liliaceaefamily images

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I tulipani sono fiori bellissimi e coloratissimi che riempiranno di gioia chi li riceverà o in alternativa saranno perfetti per l’arredamento di casa. In ogni caso porterai un po’ di primavera nel cuore della persona che li riceverà. Il tulipano è anche il fiore per eccellenza simbolo dell'amore 🌷💝 . Fiorista Ghetti 💐 . Vieni a trovarmi/Prenota il tuo omaggio floreale 💐: 📍 Via Classense, 68/a - Classe/Ravenna ☎️ +39 0544 527509 / 347 1393912 🚚 Consegna a domicilio . #fioristaghettiorietta #fioristaghetti #ravenna #ravennaclasse #fiorista #fioristaravenna #fioristaitaliano #fiori #fiorifreschi #mazzodifiori #bouquet #composizionefloreale #flowers #floraldesign #florist #floralinspiration #bouquetitaliano #floralbouquet #designfloral #giardinaggio #verde #natura #colori #flowercolor #piante #piantaornamentale #primavera2024 #Maggio2024 #tulipani #liliaceaefamily

5/5/2024, 10:00:39 AM

Les tulipes Reines de la nuit, de la fin mars à la mi-avril... et souvent sous la pluie. Sur la photo 4, les tulipes roses en ruine sont des Blue diamond. La plante jaune à l'arrière est une coronille (famille des fabacées) qui a la grande qualité d'embaumer pendant un mois ou deux. . . . . . #fleurs #tulipes #tulipesnoires #tulipespourpres #tulipereinesdelanuit #fleursdeprintemps #fleurssouslapluie #bulbes #vivaces #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily

5/4/2024, 6:32:50 PM

Combate la HIPERTENSIÓN, incluye AJO a tu dieta diaria. Si te gustó esta publicación por favor comparte y da LIKE. GRACIAS #detoxnatural #karenvarcal #DeMamáAMamá #DeMujerAMujer #ajo #AjoRey #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #hipertensión #coágulosdesangre #glucosaalta

4/23/2024, 3:30:08 AM

"Sarebbe da sdraiarsi a guardare i tulipani da sotto in su e sentirsi piccoli, a terra ma nel modo giusto". (Fabrizio Caramagna) #tulupani #tulipani🌷 #🌷🌷🌷 #tulipano🌷 #tulipano #tulipaniecieloblu🌷💙🌷 #cieloetulipani🌷💙🌷 #tulips🌷🌷🌷 #tulip🌷 #tulipes🌷🌷🌷 #tulipe🌷 #tulipán🌷 #tulipanes🌷🌷🌷 #tulpen🌷🌷🌷 #tulpe🌷 #🌷 #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #piantebulbose #fioreallegro🌷 #fioreelegante🌷 #fioreprimaverile🌷 #primavera🌷🌷🌷 #spring🌷🌷🌷 #simbolodellaprimavera🌷 #spinghassprung #mygarden🌷 #giardinaggio #ilmioangolodiparadiso🌷 #mytulips

4/19/2024, 1:55:04 PM

Des tulipes Blue diamond au jardin, photographiées il y a un mois. Je ne vois pas trop ce qu'elles ont de bleu, mais leur forme froufroutante me ravit. Sont-elles plus romantiques sous la pluie ? . . . . . #fleurs #tulipes #tulipesroses #tulipesviolettes #tulipebluediamond #fleursdeprintemps #bulbes #vivaces #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily

4/18/2024, 11:05:39 PM

En la enorme variedad de tulipanes aquí va este bicolor… momento de disfrutar de las bulbosas!!! #tulipanes #tulipa #bulbosenflor #temporadadetulipanes #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #tulipanesmulticolor #tulipanesbicolor #tulipseason #tulipfields #tulipsofinstagram - #tulipslover

