,差點害得你一屁股跌在沙裡頭了呢( ˘•ω•˘ ) “Forgive me my little trick, but how could I resist tempting such an enticing creature into my domain?” 她笑的眉眼彎彎,語氣無半點歉意,反而滲著絲絲縷縷的戲謔。那手臂又不知何時鑽到腰間,似蛇那樣不容逃避的環繞著你,姿意地把你摟得更緊一些 “My darling?..Or shall I steal a kiss to make amends?”  Athena的手指穿過你的髮梢,旋即俯身吻住你的唇。唇舌之間,彼此探索,纏綿,交織,形成一首又一首撩動心間的曲子... 皎潔的月光從雲層灑下,灑落在那位人魚皇后跟人類少女。默然無聲地,為這對帶著童話色彩的戀人獻上祝福。 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉 #disney #disneyqueens #gl #mayyourdreamscometrue #甜文 #短文 #shortstory #queenathena #thelittlemermaid #les #迪士尼 #乙女文

3/4/2024, 3:26:09 PM

【DisneyQueens乙女向】~𝕸𝖆𝖞 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖊~ (PART 2) *沒啥邏輯,撞梗,超短致歉~ *如有OOC警告,請大家當是私設~ *幼稚園文筆望見諒orz *已設情侶狀態,“你”是呆萌系的~ *OO可自行代入 *內含:Queen Iduna(Frozen) 【Iduna】 •••𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓭𝔂𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽•••   滿天星辰在薰衣草色的夜幕之上眨著眼。魔法森林被白藍霧靄所籠罩,高聳的白樺樹密密麻麻的排列小路的兩側,更顯其神秘 難得你家的皇后能夠抽空陪你逛逛,本應是高興才對...可是,今天真的有點冷呢...((((;´•ω•`))) 早知道就聽她說,留在皇宮,陪兩位公主殿下玩玩小白好了,你心想 “Iduna...a bit cold tonight...” “It's rather chill tonight...but the forest has a beauty all its own in the moonlight, does it not?” 風颯颯的撲臉而來,難不免會有刺骨之感。而聽罷,她笑笑,重新牽起你的手。是戀人特有的、十指相扣的牽法 “There now, is this better?” 見你寒意未消,Iduna就帶你到樹邊坐著。她一邊摩擦著掌心,一邊哈着氣,朝你伸出了手。你欣然地握住了手,她便順勢將你的手夾在掌心,一陣溫暖不期然湧上你的心頭 “Mmm...pretty warm now.” 凍僵的手、冰冷的臉頰和耳朵都像在那一刻解凍了,僵硬的身體逐漸放鬆。這一句好冷,說的很有價值呀,你緊緊依偎那手臂,抬起眼看向身旁的她 剎那間,又一陣微風拂過你們二人的臉,有別於方才的寒意,感覺莫名的溫暖?是居住在魔法森林的風靈嗎?你猜想 “Ah, an old friend joining us it seems.” 如是說着,沉靜藍眸升起幾抹的溫馨,Iduna再度勾起唇來。這句話亦是肯定了你心中的猜疑 “Gale! That's trickle!....” 像孩子似的惡作劇,Gale往你的方向翻起了葉子,弄得你滿頭都是樹葉。可你也並無半點怒意,只是鼓鼓腮,唇也微微嘟起,刹是動人 “Such temptation your loveliness provides...” 注視着你這般可愛的模樣,Iduna目光的寵溺多得都快要傾瀉了。她小心翼翼的撥開你頭頂上的樹葉。指腹隨後撫過你的脖頸,臉頰,最後於那櫻唇停下 未待你回話, 溫熱唇瓣兀自貼於你之上, 花瓣那樣的柔軟觸感讓你着迷不已... “...Mmmm! Don't be that sudden!?!” 喘息之際,你窘迫而變得不知所措的坐姿,在Iduna角度來看,亦讓你倍感可愛,看上去就像被嚇到的幼貓 “Forgive me,you make it so hard to endure, minn elska(Means my love in Danish)” 似再無法忍住內心的衝動,Iduna一把摟住你盈盈可握的腰,飢餓尤其的吮吻着耳垂。那手亦從腰間緩緩滑下,寓意深長在你耳畔低語,教你直打哆嗦... “Now how shall I tease my kitten, I wonder?...” 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉 #短文 #甜文 #gl #disney #disneyqueens #les #shortstory #frozen2 #queeniduna #乙女文 #迪士尼