4/17/2024, 5:32:02 PM

"Un tulipano non combatte per impressionare nessuno. Non combatte per essere diverso da una rosa. Non ne ha bisogno. Perché ė diverso. E c'è spazio nel giardino per ogni fiore". (Marianne Williamson) #tulipani🌷 #tulipano🌷 #tulip🌷 #tulip #tulipani #tulipano #tulipanigialli🌷💛🌷 #tulipanigialli #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #🌷💛🌷 #🌷 #🌷🌷🌷 #speciebulbose #fioreallegro🌷 #fioreelegante🌷 #simbolodellaprimavera🌷 #primavera #primavera🌷 #spring🌷 #springhassprung🌷🌷🌷 #giardinaggio #giardinaggiotime #myflowerstoday🌷 #myflowers #flowersforeveryone #mygarden #mytulip🌷 #domenica14 #14aprile

4/14/2024, 8:55:17 AM

Il y a deux ans, au printemps, j'ai récupéré dans un petit passage creux une douzaine d'ornithogales (ou dames d'onze heures), en grand danger d'être tondues. Depuis, elles vivent dans une jardinière et fleurissent fidèlement en début de printemps. Cela fait un mois que je les admire en passant. Sur la 2e photo, elles attendent qu'il y ait plus de lumière pour s'ouvrir, d'où leur nom de dames d'onze heures. . . . . . #fleurs #fleursdeprintemps #fleursblanches #bulbes #vivaces #ornithogalum #ornithogalumumbellatum #damedonzeheures #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily

4/12/2024, 7:40:41 PM

Les mêmes tulipes van Eijk une semaine plus tard. Et toujours ce rose avec des reflets blancs 😍 . . . . . #fleurs #tulipes #tulipesroses #tulipesblanches #tulipevaneijk #fleursdeprintemps #bulbes #vivaces #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily

4/4/2024, 8:09:24 PM

#fleurs #tulipes #tulipesroses #tulipesblanches #fleursdeprintemps #bulbes #vivaces #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily Les tulipes van Eijk au jardin, d'un rose si doux, accompagnées de quelques White valley. Elles ont bien résisté à la pluie, pourtant insistante.

4/4/2024, 8:06:32 PM

#fleurs #tulipes #tulipesblanches #tulipewhitevalley #tulipeexoticemperor #fleursdeprintemps #bulbes #vivaces #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily Une tulipe White valley sur ses derniers jours : elle produit des graines vertes ! Une fois les pétales tombés, j'étais censée couper cette partie de la plante et ne laisser que la tige et les feuilles, car produire des graines épuise le bulbe... J'ai oublié. Je les sèmerai peut-être. Voyez-vous la petite araignée blanche sur les graines, une thomise bien à l'abri quand il pleut ?

4/4/2024, 7:57:31 PM

Sameerpriya Nursery🌱 offers colourful #lilies 🥀. Everyone loves lilies with large, showy blooms. They add striking elegance to the yard and garden from early to midsummer. It has large prominent flowers 🌸 with six plain or strikingly marked petals with many beautiful colors including pink, gold, red, orange and white offering swoony scents. Lilies are #perennialflowers 💐 that will return year after year and require minimal care, provided that you plant them in the right place. It's a genus of herbaceous #floweringplants growing from bulbs in #liliaceaefamily.There are a number of popular lily species and their endless hybrids available to gardeners. 🌐 Our Social Media is managed by @brandcraving Connect with owner @sameer.sahu69 📞 +91 9373369007 #sameerpriyanursery

2/22/2024, 7:21:41 AM

Une des ravissantes tulipes botaniques Humilis Pulchella, épanouie grâce au soleil et une température clémente. La petite mignonne 😊. . . . . . #fleurs #tulipebotanique #tulipebotaniquehumilispulchella #vivaces #bulbes #fleursdeprintemps #fleurrose #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily

2/15/2024, 6:12:51 PM

今週のはじめ、家の近くの大倉公園に散歩に行くと草むらにタカサゴユリが1つだけ、花期でもないのに咲いていました。 タカサゴユリはユリ科の多年草の球根植物で、名前のとおり、原産地は台湾で観賞用として大正時代に導入されたとのことです。タカサゴユリの葉が細く、花は白を基調として薄い紫色の筋が入っています。 Earlier this week, when I went for a walk in Okura Park near my house, I saw a lone Takasago lily blooming in the grass, even though it wasn't even in its flowering season. The Takasago lily is a perennial bulbous plant belonging to the Liliaceae family, and as its name suggests, it is originally from Taiwan, where it was introduced in the Taisho era as an ornamental. The leaves of the lily are thin, and the flowers are white with pale purple streaks. #町内散歩  #散歩コース  #大倉公園  #タカサゴユリ  #takasagolily  #ユリ科  #liliaceaefamily  #多年草  #球根植物  #perennialbulbousplant  #原産地台湾

1/19/2024, 12:12:01 AM

Narcissus viridiflorus C'est une plante bulbeuse vivace à fleurs de la famille des Amaryllidacées (Amaryllidaceae), il est endémique du sud d'Espagne et du nord du Maroc. 🌾💚✨ Voici, j'ai découvert et signalé à l'état sauvage dans la forêt de chêne-liège de la région de Benslimane ! Mais c'est rarement ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #narcissus #narcissusviridiflorus #amaryllidaceae #amaryllidaceaefamily #amaryllidacées #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #liliacées #jardindesmoringas #jardin #jardinbotanique #botanique #botanical #botanicalgarden #botany #botanica #botanic #botanist #plantesmaroc #plantsofmorocco #floraofmorocco #fleurs #flowers #flores #narcisse #nature #garden #forest #biodiversity

12/10/2023, 5:01:55 PM

Nothoscordum x borbonicum Faux ail parfumé est une plante bulbeuse vivace de la famille des Amaryllidacées (Amaryllidaceae) et sous-famille des Liliacées (Liliaceae), c'est un hybride entre N. entrerianum et N. gracile. 🌾✨ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #nothoscordum #nothoscordumxborbonicum #nothoscordumborbonicum #amaryllidaceae #amaryllidaceaefamily #amaryllidacées #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #liliacées #jardindesmoringas #jardin #jardinbotanique #botanique #botanical #botanicalgarden #botany #botanica #botanic #botanist #plantesmaroc #plantsofmorocco #floraofmorocco #flowers #fleurs #flores #nature #garden #biodiversity

12/8/2023, 5:14:06 PM

Agave americana Agave d'Amérique est une plante grasse vivace de la famille des Agavacées (Agavaceae) et sous-famille des Liliacées (Liliaceae), il est originaire d'Amérique du Nord (États-Unis et Mexique) 🌿✨ Voici, cette espèce s'est naturalisée dans la région de Benslimane, et aussi d'autres régions du Maroc, mais il toléré très bien à la sécheresse et à l'humidité, support au froid jusqu'à -12°C, il possède des tiges souterraines (rhizomes) capables de produire des drageons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #agave #agaveamericana #agavaceae #agavaceaefamily #agavacées #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #liliacées #jardindesmoringas #jardin #jardinbotanique #botanique #botanical #botanicalgarden #botany #botany #botanica #botanic #botanist #plantesmaroc #plantsofmorocco #plantmakespeoplehappy #plantmakepeoplehappy #plants #nature #biodiversity #garden

11/28/2023, 1:27:41 PM

"Há um pensamento gentil que muitas vezes ganha vida em mim, porque fala de você. Seu raciocínio sobre o amor é tão doce e verdadeiro, que o coração se conquista e aceita essas coisas. 'Quem é este', pergunta a mente ao coração, 'que vem aqui para seduzir nosso intelecto? Seu poder é tão grande que devemos rejeitar qualquer outra arte intelectual? O coração responde: 'Óh, mente meditativa, este é o mensageiro do amor e recentemente enviado para me trazer todas as palavras e desejos do Amor. Sua vida, e toda a força que ele puder encontrar, de seus doces olhos são misericordiosamente emprestadas, a quem sente compaixão por nosso fogo interior.' Dante Alighieri #drimia #drimiamaritima #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #asparagaceae #asparagaceaefamily #asparagacées #jardindesmoringas #jardin #jardinbotanique #botanique #botanical #botanicalgarden #botany #botanica #botanic #botanist #plantesmaroc #plants #plantmakespeoplehappy #insetos #instagood #plantmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #plantlover #fleurs #flowers #flores #flora #garden

11/15/2023, 8:20:10 PM

𝘋𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘢 (L.) DC #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #dianellaensifolia #botany #rayongbotanicgarden #nature