3/4/2024, 2:56:54 PM

【DisneyQueens乙女向】~𝕸𝖆𝖞 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖊~ (PART 1) *沒啥邏輯,撞梗,超短致歉~ *如有OOC警告,請大家當是私設~ *幼稚園文筆望見諒orz *已設情侶狀態,“你”是呆萌系的~ *OO可自行代入 *內含:Queen Arianna(Tangled) 【Arianna】 •••𝑰 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕•••   冬天的夜晚來得特別早,城鎮早早就被薄薄的夜色所包圍。你提起裙擺,穿過步履匆匆的人群,尋找女皇陛下的蹤影。因為今夜、你與她約定要好好觀賞天燈的呢! Arianna要喬裝成平民的緣故,在遊人中找到戴上斗蓬的她並不難。你只需片刻,就能發現那略顯嬌柔的背影,於是小碎步的奔向前。 腦中描繪著數秒後,自己和她在天燈下的甜蜜光景,你臉上就止不住浮出幸福的笑顏 “Guess who?...” “Hmm,let me think...could it be that cheeky girl of mine?...” 自Arianna背後,你毫無預警地遮蓋她的視野。Arianna倒是噗哧一笑,語帶寵溺,亦佯裝出苦惱的神情來陪你玩玩 “欸~怎麼這麼快就猜到了~都不好玩的!” “Forgive me sweet girl, you seemed so excited I couldn't resist teasing you a little...” 你摟住那纖盈腰肢,下巴抵在Arianna胸膛上,與她四目交接。完完全全就是在撒嬌的小孩嘛。有夠可愛的,Arianna如是思忖,撫著你幼貓似的幼滑髮絲 “Hang on,you just called me cheeky?weren't you,your highness?” 你小聲咕噥着,摟抱的手卻變得更緊,嘴角亦不自覺向上揚起。說真格的,你並不介意Arianna一時半刻的teasing,不如說,挺喜歡的? “You are indeed quite cheeky...but..in the most delightful of ways.” “Arianna! Look over there!” 忽爾,你興奮尤其的一喊,Arianna起初是不解的。然而當目光順着你指向夜空的手指,她便笑了 盞盞天燈形同顆顆繁星,渺渺星暉,與那輪彎月點綴著美麗的夜空。可最為Arianna心動的景色,莫過於在柔和黑瞳中,映照出的夜色。如此對望,心跳亦不自覺地加速起來 “...My girl, there is a light in you that outshines them all...” 她與雪似的皓白肌膚相襯的玫瑰色嘴唇,編織出一串醉人話語。使得你的臉亦湧出一陣微醺似的紅潮 “Now now, there's no need to be so shy my dear...I simply speak the truth...” 視野中,身旁景色已越發模糊,Arianna的輪廓亦越發清楚。再無遊人,再無市集的嘈雜聲,感覺,世界就只剩下你們二人。而見你這般羞窘,迷人唇角亦升起淺淺的笑意 “A few sincere words are all it takes to reduce you to this flushed and fluttering state. How positively delightful...” 她不疾不徐的將你的臉棒在掌心,傾身予以一吻,宛如蟬翼的輕,也如糖果的甜美,卻滿載僅對你一人的柔情 “Please never stop lighting up my world, my darling girl..” 願我心裡那幻想,我的世界給你照亮 讓我擁抱這幻想,我的心遊然地唱 像滿千星光亮照,讓我找到誰是重要 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉 #gl #disney #disneyqueens #shortstory #yurilove #甜文 #tangled #mayyourdreamscometrue #短文 #乙女文