11/7/2023, 4:22:28 PM

先日、女房と一緒に碧南市の「たんトピア」に出掛けていった折、ホトトギスの仲間でキバナホトトギスというユリ科の耐寒性多年草が存在することを知りました。 キバナホトトギスは8月下旬から10月頃開花し、百合に似たかわいい花をたくさんつけます。キバナホトトギスは山野の湿り気のある場所や林の中に自生する山野草です。 The other day, when my wife and I went to ``Tantopia'' in Hekinan City, we learned that there is a cold-resistant perennial in the Liliaceae family called ``Kibanahototogisu'', which is related to ``Hototogisu''. Kibanahototogisu blooms from late August to October and produces many cute flowers that resemble lilies. Kibanahototogisu is a wildflower that grows naturally in damp areas of mountains and forests. #碧南市  #たんトピア  #ヒーリングガーデン  #キバナホトトギス  #kibanahototogisu  #ユリ科  #liliaceaefamily   #耐寒性多年草  #山野草 #wildflower

10/26/2023, 12:59:05 AM

Acis autumnalis Autumn snowflake is a perennial bulb plant of the family Amaryllidaceae and subfamily Liliaceae, it is native from the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco to Sardinia, Sicily (Italy) and Tunisia. I discovered them in the Benslimane region. 🌸✨ . . . . . . . . . . . . . #acis #acisautumnalis #amaryllidaceae #amaryllidaceaefamily #amaryllidacées #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #liliacées #autumnsnowflake #jardindesmoringas #jardin #jardinbotanique #botanical #botanicalgarden #botany #botanica #botanic #botanist #plantesmaroc #plantsofmorocco #plantmakespeoplehappy #plantmakepeoplehappy #flowers #fleurs #flores #floraofmorocco #garden

10/18/2023, 1:57:10 PM

Liliaceae, ha nacido hoy! Se la dedico a todas mis Pilares, Pilus, Pilucas, Pilaras, Pilos, Pilis...🧝‍♀️👸👰‍♀️🥷👩‍🚒 #liliaceaefamily #liliaceae #photography #plantasyflores #germinacion #flower #fotomacro #macrophotography #macro #foto

10/12/2023, 7:36:01 PM

Solidago Canadensis L & Ruscus Hypophyllum L. #solidago #asteraceaefamily #ruscus #liliaceaefamily

10/12/2023, 5:00:35 AM

Species: Butterfly Mariposa Lily calochortus venustus Location: Globe Lily trail, Mount Diablo State Park; Contra Costa County, CA Date: Sunday June 4, 2023 #butterflymariposalily #californiaplants #bayareaplants . . Facts: Perennial herb. Species of wild lily that’s endemic to California, ranging from Shasta County to San Diego County. Found in open wooded and grassland habitats and thrives in light sandy soils. . . . . . . . #butterfly #mariposa #lily #mariposalily #butterflymariposa #spottedflower #whiteflower #whiteandredflower #wildflower #californianativeplants #californiaflora #flora #perennials #mountdiablostatepark #contracostacounty #calochortus #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #liliales #monocots #angiosperms #tracheophytes #plantae #lilyfamily #wildlilies #showyflowers #naturephotography

10/11/2023, 5:45:02 PM

Bulbine frutescens Bulbine jaune est une plante à fleurs et vivace de la famille des Asphodelacées (Asphodelaceae) et sous-famille des Liliacées (Liliaceae), il est originaire d'Afrique australe 🌾🌼✨ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #bulbine #bulbinefrutescens #asphodelaceae #asphodelaceaefamily #asphodelacées #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #liliacées #bulbinejaune #jardindesmoringas #jardin #jardinbotanique #botanical #botanicalgarden #botany #botanica #botanic #botanist #plantesmaroc #plantsofmorocco #plantmakespeoplehappy #plantmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #plantlover #fleurs #flowers #flores #garden

9/30/2023, 11:35:42 PM

先週、女房と一緒に東浦町の於大(おだい)公園に行った折、「このはな館」の裏の小さな池の畔にホトトギスの花が咲いていました。 ホトトギスはユリ科の多年草で、日本の特産種です。ヤブランは主に太平洋側に自生し、日陰のやや湿った斜面や崖、岩場に見られます。 Last week, when my wife and I went to Odai Park in Higashiura-cho, we saw the flowers of the Japanese cypress blooming on the banks of the small pond behind Konohana-kan. Hototogisu is a perennial plant belonging to the Liliaceae family, and it is a specialty species of Japan. It grows naturally on the Pacific coast, and can be found on shady, slightly damp slopes, cliffs, and rocky areas. #東浦町  #於大公園 #このはな館 #池の畔  #ホトトギス #hototogisu #ユリ科  #liliaceaefamily #日本の特産種  #specialtyspeciesofjapan

9/30/2023, 12:54:11 AM

#Rajnigandha #Lilly #Liliaceaefamily

9/21/2023, 5:08:09 AM

Lilium lancifolium (ex L. tigrinum) #summerflowers #liliumlongifolium #liliaceaefamily #orangeflowers #july2023

7/30/2023, 6:46:15 PM

Лилии в дождливый июльский день #lily #Lílium #liliums #Liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #neighbourhood #summer #summervibes #summertime #streetphotography #botanical #botanica #thesecretgarden

7/12/2023, 5:28:05 PM

Lilium speciosum var rubrum "Uchida" 🩷🩷 a striking and wonderful species native from SE China, Taiwan and Japan. It was described in 1794 by Karl Peter Thunberg, a disciple of Karl Linaeus and a remarkable botanist from the 18th century that wrote about south african and japanese flora. One of the most striking features of this species ( beyond the colour) is the presence of abundant, raised and fleshy colored papillae on the recurved tepals. In the last picture you can see a drawing from it in the book Lilies of Japan, a plant catalogue published for the first time in 1899 by the Yokohama Nursery Co., Ltd., a japanese plant trading and nursery established in 1891 (and still active!). #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #lilium #liliumspeciosum #liliumspeciosumrubrum #liliumspeciosumuchida

7/12/2023, 11:10:10 AM

Giglio tigrato #appenasbocciato #tantipiccolipallini #orangeflower #fiorearancio #gilglioapoints #macrophotography #liliumtigrinum #liliaceaefamily #dalmiogiardinofiorito #lilytiger #fioreditjgre🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺🧡🧡🧡🖤🌺

7/5/2023, 9:45:07 AM

Splendid mariposa lily Scientific name: 𝒞𝒶𝓁𝑜𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓇𝓉𝓊𝓈 𝓈𝓅𝓁𝑒𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓈 What I use: 📷 Panasonic Lumix GH-6 🔎 Leica 12-60mm ✨ Adobe Lightroom #splendidmariposalily #splendidmariposa #calochortus #calochortussplendens #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #nature #naturephotography #leica #leicaphotography #lumix #lumixgh6 #panasonic #panasoniclumix #adobelightroom #california #californiaadventure #californiaphotographer #californiaphotography #photooftheday

7/2/2023, 11:04:33 PM

Anthericum liliago,La hierba de la araña o falangera es una planta herbácea de la antigua familia de las agaváceas ahora subfamilia Agavoideae. Hábitat. Pastos, claros de matorral y de bosque, laderas pedregosas, en sustratos calcáreos. Altitud. 800 – 1500 (1800) m . #Anthericum #anthericumliliago #planta #plantasilvestre #agavoideae #natura #plantaflorida # #liliaceae # #liliaceaefamily #macrophotography #fotosdeflores #naturephotography #nature #naturaleza #plantae #burbujamontoro #berga

6/26/2023, 5:00:04 PM

Yani Tahiri Zühre sevmeseydi artık yahut hiç sevmeseydi Tahir ne kaybederdi Tahirliğinden? Tahir olmak da ayıp değil Zühre olmak da hattâ sevda yüzünden ölmek de ayip değil. (Nazım Hikmet RAN) 🌷❤️📸 #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerlovers #flowergram #photography #photooftheday #photographylovers #photographyeveryday #photoshoot #fotografia #fotografo #fotografie #fotododia #fotodeldia #gününkaresi #anadolugram #lale #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #tulip #ovacık #dersim #tunceli

6/19/2023, 11:04:03 PM

Coroas de rei - ainda sem surgir as cor de laranja #coroasderei #whitelilyflour #orangelilyflowers #liliaceae # #liliaceaefamily #vegetablegarden #nature #naturelovers #liliumbulbiferum