3/4/2024, 2:44:49 PM

I am so lucky to have two beautiful little girls and they really are my world. Today Aria told me that the best gift she ever had was her sister 💕 This literally melted my heart 💓 They are both the best gift I’ve ever had and they really are my angels 😇 I’m so proud of everything thing they do and their kindness. My little Disney loving princesses 💕 #mygirls #daughters #daughterlove #disneyprincesses #disneyqueens #sisters #sisterlove #sistergoals #motheranddaughters #myangels #myworld

2/13/2024, 11:59:29 PM

Evil Queens Glass Cup 👑 16oz + glass straw + plastic straw 🫶🏽 #evilqueens #disneyqueens #disneyevilqueens #smallbusiness #latinaowned #shoplocal

1/27/2024, 5:45:32 AM

#Repost #anime & #movies 🔄💀 From old post in this accaount for renew And Create an account with beautiful, coordinated colors Let's Go all The Repost's in this hashtag 👇 #جاسم_ساما_jassimSAMA_otaku 🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛 💀 #DigimonAdvanture 💀 #Pokemon (movies) 💀 #TheLionKing 💀 #Tarzan 💀 #Aladdin 🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛 💀 #BossBaby (parts) 💀 #DisneyQueens 💀 #Madagascar (parts) 💀 #ScoobyDoo (parts) 💀 #Incredable (parts) 🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛 🖇حساباتي بوسائل التواصل الاجتماعية🖇 🖇 My Soical media 🖇 🖇 ALL MY LINKS 🖇 💀💎 Paypal https://www.paypal.me/Jassimsama 💀💙 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jassim.sama 💀💜 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jassimsama1?r=nametag 💀❤ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKlHoANsEE3pQRoLWr_Qspg 💀🖤  Bēhanes https://www.behance.net/JassimSama 💀💚 Spotify 🆕️ https://open.spotify.com/user/31lekfcmqdson6yvt4r2pljswauq?si=_OKB2ZfkQW6vrWUHxJOiQQ&utm_source=copy-link 💀💜 Belbio belb.io/Jassimsama1 💀🖤 tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@jassimsama1?_t=8V9BKrObzqz&_r=1 🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛 #賈西姆 🇨🇳 #जसीम 🇮🇳 #자심 🇰🇷 🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛 #otaku #movies #film #japan #series #animayell #disney #love  ‏ ‏#ديزني #アニメ 🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛🤍🤎💛 爱༺◈ 𝔍𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔪💀𝔖𝔞𝔪𝔞 ◈༻爱 #ジャシム 🅙🅕🅐

1/5/2024, 12:53:52 AM

How I feel I entered 2024…fabulous and ready! This was the exact opposite though…😂 Happy New Year everyone, let’s hope 2024 is a great one!! . . . #disneylandparis #dlp #eurodisney #waltdisneystudiospark #waltdisneystudiosparis #disneyshow #disneychristmasshow #afunnysnowywinter #disneychristmas #disneylandparispa #passannuel #instadisneylandparis #instadlp #minniemouse #clarabellecow #clarabelle #disneycharacters #disneyqueens #newyear #newyearsday #nye

1/1/2024, 5:28:44 PM

🪄These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things✨ 🌌 Celebrating Disney Leading Ladies, Magical Moments & Soaring Songs 🌠 🧊 Elsa 🎼 Idina Menzel 🎶 “Show Yourself” 💎 🌊 Ariel 🎼 Jodi Benson & Halle Bailey 🎶 “Happy Ending” & “Finale” Alan Menken 💍 🦋 The Blue Fairy 🎼 Cynthia Erivo 🎶 “When You Wish Upon A Star”🪼 🌈 3 Cheers to The New Year! 💫 *Until then follow the DISember hashtag! #bluechristmas #magicalmoments #leadingladies #thebluefairy #disneyariel #thelittlemermaid #frozen2 #disneyelsa #showyourself #whenyouwishuponastar #happyending #finale #disneyqueens #disneybound #thedisneybound #disneysongs #idinamenzel #jodibenson #hallebailey #cynthiaerivo #snowflakenecklace #christmasprincess #theseareafewofmyfavoritethings

12/26/2023, 10:30:51 AM