6/12/2023, 11:43:48 AM

Lilium martagon 🩷🧡 a species with a large eurasian distribution (from Portugal to Mongolia) but classified as Vulnerable by the Red List of Vascular Plants for Mainland Portugal 2020, living here in small populations in the center and north of the country. Despite the heavy hail that fell in the patio during this week, this one managed to blossom and open the remaining flowers (some of the flower buds were pulled out by the storm). #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #liliaceæ #lilium #liliummartagon #floraofportugal

5/26/2023, 5:51:39 PM

"Se possiedi una biblioteca e un giardino, non ti manca nulla". (Marco Tullio Cicerone) #tulipani🌷💛🌷🧡🌷 #tulipano🌷 #tulipan #tulipano #tulipani #tulipa #🌷🌷🌷 #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #piantebulbose #ilmiogiardino #mygardentoday🌷🌷🌷 #tulipaniarancioneegiallo💛🧡 #orangetulips🧡 #yellowtulips💛 #myflowers #tulipes🌷 #tulips🌷 #tulipanes🌷 #tulipen🌷 #mytulips #flowerseverywhere #yellowflowers💛 #orangeflowers🧡 #flowersforeveryone #fioriovunque #giardinaggio #giardinaggiotime #giovedì18 #18maggio

5/18/2023, 8:35:36 AM

Repost @ifioridifiorina "Piantare un giardino significa credere nel domani". "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow". (Andrey Hupburn) #tulipani🌷🌷🌷 #tulipaniwonderfull #tulipano🌷 #tulipan #tulipano #tulipani #tulipa #🌷🌷🌷 #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #piantebulbose #ilmiogiardino #mygardentoday🌷🌷🌷 #tulipaniorangepassion #orangetulips #myflowers #tulipes🌷 #tulips🌷 #tulipanes🌷 #tulipen🌷 #mytulips #flowerseverywhere #orangeflowers #flowersforeveryone #fioriovunque #giardino #giardinaggio #giardinaggiotime #lunedì08 #08maggio

5/9/2023, 12:41:46 AM

#liliaceaefamily #iris #white

5/5/2023, 9:29:38 AM

"La vita è un giardino, è un'opportunità. Puoi coltivare erbacce o rose; dipende tutto da te". (Osho) #tulipani🌷🌷🌷 #tulipano🌷 #tulipan #tulipano #tulipani #tulipa #🌷🌷🌷 #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #piantebulbose #ilmiogiardino #mygardentoday🌷🌷🌷 #tulipanirosa💖 #pinktulips💖 #myflowers #tulipes🌷 #tulips🌷 #tulipanes🌷 #tulipen🌷 #mytulips #flowerseverywhere #pinkflowers💖 #flowersforeveryone #fioriovunque #giardino #giardinaggio #giardinaggiotime #lunedì01 #01maggio🇮🇹 #festadellavoro🇮🇹

5/1/2023, 8:52:07 AM

28.4.23 花贝母味辛、甘,性凉,具有止血定痛、清热止咳的功效,可用于治疗软组织挫伤、感冒、支气管炎、骨折、外伤出血等症状 花也可作为切花材料,也可栽种在花圃中观赏 亦是比较重要的蜜源作物 #花贝母 #百合科 #fritillaria_imperialis #crown_imperial #liliaceaefamily #flowerdomesg23

4/28/2023, 2:09:34 PM

"Il giallo è il colore del sole, associato ad una risata, è felicità e buon umore. Una persona, immersa in un ambiente giallo, sprizza ottimismo". (Lisa Guerrini) #tulipani🌷💛🌷💛🌷 #tulipano🌷 #tulipan #tulipano #tulipani #tulipa #🌷🌷🌷 #liliaceae #liliaceaefamily #piantebulbose #ilmiogiardino #mygardentoday🌷🌷🌷 #tulipanigialli💛🌷💛 #yellowtulips🌷💛🌷 #myflowers💛🌷💛 #tulipes🌷 #tulips🌷 #tulipanes🌷 #tulipen🌷 #mytulips #flowerseverywhere #yellowflowers💛🌷💛 #flowersforeveryone #fioriovunque #giardino #giardinaggio #giardinaggiotime #giovedì27 #27aprile

4/27/2023, 8:26:47 AM